The Signal, 1935-12-12, Page 3Goderich's Progressive
are represented in The Signal's
Advertising Columns
Ittwd their announcements and slop
where you are invited to shop.
Make Your Dollars Go
by Pending carefully thadvertiseineute
In thin iiwue of The Signal and noting
the values offered by our progreesdve
111IG1iTl' ElU11111 YEAR, NO. 50
The 0. F. Carey Co.
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Representative London Life
Insurance Co.
Cues.—Masonic Temple, West
Street, Goderich
Nelson Hill, Manager. Throne EH
J. W. Craigie
insurance aa&ilrr Estate
Dominion, Previtlil and
Municipal Bemis
Geo. Williams & Son
Fire, Accident, Automobile and
General Insurance Agents
noses it &s ari*
For Sole of Pod Albert
NIM4 Weeded Cottage
-- ,p, feet
—Also Howes in Town—
Auto. Accident mad
Fire lnseraaee
Mee 2!Z Wed&
Men's Clothes
Come in and look over our
Fall and Winter Samples
They are superb
Everything that's new in
Men's' Wear at this time
of the season
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
"We well know that truth or error
le not a matter of black or whftei
ire color -scheme 1a indefinitely cOd-
piex. "—Josephs Jastrow.
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of 4111
Estimates given on applieatisa
Telephone 82 — Goderich
All County Court
Cases .Adjourned
Judge Displeased — Wants Rule
Adhered 'Po`--VaJious Dates
Set for Hearings
The Jury was disls•used with at the
sitting of the County Court before
Judge T. M. G,,.tello on Tuesday
afternoon, the one criminal cue, a
charge against Caswell Hackett, of
Blyth, of having stolen goods, being
set over it'- *epeeist- - sstil the laza
sitting of the Court. Ball in the
sum of 31,000 was renewed for Hack-
Four civil cases on the docket were
disposed of in ten minutes. All were
Judge T. M. Costello expressed his
displeasure at the adjournments.
"I do not know If there 1s justifica-
tion for all these adjournments," he
said. "The County Court should sit
an regular days. I do not want the
solicitors to think that they can get
away from that rule."
The adjourned civil ilat was as fol-
Muer vs. King et al., 111 which
Charles Muir, Howick township farm-
er, asks a declaration to set aside a
conveyance of land by the defendant
Richard J. King to his daughter, Min-
nie J. Clegg, claiming the conveyance
was made in order to defeat plaintiff's
writ for $510. .1. W. Busheeid, of
Wingham, for plaintiff ; R. S. Hether-
ington, of Wingham, for the defendant
The case was adjourned, a date for
hearing agreeable to the parties to be
Sneath vs. Jerome, in which the
plaintiff, Wm. S°eatb, of Niagara Fall.
is suing for $2U6 allegedly owed him
by Jas. M. Jerome, of Wingbam, as a
result of a sale by the defendant of
property in which pislntiff claims to
have bad an interest. J. W. Bushfleld
and R. 8. Hetherington. solicitors.
Adjourned until the next sitting of
the Court
Line Fame Case
Sundercock vs. Locting.—The plain-
tiff, Russell R. Sundercoek, of Grey
townsblp, asks that the defendant,
Robert Locking. a neighbor, be made
to comply with a court order and erect
a proper fence between tbelr proper-
ties. Plaint1f'tstms the fence erected
by Locking cuts off some of his pro-
perty. D. E. Holmes, of Goderich,
for the plaintiff; J: W. Bushiseld, of
Wingham, for the defendant.
The case was adjourned tmtil this
(Thursday) morning iD aten 'clock.
Davidson vs. Horshavg et al., in
which Wm. F. Davidson, Matheson
horse dealer. is suing Walter J. Hors -
burgh, of Howwick township, for - a
3500 judgment against Leslie McLeod,
also of Howick, who, it le alleged in
plaintiff's statement of claim, turned
over his Grope and stock to Horaburgh
to defeat the judgment to favor of
The ease was adjourned sine die at
the request of the soll,itors. L. E.
Daneey for the • plaintiff : Campbell
Grant, of Waffierton„ for the defen-
about moat people why have
VA-PSNUT CtJft.,ft —Hepburn May Stay
Ontario needs the vitality and dyna-
Trausiest from
Melt ,
COunty Constable Jack Ferguson
was waiting outside the Toronto jail
on Thursday last. when Jack Skeats,
--salaried--a ter. NMd_141. AUBURN. pee. 11.—Mr.. and Mrs.
thIstpdifa,.po,.o__theft (herse.. Roy Farrow, of 'itltebell, visited at
le greened omeurierit—the kslt.Il liE-11f Foe isdeston-isveg
car -theft charge and brought the week.en&
Goderich. The man will appearWe; • Mrs. Robert Turner and children
fore Magistrate J,A. Making today. visited her mother, Mrs. McWhinney,
It Is alleged that Skeet's stole a ear of Goderich, over the week -end.
owned by Harry Clements. Ooderieb Mr. James Howatt, of Mullett, and I.undesMaro and from there, in 1908.
township on November 5. after Clem lgrn. Wm. Howatt of Westfield, to their horn.• in least Wawanosh. Mr.
ants had given him a lift. The own- visited at the home of Mr. Geo. How- Snell ]ss rl oo
eay In June. 19 11 t
er parked her ear. out.ide a (;(xlerich eat on Sunday
Family gatherings offer unusual opportunities for storytelling pictures.
AREADER of the Snapshot Guild type, use the largest.stop. With the
sent in the above picture u an current 1n the lamp farted off re -
example of what can be done by an place the home bulb with the Photo-
mateur photographer with an in flash bulb. Bet your camera for a
expensive camera.time exposure; open the shutter and
Photographically It is an excellent t°ata°tly "tarn on" the Photoflash
picture and this Guild member is to bulb which you have placed in the
be congratulated on his work.u
floor lamp- There will be a vivid, lo-
To tie Snapshot Guild, however, stantaneous flash of light. Immtdf-
this picture represents much more shalt' atter this flash close the shutter
tauan example of good photogra- ot your camera and you have your
PO. p. It tells a real story. As we vise- p°re-
altse the story behind this picture it It you prefer you can take s snap-
shotof .nch a group pro,ading you
takes us into the homes of thou-
sands of typical Canadian family
have acanters. win
canters./.6.3 ,leaf er
groups gathered at the home of toter, using Photoflood bulbs ..---
parents for the day or evening. will be necessary to employ two
It 1s just such picture. that add flOor lamps; place one lamp about
Interest and value to your snapshot
6 feet to front and a little to the
collection and every year, u the m
right of your subjects; place lamp
children "grow up," you will cherish °°ei two about six feet to the
such snapshots mor$ and more. front and left of the group. Tilt the
Record pictures, such u scenes, shades on the lamps so that the
buildings, monuments and other light is cast over the entire group.
places of interest you snap in your Place two Photoflood bulbe in the
travels are Important and interest- lamp to the left and one or two in
ing, but don't overlook the !nnamer thuse se to the right. Be sure to use
able opportunities for intimate, super -sensitive panchromatic film
story-teutag pear.. a the family. for best results for snapshots with
With present day IDm and Photo thts kind of a setup. Witk Illm
flash or Photoflood bulbs you can slower than supersensitive short
take indoor pictures with any camera time exposures can be made with
equipped for "time" exposure. The Photoflood bulbs.
picture above was taken with an or- het the diaphrager at /.6.3 and the
dinary camera with the aid of a No. shutter speed at 1 75 of a second;
20 Photoflash bulb. turn on your Photblood lamps and—
Here la what you do. Place your snap—you have mate a snapshot et
camera on a tripod, table or some night indoors.
thing solid so that there will be no Wben shades on home tamps can -
movement of the camera when e not be tilted or are of a kind that
picture is taken. Locate your sub does not permit directing the tight
leets, or group in the finder. At arm's on the subject, remove the shade. In
length to the side of your camera
place an ordinary floor lamp; to get
full efficiency from the light, remove
the shade and bold a white card or
a pillow case in back of it to serve
as a reflector. If In a group picture of
this kind you find that the distance
at which the Photoflash will be
placed is about 10 feet from the
group use stop ell with an ansate -
mat lens or No. 1 stop on single lens
cameras- or -box - 1kzteras. With
double lenses not ot the anasttgmat
such oases, some kind of reflector
back of the lights will throw non-
siderably more light forward
Don't forget these important !pic-
tures around the home. Get some
Photoflash or Photoflood bulbs 'they
can ne purchased 1n almost any
store where they sell photograph) ,
supplies). load •'our camera w•ith-
super-sensitive panchromatic film
and take a res snapshots at .too
tndnnrs ft's x ;e r of tun.
.10!,\ VAN OUILHs,n
•with the Ship
•• mic energy. which he has infused Otto the conduct of affairs. Opponents as
well as supporters admit that he has
reshaped political affairs to the ad-
vantage of Ontario. Ily the time this
1s In print, the Premier will have at-
tended the inter -provincial conference
at Ottawa and further enhanced his
reputation as a leader.
If Arrangements Can Be- Made
to Relieve Him of De-
tail Work
Toronto, Dec. 9.—There 1s a die -
;tuft possibility that Premier Hepburn
will remain at the helm of the Govern -
pent slbd eont_inue-to reuder the cali-
bre of service that brought the Liber -
a1 party from the shades of opposition
Ill.iht.10_ _4t Power, if
The "if" Is important There is no
doubt that the Premier must perman-
ently retire from politics unless he is
able to continue without endangering
his health. If his Cabinet colleagues
are able so to lighten hes burdens that
be would be relieved of the burden-
some detail which has always been
loaded on the leader of a Government,
then he will continue to guide tbe
destinies of the Province. And 1t
goes without saying that bis col-
leagues will move heaven and earth
to keep him at Queen's Park, even
though it would mean that he would
not be at his desk more than two or
three days a week.
Premier Hepburn would not be the
first Ontario Premier to do this. Sir
James Whitney some years ago
guided the Government from an ad-
"visory standpoint rather than an ad-
ministrative one. Premise Hepburn
would be of even greater service to
the Province were he relieved of many
or his jots whkh can be done by de-
partments under capable deputy min -
later.. The Premier's experience
knowledge, lie •understanding and ea -
would rte free and unhampered-
nhamperedantler these conditions of comparative
freedom. The destruction of health
is too heavy a price to pay for politi-
cal position and the Premier, like a
wise man, 1s prepared to carry out
his intention of resigning rather than
aggravate bis already Injured health
and 'End an early grave.
Nothing 1s definite concerning the
Premier's future. But his col-
1Ieagues, dismayed at the prospect of
losing him, are ready, It Is said, to
submit a plan to their chief along the
lines outlined above. What the
.Premie/a answer will be remains a
• secret to his own heart. Loyalty to
Me party, the desire to continue to be
of service to his fellowmen, these are
considerations which cannot be taken
lightly. On the other hand. there 1s
his duty not only to himself but to
kis wife and family. His medical
advisers say he cannot keep up the
present pace without endangering hie
life. A live politician b better than
a dead hero and the Premier 1s pre-
pared to delay indefinitely tbe time
when everybody will be saying only
the nicest things about him, as 1s said
At the weekly duplicate bridge togr-
nament held Monday eveuing, the fol-
lowing were winners:
North and South -1st, Mr. J. H.
Taylor and Mr. P. F. Carey, plus 13%;
2nd, Mr. T. R. Patterson and Mr. R.
J. McMeben, plus 10%; 3rd, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Beacom, plus 8.
Esse and West—let, Mra. R C. Hays
and Mrs. I. D. Festman, plus 18%;
2nd, Mr. and Mrs. II. Shackleton and
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Mooney (tied),
plus 8%; 3rd, Mr. A. L. Cole and Mr.
It. Johnston, plus 1%.
Another game will be held next Mon-
day evening.
Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted
Registered Optometrist
( 17 years In Stratford), at
Robertson's Jewelry Store
"Satisfaction at Moderate Cost"
Sales of Ihominlon Stores Limited
for the twelfth period ended Novem-
ber 30th, 1935, were 31,405,210. This
compares with sales of $1.3511,423 for
the corresponding period of 1934 and
sales of 31,583.939 for tbe Immediately
preceding period of 1935.
The number of stores operated dur-
ing the period was 488, as against 497
during the c•grresponding period of
THIYEAR- tectesecteg
Diamond Rings, Watches, Rings, Signets and Stone
Set; Waterman's Fountain Pens and Pencils,
Dunhill Pipes, Keystone Toiletware, Rolls Razors,
Leather Goods, Christmas Cards,
Royal Crown Derby China
unicorn' unicorn'' comparison of prices with catalogues
_— dOr,tores for goods of equal quality
E. C. Robertson
Phone 136 , y pyayst
Bradford was the daughter of Robert
and Mary Ann Armstrong Bradford
and was born /to July 26, 1859, In Aeh- •
field, where she lived for some years. t -
Mous w_ber maulage..sbe.lired at'
Belfast"-.T1n member -1, 1
-eras married -T boors+=-S0811:—` tttt+r
their marriage they lived at Lucknow
and Lanes. In 188.. they moved to
of set')n snrvi,e: Mrs. John
township hall, and when he came out Mrs. Peter Waiper ban moved into McDowell, Mrs. Elwin Taylor and
both ear and traneent had Alsop- the house which she recently bought Robert It. tined, of Fast Wawanosh;
peared. from the Good estnte. John A.. of Windsor: Minnie. George
Skeats was arrested at Toronto on Baptist Ladies' Aid. --The regular and Jamvs, at home: also a deter,
a charge of the theft of n purse and
was ('onvieted. The ear was returned
to Clemente at that time. John McKnight'* with nineteen mem- of Goderlcp.:7 2 Henry Bradford,
hers and nine visitors present. The Pleasant Dale. 'task. There are four- t
Shake off the pe simlrU4 aseump- prewldent. Mrs. Rowton, wee in the teen grandchildren. The funeral 1
Lion that to be unhappy Is inevitable.' ,•hair with Mrs. R. J. Phillipe at the I was held from the residence on , Kat- t
--John Cowper Powys. plana. Mrs. E. Robertson read the y
--91st Psalm. Several hymns were
sung and a number offered prayer.
monthly meeting of the Baptist Ladles' Mrs, Moses Thnwpamm•
Aid was held December 6th at Mrs. and two slivethers, Gorge Rradfor
atrda oftern000, to Bell cernetoi-
Rev. Hugh e'. Wilson. of the United
chnreh, oimk•tntcd;-taking- as his text
John 14.2. Viae Itnth Mtrangban
led vat ever teensy hew much
the hnppincss of your Christmas
depends; on Coal? _
Yai plan your Iore4y prisente.
your gorgeous time, your big din
ncr, your family reunion.
And down underneath Is the t:t
that. pair Christmas inert—Immo
wocild literally he frozen If you
didn't have is warns, comfortable
home for your celebration.
Be mire and do your ('4rlstata,
e oa l -I fl311 g early.
J. B. Mustard Coal Co.
rHOvK s(r WM. G. MseEWAN, Magma, OODIERi('H. ONT.
Considerable butanes* was looked
after and Mrs. W. C. Roherteon Invited sing "In the GardenThe pall ,
the Aid for January. The program bearers were (;eorge itrown. J0.eph
Consisted of the following: Readings Connelly, Gc,. Walker. Cline. Smith.
by Ruby (ynrter, "1 serve best In iktle Herbert 1'eni':eiid rami Wm. Eletcy.
things," and Mrs. itowatt, "Lord, sled*k Friends wen• present from Lnck.ow,
to me;" Mies Small and Mrs. ie. Goderiehe ll lyrood. and Whigham.
Ratthby sang a duet, "Deni yin flank
to prayr' and a ladies' quartette mm -
posed of Mrs. John McKnight. Mre.
Howson, Mrs. Ferguson -and Mrs. E.
Raithhy sang. "I'll go with you all
the way." Mrs. Jasper MeBrien and
Elizabeth (food presented a mnsienl
monologue entitled. "Christ walks the
waves." Mree. Walper next Bove a
reading. "Hang On and Smile." snd
Mra. John Rail/shy nee on "The Sun-
set Side." Mrs. M(dtrien dtsmltssed
the mee4ing with prayer. A dainty
10 -emit tea wax nerved by the tan.tees.
The Baptist Y.P.S. will hold their
monthly meeting December 15th, it
being a speelal ('hrtetmas service.
Fiverynne welcome.
iserth of Mrs. Gee. Snwl1.—The
death occurred nn Thnrserley. Demme
e m et-
her 5th, at her home, lot A0, conceit -
g len 3, Fent Wswnnneh, of Jane Bred -
ford, widow of Henry. Snell. Mrs
S nell. who was 1n her seventy;seventh
'year. had been 111 for flee weeks Jan!
)11SS 11\\NAi1 MRrKENZiF.
At the use of seventy-four years,
Mies 11'1111.. 0, MaeKe'nsle, a former
resident of t;.,derich, died recently In
to. Joseph's Hospital. Fort, Wayne. In-
diana. Mi-- MacKenzie, who bad
been living :It South Haven, near
Chicago, suffcretl a broken leg In a
fell lkst eprint ted els.ut two month*
before her death she had another fall.
resulting In n broken hip. Deceased,
who was a professional nurse, form-
erly lived en, Quebec street in this
town. On n return viatt to town
some 'Pare ago elle rya( the guest of
Mrs R. J, Magas. _.
"1 believe that, however long the de
pr.asinn lasts, the rebound will be
proportIonaIly .higher„;:, --Cita ries M.
MECHANIC: "in recent tears m, pay has
averaged 3110 a month, hot 1 have made as
much as 3200. My re);ular halt,' ha, fern to
deposit part of my fay in the Bank of
SALES CLERK: "That ,,minds me—but
finish your_ story" - - - - .
MECHANIC: "Udll; t1 jo-haver been
easy, but here's what 1 have Today- A debt.
free home w orth 32,000, summer cottage
worth 3500, 31,200 in the Bank, a small
automobile, good furniture, including a
piano. Of course, 1 saved something every
month for many years."
SALES CLERK: "My wife runs our family--;
finances. 1 hand her my pay cheque, and
after paying bills and keeping out purse
money, she puts the rest in our savings ac•
count at the Bank of Montreal. That's why_
we had the money to buy our rev little
home—a bargain for rash "
Personal savings accounts; Nanking by mail;
safekeeping of securities and other valuable
papers; chequing accounts; letters of credit;
money orders and travellers cheques. .
ESTABLISHED 1717 • HEAD 01E11E1. siii\1 REAL
Goderich Branch: A. A. NICOL, Manager ,
1N0D1*N. l(►ICIENT RANKING. suvuca .•••• Tin OUTCOMC of tie YSAR%, sttrris,rfrt O►tiaAT 1 .