HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-12, Page 2• 10--Thurwtac. Des -ribber Ilth, 1033 obtakeisional COUNTY FATHERS CONCLUDE THE SIGNAL. GODERICH, ONT. fected. He tbaaied the council for Its geuerous Maisel& assistance. F INA; SESSION OF 1935 The f"11°11111111.f"11°11111111.s.aotlunr were - p h7 tient -Haa; That, as thee r re [` tlrlug Warden, Swt Riser, has ren- nd-talthful service intuit. Ar, a nwult of hie activities.tothe is hoot his (score of otice, we, l..l'.A. trier had been collected to the the cuuuty colenell, recommend to Ste- amonnt of jf173, (riminal vinic flees 'hen tuwushlV that hr Ire trtururtf r eawttat atL_ en as well as tines a;alq as YMer• for !.hr -!(tai 1(1811 under the Highway Tr k A T- le -the (;riled. lir yf $ e. a total of :810, k:111ott-4Henle1: 'flue( E. Patter- son be annotated a milliliter of Clintou (collegiate board to till the vacancy caused by the re•Iguatiou Yt Dr. J. F. Evans. Carried. McNall-Turner: That this council ask the Depirtaeot of Highway* for en expLlnatioe of it. action In select - Ing only roads In the south part of the county for inclusion in the county road &Tatem. la view of the fact that Huron county beaw No. 3D requested that roads In all parts of the county be so designated. , And as we have only two miles of pavement to North Huron and Qtd In South Huron we cannot underlWd the Department's attitude In tits matter.. Carried. county with whom he was ; throughout the year- Cardiff-Eillett: That this eoudtg b connected by many ties. As Jim' Reeve Murdoch Matheson of Ash= more easily and efficiently by County Crowell feels That the matter of ask - Malcolm his name was almost a boor field, who acted a+ chairman during Clerk Roberts and advocated giving luthe Department of ion to the closing.__,,a.. school lne*sctur+' salarlrr stwuld bold word in the two oquntiru and eeremlatiw, called nl"'° him more authority to deal' with the be dropped, as it w•aa ruled against there was general srsection ittott of the i ea lI dnai members of the cotters: an.l w*t ttw m officials. Ile printed out by His Honor the Jtdge, and we tact that In him this ,et tion of West- least one ,°mt11°t''e. tli,e 11101!1' t-olIlntyhsome thou randsaut dsaillarlsshy feel it useless to proeeed further, ern Ontario had produced a man who' prerieed (pleasure at the a 1Igeuial at keeping In close touch with these in. - Carried. cal ti enwtphere of the sessions. Reeve Le''• rtltutlon; and Wring men returned Eckert-Hemingwaye : That where: bad few superior* as a politl anas the office of the county chert• is al t•sman of wide T1•lO°• ell, one of the speakers, said he them 1. to their homer earlier titan would - Id mit I. .ia.s+tu itis otherwise have been the cast. the logical place for records respect- - energetic adminlatrator, t w ho r Reeve 4 er o t of (;oe/rrumrutal_avrdlug to party, but 1.) the - officiate tended to keep their patients lsn••ssennes VMS alasul•v •1 Combos is X areoladon GODERICH • CANADA Subscription peke $2A per Year; $1.30 11 paid in advance. THE SiGNAL PRINTING CO., LTD. W. H. ROBERtsoN, Editor and Afatsspn Telephone s6. , : Goderich, Ont. Thursday, December 1• th, 11(:15 ',JD[" l ALCOLM IS DEAD • 1 The death of James lla[eotm of Kincardine. former member of Par- liament for North Bruce and Minister Council Rises Friday Altentuon after pr'eaentatioil ti) Warden Sweitzer The ctnrul,. ,vin, -,I lvau•Iud,•l the! It,.ete. Eckert a.ked that he be sup- Det•emlw,r aeti+ion on Friday last 'tata ill1. plied 11 lithh e figure collections e euta it ng the {eresentxtlon t t «sidrn est two or three years. Sweitzer of a handsome prl.iltra:IeQi Reeve Frotmu row to Inquire if I .rtne'Ihlnt could not be done to reduce ebony cyte. nuttie by the cost of patients teeing treated in The Presentation was nt Reeve (leo. Elliott. of Clintons and felt i that ie fornts sometimes were kept the accompanying address was read of too long and thought that arrange - Deputy Peeve It. F. Turner, meats might be made to erre for them t,nderleb elsewhere at a lower cost. • ,abed briefly. A lona dIK'usslon ensued. Alietly of Trade aged Commence in the Federal Warden tweitzer re -p rthritarly with regard to the proper method of Government, Is lamented by tbe people! thanking the councillors, fa __den Elliott. also the clerk and advising the county clerk as to Ind'- l:r.- gent casts admitted to hospitals. -- _lbs sant. Curium cases might be dealt wllh of \ firth Huron I,n a degree •r"""' - Roberto only to that oZ" The 'people of - e so intimate - treasurer, itelassa and co ev■(w° g5ses Atathesun J1e11Cved kine, for ttleir-''1P ad as Able the Warden should I F' t t thou the hospital Ing sold -age peuNou: and moft•rrs' Mh ______.z.- •_. ffotm ezponen %` l e(II lowatac-* and whereas the county la. policies. - His ardent temperament. •In,wn is his close application to whatever busi- ness he had on' hand and in ttre %Ig,X ty dicers, both Cewnty F.ng of his public and Parliamentary ad- tersoe.aoll (county Treasurer Erskine. A ` oe ,a dressers. Made him a prey to the disease gtting detailed statementsTreasurer of (bele and whereas this bus worked out ad- Reece Keys printed nut that only vantageously, we therefore petition the wblcb tsar laid lib low. • Ht was activltles during the year.a ia(Ists in tuberculosis were cum- Ontario (;overament to have the county Limb:4 felh,wed their_ g Pr`' only in his iffty-sixth year, y rti,vlars are printed pe. to Judge regarding a patient's clerk act in a stmil.ir capacity In re- -Clerk go, and forwardoleu5t tlMalthjeotatloas and Pu condition. if men were kept tiro long spout 10 Motberi .\lluwanees, so that might hate looked to malty to other Roberts- all records kept are available: and ('dere oberts report. -41 that he had it was sometimes twcause they had more years of useful activity.that • copy of thl iav also be sent secured a list of all libraries in re ,no place to go and the sanitorium u[- b oOt local tetetlaterr+. (carried. - Yr. Yalcolm's supreme achievement Trade coeety. He a.kvd the caries+ a BNS on thept hwortdem ther than turn them the council. Wednesday Morning Wednesday morning's session was taken tip chiefly with reports pi inter 1'at- 1 4) lout and suggested that Iota m - retlnlr(d 10 pay tlfty per cent 41 cal health officers. or others specially mothers' allowance., and whereas the atr{welnterl, might make periodic visite ProVIDtlpl Government has already re - to the sanitorlum and check up on quired the county Jerk to waintaLa patients there. the records of the old -age pension,. wad in the port of a //dater of to verify the list and to aptrie Reeve Pryde thought that It ..Midst secretaries ant and Commeftt In the Jlladletattle eases of the library e he poeslhle to draw rip a fog mar !i (loveromefiT lir the -Teary -1Y to -1=80- tzeasuret s in _ order that the grantsto sign co esi.g . Rinne 1 allowed by the count! ®Iit T-..ire-sest4vrr. to the proper persons. The resignation of Yr. J. S. Evans The die mssfon dwindled away, al• dersterod the name had been changed from the board of tbe Clinton Celle- though Reeve Feagan tried to get it to "Huron County Home. - 'late Institute was read apd tabled back to the matter of .raving time on This was sat% by Reeve Bow' treatment. man, chairman of the Huron County for further from e Department of Reeve Eckert wanted the warden 1{omr commltUe. ♦ letter from tate F.ducatlon at Toronto stated that the to define an indigent, but Reeve Bow- Several reeves joined in a dlscus- county was not reepon*lble for the -man pointed out that the official rul- slon as to how mu, fir the colnty mast coat of edUtation of a Huron county Ing was that an indigent was one who I pay for the Darlal of indigent patients student who s f Collegiate had no assets- In Hospital -3a that period be fostered Canada', a hospttat. Misr* trade until It reached a vol- use,that was hardly dreamed of a few years before and from which it has since fallen away sadly. To most people the figures of Canada's foreign trade are but a set of figures: but to "Jim" Malcolm, as tbose who beard him on the subject could testify. they represented human activities in all sorts of occupations and in all parts of the world. It was understood Sot with the change of Government at Ottawa Mr. Malcolm could have had the post of "t,anadtan sinister at R'ashlogion : but Liquor Control Act eatorcement officer, ,b evidently realised the limitations I ,1mo s (lent • mum" teear . • imposed by the condition of his health, 1 he bid ezlc _ $ltbough his friends still clung to the antra ts.d a dt criminalade seas b•war- ts hope tbat he might recover i large as well as laying sixty-four inforsa- mr■sure of hi strength and Rigor. Haran County UMW _-setae Turner wanted to lames_ M Correct name for the count/ Iaatlta- at tltnton. -die did - name "house of-teeuge" aali-aa.- dying I attending y The clerk, read- - the town of Elmira. This town The ° had to Waterloo county and not tea - is In Warden (((ought that each chat I from the Hoppe/et Act, said that ire dre•tded on its merits, ltbe county art MY expenses not ex- IVIEVILVENENteCtlEtetelLNEWPIENSOMMEIVIEWIteitfitetelittletetellitetee Christmas Store News tlEtCKNIMEIVEterttletetrOCCONIMOVVOCCVVVVVVVVEL LINED KID GLOVES Women's and children's in a large ,•hoice. All sizer. All in gift $1 00 to $1.95 boxes. fair FUR -1R COATS Silk lined and chamois interlined. Sizes 32 to 44. Priced at. SWEATER COATS Yen's all pure wool. 44. Special $12t0$18 Sizes 34 PYJAMAS FOR WOMEN tt,$1.50 Beautifully made and finished. cjdeteury • stake in a lovely woven material, choice colors. Small, medium and large $1.50 sizes FLOOR RUGS a (copies of real Persians, heavy sleep pile. Very new and beautiful colorings Size about 26 x 5L'...._._. -• • $350 Size about 36x6# ':' :.:... .$5 85 AXMINSTER RUGS Seamless ' Barrymoor,' heavy pile, fine wool and in selected patterns. p for Christmas. 6'9"x9' - K $19.00 and 530.00 3 x 3t t yards $25.00 to :46.00 i' x 4 yards $30.00 to $66.00 LACE • ,u p - taw, i0bct`ta Witham. ivotr and ecrit- abide.-- Various patterns. - is♦-- It 2 __yatlda. Beguial R.rilleA •7 Pair ... , - •-•-•-•-•-••••-•-•-• MEN'S ALL -WOOL English Socks. Usual value 75e and 95e. Special, pair New patterns and colon. A large range and imported for Christmas Special. TIES A•fse array of real silk in new patterns, selected. Very special. Each TABLE LINEN 35c Heavy all Linen Cloths. Size 56 inches x 2 yards wit!<-neat_eolored border. Each Cloi -fide $oze . --Regular value $1.39 $2.25, Sppatiial. ........ r HANDKERCHIEFS Men's Trish Linen Handkerchiefs. Large hem -stitch with initial daintily embroidered. All initials except X, Y and Z. 25c and 50c Each SCARFS Pine, wool 'imported Scarfs in pleasing variety. Each daintily boned.... 45c, 75c $125 WILTON RUGS - 3 : Sit. Ts11[t--_.-• t-. •.' NIGHT GOWNS Weoen't ars rior white _ ilanneletie (;owns, , sleeves, Bilk t*iaeleel sad is - V•neek or !Melt. .]Ced'imek - amt overvizeieekrbeze&---440,61 sus ectervecurtewitmeectanctiteemeeetectetweetweec W. ACHEC,Nt&& SON MEICINEKIVIENEVetere e in different circumstances might ran is Dueled by was permanently disabled. • Helot the time, M eras tat Mere until tlgu/rua to the twenty of Hatoa people lMMding i7sD It t#e Pe The Elmira school asked tor the tM Mglt■1 as prucWed In the Act. thought more than the usual allow- syM*K The council decided . to adlsor;l ance should be made. as there was, - -A 5 wt laalet M Mn Watts one more to keep. placed n Ise Musty atone. £e rn- Yr. Cooper said the full allowance vesttgatton will be made to And out It was paid, but no more. The Aet pro- he is ealttbie for an old -age pensive. video for the children. be esplalned, Ran 1tacue& Hero. agricultural re - sot, foe the father or mother. prese■ttative, precasted a lengthy re' Ile. Cooper toad Reeve Cardiff the port. after which be offered to vfdt Province allows no remuneration for tow.shspa to Ureses with tbe reeves investigations or work Incurred In the the guestiss of shorties aging cattle. a a ren decide a+ to making out of applications. That U Several reeves availed themselves of - I d Th letter referred to the 8 f 191141. I ap to the county weevil, he said. Me opportunity and asked Mr. Mae EDITORIAL NOTES rul►ng. I without more talk, to meet again at 1)lafaaeeaest 0 1K 2 o cloek The report of John Ferguson, county 111111reisy Mortis Very little ries+ was transacted Weineadae Anteroom on Thursday nlog. The sitting Whits commit resumed in the after I was delaled t 939 to 10.110 •'elect to permit coma to complete their noon ■letter from the Coderlcb Dalry I wort. was read. asking permission to place At thes per It. :C- Hays, a sign on the county building above county soIkLISr wan called lolo con or Just below the clock- It was ( saltation to assist the councillors to stated a reasonable rental would be the meriting and latent pal e e r was r of c•Oanty bylaw No. 1 0 people who like tbat ball.- Because 1 property committee. 1 •Phis prorldi- that tuberculous and The report was adopted and or- Lend to visit thea. "no one goes to work that early," they i The Provincial engineer and super -Incurable patients who are indigent dered printed la the minute*. f M t3ne5itiaa F I At this point Reeve Archibald. ' Atex. (Sandy 1 Young, a former chairman education committee. As someone has remarked recently, can wake up, grin defiance at the Italy is "on the /pots" whatever hap sound,and then dip peacefully off gene in Ethiopia. 1f she wine with to sleep again. That's a luxury cities do not provide for their citlsens. superior arms she will get no credit. . • • I expendkure* noted In precious bylaww el she loses toea the III -equipped, triply it is said that the Italians bold This precaution was to make sure 1 for patient was admitted. A long dfarnsslon arose as to what I lodged the vote of thanks and mid I bulged t° during his (lest year, was humiliated. Africans, she will be terribly the belief, inspired by Moasolinl, that , they would reeelve the full Provincial constlloull ar. Iwvnble patient. 11 that any information or asaletance 1abolhfhed in Ms its.. l tees s evtn- humiliated. saDsldy. Wimp be could give was at the disposal of the ell. Reeve (irrdlIff"en erterm In that • • • the Welch Empire is decadent, is I The n•prrta of the minty road cam- Iartrtse out of the sul,missiun by Immmittee. the baa was lifted two yeas ago• about to fall apart, and that all that Wm of nu •+cunt for m■Inteaaw Pe. mission and this Children's (Shelter cud -(humored tenter *11.passed It 1'rinrese Elizabeth assists her of an epileptic in a resents Institution 'fhaesiset ffvehtrr Mwh R gtmdi ef, tVe'K...f. is Christ• to smash Ler is fit be of:e mtttee were road and the follow. !Mtluy appan•d to feel that such • Aa unsocial problem was introduced hatweeo the spsher and tier "mien mss broadcast, it is sate to say that strong will. "'Italy will Monsen ua' tag xp i- Trees were hart. -lir. H. I man might re' over and an su (stet to the minuet by County Trait (MMrr, aaembera• i the grace of the British i5mplrg," wet T. Fdward(s, C.A.S. tapdtor: Mime G. kir really imvralref It •o- be would N. Lever. The officer told of an Report.. of the advisory attitaltat'e Ju w b havet a everyonesoin audience. M. Ross. of the Cbildrens War mem- provisions by- committee. 1[uroo l'ounty Idose Just alaat whoto the- agibt- I the words of one Italian leader, The; Orlal hn til, { nndnn. who re(rntly tut eume uudcr the pe it. ix transient. Frhne regenerated Roman Empire Is to let rtil law No, Is but should he dealt with Ratttsc sob speaking aurid who owns a radio will ' Was appofnferl district rwpresrntfthe 1 therw isr. be listening.. Princess "Idllybet" has the beir of Britain's RrefMees- 711 for Western Ontario for the Ontario . lir. 11rys tainted out the necr,•Ity had a tremendous popularity all these curious notions actually are t_X,y1,•ty fere ('rippled ('hilds.a. A. Y. of defftitnR au "laeun101r," as maul ars 1 visor of township roads. Mr. aton, air to 1»• maintained In hospital and the reeve council 9. bstipp nt asked account» for their maintenance are to the reandsto pard Ibem to heary b . be rendered to the county. wbich wLU, laws and forward them ter I]b partment If they had exceeded tbt I b turn, barge half of such accounts Which rbatit to the municipality fres whb-b thanked of tbe ural comm . reeve of Colborne townahlp. was asked thanked Mr J. P. Haase, former price to address the coastal. He said he eepa1 of the O.C,1., for the assistance first entered the council In Hint. He be had given tie as Pres committee. regretted the practice of smoking if Yr. Hume, who was present. aeknow- I coua•U, stating that the habit in - .4 n• nem eft Maga sad hooka Caine of wail* may le of hisf.eteai Ardor. were plied op In the attic of the court -He lbois6i Ta$- sassitl be preserved In Oleo that could be placed in the hasemauL fie warned sgalaea the danger of allowing carioatty-a/fh- ere to roam at win throogb the attic. and told of 0atdtng a burnt-out elgar- cite butt amour the gapes. Reece Melnik recalled the eesaty road commission report sod oiler some discussion a clause war added that the roads be kept apes as anal this winter. I Registry Oise 112es.- - Reeve McNeil toot eseeptioa to the •high-handed" method of Col. W. W Dennison. Inspector of legal omce& In ordering that new equipment he par - chased for the registry omee The Reeve reported a letter from the is trisector as stating that mares new equipment were purchased the writer would order 1t himself and the awn ty would have to pay. The equip- ment was purchased according to Mr Dimon 'a instructions. but other -reeves Joined alar Reeve McNeil iu censoring the Inspector's attitude. At the request of seteral members of tee.t•uutt(•11 Treasurer Firskine ave the cost of repairs and additions collie court house and reEtstry 0111, a a- $1280 sad- respectively. - Another mew Eemeeki ..... us Lapu ar ty icer i__. *remain!' of the C.A.S. ' Y Likely to arise vtb, current Is Maty. what * '•taeorsit5t I iRoleertMer. • • • after" er{w•riem•e la nwalting that J. (;nldthnrtx, es - With lf.l'. After meat of the leave the rice her crountry. township. and K. J. {►e•a spoken it wit dehe a to Kith the disappearance of Llneoln • • • I for North Huron. matter in the hands of the legislative Id that although Ellsworth, somewhere in the Antarctic Odidr,W'I AW cuwIIIIIL . to bring lu a rw•ommenda- bad „ a resident of Huron her the j cti'rded the estimate the work Lad been Constable John Cowan. Tt If. Th Globe contends. It I• of I 1 st said years. He wen reported e i d every bit of repaint done a ctrunty cetnstable. The man already supreme mp,rtaiwr rod 1 1 the nun, Mire. waw ■ r winter he was Oared To JCL and, as might are - he waw reeoverior from a bmkea leg Mr. MunnitrRs iepioeed for fact (fiat (Continued es page 151 Bl'eertri Colborne store similar c•nsew we're - cuuncMoroi bad o bad been I•edgnl In loll I mlttee and Mil 11.14. committee Irate on a vagranl'Y charge. end on betel ' regd--snd adopted sad orderers prtrtd dlsml,•wl had refused is !rave. la ibe minutes. The old awn was takers Into enstodv • Httftdttag {ttsgairs on e•,mplilnts of his habil of dI, triXow R. C.-liennInga, who supetiateed(d In ttfr . He+gr rRt r ter is ow 1 G the court bourn. barn to keep wars- ; the repairs , Reeve Me\all asked that the 0o1n The eon,stahle rtcplafneel that Watts.; the eouncthong on We work. x. ell recommend the appointment of r,a o h the cwt had ex- of Bi h, a - wilderness, the thought arises that 1t a+ I e w that the world 11. T. FelwxnL ('.A (. luspeetor, o into. a' levet of JaR. he well done an sons 011 three montDs' prolwatimh, he w1wW care a Rut o1 time 1f the r II ltl (' M Libraries have s flat, 1f pat I hs'lately (sea anry In tact eip•ctitiun were fitted out at the Reeve Eckert nbjetted, aaylnR that children t rn e list, as WY ur congratulated 11.' lora{ branch of that the department la Toronto, did net 1,Inns Club mora .the splendid work ',mallet the ,muse+ of r wrtaitive% I minutes that has Iwrn done among crippled I hirtt some of the out that three children In tI)1 dlrtriet. MIPs Rots 1 Reese Itrvra• is•lated anon In ree asked that the reeves keep In close ; libraries were in open hbt touch with her with regard 10 the i township. none of which were on the work. I list. A. M. Robert,enn. secretary of the R,.(ve Bowman c•tarineces dtr eenion. ('.A.S.. spoke briefly, stating that, al- I wMt•b waded to t-rome lengthy, 1y though 111, sot-Icty now it io+rrporated explaining that Mastics most come under the Companies Aet. Its relation kip to a certain standard in order to with the council would riot be af- Qualify foe the Government glint., h reeve 1 t u e( 1r ( M. frame i `hound 001 Lore any a•casion t) sus- Rasa. e -ho described the manner Is ; ('enol) ('Reel Roberts Irruught up would small windows a horn a barn he said there were miser Mimes that wild. et any break in the Witlsh Empire which the work 10 dune among the the matter of .t.ssaty litrrarlea. Ile M, that he would be r'vlwrned Last h re w dee ld. is to h ugh nervier cttrtr Mlle sWtw1 that th rel from time ar fine, ., .... Ire re. ted. Modern efficiency teems front on the question of sanctions to hate fallen down, not to have against Italy, why does The (Hobe keep' thought of It long ago. harping on the gnestioe on Ws front • • • page every day' 1f Mr. Lapointe The London Times, In referring to made a mistake. why 'Wald The Globe. tbe arrival of the Tweedsmuir$ In after having had Its say. labor Ow Canada. stated tbat they sailed up point day after day and thus give the St. Lawrence to Ottawa. and Just comfort and em our.gement to tbe shout every Canadian newspaper him 1 enemies of the Empire? Can It be taken The Times to tarsi( for the error. mat The l;bile la playing newstrp•r We feel that to be unfair. Even The I politics; to a matter of such grave inn- and it wait his o/iafnn that t h llfy on the tattle standard to his ,erne eligible for the Times ,.tight to be permitted to make (erg? a mistake once in a while. • • • • Mr. King, explanation of the Dr (county groat but It was e- most of the council, • • gitettrtelettrtCCUMBCO 1osghl alsw f this (nitrite -must Iddell aR•' s th matter In a 'the Indians o 7 R sur I)11 e have (hanged their nature a let la i more reusoosble light. Dr. Riddell the lush century or so, owing probbly i proprwl the application of oil minc- ercontact with tlw whitew A west tlons against Italy without test con •r two ago a young Indian item the, suiting the Government at pastes, Chippewa Hill reserve committed mil. The (internment knew nothing about tide because the maiden of hitt choice ' his intention. Dr. Riddell has neve( preferred anhther. There is oone.of been authorised 10 speak for (•Sunda the leeen(ibry ' lmiian stof(•1sm in Ile spleen to bold- a position at the i Gifts They brought their gift- t baby Ring: - _Theft fragrant ite-rmr tattering gold. What Ott. ,tau 1 VIII in tlwlar - This ..veiled to lie the opinion (! f o plea-(' a I ci,1O1 that reeves might add the Nonce of libraries In which they were Uster- and their 1 t-trsl and that tlrelr casts WOIltd ire con-id.•red an their merits. {Lir hand- ` A Resolution Iran H.id{tsenid A Again 1y of Haldlman i1 nytk10 c'alllhg fora new •s(1 contl- is hell I sessment of township property gt b. 'Idiot I•entre• wit. filed. but I not trefore Rel•c,. )r•aert did his best tw 111111• it tallerd for next June's. 5(' r? and , elan. tors- iTraravated 1w, eenrcalm( of a nsrpw(Tl tory to May of the members, who least of I a!Veered es( whelk Reet'e 'ltowlnrlh I pointed out thst the question of equal- .' 1111- .117.01( u•w•".neem tilwaJs carne HP at 'For Illm tprlore and Ladd. \\'lint (illi 1 Infer from my ieer erip that. lt'a acting Just like t white headquarters of the League of Na 1 To 'dense iv. ('Iris(, ((town-np boy. lions aualagons In that of an advisor) • . . 11'h,lt esti I rive Thew. Hate expert. is other words, he is aup - heir Report, from Callender indleate Peen! to keep the Canadian Govern I 111s voice In answers • "fin that the Dionne., are proving excel 'nest alrlse(1 of what Rue. 00 • at ns ye lent 'a,treie.ea, all, that is, except Geneva.. lir. King says that Dr. Rid- 111nvr done it mato one of the .4 uIhe•(. Mamma and Pape 1M, i1,' They dell mqy mite Rud good ria -ons for wanted more mem) than the pro•, acting 5, he did. hnt what the)' min} 41), - • ducert'•wPIA, ittlling to pay for 1 bis- bate been ata not mem,n In IIHama li,,lh,' shown. play of the•ir'histrionic talehts. Itttllr. I,api,fntr'. statement appears to+ 11e r1aiIn:: them for 111• or l'1P unfair to Judge these people have Iw.n In th.• nature of a teen •' OIc, Met It Is ■ ally t11ey•r•an• tnnnd .,f r ,n , official. 1 . Yr 1tho d • It unto me* the inn( •east" anyway and that Fn.h thought fat others. each smell t?nen• war M) point either to 41.44 roue dntlon now. nor Ina Ih( 1hlMllmnenl New h may" • - 11n bosun.. it river until J11111 {le w•k• lte(te F;e'kcrt IsiMv'erl (Runt Bonn• the r'- They are such .rlfl(v• Rl1t• etrellenl lr„ ' sldtltlun c•nntaln,,l 1)) .'rtal •s1 The Hill• coir d(crl• sof rteT pnlmlr whhlt mtah! be , 1wrMwle to 1111'. : the Jnew resulnn. hitt .o 11 was !{mall serricws m) hind. ,nn find fu tits (1011011 did lee agrt•r•• laid nwa}. Ttwrwda) Mer" ■w \Vh,, eee4Wcll met on T1111rtsdak afternoon A. T cooper. of Clinton, "' rtteror' of'Mtt►_.NetA.•t* AUowlllttee tsw•al Board, pr0oeate'l his report 111r411Fleece Turner a /•d what provision ; was node when the father of a featly too set( w a r geniuna , 1 TI not recognize sound Asiviee *ken they 1s to to, regretted, that the reprimand f get It. i could not hate been admtnlsf.red with 11. {alt1t1'lTy ('tnadlaro have nn ('llntou town ('onncll divided ln. dt•u,lre to atgs•nr to Ire RlvinR cnmfott leer. the qu4141°1°a of Insua111ng a town t.. 11w w„rkl'r t'n1t. F;ferswy No. 1 fire elren tyre the 10.11 reprp•Mtatlt.*. llo innnms•rabla 4rot.ats from s1 140,-..4;1111.11110116.--.J Aldy,._.t S Alum. all 1,Rena.• *WI pavtd.w_lal the OSIra bibt 1lataale to he rung -1 o,iutty p1nne 11151Randa I.,Mnlldly ,a. mit loos at i ViSs& le the morn ie•hInd Britain and the 14"•611. ,•t • • • lag we 1 theie are a IM ,.f do The worry uty tongue .1111 .nv. Strange gifts. It NWT.. to bee ls•fore n King. + wv lit $$p hilt •.eewheim --• - - -. --(ire..• \oil ('r"well You Can Save Money on hristmas Cand ----- -at BLACKSTONE'S AN IDEAL GIFT BOXES OF CHOCOLATES Mie to 54.511 SPECIAL 1 CHi vers AS 1ii1TUial O1eamla. Jeles and Cbaedalrr 1 las. for Th. RUSH SPECIAL lIe C1.sdato ltl>stsre lXTRAI EXTRA! shad tuft Hurry for This One 15.( -brimless p,.e•tlte whew,, 15.( -brimless M rkbas sad NeseIUs. Otfr Peewee at (Years ■nd trim, - Aso. _ \.•- ., 29e 2 IM. for 25r Black»We's Failure Sop -CHRISTMAM SUGGESTIONS -- All new merchandise. K hedsrgartan Seta 5225 ■P Clabbe & Beards $1.26 lad Den Carvtags sloe up larking Horse. and (child's Deck Sets Card Tables 51.5* ■p atairmane Tebbe 51.55 flanker, 51.55 Meek Beards lir In15e Del Heir 1126 K Wh, Cars, semielat t Se K tltdts' Wsg.w•ttas 51e' CONOOL&UiI RUMS AT RAR - GAIN PRICES MARSHALL MATTRESSIS. sof_ dal for awe week may.. 01.15 MA up ambito RFIICM1t .I f1,N t. T►.•. aro vows seer•• -um, them ve• es lri..lr e . Nee wi•rey. BLACKSTON'S' t f ON THE BROADWAY OF GODERICH iter