HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-08-10, Page 12J Page 12-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 10,1988 528-2822 Deadline- Mon. at 12 noon 11. Articles for Sale TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.--40tfar $$ LIQUIDATION $$ Buildings priced for immediate disposal. All items in stock. 30 x 40x 14$3,800; 40x60x 14$5,990; 50x80 $11,260; 70 x 120 $27,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446.-8bc HARDWOOD SLABS - face cord lots delivered in 20 and 10 cord lots. Pickup loads, picked up, $25.00. Phone 528-3047.-22tfar BOOKS Available at the Sentinel office: Bob Shrier's Let's Think For A Minute Vol. 1 - $4.95, Let's Think For A Minute Ideas Vol. II - $7.95 or buy both for the special price of $10.00. A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST $10.00 for soft cover, $20.00 for hard cover. ACRES OF MEMORY by the late Dbn Campbell $4.00. HISTORY OF LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH $15.00.-24tfnxe METAL BUILDINGS - Save Thousands while supply lasts - Summer Clearance - We have limited steel left over from our largest Spring Sale ever - Paragon Struc- tures.1-800-263-8499.-25bc STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory clearance sale on quonsets and straightwalls. Beat upcoming price increase. Save from $300 to $4000. Limited quanitities. Offer expires July 31/88. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours ).-32bc STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Sellerbra- tion" on Quonsets and S -Series Straight Wall up to 100 ft. wide. Payments, lease or purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Call Miracle Span 1-800-668-5111.-31bc CALORAD No diet weight loss! Drink taken at bedtime, lose weight while you sleep. 100% NATURAL Contact Pauline Watson Amberle y Gall 395-3405 FOR SALE Screened Top Soil • Cement Gravel • "A" Gravel •Drainage Stone & Fill •Backhoeing *Bulldozing & Excavating •Septic Systems Installed EDMOND BUSHELL CONST. 385-5478 1. Articles for Sale PULLETS FOR SALE. Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, Red Sussex, White Leghorns, Hysex, some White Sussex, also started Cockrels. Phone 357-3058.-30tf SUPER SPECIALS ON STEEL' BUILDINGS: Save up to 40% on Quonsets. Straight walls. Garage Packages and Mini sizes. Caulking, nuts and bolts included. Available in widths 10' - 80' - any Tenth - various heights. Galvalume or coloured. Call our factory PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours).-31bc Interested in HYDROPONICS. Informa- tion sharing co-operative designed for the individual, Invest in a S.A.S.E. for 15 steps To A Professional Growroom. To: Cana- dian Hydroponics Information Co- operative, 2 Levendale Rd., Suite 276B, Richmond Hill, Ont. L4C 4B2.-31bc "Summer Sellebration" on steel buildings from Miracle Span. No gimmicks, just solid value for your money. Example: 50 x 80 $10,995. Call toll free 1-800.668-5106. -31 be STEEL BUILDINGS, genuine savings, straight walls. Beat upcoming price in- crease. These buildings are all steel and are of the finest quality. Phone 1-800-267-9432.-31 be HARD FIREWOOD slabs delivered by truckload. Joe Van Osch 395-2865 or con- tact Jacob Stutzman at St. Helens mill.-l0tf 2. Yard Sate YARD SALE Community Yard Sale at Hart's K Food parking lot in Teeswater, on Saturday, August 13 from 9 to 3. Rain date. August 20.-32 4. Antiques & Art WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUES Old cupboards, tables, chairs, dressers, quilts, rugs, clocks, pottery, etc. CALL J&B ANTI- QUES, 93 Goderich St,l, Kincardine 396-8261. 6. Trucks for Sale 1976 F600 Ford cab and chassis, 330 V8, four and two speed transmission, $3,500 certified or best offer. Phone 528-3303 or 528-2736.-32, 33 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers TRAVEL, 5TH WHEELS, Hardtops, Motor Homes, new and used. Golden Falcon;' Prowler, Boler, Lionel, Tioga, Viking. Hitches, truck caps. Sales, rentals, repairs. 26 years in business. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mile west of Stratford. 393-5938.-15-35ar BONAIR R.V.'s and Trailers, Utility, Hardtop, Tent, Travel, Park Models. Open seven days a week. Royal Trailer and R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Junction of No. 23 and No. 9 (519) 343-2123.-28bc 14' HOBBY CAT SAILBOAT, ready for water and fun. $1,600 or best offer. Phone 528-3303 or 528-2736.-32, 33 118. Wanted to Buy WANTED BARLEY OR mixed grain for seed. Could combine if required. Phone 395-5635.-30-32 118. Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY barley. Call Sandy McEwan, 395-2410.-32, 33ar 11F. Farm Produce WHEAT STRAW for sale, 35 acres. Phone 529-7350 after 6 p.m. -32 HAY FOR SALE, 85 large round bales, stored under tarp. Phone 528-2812.-32 11H. Form Services N. LYNN LOWERY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.-42tfar BERG STABLING EQUIPMENT cleaners, manure pumps, ventilation equipment, hog equipment. Contact Lloyd Johnston, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390.-3ltfar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Starline belt feeders, conveyors, silo unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip- ment. Custom belt lacing. Repairs. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851.--42tfar CLARKHILL FEEDERS LTD. Innovator & Val metal silo unloaders, belt feeders, conveyors, feed mixers, stabling equipment parts for all makes of silo unloaders. RR 5 Goderich 524-4367.-lltfar CATTLE TRIMMING SERVICES: have your dairy or beef cattle trimmed in a pro- fessional way. Phone R. Fyn, 357-3058.-24tf CUSTOM SPRAYING Spray your barley and wheat for quackgrass now! Foam markers, fully monitored. Phone Sandy McEwan, 395-2410.--30-34ar J.C. ENTERPRISES CUSTOM FARMING combining grains, wheat, corn; tillage etc, Phone 526-7523.-30-34 11K. Farm Real Estate Farm Credit Corporation banada FARM FOR SALE Approximately 21/2 miles North and 23/4 miles East of Ripley. Part Lot 4, Concession XI, and North one-half Lot 3, Concession X, Huron Township, Bruce County. Bareland. Approximately 142 acres with approximately 130 acres workable. Some tile. Presently grow- ing soybeans, grain and corn. Clay Loam Soil. Offers to be received by September 1st, 1988. A certified deposit of 84,000.00 must accompany offer. For further information contact: Farm Credit Corporation, Art McGahey, 1315 Yonge Street, South, Walkerton, Ontario. NOG 2V0 Telephone: 519-881-1490 Please refer to File #26547 12. Real Estate for Sale FISHING CAMP. Accessed by water only. Main lodge, housekeeping cottages, to ac- commodate up to 30 people. Marina, new boats, motors, etc. Ill health forces sale. (705) 763-2146.-32bc GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONICS STORE. Complete indoor and greenhouse growing supplies. 63 Clarke Sideroad, Lon- don, Ontario. (519) 452-3919.-32bc 14. Vacation Properties CAMPSITES AND LAKEFRONT COT-' TAGES on spring fed SILVER LAKE, 9 miles east of Kincardine. Boating, fishing, family campsites and fully equipped cot- tages available immediately. Call collect 395-3330 or 528-3224 for booking information.-32tfar 16. For Rent SHOP'SPACE FOR RENT, 30 x 60 with 14' ceiling, 550 power, Phone 528-3303 or • 528 -2736.-32, 33 17. Apartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM, heated apartment for rent in Lucknow. Phone 528-3032.--32 18. Houses for Rent THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Lucknow. Phone 528-2813, ask for Thelma.-32ar • 20. Room & Board FOUR ROOMS NOW AVAILABLE for rent, laundry and meals optional; farm house 3rd concession north of Lucknow; ideal for seniors. For information call Marilyn Carruthers 395-3731.-32, 33 26. Help Wonted 'AIDS CO-ORDINATOR is required by HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT The AIDS CO-ORDINATOR will be responsible for the planning, development, direction, and evaluation of AIDS -related -education programs and activities within the Board of Health: policy and approved budget to provide optimum AIDS education services to the community. Oualificationls: University degree In health or related field, strong teaching, communication, and interper- sonal skills; highly motivated. Requires current driver's licence and own transportation, Interested applicants should forward a resume stating education and.,experience by August 31, 1988 to: Dr. Maarten Bokhout, Medical Officer of Health, Huron County Health Unit, Court House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2