The Signal, 1936-1-9, Page 64-- Thursday, January 9th, 19
Men's 6 -eyelet Work Rub-
bers. Strongly made . of
black rubber with red soles.
Sizes i to 12.
Same quality only boys'
sides. Sizes 1 to 5.
Long Sermons'
By A. W. B.
heard them am se -welt' tqi•be,w-
pected." forty'Ijr bare have
passed since that comment was made,
but the'speechee are still so often in-
ordinately long, and shall we say un-
necessarily loos.
It is quite true that some people will
stress brevity so much that they may
ignore the matter of doing justice to
important themes and are apt to put a
premium on what is merely snippety.
In vengeance for what they have suf-
fered from sermons of a wearisome
and na preaybere who are
known beat fur their prosiness, they
demand on each and every oeasion
that the mag. -lin the pulpit confine his
lengge�l ^gRrptoa4that ...were:0 ilia
I. remark, to'•'Stteenty, or twenty-five
•�t.sA �•-�Iessatela.�{rttav�sliiitfrg
There are a few even in this gen-
eration given to bobbing speeches.
Long-drawn-out discourses that weary
folk, who •t last having patient",
tried to follow the preacher for a
while ultimately lag, and confess
tbe»meives neater. le trvlpg to keep
up interest and so do not follow to
the long -distant terminus. The little
girl complained that their preacher
went on and on. Most of us can re -
emit when it gree Uke that fur
Even the Scotch people are among
those, who want the briefer discourse
and -mil mot patiently endure the
. ibeeri&oist peed g
Agent for Tip Top Tfilors
per r Oo erich
Pain and pleasure, like light and
dark, succeed each other; and he only
who knows how to accommodate him-
self to their returns, and can wisely
extract the good from the evil, knows
e the stress is (or this res >fi age.
t �ot [ a¢sje.,eun hates we are '•
t , • 9911 411-.414110-•
pstd �+tppT aright and gerotuiy ea mei±: mat+ abut
mer: At tLe'sosa alilb ttes'°dttK
thing eptrtinatIp.swrolfr ggrs dare to
atflrw, with the bun whd lifirll�lloy a
three-hour coneerL 01--11-3-three-hour -
all legislatures the speeches lasting political speech and Is• fired out by •
hours are quite common. When Lord thirty -minutes discourse rich in Gospel
Rosebery visited Canada and was the truth.
guest of the Governor-General he com- However, we have to admit that a
pinlryd that Canadian oratory as he long sod (lull sermon is a painful af-
had listened to-tt huthe House was. tlictioti. Sixty or seventy minutes of
of extraordinary length. He asked
of his friends: "What would the
House of Lords say to one whole sit-
ting of a debate being taken up by two
Inferior speakers? For seven' hours
did they deliver themselves, and I who
poppy are the utber adieetlees added ore, tar'm(trtt tiptur
tothe dex,•ripttoa.*41}p41.1k1 ! ami
Net erthule e,'etre pulpit lights bars
never so grievously afilivhd theTr7teYr-
ers as parliamentarians have. in
funeral Diineter and
Furniture Dealer .
Hamilton Street, Goderici
PHONICS: Store 335; Rea. 355
A cold i• .n interne! inf•ctdta. C.-
M dame. you trip it as such.
There a nothing better you can take
than Grows'. arse Q•riao••. Grove's
do.. the four necessary thing.: Opens
tla bwe•l., combat•ld germ. an
- � r.l... h..dechd
A.4ng, tonupus cb. @yams. Buy
--'8tN•'m at your
suww drugs,.'.
They'a• is a whit*
al Busi
Chestnut and Stove Anthracite, Pocahontas and
Domestic Lump Coal. Alberta Lump Coal
from the nothing of A2 /ITIL
DISCO -this wonderful Coke with the gates lift in it
All orders given prompt attention and all the Coal is
weighed on the Town's scales (your scales).
Chas. C. Lee
Phones -Office 22. Mama 1x2
Hlei Trhote to fru LMe Dr. J. E MY
The tfltlllingreference to the death
of Dr. J. Edgar Swart& whose death
at Vane" N. , on December 13th has
abroad, burn noted by The Signal, 1a
from Tha Ogdensburg t N.Y.I Jour
nal :
'Dr. Imre. was' known in Canton
ea the Ricci of the poor and the doc-
tor who seier refused a cell. There.
are hundreds in this area who owe
their Ries to hie medical shill and
kuowlealge, Ills friends say that it
ern be tasjpfully said of Dr, Swarth
that be timer turned down a person
In need of treatment for lack of fla-
all(' t,► mune--than o9e occasion he
has battled snowdrifts and walked on
snowshoes through Impassable roads in
order to serve th 'alek and needy. Ai-
tarnerfik he w.a Csatom's youngest dos
roksbfges'oese ef41/4-besb
that fare is slow martyrdom to people
who are removed far from the Puri-
tanic enjoyment of long discourses. A
Scottish minister once preached for
fifty minutes. and then prepared for
another rhetorical flight. "And now,"
he proceeded. "what shall I say more?"
'err-"& a -nod -ale door.
QtRdr- ire -ebr•cwotri #utbe Ironer, ;
"it's chappit fowr." And how often it
Is that the last ten minutes have un-
done the work of the preceding forty.
To admit this we are not going to
rush to hear the minister who claims
to discourse on the Trinity in ten
minutes or who In fifteen minutes en-
deavors to deal with Divine 1'.Sve; or
the Incarnation, er the Inspiration of
the Bible.
Sermons should not be measured by
the clock, though time and other en-
gagements. cannot he ignored. Nor
should they be governed as to length
by._anr'1C c•er•tsln influential Vernal'.
The great and famous -.divine, Mc-
Leod, when preaching before the court
was advised• by the Prince of Wales,
who became King Edward. to• limit
himself to twenty minutes. "I told
him." McLeod wrote to his wife, "that
h Ma nuplerous arta of
kindness. - The poor
r6�ez that
arid -131q.
nt-an 4'ai aid.
"All of 11njon's tits -tors paid high
tribute to Dr. Swirls. statistic (hatrhe
was a man of character and his name
an honor to the medical profession."
Dr. Swatta was a native of Goder-
Ich, the Ma of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
:Marts of this town.
Sunday Afternoon
• • •
Goderich, Ontario
Holy Spirit, help tie
Daily by Thy might,
What is wrong to conquer,
And to choose the right.
-W. H. Parker
• • •
Help us, our Father, ever to keep
before us the example of our Saviour,
who, though tempted to do wrung,
never yielded in the. slightest. Amen.
• • •
L-1111. LESSON FOR JAN. 111, 11115
Lama Tse- sisals Prepares fee His
.ww...e...-a, •.wbt.6-
Leaman Pasangee.Lute 3:21, 22; 4:
Golden 'I'e�d-�
The feliowisg' L Ddenaed from a
1lapter M "The Descent of the Holy
Glued," in People's Bible by Dr.
Parker :
It is that "bodily shape' that cre-
ates all the difficulty in some minds.
Some persons can believe in matter;
they think they see it. Others have
a dim notion of the possibility of there
being a force In creation that might
be called Mind or Spirit. But how
to connect the two, how to get the
BAYFJan.and Yrs, Holy 'Ghost into a bodily shape: Yet
HarryretBaker and family, of Chatham, that connection is plainly declared in
home after spendinghefis verse 22. "And the Holy Ghost de -
j, dd with the former's wended in a bodily shape like a dove."
parents,. ash Mrs. F. Baker. In that event the problem would
�llta_.SF J M I t d sJattghtCr
c .•,a -- Au _ •�,blisnd; s 45.iLMtstia '
Iit14 laiasasYstlnd its,' - The ata
McLeod motored to Loudon on nig*.Trinity is here. Let us count the per -
day of last week. eau their return sons indicated: "And the Holy
they were accompanied by Miss Louise Ghost"-that-ia one -"descended upon
Mc3.ecxl, Who Is hums fur the remota him" -that la another -"and a voice
der of the winter after working V came from heaven, which said, Thou
London. art my beloved Son" --that is a thir4.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen l'ye and famliy;
ung• Wladase, spent the C irirtwas holt--
days with the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Widt-umb•.
Mr. and Mrs. A 11('rne and daugh-
ter, of Seeforth, spent New Year's
with the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Here Is a threefold action of a three-
fold Tersowaltty- the descending Holy ifetl,aghan 'rhe; gu ddemeulmir Here
Ghost, the baptized Christ, the approv- a glimpse primeval
Ing Father. We cannot get away pared with which the worship of
from the Trinity unless we get away j Krlehn4 Is modern.
from the Bible. i A splice before the stone is swept
In this instance the bodily shape land sprittitlei with water. It is
with vellow• tur-
We stop the ear to lot the cat
go gasping by, and we take a mouth-
ful of water, tepid but precious, from
the bottle N bleb IfatmsINWSed=tib
aww int to
that le not grown in the
Then we notice a quaint little pie
cession emerge fro% the village a tamed a unlimber of their friends on
hundred yards away. 'A young f;tlil--Thursday "0"0".Dancing and ember
or, clad in p loin Muth and red tar- amli mentF were enjoyed..
tutu, with a brown homeeiyllf bTaflitet- Mr -fed Mrs. W. F. Campbell
fojdn(! into a cowl to shield hie brad viailed on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
and hack from the sun, lending a black T. Remick, of Blyth.• •
sheep. A lad balancing on his head
a tint basket containing a bug knife (intended for last week)
and do baud glowing N'i':fTi'lE1jD1 Dec. 30. -Mr. War -
brand which blue
blow•his gctrtlaa' to keep ren itamf,tr - of Nipissing, spent
it *live. Another lad' follows with Christmas week under the parental
an armful of leafy branches; then a rout
dozen women gay in red and yellow Miss Marjorie Campbell, of strut.
series, bearing liendloads of earthen fool, spent Christmas Day with her
puts aed utesterieua sackcloth Pack` parents. Mr. and Mrs.. W. A. Campbell.
er. The whale party might have Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent, of Bel-
agwalked straight outctlof Genesi's. We grace, siwat a few days last week with
give the man gnug. "!eats W Keatflcld friends.
you. Whither guest thou?" mc. Mugfonh of Auburn, hvisiting -
keds t��►�1'ahnmma- nth Diet* Mrs. Wm. Carte?.
spent a few days last weak with the
batter's mother, Mrs Oahaldestaa of
Mr. Har Rid.
Sarkata•hewap, V visitlag hb cousin,
Wm. Carter. -
Miss Coleco, (lark hers etetarnM to
sstast•nOtk.,Wne Walden enter-
rc rr-_tease
Isunyan "
war bel ats'li$II 'w••
Ceder a nearby tree I sec the ob. l'rtd J. Cook was mow" snow
Jett of their devotion- au uusii+!P Jyr another term,
atone, daubed with vermilion, Thera Mr. A. E. Cede
are no hands visible, the appellation with Toronto frletedi
simply menus that the spirit residing
in that stone is five times more power• ""i ore' uT etrffat" dean-,ot comet
was that of a dove. Sometimes it Is I smeared reverently
sister, Mn
Atille 4.. lte'I.eod is visiting her-rthat sy--tittle-i:hild.- _ AIL the little merle and vermilion, an earthen aau-
Charles Plater, In )etroTt.
ht' I are heavenward bound. We Iter of fn(egse h played before If.,ito¢wd
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. call hint or her part of the population.' er petals and rhA are wetter aeon
Chas. Plater, Lucy M i.&'o Mich ter of Yet that child is the Holy Ghost in it. Meanwhile some of the women
erlyMr. Mia . ]. McLe daughter o[ have busied themselves in an impro-
Mr. and Mrs W. J. McLeod). 1. upon the Iss{Ili shape.
arrival of a young wen on /'hrlPetmas Sts°[crime• the Holy Ghent descends ; rimed kitchen on the other side of the
a' lel
a the branches has
n us in the bodily shape of a man, ; tree. .1 tiro has been kindled, and
A real Christmas present.neither he nor any of his party bad Day.
anything better to do than to bear me. L O. L. Enclave and i seas' la great teacher, a great prophet. Why ,the boy
not eee Gisi In man? Until we real stripped the leaves and is sewing them
So I preached for forty-seven min- Wednesday evetaog. January 1st, a the full meaning of childhood and together with stalks( of grass, and so
says: and wishede were kind enough ." tow eaJoyable tied -was spent in the '.17A.. manhood, we shall not begin the right -fawtrtooing plates for the mutton curry
say they it had been longer." town hall, when the Orange Lodge work of education, reform or progress. which will be prepared and eaten after
There are more important considers- L.O L. No. 24, held a euchre and 4:1.13 -"Tempted like as the sacrifice.lions and influences that govern the dance The hall was artistically de- 1 C
hap .ar length of the sermon than these,
llrwt Prise fee the la us a ns was in
tlCfmC a!t=nsl tram s6 Effigl e37 Itic•(hsr f..euLt• wfLss.
•orated in orange shades•. Eighteen I we are
' The temptation. as Is evident m
though tbere are preachers who need tables were enjoyed to euchre. Yee g some way
8e sono co/fgenRT -wlUr t'tre'•'-ttlseeat'-
- - Aligns art* -#lea
a pretty emphatic nature as to the Italy SidYT["fnpru'"Dur Lord; and we
gentlemen and Jobn Marks won the Iowa and others' good: may lead His
temperance and other kindred
subjects, the woman with a beautiful the RayAaM to be made Uke unto His brethren,
voice,wanted to have everyone boar
When ■ii is in order, all do deep
obeisance to Mother l'oshamme. The
victim is lifted up before her three
-sinewets►•--ie- apainkled
on its back. If It shivers, Peshamma
has accepted it. and the sacrifice is
consummated All wait breitlllesa
and hopeful. The sheep stands mo-
tionless. Wise sheyp! More water
orchestra. therefore He was led op-- into the is sprinkled Still no response.
wisdom of finding a terminus Lady Lloyd Makin. tion the consolation
re thus taught that God, for their
Henry Somerset, that attractive speak- prize. Jack Watson woe first prize to
su- on PS euaplatiw. Music was supplied by
people through trial. It behoved Jesus
with 11+c ideal of • world -state." -J.
B. Pticetley.
"The advanesute l of knowledge
must be translatet into increasing
health and education for the children."
llertwrt Hoover.
t the remotest seat. So she engaged wildernesb where the tempter made as I wonder, ponders the bead of
Hydro Store
Electric Stove
Quick - Clean - Economical
and cool to cook with
°41a�1/aa for last week). . _
matrt-to srctn-ttrrcernrr• rkt'teeer Appeal to ap�Prntl- ttTTlt! +lry'�tWf to* `�"X17`.---�rbrresrr-tt-trbet' M- --
from the platform and lift up her IIAY•/Tfy. Dec' 30. --Mr. Brows of Hie public minlsRry. From the our son Lakshman has not come with
handkerchief whenever she felled to Higgins' d SudburyIs spending the mysterious connection between the ire. Another liberal shower, and
hear what her ladyship was saying. Christmas holidays with his parents,! body and the soul, there are certain !another pause. Then to everyone's
The person with the lifted handker- Mr. aid Yea Wm. Ilergins, Blue Water appetites created within us which, In !intense relief the sheep gave Itself a
chief would be quite in order when highway. themselves considered, are not sinful ; hearty shake, and was at once turned
the preacher should he through;' Kiss Dean Castle of Seaforth, is -on the contrary; they, are implanted ;over un its bark and decapitated.
`'`that feeling is getting everybody.-- - ng the Chrtatmas holldeys with 1Hsere for useful, fun__ God -glorifying I We turned away - I.
we all know that there are preach- heir parent' Mt..and Mrs. Thomas I purposes; but Satan come., and 'will ! (To be continued) e
pats who will discourse for an hour Castle. }persuade R
and we do not think them too long.
The longest sermons are sometimes the Leod motored to London Tuesday even- I knave how to resist such assaults, see
Motif enjayat)le and -we' are sorry when ! tog,- December 24. Returning with i rehow Jesus bore Himself when
they end. Archbishop Temple told 'them were Misses Ann and Louise' Satan Isesought Him to gratify Ills
an Oxford student, 'If you hear Pusey
preach he will preach for over an hour
and you will blink he has been speak-
ing for only a firs minutes." The
preaching that really informs in an
interesting way, and has a way of
Aylmer £1id
PEACHES 2's Squat Size Tin
the voun to gratify them
Miss Mae Murray and Mr. John Mc -
in a sinful manner. That you may
McLeod, who spent Christmas Day hunger in a forbidden way: lie said,
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. «it is written, man shall not live by
J. McLeod. They returned to London , bread alone, Int by every word of
with Mr. and Mrs. V. Burt to continue I God." That is to say, life does not
their work there for another week.
Mrs. Dalton Smith, of West Lorne,
spent Christmas with her parents, Mr.
WEIITFIELD, Jan. 0. -Mr. Warren
Bamford returned to his school at
Nipegon on Thursday.
Mr. J. 1. Stonehcluwe spent New
Yea r'a with leis son, Mr. IL Stunt
consist In eating and drinking and ref Goderlch.
enjoyment : life is not the gratiflca- I Mr. and Mrs. pert Taylor attcndedt
rallying the discouraged, and success- tion of the body in any shape, but the funeral, on Tuesday, of the form
.fully warns the careless. and brings and Mrs. Wm. Higgins, Blue Water the obedience of the soul to God. Ire's uncle, Mr. John Webeler, of
viable, to those whose faith has highways ---'t-- The steswtwi appeal wag made to am- Helena.
espent Christmas with tion is.In one form or other, re- her school at Zldmond one Monday. SEE DISPLAY F STYLESE
gone out, is not spoken of as too long, Mr. and l[rs Victor Burke sort fem• hitlon; and the same ineldlous temp Miss Grace Redmond returned to AND MAKES AT THE
even if the clock rha go nearly Its thefly, af er's a t.HYDRO STORE
round. Gossip, perhaps Scotland's the batter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, pealed in the case of every man; and Mr. Eddie McGill spent a few days
preacher, aye "I stood in Fred Baker. Buster and Peggy Burke rm. Thelent int the commencement wee! atthe Dame of Ms 1)rrc te,
M Harry Maker and fam toyield himself captive.C 1's Mr iasd Mrs. Noncan McDowell
Is still steep and arduous and rugged•
said, hfielvtth the pleasure of the last Christmas holidays with the formers
the aisle of the church listening to remained for the bofldays of iris career he has to light the. battle >�• Ackert 'iliednor'y:-•of Hamilton.
�tssaarea preac:Wngjgr•4fty min- Mr., and re or se a is
mites, disagreeing with much that he sly, of-ffattmm, are•' --•speeding tbs-.Wgy ' was.-antrHftdor and wealt ' "'
PUMPKIN'. Large PA's Size Tia
SP[NACH . ,Tang 131/2 -oz. Tin
TOMATOES . • Large 91's disc Tin
WAX BEANS..'".: SISI Tin 2 Tina
RIE' .. No. S's Squat Sias Tia _
BLUEBERRIES.. xo. 2's Squat Sins Tin
souPS..Vsgetable or Tomato
3 Tim- 2525c
P. di G.
10 BARS 33c
"Maple Leal " Rich,
Red Sockeye SALMON
l/' -Ib. tin 1 -Ib. tin
19c 35c
2 Pte. 15c
%rib, 28c
FRY'S oocoA Yea. 23c
PHONE 116 .r 216
quarter of an hour marred somewhat
by the fear that he might stop. Yet Mr. Sidney Castle, of Stratford,
the longest at•rmon through which I spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs.
ever hitched and botched and fidgeted
lasted for about nine minutes. it was
a glorious old Englig6 church, and
the curate was a nice boy, but obsessed
icy • phrase that seemed to fascinate
'him, 'the after -glow of the F.aater
morning.' " How true it is that It is
not really length that worries people.
Itlis Tattler the droning, or monoton-
ons reiteration; or t1M unadniterated
dullness. or the lack of interesting
matter and bright 'presentation.
If preachers will make of their job
A very dull and stale affair they can
expert their iongregsttlons to yawn
and fidget miserably. And If such
Is lengthened out some blunt person
Is going to say a. did the Lancashire
woman when she wan. thinking of home
parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Baker. and the lesson we must learn is to
avoid the devil's short cuts, and to
make the words of one. Lord the mot-
to of our lives: "Thor ,sit worshl
the Lord thy God, and ITim
thou serve."
The last onset on our Lord made
an appeal to Hit faith: and It too was
as Insidious as the rest. Jesus bad
already repelled the tempter by ex-
pressing His confidence in Gal and
allegiance to His Father, and to that
very principle the tempter addresses
himself now: as if he had said, "Dost
thou trust God? Come and i will
place thee in circumstances such as
wilt make manifest to all Ills gnard-
tan care of thee." Jens answered,
"Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy
God," We are riot warranted to place
ourselves in cfreumstan ek such as shall
tempt the Lord. if we are in danger
in God's service, we may rely that Ile
will ho with us. lint we have no
right to imagine that Ile will suspend
the law of gravitation, whenever we
:9sacse to leap over a precipice; or
that lie will suspend the spiritual
laws which regulate the actions of
our souls, whenever we pot ourselves
Into the way of temptation. -From The
Hermon Bible
M. Castle.
Mr. Arlington Atwoods of Detroit,
spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs.
E. Atwood. He was accompanied by
his daughter, Dolores, who had spent
the past six weeks in Detroit with her
father, who had been seriously Injured
In a car accident. Arlie's Bayfield
friends were ail glad to see him around
ORO* more.
Miss Margaret Groves, of the- post -
office staff, spent (',hrlatmas at her
home In Goderieh.
Mrs, (Ar:) -Lawes, of Toronto. spent
Christmas with Mrs. M. Woods.
Miss Ruth Heaton, of London. spent
Christmas with bet parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Manston.
Mr. Harold Scdchmer, of Guelph
O.A C. Is spending the Christmas holt•
"Plague on the parson's lengthy day with Mr. sad Mrs. Robert Scotch -
lie Pepin,. his sermons out too long;
The puddings sladlt, the meat's o'er -
The (attire hare to water rim."
At the game heist New Year's Ere,
at the Galerlch Bridge Club, the fol-
lowing were winners:
;North; and Smith -let, Mr. F. I)on-
nelly and Mr. P. P. Carey, plus 9%;
2nd, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Mooney, plus
7; 3rd, Dr. and Mrs. .1. A. Graham,
plus 1.
Fast and West --1st, Mrs. N. C. inn -
away and Nr. W. F. jtaanders, plats
10; 2nd, Mr. andMrs. .1. M. Johpoton,
plus e; 3M, sire W. F. Belvidere and
Mr. K. Hunter, plus a.
At this game h.4d Monday weenies
of this west, the winners were: 1st.
Me. 1C. C. Reacom and Mr. P. r (larey.
Mus 14%: 2nd, Mrs W. F. Saunders
aid Mr. F Donnelly, plus 7; 8rd, Mr.
W. P. Saunders and Dr. A. L Dole.
plea 4%.
Miss Lola 11111ott and Mr. ilow-croffe,
of Detroit. spent C1hristmas with the
former's mother, Mrs. Win. Elliott.
Mrs. (1)r i Metcalf Is spending a few
days with her daughter, Jessie, in De-
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dewer, of To-
ronto, are upending the ehrisriCia
holidays witty the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dearer.
Misses Ann and Alva Dewer, of To.
ronto, are visiUag their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D Dower.
Mrs. Robert J. Watson, of Fairllght.
Saskatchewan, alas arrived home to
visit her paresis. Mr. and Mr". F. A.
Mr. and urs, O. J. Goldthorpe re-
turned Vionte
e-turnedilwme ail Satardeli after speed-
ing Christmas at Hamilton.
Miss Isabel% Oamead• who has been
working In Badsrth for the past two
mouths, retnriei hese on Saturday
"No nee esu Sure setoedYig to tome
Miser peesnn's eonea$tlfS of what is
prayer.". -Mrs,, Erectile D. 1Reeaevelt-
• • •
India's Children Cie to Wheel
We are lucky to he able to use the
old car for our round of village
school examinations. During the mon-
soon the water comes roaring over the
roads, and the mud is melt that even
holhMk-carts are Often bogged up to
the axles. ,Aft this is t$ hot weath-
er, and as we berry &lobe the jangle
track through the blinding after -none
a pall of grit rises to the white-hot
hesrena. An even denser oa11 an-
ppwoaclwe es, memoir( three kindred
oxen hearing mets of salt from the
nearest railway station. The mooing
carry In eery iodise home must have
Its handtnl of alt, and It N the wily
The Signal's Clubbing Rates
Save- You Money
The Signal and Tbe� ,Toronto Globe
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The Signal and The Family herald and Weekly
The Signal and The Canadian lime Journal
The Signal and The Canadian Magaslne
The Signal end Toronto Saturday Night
The Signal and The New Outlook
The Signet and Canadian Homes and Gardens
The SUgna and The Catholic Record ,.
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The Signal and The Toronto Star Weekly
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The Signal and Woman's Home Companion,,u,.aa,.,a...$3.0O
The Signal