HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-12, Page 614-Tbarsdal. Dumber Izth. 1966
Brighten up with
You've had days ;ben you've reit-
ehdiscouraged and low. Nothing
seemed to go right. Frequently these
dreary days ran be traced to com-
mon constipation. due to lark of
"bulk' in your meals.
This ailment may cause
hes and loss of energy. Correct
by eating a delicious cereal.
Laboratory research shows Kel-
logg'. ALL -BEAN provides -hulk" to
aid elimination. .ALL -BEAN also far
ni-he. vitamin B and food -iron.
The "bulk" in Au -BEAN resists
dige4ion better than the fiber in
fruits and vegetables. 11 is gentle -
and often more effective. Isn't this
natural food better than taking pat•
rot medicines -often harmful?
Two tablespoonfuls of Au -BRAN
daily are usually sufficient. With
exb twat. in chronic your cases. d f not
relieved this way,
Brighten days with ALL -Run!
Get the red -and -
green package at
yew sneer's. Made
by Kellogg in Lon-
oo-eked Ontario.
Keep on the
Sunny Side of Llfe
.One compromise niinaler begets aD-
other.---James M. Warburg.
Plumbing, Heating
Repairs for ill nukes of
stores or fumes
Prompt service and reason-
able prices.
John Pinder
Phew Ill P. 0. Bas 131
The following students of Goderlen
Collegiate Institute�' obtained honor
Mandlag on the selithet the Noxi&,
ber eraminstions. Names are In
order of standing.
First -claw houors indicates a us e►stand
FDf of 7g pm tar , nvoli.-
class honors tkt to 74 ler-rent.; third
class boson tat to (\1 per cent.
Reports hate been handed to the
students to to signed by le
and returned to the school.
Fist -class honors -
Betty Eastman
John Milne
Second-class "honors -
Gerald O'Bri l •
Grace MacDonald
Leslie Riley •
James Garrick
Harold. Holman
Doaald Sheeedown
Christine Morrison
Ruth Nicol
Gwendolyn Llpsitt
Ettaabeth Newcombe
Third-class honors -
Jack Telford
Wllitam Burns
Harold Young
Maxine Wilson
F)rseciess honors -
Patricia Signor
Phyllis Ginn'
Jack Snell
Gertrude White
Florence Price
William Baker
Second-class honors -
Lee Scott
Thomas Hogan
Margaret Taylor
Frank Vines and Leola Nelson
Jean Elliott
Pearl Tarrant
Verna Minion
Colin Amsterberry
Nelt Thompson
Eleanor Nelson
James Mood
Breast Salkeld
_Ede Johnston
'IRMS•eissa hogors-
Delgfss Aitken
Roy Holland
Lorraine Nelson
Bald MacDonald
Harold Jewell
First-class honors -
Merle Bbeardown
William Reid
$oeoad-else& Donors -
!tote Doer
Worth Ryan and
Ions Hawthorne
Margaret Ln-
Purity PIs - tete very "Mover' et tea
,,ssWs inlet wheat -le always seliere e
anti dleyesdabie-elelt r neseislYri -It see
limier -lie Mites lies, s'!kasy yesers, en
brad. A stress wee One sow terdmer.
Best for all your Baking¢
flood' Na ues-
Superior Stores
SPECIAL -"Campbell's" Tomato Sonp 2 tins 15c
"For Complete i4,1t1,1,0 1i.o, Ilru!k
Royal York Coffee .1-1b. tin 39c
Raspberry or Strawberry Jams Large 32 -os. jar 33c
SPECIAL-"Crunchie•' Sweet Nixed Pickles
Large 27 -os. jar 21c
A good assortment of Christmaa Candies 2 lbs. for 25c
SPECIAL -Bright Juicy Dates
SPECIAL --''Garden Patch.' Golden
Duff's Pure Lard .
Yellow Sugar
...3 lbs. 25c
Corn 2 17 -os. tins 21e,
.lb. 17c
1 Golden Nixed Christmas Nuts
2 lbs. 37C
... 4 lbs. 25c
Large pkg. 21c
Christmas Fruits at Low Prices
Sultana Raisins
Currants, cleaned
Bleached Sultanas
Pitted flair Dates
Peel, Lemon and Orange
Peel, Citron
Glace Cherries
Glace Pineapple Rings
egos. Cellophane pkg.
2 lbs. 23c
2 lbs. 27c
per lb. 19c
..2 lbs, 25c
per lb. 21c
par lb. 21c
1/4 -lb. 13c
.. •: t/4 -lib, lbc
.72 lbs. 19c
Par pkg. 10c
2 lbs. 25c
PHONE 116 or 216
Huth Shephard
Carl Anderson
Ruth 1t)terteoD
Boy Turner
Gordon Yule
Ivan Irwin
Ralph Blackstone
Third-class honors--
Heide Sturdy
Frau► Bissett
Helen Snell
First-class bonors-
Philip Colder
tyt•t•ond•c•lass honors -
Betty Bisset
Terry Couper
Kathleen Lednor
tiladit ',arrant _'.
Hazel user • t .,
_ Maurice Harwood
I'hyllef Jewell
Graham MacDonald
Msrgttret Bisset and John MciQr•
Thins -cissa_ DQD4rs
Elaine Meru
Annie Wbitten
Catherine Barton
Grace 'grimmer
Irvine Eedy
Frances Elliott
Janet Taylor
Robert McManus
Marlon Chapman
t irst-chase honors -
Helen Archer
Lenore Saagel
Second-class honor -
Vera MacLeod
leve17n Plaetser and Marjorie Calder
John Cott
Mary Howard
Marjorie Arthur
Charlotte Crawford
Third-class boners -
Maurice Bean
Fern Cranston
Dweena Wilson
Elva Snell
Betty Newton
Donald& Jones
Madge Turner
Gerald Fellows
Arthnf Dewier end. Mildred Iia>N
Lois. Treleaven and Gordon
John Weir
Verna Plante
Irene Footer
.Robert MacDonald
Herbert Moody
First-class honors -
Dove Horton
Robert Barnes
Edwin Deem
Second-class honors--
Donelda McManus
_-,its 1nkaaten
Beryl Wilson
Bernice Durgin
Third-class b000rs-
Aan Milne
- Geraldine Saunders
Margaret Elliott
Donald Wiggins
Dorothy OTeeiae
Marton MacKay
Keith Arthur
Numbers in brackets Indicate
number of subjects taken,
First-class honors -
Walter Ruffell (19)
Jere McLeod (11)
Harold Stevens (11)
Mary Clare (6)
Second-class honore-
Norak Costello (9)
Bernice Hogarth (6)
Phyllis Taylor (6)
Reginald Asquith (4)
Awdr7 Dowker (5)
Margaret McMekea (8)
Harold Turner (6)
Bruce Orr (9)
Third-class honors -
Mary Asquith (7)
Kenneth Cott (9)
I Franees Martin (9)
F lrst-class home's -
Howard Wilkins _ . _
Jean Chisholm
Serene -seem- honors.--
Norah Junk
Violet Iteney
Fir.. -class honors-
Witma Treleaven
Keith Stuthers •
Keith Cutt
tient-vs Rnllen
Alice Ruston
Lloyd Rutledge •
11'.r1, Plante
Second-class bola, s- -
1 Kathleen Cnr4nn
Ma 1 jorl Il,wd,vson
tL•trion Mntheaon
Ft llIM 1 ('
.t eta honors-
' Marlon Webster
14., mai iu., honors .
Madeleine Irl iu.p
Mr••le 1•eter
'Fined-. ,u -s 1111111,1S
1!1•'1.•1 vlo/114 r•
I'eu rl Itoola•
1'htllis K, Ie
tor $atita,
" 1` Grj nstoob
Fhadt�, 1 rurrut to bring toy
N thing for pour Gael* Hurry!"
Father, mother. and daugh-
ter -halfway- ugh h -school were
a huddle to the twntryhig, with the kidIo
brother 0• (-Hip- for short) hov-
ering cerise* beyond the door.
-He weal tare, Dad.' The pretty
bruuette eel believed her father of bis
buudtes. "With his radio act going
over In • big way he can bus anytbtns
he likes. 1 hope he remembers a *dal
watch with • little diamond la akar
than • wrist watch with none."
"Whatever be glees you, Felicia. act
as If it's what you want moot." bar
motile' Vernet "Horrlgae would 'e-
ar be appreciated then es -vales -Na
In the smelt He knows 1 like pretty
segllgeea. 1 let him know bow 1 en-
joy hie Orleans"
"1 was trying to tend that contract
with David's." the father explained.
and 1 spese twost of the 'treeing with
him at the Weirdo. When 1 lett there
was barely as hour to shop. 1 didn't
dare take a late trainknowing we still
•ad to decadnte."
"Did yea get the new ornameot,r
Mother was pelting at • knobby pack-
"Here, deal bother .that. It's this
efts." Fedor tried,n take off his mot.
See wbile watching the parcels. vita
sight -years RID eellls5. 'Areft't ps•
eves galas 1p say 'Hello.' Dad?
"Sere. as 1 1 was helping Haste
with ht• ptl. that', alt"
'Santa. Mope! Did 7s Mt wry M-
"W i'll stat Well see!" As he west
upattaire. Walled by boyish Ispadeses.
the wards tested hack. "1 amply ter -
1t %A FIELD'S F'lll'111FR
. 1'lintol. Ni ,, . Record
.1., .lin:: to--;,,rI- pnl.11•!nv4
week 4;41,111.1.r t -.,m wh..!n 1: i
11.11 g• 1- if4 n:nn.•. \dmlr, Rnpflr',1.
1a to line n 11.•111',•ia4 mennment
Iowan soma]
Sunday Afternoon
. . .
Goderlch, Ontario
Thy sovereign grace to all extends.
Immense and unconfined ;
Krum age to age It never ended -
1t reaches alt mankind.
Throughout the world lt• breadth is
know n,
Wide ■■ irmnit7," `
So wide. it never palmed by one.
Or It had passed by me.
Come quickly, gracious Lord, and take
Possession of Thine own,
My longing heart vouchsafe to make
Thine everlasting throne.
-Charles Wesley.
• • •
S. S. LESSON FOR DEC. 22, 1936
Lawn Tem-CJsrtstemea Lawn
Lames Passage. -St- Maidiew 2: 1-12.
Gelds Text ---St. Matthew 1:2L
On a mid -winter day in the last
year of the reign of Herod the Great,
'Raw company encamped on the
western shore of the Dead Sea. It
was composed entirely of men. with
Sat faces, prominent cbeek-bones, and
ankle almost the color of saffron. Their
ayes slating sidewise were stewed -
shaped, while a plaited queue of jet-
black hair descended half -way down
their backs. Arriving that afternoon, tag It over the plains, and passing by
and quickly unloading theta bot'sea shepherds out In the open, keeping
sad mules, they bad proceeded to erect watch over tbelr sock,. they time
their tents. In one of these, ratc-
heted with rich carpets and cushions,
and larger than the rest, stood tbelr
•. -ray- 3Ltrttu + -ra.a. _-w +'xtfri9e trees at6'y49ssA.4 nt'Tsuorms YS=.a'
Salads Orange Pekoe
Blend will prove a sheer
delight to lovers of Fine tea.
certain presage of tbe birth of a new plow -shares and their spears Into prun-
god. From my youth 1 have sought tag -books, neither ahae they learn
to discover the divine essence which. war any more. Blessed are the
I .am persuaded, uoderlles what is
material, but all my researches have
been In vain. Impressed by what
the astrologers and my august visitor
said, I decided to accompany him, In
tine hope that what has been so long
hidden from me may be revealed. We
bare come over the deserts and the
mountain following the star. To-
night we saw 1t moving slowly to-
wards the west, and as our attendants
are ready to depart I propose that we
rise and follow It until It Odea out
of file 5R7.`
All that meett the three kings jour-
neyed over the arid hilts of Judea
and slept next day In a valley south
of Jens1Iea Ween evening came
the star shone with each extraordin-
ary brilliance that they telt they mat
be near their journey's end. Follow -
the outskirts of a village where stood
a tumbledown building. upon the roof
of which streamed down three ,olden
commander, a giant of a man, with rays of light from the mysterious star
an enormous black moustache that The three kings dismounted and. fol -
bung down as far as his breast. His lowed by their attendants, carrying
toilowers referred to themselves as
seas of 81nlr, but spoke of hlm as
the Son of Heaven. and the slightest
Indication of his will was Instantly
As the sun sank the men busied
themselves round the Gres cooking
their sapper, sad darkness fell while
it was Ming eaten. Immediately the
meal was ever the camp became se
Use with pt'eperatloes for departure.
The aisles were laden. and onty the
peat teat with Ilse partite peanon re -
of Arabia, ere appeared a multitude
.1 vacillatieg lights moving north-
wards aloe( the borders of the Salt
Bea. As they drew nearer tbe monad
et mimic and voices came Boating on
Mkt Mita Were Fwi ef Holly -Papered
get gam, 'Feared have bees Lima V
"Fillets eta go to the haberdasher's
ngbt bete." hes wife solved tee mat-
ter, 'Tie important thing is to get
tee tree te`bed and the gifts spread
tssder It bare Hurry comma He al-
ways ad m s my tree. Felicia, bey
id. one gl ors
your father and nes,
and see ,Wl and your brother."
"qtr. would 1 • role Hurry like.
"M -uta; He lies ev.•rytking be needs.
sad he never seletmns aaything be
wants. Ask the clerk in suggest aoma-
MMag "
The silver nee was aglow. the last
fat Saata Class dinging to • Ilmb,
Felicia s purchases had been hastily
wrapped In guidon and green LWue.
wben the dose buret open admitting
Horrrteen Carter of "Hurry and Beate"
ndto comedy Mase His arms were full
of red. green, sad holly -papered par-
cels. and bebft Mgr r•ame the cheer)
chauffeur, big arum full. too.
"Drop 'ern, AMMO my lady Now hur-
ry to that girlie years and make hay
while the snow fells Come for me ■t
eleefe. Here, don't you need a little
extra? It's Christmas." Code Hurry
pot a .but 1. n. .man'@ _band •nil
clapped tbe deer Ant.
"aPencil.viler 3 vett' -ins 1- 1s
Ns have thing original, SO -
phis. Henry-, Mw-•-1iTsine s? And."
(looking ,roup.) "where's Rigor
"HI-I•Ipley 1" called Felicia. flinging
open the 41ning ronin door.
In the midst of dls girded outer
wrappings. A fid -facet mean boy was
struggling with tissue and ribbons.
.A w. gee. Flee 1 wanted to Lie It
mp.ulr. Aw. Neat Why'd Toe have to
en open the door? i spent all the
moose% 1 earned' enttln' lawns tet
1 •nnrmer and seerrelto' snow this week,
nn AS. :•1, It's a Ane gift if 1
ro111 1 ret it Assd- it world look swell."
1'ncle Itnrry lumped to close the
door •(/o shelt old fellow. We won't
•11'4 no use. Everybody's saw." Htp
dere tnwnrd ttllem with the gift pro-
rotruding from its ',needogs. it w50 5
.‘111,1 11 howl with a w n1"Ien mixing
peaceakers : for they shall be called
the children of (Sod."
Tbe kings luted their eyes above,
from whence the voice cam., and mud
dently saw the root open, and the
skies filled with a multitude of the
heavenly host, praising God, end say-
ing. "Glory to God 1• the highest, and
on earth peace, geed will to men."
costly presents. knocked at the door.
It was opened, disclosing • stable with
an latent sleeping In a manger on a
heap of straw. A young woman clad
In white sat at the head of the crib.
An oz was a the nest of le and as
ass on tic their eir breath warming
the tiny baby. It was a cold, drawee
ty stable, and a humble cradle. bit
the kings recog•laed 1a It Life Ood,
whom they entity and. falling on
their knees, they bowed with tbe4r
when to the
there foreheads to the ground before the
re -
=slued to. be struck, chili Jesus.far aft�i, towards the wastes was 11W- 14/ E/tiT-ffi
gift -a MNer teaser from wh1A -than
carded the smoke of fragrant freakke
"O Wonderful One," be said. "tee
Marey ou, Den. 10. -Mr. teed Mrs
3 - Hessen end- -Miaa_Jaaa-Ander-
son were up tram Stratford on Sunday
Miss Mary Alton, of Couirle's Cor-
ners, 1s visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mia. Elmer, Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington and
baby. of Wawanosb. spent Wednesday
with Mr. and Mn. Wm. Irvine.
Mr. sad Mrs. Thos. W1sglas, of
Dungannon. spent Monday with Mr.
and lira G. Halt •
Mrs. R. Johnston, who was visiting
her daughter. Mrs. Hiram Moffat, of
talon. retareed to her btme on 'friday.
Mrs. McGillivray, of Klntoss, le tIM
guest of ber slater. Mrs. Wm. J. Hall.
W. M. & 111e.Ntlg. - At the Decem-
ber meeting of Blake's W.M 14 bold at
the Dome of Mrs. Thos. Blake, on
Thursday afternoon. it was deckled is
held a tea in toe ball on bleday,
December 601h. Tire followleg oA
cern were elected for the coming year:
Presldeat. Mrs. 8. 1. Kilpatrick ; doe -
president. Mrs J W. Blake: secretary,
Mrs R. Johnston: trekser!rr, Mrs. H.
eyes of my salad are darkened so that
the air. and it became apparent that I yea 0 Intllgft Oust unto sae
what was approaching was a lost pace. I beneath Thea. tow Oat
all thlags sad s11 tklags la God."
The safest slept atoll made so re-
sponse, but from bars there fell a
vole* acing, "The Lord shall be unto
cortege of brown -skinned men, mated/
es the backs of elephants, and carry-
ing In their bands bags Gaming tireless
which threw monstrous sesames on
the sand. When a abort dictasce the as evsrWttsS "Slit. BNtaed
l'renbsw tbe so encampment where the slant are the �e 11 Mart: for they shall
t11ow nod sled h him follower
untTO ger Oed "
e- haft. �l5kl 5 004', took from the
In front of 1t was • mensal white attendant a golden bowl fell to the
elephant witD an Ivory tower bar- baa with doneness wren. and,
pladas It before the manger. said.
"0 Lord Of Life. have pity upon me as
i bow before Thee la my sorrow and
perplexity. &slung 1f I shall see agate
la &mother world the faces of tads
.1 lever
The Ialifft slumbered. and from the
1115411 celestial volees answered.
"Love la stronger than death. Tboa
shalt tee them ,gala and thy heart
shall rejoice. Blessed are they that
mourn: for 11te7 shall be comforted."
Melchior laid before the crib a rich-
ly carved box of ebony encrusted with
jewels. Tben, joining bis bands. he
'•0 Prince of Peace, my heart is Yd
and finds no rest Toe world is toll
of the sounds of war and the cries of
Seen wbo seek each other's blood.
t)11a11 the strife of nations never
erase? Abell hatred have no cod T'
The latent stirred In His sleep, and
a voice responded :
-They • shell best their swords into
mewed to Its back, In wbleb sat •
young man of broose tint. dressed 1n
a robe of ruby -colored silk sparkling
with precious Moots. He balled the
sae wboue be dlvtned to be the leader
of the company that conftoeted bin,
bat percetvfgg that his language was'
sot understood, he turned and relied
eat something to those wbo were be-
hind him. His words were passed
from month to mouth, away to the
rear, and atter the companies had
stood facing each otber for a few nln-
ates, halt a down nen seated on
camels sad dromedaries came riding
through 11e throng. On one of these
animals was a ma jestle old man w
a green turban studded
with dia-
monds. to whom all on each tilde of
him did obeisance as be made bis w•7
to the front. Addressing the Mae
mese In their own language. be was
at ones emotional, responded te_blf.
their chief. who invited him and the
young man In the ivory howdah. is
come to his tent *ad
ccspta 1 b
hospitality. Food pg
by all three, as the sign and sol of
a brotherly covenant, and then, recltm-
ies_ on enshioOs around a brasier, the
travelliii worn M relate -bow time
bad reset a e•etountee cub other, be. t
side thin Syrian see.
----elle - name le Gespex 1 Klee _..A%,}.
Sinim." began the boat. "1 rage
over millfone of yellow people. yet 1
am a most unhappy man. My par-
ents are dead; so Is my wife and only
child. Where they have gone I know
not, for though i am called the Son
of Heaven 1 am Ignorant whether
'Heaven' IM an actual place or merely
a bt5b-aonndlog word. As my loved
ones kept appearing to me In say
dreams 1 conMulted all the wise men
in my kingdom. Reeking to learn 1f
they were *t111 alive. tett only received
evasive' answers. At last, however,
one 'of the sager'• an old blind num.
whiwperl'd to me, 'King Gaspard,
mount npnn your hone and set out
for the moutb-west. A star hitherto
unknown 1s soon gf .pp15Twl lead
that star teed. 7o
yon to the crt4le of a god, ani haveb
you *hall he comforted.'
traverser) Asia for two year*. Iste-
ly the *tar app1ered to me. revery
Meld i have fixed my eyes upon It,
find fnllnwed 1t. end it hoe lee me to
when• we ere" 4nld the
"My name 1. ltalthNsar,
kinglc old In e tnrb:rn. "acrd
our hr..taler man here. Methlehhtl I. n3Derot
of Indite came to the napltltl of m7
kingdom little over a month ago• He
Inherits the 'pint of his .overeigo as -
prior. Asnka. nee the horror, nf.wat
ttii him with dd9n+t. ' Necking sulfate
his priesthood lune who (*Mild impart
to him the meeret of Inner rest,ea 1047
man said to film In dying.
pewee It, nor shat, i, until tr b ay. .
passed through (*yelps to he bora, however.
*Tgod of good -will togod is good -will upon e olnleas
of Asti.. Departit 1100li or i w
Olt your way 1
tease who will polnb,7o'a t0 1 star,
which shall lead yon to teff Of Wire
is ed tM tee Prince of Nem.
"The lerporor arrived a Babylon.
airy capital, whore *11 our setrnlosers
were elicited over a new and brtntsnt
etn thathad th for Itwa
The two unit who onditeted
esrlle.t scientlfl'.•/ sn''ceral nn the
(Inst lake., A.Imlrsls Reynold sod
Owen, aro to he Jointly honored In s
monnmont 10 1e erected in Owen
Round. hp the historic Rites And Monti.
ments Lenard Thl.'*111 be fine, but
Purely Ituyfleld ought to have some
mark. This lake port watt one of
the moat Important In early days.
Hayfield. Md not grnw into A city, .s
Owen Sound did, hnt nererthelesa It
Is tamona itt lett own way , it is one
91 the mdkt dell(htful of summer re -
sores in Ontario, more popular thine
sten the city of Owen Round In that
rTeopeet. A tablet Mimed it Witt
be plowed In the town hall there.
'1\ 11.1'4 11 Per.
t.i ,.gyp
•1'n.1e Il irryl"
F,li.ut L•. .•,n 10 tnngh
„ale II'�rr-_1CIly.
I. •. N.k ed e.•.+••II•uilllte.
n. .nl '! We w,.re pus*:nC that
her,. .y Me'11 nil thing` ,n.l be
,.111 111,1 Ctw'le !lorry. -. sltid.
.I.., . hitt M 45 0101 4111NA ho„ I • 1'A
•M AIA' "'NI Ant „r,•n
A•111 1., hn, ,1 few IS kitchenette Ulry
said It h1.1 •.'40 t*II aside for mime
oto• lea 51,0 .A *CI 11 rhos *nye'
-4 ¢neo•`. •.roll MNNIN e'INN. wun44
rather al.ni lie *Milford *Ne elven to
rl4t11 1.. Net R fee lel utaelf," std
Itip w1ar17 '
"Government Is Mina {mated more
* rift
1''11 _It'✓
reaming le the lisped et' lialde(4
scheol ter tits On urn:
Or. )t/"-tDerls !Mans tit, trust
Yea E. Harry Westlake its. 3110
Qnttos N.
Iawnaes WRlhms_ 74.1 _--
11111 °filum M.6. Bob Dedkfs gid,
Pearl Westlake 63.4. Stank•, Ryan
60.4, Glean Wllwsas 7t, Dorothy
Steels 60. Dan Walter 411.A.
Sr. 111 -Jack Westlake 724. Audrey
Pulling et Bandy Bisset 61.6.
Jr til -iterate, Jaebraa 6R, Jerry
Shields 60. Jean Ryan 44.
-1T-Tetter Wetter 64, Barbara.-0.tt-._.
60.3, Clayton Steels 67.6. George West-
lake 62.6, David Robinson 50.R, Arn
old Heber 34.
1 -Leonard Dodkln. Maitland Moat -
(misery, Ted Kaltttas, P471111 Steels.
Rath Fisher. Markes Williams, Billy
Ryan. Jimmie Bisset.
'Sr. Pti•ser-discs Katttles. NM -
ward Chilton. maloe Iamb, Nellie
Robinson, Irene Benoskl.
Jr. Primer --George Kaltting, Wetly
"Ile .4111
land more by a OW* for the well-being
of tete people oo a wboks. tl1 rank=tr
1►, Rooaevst. -
- _ 1wiled----�`�wing `T
timeless se the BOO ad _mar
niece iddden sway 1s the
old Bell Wright
"i1 a n mat hills, I'd Mgt as
soon be'd stay oat d ray backyard --ft
might be kagrous."-Jktyes Z.
it IA floe of the reverter testa of
friendship to tell your friend his
fauna. So to k.ve a man test toe Main caDnot bear to see a epos elm.
and to speak painful truth through
loving words. that Is friendship. -11
W. Bee her.
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