HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-08-31, Page 1PUBLISHED IN LUCKNOW ONTARIO Wednesday, Au : ust 31 1988 40C PER COPY Bob Rae opens IVDP office in Dungannon BY MIKE WILLISCRAFT With an election call in the near future,. NDP leader Bob Rae opened the first ever riding office in the Huron -Bruce District in Dungannon last week. Most of the crowd of about 50 people were voicing their concerns about the free trade issue as it affects agriculture. "As you know we've akways been against free trade. (Premier David) Peterson has been two-faced on the issue all along," charged Rae. "He has to something about the free trade deal." He added that he thinks farmers live "very close to reality" and that a lot of their ideas should be used as a barometer when deciding what is right or wrong with the controversial deal. With the current surge of support for federal NDP leader Ed Broadbent, Rae is hoping his party can gain some ground in the province too. "This is the first election when we can say we're running with the idea offorming a government," stressed Rae. "There is nowhere we don't have the potential to take a riding." He noted that the upcoming election is federal not provincial but he hopes his MPPs can ride on the coat tails of their federal conterparts popularity. "We did really well provincially last year as compared to previous years," he noted. Our level of support across Ontario is go- ing up draznatically. Our party (at the federal level) is going into this election 20 points higher in this province than in the last election." It is that growing support, according to Rae, which has supplied the orgnization with the funding to maintain a constituen- cy office in the Huron -Bruce riding. "We got enough contributions to keep an office open which will give us more of a presence, which is important," he explained. "Dungannon is the geographic center of the riding. It will allow us tof cover the riding better." The office, on Dungannon's main street, is in the upper level of the old Goderich Rural Telephone Company building which is over 100 years old. According to locals it was originally a barber shop. Extensive renovations were needed to the structure and a group headed by Al Sherwood volunteered to take care of much of the work. The present owners of the building Phil and Pauli Sommer were already doing renovations on the ground level to make way for the studio -workshop of their glass business. The Sommer's, glass designer -artists who donated the upper level to the NDP to use as office space, will operate a small boutique. The Huron -Bruce NDP office, located in Dungannon, was of- ficially opened for business over the weet; 'nd u, 4) Rae, leader of the provincial NDP Party, was oi, hat,' ifrr his sup- port. Also joining the ribbon cutting ceremou, , 'rom left, Paul Carroll, Paul Klopp, Gwen Pemberton, Mr. Rae, Norma Peterson, Tony McQuail and some younger supporters. About 50 people turned out to meet with Rae Saturday. (Photo by Mike W illiscraft ) Latest search for Lois draws blank An intense search conducted in conjunc- tion onjuncttion with the mysterious disappearance of Lois Hanna has turned up no new leads in the case. The search, which covered bush land and fields around Holyrood, was call- ed off by OPP on Thursday, August 25. The decision to search the area south of Kinloss Concession Road 8, a half mile east of Bruce County Road 1, came following a report from an area couple that they saw what might have been a female wearing pink wandering a field there early on the morning of July 4, the day Lois was reported missing. This area was originally searched three times by the Hanna family and a number of local volunteers and then twice again by an OPP helicopter. On Tuesday, August 16 a Ministry of Natural Resources plane equiped with a highly sensitive infra -red camera joined the search. The infra -red camera indicated that there were "eight warm spots in the area which could be decomposing flesh" accor- ding to Bill McKeag of the Kincardine OPP detachment. A ground search conducted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week turned up little more than six dead cattle, a dead cat, a dead rabbit and a dead rac- coon. No human remains were discovered. The area searched last week was in- dicated by the boundary of County Road 1 to the west, Concession 8 to the north, Sideroad ck) to the east and Concession 6 to the south L o i natters a big help According to an OPP spokesman, ap- proximately 40 volunteers joined the 12 Opp officers during the three days of searching. "We certainly couldn't have conducted a search this thorough without the help of the volunteers," said Mr. McKeag. "They've been a big help." In addition to the animal carcasses found, searchers came across a deer skeleton, a tape measure and a small pocket calculator while combing the area in question. "The fact that we found an item as small as a pocket calculator just shows the inten- sity of the search," said Mr. McKeag. "It shows that a proper search under the direction of trained personnel can turn up many things. If there had been a human body in that area, we would have found it." It has been just over eight weeks since 25 -year-old Lois Hanna disappeared and her whereabouts remains a bizarre mystery. The Fair approaches As local students are well aware, the 1988-89 school year begins on Tuesday of next week. Teachers and other members of the area schools staff have been busy all week preparing the classrooms for the ar- rival of the eager youngsters. As always, the open of the schools is followed closelyby the ever popular Lucknow Fall Fair. This year's event is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17. All the activity of the weekend kicks off Friday evening with such events as nail driving, log sawing and bag tying as well as the official opening ceremonies. Come Saturday, the village will be abuzz with horse shows, baby contests, bale roll- ing, a midway and, of course, the mam- moth parade which starts at 12:30 sharp. One of the biggest attractions at this year's Fall Fair will be the annual Miss Mid -Western Ontario pageant. The crow- ing of the beauty queen will take place at 10:00 p.m. Saturday, followed by a dance to the sounds of the Leahy Family. Be sure to mark these times and dates on your calendar and take the time to have fun at the Lucknow Fall Fair