HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-19, Page 61
-• Arswe sluserairuclaeuessames saw. o
4 --Thursday, Deeember 19th, 1935
Wishing our many
and friends
-Merry Christmas
John Pinder
Plumbing, Heating, ete.
Phone 127 P. 0. Box 131
,-..e.miunoweeowasimennmeainwniww- THE SIGNAL, •GOPX-RICK
A legal investment for Trust Funds
SI00. Pad Upwards Accepted for
• --Terms ol 5 Years.
Ussesanclittonally Guaranteed
Goderich to Vancouver by
Car -Letter from
A letter ha: been received by The
18ignal from Ralph L Walterpt _in
which he deseribee a 3.2100 -mile motor
trip from Goderich to Vancouver with
his bride of 41 few days Mrs. Wel
formerly was Miss Flotanee Mae-
Douald, of Hensair
Ralph war a popular young man In
Goderich, ha. ing svon a hoot of friends
by his cheery dialtosition and ready
wit. wide etrcle of friends here
wish him the best of good fortune in
his new home.
Ile writes:
We left early Sunday morning, No.
rvetnber 24th, and after an uneventful
rive during the forenoon reached
Wiodeor. crustriag over the Ambassa-
dor bridge to Detroit. The weather
was somewhat warmer after drtiag
only a few miles west of Detroit, on
No 112 highway. The drst night, we
, stayed at-Zikharl.- Dalian+.
; The following day we wawa tbe
l'se The Signal's Advertising Column,
Christmas Cheer ;
a typical
pletely is
Lowe itself
almost cell it
men wore
cowboy style.
bad plenty et
drive throng*
as 8,000 feet
the 'mows
clouds, and
I windshield et
'get it wiped
winding. witis
city of Chicago, on No. 30 highway,
A What would give more Christmas Cheer than to send a wi imerely goinultrolytkehieitgo Heights,
n who is suffering for the want if I and then crossed into the state of
II bridge over the Rivas -
gift o oa mo
of feel?
We carry a full line of Anthracite, Pocahontas, Steam
Coal and Diseo--which is a coke with the gas left in it.
When wanting Hardware, Pluinbing, Hestia; and Tin-
sthithing.. call or plionednd we will give you prOtapt service
and all work and material fully guaranteed.
CHAS. C. LEE ! -
The gardware Store and Coal Yard at the Harbor
Plieses-Stee. RS, Home 112 Godench
Her Majesty
FAIR in February
sippi River at Clinton. That night
we stayed la Dewitt. at a tourist court_
I believe it was the niceet I have ever
seen. The cables were equipped
with gas cook -stoves, oil-burnera, hot
and told showers, chestertield suite
and radio.
The third day was a record day. as
far as mileage was concerned. We
drove over four hundred miles. We
stopped -every eight at dusk. but this
night we were if little later. We
crossed the Missouri River, at Blair,
by means of another toll bridge. Just
before crossing the river, in a tows
called Missouri Valley, we had our
first taste of "Missouri mud." when
our car became lodged in the mud up
to Rs axles, and over ice running-
boards- Everything looked quite
hopelewe as far as getting out of it.
until a good Samaritan happened
along with a teem of horses With a
combination of puliing, 'holing- and
grunting. we .saawaed Ito pic:liuti.sixed
reached Fremont. Nettreska. at f.
Tbe'ttext day, althotigh the -14160W
was very straight and level, we found
that we had to face an almoot unbe-
Uevably strong wind. After this be-
gan to quiet we ran into first fog. then
rain. then snow. With all the var-
ious hindrances, we !Wally reached
North Platte. About a mile from the
city is the home of the noted Buffalo
Bill. It was quite interesting. The
following morning we had our first
real glimpse of the prairie. At times
we would drive for fifty or sixty miles
without seeing a house or a living per -
Soo. With the exception of those in
other ears. At stretches like this.
.._ere were advised to fill up with gas,
etc., as the service stations wife -Taw
and very far between.
The first mountains we came in con-
tact with were after we went through
Cheyenne, Wyoming At one Feini-
nger part in the mountains is what
called Sherman Hilt After what
Deemed endlese elimbiog, we finally 00..1"eRru
reached the top of it, and then went m`r ''uu"
downhill. winding round and round 'Veal the seeir"enn
for six milea. Then we went through Richard KiipatrteL
Tile young
Granite Canyon. The scenery here
was magnificent. The rockx. I be- stiaillyrsi.tProreal,nr.,1,11ngeerfotr
lieve bad every color of the rainbow
la 'flake's Hall am
of the boys
lo kr.w n Rath
Other Reliable DOLLS-
Mickey Mouse Flasiliat
"We-PreSenet-ific -Projector
USES I5 -watt Bulb FILMS, 15c EXTRA
so Progress w
,h Walters
town. It was corn-
,. 87 mountains. The
vrY smoky, one feight
ty, and moat of the
to gallon bats. Real
IS and mountains to
day. In the Blue
1. wit were up as high
!,%e sea -level. Here
iere right up in the
uoistare !rose on tbe
tar before we could
The road was very
uy sharp curves, and
gate slow for some
Sunday Afternoon
• • -•
Goderich, Ontario
Ky atsur•repeat His.festestis -
Whose Leer -cies are eo great;
Whose anger is eo slow to rise,
tiu ready Le abate.
Aad,' ulna RN sticollkeeith‘are felt,
His strokes are fewer thau our crimes.
And lighter than our guilt
But 'Thy compaiisious, Lord.
To eudiess years endure.
And children's children ever dud
Thy words of promise_suiresa.
ac Watt..
• • •
time. After git-teading to a lower 8- D. .
altitude. the Mit .ad tree* Immo seri Lamm Tegie-lbwkw: 1412willeillade
green, and tha h,.34iise was certainly
nice to see. rat was one thing
during our entire ,Ip --we never knew
for • minute camsee 1. lynnther
conditions we melt bive. It might
te fog, and then 7111111. *ad extremely
gold. and oaf: a :et, mama farther be
as warm and eun:!' MI any of our hot
summer days.
We stayed at %Mutton, Oregon,
that eight, and 0, aext day came in-
to the Cascade It .intainn. Tim too
were very beaut.31; in fact, could
hardly be describe. When we rescbed
Portland we tout No. 99 bigbway,
whkh went monk *ad crossed into
Washington, at a small towe called
Vancouver. Soo talks from here
we decided to remits tbe night. It
was at Olympia, te capital of Wash-
ington. It is rise on the sea coast,
and is very leterediag with its im-
pressive Parliamen buildings Olym-
pia and almost evry ether large city
that we passed three* was decursid8
non -sparingly for ne Christmas sea-
son. If 1 have t it, 1 believe
they do things up a bigger way in
the States than la met of our Cana-
dian cities
In the morning le Meet (rough Ta-
coma aad Seattle. Mb like cities
After_delning oat if tattle We bad
doonwpeve=tejrulien and miles
Thig"-dead TM travelled in
a bleiray. We ;timed the border
lato-RaNsliA7oriwur-at Blain, and
about' forty mike Uaere reached
Vancourer. our joelners
It took eleven dal, te make the trip,
a distance a 2.200 aed although
we were very tired ahem we reached
Vancouver teething f-lt better than to
put our feet en -p.m! old Canadian
soil -
MA.FEKING. Dec. 17. -Mr. *ad
Mrs. S. B Stethere. of Arthur, spent
a day recently sylth Yr. and Mrs. Hee-
ry Horton,
Miss Isabel Anderson, of Cargill,
spent Sunday salt her cousin, Miss
Olive A.nderela.
Mine Jean Anderson la up from
Stratford Scheel and le spend-
ing this w ,we school with
Miss Olive Miss Cora
Dickson le s the week with
at the school
, Benzeiller,
with his friend.
Me Ram and the Reatarathea.
Deklea Taia-Pialm 102:17.
• • •
Oct. 4,-Malak Portrays Om Ibiarkig
[termed. s
••-dialah 111:1-12.
-Luise 113:6.
Isaiah pictures in this maims the
Messiah coming into tbe world as its
itedeezqer, being subJected to perse-
cution. suffering and death. but eveut-
sally exalted to the riot heed of
God the Father wbo met him to seek
and to save the lost.
in them, and the trees were exception-
ally green:
That night we stayed at Rock Me-
er. • very small town, and the follow-
ing morning began driving across more
prairie, until We resched Rawlins.
_IWyoMing. Some miles west of Raw -
we •crostied the Continental
Ide. and here we could see in tbe 410-
1 8.0- - Rocky MOIlitains yItk
I+heir snowelad peaks.
A little farther on. at a place called
Granger, there Is a fork in tbe road,
one road going eouth, td Salt Lake
are busy these
e Sunday school
,J1 is to he held
onday evening.
Oct. 12 -The Mary ef Jeremiah.
--Jeremiah 1:6-10; 561-15.
--Jeremiah 1:7.
Jeremiah bad a definite call from
God to be a prophet. Lamenting bit-
terly over the slue of tbe people and
the nation. he called upon them to
repent. for If tbey continued tn, tbe
life of treachery, deceit and vileness
God would punish them and destroy
Jerusalem. When be continued to
prophesy thus, tbe people, refusing to
look upon him as the mouthpiece of
God. had him attrainged before the
princes, He there again uttered his
prophecy, saying tbe Lord had seut
him for that purpose and he could do
oo other than utter his message, even
though they shuckd put him to death.
Oet. 24-T8.s Memegfe Jsrendah.
-J.- 7:1-11, 21-33.
Jeremiah was given a specific com-
mand to go and stand in tbe gate of
the House of tbe Lord and deliver a
message to tbe people gathered In the
outer court. It was • call for them
to amend their ways. They were
to repent in sincerity of heart and
hand; they were to cease unjust deal-
ings between man and his aetahlmr.
they were to mo" opproodon. tiny tag tied rejoice. 'Tbe altar had once
were to forsake tbe worship of Idols tow. bees "IN-" n their mitlet 5"
and to turn with full endeavor after they were called upon to pray aad
sew obedieoce to the one true God and Peet" the thni tif their fathers • "Awl
all the people rejoiced because they
understood the words that ware de-
clared unto them"
d girls were in
to meet Santa
Stainless Steel Knives and Forks
and Carving Sets
Pyrex and Oven -Serve
Gordon Tebbutt
The following M
6, East wed
(Weettleld whoa);
y- Elvin Wight
air/ TOM. ant tbe-ethee-going nDrtbMArt_Millien....M. Leul
the-44este, of -Idaho. -1Se.1ook...the,olonA4j2mtlit1
north route. and went as far on it Sr. 1V-4lob Arm
I that night as Coloeville. where we Mildred Thorntee
attain stayed for tbe night. During ilie--erehir _maim
the night the mercury began todrop,-Mares4 igeoeiptc_
and in the early heurs of the morning, (not ranked/.
settled at 10' below sero Jr IV -Eileen
The following day we went through Taylor 61, Vents
Montpelier, Soda Springe. Pocatello.1Swell 31.
' American Fella, and that night staydi 141. III-Margar
at Twin Falls. The fails were very !Qin') 1. Billy Bur
pictiireirime as they came down firer 14 70, Donald
111 almost perpendicular ent in Jr. IIT -Doreen
The next day we went thr,digh Sr. II -Albert
monntains. bine, and more hills. Wl. l':!aa'r Mason or,
Iran iMo a very dense fog after goini .1r II -Dorothy
through Itolse City. the rspital eity f lt,slger 70, Phyll
1Idahe. The fog was in the Boit*. 7a1 Valsti 41.
PHONE486 tf sn.1 we .learned it bad bet•ti Primer -Gordon
Tttg 4t4tiztcpt4itturtotti 04.41 ti -•11101041. bed been unablk tii MAD, Itordon Ma
44' 44$416 That night we etayed et Huntington i . M. it 1
thick for the past three 1107% that thf ha
r. VOCIVCIVVVVVVVVittMitetCW(Mt(tVc - *ztchtteiteeteNVIVICC,
No 1 Golden Mixed
2 NUTS Vbs 35c
report of C.S.S.
est Wewaneal
or the automat
TT% (hon.),
Rodger 71, Gor-
orig 1St% Thou.
Jean Campbell
Bob (levier 47,
Florence Dexter
••••••••.4a •10110 • .• Unit - • • • • ....1.1.4f.ir•
Serve the Best Tea
lag. and God would
work of his hands.
Des. 1.-Rsra's Masks Is Jerusalem.
--ism 7:6-10, 21-22, 21, St
-"Ma 5:22.
Ears was thorougbly vereed is the
law of Moses. He not only learned it
but be obeyed it and taught It He
led a eesapaoy of captive Jews back
to Judaea. Being in high favor with
the King, be received much needful as-
sistance from both King and people;
but he did not ask for au armed mean
to see them safely through the casemate,"
couatries. Instead, he told the King
the God whom they served would guide
and protect them When well away
OD their journey Iftra proclaimed •
ram lend public prayer was offered and
they reached their journey's end in
peace and safety.
Dee. 5.-Ne8.amia8. Rehalkilag the
ei Jemmies'.
-Nehemiah 4:6-6, 11-21.
• -Nehemiah 4:6.
On bearing of tb• condition of the
ity of Jerusalem. Nehemiah requested
Darius, kisig of Persia, to send bile
to rebuild tbe wall. On reat-bing the
city he first made a y and then
unfolded Me Dian_ tad •ission_to
people. who sakL -Let as riee aid
build." By watchfulness sad maga;
the enemies wens frustrated in their
piens of oppoeltim and the work west
steadily 'forward. He armed the
workmen and kept strict watch bin -
self to be able to sound •n alarm ea
tbe era sign of tbe enemy's approach,
and so by faith aad work and watch-
ful care the wall was rebuilt.
Ibm 16. --Zara 'Machin dm Lim of
-1199a 7:1e; Nehemiah 41:1,%
own and bless the
19era, encouraged by Nehemiah,
called an assembly of the peopie, aed
at their request read and expounded
tbe law of God to them. They were
pricked la their beorta on listening
and began to weep and moors. They
were reminded it was • day holy to
God and were toid to cease their weep -
coining of the Wise Men and the offer-
ing of their homage and gifts to the
young child Jesua.
Ile would remove all danger of cap-
tivity from them.
Oet. 21--Ilekimsear's lemaM oneerws•
clonal Tampernwee Leenna).
-Proverbs 34:1.
Belshamor. king of Babylon. wets
feasting and carousing while bls city
was beteg besieged by an *away. IIe
had so far formAten himself as to dis-
own his Maker ly using tbe bole ves-
sels as drinking cups. In th• midst
oe the revelry, writing appeared on
the wall. When interpreted hy Dan -
that be bad been
toned wanting mod was
from the throne and his
divided. His kingly
lor (10%, Ronald
, kelt 50, Jasper
WIghtman 79%
an 7R. Lavern
(1 56
neent 311gord
75% hon.),
oId Cook 64.
,vier 73%. Ralph
(look 614. %Timmy
lel. he leer
weighed a
to be d
kingdom to
glory Was MO MR for the glory of
God. -
Nev. 11,-Judak Takao Captive.
-11 Kim* 26:1-12.
-Prerveras 14:34.
The kings of Julals continued to
lead (8. nation a w Ay from God. In
consequence of this folly and disobe-
dience the city of J. rusalens was de-
stroyed utterly and Ow land laid waate
la the ralepe et Zedeklah. The King
aid ilit-Urdig poortiltrfill land
were carried al eaptive 10 Babylon
Soon after tbe remnant lett Judah and
went to Eygpt and was lost among
inhabitents a that great country.
„111-..gaskiel Teedim Penland Re-
. spendMRty.
- R- eamme 14:12.
Having been appointed a watchman
to tbe bonne of Israel, God told Eine-
Mel hie ' personal responsibility to
preach God's word to captive Judah.
They were *else In their captivity
and harboring rebellious thoughts
ageinst God. His meseage was that
God was still a mercifie God, plead-
ing through the prophet that they torn
to Him in sineerIty and that Us would
receive them. but if they would not
hear and repent thel would still be a
God of BuitIce, not willing that any
should perish but that fill should re -
'a rter, Roy Bo- pent and be *seed.
,1, Harvey mem. Nev. 17.--11w Return from Captivity.
-Kers 1:14;realm 126 :14.
-Puska 121:2.
Wben the Kingdom of Babylon was
annexed to that of Persia, Cyrus, the
young kine of Perste, made it possible,
under the express direction of God,
for the captive Jews to return to
da P a. He ordered the peoples
amongst whom they had lived for the
peventy rein of their captivity to help
them get away and to glve thee. need-
ful thing* for the journey •nd for the
vetting up of their own bosom and the
rebuilding of the Monne of Clod In
JP14111011P M. The days of weeping tar
their own land were over and loyfa117
they fared the future.
Nov. 14..--711e Meensge Haggai and
--Maggot 1:241 11:1. 1.
-Sochaebb -41.1S.
--Peaks 1111:1.
A Montage front tbe Lord cable tn
thews two prophets le the name year
In the reign of Darius. Haggai wag
told to tell the Jews tn arise sad bond
tho Mosso of (iod which had been be-
gun in the reign of Cress but bed bee.
dropped fourteen years previous to
this Unie. Haggai pointed oat to
them tow they weresetweilhig meal
booms while the Hems Oed los
Zerharlah In a vision wag told to
eatery:rage &webfoot, the loader of the
foo91*. to dopead wholly epos GM.
who weeld bar. him Salsa tat. build.
Dm. Fereisis Wee
--allehedd 3:1-12.
-CRAIN= Imam
-fifoadasse 11111.
th• lame of tbe Minor Pro-
phets. denounce, tbe loose practices
of the priests after their nem* from
captivity and thee annoueere the com-
lag or the Messiah and hie forerun-
ner. Ile sets forth tbe comfort
which Ills coming will bring to His
Clinrch and the terror it will bring
to the wicked.
In the Christmas lesson we have the
By Betty Barclay
Chnistmas Cocktail
2 cups cranberries
2 cups water
3 clovea
Y. cup sugar
1 cup plooapple juice
1 tab/esp.:ton lemon juice
()retitled lea .
Maraschleo sherries
Cook the cranberries in the water
with the cloves, until berries buret.
or about five minute. Strain througb
a sieve lined with wet cheesecloth.
Add the sugar sod stir over low beat
until the sugar 111 dissolved. Cool,
and add the pineapple juice and le-
mon juice. Pour over crushed ice la
glasses. Garnish with sliced mar- •
asebino cherries cut In circles. Eight
Cbriatinaa Jains
3 pounds prunes
3 pounds median raisins --
-II poem& wear
• °reams
% pound Diked Brasil nuts
Roak prunes in water. cook
*tope. Pour two cups of water over .-
tbe stones tied let stand en* hoer.
Pour off this water and add it to the
prunes and juice, raisins, sugar, mans
pulp and rine cut lthe Cook tweety
minutes. Add nuts and cask ea*
minute. Pour into clean. istissaast _
seal. Plums in season seglill-111111111-
tamest' of the primes. --
Pkg. 17c
CREWE 1h, 25c
SALMON .1-1b. tin 15.
CANDIES lb 19c
Qi sl IN
CHIPSO ib PIC" 2 f" 35c
PEAS .... 2 17 oz. tins 19c
JUICE 2 iarge tins 17c
TitiCEMEAT 2 Ib.. 25c
RON %I. mut
COFFEE l lb tin 33c
IFEED.2 wog. jar 25c
GRAPEIll' • • • "t• 27c
cHowle citAirri
PEAU 15 Th' 19c
-These Prices Effective ler 5 Days Thurs., Fri.. Sat., Mon, Tues.
kw Bo: Schelde
Leave Osesosh. Ihst-hannit
daily 8,46 cm.. 5 p.m.. Iltaadard
1, or Stratford, Eltobastor.
Omagh aad Tomato.
Arrive Toromo 2J0 pvi,, SAS
Os▪ sreeetions at CUM= eit PRP
dm and Eloesslirs
monads@ *um. to sari jra
ta CaoadIa. United
sad Medea
...coNSUIR LOCAL kitiarts-
1. rem. DIM MOO WWI WO
11 1* MOM 111111.111.-
Catral Oduis Bits Lies
SUPERIOR STORES J. i. ali;.riicnEwCuetnt: goonnee 11
tommileiteevalmovecteceittenvetweetteeitergtex 46
Last Call
If tmdecided,-may -we offer
our service's. Sometimes
$1111111111 suggestion helps
p11RflTh1 51. to PAO
GokiPloted GMaito
Razor 10 14..ienwe
Towelling Cam*, oho
5 Gilles* Kw McKim
Mle to $14.04
Me. tie lit
4R1117114 CREAS
Holiday Jars
--Comploslon or Cold --
11.11 each
MIMI CANDY ... lir. 41.0
HMCo Homy Ahmed Cream
22e, 41.
ide, 36e
Vie, NM, 75e. $1.06
Dunlop's Campbell's Lauder's Wigle's
Dr""" Demmer. Desew•r• Drambee.