The Signal, 1936-1-9, Page 2IV -Thursday, January 9th, 1938
Published every Thurader
Subscription prise fag
r • i'ta-'atlas
Ir.'wsidwn -.WNW &Met®b+9RA:
Ir--... W. H. Rostmreo
Telephone 35. :ta
Mat supported McBride, and It has
the lougt, on the defeated trio.
• • •
Does the poor showing made by the
C.C.F. Ivudldate in the Awtulbuh bye-
titled ratite
proses eea
Only Three Changes
Thursday, January 90, .191116
Is it too mum to art that the town
council, at the beginning of t 'Lew
year, cease Its Internal ..strife and
tranact ata bugle.* with an eye
Angie to the weitate-of"the cottMsm-
The editor of The. Signal is meets
7. r .. t .e..
romeopa„lias !M
vented a ay to wake peopae pvlslbfs.
tante Claw should come along sheet
'gratlaed by the numerous expressions now when all the Christmas bilk
•at--sp t -and enPow•ag•ss•ut -taws start coming In.
. •
have OaN from subscribers during Iia• la spite of Britain's new foreljrn Hudson, of essforth, who *UmtatlF
centtaTi t The publishing of -T' -' Bur e k still far from a ` he December awaior V of the
sscttettafy . ope t pltsas
worthwhile neftpaper Is to easy' aides' of _glen. •
task; but the lark is lightened when - ***me_ ICY.
there Is evidence that the d you spill the ketchup or is that The 1098 council, which will sant
it tie you got for Christmasfor the first tine on January 'MX is.
! predated and the result 'approved.
toprisee! of the tulldrwint_ lam
t - • + alo• mMatheson, S. Sherwood. Aah/Nd;
:i+•_ _fee
With the exception of -eddy three
members. the whole of Huron const$
•eonnell was returned to office for the
year 1036.
H. H. Hanle'', of Stanley, and W.
late Wm. Crosier was b
The banana at tat tows visa be - Qhe Christmas fea."
well tear
tarried ea, aatl MC sem r Or tae ra.A.eist auta report -It_ UK_ ..'
_ascii has tie same measure of re- of business than for so time past.
aponrbltity as all the other members axial urtivitiea showed 4 [harked lu-
ler the proper discharge of that bust
aeon. Each member has the right to
support or to ..pilose soy measure or
proceeding: not U is not In tete moo's
interests that any block or set or
eligee be Mewed as n permanent
Let us get away front the atmos-
phere of swpiclon and diotrust and
cantankerousuaw., and let harmon
and eoroperatlua bse the --
for 19:16.
crease and the po.tofiite Ill extreme-
ly busy. It is, apps
were spending with gree
prosperity. Tbefe_ll1S_t
that good timid aM real
The Supreme -Court . of lbe t'nited
/Mates has declared the AAA (Agri -
L ►_t r aj.,A t,) pnconsdtu:
iionaI. thereby throwing into --7;,a;
• •
King George la said
possible Euglleth wbea
Christmas broadcast will
Theft net
was ho mags
w1wrTii hca- talk. N
trilled. a Texan, a Oa
other common user of
tannage-) d
a w coul-
sta angle word.
mean an d 1W1 n
Rion i'reslient It•s.secelt•s farm -aid which- should, If twwi
program and casting doubt upon otter the standard and tuukl
features of the New heal. • •
When the Bennett Government at the lion. J. G Gardiner,
teat washout of Parliament brudifat:id Troulur of Kaska
certain reform measures, Liberals the October elect
gave warning that they might he of Minister of rkwltu
I that people
le doubt
dcd this
• lMllcertun Sun)
Judge Uriah McFadden. a made!)
sou of Mornlugtou, at the Kent county
general session, held at Chatham, in
addressing the grand jury reminded
thooa that the Kent county
house which Is stlk .retaining Its splen-
did solidity almost unliipaired was
built as far back as 1144$ by Alexan-
der MacKenzie, who afterwards be -
ramp Prime Minister of Canada. The
Mat• the best Goderich jail building. also * apiendad
It sneaking wel4luilt edifice. wag built by hi
Isutrd the }McKenzie as a_baney Ras
- Ree work thoroughly and has hnegXnown
t;asorge C. Tongan. Od1boroe: wt}
mot Haacke, Ooderieb township'
J. J. Molter, R. R. Turner, Gudetleh
tows: H. Keys., 0 Ilevtlugway grey;
_Ji. Jiryanw Thos. Lovell owhck .
J. M. Eckert Me1CI flop • E. Car-
diff, Morris; Wesley limner. Stanley: j
Wm. Sweitser, C. ,Mawhinney. Ste- 1 FLANNELL BLANKETS
•Women's all pure wool. ( loss greys,
browns, black. Sizes $'4 to 10. Regu- 48
lar u-uc. I'alfr_
Ypat r A,hIiIT-'
Prices that will dear many lines of goods, necesea
befo a stock-ta g`
tiiz ' 9" x M'. Reg_ silt.
Fur trimmed and beautifully line dn.
Regular . .W and $25.60. Sires $16.00
ggla. 7
MI -wool: Mare
Y., eek anti some with zipper
' up to 030 and $41,1a* .,11
wrecked en the same rock of oneon- .tdndnistra ro. was elet
dltutionality, and urged that reason- taws Ijrilse on Monthly.
able caution be observed. The elee- of X sinllarla. Sealuatt
tion having given the Liberals the di- ',teat had leen mads vac
rection of affairs, the meaattres }tdgnatioa of Robert Met„x s Yes+t>i• bar been that too many
question hats been referred the was elected in October.: r. Gardiner have been taught to regard as nece»ab
Supreme (curt of (Moeda, witch is to on Monday -nearly rxl the cute ties of life too tunny things which are
eday Tulse. C.C.F. mavL jexarlee. _
Should the decision consider them at npn that the ttleg ndidate nTThhe ntleM'atirea did
ffered 1
- -_.__ _*)CL%L CREDIT?
Ligation entrorchee,In the preroga- -
_ teas et the Pps lacial Governments. • f '-A-gentleman on relief was c
for dotidtar ue -honest $andy Mac,
-an Ails- Ceciatt_. _
nor any- 1
INE.titi •
--Tuelretellitac: --
ftoland Grain, Turn is. rry; P. W. Scott. Largest dituble-bed size, is plaids and
East Wawanosh; W. J. Stewart. West plain ". ibex "'kith bine or ress bor 225
Wawano li' Geo. Weetcott. l'aborne; 1r
A. Malik*. Hay: flesh. Mogridge, Iter. Pair
Hu,Itett: F. L. Davidson. tt'ingham;
w G. Moil. Rlytb : R. J. ]cowman,
Bruesels : Thos. Pride. Exeter: : Owen
+tr3stger._llensall: Geo.-E:)Wetl..Q:.1.i10.90 ;.
J. Scott, Seaforth. e'•
Those believe*to be in line -for the
chatr- si Wilmot . ilaacke.
For skirt,, tats atki dreitttea. 56 incites BUTTERICK PATTERNS ALL IN PQ s'm''' 11.
; Reim 1 $t'T'i -h>`N+ -11-' Yard JANUARY SEWING
Reg. 421r for
$32, tor.
L $mass -Ja in range /
andbl •-idas-3o-42- Values $1V.50:__
$i$.00. Not
:I an.l 4 yards wide, in heaviest
. unlit' .tt ler square yard
27 -inches wi.le.. Regular 14e
36 inches wide. Regular •20t'
Yard 17c .
j . Cardiff. P. lac'. thv efts J W- —
I$wart and R. J. Bowman
!Wing to .td. cepa e-Times_attmf, ) i r t
,toisunder- Tb.. other -play we 'hal tat' pteCOL ORNIC TU 1Va3 Y .
Seems to of t. 4 lug 14,41 411411 who was extreme-
-=-atadosa-siabour• nerir C elliBt0RN . - ' imimminwillMillb
Miss Isabel Tyndall, unrse-in-training
In Toronto General ho-.pital. Is vialt- i---
lug with her parrots. air. aul lintPORTER
Melvin Tyndall.
Mss Christine Rola•rteuul, of TOd1° {y$T}li lii1111s1..
many of us today regard as uecessitiex
He worke bard and enjoys it. lie •
has a great love for his family and
has ever In mind their advancement,
spiritual and educational. He looks
to the- future wail, a+Mlles
be poet -tend t..-xtremrly- loopy_ iu the kuu
n the King ledge that each tomorrow has soma-
jrobl-m of stork that will keep him
; I do. forgetting those tickles whi-b
are behind. and cwt -Ing forth unto
those tl•iugs which are hdor -
7 ---Mr. lhrb;_sm_M --llawarl Mulholland
o. . flatting eel k, yuitatji ”
41"111•„, fi0-110. #ad -faulty have moved to the tM
ii•- tate JcualS
beaTtb. M tt Tey ter relnraell to ! Reset
her rcelt business ; Now as we •go Into the New Year
evening. In the hospital. d tc TTtdsy hollgte. IA. Iii a eperet8I g the a•e w'i»h yor all thebleaings of health.
everting sic• war prrentevl with • phtolidays with Mr Dee here 1weatth and work. Keep your skates
handkerchief shower by the young Mr. Leslie_ McMii Rawl daughter aharp, alio your bralna Step aside
people of the community. Margnn•t of Lotidotk, ut eke week- when danger IS Dwr, ell el.o• unto
The teat rrr have returned to their cud with relatives b e. i oth•ra as yron would like others to
•tdtoola after the (-hrb.tuut. vacathw. Mr. and Mts. Pune ttprot the boil du auto you.
• Mr. Roy Errington loos returned to day. with their daughter it, liamll- •Builds Meow Cwt. -Mr. Ernie lull,
Toronto after "mending the Chrlstmes tun. While Pre Mex. I4k•Ik•k was'our blacksmith, has turned lila mind
Vacation at his home here x-ellrkro ill uw was not aisle to return- In an Inventive /tirwtl,u and he has
The Ladies' Aid met at the home et A speedy rco'ery Is limped fur. built a stere dor. Anyone who feels
Mex. Robe. hewn. Jr.. on tuewia7 after- Mr. and Mrs. It. Fuller spent New that old Dobbin is too slow can cuar-
noon. when they quilted a quilt. Year's In Colborne. ter a snow car at Porter's HNI
Walaidgha 8srv{ee -Tier young
_Mos Muriel Itowden, of Retina -n- I Setas ectasia. -Yeti, thank you, we
met at the 314°4.- ` l -T l'T`a.twlr Of ILDbbdante;
villr, spent -the- tr.:iltlsr"+: w'ttll_`,>s*r
Mr». Earl McKnight on TUNAS, eves grancbpareats, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. ;can't blame two of our young men for
lug, when a watcbtright service was khart. 1 going south where. no doubt. they will
held. The find part of the evening Mr. and Mnx Ittn►ard ('ox are I find it more comfortable. We under -
was spent hi games. Rey. G. Wylie apeed1ng a tar wee" In Iwumd.n. inland one h. seeking pearls while the
e t fher father. M -C E
dist he wiltI:snowr
- Wet Mons Hellions left on Meader iso• li el
fur Kitchener, where 'de sift enter• Wire t ' Wel
u u.e •• busy awl ,engage his prow so that he
the riding mai. in turn hying happiness to his
an. The family.
by the re- We think nue of the principal
Osla., who things that has been the matter with
the King Adminiatratioe proposed to
the whole maiiir W confer-
ence of the Prmlttelai and Federal
Governments, with ■ view to having
r - ;, the seeded reforms plated on the
mato* beaks Ip a manner that will
edict t sr- rat tnt aps! tMt• 1
- Thus wilt a 1 of o
tainty sad confusion be avoided, as
well as much needle+« expense and
Was to all those concerned.
g ot pot up a ean4lttatdy - .
Wine; never to latarweed-Moreseeeure
than at present. Iter .ttolce la that
which makes the ultlttte decisions
elid Use one before w1Aeh all settee -
✓ ats pause. Ambitiouai Japan, some
ago. In the act• of swallowing
asother huge Section 01,Chlna, stopped
In her track--. when lsrltain seat word
that aloe dlaapprov The Chinese
Stand stiffened on a ppoJt from the
tonne quarter. Gertilkuy asked permis-
sion of London to bulk! a fleet.
Italy, engaged lu K war from which
There Is a rather wldewpread he -
fief that the daily press Is responsible
for mutt of the international tension.
The theory set -aa to _be - that the
importance of inaIgnlacsat happen-
ings is magnified to pander to a de-
mand fur sensationalism. The people
pend such articles., become filled with
dread and hate of other countries anile
demand of their rulers that more
ship. be built. more guns turned out
sad greater armlet created.
The idea ieiYms i 'irirte'far_trt
litany newspapers appear to he sot
above ouch tactics, as an aid to cir-
culation, but on the whole it la doubt-
jW !t the gens et itw world -to guilty
bt any 'Wade ibttip: , — `••••
Certainly the newspapers do not
create the Incidents which they record
and It 1s not flattering to the intelli-
gence of the average man, and much
k•ss so to the judgment of Cabinet
Mlnlaterl, T'rime Ministers or Preai-
teenht, to boellere that they can -tie an
easily 'fooled.
The great fact of the present ap-
pears to he that the rulers of three
great nations. Germany. Italy and
Japan, are definitely "war-nrfnded."
All have said so, all have built Up
great war machine., and two of them
actually are engaged in ware of sorts
and of their own seeking. •
- it is doubtful If the Ethiopian. be-
lieve that the press of the world is
exaggerating the seriousness of the
if the British and American press
told their people that these were trif-
ling events, of no possible consequence
to ourselves. the Italians would have
real gropnds for the belief that de-
cadence had set in among our putople.
b b a farmer to cut down as elm
rfitre-re Will)--" To" the ere
of his undertaking he went to a hard-
ware dealer, told him of the job he
had secured and stated that he had
leen instructed to get a new axe and
charge It to the owner of the tree.
The axe was Qgfal sed wile
Job commenced. -. Cutting deter
elm tree is often a bard Jub'and-
whacking away for an hour or two
the reliefer gave up. He then offered
to sett the farmer his new axe. The
farmer offered him a small pig
It and the offer was accepted. It so
hapgorued that- the pig was sick and
after lasing carried hums- by the aft=
die h -els she tdnuot withdraw, (successful chopper. It died that night.
fumbles among Ethiopian mountains In a few days the farmer received a-
because Itrlteht Is frowning. And l hill for the axe which he paid. All's
•e .
The reliefer
that Britain oblates her Strength, not le.t thin more than a couple of
honrli iDeffw•tire toll on a tough old
bad charge of the devutiuoul part et (?w Smnttty a rat, main[ eo areg•` -'slate a tatlag stare study.
meeting. s -'f , • [tom was present k the regular see 1 Masai eslip.-The annual meet-
• T. E. Metkbl.-fie regular asset- vice. ea all had to resort to the home I log of $.S. ,'i fi was hest Thursday.
lag -of the Y.P.t was bPld b the and cutter. Thee who hutted the I December x.... Unite a number were
rhumb on Sndsdal evening. Mrs. rod heard a good sermon which might !present. Mr. Leslie Cox will be the
Charter Feapn had charge of the
he titled. "New Year's Meditation" new trustee, taking the lual•e of Mr.
meeting. Mna hkKblght read n abort i The text ehmeen was from Philippians it; G. Newton; --who retired from office.
ptrem and ltt...211111laa F'eagan pave _1.t_ "Brethren. I count -Rot -myself to I Mr. Thou. Patton will supply the wood
a splendid topte en "What k the have apprehended: bat this one thing again tis year. Mr. Ernie Bell
Kingdom of Oodt"'The next mMlap
*111 he held at tel. Iwsme d Mr. w sr'
Mitt ('heated Hasps. as There'day
ng. January N.
lbw lawful ful part of the situation iswell that Buda w II•and slo the story GODER*nttl-TOWNRH -
had ■ happy ending. 7Vis Y at
from the menacing force of a mighty GollEMICH TOWNSHIP, Jan. B-
army and an oeetwhelming.nacy, but elm, while the farmer was out only. a or. and Mrs. Alvin McAllister. Ken -
from the spiritual support of a world I little pig that was going to die any -
which belleru'e in the Judie', endows,' ; orad. -Arthur Enterprise News. _
thu4 sanity of her leadership The l Tilg BENT OF TITIAN•-
Hoare -Laval peace episode only Whets the naut mopa
Ser ed t allow the world the i Iris• the lest may be mods et t
meth sod Marlene, of (7lntnu. spent
the home o[ Mr
ling Mn. Mary PWl••
the young people of
Dewing arnpltd
and *to the wee sma"
morning. Musk
wi+ era
Tunng. Maurice Har-
wood Everyone
dal time.
Porter and the Porter
ew Yesr3a at '
Elgin Porter, Stanley
f Pentland, of Dun.
Miss Maude Howell, of
friends In this twm-
ay loot.
sal at Union on Mon
ter the holldwyx.
wassalrre returned
Welland on Saturday.
pdPaaant vacation
ptwrMte. Mr. and Mrs.
Ilrca•t (lass, !humid
Toronto. returned to the
after eprPetll■g a fort-
night's ith relatives, here.
t:'irttglh Verba. -The rlMrnta
1' t'. R. wilt be held raw
rat oaten time the
ors will be rorrdet•ted
t•repa.......T1uP Jsnnar
Dramatic glob la teeing
I at the home
New Year's at and
Mee. Kohl. Met
.lib Friday eve
lip. entertained
r o the i-om annity.
eu oftV•enihg
hours of the mar
plied by James
wool and F:ric
reports a real good
Miss Marlon
of Mr and Mn-.
Mi.% Margam
gannon. and
Godertch, vlelted
(t;hrlstian Science Monitor) musty on Frkl
School re -open
America's first family cannot lire earl obtain It. In pahllr .lhewol. and day ar'rning, of
college- ill England today can he Miss Lucille 1 to
In Amerlra : The Llndtorrgla+ have tied her ,.•hoot at•
after Vending e at
the he se of her
D. J. Laas■lene.
Mr. and Mrs.
ante Billie. of
eitc on Friday.
night's vacation
l'nbia r
bergh fnch in England tllet their own have exile! the idndtergha. Kidnap- tn••eling of the
country lore not given plasm? ,Exfvasl turn could he guarded against, but Erhlay evening.
eleetlos of ofM
by Rev. T. W. y
meting of the
held on Tnead.y even t
of Mr. and Mrs Roht. McAllister
The January meeting of the W.M S
will hue herd en Wednesday afternoon
!of this week at the home nf'Mrs. Kohl.
Mellwwlw.......!fest Ronda; the sacra -
1 ment of the Lord's Slipper ►111 he die-
( penned at t'nion. Wernher. and friend,.
• of the rrmgregetion are cordially In-
e•Itl.t to this ser. -Ir. ...... There was a
fnlr-•tsel enntreraticn pCMPnt at
l'nlon on St ndsy when the pastor,
Ren-. F. W. ("rail. preacher! a sermon
in keeping with the New Year, hoeing
his euNlreas on the text. "Then Ram -
eel took a ',tone se -i set it between
Mlvpnh and Shen and called the
name of It F•h-nev-r, saying. 'Hitherto
hath the cord helped " (h Itamnel
It has leen well observed[ that the
tuiluury of man pcswe1a not from any
single erne& of overwhelming evil, bet
fytum ,smsl, eeyl t esntlatmlly Re
seated.-.Joobrti -
•fraf'tttt' Rrltleli a -e,
"We should nay that we are worried. Friends should tee very delicate
not ser much by what has happened, as careful in adrrr(idutet'ing pity ex
by what may be In store for us `clay when emote* ase the i.e
pan dam tdt+ti s estansenat = -•A• _ - ,wetieie as i+sYwrn:-moi. ilspa
Pretooter Aherhart says he doesn't
pre much for the press. Is the SO-
(tat Credit wtsard preparing ad alibi[
• •
Escape from America
for freedom for privacy load secur-
ity -to England. The fact --belittles
commedt. The shock should do more
than any preachment to rouse Amery.
coos .to-renalle the 4.811014•41 I.f cut -h a -
national disgrace. lint it may be use -
fel to examine the c-ansPM.
What will t idunel and Mars. Lind -
found primes permitted to g.. their
way du dlemis•rath• oldi•urity. Not
only dee* England afford freedom from
kidnappers. with a record of uu andae.
thins for money- in recent times; she
Leers n far greater freedom freer -4
Peeping Tim press than Americans
hare yet hoped for.
Newsletters more than kidnappers
and ...runty. And this twwspsper is picture snatchers never. ('rank let -
convinced that privacy Il the main Cera could be headed off. Twat not the
object. For the inae•urity they have tabloide. • Exespe from criminals and
felt has resulted chiefly trout leek of ,
privacy, from a refusal of a prying
press mud a sensation -fed public to let
them hide thenrselves and their little
son In normal, useful living. 1
It may be said that publicity model
Lindbergh. But is that true? The
fame of his Paris flight may have
cranks %mild have been far easier had
there been auy escape from the yellow
press Tine after time pitiless pub -
Getty fastened the attention of har-
pies on the hero's home and brought
new wares of threats. After the sac-
✓ ifice of one baby, Colonel i.indtergh
pleaded for r -twee• from this persecu-
ion. Ills pies was dler•garded. Now
Ile has gone into cilia- to obtain free -
cum from a press that hex abused its
The New York Times In its copy-
righted story tells of a recent incident.
Threeyear-old Jon Lindbergh was be-
ing taken home from echo.' when a car
full of men forced the Lindbergh ear
to the curb. Then. "A test -her ac-
c•ompanying the little lad clutched
him tightly. . fhuddenly camerae were
thrust Into the child's face and clicked.
Then the vlelturs jumped Into their
mauhlne and aped away, leaving a
iadly frightened teacher and little
coy." After that Jon went no more
to wheal. After thee the Aeglehowoews
made to Sea' fo F.nglan4T N'nw the
story of the escape is embellished in
The R,aaton American with an "perdu... -
Ire" picture of a frightened haby In
can automobile
Will this exile awaken America to
insure freedom from sneh tyranny?
opened S..IDe opportunities. But the j t
Hight was made, the character was
hall[. before the publicity began. And ,c
the steady amumpilshments of the man
since have largely tome In spite of the
hindrance and hounding Anyone who
retnemlaers tike efforts the flier made
from the first to escape anyone who
recall.4 the persw•utbrn and tragedy
that have follmw.l inexcusable Intru-
sions Into every Intimacy of his life.
anyone who thinks for a moment of
the new Ordeal to he faced as time and
tension shorten around the slayer cel
his first child, will malls.. that this
flight is more for freedom than for
_aware has !f.ny••+some of
the tweet are rrfle-twl fit the: achieve-',
meats of the Lindbergh.' -hut freedom
from pthlielty it doe. not enjoy. That
privacy is still possible In Ragland.
There a man, home is still his castle.
Privacy is a cherished privilege. dP-
twanded and conceded Even mini
IiP' _ ' The 't`alttlord Sege complains that
'pdhlacw M terrible since the mol-
al-A I ow election eampalen over In lawn
Ono to an end.
• • •
were ne Canadian names In the
Iffif honor* list teed at foo-
Tice King Government does not
favor such dlstlncilonsW'4M
..£ )hof
mend any
vel nnt
• . •
plan McBride was elects Mayor
if Tioronto for lean, despite the oppo-
sition of three of the city's four daily
The Mar was the paper
war appointed caretaker .for another
year with an In•reilse Is salary.
everts• a -geed with unnerved
Don tr but half : be Its no Sillily he
air- .
My' Reerfaetor.ia..f my Itrother-blas,
Repairs -for all makes of
sr fulaces
genies shad reauatable
The Goderich Sign l' Offers
Here is a real offer that will
save you money . a . Give yourself
and your family lasting enjoyment
and entertainment the whole year
through ...This is all you have to do.
L.1 .111!
n114111t U 1 11111
11. :dl,ti
\ • .in ,l(•. r
and you will receive
the whole 4 publica-
tions for one year
from the date we
• receive the coupon.
Here is the amazing
combination low
if yon feel that ledeetsk.n rune In
your blood, that per have inherited the
fatal ha anet rig, wavering tendency.
Just make cep your mired that you must
break It. or it wilt break row
e•.dstsuer ' +.+..aa®tt rest'•','.
0 Current Thought ...1 yr.
❑ Maclean's (sa iswes)1 T►•
❑Manama ,.1 yr.
❑ Canadiaw . 1 pr.
14116,461 Hone M.carom
licludal Review. ...1 w. TOow?elms
Can.. an Horticulture „...40,
and hews Magas ane
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