HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-09-28, Page 6Page 6 --Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 28, 1988
The Talk of The Town
Another sign that summer is officially
over is the resuming of Sunday School with
regular classes. Rally day Sunday is
observed each year to start the program
for the coming months.
In the Lucknow United Church on Sun-
day, at the Rally day service, the Sunday
School choir sang two numbers which were•
well received Scripture Readings were by
Allan Andrew and Laura Hare.
Those receiving Bibles were -Amy Blake,
Jackie Hackett, Connor McDonagh, Erin
Eadie, Adria Graham, Jamie Furness,
Holene Weber, Jennifer Weber, Marlene
Johnston, Jason Pritchard, Eric r'urness,
Andy Furness and Robbie Furness.
Many awards were given out to all those
who had perfect attendance during the
Rally day was also observed in the
Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Handing
out bulletins were Paula Kwan, Paula
Taylor, Mark Weir and Ean Moffat. Call to
Worship - Mark Nobert; Scripture
Readings -Lisa Kwan, Chad Moffat and
Brock Raynard. Offering, Angela
Cranston, Kristie Cranston, Alesha Moffat
and Sherri McCracken; Pastoral Prayer -
Loree Raymond: children's story - Mrs.
Ramsay; musical selections - junior choir
and senior choir. Awards were also
presented to different students.
Visiting recently with Evelyn Little was
her sister Murdeen MacLeod from
by Mildred Loree
Visitors with Olive Blake in the past
week included Mr. and Mrs: Palmer
Kilpatrick, Agincourt; Mrs. Grace
MacIver from London and her sister-in-
law Mrs. Ira Dickie from Kinloss; Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Finnigan from Clinton (the
newlyweds) ; and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Crozier from Goderich.
Mrs. Fern Keith, Stouffville, assisted by
the other aunts, hosted a miscellaneous,
shower for Stan Loree and Pamela Clark
at Markham on Sunday September 25th.
Attending from this area were Evan and
Margaret Keith: Murray and Wanda Keith
and Sharon, Melissa and Christina; Barb
Willits, Cindy and Melanie, and Austin and
,Mildred Loree.
A delicious hot turkey dinner was served
at the Lucknow Presbyterian Church Hall
on Sept. 12th to the "Over 80" members
and their spouses of the Lucknow and
South Kinloss Presbyterian Congrega-
tions. A program followed the meal with
Mrs. Ethel Rutherford at the piano.
Master Bobby Raymond was on hand
with a solo "You Are My Sunshine". Mrs.
Bert Moffat played for a sing -song and Mr.
Harry Lavis entertained all on the mouth
'rhe home of the bride's parents in
Holyrood was the scene for the August 13
marriage of James Anthony Rowe and
Heather Diane Smith. Rev. Richard Holl-
ingsworth M Owen Sound officiated.
James is the son of Mr. Allan Rowe and
Mrs. Shirley Salm of Owen Sound.
Heather's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Smith. Maid of honour was the
bride's sister, Cheryl Smith of Holyrood.
Bridesmaids were a sister of the groom,
Beverly Rowe of Owen Sound and a cousin
of the bride, Lisa Moore of Kincardine.
Laura Murray, Holyrood, a friend of the
bride was flower girl and Steven Monette,
of Owen Sound, the groom's nephew, acted
as ringbearer. Groomsman was Claude
Monette, also of Owen Sound, a brother-in-
law of the groom. .Barry Rowe of Owen
Sound, the groom's brother and Jim Mur-
ray, Lucknow a friend of the newlyweds
acted as ushers. Following the service,
friends and relatives gathered at the
Lucknow District Community Centre.
After honeymooning in Algonquin Park
and Ottawa Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe are
residing in Owen Sound. (Photo by John
They're rolling again
The bowling season has begun again and
in an effort to keep the teams and players
up to date on standings, the Sentinel is
pleased to include weekly results from the
various leagues playing in Lucknow.
Thus far this season, only the Ladies
Thursday Night League has hit the lanes
with all other leagues still in the organiza-
tional stages.
Watch for bowling results from all
leagues each week on these pages.
Ladies Thursday League
STANDINGS: Australia 5, Canada 4,
Russia 4, China 3, USA 3, Mexico 2.
Barb Harper netted both the High Single
and the Single Handicap score this week
by bowling 222 and 284. Wilma Elliott roll-
ed the High Triple score with 553.
Games over 200 were rolled by Annette
Drennan - 205, Barb' Harper - 222, Vana
Gammie - 213, Irene Haldenby - 217,
Marlene Irwin- 200 and Michelle Weir - 215.
Recognise good kids
by Pat Livingston
The countdown is on! Only 33 days left
for you to have your nominations for the
Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards
completed and postmarked. This program
since 1981, through the combined efforts of
the Ontario Community Newspaper
Association and Canadian Airlines Inter-
national (patron), has recognized the
Birthday Club
September 30, 1983
5 Years Old
October 4, 1980
8 Years Old
"good" in our young people.
"One in every crowd" is the theme of the
Junior Citizen Awards. Yes! There is one
in every crowd - a young person aged 6 to
18 years, who is involved in worthwhile
community service, overcoming physical
or psychological limitations, or has per-
formed an act of heroism.
Do we as a community only wish to talk
about that smaller percentage of our youth
who make the negative type neWs? I think
not. We want to recognize the good deeds
of ouryouth in this community. Let's show
we care for our youth and the future of our
community. Praise and encouragement
will go a long way to insure the future in-
volvement of these special young people in
our community. As the Honourable Lin-
coln Alexander, Lieutenant Governor of
Ontario said, of the 1987 recipients,
"They're the leaders now and they're our
future leaders. Believing in hard work,
believing in compassion; wanting to share,
caring. You'll do well if you can emulate.
Come on Lucknow, let's recognize the
"good in OUR people. •
Nomination forms are available by drop-
ping to the Lucknow Sentinel Office. If you
need help in completing them let me know.
Nominate someone you know today -
there's one in every crowd". •
Some people are saying
that oil heat is old-fashioned.. .
Maybe. Oil dealers do give you good old-fashioned "I'll be right over"
. service. They're not like the huge gas or electric utilities. I feel like
my oil dealer knows me. And oil heat equipment is more efficient, more
economical, clean, safe
If that makes oil heat old-fashioned, then I guess I'm just an
old-fashioned kinda guy. ,
A message from the Home Energy Group,
Ontario's oil heating association
for more information call your
local Home Energy Group member
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