HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-09-21, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 21, 1988—Page 5 Free media brings democratic freedom Dear Rob: I wanted to say thanks to you and a number of other people. To you because our political freedoms are in part safe guarded by a free media and your story on the New Democratic Party float helped draw attention to the issue. I want to say thank you to all those who phoned, stopped by or cheered when we drove in the parade. It helps to know you are not alone. I want to thank the Agricultural Society for reconsidering its position because that is not an easy thing to do. I was also pleas - Ramblings of the GM By Put Livingtilon Are you familiar with that commercial on TV of the beautiful woman who ap- parently has hit some momentous birth- day in her life (40?) and is advertising some product or other?. She flits across the screen in glorious array and the voice- over comments "you're not getting older babe, you're getting better!" Since last november, I too have been try- ing to enforce upon my so called brain the power of positive thinking; that yes - you are not getting older, you're getting better. Not to be egotisical, but as a means of keeping myself from thinking that I once had hit that magic age, everything was on a downhill run. No matter how many times I repeat that ditty to myself, my body just does not cooperate. All last winter I was ailing on and off from the many bugs going around. I felt like a walking germ most of the time and I'm sure the tissue companies made a pro- fit thanks to the amount of my hard earned money that went towards buying those necessary articles required for dripping noses. Spring sprung and gradually I seemed to clear my system of the BUG and looked forward to that rejuvenating time of the year when flowers bloom, the air is fresh and the grass turns green. My time of re- juvenation was short lived. Before I could really put into practice all that I had learned from some golf lessons, my knee decided to be very uncooperative. I limped around, looking like a horse had kicked me. As a result of limping, my back decided to complain. Now, the worst part of this was, I didn't know how I had sus- tained this injury. I don't play ball, foot- ball, hockey or any sport that requires too much sweating (or should I say perspire as a lady would). After babying my knee for eight weeks I was informed I could try golfing again, just wrap it. Great, I'm going to get to try out those new clubs and bag hubby had won for me. One game of golf was all I managed. Now my elbow is complaining and the bot- tom of one foot seems to be developing some sort of problem. What ever happened to the psychology of all that positive think- ing I was doing. You're not getting older, you're getting better! Better at what - developing aches and pains and more grey hair. I wonder if reverse psychology would work?. You're getting old babe! You're getting old babe! How depressing a thought. I think I'll stay with the positive thinking angle. Afterall, it's only two more months till the magic month rolls around again, and once this year is over things can only get better! A special thank you to that elderly gentleman in the office the other day who made my day. When I questioned him as to how he was feeling, he responded "he could be feeling better," to which I replied, "I feel like that quite often," to which he replied, "I don't know about that, you look pretty good to me". Fair Special My thanks to the 60 people who dropped into our office last Wednesday to take ad- vantage of our fall fair special. After calculating the distance between my office and the front counter, I have deduced that I walked 3,240 feet that day. Not having the energy at night to go walking, I appreciate you having given me the exercise! Thanks to all those kind individuals who com- mented on my wallpapering column. The feeling seems to be universal - don't wallpaper with your spouse! T'0 THE EDITOR ed to see in the television coverage a will- ingness to work together to resolve areas of concern. Literature becoming litter seems to be the remaining concern. We had not brought much literature to the parade in case it would be confiscated and it was all passed out in a short time. Anyone who was unable to get a copy and would like one can contact me. I did drive back along the route and saw little evidence of litter. For next year we would certainly be will- ing to make a commitment to walk back along the route and pick up any literature that had been discarded. Since literature costs us money to produce we like to recy- cle it. I am thankful that there was no confron- tation and that our democratic freedoms were upheld. Yours sincerely, Tony McQuail To the Editor, We are a group of concerned citizens dismayed at the undemocratic stand the Lucknow Agricultural Society has taken by excluding churches and political par- ties from the Lucknow Fall Fair parade. The Agricultural Society solicits finan- cial donations from everybody in town in- cluding our churches and have even had notices of meetings printed in some church bulletins. Church groups have always been part of our fair and now the Agricultural Society wants to exclude them. As for political parties entering floats, we are a democratic country and the NDP is a recognized political party. To exclude them is not the Canadian way. As Cana- dian citizens, we have the right to accept or refuse pamphlets handed out by any political party. You may tear them up if you are so inclined. Small fairs are having a difficult time surviving today and we are concerned this decision by our Agricultural Society will antagonize fair goers. RESCIND THE MOTION NOW. Signed, Concerned Citizens Your chance to make a difference This is your chance to make a difference in humna rights in many countries around the world. At the Lucknow Library, there is an appeal form waiting for signatures. The list will soon be sent to the United Na- tions as it celebrates its 40th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Amnesty International, the group sub- mitting the appeal, is asking you to join with people the world over to show our belief that everyone should enjoy the right to freedom. Watch for news of the six-week global tour for human rights which will visit 20 cities worldwide including Toronto and Montreal. A variety of pop stars are giving their time and talents to make people aware that human rights are for everyone. Help in the fight....stop by the Lucknow Library today and add your name to the list. Samsonite` Has Arrived at Wuerth's 2100 Series A Total Line of Samsonite is available to you with colors and styles to suit anyone's taste. Espana Status We are offering to you the quality and durability of Samsonite at our everyday low prices and as and added bonus receive 20%0FF when purchasing more than one piece of luggage e �rsu uiartt)'s SHOES Ouallty end Service Since t9ie 1 Goderich 524-7432 ll U'ufah s SHOES 1 rE U 1—'L�iJ Clinton Exeter 482-9692 235-0611 VISA -44 More Than Just A Shoe Store