The Signal, 1936-1-9, Page 1RYr .<,. -
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Ex -Convent, H111IIDQr Comes Back tied Councillor Lee L Ott'-M-
Oomparstively Small Vote Poled, in Spite of Wrong Pre-
election Campaign -Large Majority Polled for Earlier Electron
11e net result of the teitterwt wuni-
elpal t•L,'tlon campaign in Coalerich
for is geuni ening\ years is that Charles
11 Humber tares the place of Charles
1', Lee 1a the town couaetL
The coun•11 rat 1930 will be com-
posed of Mayor 11. J. A. MacEwan,
Means J. J. Murex, Deputy li(rFft,H.
11. Turner, sad Councillors J. IS Hack-
1aq .1. W. Cralgie, W. J. 'taker, 1'.
Blsgflam, E. Doughty; itrown and C.
H Humber.
Iseaplte au the excitement created
by the campaign, the vote on l(uut!ey
was comparatively small. This was
dee tau doubt h1 the condition of the
reads and sidewalks, either driting or
walking on ale bark streets being at-
tended with Lowe dlnic rttt►. 11'ith the
Lame nutreber of names 1n the IaHot
for •,.uurSlora a )cur age'. Ila.• highest
TOW Ihell wit. IJ:. '1V.i. )ear ale
ltlgln.•-1 tale wit- ;•-.1
Conn. Hier IIsk,1.s. who w -n+ bleb
Sart Ill Ma„stay w p.[l. ro..e.i i.Yi ex-
atlly ILL• N.111• this ).ear a. In
Her. . 7111. A )t•.tr ago he wan lied
with ('loin Il:or 1 telgle for ,.voud
J. W. Craig... Wit. $,-orad In Alen -
day's pal. with I.••+s Baker. !eng-
ine), Brown 11111 Humber electel iu
at uatlu.l. llauy - L_ Beheld.
shaking his first try for municipal bon-
ers In Godard -It. sus+ Doli three dole.
►doral Mr. (lumber.
Earlier Election Fa t orrd
The Mayor std R.e•t.. had been re-
buried by acciawntion, so only the
.'s nrillorw required a poll. There
wee, however, a oteond ballot. the
*below being alter) to say whether
*hey were In favor of all writer rulers
ties date -at the beginning of Iketember
laatesd of the beginning of January.
like vote was overwhelmingly in far-
o d tit proposed nae. though a
n turned la
!remelt 1n Mr. 8attdd'% taking Meth
I plate Instead of Mr. Humber the sil-
t nation would be metes -laity altered, as
Mr. Salkeld has not identified himself
with any "block" lir fallen.
• The Inaugural meeting of the (*en-
cil (or 11130 will be held tart Monday
i morning next. at 11 .dock.
Friday Night's Meeting
-Tire ,..lection. eanlya iyll stet -
e•ted by a weetIug at MacKay Ra
tit Friday night. tal.l.,t b. Cou ttlllut'
J. l:. Ilu•1:u, "a lei "tl..•i." The
hall avis. it, led anal tbt• me•tutg wit.
tk•ehltdly Iltely 111 1111P,, 1N•puty
Reeve 'Turner was chairman, awl the
gr.iletw acre Councillor Iluc►ins said
•,•a,.J.,lat.e• Humber mud Seabrook.
Mu, h of the d,-' us -ion nn,.t.l around
the shortage In the aeronnt• of the
former lax col:.,'1..r and INC 1400( I8
o••got lu1iomw with tit.• Loudltlg company
'I'h••rP suns n denu11et for 1111 alwtit go
hauls setemtev. o. .• ).ar..
and .the controrerey with the ('elle-
giote Inet ltute Is* nil in 1934 a:wr
-mane-in dor-some. athew ott.lryyl lir
Hunger •
Mayer Geis a Brief Hearing
w'hWn Mu) or L i -I:it t,.a Aril,. the
close of the m.e•Itng re.tu.,.t..l au opt
ptrlunliy of replying to .sue of the
ttaMmente made Treem tie ptlatform he
had sonic difnculty in obtaining a hear
• leg. 1.11 aea4y Ore was a1'erwed to
speak briefly, and a it ler,' sharply
on some of the previous speakers' re-
Since the ttte••tlug there hove tern
rtiiisirs of libel minim to 1e eutcr.d lo-
cum.* of statements made from the
Idatfortn, but le, far no writ has beim
' Issued.
The melted meeting of the G
1 iiertiuuHnrnl Society will be
Meekac 111111 .rat Friday evening,
tory 'alt. .
1 The annual mmHg* of Maitland
ieln!lalA. tatft be-'
Carey ! tiele'a
eats, Rev. C. r.
Mr. and Mrs.
Detroit, apeat-
aud Mrs, 1
David's street.. -
Mtes Dotuty
her •uehoo! ire H
spending tits C
her home here.
1Rr. u1.! Mrs. le W. Flick slid
daughter, Miss of Lo ith u,
visited friends 1tt 'li�ii for a couple
of playa this week., •
alpha anti; Dowell bare
retuned ISOToreisto arta( ascending the
Ch dolmas 1,1411.11.11 IVS',thrir parrots,
lewd 111 rt1,. R. W.
ev. F. W 1'raiK retained 011-1Sat
urday from u blit W Montreal. lira.
Craik remained int the elly with her
mother, who is st111 seriously ill.
After spending die 4'briatmit eves
tion with their Mother, MrJ. :
11'110.4y, the Misuse's piste. and 411114
Whtie hate 1,1111iti l to their 1111111•••
HA teaches at''emote and Ser;af.n'1
lit 11.1) MEETS
. he 11111111/11 t -ejingt of 111e• 1'hu� 11, 1:1111.1 ..f It(,'Ileergc'...hnr•l•
eta., held ••u Tme+eltly of this week tm
Ila.• 1:ui,11 r.wou. l ik3li.tragiug neper?,
•u( last.. .tar. work. %_11.$14111..1.11..1
l queers for thus PWt$hg )eNr acre
PL•. -t••1 u+ roCoa .: jxes+hout. Ari.: AI
E. S i 11 ld : t ire pial ,i•lats. Mrs. 11 .1
'.1. Mai Ile an. Mr,.11.B.,$ '1.11 lnitonay.
has returned.
t• spent several
etudes to Wind -
with her -
. Clarke.
Morris, of
et's with Mr.
McKenzie, St.
e!tee returned to
ewe uship after
14 tiecestleat at
secretary, Mrs. t'tisa f. ti.-tt trtus-
urer, Mrs. E. ID.krl'-pi press .stere-
t tar). Mr.. 4'11.11.h sir migh-
Mrs, 1i. fait
Lun•h was served k 1-itoelal period
was eujuyed at the Aceleluelou of the
bltnlneo•t. ► ./�
THAW l'.►l'dF.p ID:tM.►(:E
The thaw loll 1'batisday and Friday
last, which folio e sdteral day's of
heavy snows and uIfnite ••dd, iaused
eensiderable dls.,,esfert and uo little
image in local beuFs:
to Wednesday 9f, last week roofs
were piled high Si enuw..and Ice
choked the eevewtrot isb The thaw
came and melted 'ethK snow, but the
whiter -wax • nsebte +est -ape- pest
hairier of IDE at •' Irate.,
ly the
that held the whipebaud in
tie Cosset] of 11344 failed. With tete
Reeve and Deputy Items the "block"
will he ails to muster tour votes, and
Mayor Mar'Ewan faeew the prrrtgar•t
et having to break the Ile a good many
mass (hiring the year.
May Bee a Recount
It Is stated /n goal authority that
u applitatien for a revount of the
ballots In the interent of Mr :lancet('
im under consideration. If this should
There were seventyalne hlrtha In
lee town of Godeerieb during 1931,
welch Is twelve fewer then the total
of oinetyone new residents brought
tato the world during the twelve
meths of 1934.
Last year was, however, marked by
a rare ocrurrert-e when Mrs. McCabe
glee birth to triplet*, two of whom
are still alive and thriving
The marriage rate remained prec-
Ynlly stationary with thirty-four
"pretty" event* last year as e.ompared
with thirty-one for 1964.
Deaths numbered aeve•nty-seven and
la 1934 they were seventy -ale.
Mr. Rabt. WHsen, Jr.. Has Kip/trireme
with Accessary Thieves V Windsor
A trip to Wlndeor last week by Rob
ert Wilson, jr., (lameron street, was
eventful, but far from profitable.
He left hit ear on the street at
sight, and it would not start In the
morning. A garage ma•hanlc thought
bite trouble might be h1 the battery.
It was, or rather wax caused by the
absence of the battery. Someone had
ant the bands holding the battery box
ander the ear and had made off with
both tots and battery.
That w -h+ had enough, but further
investigation recenled that the upper
✓ ight rear .,trncr of the .ler had leen
badly crumpled a. if 1.t' the slake
Motu of a put•«ing inlet
Mr. Stilson made the return t'Ip
M 1:.0er1. h to It limit farther s
evening. Jamul
The 'annuli meeting of the (letderich
\grlctilUlrnl Society will be held at
the lawn hall 'm Alom11My, Janu-
ary 28th.
Mr. J. S. Platt tan Kerala 111 the
!kit Lined Sone Weeks Ago
Some weeks ago The Signal pubti-it-'I
a 11.1 of 1117 IINIINs of 111441 W1111 Wen`
boys about town sixty yeara ago.
Several refuters ince nwti rented
kern interest 1en1 a number mall many
of the peen listed, lett Mr. J. S. Platt,
Vk'torta street, has apparently the
best m®ory 01 all.
He states that he can recall ail of
those named and several others not on
the list.
1 Mr. Platt has Iles! In (:odertch prae-
tl.wlly all his life and that's a long,
eros as he remarka.
Ri'eve-L. E. Cardiff.
Cmemelllore-Fleley M.'(`allum, Jobe
i A. Brown, Francis Duncan, Edward
(bnocfl of 1965 returned by accla-
Reeve- John A. •Bryan*.
!Weeny Reeve --Thor. Loreli
(bureillors-Robert Raker, A. E.
Toner. David Weir.
Last y'ear's tvunil re elected by ae-
cla mat lots.
Mayor W. 8. R. Holmes (aei•Lma-
Reeve Geo. H Elliott (defeating A.
S. lnkley 529 to 1501.
('ount-illore. 41. 1, Paisley, F. Liver-
more, GPO. Murdoch, I1. C. I.nwson,
W. 1; reek, Wm. Walker.
Mayor A. 1) Sutherland.
lusts J. 11. Sleott.
4 on n'
Mors II A. Heid, J. J ('hill,
('ha.. Ilninus. 1t. 4; Parke, ,1. E. Kent-
Ine. hr-loi Silts
Puddle utilities / ,.h--1... . • x'
- t
Monday's Municipal Vote
ihi,iIit, (trati:i
l'.!ifng Division
rtakrr. IUnghnni. Itrewn and Dumber eleieul.
1 2 3 15 0 7 S 9 10 11 12
(fit 75 20 41 3,3 :41 2I 72 ret 56 70
55 00 12 41 YO 31 'Jt el 71 37 75
'LS :19 :ill 2:t 7 21 K 19 10 14 48
5.; 75 12 31: 31 41 21 76 1.41 3S Ott
S 73 111 .t :12 03 30 71 90 rr9 (N
w.; tet hit 70 :7( 014 30 71 TA 441 79
01 05 27 82 19 551 29 4,1 51 24
41 50 0 87 27. 41 17 04 118 40 131 -- 487
31 3.4 R 20 3 30 7 19 37 33 30 -- 2515
111 47 11 3S 30 57 25 04 *1 20 52 - 5141
39 65 28 44 13 41 16 17 SS 27 41 - 417
Raker :t:
i!Inclam :its
Wadley 11
Brown 34
I:rwigle 210
Thick Ins :W
Humber R1
Luo 23
Melpase 11
Sit Weld .. Al
Beahrnok _ .._ 25
Amoss tee
podatmealt as
canstiy *bIP'u
bury et lket
Mr. titanbvey
profs eiew at
1: 5111, when
geoids lime
Mr, 8wubur a- .1 a1 at Airs.
the emit of Di: ilar,i and AD•s. Stnu-
bury. Ile obtslpId his .1,gret• in arts
or Tor.. ito after a
reit-old ..'uti, uty' and
Te "wing a resident
a.'t1te• interest
latera whe,,se ap-
e fonts -t•1 oats ru-
ts .Ir. .1. (:. Slate
the best kilos
. t pensee twenty.
ts,•u pr.nti-jug his
sissy the y.•ar
adnat.,1 from Os
at the Clive
double t)oeteee
modems, at
of nester he
' - -- - . )trnpbey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
'Central Home ani School for
('let PIN tl(t, obi*. Her Lather la a
to Bring the Matter before f„(nines wult•louwn resident of Glider- five Years -,--Loved and Re -
the Council kir. Miss hruphey, who- was In her apeeted by Community
lneuty-third year, was fogged dead In
Speaking to a small gathering of the her car behind the closed 4,40.0s of the It was etIth a seine of personnel Iola
garage at her home on 1]k u ay, a
members of ('.•uh•ut Home and School that the people of Goderich learned
Orem of carbuu uw,rozide1111111.
('lub at the regular sleeting on Tues- It Naa Ileltetd she filed bearm- of Iii► sudden death of George Wil -
.by afternouu, Iter. S. 11. Mt -Clues Gig up the err and nelecteo teams, which ut'eurret4 at bis itewne ole
united that We member,' form a cons- the garage doors. She was ban at
infuse to appeal to the council for the Winnipeg. and when eight years elf
installation of a public health nurse. age removed with her parents to Chivas
The cost would be email, he said, be- hind, where Mr. ltrophey U avemelat
anise of Government grants. with the Eastman Kodak Company.
It is the duty of alt citizens to guard Miss ltropthcy wait employed as a
the health of sehool children. said the stenographer. Surviving, biedee t-er
_speaker, citing the ease of Sutskatehe- p.tretrts, is it listen, Mow Irene, at
tv.111, nlerre, lie'SiiS;`fl +Ve-"Drtk'ttt-ttare-l'ltt'tme:
t t ...�. �,,,�_, �„ ,, �. ITUARY
(' ), LIMITED. Pr ig
Nurse for Goderich
miss GI..u)YS F.. BItUI'IIF:Y Suddenly on i'ida
Word was received by rlatiyeNdy Fr
here of the death of Mlea'Uladye E.
lrc•em n plague in the drought areas but The remains were brought t to Geskr-
for the work of public b•aith uurws. b'h-on Tuesday, and restiel lit the Meme
The following committee wets tips of lir. Jo.. lttoldey until \1'1•dnee-
p,lntel to nee the ctuucil Willa regard day, when a funent1 service was boo -
to the appdntmeut of a nurse'. Ili-. 4141o11e1 by Rev. A. C. Calder, of St.
If. Bailie, chairman, Albs. 1 F:. Shan- George's to church, Interment
nears, Mese: J. A. U;a•alaalu,_Jiro L. 11.
Iti:1. -
Mrs. W. F. Ssuoilery presided at the
' meeting'. Miss Bettie•, reporting for
the welfare .committee, .111.•1 1tii
• A17,40 was spent for milk iu Inc• cn-
her, anti 57.,11 for clothing. She aII
St. 1'(nt'eat street op Wilds, after -
noun last, tit about 5 o'clock. Mr.
Williams had keen up town as usual
at afternoon and eels apparently in
health; be walked to hie Mime
sial was sitting in his favorite chair
awaitiug his afternoon cup of tea wbea
he was *Irkkers with Ube fatal heart
a t ittck. Wr.. w i8fii�if into -was t*'--
atxrther part of the Jtunne. _Leant t. - _
thud ot.lhe tailing body a w hen obis „
mac bel! the room her h and was
Mr. Williams was seventy-three
was inMaitlande'celet 'S, -the 141..e.7..„/.4, raofage badresideay-
being Gordon Tebbutt, inllu>; c.•lue M•r! to 1911 to to over the
G1r,. - ,Jas. leaflet and W. .1. Senn- heat managership of the adieu
• • • of ('ontnittr.•e. Atter kW -retire
A1.tite;.\err J.1NF: HALEY - went trove the sorrier of the Hoek la
�19_::'hc opepetl it bond and ktaurnxtw �r
Ia..uuesl that a splendid supply ..f 1. TMiss Margaret Jxne Haley,' aged bu.iuc.s. 1n which latterly his yolrag- �'a-
... runty -nee. paasul away at her hotue i erns. «w„44,,,•.Gl.: \aka majo.i,,,,,,k with_-_
•lothiug had been donate! by chtT' „u Et'a s .reel on 'Thursday n{ ht.
mtrrat.eeair.t-rnwtL...._._ - _. 1 n... Y R 1hhu_ He cries de•eatly interested i
Hiss I:ncee, rhe.+. ornt9del the fol. a'Ysse.kalc"ygAltLse•lelel.' mai .,r e r• Jere IAL_ •�
1 ear-. et,
was born lu G.Nlerichhad been ti's-clialruiau of the board -- _
Iota hug brief program: Chorus by n tuwuship, 11 daughter lit I{uleert
group of girls; u mixed quartette; ! lit governors for some yehar* He was •
ado by t:nil $aunders. Ilpl.•y Iwd hi. w•Ife, Wrah furry. all -lttyaicau, a member of the Idea
11'hy.0 a chill she moved to vestry of SL Georgo'a-churt4y_and a
Al r. Shnckletln'• elates Icon the moth- c
• usual warden. was s
Lawes, with Ills wembprshle it the
J. G. !i'1.1NItI Ith. K. 1' leaven outnl with her parents f d Ip also ccs' attends'nee banner. Miss .Ila•- :,m! atteudcd
rte_ -,public wila,l there,
Tle annual nwetiu will he hell In
fairs. He is pro. -idea of the South February. li l sixty years ego. Miss Hntey, who was resided before rnming to 8tr11er1eY++Ha
( 1ron Liberal Association. i. a wcm- , :a member ..t SI. George's Anglican was also for Deme yeoslse en active •
1.•r of apse Seita AIM 1f Cavell Presli 1 l.hllrih, Sas loved by a wide circle of
y'' N'( ME'.'S I ('1.1'R member of the G 011 kttli,.hoard d
terlau ctlmrdl and sup,eriuleutk lit of \ mu,•t1uK of Ihe Glelerich 11'omt•ms j tt'rt itl She is survived he three spa, Trade. Menial add kluey, with .a.
the Sunday school, and for eight years' :Liberal ('Inb will le ladtl in the base- friendly and u brother: Miss Fattttbeth friendly gre'e•ting for all, end a Deist
In municipal. shunt' and political al -
Desert! rete.eied-tel .14--ia-ilwirearettf.. mr4ea-a
'"`'d the tz.•ter baarl eluen-
ceit of \InCKnc Dellon Tuesday Holey, 141 1111111P: Mrs. Thos. W. Bell, hitt keen sense of humor, Mr. W11-
esu ..f
I for (bw 3d.rt1 •.t the Time. Print. i \n h,trre.Aing program.inelnllug some o fSherbrooke, Que., and John Raley, held lu the hig t maid by the
f G I 1 Y Edward J Forest.
tion, lent of the Ross -Tay- ',. a ,.w enc 1; Mrs 1M un. was a true gentler/din
said was
r ptreab t. uitnK. Jnntirry lith. at K 1irirlck.Y aY
Inc po)„. Led, teas been cmint'ntly i mush.' numbers, has teen arranged. '.f Tnrontu, people of tluekrkh of all ranks sad
sursempei emetic, at the bar. 1.111 women of town and vicinity!
e,' Th. funeral sx•rvire was e,nduMed classes.
both ttiptrfad dbtt and la the Const ;invited to attend. 11y Rye. A. C. Calder on Saturday 1pt,rlt 1,1 Uzfeitd, kngI. d, a Loa 0[
of •!afternoon. Interment wens In Malt- Mr. oral Mrs a TiWilliams decease/ '
J. A. Labslstfe. Q W. Woraell, W. H. of the Victoria (&C.) branch of tb(t
__� Rliiif�'IW -Meet 114 r< alt J�An� si '--tits EllFott and .lt(. 1tt�R mbia. When that
t1hG _.r_ Hector McGregor. bank amalgametai midi the_ esds
1, and It appIU►tmeDt as a
a{ a
HAND 1[ANGLED ladll cemetery, the pallbearers being ,.ane to Canada in Def./to take cheeps rte,
but pots, pans and
Med to save the furp,jure anti floors.
t I
The bride In a t rat welding at
iron Mountain. Lk•b., as the grand
• daughter et Mrs. Kt -A. 111111un of
town Int pre ant visiting in Detroit).
A newspaper report. of • the event i.
:as follows:
A ('hrlsmas tree with festoons of
tinsel and bright coloredd baubles glit-
tering In the light of many eandk•s
pruv'bled the background for the
(lbristmas Day wedding of Miss Grace
The - - i W • - 'd the W.M.S.
of North gime' 1 • ' r•b was hell
in the lecture -moo the church 011
lloudey afternoon.. The president.
Mrs. W. 1' Lan e.!sctup1Ad the chair
and after the opening devotions calkul
for reports from the officers of the
I MM•tety.
The se•rctar). Mn. A. E. Matheson.
reported that to addition to the regu-
lar muntley meetings the Society had
held two thank-offsring meetings and
a ape -hal service in commemoration of
tem years of union. The spring
Love, daughter of . Mk. anal Mrs. Syd- thank -differing meeting was addressee)
ney love, :511* ('ass avenue. Kingsford, by Mrs. 11. M. Kipp, secretary of W.
to James lien, sou of Mr. Joseph M.S. medical mi.elons In Western ('an -
oda, and the Neiman meeting by Miss
Caroline 1lellwtwt'd, R N., of China.
The Society Ins now thirty annual and
flay life members. Two hew life
members were added to the rola dur-
ing the year and there have passed
to their reward one life member, Mrs.
A. Davidson, and oat annual member,
Mrs. W. S. Bowden.
The treasurer, Mims Jlnt•gmiet Rob-
ert/Ku, reported that the amount
raised M 1135 for missions wew $8.i2.
fleshly* this there was raised for the
flower fend. l44.09, and fior<sspplles,
E i `ll►3,
Mrs. T Johnston. for the supply
committee. reported that a bale valued
at $131'( had been went away. It con-
tained Me.,a.11wnd clothing and ten
new quilts • Two handknittesd blan-
kets were <••ut to Miss Mustard for
rase• In tit h.''pltal at Hearst, North-
ern t)ntarl.'
Mrs. MalioIm McKay. literature
secretary. r'ei.rted- that there haul been
nine mites ribers for the W.M.S. blue-
Mist .\4I,1 r .Jenkins reported that the
number of •nbseriberw to the Missinn-
1'ren, of Ishpeming, formerly e4 Iron
Mountain. The wedding took plate
at 3 o'clock at the bride's home. The
Rev. Matt Mullen, poseur of the Cen-
tral Methodist Episcopal ehureh, offi-
ciated. The bride was attended by
Miss ltov'ts Jensen and the brhdegrnnm
by Bernard Olson.
The bride wore a floor -length gown
of blue chiffon velvet with shirred
sleeves and deep roller and cuffs of
startled white Wee. She had a white
turban with a abort. flaring veil and
white formal sendtelw Iter flowers
were an arm bouquet of roses, sweet
peen and tab's breath_
Mien Jensen seleled a floor length
green crepe frock with gold nail head
trim with which sate had a Rohl turban
and gold sandals. Her flowers, worn
at the shoulder of her frock, were
yellow roses and ehryeennthemnms.
Following the ceremony, a buffet
aryls• Imnthe'on was served from a
esndl('lit table with the pride's cake
in the centre. Relat(ves and a few
frhmds were the gneeits.
Mr. and Mrs Cafe left on a wedding
trip of ulwnnnnned destlnatinn, fns
lowing %hlell they will return to flus an Month) was 42. the .stem num-
jetty. They plan to make their home
In Marquette.
1.. E. IA,ncey, K.('., Continues ns Ile•ael
of the Huron ilar .Association
L F.. Danrey, K.1'., a -ns re etrrtel
president of the Iter ,1sst.•latio11 of
Huron comity at the aunnal nlerting
in the law library of the (soot house
Ion Tuesday 11ft1`1111,11. .ledge T. M.
1-.styllo Das named honorary pees,.
dent. holy ;u. al members were tilde
to be present.
• The renwiutli•r of the executive In
oflhe ht -t year nl••r wit. returned, as
Total • fellow+: D. FI 111in1e.. 'lee-pir,i-
• deut : 11 I'. IL,ys, tet-rMnry tre•nsurer;
847:11. R Nnlrn, librarian.
r'no I The 111'rartan reported there were
2117 '2.5-11 N.A. in the library. 1t was de-
ided In re1te.t of the county council
- '4 than more bookcase. be. Inertallel;
761 I also that the lighting system he Im-
The Insa by death of three memltpra
of the asaorlatl(m, R. (Heym, K.C.,
of Gnrlerlch; R. B. Hayes, of Peaforth,
and Mr Carling. 01' the firm or Car-
ling* Muter; 1e4 Integer, was deeply,
re?lrtt .s1
The trenewtrer reported an improve-
mnnt In the nnaneisl .tanding of the
asrtt•tatlon neer the presume• year
47 Rl*
Yes ..
Sid 115 121 Set 01 50 95 40 1111 1R5 On 11.5 - 1244
9 18 1.4 12 7 A 21 7 9 1A In 11 158
llHporlty "Yen" Ii➢1
her n+ pal -•t leer. Some .Ad subscript.
tions had b., n dropped but new ones
had h.e•1 -• - .,rani iu their place.
Airs. .A Itntheunn. .1ran(rers' and
ase..•!nh' IN' 1'PM s.,-r"tnry, sold that
during th. •':tr their rnu11nitte• had
malls' oil.,', -,x ca 1-. eleven of Orem
nm new.,. ' t1 the chnrrh.
Thy A! • Cir. I. hod n snceessfnl
11'reotofel 11I treasure•. I'hIs report
was Rite:, I'• 11(1-. E111111e Ruthnnan,
a It i -or) I e idem of the ('Ircle.
Mrs. I' 1 4 antelen +nperinttmdent
of the linby hand..aid that they had
begin) the •ear with nineteen mem-
ber,. F'Ive had been promoted fo the
Midi len (and and seem) new memlera
received. making the number et pres-
ent twenty one. A new ' life member"
had been added (haring the year.
Their contributloe of 11,435 Willa handed
to the treasurer to he remitted to the
•,Paeaytaslal trsaanrer. ,.. .. „w. .
At IM dos* of On inkiness sebslow
the mien for 192a were Installed 1n
an Imps•eashe wervlt•e by Rev. W. P.
ttnoet the ertw([cev and1'haat .. -Mt. Williams to
ads attending the funeral were I w 1. formed;
Fur's Sherbrooke, t 4"
resides The whole hand- was drawls '- -. t, Mbar* Carel.
between Ilse rollers, and in freeing tt and MIi(iret, Elliott sed Yr, Wants,
Mrs. Barrow cut and tore most of the all of Goter{ch township.
11 suns fortunate that at the Ume
Fred ('rich eats elellvering bread at
the harrow home. Ile %ave the wee
main's plight and asked tteighb\rs to
ball a d.elor. 3.1311. ltnrrnw was tak-
en to Alexandra hospital. where the
wvuids in her tnnnglel hand were
closeel. one hundred altehe•s being re -
vivid tog KW
Montague, of Hartford, Coen.: Clif-
PUPS fuer!, 'of Detroit; Harold C, a. (leder-
l lcb, and Mis`Edith Willies at home.
ltA we -4 -end hound 011 e
Friday earned The family were all together at
fleeting fame by giving birth to a
litter of eleven pups. The hound
enjoyed a d' brief period of honors, but
her owner had 110 Intention of start-
ing a kennel, so the litter was done
quire'. away with.
Dr. Myers% Y.S., told The Signal
.1 -1 a large litter, although un-
sual, Lias been heard of before. The
Mem. A. D. Mel can Reel reed Pres-
average. be puppies, six or Mpuppies, De
dent for the New Year said.
The Indies Aid Soeleiy of Knox
i•hur h held Rtc annual meeting In ere
i •ILieir home Isere et the recent €lariet-
maw reawwa.
The funeral took piece on Monday,
with Bev. A. C. Calder, rector of SL
George's cburch, oMeiating, assisted
At n to 'Unit of Separate school
4tuurth lecture rswm on F'ri4 y, De D.
ratepalrera held on Monday 1pgt,
eemler 27th. The ldent, Mrs, A. ttrwere appointed for
D. Mialw'an, oceupfedprexlthe ebalr and 11434four1. Tltnwteys are Thee. Wage, sr„ John
conducted the ripening exerNwrsc - Alva.-iopsln, John ii,orfe: - _wlisst-•>wtrssl,
Murdoch Macdonald reading. the These men. with the four trustees who
Scripture lesson and Mrs. (Ref) D. were appointed last year for a two -
J. hens leading In prayer. The a(- year tenth, will constitute the hoard.
tivitleas of the different groups of the Inst ye'ar's appointees were D. M.
Society were reported on anti Mrs. J.
Stratton:A JroUp. Milll anno_un(r(1 as
being the most Mu(rtssful. It Wi e``
airreed tt make a doestisme -.4t0O to
Hae hoar' of managers of the church
The election of o4Tirers for 1938 re-
itseltel as follows: P.remident, Moe. A. A pretty wedding was solemnized In
D. Mi•Lean: let vice-president, Mina Aeaumptbn church, Sandwich, un
Anna it. MacDonald; 2nel vice-presi-
dent, Thursday, November 28th, 1936, when
firs. William MacDonald; 3rd Miss Melina Ann Reiland, daughter
vire president, Mrs. (Gordon A. Bisset; 'uf Jars. .I. .\. Re -nand, of Windsor,secretary, Mrs. tlirvin Young: treas- aim rim, late Mr. Renaud. was Minednn'r. Mrs. J. A. Barton; Merest, Mrs, in marriage tri Mr. Citep•ettcr Joy, of
Norman Metnnlw; elul.tant pianist. I Detroit, sun of Mrsl. Thomas Joy. toren-
W. (Rev.) D. J. Lane: auditors, Mrs.lerly u[ .\sltfleld, and the late Mr. Joy.
W. 1'. Abel. Mrs. J. W. 'taker: pre.. Rec. Thomas 2 Ford of late roy of-
sseretarF, itis E. G. Weir. -f fleiated at tide e.reneuny, and present
O'Brien. lien Smithy Peter Graf and
Johnl'bisholm. _
Mr. (`hlal-iolm alit'act'is e1afrman
this-yeerr--Mr. O'Brien as secretary.
Icy Yen. Archeleaeon W. Jonas -Bate-
man After a brief private service at
the home the remains were cooveyed
to St. George's church, where the pub-
lic ceremony was held In the presents
of a. large gathering.
The pa•Ilbeerera were: Honorary.
G. L. I'a raises C. C. Lee, T. U. Oo.
non, R. J. Acheron, John (halt, Fred
J. Neftel, J. H. Taylor (Galt), A. J.
MacKay 1 T)unnvrite), MINA 111 isle -
(Toronto); .Ung, R C. Mayq�lDe.. ' "ia,
(Toronto), .- _.
Smith, R. K. Wurtele
Ware (Toronto).
A long line of 'motor ears m•de tin
difficult journey, over rough whine o.
roads, to Maitland remoter,. wheel ..i
iseermtwt avaa. madet$ - - -- - _ -
.•. Re► --Donald lichees, left Goderieh
on Monday to take over a missies ALU
at Beattie Mines In Northern Qeebae.
The annual bwilne*s meeting of tbs
focal branch of the 1'. C,' Bible S.
elety will be held in MacKay Han
tomorrow (Friday) ' evening at $
o'clock. Reports will be given and
115 itra elected. An address will be
kjven, by Rev. A. 4'. ('alder. A collet.
!thin will lie taken M defray ezpmnate.
A cordial Invitation is extended to all.
- in the snnctulery w.1s Rev. II .1. Dal•
NEW CHURCH CLUB ton, of Windsor. The bride, who was
gist in marriage by her mu9t, Mr.
Ladies of St. George's Organize Mar. 1'. Seguin, was lotelyaiu a Ulric gown
garet Seager ('lub of D11bo11net red velvet, with utnlCh-
The second meeting tf the woolen's ing veiled hat. She more a corsage
new urgattiz:attnn of 54. GPtrgt'. of gardenias nod Caaried 11 white pray-
ray-.)tinch sun- held a 3'ne.0111y evening ....hook. and her 11114111-C4 bridal 1131111-
111 1111' 4 ;1111.1 room. kerchief. Miss 1'rniees 111'11x1111, 9i.-
A1rs. ,4. 1'. 4'nlder, president, opened ter „f t1 ' 1.11111, art.,' ns bridesmaid.
Ihe meeting with prayer. The minutes . nod was goo hill ht hunter, green
1r the pre%ions nlwing were rend by teluet with mat. king lint and on her
the se.vetarv. iIr Don¢la+ Wilson.' tiny rung -';u• 14111 $1 , or. hint. or
Tho era-11rer, Illi.+ Edith Roberts, re man rose-. Mr. Thomas Joy was Iris
elttld the fres id the ncnll.yrs pres('IA. brother., 1.•.1 Ihai, idol the br'ide's
This now club is wads up of women brntfers. Alt -ors. elector and Alphonse
of the etngre1:$1 i n win hate not be Itenatl. eery. the ushers. For her
longed (to any 1f the chnreh's trgnnl- daughter'. wedding, Mrs. Renaud (-hone
eat dies. Its obiet being t1 Do -most. the :1 .mart fro. k of black;Type and Mrs.
church funds Joy, mother of the groom. wore !Mick
,\ name for the group was dlw'tissel ; %deet, !hiring the ceremony, appro-
it-twl the "Margaret Selmer (lads' wan' pride hymns were new by Mrs A.
decided upon. ns a tribute to the moth-4Iteltter, of Windsor, and MIs% Mary
er of the 111 -hep n? the diocese, RtiSnp Hugh.a of Detroit.. die. of Mrs. Pet=
ttenger. tier's selection/ '-watt a tereneh hymen
In order to 'raise money a card which she had ming at the welding
party was wtggc-tied for the near cut- of the bride's parents, perfn
ure. A committee was appointed to the lade (berets. Breakfast 17,714
make the necessary arrangements. Imm.ullIle families was served at the
The officers for the next six months Norton -Palmer hotel, and a large M-
arr: President, Mrs. A. O. Calder; eep(Itm was hetet from 2 to A p.m. at
int vlee-president, ,Mrs. Raker; 2114I the home of the bride's mother, where
yk'e-pr sldent, Meq,•-$.., C. Ha a e., ($
3rd many. and white 'mauls were used to
.tt'sTrwelt, kis YYartla: - - -Ifni T .eoiferaE" After • Mart tier trip
Catapbell is(lemtaking over Drs. Martins to eastern points, Mr. sed Men Joy
duties for the present on aeeoeat of tont tap te4'eldl*at 22I/O W.
Bled., IJltrolt. M MtA.
e;en.-x. ,w�•'��`,.�y-�t `•.Mas :
01 •
The Maple Leaf lialkery, on Lisa
west vide of lite Square. after two
y't•.rr. in (:oderle h has purchased
Griff'+ Grocery, and w111 1`111111144 both
lineinet'es In the premises on the
The Joint con. cel w ill I,• open to
the pnhltc on •Ttw.lay of next week.
The -e- Yo.1 nneiver-ar) of the oplt'n'
Ing of the shop w -III be celebrated ns
'1iintr•d.1y 114•0.
(burl I.I.l•nich. Nee. 32, C.O.F.. 1.
scall. IlRieers at Tlww4tl''s llleetitag• ..
Pores was installed
hief reinter of 1'onrt Galeeleh No.
:12. 1'.11 F'., tit t nivel Ing at MacKay
11111 on Tet-dny night. Rn.. -N. A.
Baldwin, orgnnteere•wf.eeteatiord, was "nee.*
fe chsige of (he'.•plet•tiegl anti. JW..-
'John 11a11'arttttl es mania{.
Other officers Inaailtl were: ghee
• eller .ntttarr.' tiro I1. Witmer: drab
..erri.lrrry. INen A. • 1. Wllklns; '
treasurer, Rro, W. O. Wilms ; record-
esoding secretary. Rro. W. F. H. l'riia;
ehsplatn, tiro. LI. Wilkins; B.W., Fire.
Wlt.on Mef'; J.W. 'Bee. Joke
Farrtsh; B.R., Bra. John McGraw;
J .R., fish RaWri.WHIM ins
There sews a Urge etSendanr<s sail
ail enjoyed a InnMsnn atthe close et
the Inertial(