The Signal, 1936-1-9, Page 88- -Thursday, January 9th, 1936 THE SIGNAL A. W. ANDERTON TEACHER OF Piano - Singing - Organ - Theory -ORGANIST ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH - LATE PROFESSOR Oh' MUSIC ULSTER 1'ROVIN('I.vl. l'OLLEOF: ----.,ANAS-LY4ANIST--"" 31AliVILILVATt►1•:ORAI•, IRELAND. Over 500 Successes In Turxtto Conservatory Examittatiiw& --_•. ^t) Pupils (k'eupying' FbSitlets as Organists and Choir Leaders Studies 63 Trafaigar St. Telephone 472 week. groceries will be sold Its unet e n with the bake Atop, the concern having takes over -Orb's Grocery. The enlarged business • will occupy the.Maple Leaf Bakery premises on the Square. BRIEFS The Margaret Seager Club he giving a cant party In 8t. George's pariah hall on Wednesday evening. January 15th. Adwlasloa Mc. Everybody welcome. 1)r. Forster, eye, car. nose, throat specialist- .text visit at Bedford hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, January 15, from 7 p.m. uutil 1 p.m. vu 'Thursday, January 16. -JJs uul_..torieti._ The• V'1 at{IUbi. 1e Kneen, will give a non St 11001111 street United church am Monday, Jan- ,.ary 13. at t, p.m. Adwlaslon: Adults, 'kis- ploy tax ; children, ISc. The regular monthly meeting of the Geslerleh Townablp hospital Auxiliary Wilt. be held on Thursday afternoon. J..u...ry ret; it n 9u par.- at We liOace of Mrs, O. Gino. Nelson street. -regular meeting of Victoria Hume"+ In the ki Marten room on Thursday, !i• y 16th. at S p.m. An Interest. Ipsd4tt,Rram has been arranged en let ttnrttarth's Is eatetide4-t• all mhitni and the-4F-4fteie.: - BENM-ILLER GODERICH, ONT.' COLBORNE TOWN - SEP FINANCES . .t, _ To the Editor of The Signal. Slr,-At the nomination meeting In Censors* tvwaahlp on Monday, De- cember Seth, Reeve l'e.tgun made cer- tabu atatewct.ta with rcgurl to the nuances of the township. which 1 am taking the liberty of correcting, as they were absolutely ,oitrary to the !acts. lie said that tie'tow`natrip las $dOu better atat the end of 19:1:. than it was at tyke end' of 1931, whereas it was aver ;;;.visa/ worse off than it was ane leer ag,e wbeu l bad abe honor of airy attempt to make good his atatewoot the public will draw Its own eoouluelon. The Signal is anxious to get all the views it can, and the beet evidence that adequate reports of couu(U pro- ceedings roceedings havirlmmasegivsa l.-.tnat the meetings of council are seldom at- tended by more than two or three citi- zens -frequently there are some at all outside of the eouuett and civic officials. If the press were not re- Woftlltg the meetings pretty catiatar r-JARRETI' s'eAtityrienfittorily, would not the citizens be on UI be received up to January 16 for hand to hear and see for themselves twelve cords of body wood, half maple as going on?) and beech, twenty Inches long, to be delivered at school No. 1, Colborne, by W. M tl MEETLVG. Aprll 1. Lowest tender not recline ,Large. ug�nese Pads.....90 Yutstetis Mhsslouaay Society of earlly Ecce .t 1. !' •� i,„' -F• D� G 'THOMAS OUNDRY, GODS:RICE. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and even effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. TENDERS WANTED 'list w 9 -CENT SALE tationery of Wag your Reeve. it yon will refer l., the statutory ..The _ am the eehool to Goder�i'ta R.R. 5, SI11� Leiter 714 9e _neimirtjar 11134 xoii (,all lima tl lel_ l.tetoria street 1ulted.eburet' met on • lowing Spires: reent► I-il11�� - .w-, u - ._,.._i_ -• T. •`f the ARE YOU GETTIN PL)FAt$URbtlldle OP MOTORING THESE COOL DAYS OD 1*OSTY NIGHTS Sted►elbauer's Used Car Market CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A NICE COMFORTABLE CLOSED CAR FOR AS LOW AS $100 Your old car tok,•n , - inert (payment. OOile in. Rouse & Bell Garage KINGSTON STREET GODERICH ar - l 011I.I.EIt, Jxn. 7. -Mr. Cliff and two girls, of Scotland, tillers in the village one day N na Walters, of Goderich {i spent Minis: with Mrs. Ids Dorothy and i.orna Moore limed -hone after spending Way in Montreal Iii Henderson. of Goderleh, Sydney Iltuwn, of Hamilton The Signal Leads the Way for Advertising and Job Printing e � !'7e-' Mrs l•,timer Kilpatrick Itav 'dined to Toronto after spend- ing' tiler holidays here and In Addled. Ben Strattghan returned to To- ryhl (}fter spending the holiday at Ids. Write here. Wad: 'Fea-1ran, of Goderich, Is . I % Willy with her mouser. Mrs. Clar- et 11'11 ire. who is seriously itis' - i (1}3DERICH MARKET PRICES =tr. 11 :4 uwith the singing„4 is hymn, after thurrh: �xrlow, Jan. Envelo s ,� _ Jo -e Caoollaefsef wzea for 19:11 .... 56 r4 91 of the prudent, Mrs, II. Breen, opened a E' which Yrs. It T 1!lrtl�igls offered prayIvHIROPItATHER AND IST DBIJ(dliMl PAPERS ! --�1��;-.r. at- The t pteetjug wap. 4 LtAFffi. .'.--` .,44"1111--�adtRl: Phone tifk k:..:.•.tt)t, �dlre.--itertr"iArc. highways and AIT. $ 3 9 lilt -than }►etaiad�r�l{tblithe. • Electronic electric treatments read by Mrs. R. (Trod. A reading, and chiropractic Chronic, eremite - -. Y . • �� "Preparation for the Master'. Work." Balance at Credit of town- and nervous discuses. lady in mite was given by Mlss'(l. Worthy. and shop, December 1:., 1034 .; 41'O 91to p. . Office hours 2 to S and 7 Tote Legend i f the Black Maek,noa" The Figures tot I>iS5 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat - by Mrs. I hllllpa. iter. F. W. Craik The statutory report for 1935 shows urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 CHARMED ACOOONTANTS wing, "My Lord and L" the Ivlluw•intt'atatewcbt: am. only, or consultation may ha W A short business meeting followed, Cash balance on baud ; 5723 72 Dy appointment. W. M barter Thi, the treasurer giving her annual re- t*acolleted tames for 1954 Tl"r 00 Monday and 'Thursday at jdpehadt Uncollected taxes foe 1935• 4657 iii port for 1935, also reporting ops life -A N. ATKINSON Chartered Accountant member, Mrs. A. Sontey. Two new h9 Ontario street. Stratford, Ontario ResidenceA and' Khios -Comer et $11106 57 membnre were added to the roll. The Routh 'street avid Brlunula cord. I (Member Toronto,FiOntario.)brook, McLeod It Moa- ,,,,ITIES meeting was cb..ad with prayer by teith, Mr. craik. CARD OF THANK$ Ol'l'()Jill'S T) TO. • For county rates, Provincial highways and -Ilii drain $ 9003 31 JSANITARY MEAT MARKET -New Location, Hamilton Street, Next Hunt's Hardware - CHOICE CORNET) BEEF lb. 121/2e OUR OWN PURE LARD CHOICE POT ROAST, BABY BEEF lb. lie CHOICE BOILING CUTS, BABY BEEF lb. Ile LEAN ROAST PORK. ..., _ lb. tee PEA MEALED BACK BACON PEA HEALED COTTAGE ROLL lb. 29e lb 19e PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb. 18e; 2 for 35e JEWELL SHORTENINf ter,=::lb. 14e; 2 for tie PURE BEEF AND PORK DRIPPING 3 lbs. for 2k lb 1k VEAL FOR STEWING_r. lb. its VEAL CHOPS... 2 iii. Ter 71re SHOU•LI)ER ROAST. MILK -FED VEAL. PHONE 485 THOS. LEG.___ WE DELIVER ' FOWL 4 lb.. ide --lee ; AYebs. ' lb., cs �I6c droned; &WA, Ills`- EGGS- AND BU'1'TER 1t%Ir, per dasen, 17c -2;k•: butter, dhiley,, lb., 23e; butter, creamery, lb., ship,December 1 1:13.1 ....$ 2013 28tmy Freud, who gee.• see• their loyal t-_ tl' . AI'4,H'NT111;. Jan. 7. -Mr. J. C ,,,tigs.rt at the trolls on Monday. EDWARD i[RAi)LEV. That ia, the credit batatiee in - - - 193.1 was �:......, S - And the credit !Silsbee in 1935 was $ 2013 26 • obinson, 'who WSW -('unfired to the we for leve►al-edya,- la. aide . to be_ out again. Born -on Monday, ihs•emher 30th, bei Mr. and ,Mrs. Raymond Leddy,. n --$ 2146 05,10n. - - - - This clearly show that the town -1 Miss Rose O'Coniii,r r'turnild to Mirp is $3I4U1. -Wor;c or than it 1"S- PRrkirtlr tuts -week-wftt"r spe'rrrthir a at the 'end of 1931 . 1wuple of weeks with-her-luro. This must be abundantly evident to Mr. W. Thomupson. of Toronto, aryl everybody who will take the trouble , Mr. W. Thompson, of Auburn. vi -iced 'snivel. an expression of gratitude In to study the figures, and it will also' with relatives here, hast week. I their ne(shbors and friends for their show what a satisfactory- statement we . Miss Clara Reid, of Ashfield. I.. the many (Mets of kindness during the 1 hh 1 c (sad for e. deka- Flta1 . , . ' _ _ VETERINARY SURGEON Fat VETER[NARY SURGEON • Graduate of the University of lte- route and Outurio Veterinary College. other at T '1'. Murphy'', 411amilsoa MR AND LIRA. F. W. BRf1PH1SYstre.•et. Phones: Days; iiktale. e'itend their grateful thank. to the _. many friends who so kinkily offered - their cur, and gave other etrTeaSbulr' d wwpethy and help iu their 'bereave - meta'. JCS-alA111 NOSE, THROAT. THE DAL.FSY FA WI MI TO It. -House Siirgesaiir sit _ Ophthalmic and Aural Hetapldl. air sl tant at Moorefield Eye 114111111101 •ad Golden Square Throat HespIal. -Loodoa, Fog. - -_ - - Warettotrldfart- 5:, -- stra tor& Telephone 267. Next'vhdt-Wednesday, January 19, from 7 p.m., to 1 p.m. on Thursday. January 16. at Bedford Hotel. LiVE STOCK lia'•on hogs, cwt., 57.85-48; beef, Ib.,'10---3c; veal, lb., Oe -7c; latmb, lb., VEGETABLES Potatoes, per bag, $1.35; turnips, per bus., 30e. GRAIN - Wheat, per bus., fixe -70c; buck- w��yzpplI.�a,itt, per beta.._ 31.te;._Rat ..Per. buss, -44/ t barley, per but, 33e -39e. FLOUR AND FEED Aran, 100Th. bag, 51.10-$1.15; aborts, 100'1b. bag, $1.20-$1.25; Matti - tabs flour, 10¢16 bag.ii3.1:L _ -, were $9,233.64 and in 1935 the ' Ran. j time of bereavement, sod to. those who county rates, etc. (oder which the I Mrs. Archie Meurer and daughter., eafor the funeral': also to township has uo control), were only of Bluevale. visited at the home of ' ve Rev. A-0. ('skier, and Rev. II. A. and 584(4.15, -almost esn0 less than in Mr. D. McAllister teat week. ;Mrs. Marlatt 1934. ' i The 'funeral of Mi. -a Lizzie Keeney. 'Reeve Feagan al -o told itiu that he { was held from the home of Mr. Wm. which is, of court's, not true. The rate in 1964 was 2Nr mills, in 1935 23-10 dile or a-4lleerence-mot 2-101 mmills.The gravel for the township Inst st year co61% rents. Reeve Feagen told you that it was 4954 reins. _Ip ,sdd-Itioe to this, the township is now cam s'[ a ooie-i-r-This' BaaY for $2,700, while all the 1934 council required to barrow to take care of a much higher county rate was $2,000. In justice to the ratepayers of the township who want an honest presen- tation ed facts, and in -fairness to the council 11184, I felt It to he my duty to b4bg these figures before them for their consideration and rerifica- (tou. Tours truly, ALERTt.fl4I J. uTHORP Ex-Reeve.l. DIED had reduced the tax rate half a moll, DOMINION STORES Donnelly, 12th ooneesslon West Wawa - nosh. on Saturday morning. January 4th. to St. Augustine elttire0. Itev. Father Donnellan eond9c1 he ser- vice at the church and at the grave. The pallbearers were .chert y0be and Archie Achieson, P. Gilmore and Y. ('ummins. interment was made in the family plot. Deceased, who_ past ' Tonrrw+rrr- iaarie- -wae- + litoteag PUBLIC NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING. A Dt'DLEY E. HOL11EES, The annual. Meting. of the Goder- Barrister, Etc. lett Industrial and Agricultural Society OfDce`4'ourt [loam, Goderich. will be held in the Mien -Walt. tToderlch, ; Telephone 55 ----__- _ on Monday, January , With,. 1936, at LEGAL 2 p.m. 1 HARRY L. SALKELD, President. resident of this vicinity. - • Mr. Herbert Bridle, of the local , A. & P. staff, was transferred to Oak - Title on Tut -edgy. Ile has teen re- piaced here by Mr. George Walker, of Waterloo. Miss Betty Campbell, who had spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. F.. Campbell, Nelson street. , returned to Toronto on Saturday. TOWN OOUNCfliUPORTS Glaucous Strawberry, Raspbarty and - Black Currant Aylmer STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY 32 -oz. Jar With Pectin and Added Colour DEVON SLICED SIDE Bacon Ib25c. SPECIAL ang ' s . doz. 23c Oranges . doz. 25e Large Grapefruit 5 for 25c . 'these valuip are effective from January 9th to January 12th. h Fragrant RICHMELLO COFFEE Rig „eu„ FLAKES Tuna FiC I Isr tiun.h;nr ('ural Sunera ';elected Clean White Beans 1`kg 2C ru 5 c I cc I1. V Pineapple 2 for 25 i rawfnrd tubes 19 -oz. tent Sastre,( twice Quality No. 1 to. t: , Diced Turnips 31:15 To the Editor of The Signal. Dear tile, -As yon have opened your columns to ■ dlseumlon of this mat- ter, 1 would like to say that If there 1s any suggestion of dishonesty in the reports of the council meetings it lies in the fact that. your readers have been getting abort measure. Whilst taxpayers hardly expect verbatim re- ports of all that goes on, they do need more detail of the subjects handled by the council.. If the papers would do this it might load to ..less. -ads-- understanding of what Is really being done. We should be able to form a better opinion possibly of these who are coedwcting the town's business. Whilst speaking of the ooaneil,--it aoeat mem oasts- to many thpt one taxpayer should expect another to en- ter the council to do hie business with- out any remuneration whatever, ex- cept maybe abase, Whilst he himself is potting be dine to personal profit sitting in the park or beverage rooms. Each member of the council should be paid a reasonable swum for each at- tendance. No honest taxpayer would begrudge it; It Is done in many towns, townships and villages, too why not Isere? The days of gratuitous services are past. Any service of -this kind is of doubtful quality and -open to suspicion of 41f -interest. Again, a paid council would pos- sibly attract better material In its make-up. flotibling slung as previous eonrt(lle have done will always find Dame Rumor clot«• at their heels. in closing• might I ask pmt to include In your New Teat's resolutions. "A little mon, light on the.councll meet- ings." Yours truly, HENRY P. LASinle,00K. (Editor's Nete.-41tu correspoudcnl and reolct'e of The Signet geis'reh, are ns'nred that mutnicipal affaires wi receive mlcgnste attention In tII paper as they have in the past. Not Infrequently matters are taken aft in -committee of the whole" or In other t'nuomlttee meeting% at wbleb the et- ttn,lan(•e is not per- mitt.•d, atsl iMMs► flaittntlly, arc the matt(!�. regardlfg which re 1s most curto4lty in the publle hinthed. Degin t y Reeve Turner at the Man Kay 11a11 meeting on Friday night paid snore stt,vttlon to the chs)lenge in last week's Signal to make good his et.aMmetvt at the nomination meeting that the local pala'rs "'eV' not "hon- eat- In their reports of cmirtt`tl tt(eet- inga He ostia be would withdraw the charge of "+neetJ" and nztittttlte 'nw-of 'eanylraews." This means just nothing at aR. Mr. Turner has giv- en not the slightest evidence in sop port of his chars', be tura not seated • Miele metres. laataeco of the al- legmd safb4rwa, and in the absence HALEY. -in Goderich, on Thur=day, 1 January 'rode Margaret Jane Haley, ' COR RAIZ-PAIR OFF KRIS, WAR= aged 75 years. I ■ NESS, and poles; practically new- RROPILEY.-At Cleveland, Ohio, on I coat $13; will sell for $6•- - Apply at Saturday. January 4. MIm Gladys E SIGNAL OFFICE. - dirophey, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Brophey. WiLLIAMS.-in Goderich, on Friday, January 3, George Williams, be- loved husband of Elizabeth Stan- nard, In hta 74th year. Mi'RNEY.-in Goderich, on Thurs- day, January 9th, William Thomas Murney, Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Murrey. +L .piteWs .deserai-aneismeanikila held at the family residence. RgItan- Ma road, on Friday - at 2 rp.21. TOON _meat in Maitland cemetery, DI .MEMORIAM PLOWMAN. -In - loving memory of James Plowmen, who mated away January 6, 1934. A faithful father, ever remembered by his family. FERNE PLOWMAN. f'ODF.Rtell HORTICULTURAL lU (rIFTy. The annual meeting of the 00006 Ich Horticultural Seeisty with be bold at MacKay Hall on Friday,-JaaAry 10th. at 7.15 p.m. All members and others interested are urged to attend. 14, ST()NEHOI'SE, i'reatdent. F. KERSHAW. Secej-Treatmrer. FOR SAiE OR =NT WANTED DOARDER WANTED iN PRiVATE Uh orate. Five minutes' welt from Square. Well -heated house. Apply at Ti1E SiGNAL OFFICE. VOR RENT. COMFORTABLE SiX- a roomed cottage; three piece bath. Trafalgar street, between North and Victoria streets. Apply to M. W. HOWELL. UOUBE FOR SALE. --TWO-STORY brick bonne on Nelson street, Eight ma and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or. cot. 'EppiyTtSSiftifAL f11177CE. SALE. -100 ACRES ON CON- OE8131019---9:---fled borne township Good location. Bank barn; frame house. '.Clone screw'-bersfr- plenty of TM. 151Mw '"73 "'1d1t - "p8 rebs sei. ' ED. FISHER, R.Rs.6--Goderich. jvOR SALE.-BUNOALOW ON ii Keys Street. Red Krick, good con- dition; ' seven rooms including three- piece bathroom. Hardwood floors throughout, modern lighting, storm windows all round. F.nslly heated Icy furnace. Rouble garage. Extra lot with young trait orchard. Sacrifice for quick sale. Apply 47 Keays street. )I'GLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister and i heft r' Telephone 512- I,! R. DARROW. BARRISTER. B is Successor to J. L. KJ/loran Omce -The Square, Goderich. Telephone 97. VRANK DONNELLY, B.A. F Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Once --Hamilton Street, Oodetihb Telephone 2Kg. �41=4-1/TATS, Barristers and Solicitors 0111M -Hamilton Street, Godeitir. Telephone M. CRNEST Y. LEE, �i Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vie toric Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. INSURANCCIL LOANS, RTC. UcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INBEIR- ANOE CO, -Farm and Isolanad town property Insured. Officers -Alex. Broadfoot, Ptesidt�s. Seaforth: Janie Connolly, Vice -PCM. Ooderlrll'- :ftrlierton A. Reld, Oa - forth, Sse: Treaa., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -A. Broedfoot, R -B. Ns. Ib Seeforth; James Sholdlce, Walton; Wm. Knox. Loodesboro ; Alexander McEwtng, Blyth, R.14, 1„ Geo. Lsaa- bardt Bombe/in, R.I. 1 ; John Amply. Brumfield; Thos. Moylan, Seat R.R. 5; Win. R. Archibald, Beef R.R. 4; James Connolly, Goderlek Agents -W. J. Teo. R.R. No. 2, Ob - ton; James Watt, Blyth: Finley M Eachern, Seaforth; Jahn Murray, i` - forth ; Chas. F. Hewitt, Klneardlb Polley -holders can make all payment; and get their cards recelpted at M Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Omega Grocery, Kingston street, OoderIek. eft J. H. Reld's General Store, Bayne.. Sav.M�ney By Prepaying Town of Goderich 1936 Taxes .IMOUNT TAXPAYERS MAY PURCHASE TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1936 TAXES AT FAVORABLE DISCOUNTS COST CO5I COST Anytime in Jan. Feb. I to Feb. Cl )far. I to Mar $10,00 :....... $ 9.73 50.00 -~ 48.80 $ $ 9.84 49.00 49.20 COST 15 Vpr. 1 to Apr. 15 $ 9.89 49.45 COST May I to 15 993 49.86 f r, nte'nt H.•eeipta must be preacnteel along with P136 Tax Dills during the first instill(. meet period. !tank interest is only 2 per cent. Purchase your Prepay.1et- Reeeipts early sad has. your money earning 5 per cent interest. - - - .lune Discounts will be allowed in addition. Neil R. MacKay, Tax Collector