The Signal, 1935-10-24, Page 5• FREE METHODIST CHURCH MaeKay Hall, Sunday, Oet. 27th Sunday Soho+ i :S 11.111 I`ro•uchilig St."' V114. i p m. Hormuz) Huh jw t : "Jesus the ('arpenter." Iter 11 .1 H1L111, Pantos THE Baptist Church J... S. R. ltcCMING, Minister 10 a.in.-$jbrChnnl. "PIDDLING WHILE ROME BURNS?' -7 p.m -- • "FEAR" AUBURN At'I)UItN, Oct: 22. --Mr and Mrs. ''tarenee -tor-'of-iVitfte, vieitors It thr ;home of Mr. anti, Mrs. W. J. Dobie recently Mrs. J. flunking and Mrs. 'M. Mug- ford received word from iondon on Saturday of the andden death of the tormer's daughter. Sirs. Wm Long- man. of Loudon. and lilt for the city + at once...,..- i Mrs. Stanhury and hale. of Ilulnn4- . vllle. are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs Amos ital' CARLOW CARLOW, Oct. :51 -Tette Florid Seat4Nte put on a concert In the Cult church on the evening of the 15t which was muco enjoyed by the larg audience. There was uo cornice In the United (•h•x V-wpAnodY , hast, as there wet r+iotdetWaaatterasry services la Willer, when Rev. it. T. Turner, o Duugauuou, uecupttd the pulpit In th wonal�ug and took for his subject "Th mule Fuugdatltm 1 (rexi'` ilei>vok of the eouataat ehuugea takiug plan lu !milieu history, but God endure forever. In the evening Rev. Hugh R'Ilson, of-Aubafv, was the preacher, and spoke from Grit. 18:32-"1f ten lei found, I'a'1H not destroy the city," "dr agpuagar iu a consecrated minority. The choir gave special movie and in the morning Mr. Sidney Town sang a solo. In the evening Miss M. Stewart of Clinton rendered a solo. 'and Messrs. Brown, Long and Fisher a trio, all of which were much appreciated and need helpful. The church, whkh was beautifully decor. ated with plants, was tilled with large coneregatlous at 'beth services. 3Ir...d Ys)uiv Mrj i1eA�e£ ,sad Mr. and Mrs. Treble vislttd',at lir Wm. bong's on Sunday. Mr. audltrs. Garvey, of Ktngsbridge, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. I« Young on Sunday. The Y.P.S. held a wlwthlg In the -buri•h on Thursday night, Rev. G. Wylie preakiigg. Miss Iloreen Web- ster gave a paper on Tennyson, his ire and works, and Mr, Wylie read ate of hi+ Ias•un:. The anniversary of the Young Peoples Society will tie 10141 on Sunday evening -October 27th, hon the of vers of the Huron Y. P. Yesbyterial will be In charge. A ita4iew 1* extruded to, std and -moor- the e.,mmuslty.. - a end b, e li0n- t e e 0 r Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson and faintly visited relatives at l'arkhill on Sunday, The seventy-fifth anulversary-- .of N' Kuux Presbyterian church will he 1 held In AuM►iese-N wemb:ss, fOt7� 11th. when an old-time service will -be .-,ta t.s1 io ReT i f.. Budge. of lac Mager -stale On the followiz)g Oven- � NILE Ing the annual fowl snap r will be l held•. [TLE, Het 21. -Mr. end Mrs. Nixon visited on Sundae at the hom of Its:-netW---lMrw-Hervey Fuller, Jhwderleh township. Master Donald lfchlin, underwent a operation for the remdval of tonal last Saturday In the Goderteh hoaplta Mr. Edgar St►epperd visited sea Harriston on Sunday. ----- -•„Ml _Marr . Bo t th! week sad--erith her sisters -Mrs_$ e of Goderieh township. Dr. .7. and Mrs. Jaeksoa, of Siete visited on Sunday .It the home of Mr John McPhee. The Ladies' Ald of Port Alber United church held a social evening at the 4ilj i pgytonage last Frida evening. After many games wer played theAlforale a short program condst regdfngs by Ethel Mao - Kenai*, etlreit'hv Mr. Wm. Sage, and setl/rese t3an el a pyrex ple plate fn s fever eontatnee- to Mw and Mrs. Earl Bogle. by the choir of Port 1 n[ oa her, WESTF ELI2_- WESTFIELD, flet 22. -Miss Ada Stackbnase, of Myth, spent a few day, last week at the home of Yr. Wm. McDowell. Mr Wr . MUDoweil and Mrs. 11111 McDowell weer London visitors- oa Saturday. (tare Burned in Feet Wawano,b. - While 1111, Witt at- Mr. blob flarrl. son'-. ekh concthajpp, Ober *$lano.h, on Monday. a spark from the engine started a fire In !1 straw -tack, and: owing to the high wind, the barn was soon In flame. Farmers rushed 'to the scene, and everything was done that was possible for human hands to do, but It was Impossible to save the bare, straw shed and pig pen. The threshing machine, owned by a aynlfeate of the vftnity, was ter e& as was everything that could be saved the barn---It-.---*aa_--feared the house worild be burned, but both It and the driving abed were saved, although the heat made it necessary that they alt wateboil for *oras time. - footway w�-.-.egos \.•+.� BACKACNE anskiv 41121*** *lbw Me �. and Kidneys aw wnsel h rDa+CiIASE'S calif Shirts anis Drawers,. elastic rib -knit. unallrinkable. Sixes 3G to 44. �ip0eiar95c Per gartnc+nt ..._20 dozen ti!Ptt's woe VCbrk Sox, in dirk -grey only. Pair 2 pair for 45c M. ROBINS T. e n is 1. •-;"# THAI-i1�C�i,ai. • DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Oct. R1 -Mr. John Marshall, of Ciluton, is a guest with: his nisee, lira. Arthur Culbert, south of the village. Mr. and Mrs Chas, Alton are spend- ing a few days In Toronto this week. The Young People's' Uuluu wet last wMwfepeerenenr•"y aisohtine--t3aMed church. Mlaa Marjorie McDonald was in charge of the weetiug. After the op sting exercises Miss Winnle Me- r'tnrl'..v teak- Bite---4oplo...a6 FlwIi One to Ills ()wn Work," which brings best results and makes things smooth for everybody. Marjorie Mc- Donald gave a report on the Y. P. con- vention and reed a paper on "('hris- tian Culture." Games were pleyed and the meeting mss then closed with a hymn and the benediction. Thio week Woo W. McClure, the citizenship convener, will be In charge. Miss Margaret Faltott reads the Scripture R!!>0. H. )LARLATT lesson. There will be a discussion Pastor of the Free Methodist Church on the difference between a -good of Goderleb. Residence Victoria St. citizen" and a "Christian citizen." Mrs. 1). Sickle and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Htekle, of Hamilton. visited with Mrs. A. Pentland and family' on Sunday. r: and- 'Uri, rutin -Finnigan have - :noted t0 their new farm un the lith conces,ton of West Wawa nosh. Mrs. J. W. Richardeou and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. ltk•hardsou, of "Fergus Fur Farina," visited re•eutly with Mr. 81)11 Mrs. Jaek Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cttlbert and Mr. and Mrs. Saw Swan attended the fun- eral in l.neknow', on Sunmtev, of the lute 31r. Wesley 11oNlcrs.en. MI's Rebecca Tbompeon, who ha been engaged with Mrs. S..7. Craw ford, but has nut becu eujoying th best of health, returned• to her. bade lu West Wawanosh Monday night. 3tr:-.ttfred Heffern and--two--suss, of Toronto, are visiting with his ads ter, Mrs. Arthur Roach. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin „attended the funeral of Mr. Wesley Hender- son In Lueknow un Sunday. Mise Laurette Met'lure, of Toronto, GODERIC ONT. with the president. Mrs. Jas. McWhln hey, In charge. After a hymn was sung Mrs. Itobt. )bore led in prayer $_program was prepared t!7 Me. R. A. McKenile asfiYtrs ('-rTra-Irefh)atul: Mrs. D. A. Ftfwh•r. Mrs. Bert Brad- ford and Mrs. Lillian Campbell gave readings and Miss UarJorle McDon- ald a nolo .4 ten..-ut Ica was then served and a social. honr was spent. Mr. Wm. Elliott i, building a harp on the premises of Nis Ella;beth u. huff, sod )I r. Milford t'entland Is put- ting a ut•w' store tr, oz) rhe R Y uuug • store, where Pen.) Pinlgan bad his - workahup. -- -:1 e M1aa lturuL of Lurkgjw•- is engaged to assist with tbe. bonsehuld duties at the home of Mrs. ti(iaheth craw -ford. i Rev. Get/ Wylie ,f Henmil► K 011 ed pulpit. iuZlw T'nitsd"eIInrch tot the mornlnj serrii , on Sunday. Rev. T. R. Turner preached annleere. ary serylees at Renroiller. A Dlaastreus Foe. -Mr. George Ttsitil$ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. McClure. Born -On Sunday. October - Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Henderson (nee Agues Touug), a son. ✓ Mrs. K. Feliman, guest dt Mrs. Rhoda Sproule, with Mlss Nettie Sproule visited Mr. and Mrs...>Rabt. Wilson, In loderlrh, on Suadaf.� - _ - Mr. and Att'a. Bert Roach visited r, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brewer, IIY.Oodericb, s. on )Sunday: The Women's Association dt tis t United church met at the home oft Mrs. Sam Swan on Friday afternoon. i • r, 7 e Albert rhweh. Atter the serving o a dainty lunch -�aatenjoyable even) was brought taiga` close. Vlslbori in Goderich township Alarm- t Are 1i1: and family at t home of Ler fat Yr. Thos. Sowgrby; Mr. and Mia. Fdgat DOuaherty..*ith her sister, Mrs. Johnston, and Mr, and Mrs. Clifford McNeil at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sowerby. Yeeng People Meet. -The Toting People's Society held a business meet• ing last Friday peening, following the fellowship group dlseussion period which was conducted by Rev. D. W. Pnmerol. It was deelded to accept the Invitation to present the play, -"The 2Nd Heine Place," in Rhtte- ehureh ot,November 1st. std. also to begin preparing a new play. It wig also (twitted to apply for sets of lan- tern Jfl4so which are being sent out by the Vonng People'. Missionary Education Committee - In - Toronto. After discnsslon of several other items of bnsinesr a couple of gasses were twj.lrer-I and the mertkto t- eoaght tsar close. Anniteraary Ebtertainment.-The nnniversary fowl mapper and enter- tainment held tart Wisineselny even- ing In Nile rbur.-h was n decided stet 4'e.. and surpassed all records of the poet tew -`ears-- The entertainment t'niiti*te'* of -ist)tIliiRtt-14-Mta. Witeon- of (iodcrieb and Mims Melba Fow- ler of. Dungannon, hong- by the male quartette of Victoria street 'tlnitel ehnreh, selections by an orchestra' led by Mr. Geo. 'Ryan of Godericll, duets by Mrs D. Fowler alul Mr. A. Culbert of leingannon. sotoe by Miss Velma FInnignn of Nile,' and several other selections by local talent. The en- ertalnment was brought to a close fah the singing of the National ethem. Iv A You May Now Have All the Reading You Want for $2.10 per year sossitososostWww Assort. yourself of a year's Interesting, dIverslael reeding and MA'E MONEY by taking advantage of this !Weill Low Rate Combination Offer of THE SiGN.AL with the FAMILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR. The. Signal ((IVES YOU: Loral and Dlstrlet News; Editori- al Cnmtffent :' Special Articles on Timely Toplcs`! Regular Subscription Pelee $1.150 per Year Through This Bargain "BOTH PAPERS for $2.10 \I) YOUR SURSCRT'PTTON TO: Family Herald ad weekly Star GIVES YOU: A .ligedt of the latest r1.rltl- w1c1.' and Canadian News; Stories : Home tints ; Helpful Articles on Farm Matters: Agri- cultural New.: young Folio* Pages; Family Doctor: Apnrntwt• ate Snn,)ay Reading:, ete. Regular Stthseriptlnn ['rite $1.00 per Year Offer You May Have r THE SIGNAL ONTARIO 4,1 1_ o . c� pi the ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, (►,•t. 21. - Mr and Mrs. Joe Mcltltush, of Vineland, xitt nt the weekend with the lady's paredts, Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd. Mrs. 'I'osid re- turned home with them to male a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Anderson *4'41 __LL , - f Toronto, silent the weekend with Isis pareativ-libr,and Ma. Joe Anderson. - - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas and tam- urot with Mr. and Mrs, John Cameron. Hiss Dorothy Douglas, of Luekuow, a former priueipal of St. Helens school, and who leaves this week to resume her duties as principal of the Girls'. Training School at Tawsut, Formosa, was the guest speaker at the meeting of the Y.P.S. on Sunday evening. Miss Douglas gave a very interesting story of the missionary work In Formosa. Dick Weatherhead read the Scripture lesson, '.aurin,. Miller contributed a the presentation. In his reply. Ted story of Grenfell, iFU odor, and thanked the young people ou behalf Gurdon Millar fiavo%d'wltb'a solo, of his bride and himself for their gift Sacrament of the Losdca•.Supper will an+i g""d wishes. An interesting sad t c ,-taa.yp W, aims Thur..,1.y. tk'tuber 24th, 19at) Build Up Your Resistance with Vitamin Products halibut OU" Mean Prodwets Ay (eewt 'aleul m A ...1M ter $Z.2f Parke Davis HaJlver 011. plain Ayerrt hpbaniattea...5 ter $I.W Parke t>•t11a Maier 1W ter..t.tg.511 M �Il lwltll (':11 +'h +fl lMl!{N IYNI(N iaY the 1 ((a_ SLt19 HILI l•utttt•rit of :1 4Wlrt.001LY of 'Parke Davis Illative, OU l'ap_ cod 1,1ver Ilii. .ulre.......... ...25 for 6.ie Retails Emulsion, small.. - ., . ills Ss for $1 .'S 4ott's Emulsion, large Ns 1 W ter Wamp ores Twat,ete,ss Preporation Each capsule has tate vitamin lid Irser (1i1 content le 4 Icac C. B' 4. t'o'ld Tablets ase ('IK1 Liver 1411 or JSe , I(N1 for Me CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE '" Ilse Square We Deliver Phone IN I�ud M•Ted Rice of an occasional alr. The address was read by Mr. Stanley' Todd and Harry Swan made be administered In the United church next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Prepara- tory service on Thursday evening. 1 -Trove who atten Institute convention in Godork'b last � week were Mrs. Wallace Miller and Mrs. Ted Rice as delegates; Mrs. R. J. Woods,. Mrs. D. Todd, Mrs. Jai. Gaunt. Mrs. W. J. liumphrt'y, Miss 'LIN Iiumphrey and Mrs. R. K. Miller. 1._. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, who has been I as invalid for over is year, was aide 'to attend church scrvh•t• on Sunday. Mr. Nonnau Hamilton, of Galt. u -representative of the untarbi Temp•r- ancr' Federation. gave- a stirring- :JO dress In the canoe of temperance,iu tt, rnilod ebnrch on -Sundae nioraing. Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. Miss 11Oreett--and Ytss: lean-Wrbst,r recent visitors with` the' former' brother-in-law, Mr. Y, harbour. et HIUsburg. . . Y. P. 8, Social.-Vleltors from White- church, Auburn and Lueknow helped to make tbe Y.P.S. social un Friday evening a succeed. Wbilechurch so- ciety a care of--tIi deotluual period with Mise Muriel Watt in the Dodge, on the 4th c.n.ssion et {Vest I ; Wawanosh. suffered a big Rise Last Friday afternoon, b= having his barn +jf year's grain burnt. A steam out• at was Just going to osemwenee thresh. Inc and a spark from the englae was chair. Mrs. ('has. Gillespie led la the cause of the disaster. When In prayer and the Scripture lesson was two different places the ere was I read by Miss Lettle Fox. Miss May thought completely glamped out, Only a short Ltaaater It broke out in the barn. and__i toe far advanced for help to be raallered. Ttisitranc? partly covers alae loss. This is ogiy one of a aeries of misfortunes Mr. Bodge has bid, as only In the spring he lost a le work Gorse and about forty pigs. Wightmaa-titre the Worship Talk, and Mr. Carew* 3ieCienashes dealt With -13Ihie and MJaaiuna ' It1.1111 fr e4 Watt favored with a hum, Drops reading, and Misses Anna May Carrick and Agnes Gillespie conte(. buted a vocal duet, An Interesting variation was the presentation to Mr. 11 enJoyable proram of gamed, strata• and ,r,utests vias earthed out dader the arsblt6of lir. (furry Stur- dy, of Auburn. T,uneh followed by a stunt .from earl' group and the Aug - big of the \rtjb.ust Anthem brought hie evening.- • utertaiameat to a clam r //s� !/j • Smooth, quiet.long-lasting heat -safe and dependable . . always the same. It pays to ask for FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Super -Clean ... Naturally Superior _cite' Co. Gi 8 - good-CLUBI -GODRRICH 'GOOD -WILL" CLU MR COUPONS- . -- -A$1( FOR CQUFO�iB- r OMENr44 I('_f} 001)-WII.1." CUY8.-.T FOR COUPON/1- ° -i Srsd by The Signal and Lading Club Merchants - - "- "'•' itt t.....ar _ M = _ ..A Cvytisht Rel. 213 S A ti ..„...I 1.. r. 20 Valuable Prizesi Gwen AwayFree. To the Ladies of Goderich arta Surrounding Communities Cash Commissions on Subscriptions to Contestants Wh'o Do Not Win A Prize Award Double Votes i.:V)iFS' and MISSES' FALL and WiNTITR COATS - Friday and Saturday - G. W. SCHAEFER Double Votes ON MEN'S SWE:%TER COATS and Turtle -neck MIAF-OVERS -ALL THiS W.EFK - M. ROBINS Double Votes ON ALL TABLE, BRIDGE ANi) FLOOR LAMPS FRIDA1 and SATURDAY TALBOT & CORNISH Phone SI (3oderieh Double Votes Mperis! for Friday and Saturday. Johns(on's ilio -('sat or Rat 1-1b. tin 59e C. M. ROBERTSON Double Votes TIRES, GASOLiNR and 011, W. 1 .SYMONDS aery,ce Station. (;racer, Sattford Double Votes 0\ ALARASTINF., d11'RES('4) -FRIDAY and S.tTI RD 11 - Fin HUNT . . nARmCAIti: Double Votes - ASK FOR COUPONS JAS. C. CARRIE HARDWARE Double Votes ON ALL 4E1'OND-HAND CARS , GEO. G. M"cEWAN ,:arage and Service Station Double Votes T'I'RE PORK 411I.iGE ilk 111. THOS. LEGG Phone 1315 Hamilton St reel "SHELL" sF:RVICR STATION, Saltford ON Ali. GROCERIES FRIDAY and SATURDAY - A. R: HAMILTON Double Votes 0110( 0I,.1TF: (-0 tTF:11 PEA \I TS, 19r per W. BAECHI1R' Double Votes ON ALL WOOL --Friday and Saturtia) 0i 1y- Babbette Gift Shoppe FANCY 00(HIM SMITH'S ART STORE ON 11.1, N('111101, I'IIOTOM 131011•GlIT IN TO HE FRAMED Double Votes Double Votes on all Automobile treessorhr Friday and Saturday. F. BEEVERS Mnp.•nfetel Serviee Station Patronise (.00dwlll ('dub Herelwnts and ISK FOR ('(11 PONS GODERiCH SiGNAL Double Votes ON Aid. ACCOUNTS PAID --ON- FRID:IY. and SATI'RD.11 -AT- '.. - F. L HIBBERTS Double Votes on Dr. (►tfnrds and Women's Oxfords W. HERN i1Io l'1 It .1 SI1,1EV Double Votes ON BE1A,MAN MATS '-FitID.11and SATI'RDAi - J. R. WHEELER EVEN ITI'R1.-timmt raxiso J. W. TRUSSLER 1 1(1IT(NittAP11F:it - 1 .K FON COI 'PON!t.-- Double Votes GODERICH PLANING MiLL ASK FOR COUPONS S K F 0 R L COc »TIL t-uari. HJla30urr- -,\u.l 10 1 Hui 14,t -1 O N S y Alkai 7