HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-24, Page 8fj 18-71turaday, October 24th, 1935-""e"ssnelf*,• Glasses must be made specially for you COUNTY ooNTa8r8 i lit• Speaking rind Spelling to Be Held \'uve•eubrr :rel 'The eighth auuual county, public Lepeaking contest and the fifth annual ispelling ruatt•h et,, le' conducted in the' auditorium of e Cliut011 d lle- giate Institute en \‘;‘ ember 2n at ,Y_'Pt A eh* piesabi* recltatluu contest for pupils in,setund'class and • under 1s also being held. The tlrst prize whiners in the pub{ NOD KN EYE SES VIC!<'"-"H`t IS INDIVIDUAL eve ott'e is that diireteti A era. every patient requires speeial- eonsideration. We invite you as a patient. WE SPECIALIAK 1i EXAMINATION 8 Goderiehi . I. Loses Third Soccer Tilt Locals Outplay Mitchell but the Scoring Punoh— Scare 1.0 bE. on... BRIEFS At the St.' intim Post-Election Dinner Hard ou the hews of the elections, Lack came the celebrations,. Party men of ill sides, It wan jollied together, atonic u0 quench the bitter fruits of defeat, and others to ta-t- _the' -sweet vintage of victory. St. Augustine welcomed a11. And when ,at- lasj the creed. bad arrived ..ceetuty was 1eet, Playing iu a mist of rain and • muddy_tield, pert water. •Mitchell de Mulct! at each of the neveD uron county' et•htol heirs this fall are eli- gible to compete, and the contestants in the championship sleeting match ea et ,u ar t ,ir collegiate football game aerlitiJt- SiSt. Augustiue has a reputation for al Park tin Mouday. Its bountiful dinners sue ttrtaiuly uu Goderich had the better of the play the Wtdueewiay evening of tail week will be thaw pupils who won first and (hruughuut, being in the Mitchell zone her prestige was in -Cited to greater EYE sewed were at• tam wheel fait:--Kiteeilt(1at of tlhe-tiuty. but as in Pre%ious heights. A feature of this year's en- -coin Mors in the three contests pro- Ames• they lacked I" ak'b7111j�ttneu• tertaiu featb1as the different arrattge- wurelesa until three If jon need of>e Wrrie_.: ' consult A. E. --COLE Yegidered Optometrist' Aoderieh Ont. 1►'' vide r 1IIt rcFtinli afternoon's The game watt went u tables. The diuuer tables A ve F_ whistle, w hen Cash' prix.. totalling a� minutes mb.re the tlual� were in the second aectluu of the hall. proximately i*i are eteug awarded, and a silver c•olieetiuu will be taken to assist in meeting these prises. To all parties who are interested is these rnntest* a cardial lurltation L ex- tended. Those t .e•r bole w'ht. our �er•1• !ru,' 1' .t.,r.l will ARE YOU GETTING PLEASURE OUT OF MOTORING THESE COOL DAYS AND FROSTY NIGHTS Stedelbauer's Used Car- Market CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A NICE COMFORTABLE CLOSED CAB FOR AS LOW AS $100 Your •,1,1 ear taken as part payment. Come in. Rouse & Bell Garage - GODERICH KINGSTON STREET Thanksgiving and Week -end SPECIALS —row 1i iFon- '- . r k >k :: ::-...R. lie fdiseddee.. lb. 9r Breasts - lb. 6e Claps 2 lbs. for fete Spring Lamb - Ib. lee Loins lb. 16e Shoulders .tib. 13e Breads k 9e akinnSfiliVr Rennd Bleak -s:: lb. Eat Sirloin Steak Ib. Zee Wing Steak Ib. tee Ring Bologna (Home-made ) ... . Ib.. for. 25e Flesh Hamburg `teak " lbs. for 25e Shoulder Roast Ib. 14e (tl4ifee Boiling Beef. ....Ile CHOICE CHICKENS, GEESE,,tWCkS, AT TAMEST PRICES -$TORE CLOSED ALLALDAY THURSDAY, 241h-- THS)7- 1 IGC; _ ?HOA'E is; HAMILTOF'DTREET . WE DELIVER • F. Burson. (lenient -Tee Mae -bell 'centre Those waiting had the opportunity of forward, lssittd 1u .the one goal. The trying their baud at the vr,riuLs.games abet was from - Cue of the infrequent ut ak.ne scrambles before the Goderich goal. Kien Interest was takes,. ' 1st tlw Wilkins gut his linger -tips' on the slip guessiug t•outest on tbe weight of the pery, water -reeled ball, but watt un- tenni the person having the closest able to dctlect it treyoud the post. (estimate winning the ham Guesses Worthy. Gotterich outside left, gauged from 1) Ib to ;1;. ib. Father missed an oplstrtuutty_to tie the:score (Pagtu•tfe, ut Wingham, eve it with an wean!. he tokte d tote ball- -Sed_( bar., estimate of 13 lbs., 10 vi. The cot, The teams: . . rt.-tWeigle was 13 lb _ oz. • Mitchell Goderteu • A. rift-dul1W door prize Junated by R. Brooks goal. ' 11. Wilkins Yr. George Spottoa was won by Miss Reeled r. f. b. B. Orr ; may. Hussey of Godet ich. W Cornish 1. i. b: : C. Mcl.agau c h. b. M. Eickmeir r. h. b. 1`. Thompson I. h. -b. F. 1$utaun (•. A. Walthers 1. r. R. Houghton u. r. A. Capper 1. 1. K Arthur 1 pense of bis Irish ancestors set hie H. Drake o. 1. D Worthy audience in galea art laughter. is W. Soeder subs. -A. Butler' announcing the Hallow e'en maaquer- B. Clark M. MacDonald ade which Is to be held on October Referee -T. Howler, Goderich. I , .�. _ „►Sth he old them of the chawp -in- Softer toSofter Notes __-._1,admitfeion. There U to be aal The results to date: Seaforth de- admission of 26e, -with a ten -cent pen- feated Mitchell, 9-0; Clinton defeated alty for those not In costume, and all Goderich, 3-1; Mitchell defeated Cilia- eesb prizes. toa,r}41; eealorth defeated Goderich *is* Josephine Weir, of Auburn 2-1; Mitcbell defeated Goderich, 14;'ssang "Where the liver r sOG • Seafortb defested Clinton, 44). I1Mww..; And to still (urtbee please The remainder of tbe schedule is as the Irish "present, Mr Harvey McGee follows: ' - (followed w!t� "'The Q111 Town in Old Oct. 24 -Clinton at Seaforth. County DsAafi,'• Mrs. It. J. Phillips Goderich at Mitchell.: aecompaaytng. And for the roman. --26-Mitalell-at Cllntnn f.th thee! was Joon Hey, singing '•lion Goderich at Seafortb._. ttile _and You." and John Connolly. ----bl--43ttnton et- loder-lab, -----tsiallag "1f 1 Only Knew." Father - tulluwtug the dinnerfol program arranged uteas a delight• A• Do . nder the direct KeKeit!'Cuak tt ! tiuu of Raymond Redmond Father 1►. Croft I.o9bellan, the pastor of et. .Augus- J Armstrong!tine, welcomed the crowd turd ex - pleasure at the large J. O'llrien i presi►ed ❑is at- Keu. Cott - Landau -e. Beveled jokes at the ex - Seafortb at Mitchell ------ iIalllvan, always a favorite, followed Intercollegiate Sower Stam !with 'The Rose of Tralee." Aft cur's Won Loft ( Radio Orehestra was In attendance Seafortb ......_.. .. .........3 0 Mitchell ...e.„.... -...:.e.,......2 1 Clinton ..._ ............................_ .1. 2 Goderieh 0 3 PLOWL G MATCH Th.. South Huron plowing match will take place on Thanksgiving Ile►, Thursday. October 24th, on 1her-fars- of William Sillery, which is located just north of Exeter anti on the east side of No. 4 highway. Many people from Goderieb and Col- borne tow0ahip are planning to attend. and rendered several selections. The !night was not entirely w itbout He com- i pensatlons for the Scotch. Hieian' blood qukkened to the salting strains of the bagpipes played by Piper Wilfred Mc - and danced to by John Mc- Queen. A pleasing piano duet was I rsader,ed by the Misses Klnahan and Rad mgnd. . After the program there was a dance. Catching the spirit of the evening, Young awl aid eajo)lell. -s the captivating fox-&ots and dressy waltzes, and the Iiw!ional eld-time agnare dance. All good things trifle td as id, and the--eraw4 dl. el e•i gait/Ili- alter Si-. the KW' igolarame sat- isfied with as ehtkksg aeaBttaed full of fun and eojoy>fiiet.t, H. J. 13 DOMINION • STORES LIMITED WEEK -END VALUES FOR Friday & Satsir October 25h nd 2•,c HABITANT Z PEA SOUP 1'ne`'(9c REINZ 2-‘nu_25. c soups Rice, Fancy Japan - - lb. Tt New Brazil Nuts - - lb. 19t Bayside Peas, No 2 Tin 2 for 234 Keen's Mustard - 1' i -07. Tin 10c Crossed Fish Sardines 2 Tins 2 e Domino Dates - 24 -oz. Pkg. 17c Salt, Iodized - - Pkg. 6c Lux Toilet Soap - 2 Cakes 11e SPAGHETTI LIBBY'S 3:L25 Plew's Oat Puffs - - Pkg. 9c Perfection Lemon Oil tlottlt 15e Greets Ices Pkg. 9e Willard's Hurnouos Ib. 1SC Aylmer Inftait's Foods 2"I in. 1St Palmolive S^ -r, - ('akt• 5 Classic Cleanser - Tin Sc Brooms - - - Each Durham Corn Starch 2 Pkgs. 19c . - Navy Toilet Tissue - 2 for 1St Macaroni, Bulk - 2 lbs. 114 Hawes Floor Wax - 1 -ib. Tin 42t SPECIAL MrLAREN'S PEANUT BUTTER Jar°Z 2 IC LIBBY'S, CLARK'S CAMPBELL'S, AYLMER OR BEANS With Park 2 Tms 2 1 Jumbo Size ams• Fruits & Veketables ORANGES doz 20c SLICED AAOICE 6 -quart basket SNOWAPPLES 25c COCOANUTS each Sc SINGAPORE ,PINEAPPLE Iln 10` CATSUP Fr,.l ( OATMEAL ibs< ROSEDALE BRAND DOMINION STOI:ES 1 r1 1 T 12 -or Bottk 10' Large Sire PRUNES 15< GODERWCH BRIDGE CLUB At the weekly davlielte bridge tour- nament, held Monday , evealng, the following were winner!: North and - Soutt,-llat, Mr. J. H. Taylor ,tad Mr. Fred ISeTaggart, plus 034 ; 2n4, Mr and Mea W. F. Saun- ders and Mr. N. C. Takeaway and Mr. P. F. Carey, plus 4%; 3rd. Mrs. 1. D. Eastman &nil Mr. T. R. Patterson, minus 4%. East and West -1st, AN R. J. Me- Mehenr . D. R. Joh gine 11%. 2nd. 2nd. Yrs D. Moo Mrs. P. F. Carey, plus 7',4 ; 3rd, and Mrs. E. L. Dean, 'minna 1. There will not be anett Mon day evening, the next ! being No- vember 4th. Seaforth Wow in Dont forget the Arthur Circle bazaar on November 2nd. The regular monthly meeting of the Nurses' Almuul w111 be held at the hospital ofi Friday, November 1st, at 3 p.m. For gun license, deer 1lcenle or camp license apply to WeekeLreeer MUWAT MacDOt'GaLL «. I%... - street. t'pbolstering of all kinds expertly done. Twelve years' experience. WM. garlh's garage. A Hallowe'en masquerade will be held in Kingsbridge hall. October 28, at 9 p.m. Masked faces, masked prices and masked prizes. Music by Hogan's orchestra. Lunch. The Women's Aasocettlon of Victoria street United church is serving a goose supper on November Ilth Pro- gram by Florida Sextet. Admission -e3c children 40c. Oldie church. Port Albert, Is hold- ing its annual fowl supper on Wed- nesday, October 30. Tickets, -Pk and 20c. Program -Mr. Chas. Mealtime Goderich; also talent from Lucknow The tbankoffering meeting of the Menne* Missionary Sonet? M Knox church will be held on Monday, Octo- ber 2Sth, at $ p.m. Mrs W. Ekins of Hetspe er will be the guest speaker. anti a curdlal Inv'tatlun Is extended to all the Home Itelpers to attend this meeting. SUMMER SCHOOL ROAD Working under United Church preat•hera of the district, three gangs of men hare begun the construction of a good road from the Blue Water highway to the United Church sum- mer camp, three miles north of God- erich. " The camp has become very popular, but it has been difficult to reach be- cause of the very poor roadway. The three gangs of men are grading the half -mile stretch and will finish up by gravelling it. They are working under the supervision of Rev. D. W Pomeroy, of Nile; Rev. W. J. Patton, of Aehtle4d, and Rev. G. W. Wylie. of Benmiller. D1® StON. At--Oa;/6W OR October -,111t, Iftral MacDonald, be- loved Johnston, in her 7Rtb year. SUTTON. -Mrs. Mary Aaa Sutton, wife of the late Thomas Sutton, formerly of Goderich, on October 12, at their bome, 29 Beek street. Brantford Funeral to Mt. Hope ceaeter', Rey. 1'. W. Bchaater of- SeiaUng. , LOST OR FOUND --CASE TOR ETE-GLASSR8, with ,tae "MW N. Uscomille." May be bid at TIRE SIGNAL OF- . b. T11111MtsS WANTED SEATING IOW ' - Tenders foe the j.s-st'-the. God - erten Sbtiting Riek fotathe taming winter skip will be received by the Town Council op to R o'elock p.m. Thursday. October 31st, 1935 No tender neeesearily ac.-epted. - le L. KNOX. Town Clerk WANTED All ' D.-4'OUI1TRY AND MOOS. Zxperienced at calling hens. fat us call your flock. Fresh eggs and fresh dressed poultry for sale at all times." Also poultry feed. chick mast,, and flour. GODI4RICH POUL- TRY AND EGG MARKET, Lighthouse street, opposite Public Meer,. Phone 18. NOTICE TO SQUIRREL HUNTERS NoTicE TO SQUIRREL HUNTERS. Notice halt been received from the (Game sed Fisheries Department re- _ soccer r Game girding the hunting of squirrels, -The animals are to be disposed of either for food, mounted or tanned. on or before November 16 of current year. Any person wishing to have the pelts tanned most eeettre a permit from the Department. which is free, but mint give the number of his hunting 11 - cense, also number of pelta to be tanned. - CHAS. BARKER, Goderich, licensed Tanner O. 0. I. Team Loses Inter -collegi- ate Fixture bi 2.1 Score In a scheduled inter#11eg1ate soc- cer game on Friday IoM, the Goder- ich Collegiate institute quad was de - felted by the Seaforth Wasps, by a score of 2-1. The game, at Agricultural Park, COURT OF REVISION seemed to be fairly weli.balaneed, but the scales tipped slightl7 In favor of Seaforth on the play, elle Seaforth players making rapid pins throngb the close team play of their forward hire. Wilkins, GoderIO goalie. was ratted on to make btalerona meet, fretted Bell. Seaforth net minder, pear- deally had a holiday Jack Armstrong. Goderich centre, drew first blood by testing Bell In the first half, with the only hard shot Thursday. November 7th, 19151, at 8 of the game for (;td,rieb, but T. Sills, o'clock In the evening. opposing centre, came back tg tie the score In•fore th for the NOTICE OF THE COURT OF RFVI- NiON, TOWN OF GODERiCH. Take notice that the Court of Re- vialon of the Town of Goderich will hold Ito first sitting in the Council Chamber, Town Hall. Goderich, for the purpose of hearing appetite Against the ,i. essment roll for the Town of Goderich for the year 1911"i-ima. art e whistle Iiew end of the first half. Angu. McLean *cored the winning goal for Sparerib near the end of the game. when the forward line converged on Wilkins Is goal. Goderlch missed two good seorfng chance, after that. not seeming to have the punch revered to drive home an nnhe;ftahle *hot. Although a slight brt. blew stead. Ile. it .was Ideal weather' fol soccer end n large numl.or of etndeats and others saw the fount. The line-up: Nen forth V. iell eel G. Ilmr*ton r. f. h. M Shannon I. f. h C. Carmichael r. h. b. F. Sill. c h b. J Sherwexwl 1 h h. T. Sins R Rennie 1 r !Vett o r C Nolan 11. A Mclaen o.l Referee- Thos. Blow Goderich is H Wilkins E. Jenner B, Orf • Keith (daft A. Doak D. Croft K. J. 11211;. tt B, Worthy Armatrosg ped.rieb. All parties lntereeted are requested to attend. L L. KNOX. Town Clerk. Goderich, October 22nd, 1936. APPLICATIONS WANTED CARFTAKER WANTED. Application* for the position of care- taker and janitor of Victoria School grouncl* and hnilding will he received by the Goderich Publte School Board np to noon nn Monday. November 4th. 1935 A full time 'Mb. and applleant meat he thoroughly competent to bandit, deem beating equipment, to repair toilet.. fonntaltts, taps, etc . to raise and plant flowers and to take tare of all ordinary repairs; and generally to as all work In eonn.ctlon with opera- tion end care of building and grounda as . required by the Board. State qualification sod salary. Dor any further partienlare apply to 1BOD. JOHNSTON, Chairman i.. I.. RN'(YX. 5eeretary. err - r te VOTERS' LINT NOTICE •--••--- VOTERS' LIST NOTK'k;. TOWNSHIPOF 47OLBORNE Notice 1s hereby Wen that 1 have complied with section 7 of the Voters' List Act ■nd that I have posted up at N oy office In Colborne, en the 12th day of OctoberL_1 lbs _Ll t -.Li pe••' 'OAS eat it d to vote e'te in asieruntalcipal. Ceeree part of lot 12, concession 5, in the townablp of Aahfiehl, village of Dug- -. glutton. An excellent l.s•atioo for a retired farmer or dairyman (2) Thir- ty screw more or lean of good cleared land. Part of lot 13, cout•ensiou 5 At West Wawauusb. A large Implement abed and granary. Good w'ptl. Ex- cellent soil for gardening, cropping er gustieng.- -. i'et r-e;..smite lly,-al hutted, -largely within the village limits. . Ity at municipal elet•tlooa, and that (3) One hundred acres more or leas is such list remyne there for luape•t•tion. east half of bet 10, coutessluu d of •R And I hereby call upuu all vuterg Ashfield temvridttlt: F1Ltlt atxtla �u`nryaer ors or omissions toga to have - I ore or omis,tons tomos ted as cording to law, the lest day for appeal present under cultivation; fitiT" Y('Mi8' of grazing laud with good supply of a fresh water. large barn (newly being the 2nd day of November, 1935 shingled t, orchard, and about ten WM. SALLOWS, Clerk. aerea of bush. Auy of the properties may be la- FOK SALE OR RENT 1'O RENT. -FULLY MODERN FURN- ISHED HOUSE. Good location. Apply to J. W. CRAIGIE. To .LET.—.4. SMALL HOUSE, WITH /a all conveniences, centrally located. Apply it. J. ACHESON. f, Q$ RET1T.-$OUSE. HARDWOOD as Boors. Garden Garage. Cea• teal. Apply to M. W. HOWELL. DJR RENT. -COMFORTABLE SIX- + ruumat cottage; threw -Wove bath. Trafalgar street, between North and Vitoria streets. Apply to M. W. HOWELL. /,OR RALE. -RESIDENCE ON TRA- FAIA;AR street: Six •sooms and bathroom Modern Improvements. Lawn, garage. Terms or cash. F. WOOLLCOMBE Pbone 296. 'OCHE_ FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY brick house ou Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. j'OR RENT.=-TLAYE HOUSE; ai eight rooms, electric Ifght, and bath- room. on Elgin avenue Apply JOHN YOUNG. R.R. 5. Goderieeh, or to JOHN HUNTER. Market street, Goderich. BALE OR RENT.-tJAYTORT- A CLL frame dwelling near Dnagee- noe:--ittx 'errs. small barn. good wa- ter Good MrCiary's gauge, two heat- ers, washing machlue, Aladdin lamp. toilet seta. etc.. for sale. Apply to MRS. L. E. CAMPBELL, Dungannon. 58 r 1. AUCTION SALES CLEARING; Arr-rlorl SALE OF /nrebred and grade cattle, horses app Implements for ,>l. lobs !tare (who lust his building, by Brei, at lots 2++. 29, concewlua 14, Bullstt, Ga WEDNESDAY, uoroaER 30th, .. •. ilk -- T. OUNDRT A SOI(, Anctloeteses $CTIONF SALK AT REG. WOES'S wreoas, Huai/tea street. Gooier- b on • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th, at 1 30 o'clock, including: A large quantity of house furnish - logs of good quality, 1n splendid con- ditioe ; dishes. china and cutlery; feather, tick pillows. At: the same time will be sold one pair of good sound general purpose horses, 5 and 6 years old; one set of practically new team harness; one heavy vision ; one road eart ; set of single harness; one line shaft, 10 ft. long; two -Inch pulleys and hangers; Gilson gasoline engine, and numerous other article* T. OtJNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. ► AUCTION SALE OF VALI'AB4LE A.eighty-sere farm. well improved, first -elan. building, good orchard. wind- mill, 1;7.11 located within one-half mile of school and church, and household furniture, at lot 23, concession 6, town- ship of Goderich, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1935, at 1.30 p.m. TERMS -Personal property without reserve and for cash. Yarm aubject to reserve bid ■nd other tanditlons-of sale and ten per cent. of purchase price on day of sale and balance in sixty days. DOUGLAS R. NAiRN, Executors of James Cox Estate. Barrister and Solicitor GEO. H. ELLIOTT Auctioneer. Office -Hamilton Street, Goderich. Telepbooe 812. spirted at any time previous total.. TE ON RESIDENCE AND LAND Ten per cent. to ire paid at time of sale, balance to be paid In thirty days, when porees.ion will W given. T. GUSHILY & SON, Auc•tlonelerl • 11 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT% W. MONTEEITH, Chartered Acoouelant 89 Ontario street, Stratford, Ontario (Member Firstbrcok, McLeod & Mon- teith. Toronto. Ontario.) AUCTIONERRINO flommon THOMAS OIINDRY, OOD1RIC$, LIVE STOOK AND GENERAL . AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give s•tlafactioa. Farmers' sale notes dlaconated. MEDICAL D R. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, RAZ.\OSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New Ierk Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo Street 8., Strutter& Telephone 287. Next visit Thursday. Not 21, maim - leg only, from 9.30 t111 1 o'clock. at Ilotel Bedford, Goderich. DRUGLESS PRACTmONER CHIROCHIROPRACTOR AND DRUOI.1w PRACTOR Goderieb, Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magnette bathe. Electronic electric troatmeata and chiropractic Cbronir, organic and nervous diseases. Lady is at. tendasee. Once hours 2 to 5 and T to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 1! a in. only• or ronsultatioa may bo be appointment. Monday and Tbursday at MIMbgS. A. N. ATKftSON --- Residence and ofcs--Corner if South street and Britannia toad. l- ' trip • INSURANCE, LOANS, RTC. _ f: - McKIL 4IP MUTUAL FARB 1NIIEt& ANOD CO. -Farm and laeista( town property Insured. Of5cers-Alex. Broadfoot, President. Seaforth; James Connolly, Vlce-Prig., Goderkb P.O.; Merton A. Reid, Sea- fortb, See-Treas., Saatortb P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. 8, Keaforth; James Sholdke, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; Alexander McEwing, Blyth, R.R. 1.; Geo. f.eoa- bardt, Bornholm. R.R. 1; John Pepper. Brucefield ; Thos Moyle n. Seaforth ; R.R. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth, R.R. 4; James Connolly, Goderich. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R No. 3, Mil- ton; James Watt, Blytb ; J'Intey Me- Eacbern, Seaforth; John Murray, See forth; Class. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. A, .. Polley-h.M.ra can make all payments and get their cards reeetpted at the tete"- Royal et "- Royal Bank. Clinton; Calvin ('utt'a Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich. a. 11. Iteld's General Store, Bayfield. I< •4 • 1 • LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMDB, Barrister. Etc. Office- 4lonrt Howe, Goderieb. Telephone 56. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, FARM LANDS AND HOUSFBiIOLD Ft'RNI- TI'RE. We hare been Instructed by W. F. Savage. executor of the estate of the late John R. Savage, to sell by paMic auction, at the home in Dungannon, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd. commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp: House 161d Ftrrellahtngs-•One mission oak library suite; one bookcase ■red writing de ek ; one tapestry living -room suite; one morels chair; one leather rocking ehalr; one hall seat with mir- ror; two floor tempo; one dining -room aulte and buffet; two kitchen tables; four kitchen chairs; three complete bedroom sultea; one chest of drawers; two mewing machines; quantity of bed- ding; curtains and drapes for living e nd dining -rooms. a. Stoves, ete.-()ne Axminster rug, 9x12; Axmineter rug to match, 7x9; five .mall men to mateh above; two wool rugs; three congolearm rugs; set of Wclr-ever alnminum ; quantity of dishes; one Westinghouse efeetrfc stove; one coal ell stove; one Quebec heater; one living -room heater; one DeForest t'rosley radio; one Betty electric washer with tuba and bench; one D,4,sral cream separl•tor; one Buckeye 210 -egg Incubator; one recants ' weeper; one lawn ,sower and erase oeteher; one Daisy ehurn end hntter bowl; • large *amber of crown jars; four clocks; a gaantlty of 4 -Inch tile; atiscellsaeons artklew too numerous to eeettee. TERMS --cash. Land sled Freperhr-(1) - large while frame dwelling in excellent state of repair. good stable, two -car garage, large poultry house and 1olony house. Sitoated on main eon road Ina lot Hiroo -smarter, of en erre safe or Ivo, F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, D'1•c. Sunceseor to J. L. Kltbraa _ { Omce-The Square, Goderleh. ' Telephone 97. CRANK DONNELLY, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Ofice--Hamilton Street, Godaricb. Telephone 2$2. ' HAYS et HAYS, Barristers and Solicitors R. C. -Hays. K.C., and R. C. Hors, B.A. Omen --Hamilton §treat, Gederieb. • Telet hone 88. • ERrNEST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Han fere Building, Adelaide and tee._ torts Streets, Toronto 2. • Telephone Elgin 41801. • WOOD OR SALE The Town ham a qulntity of good body hardwood direct from the Town Rush for sale at $3.00 per single cord of one -foot wood, de - 1 ivered, Also a limited gndntity of gond body hardwood at $8.00 per full cord of four - foot wood. Orden left at the Town Hall will be attended to. • Mast be pita tee asters (a7 L. L. ilNNOZ, Town Clerk. e .e . -+ e 1 11 tt