HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-19, Page 3yrs' Goderich's Progressive Merchants are represented in The Signal's Advertising Columns Read their announcements and shop where you are Melted to shop. Lionat Make Your Dollars Go Farther by reading carefully the advertisements In this Issue of The Signal and noting the values offered by our progrondve Merchants. THE MIt;NAI, PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers rismommimmnignignIN 11 The 0. F. Carey Co. Firs, :ad M...-•:.: Ca: INSURANCE Representative Landon Lite Insurance Co. Otacm :—Masoalc Tempts, Ws. duvet, OmWelch Nelsen H111, Measlier. This SW GODERICH, ONTARIO, T J. W. Craigie insurance aad Lal El`Ie Dsoirina, Provincial and Municipal heals MONS 14 ..GOOMINCRI Gee. Williams & Soo 706died.N. MINWINc AL and ICIPAL HONDO 1nss MYe tltad Gwmn[ iessemse wAs1 s ._ OFFICE, NEXT tQ HANN Or COMMERCE Acne 53 41edseli 144G Fir Sok at Pad Albert Mee- Weeded Collage Ives 52 1 WO test MOWS CONNICOION —,Also Messes la Tows— Amis„ AaeNstnt mid fin Leasers. W. J. POWFLL male 252 &dada r Men's Clothes FOR PALL AHD ITER Come in and look over our Fall aad Winter Samples They are superb Everything that's new in Mea's Wear at this time •f the season Chas. Black East Street sad Square GODWCH ross Neglect" Is Officer's Opinion Clinton Man Pined—Transients in ToliI--•Stole Oar from Benefactor? Bart Levis, of (Pluton was tined 45 and costs of $22.80 when be pleaded guilty before Magistrate J. A. Making on Thursday last to a charge of driv- ing will lmpropef light& The option was thirty days. "It was a case of gross neglect," Bald Provincial Traffic Officer J. W. Callander, who presented the case to tbe absence of Crown Attorney Holmes. Tbe officer asked for the maximum penalty, as an accident had resulted from tbe inadequate lighting on the rear of Levis' truck. Officer Callen- der said there was no bulb in the rear light socket on the truck, and tbe re- flector was caked with dust, but on investigating tater he found the re- flector had been cleaned. Levis pleaded not guilty to a second charge, of leaving the scene of an ac- cident. and the charge was dismissed. The Accident The accident occurred east of Clin- ton on No. 8 highway on November 22, when a car driven by Albert Baker, of Goderich. who 1s attending Stratford Normal School, crashed Into the rear of the truck. Other Goderich young people In tbe car were Misses Jessie Mathieson and Margaret Mason, also attending Normal Sctaol at Stratford, and J.. W. Taylor, C.N.R. apprentice at Stratford. Edwin Hartman, of Stanley town - 'ship, pleaded guHty to a charge of keeping liquor for illegal sale. and paid $100 In lieu three months Is guilty of seiitag jail. He Pleaded not to a minor and the cha • was dis- missed. His home was made a pablle place for one year. 8stale Tramleafa Ed. Ginness, transient, wbo recently was discharged from hospital after undergoing au operation. pleaded gull- ty to a vagrancy charge and was re- manded to jail for sentence. Jack Skeats, transient, rias re- manded a week on a charge of car theft. The charge Is that he stole the automobile owned by Harry Clem- ents. of Goderich township, on Novem- ber 5. Skeats was arrested at To- ronto with the car and sentenced to thirty days for theft there. At the expiry of his term Constable Fergu- son brought him to Goderich to face the car theft charge. Frank Donnelly, counsel for ac- cused, Raid he was willing to plead guilty to ■ charge of Joy -riding. "Th1R was not a case of joy-rldtng" Raid Ills Worship, and remanded ac- cused. RSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 VtittillEIZNETIVIPCIVIERVEIVKINE Rise Up, Shepherd, an here's a elar In de pas' on (Jbristmas Rise up, shepherd, an' toiler ; It'll lead t' de place where de Saylor Rise up, sbepberd, aa' feller. Leave yo' sheep an' leave 70' lambs, Rise up, shepherd, an' toiler. Leave yo' ewes en' leave 70' rams, Rise up, shepherd, an' foller. roller, roller, Rise up, shepherd, an' toiler. troller de Star o' Bethlebem, Rise up, ebepberd, an' feller. If yo' take good heed t0 de angel's word Rise up, shepherd, an' feller, Yo'lt forget 70' docks, yo'll forget yo' h Rise up, shepherd, an' toiler. WIETIKVIEWEITtICIZNEIZ Vellta Iler PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT, Dec. ]7—Merry Christmas, everybody! Mr. John Cameron, of Pine River, visited part of last week with his sla- ter, Mrs. Arthur Cook. Mrs. Wm. Martla spent a few days with friends In Kincardine this week. Recent visitors with Mrs. Jas. Mac- DoaI1J,d _stere_ bet_ sisters, Mrs. Jack Deco•, of Detroit, and Mrs. Oaten, of Orkney, Sask. Mrs. Felten in- tends speadiag the winter with bee parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, 12th concession. Mr. Johnston', coaditlsa is much the same as 1t has bees for the past few weeks Mr. Jack Jamieson apeat lett Tess - day 1a Toronto. Mr. Orland Richards egos in Lew don last Saturday 1., see tbe spedsl 1st. His eye Is Improving nicely clot be still has ae alert is 11. CAN'T SLEEP WS VOUS WWI Reim{ essa•s seen wish awe e{ Dr. CHASE'S f ',,,, NERVF LOOD . ; v VentartentlEVIVEIMIVIITICITKVIR utscimiimiwow- 'p fa_ This Christmas Season -Nh#hfig Is swore :aweniliaas Ann choice _ Flowers, for tit?. _ occasion. • We will have a loner •Me!'dM'#1Rorleg -*loft w t Flowers from which to choose_ Our specials include real WHITISH HOIZaT. POINSETTIAS, JE&C8M M CHERRIES, BEGONIAS, lU1MVLL, AZALEAS, CYCLAMEN and CHRISTMAS WREATHS. in the werii And don't forget, "We wire Sewers anywhere • George Stewart, Florist Phone 105 Goderich, Ont. ritorlooritirtortnirlantentcvettzttutim HEAT • FOLKS THE HEAT FoticS CTART'l11EMoRN NG G'1 AND THEY PAIWE you GLAD To GET BACK HOME At NIGHT When the Hest Folkl are in your home -- Yon can wake In the morning to the delightful aroma of tof- fee sod bacon. You Jump willingly out of bed Mecauso the rem 1* warm. Yon dart off to work glowing with comfort and happiness from head to Wes. You look forward all day t0 a' cony evening at home. Yoe can really evtjoy the winter— When the Heat Folks Bre in your home. CALL THE ST. HELENS IT. HELENS, Dec. lt.—Mr. John Dural*, of Morrlatsa, vislled with his mother, Mrs. Charles Derain, sr., at the Moate of lir. aad Mrs. Colin Mc- Death' e.Death' -Nr.lielEfai s t>•ips. shit. Paul's, ilii--a--visuer "idr-pneatst ■r. and Mrs. James Hamar, over the week -end Tbe funeral of rase Mrs. Love, of Marnoch, who at the home of ber brother, Mr. d Vlat, Ashfield, passed through the village ea the way to Ileigrave Mr. John Web►., High Elver. Alta., Is a visitor with b brother, Mr. Mc- Kenzie Webb. Todd—MOW ceember 12th, a en ding was solemn Mr. and Mrs. W. I. eldest daughter, He united In marriage t PORT PORTER'S I G. Newton ha the home of h few weeks. l% well enough to Oa Sunday ered a very t "The Walk of was home ove Ing tbe goide of his father and Mrs. Gal sole, "Jerusal accompanying Mir. aad M the former's .ton, spent • Mrs. Fred Elli Tbts commu Dons to Rev. the celebrate, ding. To The Sigrid and all Its readers, we wish a Merry Christmas and • Happy New Tear. Annual M/seting. On Thursday afternoon the Ladled lid held their annual meeting. About twenty-one members were present. Officers elected were as follows: President, Mrs. R. Torrance; vice-presldent, Mrs. L. Cox; treasurer, Dm Ilsirh oa; secretary, Mrs. Oeorge he; organist, Mrs. H. Merle Ili; slstant, Mrs. Gardiner; buying com- mittee, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Pickard; correepondIMsecretary, Mrs. Woods; flower committee, Mrs. Tor- rance, Mrs. 'Betties, Ms. T. Elliott and Mrs. Lockhart. Tbe society bas had a spieadtd year. IRs paytag all ex- penses tbere was l oa band. A dainty leach was sewed by Mrs. lie-. Clare .- Clare and Mrs. It. Cox. Men's Aub Estertaim --Oa Tuesday evening the Mens Club put sa a splen- did program. The night was rather disagreeable but there was a good turnout. Plenry of range was furn- ished by the Web and Holland orches- tras, and Mr. F. Young and Rev. R. M. Gale with their violin& Borodino were given by lir,. Phillips, Alvin Betties, Argyle and Glen Lockhart, Isobell Woods. Mfrs M. Woods, little Phyllis Harris tad Lorne Elliott. Sing- ing by Mrs. Tel -anew and Dora Harri- s's, piano Bustlers_ by. Gladya Gale. songs by Stay ('•z and Jim Sterling and two pleasing lumbers by Betty and Ruth Harris erre enjoyed. The pro - reeds of the erring amounted to over $5, which was elven to misnlons. Tbe club also doused $10 of their fend+ to missions, mldng a total of $18.00. All telt very gstefui to (be club for this special effrt to help along a good cs o se. Thursday, De- but pretty wed - at tbe home of , when their Elizabeth, was Thomas James Todd, only eon of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Todd. Rev. H. M. 'fright of8c1aasd. The young couple left on • short motor trip. W. M. S. Olieee• Elected.—The De- cember meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs R. J. Woods. Tbe devotional leaflet was on "The Spirit of Love and Forglvenes"." end the chapter from the study book wee on "The Faith of Africa." At the eon- s -lesion of the regular meeting, the following officers were elected for 1938: President. Mies M. ('. Ruther- ford; rice -president, Mes. W. 1. Mil- ler: secretary, Mea. -W.- Pc --Miller: treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Gordon; Mis- sion Band superintendent, Mrs. Lorne Woods; assistant. Mrs. Tom Todd; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. W. 1. Miner; associate helpers' secretary, Mrs. D. Todd; press secretary, Mrs. 'S HILL Dec. 17.—Mrs. G. gone to Goderich to sister to stay for a hope soon to see her urn It. M. Gale delfv- ughtful sermon on e." Mr. J. Gale, wbo the week -end, attend- wrdel4ng anniversary mother, 'Rev. R. M. rendered a beautiful " Miss Gladys Gale Ted Johnston and her, Mr. 11. J. John - w days with Mr. and t. y extrude congratula- M. and Mrs. Gale on of their golden wed - 1'1a : 'Y -I. 1. l'I'il YEAR, NO. 51 • BA YFIELD HAYFIELD, Dec. 17.—Mr. and Mrs Peet Sturgeon, of Grand Bend, sprat Saturday w11b 7dr. rad Mrs. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, of 1)e- trolt, spent a few days with the form- er', mother, Mrs. K. Davison. Miss Isabel Kirk, of Deter, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Scutchmer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brandon and daugh- ter Betty and Mrs. Fred MeEwan and little Doris motored to London on Fri- day and ,peat the day there. Mr. Harry Weston and two Boase Percy and Charles, motored to Detroit on Weduesday of Last week and at- tended the funeral of his son -In-law, Mr. Archie ASaew, who passed away Iq that fir being 111 for some time. On Sunday last the Bayfield Bible Society held its annual meeting to Knox Presbyterian church. The three ministers, Rev. IL M. Gale, Rev. W. G. Bugler and Rev. 'Dr. Dougen, bad charge of the meeting. Mr. Bugler spoke on "How the Bible 1s to Be Used." The election of officers took place, the old officers being reelected for another year. Rev. R. M. 'Gale announced that he was celebrating his 11Tttetb wedding anniversary tied the congregation wished him and Mrs. Gale many more years of happiness. The meeting was then closed. Mrs. George Woods and daughter Ano left last week to spend some time with her daughter In New York. l'HAIBGED WITH rlartqwe White, VeddreIs u was arrested at Toronto oa F moruibg last, and was brought to erich by Provincial OunataMe e{ lli]tebeaer, Oa" lWnaa7 tD face a charge of car theft. It 1s alleged White stole W. J. Brown's car at Wingham on Novem- ber dt1. A car believed to have been stolen at Toronto was abandoned out- side Wingham, miuue license plates and gas and with the ignition wires cut. White was remanded by F. G Weir, J.P., on Monday, and will ap- pear before Magistrate J. A. Miktps this (Thursday) afternoon. Wben arrested • police state White had stolen goods In the car. ON 1RHLiEF Weal Street Stl.Irrd Disown Souls Claes ea Ws Own A squirrel on West street is on re- lief. It does not need to worry about storing away a supp of food for the winter. Every day shortly after the noon hour, almost without exception, • the sae re eon Bova a tree and watts. Wises be sees J. S. Snasel approach- ing from his restaurant the squirrel's tail twitches and he runs to and fro with quick, nervous steps. Mr. Snesel's band reaches Into his pocket, the squirrel becomes alert, then Jumps and scrambles as a handful of peanuts are thrown towards him. Each pea - let is taken to the crotch of tbe- and devoured. The squirrel, which is becoming gdite tame, 15 a well-known little chap In that neighborhood .and also Is ted choice morsels from Cleveland's bake shop. There 1s no substitute for thorough- going,ardent and sincere earwestnem oe• - • led:prtiuy, Gen. Hwtbrrs Acidity. Lives grid end I.vtist rix For .ale at all Ung `t.. r., CAMPBELL'S DRUG STOKE DOING GOOD TO ALL Do good to thy friend to keep hie to thy enemy to gain him, Auto INSURANCE Fire Life Accident aad Sickness N. K. WARK Dederick Ootarb TiefilrielltitirtarteMIMIMIVOINEWCITteiztell Candy for Christmas !1 InftlitiVIrrarninfirirRVIZUVIZTTRU • WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Must Bold Fence Chocolates in faney 110Mis and bulk, ranging hi peke from 25e up, to suit aA our patrons. We also have a good assortment of Novelties, Candy Canesr-edd• WHO GEES 1E CANDY CANE? Guess the weight of the big Candy Cane in our window. One guess with every purchase of 10c or over. Contest closes 7 p.m., December 24 THREE PRIZES GIVEN VENUS CANDY —MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS— THE .s s THE SQUARE PHONE 170 CHRISTMAS MIXED CHOCOLATES 29c a pant - K. K. Miller; literature and temper- hASance secretary, Mrs. Ted Race: :strong Viewers Order a', sscratar ._Mrs_ R. Woods; pian - 1st, Mrs. fled Mice: anat'1ot ' Mirit:-T1. Todd, Mrs. R. K. Miller. T. M Costello Orders THE "WHITE GIFT" SERVICE Gifts Presented as the Mary of the Nativity Is Enacted The annual "White (lift" eervtce of the Sundey sebool of 'North street United church was held on Sunday afternoon In the schoolroom. After the singing of Christmas carols the pastor, Rev. W. P, Lne. led ' in a prayer of thanksgiving for s11 that the coming of the Christ -Child had meant to the world Miss A. R. Ait- ken then told the beantitnl story of the origin .11 the "White (lift." This was followed by the presentation. by request, of the pageant, "As With Gladness." which the achool had en- joyed some few years ago. The lights of the schoolroom were turned off, leav- ing only the one shaded Tight above the platform on which was ween Mary, the mother. tending over the manger with Joseph leaning on his stag near by. To the music of Christmas hymns various Bible characters approached to offer their gifts to the Babe, while appropriate pests gee of Scripture were read as they knelt before tbe manger. When the last of these worshippers had withdrawn the children of the primary elass carne forward quietly and preaented their gifts. then the other classes In tnrn, with no sound but that of soft mnsle. The super- intendent, Mr C. M. Robertson, of- fered prayer, thanking God for the privilege of giving; another carol wee sung. and the pastor pronounced the benediction. On Monday morning a committee of teachers peeked the gifts In large ear - tone end had them shopped at once t their destination In Saskatchewan. J. Be Mustard Coal Co. MONK $ WM. G. Mam*AN. Mor GOI)EMICH. ONT. Grey j Township Man to Obey Former Instructions limber! .1 1, king. Firer township farmer. on )(Imlay was ordered by Judge T. M. et•tello In County Court to erect n fent• in accordance with an award set d„vu last year by fence - viewers. !melting was the defendant to a 1111e -fence Heti, 1nstignte(' by - his neighbor. Rums. R. :4undercock. who claimed that l.•'king's fent•( angled ten feet over or his property. Calla lessee -viewers Sundlererw'k rdled' In fence -viewers who, on falling in an effort to per - 'wade the partie' to arrive at a 'mu- tual agreement. awarded a declaim in favor of Snndes•nck. The tenee we In need of repairs and Locking sinned an agreement to erect It along a new line es laid out Icy the fence -setters. inatesd the fence was rebuil Moog the same line as before. It i*M been on that line more than a hell ntury. Judge Costello l rdered that the ehange be made le Locking before May next year. Five witnesse* r the plaintiff were heard on Thor last and, five for the defendant Monday. 1). E. Holmes for the Ibt1A'; J. W. Bosh - field, of Winghn for the defenda•t. • 0 "1 sin Mill a 1 n•t only trust. w111 yet he leen Sir Robert Bor apillmTet believe, that nit the world."— "The way we way we say t the mewsore of lin T) Rnnseveil • thing*. net just the is nearly always elncerity."— Frank- e 1. ,• • • 16 • • OD• • What Better Gift • OAN YOU MAKE THAN SOMETHING ELECTRICAL Beautiful and Practical Call at the HYDRO STORE and see all the electrical conveniences that you can obtain at s moderate price. IRONS GRILLS HEATERS TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS PERCOLATORS CURLING IRONS WARMING PADS • LAMP STANDS etc., etc. What about that Electric Range your Wife has set her heart on ? HYDRO LAMPS —THE BEST— IN ALL COLORS AND STYLES THE HYDRO STORE SQUARE AND COLBORNE STREET GODERIOH • .e 1