HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-09-21, Page 2138. Auction Sale
of household effects, antiques, shop tools
& blacksmith's tools will be held for
11/4 miles north of Mitchell on Hwy. 23,
SAT., OCT. 1 AT 9:30 A.M.
Partial list next week
Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater
of farm machinery, trucks, car & tools will
be held for DOUG FORTUNE, Lot 5, Con. 9,
Turnberry Twp., approx. 5 mi. northeast of
Wingham, or 2 mi. west of Topnotch Feed
Mill. on
AT 10:30 A.M.
White 260 4WD tractor with loader -2400
hrs.; metal canopy to fit White tractor;
Same Tiger Six 105 tractor -1750 hrs.;
White 588 5 -furrow semi -mounted plough;
Allis-Chalmers 56 plate disc; 15 ft.
Kewanee rotary hoe; McKee 21 ft.
cultivator; 18 ft. Pony harrows; 10 ft. chain
harrows; International 24 run press drill
with double disc opener and fertilizer and
grass seed attachments; Westfield fer-
tilizer auger; IHC Cyclo 400 8 -row narrow
corn planter; 500 gal. incorporating
sprayer; Haybuster stone picker with 10
ft. windrower; Dion forage box with 10 ton
wagon; Cockshutt wagon gear; Dump Chief
wagon; Allied 41 ft. x 6 in. grain auger;
grain aerator; Heston 2000-150 forage
harvester with 2 row corn head, 6 ft.
pickup, electric knife sharpener, hydraulic
hood; Ferguson 3 p.h. 8 ft. cultivator; set
of 18.4x38 duals; New Idea 8 ft. double
auger snowblower: combination wood
splitter -hydraulic press; welding table;
Canox AC/DC arc welder; set oxy
acetylene torches; Linde 200 amp. Mig
weldor complete with Linde wire feed and
Tweeco gun; Owen 25 kw alternator; 1 h.p.
2 cycle Sanborn air compressor; heavy duty
drill press with #3 Morris taper; heavy duty
drill press with #4 Morris taper; metal
drills up to 1 Y2 In.; heavy duty bench
grinder; vices; power hack saw; various
small took; bolts, bolt bins; 4800 watt
shop heater; 15 gal. hot water heater; 3
h.p. water transfer pump; land measuring
wheel; time clock; sump pump; Homelite
chain saw.
VEHICLES - selling as is: 1959 GMC truck
with 1500 gal. water tank, 1969 Dodge
truck with 14 ft. rack & hoist, 1968
Chrysler convertible car.
GUNS - F.A.C. required: Savage 222
repeater rifle: Hopkins & Allen12 gauge
And much more.
Owner and Auctioneers not responsible for
injuries, accidents or losses connected in
any way with the sale.
TERMS - Cash or cheque with I.D.
Lunch Booth
Teeswater 392-6170
Ripley 395-5353
44. Engagements
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dawson of Huron
Township wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Sandra Lynn to
Steven Alexander Currie of Waterloo.
Their wedding ceremony will be held on
Saturday, October 22, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. in
the Anglican Church of the Messiah in
Kincardine. -38
Ernest and Joan Clark of Don Mills and
Austin and Mildred Loree of Lucknow wish
to announce the engagement of Pamela
Joan to Stanley Edward. The wedding
vows will be exchanged at Blythwood Rd.,
Baptist Church, Toronto on Sat., Oct. 15th
at 3 p.m.-38nx
• of household effects and antiques for
Mildred Vannan
Sat. Sept. 24, 11 a:m.
Finley gas stove (as new); Gibson 30"
electric stove; Co-op fridge; Inglis washer
(good); Westinghouse dryer; Viscount 11
cu. ft. freezer; Heinz Grand piano with
bench; chesterfield and chair (as new)
RCA TV colour, 7 pc. walnut dining suite;
table and 6 chairs; small china cabinet;
writing desk; sideboard with marble top;
old wood chairs; chicken coop rocker; arm
chair; 3 platform rockers; old fruit cup-
board; wardrobe; book case; tea wagon
with tray; spool bed; 4 pc. bedroom suite;
single bed with box spring; dressers;
chest of drawers; wash stand; parlour
tables; cedar chests; steamer trunks;
treadle sewing machine; sewing cabinet;
wicker fernery; blanket boxes; old books;
coal oil lamps; lamps; oval mirror; pic-
tures; wicker basket; set of encyclopedias;
small kitchen appliances; vacuum cleaner;
electric broom; wooden butter bowl; Fin-
negan dairy cream bottle; iron; dutch
oven; cooking utensils; flatware;
numerous cups and saucers; antique dish
set; cream and sugar sets; salt and pep-
pers; depression red and green fancy
dishes; large fancy pitcher; chamber set;
blue dishes; cut glass pcs.; crocks; jars &
sealers; garden tools; ladders and much
This is an excellent offering of antique fur-
niture and dishes.
Other antique articles too numerous to
All verbal announcements take
precedence over any written an-
nouncements day of sale.
8% sales tax in effect.
Owner and auctioneer will not be respon-
sible for any accidents or injuries con-
nected with sale.
Terms cash, cheque with I.D.
Brian Rintoul
41. To Give Away
TWO PUPS to give away to a good home.
Phone 528-2113.-37, 38x
46. In Memoriam
In loving remembrance of Don who passed
away September 18, 1986 and son Bob who
drowned in Florida, April 7, 1979.
May they both live forever upon the acres
of memory.
Sadly missed by Marjorie and
family. -38x
In memory of a dear husband, father and
grandfather, Leo Courtney, who passed
away 10 years ago on September 17.
Fond are the ties that are broken,
Dear is the one that is gone,
In memory we shall keep him
As long as the years roll on.
As we loved him, so we miss him,
In our memory he is dear
Loved, remembered, longed for always,
Bringing many a silent tear.
"In silence we remember:"
Sadly missed by Marcella and family. -38
[47. Card of Thanks
Mook and Kelly would like to thank
everyone who attended our Stag and Doe.
Special thanks to our wedding party who
organized it. -38
I would like to thank everyone for atten-
ding my community shower. All the gifts
were wonderful and will come in very han-
dy. Thanks again. Kelly. -38
I wish to thank everyone for their support
over the past 7 years. Thanks for all the
memories and expressions of kindness
shown to me in the closing of the centre.
They will always be remembered. Ruth
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 21, 1988—Page 21
Ab's in the hospital
Ab Wylds is in Room 301 at Kincardine
Fall Fair this weekend
Ripley fall fair this weekend. Don't miss
Anybody with information they wish to go
into the Ripley Express section of the
newspaper contact Terry Hunt at 395-3761 or
drop in at 80 Huron St. corner of Huron and
Jessie until Ab is well enough to return to his
regular column.
Rina (the former Mrs. Bruce Mathieson of
concession 8 east) and Bill Fleming of
Anaheim, California, visited Wednesday
with friends in Ripley, were supper guests
with Mervin and Margaret Funston and
overnight guests of Elmer and Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mclvor of Fort
McMurray, Alberta and their daughter Bar-
bara and her husband Bob are visiting her
mother Martha Mclvor in Kincardine
hospital and were callers Saturday evening
with Wally and Elaine Pollock.
* * * *
Congratulations to Lynn Schroeder and
John Strathdee married Aug. 20 in Fort
Saskatchewan, Alberta. John is the grand-
son of the late Robert Strathdee and Noble
Guest, Kincardine.
* * * *
Visiting with their aunt Mrs. R.C. Mac-
Donald in Ottawa on Sept. 10 for her 90th bir-
thday were Donalda MacDonald of
Goderich, Jean Coiling of Kincardine, Isobel
Brooks, Helen McCreath, Anna McTavish
and Rod MacDonald of Ripley. They also
visited with Margaret MacDonald and Jack
and Babs McKenzie of Ottawa.
Ripley and District Lionscwith to thank the
following for the Christmas lights dona-
tions: Marj and Tom Culbert, Al. Schauss,
Sam Tranter, Cameron A. McAuley, Fran-
cis Gemmel, D.G. MacDonald and son,
Ripley Veterinary, Betty and Ray Johnson,
Adeline Martyn, Harold and Shirley
Galloway, Elizabeth Fair, Ted and Marg
Roose, Marianne and Larry Irwin, Thomp-
47. Card of Thanks
I would like to thank all those who
remembered me with cards and visits
while I was in the hospital recently. Your
kindness was appreciated. Fred
Gilchrist. -38
Words cannot express my appreciation to
my family and friends for cards, visits and
flowers I received while in University
Hospital and since coming home; also, for
all the goodies that have been brought in.
Tillie. -38x
148. Coming Events
"There's One in every crowd." Help
recognize Ontario's outstanding young
people; nominate someone today who
qualifies for an Ontario Junior Citizen of
the Year Award. Contact this newspaper
for details.-33bc
Friday, September 23, White Carnation
Hall, Holmesville. Dancing 9 - 1 to Ken
for Men's Bowling League, on Tuesday
nights at 8 p.m. Starts Sept. 27. Contact
Eric 528-2110 or Dwayne 528-3437.-38, 39x
Dungannon Agricultural Society, Satur-
day, October 15th, 1988 from 10 a.m. - 2
p.m. at Dungannon Agricultural Hall.
Lunch booth. Vendors wanted. Call
will hold its regular meeting, Monday,
September 26, 2 p.m. in the board room.
Mrs. Mildred Golley, Housekeeping and
Laundry Department Head will explain
her work to the ladies and tour the laundry
facilities at the hospital. All are
welcome. -38
Rby Ab Wylds
son Dairy Supply, Thompson Feed & Supp-
ly, Joe and Janice Hodgins, Lynn, Trevor
and Todd Thornicroft, Bill and Helen Mc-
Creath, Sandy and Mary Pollock, Eileen
Nesbitt, Jean and Noreen McDonald,
Crawford Mills & Davies, Catherine,
Douglas, Nancy and Brian Groves, Florence
McDonald, John and Joan McDonald, Mary
E. McDonald, Bob Blackwell and family.
Peter Wilfred Gamble passed away in the
Veteran's Parkwood Hospital, London, Fri-
day, September 9, 1988 in his 84th year.
He was the' last member of a family of
nine who lived on the 10th concession of
Huron Township now owned by Mr. and
Mrs. John Farrell.
He was a first "World War" Veteran.
Wilfred Gamble was a bachelor and was
always admired for his quiet mannet and his
love of history with an alert mind to the
last days.
His only nephew was Ambrose Gamble
who was deceased five years ago.
The funeral took place from the. St.
Lawrence Chapel, London, Tuesday,
September 13 at 9:30 a.m. Mass was said by
Rev. Fr. O'Flaherty assisted by the St. Vin-
cent de Paul members.
Burial took place in St. Peter's Veterans
Cemetery, London, conducted by the Dona-
hue funeral home.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
George Howe of London who visited him
regularly for the past eight years also his
nieces Mrs. Evelyn Smith of Chatham, Mrs.
Kenneth Price and husband of Essex and
Miss Pat Fraser of Detroit, a great niece
Mrs. Bill Landon of Blyth and great
nephews John Allan and Wilfred Gamble of
Ripley and Fergus, also Marion Gamble of
Ripley attended.
48. Coming Events
On October 5, of The Huron Genealogical
Branch of OGS, 7:30 p.m., in the board
room in the Goderich Assessment
Building. Guest Mr. Robert Tremain,
Director/Curator of the Larnbton Heritage
Museum, who is working on a Grand Bend
History Book and outline their methods of
collecting material, particularly in photo
histories. -38
who are willing to work hard. The reward
will be great, come to TOPS (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly) every Wednesday even-
ing at 7:30 in the basement of the Lucknow
Town Hall. For more info call Pat at
will be held by The Mother's Committee
for the Lucknow Brownies, Guides and
Pathfinders later this fall. Please save
your papers and watch the Sentinel for
day trip to the Hockley Hills, Monday, Oc-
tober 3. Contact Marg Burkhart at
beef barbecue, Sunday, October 2,
Brookside School, 5 - 7 p.m. Adults $7.00,
children 6 - 12 $3.50, pre-schoolers free.
529-7451 for tickets. Everyone
welcome. -38, 39
LEVEL 1 - Wednesday, October 5,
Palmerston; Tuesday, October 11, Port
Elgin; Wednesday, October 19, Mitchell.
LEVEL 201 - Saturday, October 15, Port
Elgin; Saturday, October 21, Palmerston,
Sunday, October 30, Brussels. For further
information call Lucknow Minor Hockey
Referee -in -Chief, Dave Black at 5281-5205
or recreation office 528-3002.-37, 38ar