HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-12, Page 1•
Don't Worry About Your
Christmas Gift Selections
thriessztatimoms twurai.,moo at
-- Tkie Signal and youP'itboppios•pr+ b.
lams will vanish
__Trhone Company
Plans Are Shelved
Council Says Poles Should Remain
on Tree Line—Community
Christmas Tree
Leo Friday night's meeting of the
town council malnlethecl that bode.
reputation for brief businesslike ses-
sions, requiring leas than an bour for
transaction of necessary bniInese.
The reading of the minutes of the
previous session brought a Prot
from Deputy Reeve Turner and fr
Reeve Moser, who demanded that th
votes be recorded against the decin
to pring a representative of R.
Robertson, K.C., here to prepare t
town's defence In pending court
It was pointed out that they
ac -
administration The letter was fit
Tbe Dominion avid Canadian Sulk
Company resepiained that their true
driver was at times unable to gal
wmething be done about it sod
quoted the law on the matter. I
was left te the chairman of the ha
bor ommittee to straighten out.
Deli Teleellowis
A long letter frost the distrlf•t head
quarter. of the Bell Telephone Com
pany asked that the council recon
Rider its attitede regarding the pia
leg of telephone poke on Ow street
in connection with the propowel expan
W on of the lemitiony's liner; on th
east efde of tows. -
Some time ago the t• un
motion prohibiting tbe company from
moving their poles out #at in the borate
Yard. on main utreets. It etated that
they 'Mould remain osi the tree line.
The company does iscrt like this idea
and meintaIns that ite building pro-
gram lv being held up. although the
to Its propene'.
The council coneldered the letter In
committee of the. whole•mid decided
not to Outage it. derision.
It was decided, by motion. to allow
- the epeeist committee Do handle ne
arrangement* regarding the proposed
Otirlatman tree to be held in Court
House Park, probably on Saturday,
Council/or Hiu•kinst annouweed that
the members of the Maple Leaf Chap-
ter. 1.O.D.R.. had agreed to 611 one
thourtand tinge with candler, arid nuts
for distribution at tbe tree. The otos
and candle* will be porellesed be Doe
Yes; 1t was all printed right
In our own once --colored Santa
Claus and all.
We are giving in advance the
reply to a question that other-
wise might ^be asked repeatedly
after this lame of The Signal
gets foto tae Lunde of its read-,
Color costa money, of course;
but noticing is too good for The
Signal's big family of subecrlb-
Hospital Affairs
in Splendid Shape
Aminal Meeting Discusses Pro -
Parsons' Address
At the annual meeting of Alexandra
Hospital Association on Monday night,
at MacKay Hall, there was some dis-
cussion as to the advisability of in-
creasing the accommodation of the bos-
pital by the building of an addition.
it was reported thIt Usti---ef the
wards were filled esestaatly'aad that
times the eaiettlag aeeenimadation
severely taxed.
The property committee was author-
ised to look Into the posslMllty of ex-
tending the facilities of the institu-
tion. sed if the necessary funds can
be made available plans for an addi-
tion may be presented at an early
Three retiring members of the board
of governors, 0 L Parsee', hers. C. A.
Reid and R. C. clays, were reelected.
The only change in the beard was
n e eentated by the removal of R. C.
Wbeteley from Ossa . He is succeeded
as tri by A. A. Nkvl, wits L
also Mr. Wbatetey'e aYceessoe as lo-
cal manager of the Bank st Moutreel.
The board of governors Is composed
as follows: 0. L. Pa rao.e, mese
New Subject for
Collegiate Puiiils
Agriculture to Be Taught—Board
Will Secure Piece of Land
for Practical Study
Students In the agriculture class at
the Collegiate Institute will have
practical work to do In connection
with ihelr studies next year.
Mr. P. J. MacEwan, chairman of
the property committee, announced at
the regular board meeting on Friday
last that a piece of, laud had been
secured, and would be converted into
gardens nest spring to provide prat%
tical study tor the students.
Principal A. R, Scott was empow-
ered to purchase books for the school
library to the extent of $75 and chemi-
cal science apgaratus to the value of
Numerous accounts were dealt with
by the board
A committee was appointed to in-
vestigate eases of students attending
tbe Collegiate beyond the slx•year per-
iod. Students attending more than
six years are required to pay towards
their education.
of a long Christmas holiday, as they
will not be required to return to school
until Monday, January 6.
-At—the-request of It. C.
tepee eounsel. the case against J. How-
ard Robertson, former Goderkh tax
collector, °barged with fraud. was ad-
journed by Judge T. M. Costello on
8aturday front December 17 to Jan-
uary 15. Crown Attorney D. E
Holmes objected strongly to the pro-
posal for adjournment.
Mr. Robertson is charged with con-
verting to his own use $7.200 of mute-
cipal funds.
mourn ST. S. 8. IFFICEES
At the anneal meeting of tbe calipers
and teachers of North greet United
ilaaday school the fislioAlng officers
were elected for te3d: Superinten-
date A. M. Robertson; assistant eap-
erlateadent. F. Kershaw; weretary,
Kari Westbrook ; treasurer, George
Johawa; espertneendent of primary
Mee althea; .
temperance convener. W. Hern. On
motion of Meows. H. R. Long and It.
M. Robertom a motion of appreciation
of the long and faithful tor -vice of
the retireee superintendent. Mr. e,
3a. Robertson. was passed and plaeea
on the school records.
McLean. Mrs. W. L Horton, Mayor
Moser, In. John Wilts.*. R. C Hays,
J. B. Reyaolds.
A. M. Robertson .1110 reappointed
orary auditor.
President's Adams
Pres:West L. Parsons le his an-
nual address said:
' total number of patients treated be be
- 522. bY far the greatest in the hiatory
e- of hospital service in mu .enenunity.
and 1 may nay that frequently OW
" capacity was taxed lo its Maxon, a
e record which fully jestiaes the aetion
. of the board la sieving to the new
[premines yeses age. withal the vote of
Me people; *ben filliy-ir-ard down
the bylaw to funk% Asanebai Veit-
-The revenue comparable to that 44
the preceding year reVell Ili so herpes*
(Continued en page Jet
Canctiate Representative
•nswer to • question by Cows -
eller Itrown, the Informattoe wee
**applied that it was not necessary for
the; conneil to set In the matter of
maideut an appointment to the Cone -
elate board to replace Mr. E. R. Ingle.
Tbe latter wss appointed last year
but never functioned In the peeltion.
He with to complete the term of tbe
The *PPointment was left over for
wet were' eerie/el.
IRylaw No. 15 wan pawed. by tbe
terser of which tbe taxes rollectibet
et dogs were returned to what they
were before It was derided to ebarge
mere for special, bred. of canine&
Tbe rate* now are $2 for the Med dog
with 114 for all addiednal maim •nd
$4 for the first female with a charge
Tiro finance rommittee advised the
(outwit that soother $1,900 had been
stemmed to the Collegiate hoard.
snakier • fatal of 17.0a4.60 advaseed
Is addition to tho amount a the re-
relar town levy. It reerreassmided
tilat the hoard he asked to repay Ode
ahla before DarlPfliler lee. It atm
reeommended Hist the below* et 411280
owing to the public library loosed he
The Monotone oaf the erwasaittee ia
to interview the management of the
gondertch Origin Coupon, and try te
arrive at some method for tbe pay-
ment nf the arrears of tete&
tCootInned nh pow 141
Denson langridge. braitansis -nand.
o painfully injured on Monday when
a sledge -hammer wielded by a fellow -
workman caromed from a wedge beld
Langedge •nri spilt hie fingers.
Seven stitches were required to clogs
the wounds. The 111)441 were clamp-
ing down a bier* on the steamer Bei -
colder., from which 50.01* apsebele of
the 'dotage cargo were dipped at the
A pretty affair on Thurrelse of lallt
week was Mrs. S. McDoweles re-
reption at her home on Britannia road.
Mrs. McDowell was astabeed he re-
ceiving by Mee W F. A. Mattel; the
Mimeo; Mabel Powell aad Esther Hume
invited callers to the drileAreemo
where tea was pose., hIr Mr& W. P -
Mimeo Margaret MeMeben, Phyllis
Taylor and Mary Gilder sedeted In
*erring the guests.
0110111011 BALI • MOMS
Waren Reams and Liarety Ardellen sad
Downtime Aftrart Maw
The afternoon tea mei mile of work
lead baking steels was beld by the
Ladies' Aid a the ilsietint church hut
liaterday afternoon. was a derided sue -
siesee arranged sad warns. Which was
In Rent as aftrectios for buoy etroP•
perm on such a wet day The table
of fancy work sod apron+ was • low-
ly Agin. sheppere wire taw aad
prien reamonanyo. Time malls tables
wan • picture to tope one* appetite
for geed Maga. Vbe randy table
wall "tweet." Ifes tes-roogn was
lovely with ita melt eel** rov•Ted
with saints their, •aseil (wetted with
'11%* work table was hs charge of
164 Mrs RIM OM and the tea
room end cage, IBMs were to eitarge
et Mrs. Mae Peraelagton, sweated hr
Mrs. Loewe
'Jim Sallows Victim of lingua/ /taxi -
Ann 0111 Neighbor's Paris
Jim Saliows. aged elven, 8011 el
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sallowa, Goder-
fell township, formerly of town, was
the viettin of an unuerial accident on
Saturday, which resulted in 814 re -
moral to Alexandra hospital with twn
broken toes. •
The boy was attempting to catch a
farm owned by Wilfred Cox. The
bird just managed to keep out of reach,
so Jen attempted to -climb a etone wall
to catch It. A rock came loose, Jim
fell. aed the stone fell on his foot,
crushing it and fracturing the bones
-IWO 4,4141#11.
Shop Where You Are
Invited to Shop
Read the announcements of Ooderich 's
siGNAI, PRINTING co, LIMITED pubushen,
Mr. and Mrs. I.: Woolleouthe are with Cops and Guns
vending the winter at erimeby with i
their daughter, Mier Dees.
Mrs. L Naylor. of Luclinew 044 Olideeich Ken Display Friendly
Interest in Business ogrid Store-
keeper Takes No Chances
season.. balling the Lakes.
eirs Wm. Metier), of Dungannon.
spent a few days here last week with
their brother, Mr. R. 'r Phillips. •
Messrs. Robert C. Wilson. of the Ser.
Wm.• Sebum and Hared Wilson. -of
the str. J. B. Foote. arrived home last
weekeved for .the
After visiting freed, In town Mrs.
eorne Grummett and daughter, Shir-
ley, have returned to Saskatoon, and
Mrs. Lionel Breretoa and baby Fran-
cis. to Calgary.
Mtn Frances Lidice. of Minneapo-
lis, Minn., spent the week with her
cousin, Miss Roberta Jobniaon. Miss
Lillie° is spending the winter with
her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. John
Athaagek Chapter, LO.D.E.. Contributes
828 to avie ReRef
At tbe regular meeting of Ahneeek
Chopter, 1.0.D.K.. on Friday, the sum
of $2.5 was voted to civic It
was also decided to White $5 to the
stapes the --41-iiiiiter's hos-
tile ward. will be decorated with a
plant, -*bleb 'the Haietary wag In-
structed to provore.
Mrs. D. J. Leine. regent, reported
-that seises hod been given to entraace
-it-the -public srbool connnenee-
meat exercises; also that a wreath
had been pieced on the eenotspie 011
Armistice Day. -
This week's throe of The Sig -
ping Number. conies of sixteen
pelages, in *Melt tie reader will
And Mooch eg eattisMing later-
Canadians 511, to bave a rept-
tattoo across the border for being
ftetrgtr,'t hut never has it been &aid
that Canadians are of the criminal
doing some shopping in Chicago. The
three trooped into a store where the
third man asked for a dresa he In-
tended to take home to Ids wife. The
Goderich boys, being seeable chaps,
engaged the manager in eonversation
and Asked_ about 81. business. lie
eyed them suspiciously, then called a
salesgirl to wall on them while he
went to the telephone.
Nivins, In the meantime, walked to
a nearby store, where he asked about
a windbreaker. He heard tbe *erten:
of a siren outelde and was about to
wail( otit, not being satisfied with
the goods shown him, when fie was
confronted by a police/nate Whe
rammed a gun in his stomach.
At tile One's "OM
"Jumbo" stared In astsAlabittiat
he, sail lila tire friends similarly lined
It --wee explained that the, Were
es, atospirern bent TOW'
up men. The fidgety storekeeper bad
*lied the pollee, suspecting the mo-
ves of three men who asked after
is D111.411(44 sod ordered a house
The three "tough-lookine Cana'
lane were released with an apology
nd answers in whivh they Interfer-
er/1y explathed the situation and
entitled themselvee.
'Ph. storekeeper's. ears were set to
urning by the looks from the officers
before they got III their latigh-Powered
ruiner and drove away.
Recently Clayton Nivins and aeon
Young, of Goderich, with fellow -
workman from the str. Bricoldoe. were
Lions Bid Farewell
to Departing Chief
Make Presentation to .7. H. Taylor
—F. E. Hibbert Chosen Chief
in Election of Officers
Chief Lion 3.17. Taylor, manager of
11fP Groberieb breech of tee Canadian
Bank of Commerce, who learee In a
few days te take over the Galt braneb
of the Mule wee the recipient of •
smoking jacket wIth the 140Tra crest
tbe club members last night.
The preeentatlos was mlade by Lion
C. R. Rannders, who expressed keep
regret eta behalf ef the Club at the
Mr. Alsendera expressed appreelation
of the work done by Mr. Taylor in
the Club. la *filch he had been an In-
terested, active and earful mean:ter.
Other elan anembers awoke briefly of
Mr. 'Neter** artivitiee in the Club and
Ooderiet. Fie la • member of the
Maitland Golf flub and the Goder-
tell Bridle Clasb sod the been actively
Interested la the affairs of the town.
Mr. Taylor replied. briefly on receiv•
ing tbe gift. Re sold his four years
in OoderIch bad brew among the hap-
piest in his life.
waa heti. resulting es follows: Chief,
T. R. Elikbert; vice -chief, ?reek Dem -
treasurer, A le. Erskine; Of iel`e.-
bkry, Nelson Rill: Lion tamer, Chas.
Meekina: tail twister, C. E. Talbot.
The Liens Citib Ratite flans toad
reeeeved • *obi* start when tho Club
and its members made sn lutist do -1
nation anionstiag to $10.
On Folder thee the staff of the beet
anew smoker."
lir. J of Montreal.
eacende Mr. Taylor. hew arrived ts
take over the asaalligemetat of the beak
Tirst and intent are the
shopper an Lim ble437:rt
these days when bears are pre-
-does and ow waste to know
where to shop without waste of
time in looking for the right
place to get what one wants.
Our sleet progressive merchants
see repeceented In tbe ads -eras -
leg columns of Uri* ierue; read
Special reatures
In this number of The Signal
will be found severe! Christmas
storiter---two hy local writer.; of
for Mleteee,- by Harry J. Boyle
of -St. Augustine.. and 'Chrlatmas
and the Youngest &Moe," by
tille. 7'be Signal in proud to
peeling the work of these young
writers and predicts that more
will he beard of them.
fenthey Irmo -the facile pen of
lie- (If bow litany year. agoe---
wet he of litely ',Merest to oki-
er resident., of the town and to
014 boys and girls elsewhere.
One of tbe Huron trid Boys of
Tomato wrItte Of the annual
meeting of that Awociation In
the MO, and evert Rome servant
of the °Hein of what le now, we
believe, the largest and most vig-
oeone organization ,f the kind
In Toronto
Among ober news teatime
sill be foond a report of tem De-
cember meetly of the Huron
musty council. spread on several
Pkgea the G.C.I. examination
liats; the reeort et the annual
meetiwg of the Merits! Alme-
ria tiore and nemeh other toes!
end eaglet sews. together with
editerfal set (Ober tenni fee -
In tel. issue •le. Is the
from Abytednia. Thin series of
letters direct frost the 'troubled
kin of ltualsodit la. we believe.
•ttractiag moth attendee.
, The Prowl Page
itiriappos lipoid not be Christ -
here be te on the frost page.
la •prerroptiete celore We might
say. for the isformatkre of
anew vow might think other-
wise, that thin elder priatiag la
doe* right hero la the Niguel el-
f** by The olgnal's owe pent -
ors, se ta 1810 esHro lono• of The
. lee think It lei • rather Infer -
egging tow ee aro heeding to -
mer readers tble week Mal
tioderich merchants hit%e pre-
pared for the Littering season
wet large storks of scononable
goods. Tbe reward of leek en-
terpriee should he the patron-
age of the people of town and
district for whose eonvenience
thew stocks have been accumu-
After nearly one month of steady
labor, the eod et tbe tree -pruning in
Court House Park 1s at hand. The
coneractor expects to finish die job
There la a vast difference in the
general outlook of the park One or
rwo trees were cut down Ind the
tangled branches that encircled the
perk have been cleared ont Scores
of wagon -loads of limbs and branches
have been removed.
G. C. 1. Jetornaliste Ask
ter a Name for Their Paw
An election napalm promise of
the "Independent" student party at
Collegiate Institute was fultIlled
With tbe publication this week of a
Palter et Alin
So far the paper Is without a MEW
wed the management lo offering a P
of $2 for the best suggeetion. Prima
also are offered for a scbool swag and
• school yell.
Edwin T. Dean, leader of the "In-
dependent" party and president of the
Literary Society, is manager a tbe
paper; Miss Agnes Campbell is editor-
in-chief, and Mimes Norah Costello,
Marjorie Calder and Donald McMan-
us and Jack Kershaw are assistant
eontents of tbe first issue in-
clude &Kicks 011 yevious wheel ac-
tivities; belt, rielliores. serious and
otherwise; hUllkofoos paragraphs, etc.,
seotierire among of edvertio.
lag by loes1 marehastiLe
The students ere well pleased with
Mr Dave Mcilwain. who has been
Alesaa4re bospital log the past
right arm. thenered la tallier
tarp -ladder, le makingevereesiow pro -
Igrew toward% recovery. An three- '
eondition. He celebrated his preven-
tion in one foot has complIeated his La 1100p
and many of hie Men& called. to wish AN •ETHIOPIAN 14 -ROUND DINNER
I him a speedy recovery. ..
ty-tirmt. birthday in licemItal last week
Bonding Company
Wants to Settle
Meeting at Town Hall on Tuesday
Discusses Shortage in Tax
Collector's Funds
A speilal meeting et the town coun-
eil on Tuesdsv evening discussed with
W. A. Riddell, chief. (.1alms adjuster
of the United States Fidelity and
Guarentee Company, the possibility se
• settlement of the elaim of the town
against the company arising out of Dm
shortage in town funds due to alleged
defalcations by tbe late town tax col -
Nothing was given out. at the town
ball as to the result of the Meeting.
but It is authoritatively Mated that a
Reltlement .111 be &raved at.
addition to Mr. Riddell tbe com-
pany was represented by Mr. W. P.
Fetterly, while Mr. D. R. Nairn, town
solicitor, and Mr. Pickup, law partner
of Mr. R. 8. Robertson, ICC., special
town counsel. were present to advise
the town fathers.
It is claimed that the settlement
will be satisfactory to tbe town and
will involve the payment by the com-
pany of most of the alleree shortage.
• 111 Me meantime, Judge T. M. Cos-
tello has granted a stay in the Pro-
ceedings &Wen Howard Illtheirteon
until Jesuitry 15th. _ 4rbe-enfla was
to be proceeded with ea eiteicher
At Oegoode Hall on Tuesday emir
ler the -Ult. Fidelity and Outran -
tee Company moved for a court or-
der to stay proceedings in the article
against the Compaoy until the crlinn-
I ease ehould be diamond of. re.
motion, however. was diemiseed.
It seemed almost unbearably warm
evening. At leart it seemed so to
George Price. He seised to the door
for a breath of the root wintry air aad
returned to the counter. Once again
it became uncomfortabLy warm. He
sullied Somethlageburnl He
suddenly slapped wildlyat his a
spark* ratipeaded to tbe 200r.
The lining et bla coat WK. Mirage
ealkait sal) from hi* pipe,
The recent earthquake performed a
;genuine service for at tette one Co•
tart') fartuvr. John Lowe, president
Of the Guelph Winter Fair. hail lisi41
a particular wee cm hIpt farm tor many
11 as satisfactory as a source
of water but nat outstanding. The
morning •fter the earthquake It was
bone dry. emoting about for the much -
wetted Auld another W(91 I/11 the pro-
perty was tested one althongh former -
it had proved to be of no cattle.
. A -111//e work At the bottom iif-The
hole and water surbieuly burro
through In tremendous vollitile
allot ten feet Into the itir anti g00%
111/ed the cnvitv. It has proved to
be one of the finest artesian went' in lly. E. RA EP worm. el D.
Western Ontiftio end hue *thee been Interior Mission
Sufferings Intense, but He Zan
ages to Stay the Full
Editor's Note.—E. Ralph Mope
M.D., formerly of Goderich
Toronto. Ont., hat, for the Mast
years been In thence of the Leper
Hospital of the Sudan interior
nen, three miles from Addis Ababa
on that much -talked -of country frmn
the InOtic.
l plates and •poon• are no port of a
'native banquet and were provided
elmeelally In our honor
Meth Soup
▪ The thert renew was eoup—plain
i▪ smer. At hest there were no solids
in It. The emend course also Will
soup. reinforeedtly eggs—eggs eoddled.
ibolled. fried and treated 111141 WO*
treated. nave eourivatof weer.
like the eith and flow of the tides. -
• fore the plate we* empty, an amen -
Writtev Ferment?" ler Nationol Pic -
closed the 1,14 Assure by which water ("I
persitiel injo the former well. - bat
(q•-ticil a new one to provide a better
and purer souree.
Three Germans Will
Become Canadians
Appear Before Judge Costello for
Naturalisation Papers—One
a War Veteran
Three Germane who swat EnglIsh
quite well, appeared before Ji1lifff• T.
M Costello In County Court on TOPS -
clay afternoon, and ronvineed HIP Hon-
or that they were weld material for
Canadian eitieene
Aide Centeno aligned their reeom-
mendations for natnralization papers.
Guitar Rohn. aged fifty-two. eve*
at Zurich with ble wife and child.
whom he bronght to Canada from
their home at Belchgerw, Poland. mov-
en year* ego. He fought for his
country In the World War. but when
tined if he intended to return he re-
plied. "No. I could never after living
in thi• reentry."
litieherd Wagner. aged twenty
Oredlton. who rano from Bitten -
(eke Germany. six year. ago. was •
sesehinlat at Ids old home. hut ar per -
folly happy working en a fain here.
II. would like tn a trade
Wagner (wane to Canada as • remit.
of descriptive letters and recommenda-
tions from a friend here.
Frits Wedeln. twestyffirefeee:old
Dasnarood youth. Moe te Canada Ire
rears ago from Eseinowen, Prone.
He eater,. to Canada hereto. he thonett
be would have a better ehanee, seri
'the way it looks there 1 woeld rather
be bore." he said.
"We think Canada in the greaten
country In the world." raid Judge hoe -
teen. "and ere ere glad to weleetne
Addle Ababa - ( By Air Mall )—Th
borriii cruelty of war ia not nee -
to me. 1 too have bden In bank,
I tog, have experienced the Mkt* en
(sunder and the deadly attack.
have eaten dinner with the Goverbo
"fAinly.floitneill°Who van ender* the pea-
Ightnent of fotirteen rounds ad deadly
attack oil the eitedel of hie steinsei.
'nt under heavy fire 1
ed hill four
and &my, I kept
eir seat until the
last cheese
lion. hi • final ef-
fort to carry the
day. 1 tlo not
iroow whether
are ever awarded
for this form of
twerolem but if
they aro *hal!
Noe with Gewirmseapply.
It was 10 o'cloek one pelareful morn-
ing that the Governor of Wiesner sent
at the station* to diaper at 12. "The
Invitation Ina generally anappoq sod
the little band set out light-latogrtedly,
link dreaming of tb• trial of strength
that was soon to engage nu
After beleg greeted be the Goyernor
'behaving taken our placed at Ma
table. there ensiled a long pansy. The
invitation had dagaltely mentioned
Matter, but the sermate seemed to be
sieving almterudy to aad fro and eralt-
Welt in the Pleivreefillide
'dant was MI bawl to till up the plate
More soup eentallting a new sue
The sone followed by chicken ir
every form of apptoil. ;111011 111(
in Mt, :met liver. Treading' .41 the
heel or thyjsmik era. the beef, light
ljtsaaaaktal. Itels the custom to serve
e rnw meet at all henquets elle), bate
' to volt gnarl MeV by cooking It.
one Id the mord formidable of the
' 'Meeks which we were called upon to
suffer I.nme in baskets rocered with
O blue or red cloth. To me It was
Dr. Hooper
fo• ritotten disturber #.4 the peace, the
dreaded "Deem' Thew dilate of
Injera were ns large as the. !argot
paneakee thee were gigantic. They
were a !tundra! Aunt eymitna buck
wheat, relied into One. Thew huge
Morror% were geirA41 utsm try the at
a quarter section. and &vomited fan-
like at leery plate.
Course. Foible Fast
The #ourses followed each other iso
rapidly that I lost count. or rather
was beginning "to take count." There
wag a generous supply of fried flame
in OM' Ot the Mabee hut what piece
it hail in the proceealon I am unable
to meal). There was rice or wow -
thing that looked like rice &ad there
were. edher dishes that most be name-
less From time to time the Governor
foldel up some portions of food which
be retarded especially choke and
indiented that they were tor ma. This
wart a mark of *pedal attention, but
I &matte* Hier t HON to appreciate
Ftnally I appealed to the Havered,
15 French. tbe only language we both
understood, but he preteaded to ads-
underetand me and piled more feed
on my plate.
We were now coming to the rIllialt.
A doable formation a tito red pepper
squadron was poured on our plates
witb evident giro My first inethert
wart to ring for the fire brigade. but
I remembered that there was so MAI
thing in tike *ovine,. I was mere
Due all was /cat aid / was sear ray
end. Then ak last "Ivan gee" I/al
wended end the day wail wand
have braved the terrors and dea-
rer* of a haitelvelied one •-e. the
peels of the 81,8 altitudes and tem
internee heat, Ant, believe me, they are
teething compared with the ordeal a
Abrogates feast.