HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-24, Page 3he
Ask for Coupons
Rachanta of the Good -Will Club
Free with purchases
TI1F. sIt;NAI. PRINTING co, 1.114111.1, Publishers
The 0. F. Carey Co.
Fire, Acciaeit and Motor Car
Rpt'asentative Landon Life
Insurance Co.
01110,: -Masonic Temple, West
Street, Goderich
Nelsen Hili. Manager. 'Phew 230
J. L e
laaaraace and Real Estate
ps ieiee, Prevocial and
Municipal Beads
PBONjL 24 :•: GOD6iit
Geo. Williams & So.
Adeldisk—Asisalali sea
Qs as lawrasee Agents
urriC . M TO_ =
Meese Is GsdetLaY
Wholly weeded Cottage Lata
IM z 200 teat
Have Better Lack
for Postponed Fair
Fine Day, Good Crowds, and
Splendid Elthibits st
Dunga nnOn
Dungannon Fall Fair Association
had batter kuk with iia second at-
tempt to held an exhibition than it
bad with W i"sit, the -1011110109,----01
A satisfactory crowd came out and
the exhibits, especially of 11%e stock,
I were splendid. Many commented on
' the excellence of the cattle in parti-
cular, and the number of horses was
such that the judges did not finish
their task until nearly 8 . ,-icn-k, when,
with darkness coming uu, the final
foal was singled out for first honors
and the judger went home and, the
aulmals were led sissy.
Races, both harness and novelty,
were greatly enjoyed, the track being
damp enough to be just right and the
animals alt- in fine fettle. Albert
Goldthorpe acted as nr,d ewityh-
Geurge McNeil as timer,
thing was run off with the exception
of the pony race. There was trouble
as to elasilticatlun of animals, the
aasoaat on judges eonroiddering some
of them to be too big
class, sad the whole race was called
In the 2.18 pace, three horses were
entered, tamely Jack Grattan, DR-
' len Grattan and Belle Patch. While
i they made excellent time,
I heats were amelearic. to ---the
elde the
winners, as the trete her_-- -
I time in the order named.
1n the `1.27 race, slimed the same
John Francis win -
ly Peter Watson. Jas. Folder; one
year-old gelding II
_Ernest Blake, Geo.
Alton; team in harness ---Jobe
Wright, Peter Watson, Jas. Foster.
Brost mare -David MvWhinney ;
font of 14H6 -•Me (:ulbert;_.tIOS141z-.
old filly or gelding -Peter Watson,
Jas. Foster; one -year-old filly -Pieter
Watson ; teens. In harness --John Vod-
I den. Itert Mt-Quillfn.
Brood ware -Bert irc•tluilllu, Les.
!Schultz: foal of 1895 -Bert MrQwillln,
Frank Pentland; two-year-old filly or
gelding -John Feagan, Jas. Foster;
one -year-old filly or geldiag lierb.
hila.--Jas--Xoster, slD3le- horse In
harness--ftert McQuiliin, moo- Feafan ,
scuttle horse In harness --Sam Millar,
John Fry. Sam Millet
single horse In carriage -Sam Ml.
ler. 1st. 2nd, 3rd.
Lady driver -Mrs. Sam Miller. Mrs.
Iwrae Durnin, Y!% Tervltt; ladies'
hitching race --Mrs- Sam Miller, Mia
Bernadine Alton, Mra. Lorne Durnin;
beat foal sired by "Tramp Axworthy"
-Bert ltcQulllin, Frank hu Pentland;
beat matched span
Miller, Dave McWhinney; beat
dividual -John Vodden, John Wright.
Fails to Re
j Sale -Mix-up Results
-- _-welding ..I luterwss Ulla .. "° Magistrate Straightens It Ont--
(loderteh and %Ir nlly Lover of ganer]uwt•Tn
Sidney Mak'omson, late of Nem- West- Trouble
=Meter, B.C. tformerty ML. Nettie l
Cowan,of °oderich), to Lr t'►ws. F.
1 thing took place, Jo n
LlYpip CONNECTION Ding all heats with Davy D. coming r. Todd; ball calf, six months an
-Also Hooses 1n Town- ee,.ond twice and third once, while over -F. Todd ; bull . calf, under siz
Asia,Amidst and Molly Hal came second once and third months -F. Todd.
Fire Lesesne• twice. The. -other three horses ran IrERHFORD 1st and
net sixth le every mace MIleil cow --0. Kennedy,fifth
An was thone-Sear-old helfer-
act the exhibition by F. J. Mil- ..._g; KennedyY
Lobb, of Tort place law. It t' Thr' 1Vheu bank Iwrldy, of Auburn,
marriage took place ca. -eptrwber
18th, and after a motor trip t.. fact- pleaded nut guilty to Magistrate J.
fie(• t titles Mr and Mrs lubb A. Mtikius' court un (h•tober 10 to a
e lion, a
tends of :he bride „ alibi. Hi
have returned to their 1 t fort charge t driving through a stop sign
t'ogaitiam. Er Blyth, be hada g9od
send [hely best wfere•. ,
• • .-did not own the car that was cheated
by lice Patterson J .H r•
l.e td through a axed Weeders Mr. and Mrs J
Mitch eow-alb'. A. Culla-rt. Andy
Gansu Melvin 'Baylor : two-veerold-
heifer-W. A. Culbert. Andy Gaunt;
one -year-old beifer-Melvla Taylor,
Andy Gaunt; heifer calf. sig months
and over -Melvin Taylor• eat and `2nd :
bull calf, six. montha and over -W.
A. Culbert, Andy Gaunt; heifer calf.
under six months -W. A. Culbert, All•
dy Gannt; bull calf, under six nmonthl•
-W. A. Culbert. John Feaga
under two years -Melvin Taylor. Jas.
Forester; aged batt -W. A. - tulber.L
M1keb cow -F. Todd; two-year-old
betfer-F. Todd; one -year-old heifer A
Merchants of the Good -Will Club
Free with purchases
Local Players Dani De •fes .
Four Godericb teams played to the
opening tournament of the Western
Ontario Bridge Association at
ford on Friday night last, but failed
te,plaeu pear 'lite top. The tourney,
the first of the 1105-38 season for the
Speuc•er trophy, was won by the Kits
chewer Craftsmen, with 1711 matches.
Guderlch entered the maximum of
four teams
The team of R. .1. Me\lehen. Itobt.
Johnston. Mrs. I. D. Eastman and N.
C. Lanaway proved to be the best of
the local players, placing sixth, four
snatches beMod the leaders..- _
were P. F. Cares. T. R.
MIGHTY LI ;lckid.-,I,i'J.M...NO. 43 __
,tae rli
The wedding took $ie- recently at
Vancouver, B.C., of Kathleen May,
only daughter of Mr* tallph and the
late William Ralph y.
Everett J. Lees, I'b.D., duly toil of Mr.
and Mu. Tbomes Lees. also of Van-
couver. The bride ts-r akee--OE-Mrsr
Wilson Herald of Goderkh, aid visited
her here this sumser. {ire-- fath(u.
the late William Ralph. wa•.. a mem-
ber of a former well-known (ruderich
family. s
After the marriage ceremony, which
was performed by Rev. Gordon Dickie,
D.D. of St. Stephen's (beryl), the
couple left ror Ottawa, where lir. Ines
it a member of the Geological Survey
staff. Both bride and bridegroom are
graduates of the University of Brits
tab Columbia.
fourth, interesting a s z
and such applauded IR1(f R Johnston: two-year-old heifer
f eridi II 4ler. of Milverton, of a pair of beauti-
Pha e nz ful chestnut hackneys in tandem.
These were put through their paces
in front of the stand and wou the ad-
miral en o. .
Plenty of amusement was caused by
the potato race on borseback, with
horses and riders and potatoes sad
baskets beteg mixed in a wild_ 1rsl-
for.a>t. 211L._.-- raaw- was ' a _Wm
'Mass es -well with mom. eight cattle,.
malnly boyA.. all. trying to make t`
calves run In a straight Fine.
lannon's Hereford calf, urged on by
Clifford Blake, came first.
Freak eonveyancea and musical
chairs both entertained the crowds,
while the more serious-minded looked
at the create separators and other ex-
hibits, while the hot dog stands,the
Gypsies and the wheels of fortune
did a fair trade. seventy-
eighth year. The cattle and horse sheds, blown last seven years. i1)tock of easedPrinccame
Chas. Black down by the gale early d in the month, early pro
gill !le tens the ground and some of Island, where her mother was born
-- 1n the early years of the nineteenth
century. Her parents were James
and Elisabeth MacDonald. The fam-
ily lived in Goderk•b for some years
when she was a child, but returned
to Prince Edward Island. A few
years later they removed once more
to this diatriet, to live at Bayfield,
where she was married In 1878. Seven
years ago she and her husband cele-
brated the golden jubilee of their mar-
riage. Deceased was a Presbyterian
and an active church worker until in-
capacitated through her long illness.
Surviving, ttesides her husband, are
Ms et tea oblldren.- They are Mrs.
1rd. Alston and `Percy Johnston, of
Godericb; Gordon, of Paris; Walter,
of hayfield ; Mrs. M. Toms and --Mrs.
Clayton Gupst, of Toronto; also four
brothers and a sister, Allan MacDon-
ald, of Goderich ; W. M. MacDonald,
of Huntsville; A. F. MacDonald, of
Mooaejaw ; James, of Regina. and Mrs.
A. G. Reid, of Sarnia. The funeral
servlee was conducted by Rev.. Ii,./.4.-
Gale, of St. Andrew's United church.
Bayfield. on Tuesday afternoon. , In-
terment was Ih hayfield cemetery.
Men's 'Uo es
lees iri A wrier=
Come in and look over -our
Fall and Winter Samples
They are superb
Everything that's new in
Men's Wear at this time
of the season
police. - -
Authorities traced the car. forte- c•Om, 9th: F. McTagprt 3Cra
M. John•
ly owned by t y•
rases and found I *on, 11th: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dean,
Bride's Father Was a Member el
Ferri 6,ederki Family
rrem Thi Ottawa Citizen of tk tuber
9 sod tails lite fsllohtsi Wilma of the
daughter of -the late W. Berbert Rob-
ertson, formerly ej Uuderich, sad
uiece of the Misses 011re awl I./weenie
Koberteon of Ottawa: ceremony aud
A charming wedding
one of much interest took place at
the home of the bride's uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs..J. J. McGill, 189
1 vud avenue yesterday afternoon
G Kennedy : heHer ealf. six moths!
and over -G. Kennedy, 1st and '2nd;
heifer ealf, under six months- 4i.
Kennedy; bull calf, under eft months
1st and 2nd; bull, Wide
three years --AL Xeenned7 --- -
Milch cow -Andy (sunt; two-year•'
ey py/er-Jap. Forester; mei[
-tlfl44 t Jaa. ?ores.
fon _Steer calf; vaiae_ Ni -)1•-'L
- (Continued ai MTa-43.
car dealer to a purr'
Rat the vehicle was still in Leddy'sl1• D. Eastman, A. L. Cole. 12th.
name, so two charges of failing to re-
port a transfer to the Department
here preferred. s of God-
Tbe accused.- Fred Lip.ill.
erich. and Wilfred Glazier, of Bryth,
pleaded guilty to the charges
ad were assessed the
Thursday feet s
minimum lbw -et -$10.
• Glazier. the preecent owner. admitted
being the driver when the ear went
past the atop sign. hut a charge was
not laid for the infraction of the traf-
fic rules. The charge against Leddy
was dismissed.
- Walter McPher sStephen
g fioee-
ship, pleaded guilty
head of cabbage lt r'm a wantedtomake
ry Paff.
sauerkraut and told His Worship hie
own cabbages were no good.
"Von should have
in eraasked
n bo your
bor for some po
eabbagee instead of stealing his,",re•
the t ,
It was sus •_ .lea
lag restitution aa pli7r8 ( rf`L`s•
or twenty days 1n jail. McPherson
decided to pay,
Jack McIlveen, of Clinton. paid iii
and costs for speeding through an in-
ok, 52
son ctionavenue,
, London,
ongi n, paid`ia and c/lata
son avenue.
for failing to atop at a through high -
Ryes Examined Glasses Fitted
Registered Optometrist
117 years in Stratford). at
Robertson's Jewelry Store
"Satisfaction at Moderate Coat"
Timer of general calamity and n.
uedii8->tave ever twen prodwit+e
the greatest winds. Tlw purest ere la
proluc•et1 from the hottest furnace, and
the brightest thunderbolt Is elicited
(rout the darkest eform.---t'olton,
To 11elpYou
At The first nasal irritation or sniffle.
apply Vicks Va-tro-nol-just • few drops
up each nostril. Used in time, it helps
prevent many colds entirely.
ltu sow' way... s r,,.
at 2 Herbert,
k, when Mian Anus Marjurte ^' Gert
Herbert, younger W. Heb of the
late Mr. aud Mra. W. Herbert Robert- Court was held at Wingham 1n the
son, was united to marriage to Mr. morning, where tale wasat unfolded
nfs olded
Ben . , Edgar Rogers, of Montreal, of a family gathering
Cie ..i Yr _aaaa Mrs. S. T. Into a veritable Donnybrook x after
Rogers, of lathuta Qum, i mere exchange -of weeds:
Rev. Dr. T J. 'suns, mister of assauit were preferred. The affray
Of Glebe United ebur ,pciated, and took place at the home of Mr. and
the 'wedding music ee.etively Mrs. Garfield Tinley, Tof f Lpe'ettsrs.
prayed by Was Dorothy 4bumar, who The principals were Howard Finley,
hi* -son -sad. dauu ItL-_ e1d feet
prealded at the piano. As the bride Finley;
entered the diuuig-room, where the
eeremuoy was performed,' the Bridal
to teas played
Chorus from Lohrngr'
and at the conclusion of t c cerenwuy
Mendelrsuhu's Wedding 3tareb was
contributed by Miss Thomas Du
the signing of the register. Mrs. Roby
Brown delleck sang sweetly '.Because."
The bridal party stood hetore a
banking formed of palma and ferns
with varied toned chrysanthemums
°hen In marriage by 'her uncle,
Mr. J. J. McGill, the bride
ri •w wasat-
tendedby her sister,
ertson, as brldfemaid. Mr. John
Brown attended the bridegroom as
teat man.
Winsomely attraetice was ( youManhagttan-
in her gown of pearl
satin, the high dec•olette with shirred
fullness at the throat, and the soft
bias collar fell to the waistline In the_
back. Tiny satin covered buttons
trimmed the centre of the sleevesback, and
the long cloae-fitting
points over the hands. The skirt
was long and .flared, 'with (pointed
Sores In the frost, the back falling in-
to a short twits. A plea..led coronet
of matching satin war of , and-the
nd tae
bride carried a bout)
roses with lilies -of -the -valley in show-
A gown or Imported velvet in an
FArly Sunday morning a loved and,
highly regarded reoldent of Hayfield,
Sarah MacDonald, %He of Mr. Wm.
East Street and Square
The greater your fund of learning
the more powerful your Oast for
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Estimates given on applicatMa
Telephone S2 Underfelt
the directors were making Situ suggestions of a bee in which the
whole aeighborhood le to be invited
to join to put them up again.
Preoldent Jas. Lyons and Secretarr
of the director -is a -Waxed them-
selves as Messed with the suctras of
the postponed exhibitioo.
The winoers were:
Don'.t be out of step!
Follow- ,
our Specials
Our Prices for the week of Oct. 25th to Nov. 2nd, inclusive
('asteria. small ..28c
' with
Hand Scrubs,
handl ....2 for 29e ^_1
Brood mare -Andy Gaunt, Richard
Johnston; foal of 1935 -Jae. FOSter.
Andy Gaunt; two-year-old filly or geld-
ing -Rich. Johnstesturarae-year-old
ly or gelding -Andy °mint, Jas. Feas-
ter; team in harneas--Dave lieWhIn-
Brood mare -Bert McQuillin, W. A.
Culbert, Frank Pentland; foal of 1933
-W. A. Culbert, Bert MoQuillin; two-
year-old filly or gelding-l'eter Wat-
MO, Thos. Anderson; one -year-old fil-
Agent). for all lines of
Menne a lot to the kids; doeen t
Moili4or P•rrnotilint to you, too.
Crimp, frosty eveninge
bracing to get hotne to a
gbewing My. warm house,
a good, hot dinner.
Are you reedy for the firmt cool
Better get your Coat •oipply.
Then -if Winter emnee --who
tard Coal -Co.
Mrs. Vete Allin, Mrs. Garfield and two young men who entered 'the
place with Mrs. Allin. The visitors
had been drinking, it wee alleged.
The men were Theodore Howey, of
Lucknow, and Fred Small, of Kincar-
Howey accused the father of hav-
ing *ruck Vera Finley Allin. Small
broke in on the arguruent that fol-
lowed and soon was mixing it freely
with Garfield. Finally the men and
women took sides and staged a battle
royal that lasted forty -live. minutes,
leaving the house a ettambles.
Howey was tined on two eharges,
of assaulting Garfield anti his father;
Small was fined for assaulting Gar-
field and Mrs. Ann was tined for ass
multing Mrs. Finley. Similar charges
preferred against Mr. and Mrs. '11a -
ley were dismisied by the cadt.
Howey also was fined on a reckless
driving charge. He nearly ran down
Constable Platt after the law had been
pursuing htin tirso-auto chase. His
driver's permit was suspended sixty
Vittoria Mothers Object to Cancans-
- lion -Interesting Talk
At the meeting of the Home and
School Club of Victoria publie school
t'ertified Psyllium
Seed (black) natural
plant lax at e . lb. 39e
Daggett Ramsdell's Cold
or Vanishing Cream
Tubes 25e
tars, 2-oes. 35e
There mote's] away in the hospital
at Brandon, Man.. after a lengthy
illness. Elisabeth Kerr, widow of the
late Wm. 11. Paulin of Holland Man.
She was horn In Isrsl. on lot 9, eon -
(realm' KR, Cadloorae township,
the daughter of Robert 11111111 A MI Kerr.
pioneer Rettlerve In the towtodillp. Here
she grew up. In her day one of the
most poptila r young woinen in the
neighborhood, and in 1S7S sate was
merrled to Wm. 11. Paulin at the old
home in '01borne. Mr. Paulin wax s
member of the well-knoWn Paulin
family of Gorrie. Huron county. They
lived a number of years in Ontario.
first at Wingham and Owen Sound
and then In the town of Mimeo*, wlwre
member!' of the family still reside.
Going to Manitoba yearx ago, ihey
finally located at 'Holland. Here, after
• 'Mort time. Mr. Mullin died, in 1024.
and Mrs. Paulin had prince lived le GM
home there with' her daughters. Of a
cheery, kindly dixpowition. *he made
friend!' wherever mhe went both. in
elmreh mei community, and the
highly (-deemed in Holland. Here the
funeral was held and interment wait
rn the Holland centetery.
Only (me member of that plerteen
family 14 left, an , eltler "doter, Mrm.
Mary A. McGrattan of Midland. Ont,
AttritPIC Million and (1. Eillott, of
NM Piltilin't nix chfidran, four
Mer living. MA. John Rutherford and
Z Xing of ftimeoe, Ont.. and
Lauder's Dunlop's Campbell's Wigle's
Drugstore Drugstore DM, store
autumn brown tone was worn y on Thursday night last, members
brideemaid. The high neckline had voiced their objection to the dipocon-
RID" 81"h st the throat' and was tinuance of the teaching of mimic in
oleo slashed to the tvairdline in the
I t the Win/411114., 'fel full and A number of children, It was held,
the school, as has been preposed by
back. the skirt, t hteh formed a tile board. .
flOW11111, sad' s-1 th a panel in the back.
Inlets of gold lame etre lu the sleeves
from tbe shoulders to the elbows, with
tiny velvet buttons trout the elbows
to the wrists. The bridesmaid wore
a Rolande model hat of matching vel-
vet and carried-se-teenuet of Johmtina
11111 roses and bronze chrysenthe-
Mrs. McGill, aunt of the bride, Wore
a. becoming gowu.of (-reps romain in
a claret shade, the slceves of cut vel-
vet and trimming of old gold on the
velour of the saute ,laret abode and
she wore a /Moulder corsage of !On-
set roses and. Mesa the -valley.
Mrs. Rogers, of lietute, mother ef
the groom, was %caring a gown of
Meek triple sheer ,repe, the sleeves
of cut velvet and ioliches of cut vel-
vet on the bodice. A shoulder cor-
sage of American Beauty roams PPM
Following the ceremony, a reception
was held for the inantellatoarelatives,
and later Mr. Rogers and his bride
left for New York, whence they will
had in thette lessous their sole oppor-
tunity of learning and appreciating
music. It wus decided that a letter
ate sent to the Reboot board, expreesing
"the opinion of the elub, and that the
members of Central Home and School
Cltib and the Women's Institute, who
also contribute to the music teacher's
salnry, asked for au expreesion of
The guest speaker for the evening
was Miss Eva 14 who gave
an informative address on "A Trip lo
the Meritimes," Was Somerville,
Will) halt 111111111. t 114! trip. traced her
route acroes,,Ontario, through historic
Quebec to the Gaspe Pettinsule, geving
it word picture, supplemented by mote
erous views of the wonderful *entry
and point,' of interest. Sights she
met with in the Maritimes not men
in Ontario were brick ovens by the
roadside, +pinning wheels. dogs bar-
neseed to Cart oxen in place of horse*
and 11.11 reek., where cod were pre -1
pared for tlw market.
Mies Somerville sfetite In glowing
terms of the hospitality ef the people
-- Quebee und of the. Mar t me
mill by the tjaret, o
Bermuda. wbent thc honeymoottaNtill Mr* It Deer. convener of the teet-
he spent- Fer tra yelling, 1603- fprv committee. reporttsi t ha t num-
1 her of articles of clothing had been
croquebitte in a marine blnevaha"de prOVIded (Intl ng the last month. The
with trimmings of black Neel buttons
lira. C. K. Steevert ming a eolo and
A Rambo inflow of black felt tvith
a front newel wan worn. and her coat
i„,„ a black Ftearh barit cloth with a piano duet was played by Wank
Helen Archer and Mary Howard.
cross fox coillarr.
Bre. n. IdegAT VW; A-71. lauds- as 'tut ..tair.e—tv *mows at WV 141.
sow of Holland. Antoine road,
end no doubt about it 1
West iii211(ptic,
IItaaks to du
Itql P I LOT
For the complete enjoyment of radio noth-
ing is more vital than tuning. With Wrretirt.
hour. AIR -PILOT it's lam to tune a World
Cruieer as accurately and correctly as the most
own radio operator . . . to bring in every
prokram-TONE PERFECT -et its very beet.
Rut the Air -Pilot is only one of many features
of them mo we will gladly demonstrate to you.