HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-1-16, Page 111•••••
4140 MONEY
by taking adnalege of our CLUBBING
BATES for Sewspapirs and Other Idwiwat•
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_ GO
ILSDAY, JAN ARY 16, 1986 '
•,•• '6111...;••••.arY
` Division over Appointment of
Representative on Collegiate
Mooday's *augural meeting of the
town council was a quiet, informal
affair with only one citizen present to
watch the "ship of .tate" get under
way for 1938.
There was no swearing in as has
Men practised at former inaneurals,
Town Clerk Km): contenting himself
with reading the minutes of the none
nation meeting, followed by a declara-
tion of the result* of the pulling
Each nember signed a declare -
lion of Olive aud the ceremony of in-
aposietragrxtmxinswii, Lute erte complete.
keyuote of f riendly ftdopereloe Ta
ids inaugural address, which IN pub-
lished elsewhere In these columns.
Deputy Reeve Turner rose and con-
gratulated tbe Mayor on his able and
eloquent eddies* and muted that a
_sap: be made and laid on the table for
sefereuce in futrire. Reeve ideser-
' lion
Isechtuded..1.4e Derty
An adjournmeet hflieenty videutee The idlaws-coodnoing _Lhe_appolat-
was allured in order that the striking i mental to the •arlons town bodies bate wri a *b41& lird•-U,'
ends and lett dank tl,ct
eourtnitgee, composed of the Mayor, Ing been peened. Councillor Critigie
Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors I moved adjournment at 12.30
AN hep he Was throern by* rope that
- •_.%) Mete recommentistliiird as to tbe com- Friday evening. January 17th. •
I broke loose front a bloat* the hold
ti 4 .TISI.Atik:P 91 -Pimi:iiZEW'cralt::tees., Bami.jurzt snowzREn ler the steamer 'Eric -olden which is
- being treinsied-a&-the- *CV W
_,_ . gre committees, as arranged, are as, ..._ Jardine, of ilaitford, suite -fed a Inn.
Hest of Friends ulf tided hip and cuts and fireless He
' was takes to Alexandra lanai'.
• 11r, Wong. the first named iu teach case i Num Dams meeraso Honored
% '0! Finance -Brown. Baker, Craigie. i The home of Miss Marie Shields, . The rope caught Mr. Joe" iss in thy
Surser, Mother. stomach and hurled hint baekward.
leo:borne township, was the ecene ot a
* Public Work..-moser, Brown, Bak- -
mi„nao,vos shower on we:d.
lie fed heavily on bris itlet -and hie . j._„r.
. II aubt•r neelay night. in honor of Miss Delerui bead eine* tbe steel Plates of the -44-8e c't
athiningin eint utp
EdV„ D.
the dinettes'
CouneiLlor Hexane pasted oat that
Mr. Price hAd lees been a Teadeat
of tows andInthdpublie-spirlted citl-
dm who had never received the hon-
ors -tios Mii. as seem 'int rttthrg
Mr. ilautelne will function during
H. R. Long wag appointed to the
public library bond, and H. C. Dunlop
to the housing connexion
Mayor H. Y. A, MacEwan was ap-
pointed to the hosOltal hosed. The ap-
polunneet of a hely to fill the vacancy
on the welfare Mitt sot hetng
statutory appointatent was laid over
for another weeder
A motion was passed instructing the
finance committee to make the nevem-
eery arrangements at out* for funds fit
teem* jetivitied.letiod-
idIMInteeitin tertneihil-
0.W.14.1t debt and the prepayment of
Deputy Beeve Turner asked that
something be don towards placing
sand nn the harbor hill walk, as pedes-
trians were In danger of injuring
themselves on the ley surface. Being
Moser promised 10 see to it at once.
to attend Mar aid Inatitu
ite an- W. 4--dhridifeem- wen
their pthn --
Mrs. J. W. Taylor hes relented from
Toronto, where she spent a week with
members of her family.
W. Mb $j..
speed P%I *Miner
Torodto and Newmeirket.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reid We qo Won -
day for Detroit to join Wild and Mrs
W. J. Reid on a trip to,,Salifornia,
where they will spend thirrmainder
of the winter.
Mr. David E.licConnelt* Sanford
returned this weak fro* Buffalo,
,y., where lie was a patient for twy-
eral weeks in Dr. Freida- strvsnav Us"
hotel aud underwent an operation for of age.
wily by
On Jana
gen M.
Mr. and
- Mr. aid
they q
jubilee of
of tiled da
Elgin a v en
The ha
appenditeils on 1)e -ember 31st. The
operation was successful and Mr. Mc-
Connell speaks highly of the trePtment
and nee he rece1v4d. • •
George Hoffman unearthed three un-
usual-cetns, one of which lo lad tears
014, while digging in his gorges. The
t-oins ,pre believed to be 31orwegiaa,
and are one Aiding opiates, 1819;
oue-half skating skill= 1840, aid
ore, 18 -16. -The le' of
coins bear u eriwned ith • mice
IN.ruara) owl
David Ilarwisk
by Family-
Arc you peeding Letterheads, No
Billbeada Envelopes, Receipt Forme*
other printed matter?
THE SION4I. PRINTING CO.. ummr.,p, rouidwn
Jboepli Jeffery, C$,* TRIAL ADJOURNED
JO& =min Normlie •
sewaeleseeemreuredyeaerealne sertb,iittatheaselleardan Friar Tam Colliseter's Case to Be
Heard is February
hero.* Mr. Ater, Wan arligloYed ab The trial of J. Howard Robertson.
C$ r OM ale OW* of ids retirement ehamed wept misappropriation of
The yowler palatial* irtinesenin ashintitoid Trilitut Waite town ass
with a fiodr lamp by Ma fellow eta- sem& and tax collector, which was 10
ployees. MI. Jeffery le Mieneded by have been pro -ender' with ou Wednec
Mr. K. Stowe, of (Welt* whip has day, January lfoth, has been set over
been employed et, Stratford. to Tuesday'. February 11th.
The ease, which was to be heard on
119eceinber 17th, was then laid over for
Ti month at the request of defence
boy:meet. ileb•sequently a petition was
eirculitted in town asking the Depart- andra hospital on Friday last, fe-
west of municipal Affair, at Toronto moved a well-kuown figure,. Dr. Clark
to conduct a furtiod audit into tbe had beeu In the hospital sloe Dena -
town's books going back for a num- her 8, having suffered a stroke a few
tier of years. This petition was given days previously. His health and
us bouquet, of of the
congratulatory J. W. Taylor woe *Wed president
Ift hadocrw's Club 81
Tuesday, „he, Knox Plitterian elisreb at the re -
tile golden °the,
gular It= on Suaday afternoon
re J. V. Thntbali• Kenneth Cu ; INFI'Slaris
AL the twin elected its liges„: Vieseprestdent.
filt Lbe ealseatIve were
Donald Wig -u u
ty:11„.„ jefte. . sin: ; anis opetetare. Gordon Me- as the ground for the request by the strength h*d
are "Illi°Ylug IP" lianclitAtTaaiurt. Bttler ; assisi. detente for a further atijourIthient, ' unfortunate accident which occurred
_Ott._ inlikh was agreed to by the complain- to him at Dutigannon lu October, 1934,
ant. Cottnetnor Hollins. • whoa lie Wats knocked dote ta It car
Death Removes a
Familiar Figure
Dr. W.?. Clark, V.S., Poems in
75th Year -A Man of
- .• Many Activities
The death of Ilr. William Fordyce
Clark, V.S., who passed away ,,t Alex -
Mal atteuded
IUUCKY nevus • 11 is stetted authoritatively that the as he was leatimg 110 li
anintliiIYargaCet. lei. -4. , Aspdso,. Goderieb bond lieparintele of MuncIptri Affairs may.; where he had been in charge of the
ed Mn. it
widailettson ld
was, unii, Ito i 111Tiaueihkdeity,
s l „aigitway near tit, citizens, it 11.1 said, signed the re- had spent uearly all his life in this
badly shaken up un in its di...et-eerie grant the petition for races.
blew, a heavy sedan, a further audit or It 41114, iefur-e. Sixty-• In his seventy-lifth year, Dr. Clark
--soidi toroutolae.iitie-Atudietigayendinrittawilunteammateop,AntLimil, a .basit ilfdltiVINIO- -...............d.
t'erelmitr.• ollt le eeir d tki- -Wow' ilite"ar •istart DePErrallEt liltrWretriff47-whirfteeoraty-witrantviriar-pasener iitat.-:-._ --,--7--. --
y, tbe... Couple time rules* istdgoot.ipeow, and little
or °Mier- 60440 alai _ d .' • irke driver, who I members of the then coneeli ask for ; went seven year. ago, he had pnte-
to grant it if thirte *Risen. or two nearly half -a -century. until hie retire- 1
,a Wriechaut ifeaspellitailliVirosit bace air by the oc-; it le writing, An Meth hecomes man- ti.cd here as a veterinary surgeon, and
ime:0...._ sentelatpletw leikolrev,.:41,4 imams verookh, simpz waritihvenout bay ..Lauri only if ordend by the Lieu- . he had taken au Active interest 1.
' i
Making Survey. ! (4%1, atTairs 'awl community enter-
• ;
r 1 -
'''-esi-' - 7e: --- .- - -- -- . .. \ 4. Making
--Jan 14,-Idon.-Javiii A. ', ittairin*Wsieeti-.i
Wren of Knox I eni.,a, • re ..
ed -...--itlifoll. Labor WilfartirMinteter in the tisane°. having officiated at fall fairs --"r-. . . 4741101140-.4:avernitrokbk•kiw-leas-mosei-oorime-abelp-torut-.
ipuL riot libie ts smog tarp- tut: sliv. pew, I, night ttur t depti rt tu
vsleign4i, • tioFtPrar- officials were ' a quarter of a century or more he was
;making a prelitninary aorvey of the lsonsected In an racial capacity with
teat Eic. it. waitigw, Itylon,,, srflavnim Gederich situation. and that if ilreuni- , the Goderich Agrieulturel Society, be-. 1 -
07* treiclikv 851 are untitliirpett ef therip.• . ' '
the rearY road, has on ferry little friend that ftataroencesre: pl,ntputi.,tie,ler itinimientiloan, tet•ileirrituitcd ' ieg president for a time and later for
a .. .... .. W., rik- allows ap.every day dor a handful of hoolm__Involving towns many years ,.t-retury and treasurer.
-• 1 I SIN- Mrs--ways-
hildrenai7- aonnuetaaywhiell, beirret_lrefeeleric el -
Week Dr. ..iimiggopga , money -That audit woilti he prolupifY • AssOiTiiiii7ii awl laid beetr-ttre serf, -
ti the town of a confederal** sum of in Ow Goderich Trotting a thd Patine
the , expenditure ly Ile W8,1 III81, 11111. of the active spirits
ittillaelLaPN'S bus::: . ‘1.11.111:'''' .. .
0 the
7 - adth
w a' tiiiir\-40 .sawpetireiliorni leniti idgr
la sefatching'no12.4"
wi ,,oh.rli... Giblsws, Burp; cold. was "foltr:410,1111ela.)14n.I.Inr.r. 1:'1 It111 1 111111--111""r1:1111re8i'711"1ted.ti
aittefully ilijor-si on Wednesday morn . this town on tht• ,ounty council for
Ink While working at tHe plant of the -everal ternis as Reeve.
, tary of the AsS11411111(81 Ai 11(1. itir reor-
' genii -aeon .tin fifteen years ago M.
graanad frdnii'ea"417171Cted:. t°11:11 grlintedTHREE TOP BKOSEN
henimpoeithei irrel pot aa extra lielpin; OY
. ethdarlell Manufaettirlog Crimea ny. ! le.. Clark e ax a native of Colborne
1,171ii. moo GooD vai:s• .Li. h -f:110 ,11:,11.:inel.ft.v,1;:tola ; IteMling lumber township. il '0111 Ilf OW i att. James
las feot. crushing Clark and Ilehrietta Tait, and Wafl a
dbl. a large? Undidsce. TM&
as lte1,41_gt Clinton on noo-
ses • . ENJOYED time terhuelre
• ! home as a young man to study, first
ldeewb.novnttliotfitthitnt,„18-ilri)hyJs.itlia.: int aetr
Victoria. 110 left. too
n-e17.rieetng a limn Prete it 44, bre4..ktui t•
w.kis. 04 the Presbyter* ,ruRKB----y --Di - toes.
at_aiiiistiecesscastfuk Ladles__ ..LInseatialAid of _gm'hirriandorth Irn, teefain ', pt Tuned() end thee in ScoUand, re-
very auxiliary More than otte hundred members ef '',111rirlas ctintir..."-terifi "4(4444n:triad - 41144e -w-auire.ikeisracertiled."-
Presbyter-. the Ladies' Aid of Knox church. with . about forty-five years age to Dollenl
an intense Is their husbands sod friends, enjoyed ' MacDonald, of Dunlop, who prede-
t t . -- sed Ida in 1925. lie la survived
Bucklue and Craigite might bring In ! The next meeting will take place on
Vraigic, Melba* ' McCrea*. 11 N . bride -elect of the ship; phi sustained sufeee cut on
7'"4 ..11u.kins. Turner. • month. The root= were le•antlfully hI. wadies&
1%Val Light and Harbor-Hecklesdecorated for the sevaelon. 'Attie
4 riinaur- -1'ireee7.- ,Mtes-Vbrire Brame mede-asaattractiva ARM CJILSUED
4 Cemetery and Parka cralgle, Bind ; bride for the mock wedding, gowned Marna 'Wig, four-year-old daughter
it Bro,wnHumber, Moser. In pink, with reit and flowery,. of Mr.- Kri., Gor o Reiss, East
11 -ober Italor Brown. ter Bryan Ainalee wao the haehful ries when
Iler arm was *ewe
'Ma OriGCridekfillF•
at her home.
The child is said to h
artleie of domes es it
llowitww" - - 1.7 - lerettut,..m; the minister); duties were
Industrial and Markets Bingham ably performed hy-911:Teini-Shieldill.
illuckins, Crsigte, Humber, Mower. 1 After this Wedding gifts were pre -
Court of Revalon-- linker, Bingham.' rented to Mies lLeCreath, from a host
Drown; Huckins, Turner. , of her hinds, who wish for her and
Theme sanctions were carried un- hoe future
Ile the first and third Fridays of every
month except in the iniouths of July,
Aaiun and September. This met
with some opposition from Deputy
ho thought that two
Reeve Taper, is
mouths' vacation was enougb and could
aot sto any need for only one meeting
la September.
As Councillor Humber pointed oat
le him that any other necessary meet -
kg could be arranged easily, and as son of Mr. and Yrs. George Johnston, ,
I* majority spoke favoring the three- also of Godertch. The ceremony was
b would not perforated by M. Stanley Benet, of
an of
nd'it bps and happy the w
Orkeratas Waddles of Miss D. A.
Mersey mad Mr. A. Jtm
At Lawns& on September 221,. 1935,
Mt* Delia Awe" Murney, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mur-
ney, of Godetieh. was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Amble 0. A. Johnston,
months plan,
make an Issue of It the Baptist church. The young coulee
Appeidmieste we attended by Miss Andliey
The Wie-
.nnnlfltmpfltb of council repre- land and Ma. F. A. Crich, both of
sentatives on various public bodies
were made se required by statute.
The Board of Health is to be com-
posed of Mr. A. D. McLean, Dr. W. F.
Ballow and Dr. John Wallace.
alias. K. Sinners was appointed
nepreeentative on the Collegiate In-
tititute board, although seine of the
members favored St. George Price.
This went to • vote. with Reeve Moe -
4f. Deputy Reeve Turner and /Conn-
ailloes -Humber and Mackin support-
-big Zr-Prin. _
Mayor Macehran stated that it wail
eery difficult to choose between two In Goderich, received many coneratu-
escellent men, but a41 Mr. Saunders had latory messages.
a member.of his family attendtng the At present they are living at the
ftedegiater he Te11 that he ought to home of the groom's parente.
The wedding wa• announced at ;:a
reception bad at the home of the
groom's parents of. Friday night laet
Twenty relatives and friends of the
clippie were passent -
The home was prettily decorated,
flowers. _tapers, and streamers carry -
big out an attractive pink and geode
color whet*.
A Imaat to the bride, proposed by
Mr. Crich, was responded to by the
groom, and the happy couple, who are
?ROI/ lealiteet bra hole of•-friende
the wrist was crushed and SrIL 1). J. l'auc.Mr". 11. 1.' D11111°1'. ItaVtalllit•see:vign".re tPaavitcerfuelltyheal7lattractivee- iniTePeletirvol•IP°11-1111o:' 0Prebent Wring g9e-
Alm A. Taylor, Mies A. McDonald.
in her forearm' were breken.
ootd for Mrs. It. Walter, Mise L. Fergtoton, ly arranged with pink flowering plants 'vial atudleto at Cleveland, Ohio), and
6001) FELLOWS GET, ICOGE1111111 and Mac We Mrs. 1'. Cutt, Miss E. Taylor and Mi1,8 717142 11P1.1 tapers in silver holders. Robert F. Clerk, of Detroit Mies
Spending the last weel-end in To daY last, tbey M. Mow.
McLeen, president of the litdiee Aid, ship, is a sister.
At the head table with Mre. A. I) Helen M. Clark, of Colborne towl-.
ed to 'he a re
was set by Reddy
1 when, GE Thurs-
oat for their meta,
?ono visiting his son Ted, Mr. W. C.
Pridham called at the tailoring estate.
lishment conducted by two Goderlch
old boys, Frank II. Martin and Billy
Givens. While be was there Mr.
Harry Martin came in, and thus a
quartette who worked aide by side as
tailors In Goderieh nearl1 forty years
ago were once more together.
Before the days of factory -made
clothing Goderich bad several estab-
lishments each employing • dozen or
more of tailors.
Joe Clark followed instructions to
the letter when he we, told by exper-
ienced hunters to follow a made'
target with his gun sights before
shooting. Fle made the kill too, but
took only a part of It home.
Joe was with a gang of twenty men
on a jaeldrabbit drive Tuesday after -
000n In Colborne township. A jack
luddenly bfrikever andr" heeded
straight towards him. The hunter got
the jack In hie alr,hts and covered It.
bounding Beer Rabbit. did met
irrwerve, neither did the nimrod'a gun.
• - but Joe welted boo long. When he
' pulled the trigger the rabbit was *-
Mayor MacEwan's Address to Town
shotgun at such eloAe range made
tinea ht. feet. The charge of the
Council at Inaugural Meetm. g for 1936
home waa that which be was unable to
mincemeat of the jack.
The only part of the kill Joe took
scrape from hie trousene
Addressing the town council at Rs
bangural meeting es Monday morn-
tn. Mayor MacEerse maid:
Gentlemet-Today, In beginning a
second term as Mayor of the town of
Soderich, after an absence of four
years from the town mune 1,
tt to be only fitting that 1 should ex.
Send to the ratepayer* my appreciation
of the confidence and trust reposed
tn me in electing me, unopposed, to
this high office as their chief meets -
irate. And I should indeed be lacking
in ordinary courtesy 1? 1 did'ilet .4 -
knowledge my thanks and gratitude
for the honor shown to me,•and al*
lacking in my gene of the fitness of
things If I did not rentalse fully the
responsibility that such a trust ental .
With your help and co-ope (TM 1
at willing to accept the res sibility.
May I oleo eines* my commende-
d* and beet wishes to Reeve Moser
and Deputy Reeve Turner In being
returned to their respective °Men, am-
epipsead. Evidently, the torpsyers
lave, been eminently satisfied with
their esevi•ea gating the past year.
To the rounefilors, may I extend to
them a *arty welcome, and my coo
indolations 1n winning the favor of
the electorate. They have been tbrough
the heat and bitterness of an election
(erase and have bemires vle$W'
To E1-0ouecil wile dm
wily missing rite last s
some% net we
aed a Nortela ansae of en ad led.
oitetioe Out a* is toms teuslOirow•
amount of work an worry that is,
sometimes. not very much appreciated
He escapes the shoo and criticism
that comes to un all when we Inc. •1
least, trytng to do onr best. His
preeence from the boar& will be great-
ly .
In extending • re-weieome to Coun-
cillor Humber, I tan only say that be
is not a novice on the town couneil
Ile in a veteran in municipal affairs
and has sat for more yea* at the coun-
cil hoard than has perhaps any other
Inceptor here, and his advice sod help
will, therefore. be moat ',Citable.
Overdraft Reclined
In reviewing the work for the year
1b315, we find that the Bank overdraft
has been reduced from 307,000 to
stio,soc. This in still far too nob
and we abould reduce It by at least
32500 daring the coming year. All
our other outstanding liabilities have
been pretty well cleaned op. wharves
there wait • considerable hang -over of
amounts from the year 1934.
All eommittees during the past year
have kept eery wall within their esti-
mete), and for this they are to to high-
ly eommended.
The new tax collector has done re-
nuirkahly Ii71/1 deals* a trying year,
when *New aftleare In public *f-
eeble woe I, shakes and strained.
AM la essuectiom 1 should like
to poiat out to Ilft celled1 that we must
centred let tar4stfrom the current
year's tot from arrears, is
each ow •vorrveen e us* nepai to
4th* fell fele video et the Ablest yew.
(enema 00 page 4) ,
men had to k their way through rt'T ON STAMPS were Mr. A. D. Mobenti, Rev. D. -J. 1 Dr. Clark waa a part toaster
which wen ot Weeks ago. Tbe
the four int- at ice ba the harbor Rural wail driver. everywhere are and Mos. Lane, Rev. T. Wardlaw Tay- i Maitland Lodge, No. Xi, A., F. and
to reacts the hag emu= of the bike. aakiag reeidente on their routes to lor and Mee Taylor, Mra. A. Taylor, I A.M.. and a pant noble grand of Duran
Some concefiv wax felt when a try to place 'clamps on any letters president of the W.M.S , Mrs. J. C. Lodge, No. 62, 1.00F.
heavy fog 9e • and the boats had they are sending out during the very Cutt, president of the Arthur Circle, The funt•rtil service was held on
. Miss Madeleine Lane Mew Edith Tay- Sunday afternoon at ithophey's fun -
ler, Mr. and Mre. W. I'. Saunders'. Mr oral parlors', and was conducted by
Rev. D. J. Lane, of Knox church. The
Tug tram Kincardine /Deters Harbor
-Novel Geeurnmee far January
No Silk Hat
The first sh4p to nose her way Into
Ooderieb harbor this year was the
sturdy seventy -five-foot steel tug, the
Donald Mac, of the Morgan Fishing
Company, Kincardine.
The tug arrived 11 3.30 on Thursday
afternoon last, after a ettutleun, eight
anal one-quarter hour, thirty -mile trip
through fog from Ktheardine. No lee
was encountered until - the ship, skip-
pered by R. Lange, pointed her steel
prow towards the harbor entrance
here. Fred Morgan, owner, waa
The Domtid Mac le under contract to
est*. E. C. Robinette, who has eine-
tared her to break ice in the barber
around *mitten with aterage cargoes.
/*flooding boom on Monday, when
the Bricoldoc was moved to the leg
at the elevator.
Copt. Longe did not bovrever, re-
ceive the *ilk hat which is presented
ata little ceremony when the first boat
of the mason is brought late /harbor.
It was decided that the anthill' of the
ship was at the Mon at•flikizieluon, as
fore Me opening of the ebtopias
the* is bound * a, p 8*
earliest or Went, le ha twenty -
/Ito Doneld Mac's gimlet the
Ile yamthe nese UM
April 884 Iftit Setae Mid htla the
frame-up did not to until the trod
ni eldignerv. hot Was no slapping
been goete for
horn was sta
made port sa
Reddy waa .to Bag _only one of
his two unit et ins when ft became
the other.
ot perch and elan
nets, which the
nearly a month
tugs were held up
in December, which
being frozen in
hours, but the fog cord iteatherIt ie the praet.lee
and the brothers many peeve to plate three cement ia
the mail box along with the letter
and ordinarily the mall men are glad
to take them along and mail them is
due course. In the eekl, weather, how-
' ever, it means taking off gloves to
pick up tee cold (vine from the cold fear, and addressee of greeting were
medal 1010*, *awing lettere and coins
delivered hy the 'cadent of other
away In a 'hie mace, then replacing
church societies Dr. T. W. Taylor
entre briefly, comparing Biblical wo-
men with the LadiesAid of today.
"The Ladies' Aid should be an inspira-
tion to every woman In the church,"
he said.
The following program, was pre
control: Selections by the kitchen
hand, moutborgan selections by liz.
of thieves voided -vegetal Laughter Lane, skill by Hart' Metreatit, vocal
bowies owned by local butchers, le 'Wee' by Misaes Mary MacKay and
trearch of beef hide,. it now appeaser Gertrude Heist, noise hy Mre. W. F.
tlutt nine hides were stolen from A111- Saunders, 8 It. Walter Herbert
son A lleittuan and twelve from Greene.
O'Brien's slaughter house, but there
were later -found noide a fence. It
is telieved• the thieves were frightened
away after removing the hides from
the buildhug. Robinson's alaugbter
house also was entered, but there were
no hides in the building. Police are
too foggy to
Fair catrbes
were Sound
brothers had
to get. The
by rough
ended with
the harbor.
It was os
that Reddy
that was five
2ard lest year
Indeed his noes, and
earlier than In
Modest ors Are
Absent:from Party
C ----
Were to Remits Medals at miens
Club Soci&-Large Crowd
The litarthe Glob held the opening
sweat of the year at the room* on
North street on Friday night last. It
was a highly tecressful event, there
betrig about 111'persons present.
Unfortnnatella presentation which
was to be a .feature- 'eft the even-
ing did sot" take place. It was
planned to present MUM/1710 Society
medals to Captain Peter MacDonald
and Joseph Wef the tog Forroid.
The two sailor3s. ped into the water
end at intini risk to their own
Mew saved Jerryealudth. Wad dent,
when he was In danger of being
enethed *tweet the tux and a pier
at the harbor Int summer. It la said
that they gotof the-laiended
presentation at social and would
not turn up. •
Mr. H. T. a presented the
medals to the 2 modest heroes ou
Saturday. t...
Euchre wit51
beteg occupied.*
Pared. and
Mr. Robert
winners, each
Connotation a
Grace Vollen,
Mr. Align
bench was
ny and Ohas.
diem held
The Mari*
Friday light
those who
and Mrs. Harry McCreath.
President Cengratutated interment waa in Maitland cetoetery,
Mrs. McLean was heantily coneratu- the pallbeererm, members of Maitland
lathe on attaining the presidential hedge, being Mayor 11. J. A. Mad
chair for the srixteenth consecutive Ewan, Chas. K. Saunders, 3 J. Me'
Ewen, L. e, Knox, Gordon Bisset and
Dr. L. M. Mabee. The Masonic bur-
ial service was conducted at the grave-
side by Peet Master II. C. Dunlop,
-about fifty members of the lodge being
In attendance.
Besides the daughter, son ana daugh-
ter-in-law, mane Telenet.* and friends
from Colborne tewnship, and towns-
people. there were present st the
funeral service Mr. and Mrs. M. Mae-
Plugh.101 and Mr, and Mr.. -Hervey----
Law, of Toledo, (1. W Ilarmer -
anti family, of Southampton. Ont.;
Mayor John W. Hanna. Robert Allen
1111 J. W. licKitilion, of %Ingham.
the gloves and prowediug. 1t. cold
amt causes delay. beset* sue appeal for
a little co-operation.
twenty -ail tables
Ire games were
Lengridge and
were the prise -
eleven gimes.
went to Min
one Wee, and
to, with three
by Steward Bon-
, after wide% the
music by
moo 10 charm on
to thank all
ia tubing the
sunning a• Tbey clan wick to
Mask ReevesitilriNaser, who donated
the prime est IMMIosiag.
Further lovebtigation after the dis-
covery of the theft of lades from a
slaughter boon owned by Allison &
Heitman led to the belief that • gang
Huron Politics in the Seventies, as
Recalled by an Old-time Resident
SCOOT ANNIVERSARY My E. F.. Toronto, Ont.)
Mr -Farrow was the victor with a good
My earlieet recollection of polltic-almajolty.
present Disputa Case 1, Leader Glen acierities In North 11111011 dates back In CentrHuron Mr. Horace Horton
of Grelerich was the Liberal candidate
Ledge -Mule and Feast to the winter of 1871. when the Sand- 'and Mr. 404. Wifitellead of Clinton
Thirty-five Scouts of the 2m1 Gocler-
lett troop celebrated the second anni-
versary of their organization at the
Scout hall on Friday night last A
pleasant feature of the meeting, whirl'
took place when the Scouts returned
from a skating party at the rink, wax
the presentation of a dispatch rase to
Glen C. Lodge. S.M.
An address wax rend by Scoot Philip
Calder and the presentation was made
by Scout John Dowker. The scout-
master replied briefly, expressing his
appreciation of the Scout!' kindness.
(lames were played' ernt a feed Ruch
as only Scouts ran prepare was en-
joyed. The troop "log" was read by
Scout' Ca bier.
The address to the popular scout-
master was as followa:
We, the members of the 2nd troop,
Ooderieh 1Roy Scouts, ask you to an -
rept this small token of our love and
esteem for you.
W4 ask you to accept with this gift
out alpproolation of your valued lead -
/Cy and when judgment and dial-
vow- - dealing with na so &stmts.
Ire ill hope that you will continue
tiihms uh for many yeera, and we
*mein te• do our heat to be true
Se=strriller the mining years
to *heti of the 2nd. tElitp,
anent* B outs.
Troop 'Leeder.
field MacDonald Government aptaltied 7.11* the Conseristive stand•rd-bearer.
to the electors for a renewal of their Centre Felton tomprhaed the townehips
conairlente and their return to office. of Hullett. Colima ne, McKillop, 'Puck -
Mr. W. T. Ilya of (bait -rich wao ersmitli, Grey, the town of iteiforth
the Conwrvative candidate, Ile %al, and the village of Brussels. Mr. Hor-
ton was eke tee by a large majority,
as Centre linnet at that time was e00-
04141 ed a Liberal stronghold.
In South Huron the tight waa be
twe, n le. M. C. Camerou, barrister of
Goderli 11, and 1lll. Greviiway, a mer-
(1)41-1(1of Centralia. The elimpalpi
Sandfleld MacDonald enverament went was a very strenuous one, with Mr.
down to defeat. Before the Govern- 'Cameron the victor wdh a 'Man ma-
ment reftigned, Mr Bay* receive(' the ' joct(y.
appointment of registrar of deede for The Pacific Scandal
North Huron with headquerters at In the following year, the famous
Myth. Mr. Hays held this position -Pacific scandal" was unearthed in the
for name time. and it must be said !Ifon‘e of Commons, the Premier, Mr
that the Blyth office waft a great con- 'John A. M.1,r1)0111;(1, being charged
TO1b1PrICV to the North Iluron settlers', ; with ailing out the Peeler Railway
but the Mowat Government, on the plea ' charter 10 ti company oC Americas
of economy, closed ep the one*. said , capitalists. The outcome of the in-
bransferred the work to (loderich, te•ithration ores the resignation of Sir
where it had been carried on thereto- John A. llaclionnIti and his Cabinet,
fora which put the whole Dominion la se
Deutheledl ftlestistm of 1872 uproar. The 'elder of the OppealtIme
le the 101 84 plead 1872. the Do- lir. M. Kenzie, 11.3' for Weat
minion eleetlom were held, when Sir Laml.ton, was called In to form. din -
John A. MacDosald made Ms first ap- tenement, which he did, mad 10.s
an appeal to the people
1y sustained.
were held in mithrterit
1f474, in is North Hares t844;
Rates wore Mr. Farrow, lie formt
continued or page a)
a well-known barrister and
of Sheriff 1.1111011,.. 81111 alt 1111th
WHR considered an exceptionally strong
candidate. Mr. Thos. Gibson, a !nil
ler of Wrozeter, wan the Liberal van -
dictate. After a swonewlott spirited
eontest Mr. Giber* was elected and the
peal to the electors Aimee Confederth diately
117. Thom, ledirow, merchant of
non. an was
Illuenie, was s Oonservetive nee
did**, sad Sr. Jos. SoisocrIlle, of I
Lookans., candid the Liberal teener.