HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. 70/1414111414141114EVERVICTItentaileVellin Gifts!Oifts! Gifts! Christman Cards, Ie, 3 for 5e, 2 for 5e, 5e, 10e up l'omb, Itrush and Mirror Nets 75. S5,S5 Pt'RSEN, SC'HIC'K DRY SHAVER Electric Roser $16.50 P.Ls'Er? RIFIe4 ilk to 13.11 Endura rountaln Pen 59e Haw Fountain Pen ..51.06 up KNEES RAZOR.. .. 66.95 Moongloow Manicure Neta with Zipper 61.50 and $2.25 Cute: Manicure Sets tt��� �ca 2UC. -•ap.,wwi..la••+4a.. !tie.'. • Yardley's spit -Me& tar Ladies and Meal 65r to $10.00 Waterman, Wahl and Par- ker Fountain Peers $2.1:1 up reiipae hazer, Special with Blades 96c VICTOR RADIOS 666.00 up CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. SS me gwe We Deliver Pbome 90 10111t4 Mt 6i teR •si t'e► si a ®teV DEAN'S --SPECIAL PRICKS - for Cleaning and Dyeing Men's Sults sad Topcoats .... 71e Ladies' Dresses and Knitted Suits 71e winter Overcoats 11.11 F. A. CRICH Mon Ng I VA Mersasstafis 'Wars ars• utter wino, hitt ales Cali Ire kind Itcrunnl NI Ito rut h NNE t etc GJFT...: -- Suggestions Walnut Chests -CEDAR-LINED--- OCCASIONAL CEDAR-LINED_OCCASIONAL TABLES IND TABLES RADIO BENCHES MIRRORS, &WICK TABU,. a. A/B�UIDOJ gond asaVV ._1MRS .____ At prices to suit your pocket- book SEE OUR CHESTERFIELD SUI'rESt Make your selection early and avoid the rush. J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Purmiture Dealer . . roomy : wags in; SIM. INN CARLOW The Christmas tree entertainment of the Smith's 11111 I'reehyterian Sunda,' school will b' held on ik'vember 20th In the hall. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Smith's. 11111 3'renbyteria u cougrega- tlon met et the home of Mrs. David Bean on Tuesday. with a good atten- dants.. the president. Mrs. Errington, In the chair. It (wing the last meet- ing of tin• year, the officers were all elected for the coming year. Mrs. !Wan served a dainty lunch. The tl4'xt meeting will be held at Mra. hold. Bean's. and a quilt n ill be quilted. CAN'T SLEEP IT'S YOUR NERVES Reis/ comes soon wills sits of Dr. CHASE'S Smith's Art Store HAS A LOVELY D/SI'I.AY OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS Hearty Sendoff for&. Croft • (Continued from cage 1.1 also In Mr. Jackson, the new agentIn Goderich Mr. Jackson had shown that he could handle his work cap- atRpFter.1• te' beirrtT til t rerat . e letre'inr.-erofF received In Goderich. Messrs McReough, Renwick, Munro and Dowd also wake briefly, express- ing appreciation of the occasion and of the warm sentiment's expreeeed to- wards the railway's representative by the speakers of the evening. $t. Peter's church. Surviving are Rev. A. C. Calder remarked upoal two children, Charles Young, on the eulacldssea that three wen who the homestead, and Mrs. Clarence once sat together In the Legislature Miller, of Seaforth, and three grand - were present on this occasion: Mr. children; also two brothers and four C. A. Robertson, Judge Costello and sisters, Lotto Wild. of Dakota; August himself. Turning to the subject of Wild, of Goderich; Mrs. A. Rees and the evening, Mr. Calder after some Mrs. H. Knapp, of St. Louts; Mra Wm. pleasant references submitted the fol- Johnston, of Bayfield, and Miss Fan - lowing acrostic: isle Wild, at home. Christ he thy captain and defender Requiem- high masa was sung in St. true; Peter's church on Monday by Rev. Right 1* thy Cense, as it is His cause Father Nagle. Interment was In the too; Roman Catholic cemetery, Colborne. Onward thy aim, though ofUlMS sore- the pallbearers being be. tlhishol D. 17 tried; Arthur Jeffery, Albert Harrison, D. Frleaeishlpa flay treasures. though M. O'Brien, Frank McDonald, 'lesson riches be denied. Smith. • • • OBITUARY MRS. HENRY TOI'NG About two weeks atter the death of ber husband, Henry Young, ?rances Wild Young passed away at her home on Trafalgar street on Saturday, In ber sixty-seventh year. Mrs. Young had, been In poor health luaus year,, and was bedridden the lass year. She nle township, a dao _ 1.1 Ie :u. ei •4 of Oermany.,Aer re rriagr-Tu ,11113 she llv In Godericb township until eleven years ago, when she and tier budraud took RP Goderich. Mrs. Young wan a ,member of the Altar Society of Trust, and thy soul shall find all need i GFIOR(DE SCHRAM suppied• Buchanan and Mrs. T. H. Wallis: sup - Brief Judge Costello . The unexpected passing of George rte• pay. Mrs. T. Mrs. a i How - niter remarks by J. W. Fraser, Luau- Schram at his home on Hurop road and. Mra. J. Johnston,hnsto re, snot Miss E. ager for the Western Canada Flour as a result of a heart attack shortly GODERICH TOWNSHIP ord. ; .1raacc, Mrs. P. Miss . Mills co . and J. 1t. Reynolds, in be- after retiring, early Sunday morning, half of the golfing fraternity, were deeply regretted by uunr friends (a)I►Fii1('�H• 'LIMN/BHP: Dee 3.- i literature. Mrs. M. McKay ; Mission. followed by a witty speech by Judge t'osteil,,. 111. Honor wan In brilliant form, dud it is regretted that his apeet+, sparktiug with humorous apec- dote-ascT comment, la beyond the re- porters power -to seprnduc•e. Suffice ,t to say that it roused the gathering to a high pitch of good humor. "Mr. Croft," said the Judge, "was One of the first men 1 met when I. case to Goderich, and 1 thought he was 'one 'of the Anent-lo,kltig men -I ever sew-ffca aawn Address Manor MaeKwan then made the presei tat' address to Mr. Croft. Addressing the guest of the evening, His Worship expressed his pleasure lu doing boor to him as a good citizen, OFFICERS CHOSEN Three More Reeves W. 111. 's. (lt Ne iii Street 1 Elected on Monday• Fleets h"de" Eno December [meting of the W.H.S. of North street United churvh, Davidson, of Wingham, Geiger, of ,.n Monday afternoon, was given a otleh of ChrbNmas by the use of I Henaall, and Scott, of East Wa- cbrtatagits hymns, the readtug by Mrs. wanosh, Chosen by Voter lt'. J. Mair of St. Luke's beautiful -tory of the nativity, and a Christwas _,•are.,.-....- . ,..vyWarcn: - ' Meadmy'a wM tsun.4e� �r R ttj�grt!' ?Y WNtt. suited In the return of Reece Fred I Mrs. M Murdoch sumwarlsrti adm(r- Davidson in Winghaw, and of former 1.1,17 the last threr chapters of the I -to-Aleaaali.. •+moi-..Lunk...:.3tutldarw._ut - - Reeve Peter Scott in Fast Wawanosh. I (larch." The leader for-tbta devo- Reeve Davidson's triumph over I tonal progfam was Mra. Wm. Stra- former Warden J. W. McKibben is halted real victory and tribata to iiia worka. a of the 1MI0t t!191ean. Tis defeated candidate has alwaysres popular In his home town. Ex -Warden Geiger's election was always considered a possibility In spite of the tart that he Is well over the three score and ten mark iu years. He is as active and as alert, mentally, as most men much his junior in years. than; recording secretary, 'Mrs. -A. He has a good record during forme• r Ii.ntbeeiin; assistant secretary, Mrs. terms In eines. Win. Rivers; corresponding secretary, Peter Scott had a real tight In East M Robertson; treasurer, MissM Wawanosh, his two opponents, Mra O Wil Margaret Robertson; planiatr, Mrs. Fred Reid and George Youngblut' W. J. Mair and Miss C. McClinton. -Secretaries of departaseutst-.lJtrlatl stewardship, Mrs. C. F. l'larke; stran- ger••' and associate helpers Mer. A. ted span. The report of the numluattng com- mittee was received and adopted, the fnllssstag etllesrs being thus elected' Hon. preoldent s, Mrs. J. 11. Cotborne, Mrs, J. E. Tom. Mrs, Jas. Stewart, Mrs, Jos. Carry, Mrs. C. Garvin, and Mra. Jas. Hamilton; president. Mrs W. R Lane; vise -presidents, Mrs. J. 1i. (Graham, Miss Mary Robertson, Mtu 1. E. Sharman. and Mrs. Wm. Stre- buts D�olting. good.. yotesa _the.. former being only twenty-eight votes behind Scott's figures. and Youugl.lut just ven vote, behind Reid is Magna$ Ohba Males fract congratulated him upon his well -de- i _ - _- _-110-111.1111r-- . _ _ 1 n.. and AattbtJ Cttgs 111d Smatters _ 25c up tbat he carried away with him the uL goodwill INN the _PICTURES .yt Uoderlrh. "We all feel a ll ll>'iYFi� loss In your removal: It makes i• �� Laaedderlebseages, Mariam. at persona' which it will be hard to All, ao J 21., mind , 75e,eh .., at matter who comes after you." • Sia, ,'tie, 60t, 7k, SIMI up Mr. Croft was then presented with 1eXQUISITE NEEDLEPOINT a Gladstone bag and a bowler's kit, as CHRISTMAS CARDS le up to lbs etiVENDIPVIEMPIPININI COME IN ANDSEE TILE PRETTY THINGS was rep y In Goderich and vklnity. Although Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mitchell and ary Monthly. Mrs. T. J. Anderson and Mr. Schram had been in poor health Donna, of Goderich, slant Sunday at Ili** A. Jenkins; press. Mine Mary for some time, he had bees able to du $the home of the lady's parents, Mr. itolrrtsou : nldltors. Mrs. J. W M.lure his work at the West.•rn ('ands land Mrs. Geo. ttowerby. and Mrs. M. McKay : finance commit - Flour Mills until two wet.•ks ago.--Ile-:-The-regular monthly nit -ethic and tee•, Mra. ('Irrke, Iilss Margaret Rob - had intended returning to work on , election of ,pttiers for the Union 11ra- ert'..n, Mrs. H. Murdoch. Mrs. 11. 1.. to Monday morning. Ile was trn em at l math. Society was held on, Tuesday `tilkeld ; a1Jti io the emitters' ,tt -,'- Exeter sixty-five years apo. a an of evening at the: home of Mr. and Mrs lanes: St. llavld's ward. Mrs Jas. William and Mary Murra Schram. (}eon MAI 'at n. McNee and Mrs. T. R. Vallis: St. Deceased spent some years at iloIs "Mr. and Mrs. Gordon tlrr and fain- Andrew's. Mrs. Gera. Gould and Miss stein its a cattle drover. and there Ily were at Stratford lust• Friday. J.n Whitely; St. George's, Mrs. W. J he marrled•Mtaa Lottie Neal -in 15115. The young people are busy preper- M,Nerin and Mist E. Buchanan. St. He came to tioderich alma- thirteen lug a one -act play entitled. "That's Patrick'., Mrs. il'. Bishop. and Mrs. years ago. Surviving, besides hie Whit -They AIT hay.' for the ('that- M. Mardorh. -Mt*perintendent of Ml.. wife, are tkree sons and four dough- mss concert on Ilceemtler 131, t dun Circle, IIIc* Emilie Buchanan: of tern: Allan and Neal Abram, of union Chureh NOtee.-The regular}('-J:.t.T.. Mb's Helen Lam' 1.1 Mlsslon Goderich; Harry Schram, of Strat- meeting Of the Y.l'.S. was Meld In the 'Raul, Mrs. Alex. McNevin, Mrs. F. W. ford; Mrs. Norburn Horbbttrgh, of church on Friday evening with sixteen White. MIs.' Evelyn Cooper: of Itaby Holstein; Mrs. Gordon Grant. of Var.. members present and I.:yerett Mc11- Band. Mm. 1'. J. l'anteon. Mrs. A. na: 'Mro. Thos. Schmidt, of Godericb..1 wain in charge. - The meeting opened Fulton'. Mr.. Lane was appointed re I with the hymn. "What a F'rtend i t' the W. M. S. representative on the of- t, theft tm-Jeemr.'•... -yl- prefer -was read- Auta1-board-of-the..rhutrh. _. -. c- by Maurice Mellwaln, and Doug. Me` 7taYi= Pitt Tend 141- WORTH- Me - m .Matthew, chapter 10. The topic, on Every man is worth just so much d I "Peaty and t'onititt," was rend by ns the things are worth ■lout whk'b A I Marlon Colwell. A hymn was sung lit. bodes himself. -Mar ecus Aurelius. of and the meeting closed with the Miz- ear. Ipas benediction On Sunday Rev. F. I �Eor s ed' W. Craik occupied the pulpit of Union on,. Ile Ir, wd act open. the n- I church and had as the subject of his I athalami.doer to a thmi. inch is the T. address, "The Test of Charaeter." On magician's circle, to erase which Is to T. account of the stormy weather tbere break, the spell and tarn all to dark - A. ! was a small congregation. --- nest.-- S. Marden. - Thursday, December Mb. 193.'5-- 3 A Christmas aft *lea RQbena, at home_. There a dxteeu grandditldrren ` Its jpg are a brother, Robert *imam, 11 log In British Columbia Ii a brother and two half-alstets: Ada Douglas, of Ayr. Virginia Ilouglas an Mrs. Allen, of Mount Forest. daughter, Mrs. Wilson, formerly Goderich, died at Toronto last y gifts from the various organizations The Moral service was conduct represented and from the citizens of on Tuesday by Rev. F. W. Craik. 1 Goderich. terment was in Maitland cemeter Mr. Croft in Reply the pallbearers being T. Hamilton, os-ldt J. Johnston, R. Johnston, Ing ovationas he rose to reply, said Douglas, J. Wilson. The Personal Gm Problem A Sciatica for this Christmas is YOUR PHOTOGRAPH A Photograph 1s always appre- ciated and valued, and 1t L a gift that only you can give. This season patronise your local Photographer. He U with you all the time and can be re- lied upon. New Christmas mountings aro now shown at Trussler's Studio GODERICH Cor. Hamilton St. anti Tie �qu.,re ''ONLY THREE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS" ilieffifitirtlitetegtetWeell Mr. Croft. w -ho wan given a ro grim be found 1t dlfliceult to find words to The many flour' tributes were car- Smith1dirtealakexpress t'the his gratitude for the giftsbeen aid ried by T. Hawkins, M. Reid, D. for the kind words that had Deet aald gproul, ri clad J. Blair• C. J. WO CSIAIIRRt Rz$IDENT On Friday night tact„at the annual 1 nuatamm meeting of the ilieir of North L street United church IAR. the home of Miss E. Flume, air. C. .1 Worrell was elected prestdtyt for the coming year. Miss Hume wits elected vlee-president; Mr. A. M.$obertsoa secretary -treasures and M Helem Canadian National Railway' and of Lane librarian. Conve.ersi of the the citizens of Iirantford• carious committees are as $follows: -Auld tang Syme" was sung with Social, Miss G. Brownlee; rkreatiot. gusto. and the gathering dispersed. Miss 0. Forster, Mr. S. E. McDowell: many premolar Shout Mr. Croft to bid gown. Mrs. H. Henderson; member- hint a personal farewell. ship and lookout, Mr. R. F. Player: During the evening the gathering musts repair, Miss l,. Johnston. wins fa Corel with vocal solos by,. The trea,mrer reported ■'halate'e of 1 ('hnrle. Meakins and Frank Riley, 5111 and the affairs ..f the choir were with Miss Gene ('unison at the Barin. said to he in good condition. Rev. Ile. Meakime sang ands" and "At Mr. Riley's W. 1'. Lane. in a brief address, thanked i Home on the Range." Sylvia" the choir for its services. An en- j ,•lection. were '.Songs My Mother joyable period w•a' sps•nt le games. 'Taught Me" and "1'11 Carry You In „iter.whlrh refreshmentswere served It c Pocket:" t toy the bootees. EAST num of him. He said the ten yeses he had 1 event in Goderich had been very pleas- 11- ant ones. Nowhere site had he found life more enjoyable than in this Mere. He thanked the heads, of the various industries end the business men of Goderich generally for their many kindnesses to him. He intended to do the beat he could In his new field 1! *erre the interests of the ARE YOU GETTING PLEASURE OUT OF MOTORING THESE COOL DAYS AND FROSTY NIGHTS Stedelbauer's Used Car Market CAN SUPPLY Y CARWITH A FOR AS NICELOAge 7O$10TABLE CLOSEYour old ear taken as part payment. Come in. Rouse & Bell Garage KINGSTON STREET GODERICH Gentlemen's Regulator for Recreation and Health BOWLING A- good way to spend ,yraur evenings or leisure hours in pleasant, congenial surroundings Royal Bowling AlleysWEST STREET Your heater will prove to you why C coal is naturally superior •ri 'PHONE US FOR FAMOUS READING ANTIMA.CITE Super - Clean . • . Naturally Superior The Dean Coal Co. Telephone 95141 Goderich Use The Signal'" Advertising Column. HEADQUARTERS FURNITURE and PAINT ANUCRAFT PAINTS aro high la and law lw pries. �w wiR find irst•edass cataos In our stork of FURNITURE and STOVES , We positively save you mosey W. H. Blackstone Oa tie Broadway of Odsrt h AMt-1 f. Tier A. -Met. 'W lI Pat- terson la visiting friends in Clinton Miss Amos. of Parkhltt, is the moot of her sister, Mrs. Thos. W Ikon, for a few Week*: - Jttr. sort ]Iran. els. fou,- Mr. T. Johnston and Mims E. Phillitw were "Toronto visitors over the week -end. Mi.. Rhea Shnw, of itlyth, nceom I ponied her friend. M1w Hon Beadle, home for the week -end. Miss (Imre Scott, of I'nrt Dover. re turned 011 Sunday atter visiting her parent', Mr. and Mrs. R. J Scott Miss Mildred Scott. of Stratford. Is holidnying at home now. ('oneratnlationa to Mr. imwis Rod dy and Mr. R. R. Redmond on their •memos at the kills oa Monday _in the Rost Wawanosh municipal election. Mr. 1. Ruddy headed the poll for eo,mcllhora. ••With efery benefit that In received esom.e hoiden."-Itugh S. Johnson. ---------. TH0 15 -_--- FU R C0AT'TIME MANUFACTURER'S SALE OF FUR COATS A FINE STOCK OF HIGH GRADE FURS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, IS NOW I MDfO OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF GODERICH.AND_YICIXITY AT A. _Cornfield's VOW Ili -EAST W, The result of the municipal Hallos I Is cut - to -" was as follows: 1 Ikeve 4--'E- Tbta i Re1s1- ._.:ds 24 Zi- fib. MI --1911 Scott__ --12 rat tea; 40 113-227 (- Council Bee•noft .26 611 i 6 904 141-312 Black fiti:t 40 33 36---1011 Kerr 2D' IllI ..111 19.-23it.l Redmnml :.1 92 :.2 32 77-304 I Robert+n 29 71 QII 67 16-2142 Ruddy 57 61 :a 63 Ma ---321 Stranglu'n 20 324 :til 22 ,'16-1ttO Council elected -Scott. Reeve : Rud- dy. I(eetroft. Redmond and Black. rmnmiHors, Ruddy. Redmond and Black replace held. Yungblut and Robertson of thls yefr'a commit. who , were defeated. "lsychdogieal science today is be - riming to piny an important part in medledne."-Julian Huxley. Floating University A royal yacht is the nniveraity The Seven Sens are the campus. itut making "gobs" of .tudpnts isn't exact iy the Ides. One hundred and forty men and women students will be com pletely "at sen" this coming scintater. for they w111 be travelling !round the world on the Floating 1'nlverslty - alsatrd the :t40 -foot twin-w•rew yacht Ilirocdelle. •c owned lry the Isle Prins" of Monat-o. famous navigator and .s•enmMtrnpher. Title sixth 1'nlver- Lltc world voyage. the first after a ivied M four yPnr•. will atnrt from New fork on Fdinriry d. ' sea Amerlcen•sseitl. the llironileIle (the Swallow 1.,Ong been charteoiel-by the I'elrersity- Travel Assoelatk.n. nil !,Fifth avenue. Ni'w York, In order to .Igive *indent* the macinilrin o1 comfort mod safety on the 14 t-ddg""INItlnt -cmc der... 'this Incurious and ex- I.-eption,lly nvuw•orthy royel yacht. one „f the seven Inrge•t In the world. Is is 410,1«•k at Richard T. preen Coin II ,,,,, - shltq•ard at ('helsea 1cw+. t sets• •hs take. hp the real inoftliiii railway. She Is Ming refitted at a cost of over n quarter million dollars 1 for the co-edncntion:tl round -the -world voyage. Among other comtiy alterations. e•- pe•lally designed lads will he Installed. These ren be converted in the day- time into comfortable lotinglna ehalra. To insure asetdnte r,fety. two 34 -fart IMntlelda. each seating thirty people. have leen Ihldel to the Ilfehonts al- ready In place. and 1t. 1'. A. transmit• arty rend receiving ,1,1orahu will kern the ship In conatiolt toieh with home and all the world ' .\Il .ettnenefa wttl hnve oatslde .Inic rola., Rpmelona whin l well vents stn- l }lach'stltis•rolm has ho('and told r,,,, nide water amt one or more elect, i. fans. The ship wised* twenty on, bathroom.. n large. pruporton 1 e, parwenA+T`�iittn itttf. ap7--noise !dimmer. These ,tmeNi•eu srndents will Paced many mouths circling the globe, Avoid Ing nn!' p.asihlr war tunes, Mut lent„ Iter isS.fivt-iutiftll...AJ''' amid lnxnrioo- . t,nrrouu,liu¢s. 111110 thin,+ the t lees room citara't" tritch N,em We have mask special arrangements with The G. G. Martin, Puo`Maniifactt@ers of Toronto to bring to our store a reirninettnttITn dhiItt*y-*ttst-sato- =1926_.Model FUR Fur Coat. made by expert -furrier., styled by femme ire I.n,nsl to be the nn*I satlsfaet,ry ('conte of all. There 1s no need to-. content v.mr.elf with anything lees+ than this -for our prices are far from laving prohil.itile. Tlu'e cost no mon• tlwn nrdlnary Furs. Ihtt maks nit nisi+)ike, there Is nothing ordinary alrout these. See there you'll be omtin•es in,meslhttely. Every Fur Coat Guaranteed by the Manufacturer A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE on YOUR OLD FUR COAT FUR COATS REMODELLED AT FACTORY COST ! Practical Furrier in Attendance - TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED TO SUiT YOU Phone Call Will Bring a Practical Furrier to Your Home For Free Estimates and Further Particulars Without Obligation 101 OR CORNFIELD Phone 418. Goderich West Side Square