The Signal, 1936-1-9, Page 5r.a..,-. ... •••••••••••••••• 4.411.0
(NORM Jia., hi-fi. "neat.
bei was bold at the me of Mrs.
> backletun un Thursday, Jaagags 3,
with fourteen ladies present. Mir
gain►-11eiiarnsc8 3tt:apted t
The Scripture lemon was read by lira.
Memory and the Lord's Prayer was
repeated In unison. Beadings wire
solves by Mrs. Turner, iia lee and
lira '$iymood F1an1*L A very hi-
esresting letter asst- by- Dr.-WWKotd.
of tuna, was read by Mrs. Roy Maim
and Mrs. Rivett. The mostine
dosed with a hymn. Mrs. Rivett In-
vited the ledits to her tome for the
irebruary meeting.
Mader Keith Kilpatrick and Mirs
Doman Kilpatrick, who spent the
Christmas holidays with Mr. and
Ara Row Custom, Rockwood, have re-
torsed home.
Mime Mabel Reid, who has been
let for the pan three weeks, is re-
covering nicely.
Mr. and Mars. Wm. Robinson, of Bel -
grieve, spent a couple of days last wee%
with Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Kilpatrick.
Ca mp>bell.- or lvertfletd,
il►apenti anu it -ego,
and Mrs. W. P. Crosier, rim coned home
es Saturday.
...- [.x•
:': w..wr.•��...: ys.r+4.e► -- -o. sr•-• •' ,..•
• �. m,,.... ►.+ac e.r•w.. •wm r..,wr:wewa:x •,,':.wr'w� •.ela.►^f• ........,v ••
;;I&the, Realm of Sport.:
Marhictlin.. —,
Game on Mime Iee
'Defeat It. Yrs Tbuitallt'i ‘21
--Ooderieh Has a Team
to Shout For
�vgl{n►ct t4?ANDDHE
F A Pte.
::..2 0 12 6 6
.,.2 0 0 14 s 4
1 1 0 t i
At. i......1 1, 1 e
0 3 "'6
The Mates Prop
Raiei names most
wits woe of
111111IIRANOIned 13AL
es, t^. . envy
Junior O.H.A. group, e> of M nip
gtremiveuesr and !Mobilises that was a
faits atteadlat IbV toe' eta Friday
night, detested" the hilt. Marys team
4-2 in their lultlal league game. •
For the Skirt Atop fence 1933 hockey
tart Mao a team to ahout.tsir sed to
help on what looks to be, ion short
metier, the path to the group leader-
ship. Oaly on two occaslous did the
Marines slow up to their piety -nine
minutes on the ice. Both occasion,
In the Goderich area, were costly, as
the fast -skating visitors were quick
to capitalise with goals.
Guarantee Booda, Low Rates with
Absolute Financial Strength
Mbltsal We Assurance Co., owned by
The Pettey Heider"
Ld)W RATES—Best of Settlements
itdormatlon gladly given. Call, welt*
or phone UM •
err sus -00D1111101
Mares fie Gone
The ice was sticky and combhtatiei
consequently was dimrult, al the puck
would not remain flat, bet the condi-
Goo of 'the Ice appateatly did not slow
the Mariner. They revelled in ft and
furred the play,
tumulus the --Us t •rs raggai.—
es t right wiproud o �e
genius men from the start, the latter
in particular, for his speed and stick-
handling. The formidable Stoddart -
deft -we Oohed thee ea.-Jow-
ever, when the furiously tack -check -
lag Maitre forwards were evaded,.
Worthy had only two shots;deal
with In tb first period. Billoung,
in addltto o being good tea the de-
fence, proveddangerous en the at -
tuella showing himself to be no mean
dick -handler.
The star of the game, however, waa
g. trIag_Miaxlnt rookie
Joe O'Brien, who deet std an
aim and shot that were rem%U+.cent of
those of Rosy Madders'JAW he played
with the (toderlcb Intermediates.
Fleet Bled
Joe drew first blood at the ten min-
ute mark of the opening period. Staple-
ton chased Blackman around the St.
Marys net, a s-ramsble ensued and
leBrlea snared the puck as it
bounced out: to drive it with a clean
shot la as upper tomer of the net
Massey, -fourteen-year-old St. Marys
With an swap wits used- lbs No. Y
team on Monday night, C.O.F. No. 1
retained Its lead in the Ooderich car-
pet bowling league.
i�lMs•ssa��a• osQ,�sods. issare as.
Vktorlans 46, Legioa 36; C.03. NO
1 51, (W.F. No. 2194; LO.L. 32, Legion
22: C.O.Q. 2 43, L.O.Z. 39.
The Standing
,. T -W- T L Pt..
1 1t' 1� O' t 18
2 ....:...12 6 0 6 12
5 1 6 11
:i 4 5 10
12 3 3 6 9
C.O.F. No.
C O.F. No.
L.O.L. ....-
Phil Bissett Back
from TrainingT
bjo"s Two Months' Special Work
!I-II• A•.-107 Stye
Phi' Bbeett, promising young gym
atbleie. interned home on Friday aftdr
training two months at the Spring-
field, -Mame, T.M.(`.A under special
Phil excelled in bar and mat wb
at the Collegiate bene, and practised
at every available moment at his
Mame. in the barn which be had out-
fitted with gym fixtures. At Spring-
field. where he stayed with relatives,
be added .ring work to his repertoire.
hrda ht back--s-eet-of t$ege
hie gym.
PMI was asked what the Y. tralu-
erg thought of fiis work. "Ob, it wag
'all right. I guess." be replied. Any-
one knowing the modest young man.
however. would gather a great deal
more from that statement.
Phil Is thinking Of.. --staging
• vaudeville show at the local
theatre. There is enough material
on the Collegiate gym team to
vide a good background for a ratlds-'
rills appearance of this brilliant
yoatyg woof' athlete
Winder ftantrell to on- W
the anal RuaL On the lent
Liens flub Will Again Etismase Juven-
ile Hockey Hare
Pious for the re gaulsing of hockey
Leaguer fur boys in Goderick weft dis-
cussed at a meeting of the Lions Club
at the Pair House ore Wednesday.
Chief F. E. Hibbert presided.
A eoasmittue was li take
• 'care of the particulars. It wlfs sug-
gested that two leagues be formed,
One at ,Seaforth the JUvenlles for boys sixteen years
and under and the Midgets, for boys
twelve years and trader. The conn
1 mittee also war given authotity to
&ca tictine Bet Play Well mount a lot to be made Into en open
air Kok, which would he available 4e
as.-�11ode Chaaldng Features those who cannot afford to skate at
Contest --Ice Soft the West street rink.
Tim committee IA composed of
in thft opening tb . Mess's. R..Otouebouse, F. Donntily.
it war apparent 1. D. Eauttman, A."tt-..e Di'
menta of the Ooderkb at 8eaforth J. A. Graham. . •
junior "B" game on Ttsaeday •41141 0, . , --
tilintgglans were in for Sa good•
ape t-Sdak l were lalil d
spite of the fact that the Math& dere ,;.;•,.,., ,,,.
eluent Latta telmmlr
Doak -Westbrook 11 . Ye`
scored (with a East. to
The Marines' tint 0lp•ip occurred
Oast one minute later. Stoddart
passed. to Valor to•eisae.•bos the
Marine defence, but Bill Haney. fast
visiting winger. swooped in to take the
pass and go in alone oWW $ y• Money
drew the goalie out lar a, rush and from Young. 10 min. Penalties.
prostate 9tapletoo. Nerves, Stoddart, Doak,
..GODERICH •• •,. .welt
Ladies and Gentlemen.—I wish
to tender you my sincere and
hearty thanks fur the magnifi-
cent vote you gave me on Mon-
day, electing me at the head of
the poll. i signore you that du -
trig the year I will give my hest
efforts for the advancement of
the Intervista of the flows. --__
.ACT tea.
..Thank You !
Thank -You!
defeated 2-0. neer
Kruse opened the Scoring at t�
minute mark of the lint A rlod, wb€'
be banged in a rebound after Worthy
stopped E. Rennie's bullet-iike drive.
The same Rennie, who was the dyna-
mo In the Sealorth machinery, worked
through the entire Godeetch team to
pick a corner and score on Worthy,
whom the Seetortb defenceman had at
his mercy. That second and final
tally was made within seconds of the
toad, of the second period. - _ _r_.
Geed hi Gaol
Worthy, incidentally, saved the Ma-
rines from a severe beatiug. Ti...' and
again he was called upon to wake
ytg 1111 . drove-
see*,Goderich►et" eifot'th;boekeyJ
game on Tuesday night . " The"-M*r-
Ince.lost, 2-0. On leaving the arena
Graham discovered someone had
punctured a tiee. He drove oa the
rim to a garage, bad the tire fixed and
was driving along when be was
startled by a cry of "Fire!"
The are was under the hood of the
.A.laat:ktire_.iad . k➢lted a leak
lm the gas line.
It•was near the fire ball and a fire-
man ran out with an extinguisher
wbeu efforts on the part of Norval
Precious to smother the flames with
With a three - vase advantage, the
Tigers tied the Oo Getters for top
place in the bowling league at Drew-
nan'e alleys. The Tigers deteatedl the
Toilers 4-0 and the Marines defeated
Lucky Strikes 3-1 In gimes played this
week. Haroldegfllet, of the Tigers,
was high matt with hie three -game
total more ora t .
Go Getters
' Played Points
f •
t' 0 r. 10
A" 12 ' 10 ,_
12 I
12 6
Lucky Strikes
House of Davit[ -
Thurwlay. January 9th, 1936- a
Broken sines of Fine Velours,
Elysium, Mekong, @Overtones in
the new styles, at only
—416 Richmond Stmh-
spectacular saves, aid time and fab, rat proved tome, Precious gat -
a sIs be made them. Kicking. catch-, fered a severe burn on his left hand
- : , . c'r -be ss red,ter.nils .atssad tk.�a saa_Ili e. out 10 lig€
se. Media....
each period. He waa the umllxput&d Repairs were made and the ear ar-
star of the game. ' rived at Goderieb shortly after 1
The ashen -ice amefere was heavy.` i. "lurk in the morning. after a twenty -
but the Sesto_rth boys skated Bee mile per hour trip on the ky highway.madmen and oatsketbd the-liarines
at every turn. The Goderich forward DID GLOB IIAEPI$E?
mourneseem th
to pull togeer;
but the Stoddart Temng defence played Joe O'Brien Were Mese Formerly
a top-notch game.. knocking over the e
attacker. like nine -pine. •
.Coed by "Maid' Day
Fete PIlies - I Although no one doubts that Joe
In vit.te of the furious pace of the • O Brien, pivot man rel the Madoes:
game, only els penalties were handed I first Tice, has ability, it bar 'bees sue -
Stoddart mimed _ia<._a_buteend*+led that Pertof his ettniptnent'may
have- bees In a meimire respohs1ble
for his two goo era
on Friday night. Joe was wearing a
pair of Morel owned : originally by
"Hap" Day, stalwart defenceman of
the.. Toronto Maple Leafs.
The gloves were loaned to Joe by a
team-mate, Bill 'Mcinnis, who knew
Day at Port hat -Nicoll. The gloves
were given to Bill by the Maple
Leaf player.
If it Is.possible Joe may have been
Inspired by the thought Of Raring the
gloves once worn by Day, it perhaps
would boa good idea to send a delega-
tion of souvenir hunters from Coder-
hind the ear at the start of the first
period. The Seaforth winger made a
couple of plates at Stoddart. but po
damage was done and the two were
flagged to the cooler. Bell was pen-
alised for crashing Stoddart In a cor-
ner before the rod of the period.
_Hoy relieved Stoddart pn the dr
fence and was on the k•e'tttlrty nee--
onder before being beaned for tripping
Stas on a solo effoet. T. Sills and
Young were thumbed In the last per
hnd...foe wrorklpg off a little excess
_Dunk*.second string centre, wad
aid like a Jeno
! anett -il~toddart
play ena the final bell Bill Haney ga fence The plucky kid mewed the
waA penalr : for slaahlai• game when be cams to.
The teams :y.�
pnrisfrom Doak, 12; le forth --Mal, Camel' t la w.
Mufti, is. Penalties. from 12 ; Bin T. Sian F.. Rennie : (entre, rt Sills;
Ha eco, 13 — is wings, IL Rennie, G. Kruse: alteesaates,.
Sscood period—Goals. Westbrook mg
flipped the puck over•
net•mtndrr Into the- e[ ---- 11111 Haney. LsRocque._.Stevena. —._.
. Gssl Diss°i Truro-_ period -Goals,. _&BAea- . 18
- Westbrook scored a few minutes
later,-Wi1iWL' SborleilleVilbtlowed is
players were in the rests'.
The firstplayed with-
out a penalty.
Blackman and J. Haney prpved to
be a formidable defence., but were not
as useful on the attack as the Marine
pair. •
A narrow escape occurred just
after the start of the strand period.
when Bill Haney combined with
Neeves, six-foot eentretttdd. Haney
treka {ars true Neer slkirted the
defence and bored in on Ohs. The
put -k- rerouted front tit •��e.lfgb .{tr post as
Worthy flung himself headlong at the
Stapleton got the first realty for
$oarding. but the laaefai"'ppermed only
to.. preaa harder wbeg , 0 man short.
Wesibeook was daahiap. long Ihr—x' , .
hoards alone when be was crashed by - ,
Nerves. who was penalised for board-
ing Staidart followed Nerves for
tripping i)unselth In the Ooderich
11111 Young hroke away with the
pock and wormed through the visitors
to their blue line. He was flanked by
Westbrook. who took a perfect {ass
to beat Ma•sey and make the score
3-1. .
Doak. who .worked likes madman
all night. and Bili 11111ter were
warned for roughing It. mind were.,
banished a minute later for ,mother
clash near the Marine goal. Joe
'Haney, on a menacing attack. was
stopped by B111 Young at the Marine
defence ase if he bad bees poleaxed.Anotber double penalty was issuel
iifto que and Steven.. opyltmlag wing-
ers, who made known *eh. mutual
Moltke. 11111 Haney waslaent to the
cooler for charging Stapleton just be-
fore the se 6111111 period ended. tinder
Irk 3, Rt. Marys 1.
Arena in Goal
V.esthr.s,k rang the goal post on a
pair. from Stapleton a the third per-
tod (0111.111.41. and a fed minute. later
i)oak and J Haney we* banished for
a hit of rough work. 'worthy made
a la•nntlfill -s.• in a hard shot by
Jackson from A ..-ramble, and as the
pock .. s•. , I.•an•J 1 mtug was penalised
for slaslaing.
J..' 4t'Itr14-11 anal, n "•{w.tarular
dash hilt to -t the perk no he slipped'
to hip k.,... at the Mt. Marys defense.
I lh.rque rohls•.1 .1 Itsney and it'itr ien
picked mitt the pork again at the blue
line, to Mase a perfect sheat In air
Open turner of 111e net
The visitor. attempted' •.everal pow
er play. and Bimuitttasti" s.1 robbed of
*Joel by the la fired t.edrrtiing of
Worthy, who 41.11A•ttchoo ihiek while
down on the be. Uric toroth' poke-
elseekel a 9t. Mary. rush by but I
the. pock at the deterve. It was
cleared down the ice to Young. who'
was wragkt nsppin «i)un.eth The ;
Allow me to express my upper
elation of the generous support
you gave me at the poste on
It will he my endeavor to
merit your further confidence by
my ronrsr during the year.
}'ours faithfully.
mla.;, tDunselth. 19. Penalties, Doak,
J Mangy._Young.-BIB Haney- _-_ __
The team.:
Marines -Goal. Worthy: defence.
Stoddart. ' Young; centre.. O'Brien;
wings, Stapleton. T.ABocque: alter- The Goderieb Wnnren's
nates. Doak, Mclnals, Westbrook, having a five-day short cdanle in Clinton at Milverton on Saturday.
MacDonald needlecraft the week of January 13th, On Monday night St. Marys defeated
let. Marys --(anal. Massey; defence, in MacKay Hall. The instructress, Mitchell 4-3, and Milverton defeated
Blackman. J. Haney; centre. Jack- 'Mita. Evelyn Frisch. is sent to the le- Milton, -'342.
eon: wings, Dunseith, Stewart : alter- } atitoce by the Department of Agricul- tteaiorth defeated Gaiderteh 2-0 on
pates, Nerves. Gamauf. Bill Haney.'I tare. Anyone whiting to attend these Tuesday.
Stevens I classes will please notify Mrs. H. etranight. tford won 5-2 at Mitchell last-
RefereeC. Huetbers, St. Marys. Tielih entr.
Dunlop, • FI nnery Brij, Stewart
Ooderictr-Logi. Worthy; defenee,
Stoddart.. Young; centre, O'Brtea:
wI.p. LaRocquee. iml.1 etos';'
aatea, Tisk.. Westbrook. Mrrnatr
$ei—tree—W Ha. P.tnetctt - Otaler#rk:
,.e._q;.w...,.ea.rn "e. - . '..
eft • book on hockey. "liew to
IM V s�s'e Timer and •s W sato ked picture of of —
•a famous hockey player or t••m, FLusa. .
This S • book es h.d.y written b7 T. P. G. M W
Comb .f rhe world's cMeeS emi-Nu•.r 104-5 sod it
Work Hood lug-•. awry eat est this Irma Mi. Ir ski
M•T•ati MiSell
wawa** y.• .Mold Woos .Mor
,. Rhee mow .rh.r 'lues Taal as
adwriawasot owl so ymte amts
This wmatrat seer a rads es fro d ineniegeetaiess seek .. f�d�xai '
Wood W as What Irmo . am d
aro.* ,ares CROWD mom" et eLILv renes{" CONN grog OnareCamilinir
rad ah. host of . canoe Irma say ow of tam oats pr esso 5saad Mese. woe
C. e1Mw,rd
i.lkt.ty wad you i. "HOCa/O
UY ROOK" rod •r, Orton oil eddy Norebrow
W. Noe or ,Waw you wars hen the arses sheer et the r e. Mahe Q4 Mottle
yew ciao* mow lbw Twee
Whoa esdlo{ m Ho soomory Wolk m tSs a d,.m bays. mobs lar AFL 1
ewe. sad MM.m godlyAme
LW .mew
os ems M "TUM - CANADA CONN avenue LW aid..
CNAUOaa Cant names - WV= SLIM uwiseer STAwCN Rrk Renal.
Th. CANADA STARCH COMPANY Llmlr.d, T.r•or• a
DO YOU REMEMBER how short in the gfain you were last
-Winter when you could not get the games in clearly? How
you chewed about that old Radio! 'Why not WAKE UP in
i^ -e tis"Winrer and BE PREPARED: -_ ..
010• 418 W so gloved, however, it b
a safe bet that Joe will continue be
stow away the goals throughout the
season. •
Clinton defeated Seaforth 4-3 is a
scheduled Junior "B" O.H.A. game at
on Thursday- *Lehi- I.
Milverton detested. .iLfttheiIJL at
De Forest Crosby Radio
They bring the reports in clearly and you get the Game;
play by play.
We have a size -to suit all pockets. Look them over and
'hear one in 'your own home. We will gladlt install one on
Milverton on the -same date.
-Gdderltk Marines won their- trill
game on Friday night, defeating St.
Marys here 4-2.
oeertdbc --tie-'sea--Played by
To the Voters of Goderic
I etch to thank vne
for t the siden.11.1 w.1.'
gtcen nae our Monday
In of I I rood 19311
sill he a proonernns
year for the Town
at1.1 fur you all
Armin thsnklns 'tat
srlal for you. — -
t t ... TBAD ;
We have an EASY PAYMENT PLi to iii.
Enquuire aboutit__ _
-Why not HELP MOTHER to enjoy a little leisure time
hyving her thgt WA5WT G NAOH>IME that has been her
heaths desire for some time. Now don't be selfish We
have then[ from 465iiifap. . -- -
The Deforest Crosby Start �
—Next to Schaefer's Ladies' Woes—
as Mater Datsts Modes
witli New, Perfected
and aII the other modern features
of its Fisher No -Draft Ventilation . the power plot
economy of its greet Velvrin-H+e4!I1itn•• . lawrid
ing ease of Knee -Action ion all Master Del.ags Models.
Of all low-priced cars. Ch.vrolef oinne offers you
all these fine, outstanthno advunfoges for comp/ate
motoring enjoyment See and drive the-crar talay
You can purchase your nos Caev- on the new
greatly reduced i' GMAC CAnada
ET. VUTBODT'S talking about Chevrolet's new, per'-
fected Hydraulic Brakes—and no wonder, for
they're the smoothest, easiest -acting brakes ever placed
on a low-priced car.
But brakes only begin to tell the story of Chevrolet's
completeness for 1936. No other low-priced car can
match the beauty and safety of Chevrolet's solid -steel
Turret Top Bodies by Fisher . . . the healthful comfort
ISOdsrl I ruga Camel
Mod A leant. Ganem Oa. Coils
mins. DOW ad .ems tt
eijaaasss tm et t6.
MAK Daum Iasi* ham
111[ M [Wry.
C -a
GEO. G. MacEW AN . .
(:rederi. h, ()nt, I hone 23%.