HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-07-20, Page 7Drought has reduced
soybean crop drastically
A July 5 survey of soybean growers from
across Ontario indicates that the drought
may have already reduced this year's soy-
bean crop by 32%. The most severe
' damage was reported in Kent' and Essex
counties, where a 40% crop reduction is ex-
pected based on the hope that normal rain-
fall will return by mid July.
At 1,300,000 acres, soybeans are the se-
cond largest acreage cash crop in Ontario,
after corn. They are grown across
southern Ontario, with the heaviest con-
centration of acres in the five
southwestern counties which have been hit
hardest by the drought, high heat and low
humidity. The 1987 'soybean crop had a
farm value of $320 million.
The March to June period of 1988 has
been the driest ever recorded in Windsor,
according to weatherman Richard
Zurawski. Temperatures in Windsor tied
or broke eight June maximum readings
and an all time high termperature of 40.2
degrees was set on June 25. Soybean
grower Hugh Scott of Staffa, near Strat-
ford, has been a volunteer weather
observer for nineteen years. His farm
recorded only 6.9 millimeters of rain dur-
ing June, compared to the average of 72.00
The low rainfall and high temperatures
have stunted the growth of the soybean
plants and caused leaves to curl and wilt.
Many fields have experienced poor seed
germination. Severe weed problems are
also a concern because most herbicides
are not effective without rain.
Crop insurance was available for soy-
beans but only 50% of Ontario's acres are
enrolled in the program. Many growers
feel the benefits of the crop insurance pro-
gram are too limited and costly, under nor-
mal conditions. Two key recommenda-
tions for changes to the program will be
discussed at the July 11 agriculture
ministers' meeting.
Owen Dobbyn, Chairman of the Ontario
Soya -Bean Growers' Marketing Board
believes that the condition of the soybean
crop has become critical. The Board will
continue to monitor the condition of the
crop and in consultation with other farm
groups, will be preparing recommenda-
tions to the federal and provincial govern-
ments for drought assistance, should the
condition of the crop continue to
Joint proposal prepared
There has been a joint proposal
prepared by the. Ontario Federation of
Agriculture and the Christian Farmers
Federation of Ontario. This proposal is for
an automatic, multiple-choice, refundable
check -off of fees to fund general farm
organizations of Ontario.
The primary purpose of the proposal is
to better fund .general farm organizations
in Ontario. The present limitation of
finances thwarts these organizations into
dealing with short-term bandaid issues.
These organizations have a duty and a
desire to do more long-term research and
policy development.
Why support such an idea? The work of
these. general farm groups benefits all
farmers, not just those paying member-
ship fees. More resources will allow these
organizations a better chance to be seen as
the legitimate spokesmen for farmers.
Perhaps the "common good" is more im-
portant than the "individual gain" or sav-
ings by not paying a membership.
Refunds will be available to farmers
upon written request. For those who do not
choose a specific general farm organiza-
tion, there will be a fund jointly set up for
cooperative activities such as research,
education or charity.
The question is: Will this check -off make
general farm organizations stronger as
spokesmen and more visible or will it just
water down the present concentration of
effort? Will the organizations become in-
sensitive to grassroots feelings? The intent
is just the opposite.
Perhaps the challenge will be for the
organizations to use the extra funds to do
more long-term research and development
for the benefit of all farmers, not only to-
day in Ontario, but also in the future for
the "common good" of all farmers
everywhere. As individual food producers
we are a part of the world's many food
growers and a policy to our benefit should
likewise be of benefit to all farmers, the
world over.
Perhaps the challenge to work for the
common good is tougher than policies to
benefit the individual producer or his
marketing board. Are our organizations up
to the challenge? We'll find out if the pro-
posal becomes relaity.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bruce County Federation
of Agriculture
Public Relations Committee
Tripartite pays $6. 5 m
An interim payment of $6.5 million will
be sent to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia ap-
ple producers enrolled in the National
Tripartite Price Stabilization program.
The announcement was made June 27 by
the National Apple Tripartite Stabilization
Committee representing producers and
the federal and provincial governments
About 2,500 apple growers in the five pi o-
vinces are eligible for this stabilization
payment based on 1987 crop yields. On
August 1, 1988, producers involved in the
program will receive an interim payment
of 1.59 cents per kilogram. The interim
payment represents an estimated 75 per
cent of the final payment.
This is the first year apple producers
have been covered by the tripartite
stabilization program.
A stabilization payment is triggered
when the market price drops below the
support price outlined in the tripartite
The stabilization payment is based on
the difference between the support price
and the estimated average market
returns. The 1987 support price is 23.97
cents pei kilogram for apples.
Producer premiums for the 1988 crop
have been set at $5.35 per tonne.
Outside of any supplementary
premiums which are required to keep the
plan financially viable, producers and both
levels of government contribute equally
All classes of steers and heifers sold
under pressure at the Brussels Stockyards
last week. Cows traded higher and pigs
sold stronger. There were 554 cattle and
236 pigs on offer.
Choice steers sold 83 to 87 with sales to
100 whiel good steers sold 79 to 83.
A gold steer consigned by Maple
Emblem Farms, Dungannon, weighing
1240 lbs., sold for 88.75 with their total of-
fering of 43 steers selling for an average
price of 84.12.
Six steers consigned by Gord Roulston of
RRl Ripley, averaging 1360 lbs., sold for
an overall price of 80.50 with sales to 84.25.
Choice exotic heifers sold 83 to 85 with
sales to 86.50. Good heifers sold 78 to 82.
Choice cows sold 57 to 61; good cows sold
53 to 56
Pigs 20 to 30 pounds traded to a high of
.70 per pound; 30 to 40 pound traded to a
high of .66 per pound; 50 to 60 pounds trad-
ed to a high of .52 per pound.
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 20,1988—Page 7
Cattlemen's barbecue
Plan to attend the Bruce County Cat-
tlemen's Association Annual Beef
Barbecue! Dinner will be served from 5:00
p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Chesley Communi-
ty Centre on Wednesday, July 27, 1988.
A special feature this year will be the
presentation of the OMAF Centennial
Awards. In recognition for their contribu-
tions to agriculture, the awards will be
presented to Andy McTavish of Walkerton'
and to George Gear and Walter Warder
posthumously. This is part of the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food's
Centennial celebrations.
Tickets for the barbecue are $10.00 per
person and are available from the direc-
tors of the Association or the OMAF office.
Please reserve your tickets by July 22,
Bruce County OMAF
Bruce County's two Agricrews, based in
Walkerton and in Kincardine are currently
working five days a week on farms
throughout the area. There are still a few
days available to be booked by farmers in
August. The crew consists of four young
people in their mid to late teens which can
help with various farm jobs for
$110/crew/day. Young people may still ap-
ply for positions with Agricrew. Farmers
and youths both may make inquiries by
phoning 881-3671.
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