HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-12-5, Page 2...r-+w..w,.•..r,._ .,.......a r...,�...•....,...a....,e-ate......:... 1 -Thursday. December Stb, "1963 Possibly fuss will be nope- to Wee `� moue serious objections to being I � /%4JO�robbed of her accustomed place in the _11�11�I order of things, "e ,_ �„a;,astont-seamo tat• glir,liar tgg0nl.oMa.• mean. Xs. a raaasarkahle,,e0e1MentarY I"'•ero.,•fatM,t • • • OODg,SICU CANADA _._.v...•published. fury. T"hersda_..lensing. Sobacriptton price ' 11.30 If paid iu advance. • Tin SIGNAL PRINTING CO, LTD. w. H: KoacersoN, Editor and Manager Telephone 35 : Goderich, Ont. Thursday. 1Mcetube•r :nth, 1935 ''A MAN 0! PASTE" It would have been a serious neg- lect on the part of the citizens of Wderktt If Mr. S. D. Croft had been allowed to leave town without an ex- pression of appreciation of his carted and valued services to the community daring his ten years of res(denee here. the efficiency of townshlp councils 1n Ilunon that Mx eat eteight have been b acdams- tlon. If tbe farmers have been , •r' Ing a pretty "thin" time, financially,\u, 1\'i11Ie, you can't cut up father's I spolte tO themgg the origin of our of late years. they seem to fet•I that red flannel underwear to melte w government, a description of the Par- tatice* know H assts t'Isu. emit .. &lament buildlege and of the memorial their elected repress • •• •• built there In saem,ery of aur (soldiersPah have been doing all that ,•°• 10 Rally Rand will always be popular. who paid the anpr•we prlee. Their reason. be expected W help out. l will netrr tic without a few fans. names are easeseid in marble under • • • i` • • • glues. Mr. It P•ttereou gave several People who make alarm vino los Sandy. our eros. -eyed Scots friend, readings weke were enjoyed. On ought to send a salesman to Clinton Alamein went enizy watt•hiag a three- December 10th the club will hold a rinsed circus. social evening is ttelp foreign Wa- it appears that in the neighisor toot' ringed • • Pleas- This watt be an open meeting the town bell is runs. at 6 n'ela p; and Hyenas are reported to be common" to which •11 are invited. apla at i o'clock [n the morulug In is Abyralala. They certainly hays Oa Baturvla7 Yr. and Mrs. )red know when to ger lots to laugh about these dale. 1Glllott eatertsitaed those who have order to let peopletaken part to the peaty to a fowl sup up and begin the day's work. Gee ••w+•••• •••• per. A jo07 evening was spent in citizen has been complaining about the • THE SIGNAL ..•.. .. 7rt-a..•:pa.�,,.en�i•rra.s�.-.,,.•r.. as--..,, pe1!r•uac1^,a1.":. -arlr - ►71aF1A-A•,n'•r..Nra"-.+•-,......w.4wxaM"wiono" GODERICH, ONT. GASPERS -- By Ken Catto Rulers are not always straight • • • Not least of the horrors of war are the attempts* to prouounee _Addle .aux P'O 'S HILL PORTER'S Ileglet,, Dee. A --Winter bas made ata apeearanee In this part. Jaeir Frust again, •Ithough on November your eorrespoudeat picked a full-biewn rose from the gar- den. Several there hada were reser to open bot 1.ek Frost got them. 1l es Cbds+-0a Tuesday, November Wth. It. Meal, pub enjoyed as their • • e rho .Yr• c:auwrse.e.--wt--ClIntoo Hr Ou coming to Goderkh Mr. Croft noise•. She lntdats that no one In _:un ; teat no time in associating himself 1 tun goes to work that early. anyway 'not salt is of oheplacing a ettedte thtdt there metlrely with community affairs, and 1 • • • is so varied were his services that even There are plenty of aeeouuts in the for sailing% and compelling ata °leer- - this numerous expressions at the ban -i press of the "accident:' caused ty van, t. eaet of last Friday evening failed to hunters tiring at something moving in The myth of a corse Assoc laded with wirer the full ilat of his activlties. the hushes. To any •cid hunter this 1. an unpardonable hunting offence. B. Mr. Croft was nut nue to •'Mt N„ was of experlen.-e ever does it George do it" -he got things done. Ile must see what he is shooting at. He has the innate faculty of co -opera- if icer, man going into the wuu,is tion and of obtaining the co-operationble for the ,tire+t time could he thoroughly •1 Ut(13 a trrwenduuslr valuable 11si'n with _bb feet there would gtft to eucutirr effort.- Titat bif' be fewer -accidents" work fur the community did not de- • • • and from the came of his services Prolaloly few ever think about it. as agent Vf the Canadian National but the fact is that Canada has over Hallways is erWe•nred by his .promo�a quarter of a million males of road-. tion to a more important pualtloa 1D , „ "orrice; and 11 h further 313,tre7 10 1» exact That is a grenn•r go railwaymileage than twelie times around the W be acted thatall the 'man, earth at the equator. Pioneers built and 'waned- calls upon uppeone bla attention.: a jut of that mileage. without tile sol Ile. Croft -Was still able to re time of stem shovels, power graders or and capacity for sport sod reecreation, any of the modern labor-saving Jr pnring. _ . to his favorite pastime. i vieer.---Sivitaeif tbis has been a err iatag--__Ter11y, be^ iP a "mta oti4ltahle_>�tor a small population pa V ata." _ spree 4 oder btltlt-e custl t. The Signal joins heartily la the zea - A St. Thomas public school teacher fly may have abundant success and As Councillor Brows aptly expressed •r•al wish that lar. Croft and his fain- • • • happiness In their new sphere at asked his pupils to give an example Brantford, and also in the good wishes of a famous tans. A small boy re for Mr. G. H. Jackson. his successor piled. "Mitch Hepburn." Asked as C.N.R. agent 111 goderleh. why Yr. Hepburn was famous, the lad replied, 'Beeause his Dame is al- LIIiHi'ED TRIMSways on the front page of the news - 1 papers." The story doesn't go oa Last year considerable dissatiafac- 1 to say so, but doubtless that .ebool- - dee was expressed at the inadequacy !master had Witte a task In disentang- K the one ties -villa Co'alerkb decor- i ling cause and edeet to his Pupil's alga with colored lights in Court House r mind. laskit Christmas time. It le not a lithirularly fine tree to 1 The Saturday Evening Poo Mae the esais,-with, and as the Iightn used are 1 Washington Oorernwent robbed mil- - WWI and dim the effete t 1' not what it 111ona by revaluing the American dol- t be 'Lir at OP pats. Professor lrvtng aav of Yale claims itt _a snafu s v �,p(e {aaa�!Dtber tthorities Doe it alt ow beau fol etee prndue n in dlf• aorta if values in between. It scold Terme towna and cities. In the district be some comfort if these people would The best one appears to he that of agree so some value and let it go :al bringing four good-sized trees in from ' thaL In the Meantime, we la Can - the country and planting them on theiadawill accept all we can get and g, • • playing games. The cast will pre- sent their play again In Clinton town batt thts )hada; etening. Thla la taw eighth Uma the play, "HereComes 'Charlie," baa awn presented. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Elliott and little daughter bare moved from the Blue Water on un to the Johnston farm on the cath eunceadoo. 1 the opening of King Tut's tomb per= :sympathy la extruded to Yr. and Mats in spite of every effort to down Mrs. Charles Young. who have flees it. Dr. Jas. H. $reacted, noted passing through try,hig times. A Egyptologist, tied tbe other day 1m few weeks ago lir. Tong's father New York at _the_ age of seventy-two 11s't'cd sway' and oon Monday nothing His ph,siciaas state that he sac• his mother was laid to rest. Quite a number freta this e•ummun(ty' at- cumbed to a streptococedc infection, tended the tuners;. - which had nothing to do with his re- Mr. and Mrs, VFlsber. from Dear cent trip to Egypt. He might have :dittoed, visited Mr. and Mr-. Hebert died anywhere at any time of the Fuller. 'same infection. Yet over -scalene Yr. andYr. jibs.and liMaira. r, of LondonWouda , Visited Yllton oewshouds. seeking to thrill A end attended the funeral of Mrs. Sy - lea's millions. raked out 'the old ease 11001K1*.1W •, at tford. on Saturday. sior -*nd melted 1t on to the doetor'e jNr #sel than .4beIL-A shadow death. The so-called curse. "Death was east Weer our community on shall come on swift wingi to him that Monday aausLog when It was toucbeth the tomb of a Pharaoh," is learned that the angel of death had authorltativell ted to be the pro- claimed Jean Abell. Miss Abell had for two years been onr loved and re- du(K_*l, *s imsgtaatlell. et as Awn-•- spected school teacher and bad won 'lean newspaper correspondent. angry a place In the Mart. of young and old. because The D.ondo* imtu- ee was gte' Amr sympathy goes out to _thea. who the original story of the tombs din- are left to sorrow. covery before anyone else got 1t HAil''IELI� There le not and never was any such inscrtpion over the tomb's entrance, as so many account* claim. The whole story is pure noneeeme lad oat: the simple and credulous bellere 1L • FREIGHT (Hanover Post) The beat "nomluatiea night" story we '1MSrd was that of a towel man who. naaccm.toinM to public speak - Ing. Bald if be ever west to heaven he world have W go "freight.", as,be cosldn't *Sprees himself. A ROYAL ACT (Canadian Echo) . Perhaps, ode of the Bleat alli s we have beard of Royalty lately was that when a guard was dosing up West- minster Abbey on November 6111 be noticed a sheaf of ftilt flowers resting on the grave of Britain's Us -j known Soldier. Apprn$ehing it M Square, one each •t the intersection :oil belleriag them worth 100 ceata. .hent over to see a card stamped with Women's and Children's Kid Gloves Cbi,klrteal,t. t&dytyinlmed, lineal (l loves with .0V heavy dome fasteners. Sizes 2 10 7 $1 Tanta acid browns. Per pair. 7 Beautifully lined fasteners in black cobrur wt s nxttele` All sizes and attractively $125 and $1.95 boxed. Pair. it • WOMEN'S AND KISSES' PYJAMAS Mercury make. Beautifull) -v uvea acid l4 variety of colors. Suit WOMEN'S DRESSING GOWNS $1.50 Heavy satin in desirable colors Ala° iu all wool fancy checks, at.....$495 and $8.95 MEN'S PYJAMAS Men's English flannelette P> J.urtas. $1.95 Suit Men's best flannelette Nightr•,etno $1.50 Sizes 14 to 17 • BOYS' AND GiRLS' LEATHER COATS $6.59 t° $7.95 KNITTED SUITS AND DRESSES of finest botany earn N. ec •,!.‘ les and perfect fitting. Size. :32 to I" $l0.cfi 50 Special. each.. HANDKERCHIEFS Men's large ptire blah Linen, hemstitch Handkerchiefs with initial daintily worked tit"tsorner. Boxed 2, 3 yr 6: 25c tad Sac All initials. Each MEN'S TIES One of the biggest groups of Ties we've ever had. Splendid quality and selected patterns and colorings. Pull cut and 35c well liined. Special, each E S A BOYS' UNDERWEAR Penman's heavy fleece $125 and $1.50 Combinations. Per Suit. WOMEN'S WINTER COATS Reductions mall linea on high grade fur tri.ninsed Cohn. Now. $12.50 to -00 AXMINSTER RUGS (n e-er'\ site lip to'S x 4 Wards BARRYMOOR and HARDING RUGS-- -I)ee+ember Sate Prices--- - SIntesiTapestry Brussels Rugs Clearing. :3 z yards $15.00 4 x 4 earch,..,- $17.00 W. ACHESON & SON tetIMENEWIttelEtetettirCASIVINPOIMPLICCOLIGNINEMPROLIttelliaL Heard; F.S., E. A. Featherston; treas- urer, Harold Stinson: pat lecturer, Wm. Parker; 2nd lecturer, Harry Darrow: marshal, Lindsay Smith: ,tT. HFIIF\S, Dee: 3 --Mr•. Robin - committee. Emerson Heard. Wm. J s^n Woods la .11Io Taranto. the guest anal. Robert Orr, W. Westlake, Wes. +•'f her daud/tPf ]tea. llssdg Murdll, ST. HELENS Schlenker.. of Kitchener, were guests of her father, lir. Robinson Woods. Mr. Julia Wattace. who bad been la Wingbam hospital for two mooths with e fraetarad hip was removed oa San- te r to Ude of his nephew, Mr. Orr. After the election a soda, boar o Those wbo etttaadsd the tUMral •II01 filler. -Rev. 11. 11. Wright is attsm>Il presbytery meeting at Wlatbap tis• day. H. W. Piercy will modest Ir ears ekes la Calvin 1'alted chine! e - day. Itecember R. A eanimet ta01 M held on Monday evaening ceased bad a awoke ors September [several of oar rnaamanit,y attended CHU AJSZN A eb1M1 IA vetoed meet. more by et ample than by precept. Patents should therefore be swag v to set up to whet they profess. and to let their melees be a reflex of their words. u was spent sad lunch served. i %'Ingham of Alan 1Uiitb, gTteettyeat� The Irate Mn. Was, wastsa,-Aboot 01,1 on of lir. and Mrs. Robert Smith. y, lie het eternal home one of opa, fi sour well- Win. Rutherford mad two moose and nighty respected nisi. ( slot Mrs. W. YdYostle and sen. MissBeats. Mary RL*.abeth Weston, be. i 1.. Humphrey, liar. W. Humphrey and loved wife of WWlsm VW'eaton. De- i sots and A. Niebol,os. Tilt. I9it, sad had since been In poor I the anniversary eervieea on Iineday bealth. About midnight on Wed- i.t the United church. 1.eeknow. ssday she coaptaltaed of having pale Mina Ethel Robertson %pest the and lingered tHt a a.m. Mrs. Wes- wet-k+od at Loeknow with her sister. tom was tbe •e osd da.plitrr of the Miss B. Rebert.os. • tate John Yaleoner sad Mary MaetUd. Ilhs Ince WsMead.as sad Mead. 11r. tike was nasrrled tt William Wetato 6 am. m Thursday last Herr departedm formerly of this commas It were Sir. BATPFL`LD, Dec. 4. -Mr. Fred Dyer has returned to his borne to Bayfeld atter spending some time In Saskatche- wan. Mr. and Mrs F. Crane returned to their home la Detroit on Sunday. after attending the funeral of their stater - in -Law, the tats Mrs. Wm. Weston, which ,took place on Saturday after- noon. Yr. W. Ills returned home es Saturate after spending a few days w ann in Yr- ,Ian Lee. don. gest y with tte's parents, Yr. Yrs. s. Parker. MIs» It. titer past meow(mos with ben As. ea* Sfsseiaek Parker. Mr. and ILII . Harold King and Master Hero Atwood. of Sarnia. spent Sunday with tbe lady's parents, Yr. and .Ira C. Parker. Dr. and )4'a. A Atkinson. of De - troll, are speadfng a few day. at their home ID the Pillage. of North. 'West, South and Fast street'. •• • • "-the sant-of-arms. On it. Wil. Mayfield friends of Yr. Arlington Pine tete, at these points, well hung Mhu.ollnl would Iw• well advised, written It the I)uchGimes of Gime with plenty of bright .olored lamp%) not to misinterpret tote meaming of cuter." It was her bridal bouquet. Atwood, of 1.tnilt. are glad to bear he is Improvise niter being hurt le Ito and with -Irings of lamps to the ad- the Lapointe note to the League of A GREAT GENTLEMAN cotefromotoi le tc' henna returnedweek hone- from He hsQlbl about • weep joining buildings, would put t. oder- ,:Nations on ail sanctions. The acting orf in a Blass by herself this' Prime Minister was merely reiterating (lartatm** i the stand of both lir. ltennett and It would be beautiful and wonil he lir. King lTtitTidada will not eater a splendid advertisement for the any European war without due con- kers" as well as 'fronting enr owl Citi- sideration of all the facts of the case lens pleasure. I There can be no dents about Can - The public utilities commieslon Could :mites essential loyalty. both to fire wee, »fitnil"tbe r'ptnmt•: as it has a 1w•agne of Nations and to_.ber fellow avmtortable surplus Iu the tank. Hud_ members of the . liriti,;b ('ommon it wade -provide mane wurk.tur a few . %%milli ut Natioasr- of the men who will soon be asking • • • i-elief. A proposal, is afoot to stock the 'truce Peninsula with elk from a 1:uv P.DITORIAL NOTE8 • erntmene preserve wear Pembroke. • This . Peems like a Pptendid idt•a sad United States police firnelai. claim I their uuthhers might le increased by that .their i i ime-detet•ting methods are donations from rarlou- city ZOO*. • . aWer1er. NW-LLose.=:et-2katlaud Yxr11. jegr" or two ago a n outdoor or such Thee ought to be. Ther- 1-.0 much ogees were begging people to take more material to worA' en. Z7k-7iituate ter their hand*, as tame • • were ne (nods erailalde to buy feed. Since the death of Senator Charles They may still to antioue to be ria f their surplus. The elk should in, to his diversified ta1(1nts. waft 1111 were appseseid : W.31.. Fred Wet - prove a splendid attraction in tbe yon 'ee him va.ting a front -11y aeon.. son : deputy M.. Vitale* Jemetarardt; Wet - peninsula, where they would qul.ikly a likely ps,.rl. chaplain, Alfred Erwin: R.8- Ylnlaa . • • feel at hump ,.. . Murphy, Postmaster -General in a e former Liberal Government, the cont. piexion -of the Senate is as follow* Conaervatires, 14; Lilcrals.. 31. I'ten. ty of - room for "reform" there, A Detroit mintalvr remarked none lays ago that "a..1f is second only W ('hrlstlanity and is Its greatest ally In the dett•lupueut tbe high... est snowbirds ofdmanhood and wo. -maubond." That eitrgyman's ser- mons couldn't have leen smarties mach pntdk•1tc. (Irvin S. Cobb) f ago sad Is aIle b walk around. When I first knew Min. be" mat4 Mrs. Cba. Patter. who fell down plain John Buchan, writing tbe beat stairs a week ago, is getting aloes Snatch novels dace Robert Louie,well. Many friends in the village and >etevensen, - . - 'irorrnusilug- vestry wi»b her a Then, 'in if/IS. he was: Col. PAS ' speedy Tyres-eel-- !turban yroveel-!turban of the British •wettime press . GMs' W. A.^Jlh. Girls' W. A. of bureau. abrewd- kindly, and dee.; Trinity chareh held their sonnet handling a buneh of rampaging Aalerh-j meeting at the Moate of Rim Lacy van correspondents as gently as though , Woods. ea Seturddy, November 30th. they were to mann new-tald- eggs,and Lat.3 o'clock. The election of officers he, pen.nially. had laid every fait elle J! took place. and the olkers cholera for of them. �ylte corning year were: President. When he beitme Air Jobn Rocbaa, Mies Emma St utpteon : vice-preatdeaL a lot of us said: "'Well, he earned his Mhs. Lucy Wo.4J'; aeet•rtary. Wise honor., t.nr no title peer `can insult Anna Sentrtinier ; Dorris aerrefary. Boit !trot's tread." Mao Doris Vcalberetnn : treaanrer. Now. at Ottawa, the flap fly anti Mho Berthena Sturgeon : Ifteratnre the camnuns roar for Baron 'tweeds- 1..eretary. MAP Vera Pewee: ptantat. mnlr, (;orrrmor-(;enernl of our noble Mise ,Fern Pease_ The nest meeting nation to the north, tmt, if His Lord- will he held nt the home nt was Ltt•y hip doesn't min?. 1'd IIkee-p.rronally.. W.s.d. en December Idtb. (0 go .+n" bl along et Mat at my friend-- Animal Needier -0a Magda eren- .Iohn Buchan, a ver great gentleman. Ing there wan a geed tureleet tai the They'll tike him tip there, we're go. "arrange Hall, when the anneal meet- ing to like him down Mere. And. If Ing of L(►.L No. Jt was held and the env of von Canadians has any doubt% following offs eco foe the palming year -What 1P ihrrr abMttt the slot mat• chines that milks. them so difficult to .uppre.s'i None are made in this country and the firms which distribute them are small and without any lartl• -ular Inntit•ne, . crown attorneys I everywhere, and even the Attorney- (ieneral: have said they are Mealy nd must go and every so often a lull • • • AS 14011»1, 1)111' Rrnntillni, suggests' that gneiss, he Ronde en Ind,•tw•ntItnt ennntry and that immigration ie en eonraged from Italr a. an nutlet for Ute rapidly Increasing Italian p,pubi tion. This Is lust about the most pointless '1gerelon arising. +o far. tont of the European confusion, • • • Dr. Florence A. Smith, daughter M Ur. Arthur Smith of town. Is a com . /Hha nt tn the current University of Toronto Qnarteter. Iler snbjert is `The Light Reading of Dr. Johsann," and o•he show. that the greet Men 1s clean-up 1. made. In a fortnight the machines are bark at work e' if no• thing had happened. It 1. gt'n,'relly agreed that they serve no useful our - mew, hilt that they do pander to the almost nnivcr•al •desire to gamble, with the chances of winning ak.I181 nom almost y prohibitive. Lt , *tit of errrythin(1th.y Anntish: Why? • - • • Navigation will close. hlIMlally, In * tendays, at least en file as the Inmrnnce companies are cofeeratd. Wien their proteetien rTSP.e-at .las a sign that ,igailk1pas..Ate _eonet4ered "tee datimeon. 10 warrant .hips, Iwlne The mottle io work for an industrial employment. Berlin, Mr. "hte freers-. ads 1tt*'r dol Tartu s em 110• laltey„ tshipping comlatulee very lnomatn trtete' Is.' his /padding. tw•t'iloe In risking their mien and their • • ♦ .hips beans the rate. paid are high The t;lotoe game. snmetendr am eat,- Men a.rept the ri.k bet ANA*. the monec tag that tbe Palen! of Peppermint .wltl , . netefed. There 4., nett %H•en a ma drive wile. away from a homes lint jer diameter Azar to the i$trno'% of rile oral nee. let's hear' from the este.' ovetaePs will make., one Inevitable before pcut l((It llliF Ari IMT" igir tow we 4 ( . 1 A Germany Today on Decembee 3ard, 1916, and leaves, +•sr% . .- - Moth/09S W■�•� • to BMhihalides is[ husband, a sus. Fred : elm Woe brallitie Merles,' and i.e. Mrs. Wm. Green 1 Margaret L, 44 Col - berme, nod Yrs. Itattss (Od11kJ. of Aodetrtef. llh* funeral. which was -L COLDS largely attended. was held from iter) .1. . . • home to 19ly5eld cemetery od Satmr- I day Afternoon. au impressive .service being conducted by Rev. K. Y Gale. . Those prevent from $ distaste. were Yr. sad firs. Wm. Breen, Mr. and . ° ' e Mrs. J. Barton. J. J. It iewen. Mrsx t' j w , Wright. Mrs. D. Weatoq, Yrs_ Ross + .- PM Gid`<,M Power s .. f PShorter Colds . • McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Wes- Vida Vo-NPa o-nol hep �: TIchborue, 1L Ya47e and, Mr.. Percy Johnston, Me. and Mrs. Gordon ton, Grafton and Dt.k Weston and W. J. Jobtuton. of Goderich ; Yr. and Yrs. T. Baird. Mr. and Miss. Gen•. At aha[ first granting slaw or nasalBaird, Mfr. and lir.. T. Campbell, lough irritation, quick' -a pew drops d sad Miss Mary Gilmore. Yr.. Ross, VicksVe-tro-rolttpoe�adtrtostril.Eape- Mr. and Yrs. F. Alk.athemd. Yr. and daily (. for nose and throat, Yea E. Boyce, Mira. A. W. Shospmsm, uMimestetddtslart,Va-tro-ttdhelps of Itrucedeld. to 0 rwerrfolds-and to throw "-MtxsR.-Tl, home or Mir. ` Verner (1o.hen Rm. •= odo head colds mtheir � ficin eyrly - Proven♦ many and Mrs. i . le Stanley, was the scene of a pretty wedding •t 1 oelock on Saturday, N... crusher 30th. when their elder daugh- ter, lwetta Mac. became the heeds. of tluettle R Hallman, of New Dundee. Te the steelier -et the wedding anarrb from Iohengrin played by Yl.e Mary Milburn of New ihtndee, the bride entered the drawing -room on the arm of her father, who gave her In mar- riage. The ceremony- was performed try Rev. Yr. Fleming of New Dundee before s■ arch honked with nowt re lu shades. of white, yellow and gold. In the presence of over thirty gue-ts. During the signing of the register Mins Miriam Holborn sang. "0 Promise 31e.' after which the clergytttan i11 - traduced the bridal couple and they I. received congratulations. The bride I was attractively gowned In white seersucker satin fashioned on rtaartly Itallneed lines, with a train. and wore • short veil held In place w Ith a coronet of orange blossoms. `the were the groom's gift. a baodsumr (Fiditnrl.I in New lent Tim(1*t fill• et of American Iteauty roses She gold wrist watch, and eartied a b„u- was attended by her .later. Miss F'.lithn for thin pnrrls•w•y NM in the tux Yert.rr, of London, who wore a gow f 'heap of pale green organza trimmed •elth that Hitler ha. *eemedi (1Prmaty 1. expressed Ia.. boom and an inere*Pp'AT Our correspondent' in Melia' I. examines th,• fneedv of this tmo.pertty wrought by National :its•Ialism and Ands flaw. In 11. .activity ih "production goods.:1 r which ow• at an umpr.wstk•nted rate 1 in the eartier etagt•. of Germnry's re- armament. b mote beginning ,to sub - aide. I'nemplormiel1' Is again in- creasing. Food pekoes have been ris• the s ,mare doom rtsihte a1 fhedtre of mak nhd batter %tore•. ••I'Ndlr dissatisfa.•tion 1* un- donit.•cllc growing:" unorganized and Ievderle... It I.` never-Ies• "rising like. ground water. which unless checked in time undermines even the atetMe.t fnomlations.' Mr. file hall twig his linger Isiah nn rause 0f the Hlfltt li ni ;not nn tlllfl• nlrle• it is n. n- beginning to evcoutiwt whoa 1N• says flint it tt - 1Ilnkn,1a1 In pari he virtual -:ue•ella tion of foreign debt. and In part by the lommot •e of -Wilkins of marks in staff, 141.1',,. whk•h nils flogthePhtire ler-.ill mod blinking sestets." The listens' hits Won prMnwrlty- glut mast. urate n air i s'�1 it et r sir -. ref mon n *. nI w.f,rp e. the Nasi 6ev.erasent found money revemtp. paid UP 1*. fee t are entailer thin to tilt days tefere Hitler point d'rapwil and meek velvet and took over power. Net by pristine carried yellow -moose. Morgan 1 preps -matter:. there bee been no rote Hallman supported the groom. The ctnntiel inprwase of Dote circulation, bride's mother, Nr*. E. F. Mernrr 1* for the gnat realms that the Govern- ment eon see Its ieota► written in say act that toren Gerimaay late another rarrenry inflating. Thr device which has enabled Hitler to May the role of sarinr of German iminMry Is the more drrlip one of the 1.e1.1. "Rv- , armament note'" have been forted upon all manner of Iastttntiene1-- ' bank 4. main-t(1ea, co -opera res. labor `anions, .1(111 charitable nrganls*Nnt*. A. Mr. film him notes. "nobody beyond the Innermost governmental chess know. hon- hog the total German debt hee beeimr." for tis florernmcnt dews not dare re -pal the AO" The pros e*e me•i.ta of a furled n•dit Inflation In which the Govern mint nsf,-. the iron hand of ILP Akia- tnr•hip in en effort to prpreat ri.lne Prices frnm reteallns to 111e public what 1s happening. it le a Aeries. hill has worked well fors abort per carat 11 1s. also a derife eertaln in the end in ens downhill. For 11 I• atasflale i ereatlally te the larestment s that recipient of many leeutifpl gift• (cin ' (1• sip Py Maio lace and wearing • (orctag red rove., and the groom's roothrr, In sand crepe and w corarnle of pink eget nations, received with the bride. After the reception the wedAing 111W Ilion was served. The prides table esti centred with the cake ■nd thVt"tter'ttri- t, -- tions were to mance tulle caught with 1 Illy of the valley, yellow tapers In silver holder% end „filter Muskets of yellow and manta 'auams. Mils., II (b. Reid. assisted h, Mina Jean Woods.; Mrs Italica 1.. Hassett, of Itectteld.1 N1.* Murtha Nichol. of London. Yrs. W. binning. of Clinton, and Migs M.1 llallman. of New ',unripe. hal chs g,• i .K the luncheon For travelling he t bride donned a blue woollen Il. /•t M with . wlnr-colnrnl coat trlmm twracul, and hat and a.ve..sories to , mateh. Amid show ere of confetti sod good wishes the happy couple left a motor trip through the New" mpg land State.- ton their return they will reside nn flip groom's farm ear New Ihrndee. The bride WA. it.•• Vicks VapoRub helps Elld a Cold sooner 1f a cold has already developed, tate V irks V apoR ob, tar mother's in treating colds. Rubbed nn at - time, its combined poultice -vapor ac- tion -tion loosens phlegrq wadies irrita- tion, help break congestion. Often, by morning the worst of the cold Is over. Fallow Vklu Plan for Better Control of Colds A helpful guide to fewer colds and shorter colds. Developed by Vicks Chemists and Medical Staff; tested in extensive climb prac- ticing ray ticing physicians --further proved in everyday home use ma- y The Plan 1s fully ezpiahned !n ndt vada p.r4r r. V$CKS PLAN: CONTROL OF COLDS • W41W4a s•i "f si V 'Fal VILE tq "s<'te • f •vi "f T/ "i 14 CHRISTMAS WEATHER Is HERE! PREPARE NOW TOR CHRISTMAS AT TOUR DRUGGISTS He ha- been peppering for ('hristmas with suitable (i1l''T SI'(HiESTlONS. Week of December 6th to 13th. DRUG SPECIALS Baby's Own Tablets 22o Carter's Pills .....22c Gin Pills 39c Sloan's Liniment 29c Chase's Linseed snd Turpen- tine 36c large 7fic Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture 40c, 75c TOiLET SPECIALS Oampana's Italian Balm 29c Dagget & Ramsdell's Cold and Vanishing Cream 29e Odorono 36c, 60c Glazo 25e Williams' Shaving Cream, 35; Williams' Aqua Velva, 25c both for 35c CHRISTMAS CARDS ALL PRICES Gift Suggestions - Yardley's Toilet Sets. 85c to $10.00 Cute: Manicure Seta 3fic. to $4.50 Yardley's Shaving Bowl. Papetries floc to $1.50 Shaving Brnahes.60c to $3.00 Rolls Razors $6.96 Fountain Pew and Pencils 61.00 np Comb, Brush and Mirror Seta at attractive prang. Dunlop's Campbt ll's Lauder'* Wigk's Drugstore • Drug et aro D.ua•te'• Droogeter• �, iT ' Mote Ust-pa tglatlons and het eclair* p ' �- iel ee n (1r.sf ounces tendert to mte popttsr �eowej-. •..0 ort divide/win t'e of ". 1 • s.1