HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-24, Page 4t . .1 4 -Thursday. October 24th, 1'935 Winter Overcoats New Models New Cloths Good Values AT $20.00 to A LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE $30.00 Men's Suits FINE ENGLISH- WORSTED SI ITS IN NEWEaI' DESIGN $25.00 WITH EXTRA PANTS Made -to -measure Suits Sonne people prefer liftrinf their Stitt:: nI4,ic-to-nic.i,lr Try a FAS})i(1N-CR-:4FT made.1e w.lpasure Snit et' :$23.5555--$27.50 Hats --made' by "Stetson The "Kensington" in rieb dark blue, black and abodes -this seasons must popttlar-shisder- Price $3.50.... C. Pridha► Nage Better Luck for Postponed Fair (Continued from page 3) 7•,NI,, , nelii�:liak.e: heifer .11 t. uu der one Allow:'• -Krises ? Blake; two -fear -old steer -:las. .For esteti test -year-old steer Andy ►:aunt. Ane-roR covpoNS • Whits hating in Gpderlch, shop- pers abould first check over the lIM o1 bu•ln,'ss places where e091101111 are _iven for Carl) put - chola or pi) meat of ae..wu(a. Tbet"tis(lafp u' will assist some f tbe' statlts to-witrotwee he valuable prizes '11ut be sure to "ask for Coupons. 1 3 4 5 n AMIPZIA 93 77 5 402 460 80 111;1.LL'TT ' 20 77 76 23 96 _'I► 25 70 (1 15 121 S . :n-vz-Mrpcats: -:a xn,.aaa,oa<a.-r Town,May Share in Cost of County Job (Ooetlnued from page 1) 16 35 1:1 gl%ea permission to look after lbs necessary work 1�....i1►-,..5 36 iN 1T Larne Sksllrg Rink )lent heifer :'sit, six moat h- unde r elle year-- F. Todd : M st steer or heifer --F. Todd; beat tutu females and one W. A. eulhcrt, Andy Gant. SHEEP beef---��.. -- herd taws --)toy Au,w, Join Con au; Or- 2A T pington-$or4uu Miller: White WY- 26 audottes.--Gor4 u Miller, John Cowan; $ White Leghorn. Gordon Miller. John 4 Cowan : Brow a leghorns-Johu Cow•. LEIOESTEIt an, Letberlaild is Bentley.; Plymouth Aged 'lamb-Geo.cos\rmstrona<. •\lf• hawk., barred Gordon Duller. lit and Patietaro & Bros.: shrarling urn' Ind trouth Rucks utility *train- jJuhu ('noon. (leu. .(rmstroux : aK'''I Ivor )ler. Thom. Snowden; Rhode ewe --Geo Armittrong. John ('owan : Island' Seed- Ie'therlapd h Bentley. ahearlipg ewe -John Cowan, 1st and John Oman. 2nd; ewe iamb - John ?'noon. l;•u Mair °easeSam Alton, M. Henry. Armstrong: rain lainh- Sam Swan. Decks, •Pekin -Th," w Snoden, Gor- Johu Cowan. don Miller ; duck+. any other Thua. m-MatI ud \e i Suuw2a, Fr. Uk_?etttland,_ g rd ram-YaltLod Henry : shear-) Turkalys, slate 1io land. uTI=Lorne 'ljtti rapt-Mahtand H...r►.--atr.�t-doll}nur� furs) , bt (Idbt[d -Maitland Henry: ': ah eacling young -Idem I►uruiu. Y. Henry: ewe )amt' -al. Henry: ram j SPECIALS ►amt: -M. Heart'. S. whl;, Leghorn ,vxk Jeihp SHRttttk Mse . I Cowan; S. e' 1\'hlte Lrlhont hen Aged ram-Franr Mack. ll. Mr- L.tberJ.t d . Bentley : White Ixg- ;Gown: shearling nm -i). YeGuwn, born Het- I •, ntuu Miller: 11 w Yc Rock- ea,k-t;.•nbn Miller ; Barred (lawn. mink Maul: ewe lamb --0. 1 Ritek:.Isrn-.:omen Millar:_ HaJr 4 )tarred . Frank Mack; ed)ear ug owe1- rani: Mack. McGown. 'Rock eeekercl Gordon Miller : White l 1 ..-.- OA 11711ER Pi REBRE11 BREED Wrairdotite lien -Cordon Miller; 2 I -O. 3 4 3 7 144 353 134 McKILLOP 16141) 13 21 00 :sol 27 46 54 ... 52 137 18 .........:.-..:,b=.. 60 107 40 176 501 161 F1' LL. ARTON 13 107 8 35 51 11 ,,,.. 'l) 80 19 ' 49 49 21 44 YO8 • 30 69 14 : 27 47 13 IA 1B n 3 4 Aged raw -Ticar Snowden, O. Ye-'N'btte VFy tic • pullet- Gurdun3 l;own: shenrling McGowtr.1 Miller ' ' iner 1, "le Island Reel hes 3' ,^- Ernest Blake:?ogee► rots O. Y.Gown, • Me{:own Letherlaud \ Bentley ; Rhode Island R w O t'. Todd: sh,•arli ug I •t ail Aad • ewe li -- - ieaown Freak-- MAO: ram lamb. -Frank 1 T4. •F, •1d.. I SPEC IAI. Beet fat sheep -Ernest Blake% Frank Macs. , Best lamb- 1 school children's dirl- abn.1=Ruc- Alton. 1'hy111a Blake. ' Best gilt ril'!b►te--4-.. ' ' - - '1 Mre. I. Oieley Musical chaff-., tmatntaxt, -- kk_lira _ die. Geo. Allah. Ralph Brodie. )test freak . , ouveyaae•e on, the f �*atnds-John. Brodie. Ernest Blake,. s Ram Miller. Pots to ra, t - un h •r .l -el Ralph' e Brodie. 1'icto Whitley. Geo..Alton. 7 calf rare--a'tlIord Blake. John Brodie. Jim AiebFsne, Lyle basses Bent halter -broken toll -Jams& Reed. W. A. McMantee. PIGS- BERKSHIRE hisBERKS1HIRE Aged hoar -John Cowan; sow - John Cowan. 1.1 and 2nd: hoar. lit- tered 14tered i■ 1935-4011n Cowan. Thom • saw. littered__ 111_105-410M1 �._ $PEED. Cowes, 1st sod 2n1. 216 PACE 011 Tltt►T_---- -SaYORKSHIRE on Jae? (:rattan. 1. A. --))items. Age1d Hoar -Sam Alton; sow-t3am RSR rt 1 1 Alton: boar. Uttered in 196(4 -Sam Al Dillow (rifattan, i. Y. Tresich ton. Roy Alton; sow, littered In 1903 -Sam Alton. 1st ■td 2nd. TA 1s WORTH Aged boar -Sam Alton. Geo. Ara - strong: sow --Sam Alton. 1st and 3011: )war, littered In 1965 --Sam Altos. MINE 57, The Sgasr . '00011111 0 Scorn • CAPITAL Til Now Playing --George White's Scaldals," 1135 dldis. elm day. Tuesday and Weieday- a JANE WITHERS whom you will remember l,e the 61110 /tseebea ,at `Bright Eye,." appears in her first starring role "GINGER" �__... wilt 0, P. Reggie, Katharine Alexander and Jackie Sear! fInrseal, rriday and Saturday- A aenaatiowai double bill! CAROLE LOMBARD and GEORGE RAFT ro-•,tarred in their colorful dance hit assisted by Marxis and a host of theatrical talent. it's a great shoe! "RUMBA" WIG CROSBY and KITTY CARLISLE present a musical romance "Here Is My Heart" )lntinec•s Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p.m. ('owing -"White Li.+; and "bet's Live Tonight." The chairman of the nubile wurke committee wits Instructed to ask for tenders for the lease of the skating oasis see ttrat. atemiae... wlutew_ -_ Tesd.ere ,r... - to he In the hands of the council by next meeting, November 1st. Deputy Reeve Turner asked for a report of a conference held In Toron- to regarding town matters, and was promised ■ written retort at the next meeting. moaner C.•nslttee The finance committer recommended that a payment of 4300 be made to the library board as requested some days ago. This Is part of the regu- K YOUR HOUR IN ORDER? Serious problenu willface your dependants at your death. Why not protect thea aphid if posslblit disputes(, litiollem and distress, by having your solicitor drew or revise your W:11 today sad by appradre n; this Corporation yotallatatal PTERLIN.CORPORAr,.111 TORONTO tar levy. Use The "In the matter of the proposal of Elsie ('. Baer to .the °metal Receiver till 494,-95 under the Farmers' Credltore'__Aur )LRT rangment Act and to her creditors, we find That the town sernred cr'edtt--r 00 1 _ i is r , or to the amount of $250 The re - 23 125 39 ieelver Is re•owmeoding that this pay - 44 las 131 went be deterred fur ninety days to ,4 tl allow the applicant time to w 4 - _ l thrrs.•ary srrangeweats to makeake thethe 148 el" :U layweut.' l���� TCC[ERSMITIII .\ number of `al1wlibts were told. ...... .... 26 - ten 40 I ('e�eterydui P•rltr 34 115 (Y►; Arrangenienls hate been male to I r 17 80 41 1 have Mr. 4Mwal4' trite the trees bo . y, one section of ('Qurt 1(uuae )'ark, w•Itb i 30 :14 the idea that. 1t .alb4aetory, more 35 •us _� trees The would committee reeom- • 449 •.1r, wended Irarlpg fife mater f having t'88t11[!r1L tb. Irian« of town. wood still at the M.. .9 _, woudlot brought lulu town with the 29 5I aniiltairtaan of the istblb• works row t7 mlttee, and the %►airman 'of the aye. ,; tial evmmlttee'" 251 1t was suggested that the clerk_ 21 write to Hun. T B. Melluesten regard• tug the delay in inning l'amhrta road taken over in part of the Bounty sys- 141 te•w of highways The special ,.,mmittee recommended that no action be taken with refer - envy to the parsing of a bylaw de- Maned to ooapel barters to close .00 eeiete•rei•►1:i.r6eaa es. - as- 741 The water anad light committee 40 • :6 stated that 'he ll or In the east end of the east warehouse ■t the harbor t'Ig 6K 143 bad again fallen through and repair. were necessary. ;;.p:u=_htd _..... 33 r 57 %TESTS: Tlseswater ..... _....._................ Retie Petah. Red Tildes. Hag- a/rnstil. 3 3 6 Tt me-t1$'•i. 2.16%. 2.10%. 127, PACE 0111 TRAIT John Franey, Reg. McGee. Oat Geo. Armstrong . sow. ►►hatred is erleh _- _ ` .... _ _._.... yt;- 1.3 .1 SP 2965, tm Al 1st and Yt]d - Davy D., Wiser T[tt:. Wale - SPECIALS ....»................._ Beet eow..any age, any breed -Sam ton *e0y gall, Ray Cpl Alton; best.palr heron hogs -Sass Ah, (;.µJohn so : best boar, day *yr or breed Cowan. Saw Alton. Best pal *aeon bap (alma child), ems 'dtvlateM)-00. Ansa. Sim Y FOWL AA'D PITSTOCK fowl-Black Jersey Giants- Lethewla•d 'A Bentley:, Anea•as- Letherland & Bentley : Hamtmrga- Letberland & Bentley. 1st and 2nd: Mlnoreas-Letherlarid & Bentley: Bantams --John (+,wan. Gordon Mil- ler: 11-ler: Orpingtona---Gordon Milner; l: White Wyandottes--Gordon Miller.' Letherland k Bentley: White Leg - Colvin, stater _.., 1)33 Dr. Johastos. Geo. et`rh..._-1. _ _� S 4 Jean Harvester, rd 1*.. gee, (1odofb'lt .: .a. 3 i 5 Golden It�r. d Xlideet, _ - Ragen,eilk »»... .,....._ 9 6 • Time --2 :.17%, 2.17%_ 1 L s2 (17 19 31 36 266 37$ EXETER r 4 , 110 71 66 411 HENSALL 1A 71 127 Il 37 117 10 128 244 1s BEATORTH to Ir. 36 32 110 32 11("1'21 -- 24 35 87 2) 31 17 29 Signal'a Advertising Columns DEAN'S PO/CES- for Cleaning and Dyeing 3iaa's Sults and Tepees!' 79r Ladies' Dressrw and Knitted Suits . 79e W i Osereoat. 41.19 F. A. (A1(11 Ness 414 local kirssaesw HEADQUARTERS - FUIt - FURNITURE and PAINT A_ULCIIgAFI' PAINTS are bigla �>llilg Gni 1w Ri axles. 0 will loIlastallatr ur a l uee gvat4IrtaistWOINC $10V* W. positively save you NISISS ' 111 1 ti • TY. H. Blackst-ov Oa t s Broadway .t G.deaieb Deachman's Lead - over Spotton 583 horns--i.etherland & Bentley. John (Coath;red trod page 1) Cowan: Brown Legborns-iA'4her- 1 - •711119I1HAM land k Bentley. John Cowan: Ply- I Int and 2nd : Plymouth Rocks. utility I 2A•''7 os :train--Th. Snowden. Letherland 9' 1n Bentley: I(entley : Rhode Island Red- Gordon ". 11 slier. Letherland &Ih•utlec; chick• _ ens-Aneonas-l:nr,l,.n Slhller; Minor- • 63 6 93 cos --.bether;and h - Bentley Ilan- Adv.,m•e lolls 1 0 2 74 -Gordonmonth Rocks. barred C Miller 2 105 21 132 12 114 �..... 64 20 70 13 23 16 67 57 79 till RESSE A Sale on Better Dresses ! New Fall Dresses'in all the high shades so popular this season. Novelty crepes' fancy weaves with tt itnmtngs of metallic, braid, buttons, velvet, 895 etc. Styles for afternoon, informal evening and sports wear. Sizes 14- 20; 181/1-241 Regular $t0.95-$12.95. -Sale price- . • Polly Frocks 11 nes' and Targe shipment of House Dressier in many styles and patterns of fait color prints and broadcloths. All - sines. short and long sleeves. l'rieetl ... $1.00 White Hoovers Cellophane µ•rul.i,..l Fall and W inter Underwear, $1.00 , A large range of n - IMP n's and children's Underµear in Various weight: WOnlfe4. ' all wont. and Rilk anal word - - REASONABLY PRICED - Men's Winter Overcoats Fitted styles, single or -double breasted. Blues. browns, greys. All wool overeoatintfs in smooth or -rough finishes. Sizes for men and -young men. Piillover -Sweaters Crew NeekSweaters. fancy went, s 111 all -wool. Colors plumberry. blue $2.L 5 and blaek iL eet;i�• A . C.RNFIELD "Shop Where you are Invited to shop" - »..»..Il6 tea 32 .1110 566 196 • 30/1 met tele Anniversary servtces will be held l■ Victoria street United ehnreh on San - day. at 11 ■ m. and 7 pm Rev. Ar thur Sinclair, of Henault. will eon - duct both servtee•. Sunday school at 10 a.m. - .- --- _ --1161 17[ 813 It WAPITI ' 1.AT1(/N Ashte 4 ..._............ ...4t►i HU -361-+ Myth 11A 56 149 Bre... s ,.23t- -12-3061 ('lint, n 484 93 559 Colhe,ro,• '124 80 1* Goderi, h 1037 210_1967t (ire} 04U) 1(11 .1q. t:nderich Township 282 115 417 lion -ice 782 137 731 \Ii,rris *.ew 461 124 438 i'urnte'rry .... 413 91 271 W. Wawauott....... 330 99 323 E. Wawanos6,- 280 113 313 Wlaglla s -..:4".........'....--506 -411. 813 Attadhtee yoke 1 1 4 oats 1573 5023 HURON -PERTH The otfii ial 3gnres for the riding of florin Perth, as ,ieelared by the re Irving nflleeq D. 11. McNaughton. em as follows. W. H. (folding (Liberal), *125;; F. ilonnelly (fon.eervetiv-el 30141: It. .1 McMillan (fiemnstrue- tlonlet t. 17..30. IThe candidates are denoted by their Initials In the following tabulation: /T14PIIEN Pulling i)Ivltits 1). (1. McM 1 ,M,•. 76 56 13 2 - 30 31 12 52 95 4 46 120 20 115' 7 x• 9 n ,.. Phone 418 } 48 61 2 ............ 81 1011 13 A. 88 54 6 ,_................. 45 37 22 ............... 62 115 30 473 OKI 122 HAT 144 M 24 104 50 110 .... ..... .. 46 172 ....... ..... 20 )til 14 40 24E.S5 lot AlfIADT ....... a ... *4 . 20 4'f A 46 50 17 MO 4 011 12 32 31 23 7 84 3 61 .4 Its) ..I'' ~Cy new Is a rave else Row •s,•11, lits Ielsrlrsss 1r tssuslIlisig shifts W..$.e. ca..1. Iced t1lRllleg what. A stress Mar r dist goes -..eta. 011 RITM FLOUR Best for ell your Bakinsl • The Goderich Signal Offers You A Great Subscription Bargain that- Here hat Here is a real offer that will save you money • a . Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through ... This is all you have to do. '.('it'4'1 Inv ' A t 1 1 f)(4 ( i;If111111\ .' 1:1 _',.1Z111C and you wilt receive the whole 4 publics - tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here is the amazing combination low price. • Current Thought . - .1 yr. nMarken'• (i1 issues) 1 yr. Chatelaine nCanadian 1 yr. 1 yr. • National Hence Monthly 1 yr. Pictorial Review - - 1 vr. DCanadian Horticulture • nd Home Mal... - - l yr. Our Guarantee le Veal This wonderful offer 11 avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be etrtended for full term ((hewn. MAIC. COUPON TODAY Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Please send me the three magazines checked with a year's subscription to your newspaper. NAME - STREET ... , TOWN AND PROVINCE Gentleman: i enclose $ 11•