HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-19, Page 84 Thur.te Llwrwher 19tb, 1935 • We InviteYou! Parker's, Waterman's and Ladies' Leather Hand - Bags $2.00 and up TO LOOK OVER OUB STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND M4tE ?e'UE SELECTION NOW Schaefer's PH13 and POMO. Ladies' and Gentlemen's GIFT CHINA and Gift Note Paper SILVERWARE y CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND BOOKS FOR EVERYBODY CHRISTMAS CARDS, SEALS, TAGS, TISSUE, HOLLY, CANDLES ANDrRRISTMAS DECORATIONS We take sdbacriptious for all dagataines COLE'S BOOK STORE I PHONE 91 �� OODERRICH iltaitintetZlICAVIIIEVIMArtr/VIVECIVERWA' THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. ri ASHFIELD ASIiF11']11►, Dee. 17,-sille8, Arthur Culbert and sun. Herbert, from the Ween, are visiting ber father, M,r. John Johnston. who la not as well as his many friends would wish. Mr. Alex. Vs Lean la amending some time In (1h.irego with his slater. Miss Sarah Maclean Mr. Allan grout retaeaed to his twin,: here lava week atter spending the summer saillairdi the Lakes. Mies Grace Macgregor visited with 1rLoitet„je Luc►n.,w last week. Miss Jean MacGregor spent weekend iu GoderMet. A well attended meeting of the W.M.S. of .4shtield Presbyterian church was he4iil at the home of Mrs. Bussed Itissett on Wednesday of last ve ek• Che VISIT ISOM SANTA CLAUS Stints ('Inns appeared before the chitdre' of the Baptist Sunday school on TLesdss night. after they bad en - I lc'Jed a banquet prepared by the ladles of the church. The Jovial old man wAN enthusiastically greeted when he iaperar.d before the gathering to hand ?mgt his treats of reedy, fruit and nuts to the kiddies. tiitilitartimetteitititilettliectetevectceceetirtgtectereittftWetetikeet Make this Christmas A Merry Christmas by giving PRACTICAL GIFTS SLIPPERS FOR EVERYONE, YOUNG AND OLD VELVET GOLOSHES FOR WOKEN 02 MISSES Men or boys will appreciate a pair of coo- I BEST CURRY SPATS, for men, at $1.00, -"lettable OVERSHOES with sipper fastener lam or $3.00 a pair or in ohe, two or four buckles. May we suggest for ladies a pair of Pumps, 'Travelling Goods Strap Slippers or Ties always make a And for men s pair of FINE OXFORDS very acceptable Gift LADIES DRESS CABF.$— $2 50, $3 50, $5.00, $5.50, $8.00 $7 50 to $15.00 Men's Gladstone Bags, Club Bags, Suit Cases or Brief Cases, etc. WE INVITE YOU TO SHOP AT E RiteS SHO.F=-. STORE wictemplivemmtetivemecteevecteectememecterec Fresh day •' or4 toadies for Chrlsta,aa ',yawl. Reserve your order to avoid' I=eppolatasest. CAMP' BELL'S DAV 1'0M BOYOB.—ret General cember t2 Boyce, a MWA 1tf'8. day, Swarts, in December 1 beloved 'II slmtaona, SHIN „um stink Marine and AI. am Thursday. Me Ur. and Mrs. Russell 9® Cantata, N.Y., on Fri- ts. Dr. J. Edgar • 40th wear. deriei, on Monday, Orval Edgar Steep .1 of Frances Fits - 37 years. JAOKSON.__1 •dsrkb, on Tuesday. December 17, r.•hlbald C. Jackson, es his 711th yrs 1 The Congeal w be held oft Frick, at 130 P.M,fn c kis h®e on Brit- annia road. 1, -neat to Mattlasd cemetery. IN M1 AM IIILLLAN.—La km* *eaory of John H. Mtlliam, Wit �D 1sed (q bis eter- nal reward ea ,d�y, December 20th, 1984 —Affectionately rralaslbered by him tortes wife, lent 1 K8lf FELiZA- IliLdel jiid BROThF R, ANDREW. • s • SAVAGE.—In lova( memory of the late John Same, of Dungannon, who passed awry December 16th. 1984. Beautiful memori.• of one eo dear. We cherish still with love lancer', A day that comes with and regret. And one that w will ne'er forget. We miss him love his cheery ways; With him we arid our happiest days; W miss him wit t a friend; .4'1n film we al vs meta depend- -Ever remem 4 LAUSA and MARIETTA. _ _._.____- LOOT OR POUND L08T.—NEW TIM, MAIN. D. N. C. JACKSON, CARD or mamas Rafal WANTEi4 1�1d1Amar SURGHON r4q AlE1HLL—WD WAIWT Ib i EER- awVfIDW reliable seen, mechaakahiy in- clined, to start Immediate teaming la thla vtelnitt to install, service, oper- ate Diesel esglnet, Tools furaiahed. Write today. S[7UO(ifa( D TRAINING DIVISION. t, % Sign ace, Goderlcb. MORTGAGE BALE rO1MmAQR SALE, -eteR. Under and by vlrtae of the powers contained Ina certain mortgage, which wUl be produced et the time of sate, there will be offered for sale by psb- ilc auction on the 17th day of Jan- uary, 1935, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at the olfce of F. R. Daarrpw, in the town of Ooderlch, by T. (ado, auctioneer, the following Drop$rt7. asaely, Let Ruataing•Nim. ber 950 In the Wen of at the see/as-west corner off Waterlbeing see/as-westoo and St. Patrick streets, on which is said to be erected a two-story brick veneer residence. T314318 --Tea per cont. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale. and balance to be paid in thirty days. ._..___,,... For further particulars and eondl- tlons of sale apply to F. 11. DARROW. Godertch, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Dated at 'Goderlch, Gaetano, the I°tb day of December, legs CHASTISED ACCOUNTANTS J. W. MONTEITH, •I Chartered Accountant 80 Ontario street, Stratford, Ontatio (Member Firstbrook, McLeod & Mon - Toronto. Ontario.) LRDICAL BR. 1'. J. R. FOIST 1eTJ, MAH, WNOSE. THROAT. Late Howe Surgeon New W Ophthalmic sad Aural Hospl Distant •t Moorefield Ifs $ems and Golden Square Threat Hal/ London, hang. FAMILY wish to:hank their many Tel eroo ephone 967. �R 1.NHAY RA -11:R, BR., AND 53 Wat l Street t3., Stratter& Wow. and netghboi for their kind Next• isit Thursday. y, Dec. 19 , atom' exiDolidons of arwfatby, and for the the only, from 080 tilt 1 taaar-beanttfyt dors- tributes pee- Hotel Bedford, 0atertch. at seated is their recent .od bereavement i They especially (leatr.• to thank Rev. DRIVOLEMI bora who helped them in their trouble. i } CBIROPRAOTOR AND DEtUT AL F. W. (emit anal all the kind nelgb- ITdlAcll'll= WANTED WAVED• --Doi 1lrBT AND H06L irperiamesd at calling hems, list us cull your $otit fresh eggs *ad fresh dressed poultry for eels at all times. Also poultry feed, chick mash. and Soar. GUDE:RICH POUL- TRY AND EGO MARKET, Lighthouse eel.. 3a Pub:lc Library. Phone 13. SWEET CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NAVEL ORA NGS Dose 39c SEEDLESS 29c Grapefrait-- CHOICE CLLIFORItIA Grapes 2 Abe. Aasortei threes_ x 95c DATES 2 19( M1XFn NUTS 19( Xmas Puddings »t 1't I.. •' 69("el' JELLY BEANS 15C TA1:IE Cdir�rw.a Walnuts DOMESTIC or EASIFIRST Domestic 4 -Ib P. 41Ie ! Nowinatlone for Reeve and Conn- ctilors for the Towmtthlp of Colborne Ifor the year 1933 OM be received at the township bail, Carlow, on Mon- t day, December 30th,t13fn, from 1 to 2 o'clock p.m. 1f a pall Is required the electloo will be hay , January eth, 1388. W W.IAWB, Clerk. IIOUGLAS R. 'ALR.N, Y Banister and Solicitor Omce--Ha milt os, Street. Ooderlch. itENT Telephone 012 7IVERAP1Wr Goderkh, Phone 341 Equipped with electromagnetic baths. Eleetreek electric treatmemte and chiropractic. Chroak, susses and nervous diseases. Lady la at. tendaace. Office hours 2 is 3 sad 1 Ito 8 µm. on {kjsaay, Friday aad Safi nrday, and os Hedneeday 10 1. 12 a . only. or anlighalsm mal be hal f by appointment Monday and Thereby at Mitchel. ♦ N. *TRLl18ON Iseldsnee and Gots--Cesar et South street ii • Brftaania read. rotor E. Telephone ES, sister, FAc. House, Ooderteh. POH SALE r,OR RENT.—COM sa roomed cottage; Trafalgar street, Victoria streets. A DOWELL. TABLE SIX - piece bath. a North tad y to M. W. UOL'SE FOR SAL brick house on N s and betbroos. Would exchange for 1�j �� J cage. Apply at .SIO J NG 1 C r \FOliSALE. J , RY ,� Irresh, 7a,t>' bare Nevi `1 l,cd with Nevi cottat(Jr""aflil ah ' ort )amt I -1h. okg TWO.3TORT street. Eight Good 'mottos. galow or cot.. L OPTICS. G BARS 1YLMER'3 ' d and halves qr BAYSIDE halves No. at 2t Choice Tins PECHEScz !IN' (jou. I ..li. /,Ills a ra.,, .t •Ginger Snaps m-10 ;•r Vii s° 17C ►lie N.ew \ n,•w• container,,a new blend,a new low Pm', Richmeflo COFFEE I. \;pup OLD CHEESE {frena• \,, 1'1'r , 1.; omato JUICE 2 Tin S` These prices a Z.dive from December 11th, to ` It', 1nclu+:ce Bayside Olives I'I.AiN ^f1(4I n.:ICllc . lar 'Tt'FFFf1 "MTV' Huron. Apply F. tp . Out STY -SEVEN Away. prick rd, good well tags on .Latta OLAND, Clin- BAIT \cet:T(1R"y SAL.H TIAL. P1t4ij'l STY. • The executor of the Jtranghan will sell at the premtsc.• on MATI'R1).11', 1► at ,: o'clock: �-t Alt that part of Pa `kt ;er!y knov`n as Town : iu the Town of O forty per -hes of land 'flag prnp,•rty will a rew•rvwl 11141, nod ,ale l'ontHrlotne. TF:ItMM-Twenty the time of snleand• 1.4 lin Thirty tiny. froth Pot further port .67.1 TI10%1AM 1;1'Xiere .'lain 1' Pers. (3eplerleh. or II.11'�t & HAYS, soliettOrs fpr the _) rF MERIDEN- +tete of Joanna public auction. Isom street, on MIMIC Oath Lot No, 9 forin- t .Number (i44, ieh. containing ,ee or lose .old subject to •-1 to the usual cent. rash at balance with - 1,. of sale. rs apply to SON. Atwt1on• ch. Ontario, 1, ',tor herein. NOTICE' TO I1 'Thi To city t 4 it, the molter „f 1,.nn4, Into ..f j1.'11. .IIYY•aserl. '.111 1Rraons 1.. the estate of the who died on or nl Nevehilter, 1935, n t are required :.1.t day of i)ecrm the t wtersigned t their elalms dote that date tie gaga Xeili"s46tr"iaw clslme of which t Ontln_ listed at Ooderle tkrrmherA.D 1 Fi1.4 VR 1lWNlrit.f sarin, 14crhlcltor , • 1 twee y. a� 1 _l •_ - a e e tl'y y,w. 4113. mate of Hen - .town of (ioder- clams against henry Tonne. the 14th day of town of Ooder- r before the 1L:5, to send to partlrnlara df std, as after will prsee4 to' otrix.6 If -1 ell then have A 11th day .1 Otte!►, On - fere enMre. L.. R. DAReT0W. B.1Ret1IgTER, ETC. Successor W J. L. Killoran Once- The Square. Ooderleb. Telephone 97. QRANVC DDONN1aid.Y, It A. [1 Barrister, Sol lei tor. *s Odice--Ila.ltos Street. Oellise s Telephone 282. HAYS & HAYS. Barristers and &Altllnrn 01dce—Hamilton Street. t;odertch. Telephone 138. onB JL. LEE, - gF anarrister and 1•t.,llcltnr Bun Life Building. Adelaide and Vic torts Streets, Toronto 2 Telephone Elgin 5301. M. Mit 8, V. BS V Se. VHT�1W►EY SUROHON (Iradaate et the University of To - Nieto and Oataatlo Veterinary Collage - Oaks at T. -r. . Murphy's, Hanlike& Feet. ''Pham,: Dae 206; sight 910. INSURANCE. LOANS. HTC. P/cKILLOp MU1'uAL rIHlo INDUS - ARCO CO.—Farm and belated town property Insured. .3wosra sett. Broadroot, President. Senforth ; Jamas Connolly, Vice -Prat„ Ooderich P.O.; Merton A. Reid. Set - forth. Sec.-Treas.„ Seeforth P. 0. Directors—A, kroadfoot, R.R. No. 3, 8eaforth; James Sholdk,, Walton; Wm. Hao:, Loodesboro; Alesaader McEwittg, With, R.R. 1,; Geo. Laos hardt, Bornholm, 1111. 1; Jobe*. Brucedeld; Thos. 4(rlsa, Self, at R.R. s-; .fitNG. R. A1Ie'bibald, 8safget/e A.R. 4; James Connolly. ooderiek Agents—W. J. Yew -RA lee. 3, Clin- ton; James Watt, Blyth; /Inky Me. Eacbern, 8saforth; Jahn Murray. Sea. forth; Chas. r. Hewitt, Kincardine. Policyholders eam make all payouts% and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bask, Clinton; Calvla ONTO Or'olery, EIMMIRIPMiNk O. 11. Reld's Gams' Mom 1MsedC WOOD' FOR SALE The Town hafts quant(4y of good body Hardwood direct from the Town Bush for sale at $3.00 PER SINGLE CORD of one -foot wood, delivered. Orders tett at tour Tui IIalI will be attended to. MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE DELIVERY L. 1, KNOX. Teets Clerk.' AUcrIoN1HIIUO THOMAS OUNDRY, OODDlition. LIVM STOOK ARID 0L TRAL AUOTIONEtKK 'Telephone 1V's. 119 Bales attended to aagebsre sad every ort made te gives aatidsenen. Terriers' sale oldies Shiesestad. II Now--LOWEST orf cos on this GHEST quality hard coal ORDER TODAY • SAVE MONEY) FAMOUS READING RITIIRACI Super - Clean_,_ , . Naturally Supftlar :.__ • T h DEAN COAL CO 7e ej hone 9SW Getiariek VtieRtintigTheir LAST MIJWYR CIERISYMAS SHOPPERS WILL FIND... OUR SELECTION 07 en's and Boys' S COMPLETE Now is the tins to secure your Gifts at Reduced Prince. Me4:3 silk and rayon Ties. A wide assortment of pat- terns to.tpo.e from. Priced from. 29c t° 75c Mei oeits. Newest stripes and di- 25cto HO agonal 1 V -. _ Prieed from - VO Mete' aft -Wool Scarf and Tie ash„ 9 to t 1130 Anaorted`,';' ps: Prised from. per set... + WISHING 111011 ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS M. ROB/NS - A uT. TOR TW -Tut_ TAILORS -- Phone 3k Goderich ItenteglitatietrtiraterViargirattelrgITICV VititPCNINIVIPVIVOIMIVICarefEWPIIMPINEWELVENEVIRCENIENLICNOVIRVENEW .. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON Chrihnas Candy at Blackstone's BOXES OF CHOCOLATZS Z5c' t° $4.00 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MIXTURE. artisans, Jellies and 2 lbs. for Chocolates ' RUSH SPECIAL 4 OoChocolate Mixture EXTRA! EXTRA!! Miffed Candy. 2 lbs. for HURRY FOR THIS ONE 50c Chocolate Mixture —OHEISTMAB STOCKINGS AND NOVELTIES -- GIFT PACKAGES OF CIGARS AND CIGARETTES 35c 29c 25c 39c BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE 4110#111101 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS ALL NEW RO1LA N D i I IC gIm/ergertem Bet. WA up Caei3MLk Searle 112.24 .416t ii4;411 Card Tablas 191.39 up Malgarlrs• T14 .. .. 3323 itiotekere SLIM Moe* Bsarb 754. 11ie sat' Largs Dell Be.... ... Riddle Cam. PpeeNIa . Llidilae' Wapas.gas 1 ef)L00LMUM RUGS AT BAR- GAIN mucus MARt4HA1.1. MATTRESSES Mptw-lsl florins week ally .1041.9111 IMeimere• O&M • IWDor. DCWITHIALY al,RVL DLAiKSTCJ&LS ADW ION THF OF CODERIIC H,