HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-5, Page 44 T'hutrday, Deeeabsr 5th, 193.i jE S. --when thinking of g LAD ..ter. ryaaytsaFein7t fallea/r.•• see -W :• 'r•Orll rt1,8 rR,-..• - ._ Christmas Gif ts_ FOR A MAN -THINE OF PRIDHAM'S AVIIit-32- ST Pj,ACE TO Itil DIKING A SELECTION HERE fFORSYTH SHIRTS • • • • $2'OO' $2•50, $3.00 FORSYTH PYJAMAS $2.50, $3'00' - .. $1.00, $15O FORSYTH NECKWEAR .. FORSYTH MUFFLERS $2.00, $2.50 Curries' Spate, Braces and Garters A HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR i, -HATS BY STETSON- -Fashion -Craft Suits and Overcoats ' • P.XIIT iE-V l'r f3t•'!''-YeT-'-BIi•PBaalVB" X W. C. Pridham &- Son g PHONE 57, THE SQUARE GODERICH County Councillors Are Indignant (Continued from page 1) -intJ equalization:. Referred to ceulRMltee of the whole. A second resolution from ucuTh sweaty read as follows: That, ow - 1 increasingly heavy hurdeu of belie on -faun =dptilene' to cities toot other large centres, caused largely by the coat ot educe- tion. the Ilepartment of Education be asked to exteud the source of revenue ffor educational purposes, and that the! also make an extensive study of the present conditions and their re- sults, with a view to relieving to some Iextent the burden that falls on these municipalities, that they may be able i to maintain a reasonable standard ot rduestton for their pupils. , Referred to education tummlttee. I A letter from Reeve 1)arldaon, of Plagham, was read. In which he ',asked that the case of a \\•Ingham boy is a Woodstock hospital be entered as an incurable. He arcked flat the matter be taken up with the proper authorities Referred to executive r,mmlttee. The following lone Ne'r' placed before the council: -- Feaga-Matleeou: That we wish •en to express our appreciation, and ton- t V t,d so•- ' ' ' £si Rratulate our county clerk on the ..•r • eflieleut manner in white' he has rwploytd his new method of forming LIFE IDE.NTICAL HEIFERS and tabulating the minutes of our -t'mrrled. - Ge -us he thankful that life ereew An raid rase of doobfes In cattle June meeting ,n. That Mrs.' 3Ier- 1• Silhouettes make excellent greeting saves, book plates, and place cards ti us to tittle bits -free day lea ereiViT ase tlfor• Magtatratr !Slake to Galt n Reid be n -a {verge l t.. the Muth time with ism duties e .r time ago. o Board for IS13e such as SNAPSHOT GU1L MAKE A SILHOUETTE CHURCH NOTES The PPeabpte17 of Huron will con- vene to the Clinton Vresbyterlau church on Tue4lay 'text at 10 o'clock a.m. ',lie regular meeting of Victoria Howe and School Club will he held at the hose of the presldeut, Mrs. J. up 7'ht`t.da ,• her S . l:tilliar s:_., eor yr -" - The tuonthly ,seting of the--Wo- tm•u•s Aswoiatkia of North street Un*ted church will he held in the ifieii-u ?Inl'rlr3a3,_ l rrmb►6et *Wk. at 3 Pm. Not. the change of date. Mrs. A. C. Crider, of Goderlch, was appointed second eire.preatldent and social service ,ecretary of the Huron Diocesan W. A. at a meeting of the executive held Monday afternoon in Creenyn Hxll, IA)adoa. The annual meeting of Knox church •W. M.S. will be held to the lecture room of the church on Tuesday, De- cember 10. Instead of the 17th. The departmental secretaries are asked to have their reistta ready for this meeting. The Mission Circle of North street United (*hunt will hold a meeting at the home of Mina Gladys Brownlee, Trafalgar street. on Wednesday. De - remitter 11.. An Interesting program has been prepared by Mies Edna Driver. convener. Miss Evelyn Coop. er sill tell of bear trip to the 01d (ouutry• Ttw members of the Mission Circle of North street United churoti spent a pheasant evenleg, at the home of Mr.- Hebert Johnston when the re- SUIJ ECT KODAK SHUT 2FT. 5FT. -A iNOTOFLASH OR PHOTOFLOOD you 1 tie+, W roe et least ,•TWO farmers_ i' t WITH the arrival of cooler days ordinary 60 -watt bulbs ■ 7 Moth - accomplish that much. -Colonel de a *lootilio `1 .rat _ wanes eves red Jar d nights that do not offer use in your home lamps, or •Photo- se hoto spy heifers in the same tleld. WhenReports of Cetsty Oirers much encouragement for outdoor t Dyck and (tics pastu Tabled. an Burgh. is edit Glasse VINO Was E7:ael Sault >R. A. REID ot (17 years In Stratford), at Robertson's Jewelry Store "Satisfaction at Moderate Cost" lyck got his back be found that one J at (;,,tentta•k, inspector of the, activities. there 1s a very noticeable 'of three returned d.d not belong to gate of Refuge. reputed briefly ou him. Inrestigatlac• be found what rare to the forty -year-old building he le ',tried 10 he hi) on itl•s' farm, He geld thee.mmittee had 'ordered He le -d- ii oomptatnt and the Magi'- nearly everything done as he had ad - trate heard the case. It developed v iset. He expressed appreciation of that the two anima:- were lolrutic°I' the work being dune by the- manager so far as human eye meld dissent. .Ind his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs E11hch had a dtatingaishltr mark in Gaoler J. B. Reynolds' report was the form of a wart on a particular , read by Clerk Robert^ There. were spot of its side tadweblead a-Jtlair-imr. ,_.7ommitment; riaF-`tat All of as are familiar with the Increase In interest by amateurs in snapshots in the house at night• Once you start this fascinating, hobby you will undoubtedly agree that It Is a real pleasure and an ideal -- way to occupy your time profitably during the long evenings of tall and winter. la the same 7 --ta it. ' Fear, ea Mott. . tr;3 -*t• Magistrate admIttodhis In9tdllty to ELT•A. 5. -fraud 3.-cuntempl.4LCou!1 ten one from tbl_atime__lnri 119,..1xle..2, sad one eachfor breaking and else could be fogad-bp separate them. , entering, assault. deCerttu[ children The charge agate* dies was •dlt i and ce•••i%init stolen •goods mis-ed. I There are at present seven Inmates In the gaol. The cost of daily rations Capital Phone:47 SOUND irk STSTtM Theatre Cspdpnch Now I'layitng Will Rogers. in "Steand.et 'Round the Fend" MONIDAi-. Ti'ESDAY and DA1- - "THE CRUSADES" (Cecil It. De Mille contributes another great ePeelarlc Lavish iDethralling• Starring the popular LORETTA YOUNG with HENRY WILCOXEN tr A14) A. ILANWIVICKNT at;YMlieT1NO CARtrI lTH RSDAl, FRIDAY and SATURDAY - CHARLES BOYER and LORETTA YOUNG WARNER OLAND and ALISON SKII'WORTH Truly an all-star cast. in ow of the moot eetertatol'g Oriental ad- venture. you've ever 'writ "SHANGHAI" MATINEES -WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 p.m coming -Gene Stratton Porter's, "Keeper of the Bet- ' 1per man is 10e.c. Clerk's Report The clerk- pre a lengthy report in whk'h Ise dealt 1n detail with the fol-. dewing institutions and branches of 1 county work: The House of Refuge. ' hospital, mothers' allowances, edu- cation, libraries, old -age pensions. ' maglstrate's once. and other items of interest to the celactl. Mr. Roberts gave an Itemised state- , ment showing the actual profit real- Lose by raising hop at the House of I Refuge, io atsawer to a request by Reeve McNeil at a previous session. Receipts from the sale of bop during the gore year were $.MTS. with masa tad we prelate idN the leer ort apsl.3t and $1.1311.44. The year was from Nor.mber 30, 1934, to No - %ember 30, 1935. ordinary tyle of snapshots but few have made sllhaaette nictares. With this type of plctare. even most that with ordinary snaps. It is Important that the pictures tell their own story -unless. of cower. you want simply a profile head aad shoulders study - for you have °sly outlines to work with, unsupported by perspective or detail. The first segtstlal of silhouette pictures is a perfectly flat back- ground, de,oid of detail. And the easiest way to obtain such a back- ground is to stretch a bed sheet across a broad esorway between two 'rooms. it's ttpartant that tie sheet be tacked up that all creased wrinkles are Mated . To light up this kar•t strong light millet I» pet in bdFlt of it, about five away, either eco - tete or. h bassi your Jrsanit7 and inventiveness feat*YR the l uraTou Try a wide &sire of graphs for your late p'a'y tt tonight. lighting. You eaa use a couple of JOHN VAN GUILDER flood or Photoflash bulb- The latter are available at most electrical or photo supply shops at very low prices_ The Photoflood bulb. which gives an exceptionally brilliant whit* light, le probably your beet bet. its life 1s about two hours of constant burning, thus it can be used for many pictures_ lose your sub- ject about two feet In front of the sheet (on the side away from the light). See diagram. Place your camera on a tripod or table so that It 1s directly opposite your subject. the Octal* Is taken, the tight--- 711amt atee the sheet should be-- - the only light 1n either of the room,. Now about the exposures. If you use the two 60 -watt lamps. you w111 need an exposure of about 10 se.• onds, with the lens well opened: with a Photoflood, a couple of seconds will suture. Using the Pleotogash t which gives an Instantaneous, vivid Saab d light) seethe abutter at "time." turn out all room lights, open the abutter. flash the bulb, close the shut- ter -and there you are --you've got your picture. A little practice with silhouettes Is worth volumes of lastrnctlooa. Good .11houettes make excellent tett tergal for greeting cards, beck plater. cards and so on. . Is soaking them. you eta eall all EEE E-0E EaE i Made -in -Canada Qhristmas Cards E. C. Robertson JEWELLER Phone 136 14 Square 1 STAR OF LOVE The heart needs not for Its heaves much space, nor many stars thereto. If only '&.•star of love has arises. - Richter. MISSIONS AS LAUNDRIES Woodatock, Ont. (%)--4e ordle- Ruler montilIT meeting was held on arily solemn Oxford Presbytery of the N0%e111114" 37t11 Christmas carols United (Yroreh convening here was 0551 - Were sung and the business was eon- vutaed in laughter when Rev. M. P. duciAt ._ The new study brook was leterestingly i°trndueed by Miss E. 'Buchanan, and Miss Bernice Moore paha a pleasing Nolo. The members then spent an how sewing. after whleh • d s duty 1 4 -sae ..Jetred_bg the ho•t cos. , ',mace HMOI. 'JIDDA' AID Smith of Woodstock United church, and former missionary. to China. arose to state solemnly that owing tolit variance In baptismal Methods -at _ Baptist, Methouat and Society of Friends' mistaking were known to (110 Chinese an "Big Wash." "t.ktle and "No Wash at All." Mart ail. Fraley Usual • isIMa1MR Freesia The regular 'nesting of `the iZMttt' Pre•byterieu char♦ Ladies' Ald wet/' held In the lecture loom on Friday. Jiocember 3It11- at_3 *Vett_ _ There was a :good atteaadatttes -et oma -;mat -when ]tta- Jl- .D. •lilt pe ... t. opened tQ4-taoatial _ vet -tonal _eternises. The llettIp. tete. lesson was read by Mrs W. O. Me. Fenn and Mrs. Robert Iii set lei In prayer. TL.• meeting wee then under the leadership of Mr*. J. A Stratton's smut, which pit en a clever skit. Mine a preeentatien of a mock ladles' - . 14 meeting. Mn- H. C. Dun osp acted as the .ole :est /res Keith Revell proved a worthy secre- tary. her minute* Poing moat entertain- ing. ntertato-ing. while Mrs- Strategies treasurer's report was tot -reef to a tent. Other members of the "Ald'' co • aa follows to lbs Program:- monica aeleetiona by Kra. Con. 81. - sett . recitation try Visa Kathleen Mac. Ewan : vocal solea by Miss Dorothy Gr.•, •,P. and as tsdterees b7 M Al- bert Taylor. A duet by Meadow's Dwaine and Reel*, t quartette by Mesdames' Dunlop, Revell. 7atfford and Young• and a ebOTae by the eve tire croup were much en)oyel. I After the meeting a dainty Itmch THE Mr. S. R. M.CLU$G MWMgt 10 a.a.=BIBL1 SCHOOL. 11 Ltlr "" The clerk urged the reeves to be was served by the group to all present. prompt 1n reputing on Indigent p" view of having people who are earn- I report, width was tabled for refer- tbeta, as he (the clerk r Das only IDR eontritwte In some way to • fenenee and ordered printed in the min NEW CARETAKER twenty days In which to reply. which, in Ile Piro. would mow to nice. At the regular meeting rat H1xna A Healthblerrire 1104r support •hen sickness or aid Grail fliers At No- R2. 1.41.O.F. In the lodge rooms on ,Monday night Mr. J. Me- Nevin c.Nevin was appointer', caretaker of the building Mr. McNevin .ucceeds Mr. rime. Stake., who h:'• been appointed "Hospital accounts and old age age confronts them. R -e are pada* 1'nder the heading of tlagslri pension accounts are heavy burdens thrnogb alslorma' timid at present. Dot es and the tendency sr --m• always up abnormal time• might be alleviated. Reeve 'A m. Soewart ward: "I ander- ward," he saki "If you would per- or pertesto prrr,•nted, if la normal ru.•d of taking graft on a tar deal. mit me to express a personal rtewp int times cath of ns were required to d would say then. proldetus might , ,ntritrute' aometsing against deknesa have conetderation from the point of or „id age 'Dat later may confront a*. a'fi►Ks' Q77-a-a - V OCVOIWILIGIOVILIVIMILACCOMIIMPLIRENN CORNFIELD'S Becomes a Brilliant New Christmas Store Its sh-Ives are richly stocked with Gifts of every kind -"standard" gifts, dramatic gifts, gay gifts, gifts for young, for old, for man. for woman and for child -Gifts that make Christmas ''ee,,00 o , /'`,shhooppping at Cornfield's aajjo y ouus adventure. "It may It. argutrl that we are pay - Wirt -Item now for jest wueh purposes. but a definite contribution to a fund •t a*hie for the J•vpresa pnrl of resister *rkno" sr old age would tend to create self- ...peel_ as everyone wntld benefit from the fund to lrhk'b they have contributed. regardless of whether they hack acquired much or 'little of this coral's goodie' -..fl. 0.-- appreciated M nppre•iated feat .4t.i a p.fllge'e••wu -ld --ieveloo luny 'lith, itItks which would i have to 1e overcome. *r. A. T Peeper of Clinton. were. tare of the Mothers' Allowances local Roan!. had co-operated in 1 clerk moot .at lsfactory nay. Paid tie corse sial Cosines GLOVES II NECKWEAR IMPORTED FRENCH KID GLOVES Shtrrd entire, plotted cuffs, t:ui„nd „fr t colors black, brnwtt; navy. 51.95 t° $2.95 Petr 7 LINED EIb GLOVEi Fine kid, warm lining,. t1 e)i; ec. i) Lt Pair A CREPB•GLOVEE - ASof; silk crepe. wat'm Mad inst. Pair 95c CHAMOISE SUEDE GLOVES ( ( A large variety of style. in all 49c to 95c •lu"I.-,. Pair ii WOOL GLOVES Itri_li +hails', large cuff, *rilw-•c.. heck+ 9[_ fair ( Handbags Heal I.wt)1 r 11amW,ags. Envelope or pinch tay1 1 •r zipper or ionic pw•kets. Extra Molnar.latrine Smart Ikog'. Min' *trill $1.00, $1.98 Bea Wet de Miry collar std ruff Seta of laer, crepe, watln In white. PRUhNI 95c"$1.45 and honey. Set S.•arfs of crepe end satin. Arent style. novelty 'r„nmings of metallic W,w.l Sea rim. Bright - 4,50c";1.49 pl:eld., errlp* 79c"$1.95 Hat and Scarf Sets Sport Siete trade of w'M,I pial,', in brew n, ns , $125 Ind black haakcrnneds `+•, Dressings • Gowns • Smartly made d satin In shade. of $o CA Iden, wide. roar. Ruse 't( e„ 44) . 't,. J Eiderdown Kimono* twat patterns. satin or nl trim - $2.49 to $325 E, ,a c;rI, ../.,t- $1.49 to $2.49 tectirestmtCWW A. CORNF9FLD "Shop where you are Invited to Mr. Roberts mild he had communi- cated with die" principals of county High remote t Schools' to as,+' ° commer- having pined permonally by the trans - In 154(!11 to the teaching of action. rtai their views "Tlis-Orsdimisl► at Oboist.' -7 p.a.- e'Aistl it the Fool'. Christmas Suggestions • FDR THE HOLIDAY N AWE Gaid we Rise I Moline sod Valu Tartans tae Hat to wee wMa furs. Alm Fels le away styles. Corsage Flew..+. Reams. Casa sad B Casio. Beets. y Gale.Mreu[b Heedery ie all tie latest Andes. 1'a1 ser ewdlally Invited to avert OW stock Miss M. R. MacVicar stand ttto morels commission los heed t I Kingeoe Street Bedford Mask to1 I would.Hke the matter cleared up- • nretaker of t'fctorin puldb• .r hcN,I- ,` Reeve Haacke said the ■ecueetion sows (trend /:e, Mathieson pr(etdf'. d t• the Goderich township was made ■ 1!izvvr►t nomination meeting. The Re•'••. who Is ells rf Yn orek eseitsben. quoted a ratepayer at the meeting a-- • saying. "i understand the road. cool; mitteion got twreral dollar. apiece." - referring to the peuehaee of a nen' car for the county engineer. The ear awe bought ou a trade -In for Vim. whit* was considered a good peke. "'The gentleman who asked the aloe^ Gen was Mr- D-.31eD'igaU." said Reeve Haack*. "Ile told me he gat j his Information from Mr. Albert *,o1d thorpe. ex -Reeve of Colborne township. i would appreciate- an Inreath'satm of this insinuation ■stalest 'the copt- mlasles." Dash Gran Reeve's iiau-ke, Cardiff and Eckert nd Warden ISwettser in turn denied Oat course* at the srboola• In prefer eller to paying for the tuition of ten - the 4141110 In an institutionprincipals roUnty• '.Some of Hoene pr have replied, others have not. he .rid. The replies had been handed to the education committer• 1tIRh follow op his 'detriment he most pre 'las and to pupils attending s." it. 1 will City soothing further now. said the and l` 11 would eemfaiInstitutihot H the was wants to Iaick rap hi- , I amid the clerk. "It w•oulA seem fairer to the county if a time limit were a at t ant i will talk to him" 1 am sorry Mr. Goldthorpe could think that any member of the eon' mission would stomp to take money in .11411 a way." amid Mr. Cardiff. "That man Is ap for Istel," stornwd Reeve Eckert. -If the man wants ter , et • !ID 1 111 "1t was )nit a rumor." stated H.P'r• on the number of years the c lacy for a pupil who fails to graduate." Old -age Peselw- Mr. Roberts gave the following data zre rrk4•age 1Pnstmts: Application' Iforwarded and recorded, UM: Pen"' I granted. Including apaice lorislt woe, e - r Iausly forwarded het set Elliott. se he asked the members t,• forget the slur. Don't pay any attention to it." ad rimed Reeve Turner. '•AIL peddle men are mnhJe t to three things at one time or attMtbsr," Reeve Turner asked for the mile age of roads nnd.r the count% system 13'+: a Ir•atinrn refs w,,; 17: ° t1 2' and the Prcrvirlclal system In fh. i rreas.s reported 4n: ce at ewtnty. The engineer was asked t„ preth. reported tet: applicationsset Ret the Information prPsPnt fnrwarvkd hat dealt 1 with, 1): reinstatement*. 1. SmtI*i*t ( FORESTERS F.1 p:(T -AI, clo•PI)• as we can Laid the clerk, `p•nakms 'Feld will L At the regttler meeting of Court 1 amount to about $1:e:300 by the clow* i l oAPrtch, No. 32, C 0.F.. on Tuesday of the present year Ilibee doses not night. nfeere were elected for the Include the amount: to he told muni- year ',dial Tiro. Mayne H. J. A. Ma F.wan remolded I M (911r1 d Ilrl clerks" I F. F. Rnwre wax elected ,\ letter frr om the 1'ro%1nitttsto'm Oaee c•1s1 tn•Itrc-', Ranger. A. J. Wllktt►ep, who rrawwill 1 ter of /ORal oflb es was read.sPttrnv- - turned an financial eeeretary. he Magistrate'. complete twenty years In that Mire on iterPat. nowt from the !tnrth Wrote site to the May 1N, neat j_ event bonus •'I think the arrange- tither niileers wire ertgef irirtr- fed men le admtntkle.1 read the clerk "I I loves: --Circ-Chief itanger. harry Wilson : Witmer : trPssnrer. {b mese nn reason whatever why the mart 1:. hnuld nut chaplain. Hc oward t\'Itkkt.: teem -die vroom In the r„nrt honer s -----videri,.Pcretail W. F il. Price; S.W.. t\'i1 Ise noel' for poll". mattsrs•' it dews not tonflles with the wlttInRs sem bit r.ath : J W .inhn Parri.le Phone 4 i 8 of the (bnlinty .Y'oort judge r tho R it , John Metlrew : J.R., Robert Wil- shop'Rum-este (in►rt jnder Wb.al 1m Homo: tntattreo, John Reil, James Wil tl ii a4itP1 ^ sem. Da' IA Sproul: a,ttitor•. T. Thou t`'CIC!4 ZE t14404!E .';cctcurcurt6;E i.rw n ... s. coosretested as 14.flan, Percy Recker, e What about that Jiristmas-Fresen t FOR MOTHER AND DAD? IttetettlfitgteegegigteeeeteCieekteCil WHY set owe them some:ldas they oven eels" while what 1a. In the long winter ercnlsaa. i.et then' roam nronnd the World by SHORT WAVE RAM() Try the De Forest Crosley the RADIO alta Wile Mort Wave. They brio, tate foreirIl programme. from *rootlet the World right Into yaar hone. flow better could ou make the follow happy and eon - tented then by ,grin, them she Intern News, Sports and Entertain ment by a 1). Fore ()Maley Itadlo' MODEiS TO SL'IIT AIA, HOMES --- SEE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAYS -- Are yr01 one wive 1. complaining *II the time: '1 plaid it gond prl4 for mJ radio het can't get any .stiefaetlnn out of 1t'? Did yon over stop to thktk that st Is yam' fetttle not the msehine'als When kind414 lying cheek your i tides laid. or have ydoubbeen potked' ng in and the tubes of 'Owes you could get? Hca 1'r"( e.; or. better istill. If radio.laced wily twit proper Itmconverted 'over » the your* hetet,* with real M.I.t radia. (`rnsey Store. nett Spray Tulse, Notify to of the lip Forret l)r,-nnsn's P.a,t Room. and we w111 gladly eel', on you J. Cuthbertson See our models on display nee to Drennan's Pool Room g!E T WIttC reErEVINEtr ETrtET tall T1 •