HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-5, Page 8S -Thursday, Member kb, 3925 We IYou TO LOOK OVER OUR STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND MARE YOUR SELECTION NOW Por'ker's, W aterman's and Schaefer's Penn and Pencils - memigit Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gift Note Paper _COLE'S BOOK STORE MSM 91 GODERICH INEVIIIIIINWE®ICwl'®'I'a�.'r4'NEVIVCAEsiI PORT ALBERT NOTICE Having purchased the general Insurance Business recently con- ducted by Mr. Fred Woollcombe. I respectfully solicit s share of the patronage of the redeem of Goderich and vicinity and assure them of my be consideration. The continued patronage of old (Sleets will be greatly appreciated WM. BRATTY Moderation is the Inseparable com- panlbn of wisdom, but with it genius bas not even a nodding acquaintance. -lblton. Week -end Specials -Truk`_ -a nctorlio .Lits Matto& .Ib. 120 Young Mutton Chops 21ba. for 25c Breast Mutton lb. be Lean Pot Roast Beef . Ib. 12c Young Boil Beef Ib. lOc Steak (any cut) lb. 18c Rolled Pot Roast .. Ib. 12c Highest Market Price Paid for Poultry -Sanitary Milt Market - rbsme 486 Bamako Street PORT ALBERT. Dee. 4. -Mr. Har- vey. who had been selling of the Great lakes the past summer and fall. was brought hone Thursday with a broken leg. We sincerely hope he will not have to suffer very much. • Mr. William Crawford was taken to -1S! Ooderlch hospital on Friday. He diad a serloup operation on Saturday and is progressing as favorably as L possible. -- Congratulations tti Mr. and Mrs. -W._ Rk•hardson on the birth of a tine baby girl. Mise Etta Quaid. (eviler, of near Ripley. spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. sad Kra. John Quaid. The I'ort Albert school is to hold its annual Christmas eoacert and tree on December 2(01. The teacher and hildren are preparing a tine program of recitations. singing. dialogue'. read- inge-ete,r-asml would like a line torn. -pgi aistera,-bruthera__sad frieeda Mr. Wm. Sage arrived home on Imp day from a trip to Toronto. A fine program is to be given la the Port Albert United church fits Friday evening. December Oth, ■t b o'clock. Dr. Martin of Goderieh 1s to speak on "Hurn County." Everyone who knows the Doctor's floe talent as ■ speaker will not want to mites thie op- portunity of bearing him. Tbe well- known Exile Fisher Is to play on his gultar aur moutborgan with singing at'companlmeet. There will be other cous4.-pisple fella 4:adeflce to assist In the program. �pldea local taltlmt. I � (The moat important thing ja 11. le work." -King Carol. - __ -- -. THE SIGNAL-.' COLBORNE TOWNSHIP - (t)I.BORNE TOWNSHIP, Dec. 8. - Mr. and Mrs. John Mt4'hee, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. New- ton Brant, of Plymouth, hitch, spent the w-end_with M. andwMrs. Wm. MelMayr Miss Amelia Mellwain has returned home after spending the part mouth with friend+{ at Plymouth. Mich. -the Arehav Culbert, of Dungen:tea, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Warner Walter. DUNGANNON ., DUNGANNON. Dec 4. -Mr. Otto Popp is in Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie and fam- ily moved Saturday to the village and will reside in the house formerly owned by Mrs. Fred R. Guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. H. Eedy were Mr. and Mrs. W. }. Nickel and family. Mrs. Henry Mundt. of Stratford, and Mr and Mrs. Geo. Yundt and family. of Monkton. Mr. Frank Savage and Miss June Helfer. of Ridgeway, vltited with -the former's sister, Mrs. L. F. Sttngel, on Saturday. Representative(' to the annual Coun- ty LO.L. meeting at Wingham on Tuesday were: Mra. Melville Culbert. Raymond Brown, Walter Dickinson, George Pentland and Wm. Mole. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. McClure an- nounce the engagement of their second daughter, Iaurette Mildred, to Alfred Hefford. of Toronto. Tbe marriage is to take place soon. The Dungannon public library will bare the annual eoncert on Friday night. Ikeember et. at 8 p.m . In the parish halL The program will be IM4e up at local pee -formers and Dungannon school. An evening of fine entertalnment Is guaranteed. Mr. Wm. Congram. of Holyrood. visited recently with his slater, Mrs. A. Culbert. Mr. Gen. Hodge and family moved on Monday to their new home. Mr. Hodge having purchased the chopping mill from Mr. Joe Petrie. HURON OLD BOYS OF TORONTO Toronto. Dee. 4.-Tbe thirty-sixth seam meeifttt itf Herron Old s' Association. 7smbering 1,600. was held last night In West End Y.M.C.A. W. A. Campbell, formerly of Winston. was elected president. SOLDIER'S PAY Ottawa -Twenty-five cents a day was the pay of a volunteer seventy years ago when a Militia General Order called out volunteer companies in Ontario and Quebec to quell the Fenian Invasion of Canada. Old newspaper Sles revealed that cede of }y was as follows: Licht -0oYa7dle X10. alttalas i3.82. Lha( teaats $L* Aare masts 35 taste. Oorfoeala >M cats and ?aisle. Ei--at>ti._- - - These prices are effective from Dec. 5 to Dec. 7. Inclusive. DOMINO iCc Baking •.tea.. „ Rolled OATS !° Bum 7 25c ,..itot41, RICE FANCY BLUE b,. GINGER SNAPS Salads Tea OXYDOL :: 1L9c •S • '-Ash about tbe amazing op- portunity to secure Wm. A. Rogers Al -4- Quality Silver- ware OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 97Ia c ioc ` n..31` 4. 61c AMERICAN BEAUTY Shrimps 2 This 35C FREE! Fare cloth with each purchase of 4 cakes of Manyflowers 4 t ,ke.18 S"'r P&G SOAP 5 ara19 Calay Soap ' 4 t a� 19` go FRUIT LEMONS dos. 27c LARGE JI ICY ORANGES dos. 35c , SXTRA SPECIAL! 1 GRAPEFRUIT 5few 25c t• A GODERICH, ONT. viv axa • AT THE FAIR lly A. B. (Wtrttfon for National Press) Takia, au adage hits ration the Wtiisr Fair bids fair to heroine a really to►het affair. There L a :boas stew W WD$ the nurse-ivveee, and those who consider It the proper thing to be considered burse -lovers, Bock and throng. There are agricultural exhibits which ars trequented by the exhibitors and those who believe that they have mach hatter at bonze but Just didn't have time W prepare and bring tbem out There are exhibits of practically eve11011Ag that is grown, produced or lald,,theee being tbe terms which de- signate the products of the farm. We View tis Cattle Being Interested 1n the cattle 1a. dustry (roast beef being hie favorite dish), the writer spent considerable time In dust admiration of a row of welt -ted 'bomber's cattle- It, waa during this •Hent reverie that the show's Beset interesting occurrence oc- curred, tree the pont of view, -at least, of the latsreated onlooker. 'That caw," said a very small voice at my elbow, "has exceedingly witted e7es-" tare the 'how' In question was kaowa to be none other than Drynle Relead, herd sire extraordin- ary for Beath Farms, even my limited agrleultaral too wledge Informed me that explanations were necessary. A eecoad glance assured me that the lmpressfoa gained from my first glance was correct -the young lady was a really -and -truly seeker after in- formation and was evidently city -bred. "The cow' I agreed, "has exceedingly wicked eyes," and promptly the de- sire to give information crept over me. Nor was i disappointed. "Why?" asked the young lady, playing direct- ly into Is, hauds. We Make Rxplanatisns "Rhe bas led," said I sorrowfully, "a very aahappy life. The owner interne me that she lost ber parents at as Mag ly age and hasl- p never fa Xi- ..J from the shokk She '7 -111s-ot esiDeme temper lq_wbicb abs rears furiously and stamp !tilt feet. She Is," laid I, shamelessly warming to my subject. "not looked upon with friendly feedings by those of her sex." Drynle Rotund continued to regard us with a stony stare. Tbe young lady coatlased to exhibit sorrow that tragedy ehoeld neve broken up a hap- py appy home, and 1 continued to feel the Influence •Rabat warm glow of self- satisfaction which comes only to those eels° have done a big thing well. My reputation as a d(ssenipator of inside knowledge might have reigned BRIEFS Reamed Prlese-until Chrtatmas- Marcela, anger waves, abampoos and manicure* Regular price 50 cents' now 36 coats each. RDNA t[. CAMP- BELL, phew 660. -A muak-sl .lt g .sad pratrrew MetodiA," will le given in North street United church by the Weston Circle on Friday, December «t. at 8t! ' r e&ieetys- _. Don't forget the sale of holes baking. candy an df � 1�a.�.^Assts., ancy work In the sent .r of the Baptist church oa isturda, afternoon, December 7th. A l0e tea served from 3 o'clock ea. A "600." euchre and dance will be held by the young ladles of St Peter's church In the Masonic Temple on Tuesday evening, December 10th Tickets 36c. Music by Tony Ferri band CARD Or THANKS 1 slab to thank ail them thowho e0 kindly helped me to win a prise la the Signal (loud -WIT contest. BOTH Mu0ONNELL. 'CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends who R a0 gelrt stair AreVai `" 4W G i'i erGood- Wif flub eootest. HABIL YOUNG. W*NITID.-.P'OUId:T AND WOOL 11 Experisuced at milling bees. I,ss us cull your Bock. Freak egg aad fresh dressed poultry for sale at ail times. Also poultry feed, cbick midi. and Sour. OODDItICH POUL- TRY OUFTRY AND ZOO MARKDT, Lighthouse street, opposlte Public Library. Phone 13. • • • ' 8Pi CIAL B1LALTY NEWS NOTICES OF MESTIN0 HAIR OUT AND FINDER WA % F: Seg. 85c -for 50c next Motels). Tuesday and Wednesday. Ladies! 1f you want to save moue,. pstronlse the UODRIUCH 18 West street BRAUTY Sneers • Pboae 55JW LEEBURN LDHBUR24, Dec. 4.-Tbe B.S. No. 5 (Leebutn) school entertainment and Christmas tree will take piace at the school on the evening of December 19th. Miss Llxale Horton spent Thursday last with her friend,; Mrs. Wm. Rue - ton, of Oodertch. Mina Evelyn Hortsi, 'who -bas been working in Oodesit•, 1h. now et the home of her parents. Mies Eva Horton returned borne on Sunday after .pending a few days at Listowel. Our gmp.tby L extended to Mr. Tho.. Jewell, who lost his brother, William, In Ooderich, by death on Thursday of last week. Mr. Wm. Jewell's old beau was on the farm now occupied by his brother, Thomas. Very few attended church or Sun- day echoed last Sunday. The pastor i. eostlnutng bis sermons on the book d James. His subject was "Judg- meat versus Merry,' ,� !fa asked to be out next Sunday, cape lafy the mothers, to decide regarding the Christmas supper ■nd entertainment CARPET BOWLING AlflMUAL MEETING. The aaanel meeting of the Hoe pital Association will be held lu Mac- Kay 11.11. Goderich. on Monday, De. cember 9th. at 8 p.m. A fall attendance of all cltisens in- terested la our Hospital 1s requested. 0. L PARSONS, President. T. (I. CONNON, Secretary. C. 0. F. Team Still In Leal-Murvh Tessa Also Deiag Wall The ('jO.F. No. 2 carpet bowling team. skippered by W. Barker, in- creased their lead by a game oa Mute day nlgbt. The Vktorla street United church team had two wins to had not the Royal Winter supreme_ put them in the running lad tbj ).L rater phi a boner of the first water. squad fled the Legionnaires. The "Oct yt W be r for the neat games are played its the LO.L m sts dash.." WNW be maano w with the mega- phsae. -"Osla it ta l pro- Nstreet. on North p_ Car. Bias 1 Yue 7 eltl and over." When T i. kI around ta .ee what dud bavooba</1a 51es 1.051 lady hnd dlaap/esrv'd.' VICTORIA Mt Wr . S. Mrs, H Breen was elected .president of the W.M.A. of Victoria street United chard' at tie annual meeting In the schoolroom of the church on Monday. The electiose were con- ducted by Rev. F. W. Craik. Other officers are as follows: Vise -presi- dents, Mrs. R. T. Phillips, Mrs. Byre' Wilson; recording 'secretary. Mra. R. Postelethwaite,; corresponding secre- tary, Mr. (1. Baecbler; treasurer, Mrs. Chas Tomos; press secretary, Miss G. Worthy: pianists, Mrs. H. Sanderson, lbs. F. W. (Valk; Chris- tian stewardship secretary, Mrs. B. Wilson; strangers' ae retarfee. Mrs. Cralk, Mra. Staley; Roby Band .sere- tarfes, Mrs. Saderaos, Mrs. Baechler; temperance secretary, Mrs. Phillip; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. Buechler; literature secretary, Mrs. Breen; finance committee, Mrs. San- derson, convener, Mrs. Tabb, Mra. Breen, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Willson. A brief dev.tiosal period was con- ducted by Mit Phillip, 1985 presi- dent, and reports were liven by the secretary and treeenrer, the latter showing an increase in collections over last year. • LOVES TO EAT THIS CEREAL, IT CHECKED HER CONSTIPATION' Kellogg's ALL -BRAN Helped Mies Segterke We quote ftsm Ler letter: "Three years ago, i became constipated.' i tried many laxatives. But as soon as I got used to each kind. I began to get the sawn troth's. "Last summer I was on tri vaca- tion. The rin/ - eItellogg s Au. BRAN. i They loved it r eat Kel- logg's Au�RaAlr every morning, and ever sines I have not had to take any masa Iagatives ""ill" Margaret Kesterke. Address on request 'Due to Wa''- " "6rilt" he mots. Testa shoe►A•�8Y1� provides "bulk" 1. a ellainat** At .BUN is akte trial M vttande and iron. The "hunk' to Auellatill le sem tie. it resist digestion better am the Aber In traits and vegetables' Ito It is often tutee effective. isn't this fes/ War then risking ppaatent rrtedieltsst Two tablespoo�n�- fuls nt Au.BYp daily tomailssted, me with N s i• with tech -str1.1 Rerzieer floe - tor, if you do eat 1 Use ea • esreal. or rl a Sold her in aI, aroB, MOstatie. . So* at IMP sj' MO dans This week's scot•di WRta aS L.O.L. 17, Legion lit; CIO.F. M. 11 11, L.O.L. 21; Victoria street M. TAgion 23; Victoria street M, C.O.T. No. 1 A The teams: C.O.F. No. 3--W. Barker, .kip, A. Wltklns, H. Wilkins, A. McDonald, G. MacLeod. C.O.F. No. 1 -Frank Bowra, skip Fred Bowra, 8. Leggett, C. Freeth. Victoria street church -Chas. Lar- der, arder, skip, V. Smith, J. Sproul. A. Bloom/std, M. Wisher, A. Powell. LO.L.-J. Adam. skip E. U. Cleve- land, Geo. Symonds, A. ltaltttng, E. Porter, 0. Manby. Legion --J. asset, skip J. W. Jock, Joe Jock, W. Peacbe7, F. Rooth, B. Young. The Stewing PWTL !b. C.U.T. No. 2 ........4 f ♦ 9 i C.U.F. No. 1 Victorians 2 • 3 4 L.O.L. .....r. -,..i 1 I -1111- Legion *Legion 4 0 1 3. 1 MEDICAL DS r. J. R. TOIIII TLR, DMD, SAL NOSE, THROAT. late How Surgeon New York Opbthalmk and Aural Hospital, as. Latent at Mooreleld Rye Hogtul and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London. Rug. 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford Telephone 387. Next vat Thursday, Dec. 19. morn- ing only. from 9.30 t111 1 o'clock, at Hotel Medford, Goderich. Phone 149. POS BALM OS SRNT 105 SAJi-TOT ELECTRIC A TRAIN. Practically good as new Coat 120: w111 sell cheap. Apply MRS. M. M:TCLLTFE, RamMtea street, Tows. R RENT. --COMFORTABLE 3IX- m rooed eettage; three-piece bath. Trafalgar street, betweee North and Victoria streets. Apply to M. W. IIOWELI.. pOUSE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY brick house on Nelson street. Dight a. rooms and bathroom. Geed looado Would exchange for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply at SIGNAL OFFIC& COURT OF REVISION ' DORN SOCIAL -E. -At St Mary's ho,pttal. St. Louis, Missouri, on Friday, No- vember 29, to Dr. Vernon J. liourke and Mrs. Bourke (formerly Aileen 'Buechler), a daughter. DYER.-io Ouelpb General hospital, on 4aturday, November 3001. 1936. to sr. and Mrs. Douglas Murray Dyer (nee Ruby Dickson), of Eden Mills. Ont, a daughter. DISC SCHRAM.-In Goderich, on Sunday, December 1st, George Schram, In bis 00th year. JEWELL.--In Goderich. on Friday, November 29th, William Henry Jew- ell, 1n his 74th year. BUCHANAN.-in Colborne township on Sunday, December 1st, James Buchanan, In his 70th year. ABELL-In Goderich, on Sunday, De- cember 1st, Jane Mary Abell, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abell, In her 22nd year. YOUNG.- -10 (loderlcb, on Saturday, November 30th, Frances Wild, wi- dow of the late Henry Young, in her Orth year. WESTON,--At Hayfield, on Thursday, November 254. lt:l l z be t h Falconer, beloved wife of Willing' Weston, la her 69th year. SI M(>NDS.- - At Alees odes hospital, on Thursday, November 2R, Marl Allots Elliott, beloved wife of W. J. Symonds, in her 51st year. SMP OR MUNI/ / o.r.-,I1ARL BRAQEi ear. rO(7R watts e. brilliant clamp, on Tuesday between Brock street and Britannia (road via Victoria Wert. Rtiin avenue and South street. Finder please Itis,. at SIGNAL 01IFICI . imanwieseoeseeer- 18•11, MP REAMER W. J. SYMONDS, OF NAt/r- ItORO. wishes to take tbie mayor - Malty to thank his friends for the many ktnlnesaes ertended to him In his recent herearement. Ha also wishe% to thank thus* who sent Sor4 trlhetes or loaned ears foe the t Notice I5 bereby given that • Court will he held, pursuant to "the Ontario Voter ' IAA Act, by His Honor the Judge Of the (Jaunty Court Of the County of Heron, at the Chart Hoose. Goderleh, oa Friday. the 20th day el December. 19(16. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to bear and determine com- plaints of errors and omlaslans In the votertt' list of the municipality of the Tone at Goderieb for the year 1935. Dated at Goderleb the Srd day of December, 1985. L. L. KNOX. Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of Ooderleb. PUBLIC NOTICE IN TRI MATTE= OF THE BANK- / RuproY or JAMES C. CARRIE. OF ma TOWN 01 GODIRIOH IN THE COUNTY 01 HURON, HARD - WARM DORMANT. Vedas is hereby given tbat James C. arrie. of the Town of Goderich In the Ooanty of Huron, hardware merchant, made an authorised assign- ment on the twenty-third day of No- vember, 1936, and that the first meet - Ing of creditors will be held on the fifth day of December, 1936, a1 the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at the onice's of Loftus E. Dancey, Solleltor. Goderica, Ontario. To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies must be filed with ON prior thereto. Those taring claims against the estate most file the lame with the Custodian or the Trustee when ap- pointed before distribution Is made; otberwfee the proceeds of the estate will be distributed smongst the par- ties entitled thereto, without regard to such (-Wiwi. Dated at Gd8erlch this twenty-third day of November, A.D. 1936. C. G. MIDDI.F.TON, Box 630. Coder - kb. Oat., Custodian. WOOD FOR SALE The pyT1bowwnn,�,',hhaaas• a quantity ���t Q ie Teurn 11444. Bulk - for sale at $3.00 PER ►c'INCLE mint of one -foot wood, delivered. Orders left at the Town Hall will be attended to. MUST Ne PAID TOR BIFORS DZLIVRRY L, L KNOX, Town Clerk. CHART!= ACCOUNTANTS J. W. MONTimTH, Chartered Accountant 89 Ontario street, Stratford, Osteab (Member Westbrook. McLeod & Man- telth, Toronto, Ontario.) • VSTRRINARY SURGEON i�gO. E. MYgRB, V.S., B.V.Sc. 7 VETERINARY BURODON Graduate of the University of !p- ronto and ()Warlo Veterinary Oollsgs. Odic* at T. T. Murphy's, Heatless street. Phones: Day 209; night 1119. AUCTIOXIMRINtil THOMAS oDNDRT, OODi1C . LIVE STOOK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Bales attoded to anywhere sal eves effort lairds se give satisfaction. Farmers' sale asses lleesaateL PSAOTIIIONIIII tROPtAQTOR AND DRUMMM. TSDRAPIST Goderich, Phone 1NM1 !quipped with elscttr-ma1)p1Mill aatha Oeetr eerie *Metric treatamIOR Sad chiropractic. ()break. winds sad aervoas dianaaa. lady • a► Madames. Mee blurs 2 to 3 and T to 8 p.m. oa Tuesday, Friday sad Sri arday. mad ea Wednesday 19 N IiD a.s. Daly. or cseseltatl.s map be Ise byoPPola Moday sal tbarsdy et Mikis& A. N. ATKINSON Resldesce and cake -Ceram et South street aid Britanala read. INSURANCE. LOANS. illi. ZU.LOP MVTUAL riffs ne -L- ANCE 00. --Fars end leNrOpli tows property liwere4. Of rt a -Alai. CONSOUy ; • . Natoeth; lemis OesaWl. (Week! P.01.; Morten E. 11514 Perth. Iles.-Tieas. Mafetb Dlrectgr. -A. BrMdl.et.) L 'pale Wu. Rees.44tH. - W Melee tag. 1,; bar/t. Borshe as, AIS. 1; Joke Bromfield; Thos. l/oylea, R.R. 5; Wm. R. Archibald. RJR 4; James Conw y, Cledmilellse ai Agents -W..1. Yeo, B.R. No. S. tau ; James Watt, Blyth ; !Inky Dashers, Seafortk ; Jelin Murray, elm forth ; Chas. F.! Hewitt, Ylseardis} .oliey-beide4las make all pay and get their card' metaled at lie Royal Beak. Clinton; Osiris ovals °mcmry. Mapplt0. street. 0e4seieLer v 1 J. H. Reid's Oeserai Store, Byd" 1 • LIMAL DUDLEY D. HOLItes. ¥ Rarriter, Rte. OSee--Court Hoose, Oederkh. Telephone 55. DOUGLAS 1L NA1RN, 11 Barrister and Se8etly - 0d1oe--Homutoa Street; Gefeeki. Nome's* 811 C. R. DARROW. BARRISTER , WM 8uceu.sr te J. L L1Heaa Office -Th. Square, Gedsri*. Telephone 117. 4 Q1aa1NK DOt5!I8LT, B. A. Barrister, abetter, Rte. Odles-Hamlltos Street, Geateleh. Televises* M5. BATS & HATS. Barrlstara sad &Metter. 1R. C. Hays, KO., sad R. 0. Hay.. D.A. Once-Hamflten Streit, Oedema& Telephone M. ERNEST M. LID. Barrister and Solle4tor Sun IA?* Building, Adelaide and Vie- torts Streets, T.rosto 1. '. elspbose Ligln 3601. Notice to Taxpayers Art .10.04.41r ?fiet Any Taxpayer of tbe Toown of Goderich who received his at her talc notice for any of the years 1930 to 1934 (both in- clusive) having any arrears marked - on same, kindly get in touch. person- ally, by phone or letter, with the present tax collector, or the Constable of Provin- cial Police stationed here. or with D. E. HOLMES, Crown Attorney, . Huron County. c • r..as�a111i�naia1 WY ;kali: 'Raps.