HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-19, Page 5ONE HUNDRED AND ONE GIFTS TO CHOOSE FROM INS WITH THE SEASON'S GREETINGS Mum TO ALL - d Babbette Gift PAI Shoppe .(1.4 MRS E. EVANS_. Aaiex RtE itekE n'trw vim 111. SANDERSON =ADS Christmas Message for all Shgppers z. liftuppiug here is our desire. You are Irtdeese Ighetber you buy or not. 'Extra help on...ta aerxe4usi, THE FIIESH CHRISTMAS AKRIf,1tD. Sae D. De —BIG SUPPLY. OF CB 81'1:a'1AL--6 Cards with Ifnvelo(ms-•• S OEU .CAth 11 1 or blur - GIFTS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY 'rollntries all priers. itu•lutlhtg Yardley's, dioubiput's, Woodbury., and many others at pttyular pdees from 2.'1e up Face Powders, Perfume«, Toilet Water, Dusting Powder —_ Wonderful = ra ut , ------__ — her Toilet Meta of Comb. Brush anti Mirror. $2.75 up op FOUNTAIN PENS AND SETS,. ECLIPSE Sac up t. Waterman., Parker, Will Foiiatain Pens and Seta, $2.75 up .i.AT1 .JLitQ't1 IN MANY -RMS. 21c up 'KODAKS and BItOWNIEI• ALBUMS. eve. • CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 1:! 1¢a Mt$tlare. W. DelltlrPhone 90 allentintaillIMMVEITICTOVIKWZNEA Is Contest for l'ntistmas Tvgitq at Royal Bowling Alleys The highest scores to date la the contest for the Christmas turkey at the ltoyal howling alleys are Is fol- lows: M. Sandereou 914, 11 Young Ain, 1t. L. Lloyd N06. Fred Hunt 793, W. Heitman 715, 1'. Wire 702, .1. Wig- gins 1193, P. Bisset 608. The scores are•for three consecutive games. In Monday nig'ht's contest for a pair of chickens the winning team Was H. Williams and R. L. Lloyd. TAsflrieore • -rsa,.4AA4 FAREWELL PARTIES Godericb Girl Honored by, }Wade Prior to Departure for Gale Mins Janet Taylor. datr[htef of MS• and Mrs,. J. 11. Taylor, Victoria street. was the guest of honor at a farewell {tarty out day last week at the home of Miss Hope Mutch. The Taylor amity leave for Gall ou Friday. Mr. Taylor having been transferred to the i;alt branch of the Canadian Beak of t aoumerce. 1. Games were enjoyed at the party, after which refreshments were served. The table was prettily decorated witb ;pastel pink and yellow streamers. tiles Tayb•r was the recipient of a G.C.I. ria the partinggift of her friends s 1 Gaterich. She was . entertained also stable P. E. Mh('o What our better self Is we can made us really happy, and ted. parely at the homes of Miss Susanne Bawden until Thursday. easily know If we will stare two tulip amused, s the course of the dy" and Miss Helen MacbJwao. brought into play otos every night to ask °utwires what .\mils• Erneot Dimnvt. Mr. Archie 114 Andy Mr. Archie Ib,rt turned on tiaturde visit Lt Ilumttt rent°. In Hamilton he a fifth wedding sunt brotherrindaw, M Jatses 431lddoht on 17th. Dinner wa house at 6 p.mto a Many beautiful nil eeived by both roup In Toronto, whe daughlrtr, tart -- C. ('. Walton, he at Winter Fair. Mr. enthusiastic In bis Fair, dalming his of the most remarka his life. GODERICI, ONT.114 1. Attee Fen* bf lweburn, re - after a month's and in To - e PERMANENT WAVES Special—Tw ('hriafaas Only A permanent wave will make a laat- ing and accsptable gift. Note these prices!—Reg. $3.76 wave ded the twenty- for $L_7s. Reg. $4.75 wave for $.II., sartes of his Reg. $6.50 wave for i3. Reg. $iO'wave Gwrrge And for $7.50. miser 18th and For an appointment call at tee servo d•'rtt'"ei s►' GODEMly8 BEAUTY silver,*' t thirty guests: gime were reg too.. Telephone 5,55W. -• lee 'visited his • • • B `.. ,... Mrii Redgeed Hieea--until Christ ma.. pdtd the Royal Marceia, it waver, she ,, Horton is moat manicures. Regular prllt tiat int of the now 35 cents each. EDNA M. C there 10 he one BELL. phone 538. experiences of The sale of membership tI('keta for • the Alexandra Marine and 9enerai 1S N'evt street. or ,'- - hospital will eIoN Gat'Ni1'e _-a7lai• AIRS t:. I . 1lii}tALD. 'K Mrs. Trank Lawrence, 12 Market. street. - Phone Itis. The young ladles of St. Peter's church announce another Keno party In Marhav Halle on Friday, December OU$ATILIS --31,1210111 Converses with Deet Mute by Mips Imsgusge- GriflI Y Ermanded tr• G. Weir, J.1'., tiemonterated his versatility on Hooray morning when Clifford Orlmoldbyt twenty -one-year- 30, at tt.15 p.m. Fifteen games, fifteen old dent mute. charged with the theft prizes. all geese. Also a duor.warlie- of .$2,600, was hr bt to Goderich Admission, 25 cents. from fit. John. N. ibis* -__he had ehriRmas Music Book, 60e. New beelr *treated. The -youth wa: R. d 1 Justiee of the Pea, ARE YOU GETTING PLEASURE OUT OF MOTORING • THESE COOL DAYS AND FROSTY NIGHTS Stedelbauer's Used Car Market CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A NICE COMFORTABLE CLOSED CAR FOR AS LOW --AS $100 _ Your old ear taken as part payment. Goms=i_= Rouse & Bell Garage KINGSTON' STREET GODERICH • Grtmoldhy. but Mr t(,1,"m,"(t(t(t1, S pollee and othcry wt► f►rw" t►"+4"s►' "sP"sYestt ly with the deaf THE SALVATION ARMY HOME -LEAGUE SALE 11F ROME :BAKING .1\It FANCY WORK SATURDAY, DEC. 211t - IN STURDY'S STORE ON TII1: SQUARE Here is an opportunity to sele.'t that 1'Lr..tuutx Gift handed deaf -mu The remand wa single motion, ho a thumb jail -ward, Grimoldby is as the theft of $2.500 Coulter, of Blyt The youth Aid fro after the theft to St. John, N. ' Montreal. He day of last week. When arrestet a sa"si `, $1.021.64 left in "tCMCKW si'^t►IO chased a new car lamwriwTvivrvirwrarvIrruvvrarwrivvvvicruvrarTntinetzwortam ' till atw-.Ua _live i llollyw si Permaneit Waw poi CHRISTMAS , •8PECIALB AT $2.95, $3.96 and $5.00----, We take this ,.pis.rtuulty of VI kiting Mir !.truss of ilipp, Christmas. Jot HMI Pro.. rity through 1110 co'n>ing year HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SHOP Godench voraintewevecrettaritikvivrouRteirat "Phone 1 ken before the 7 Provincial Con - to be remanded notebook. was 10 converse with Weir stumped thet conversing fre me In the two - stem., summed up in a ver—the jerk of to have admitted I tach. from Joseph on Ilw•embet 1. $lyih immallately sod _w,ii . fOeit via l• Londo and .rrested on Taos-. Grlmoldhy had ah. fie had. par) t St. John. Shirley Temple took, eight Shirley Temple pares, only 50e. Little Rusk Book for Little Children. 31'w. Popu- lar musk- as 1t comes off the press. CAMPBELL'S DRUGSTORE. Thursday, December 19th, 1936 5 crw• " THE De Forest Crosley _-Store DANCE! Bee them on display at store on Square nest to Schaefer's is Kingsbridge Hall Thursday, Dec: 26 PLAT -AND DANCE- ' in KINGSBRIDGE HALL Tuesday, January 7th Hogan'. Orchestra Admission 25c LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE OS TOUR' OLD MACHINE v '°, M71 a '`v %air -MVXMlilw t AA AA gg iI AA AA Seas n'S Giej t ngs to all our many patrons FOR TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS, CHICKENS, CHOICE BABY BEEF SPECIAL—PHONE BAKER & AINSLIE ,Season s Greetings ABE Liv •41 .. C. Ma le Robertson ' GROCER PHONE 164 WeiriZtellifiVIEVEVCITITtelttelltentatrittrat O'BRIEN'S MEAT MARKET See Our Choice Christmas Fowl, Baby Beef, etc. —CHOICEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES— WEST PHONE 31 WEST STREET WIERWEVEZZIEVIERNERRNEVEIMVIIIIMIAIR With ever increasing appreciation of your support and l) friendship, the SEASON'S GREETIN uS are extended for a Merry Ohrlatmaa and a Happy New Year -- ; " s 1• tt4i trotiaiona Miss M. Re MacVicat ` I Hamilton 8ifiet IioderlClt' KINOSTON STREET BEDFORD BLOCK 't TostAt*tivDo Your Christmas Shopping It Anyway As Christmas Cones Again . WE WISH ALL OUR PATRONS AND P1IIENDS THE BEST THE SEASON AFFORDS E. C. Robertson DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELLER -- For Four Christmas Dinner Dine at the Park House ts —SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER SERVED— Arrange Your Party Come prepared for an enjoyable time q - - HOME -LIKE AT NI is'IIEI(K CANADIAN 1IOSI'ITAIdTI" Phone 575 THE PARK HOUSE West Street RR Y CHRI ST IV S, EVERYBODY!" E teattutE lsosEata aE ME r y VCR t°RExtt(uE11r tE lElittlVE eC A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yea. R BETTY'S BEAUTY BOUDOIR alums SHAMPOO alit FINGER— WAVE,xv WAVE ,.. 50c 64 Elgin Ave., E. Phone 340 VICKlE C;E ; f El teteitteete t# E CIlE;C IE E -FOR YOU Christmas Bakeshop Delicacies " ALLISON'S MEAT MARKET YOU will, LIKE Brit CHRISTA$ CAKE' PSU1T"CAEE —SNORT BREAD - PIES PASTRIRU----. "PLR.tfF: DONT FORGET OUR MILK MADE BREAIY' - AI,IAW "CLEVELAND" TO 13E YOUR BAKER— q THE 3AKER.. 14 WEST STEM. PHONE 1141uy Christmas Greetings AND BEST WISHES FOR THE '„ Neu} Year i.> FROM ' W-. M McLan Dolor, is Orooar SHELL 'One Stop' CORNER KINGSTON AND ST. DAVID3 STREETS 414 47:1D SEASON'S ETINGS ALL elleiCtCtetCtCWWCINIEW EAST SIDE SQUARE, OODERICH IrgiLDQUARTERS FOR McLEAN & ORITFT'TH'S'` TURKEYS, ALSO GEESE, DUCKS AND CHICKENS leKtitC140CACICtetitCtCteKtlitCtOWIRCIVCCOPCIC { Radios, Washers, Electrical Appliances WISHING OUR MANY PATRONS THE SEASONS GREETINGS lt® PHONE 588 L. H.ZINN GODERICH '4/41SE 4KI IE Ei IE t'RE'lME t4 L C 41 tC' * tli•e[naa'EIiitVeteigtetetVCCEMIT4 T I I E WISHING OUR MANY SEASON'S GREETINGS PATRONS THE - SEASON'S GREETINGS C.N.R. Ticket Oftice To ALL 0111 B (' I ;$T11M AND I'ii l kN lf4 Smith's Art Store • PAST .THEl T Frank Riley Phone 8 tC--VV(tet0Ct(t(WV itgtetCtCP-COVw VVVili