The Signal, 1935-10-24, Page 2as.. weaned' ealeents=MIM---.......tattaiglesMeleildleAtewoMellalleektaikletre
• •
of Peltelliew W
Pubibtived-overajfijorstiair morning.
Sobtseription price F200 per y ;
$1.50 If paid in advance.
W. H. RobertsOn, Editor glad lidealiSfer
Telephone 3derieh, Out.
Thursday. October 24tb, 1935
the electlos of,O. A. P. Briekenden to
London. ID order to beat hiss they
.14sOalal put three other Liberals in the tied
(bey thug missed the best chance in
thirty year- to elect a successor to
/ u
3 -Thg-oho 0. -tither ?.-Ith.
While •the newly -elected House of
wUl be overohelmingly Lib-
eral in its composition. the Senate
has a large Conservative niajority,
candidate to cote tor, but there is
ity et e°11- lIttic 'In hese figures to show that
they eoestituie the .1tioalliag men-
ace" some Conservative candidates
said tbey were
• • •
11,,ii,""sjUlarr Horeesisoomesesee.-
4 s-----• ----_ - In Sesforth ea in Clinton, people are
"Up in sionesoollnitahluileTtactiou or
mutilation of heatia1111 Old trees. Mei
moot are purely utilitarlau
surely ought to know tty now that
most people how a grand old forest
monarch iu special veneration and
everywhere resent ouch sets of van-
• • •
Thirteen t'orumunIst candidates in
the recut election secured a total of
on,too votes It is probable that
other thousaods did not MEL h
.01*ad there is a greet
SIM between the two bodies during
110 coming Parliamentary terut. There
is a considerable body of opinion in
Ode country In favor, of doing away
with tbe Senate. rad should the so.
Miss Macpimil will no lunger he the
sailed "upper" chamber assume..*ti...tdr. IleKenale. Robert. moulder.
structionlat role it might be tbitt the •j 4.
°cipher" a the Heese et MoKensie. John. cabinet maker... II %,..,tut resi,„Weet.
electors of Canada would look to Mr. Ceatlaella• II* °"rge Black. *hue* Melienate. R. W.. matIttfeeturer and riche'. Patrick, journeymao• shoe -
King to perform an oper • •
. Houle but was forced to retire from Boot,
dealer in cabinetware. Hamilton, bds maker.
ilenkertes, Robert, iu Crown Laud
Pin. Jai.. hotel-keeiwr. Kingstofl.
bat husband was formerly Speaker of the
publje life. because of HI -health, took MeKtaid, R. Alesaider, Preshyter I
would entirely reinove.the Parllanteut- ' "
job of WIrtg-elliVing. *is phice al Conservative candidate lan Kirk. Neon). .
McKinnon. Neil, talteet_Waree'll_11111- maPriakettt. Samuel. flour so4feed store,
ary "appeodix," or at !coot do a good
The ' would be well advieed for the Xiikou Territory stud was
Mrs Black Is.
orer seventy I vel• . Jona Lm' -.lit.. omaage-a i041e7. A. M.. lirery otiable-,4•1114i-• " •
how* and Houtreal.
to sing 'very small for tit.. uezt few e ' l`reocent. -.1 . . • - .
yeers. ' years of age.'
-- _ . __ • - -- .. _ ' McLellan Martin, Carpenter, New tanP:;rroadier..Wili.. hostslieg-
- _- tine of the
B. BENNETT STAYS Attest soialmog_teittet
McLeod. John. torlItinPsr..Eark. -_ Porter. geltii, team
• ----- ' Mt • . wagonsasker, Throat.. re°d• v ,
While- Hon K. B. HIn Labelle. Quebec. Hewlett and his Though be McLeod. Kenneth. mason. Light -1 Prim Thema*. chair WWII. T
Mve• the of rprIle.' IleneheBootees&tai
Med aloof from all party Mille- house. i
Goverunsent were almolutely repudiated •
by the .people et calla on elect 11,109, his candidacy WAS regarded fav- Melfath. Hugh. blacksmith's appro.. PAO% Walter. curl teeerhatit.
Prillham, John. cooper.
dzy, there- will be genesal pleasure erably by t 16 -at *7--teaders. How- tire, bda Kl120(02.
IfellIlLan. John A., grocery. Wham, . C.. bookkeeper - with
ta the announcement., that be intends, ever, a Liberal took the field sy,ainst
McMillan. Wiu.. 'ember, West. sl• V- Derior & Son.
to remain in public life As, leader of Wm. and wtI41 Yr. Hourassa was
BleMurchie. Archie, carpeuter. East. . Rolge. John. wove* and tinware.
the Opposition. Personally, Mr. Ben- one of the 1120,4 interesting memhers Monter:eon. James. bleeksmith and Ramsay. Alexander. earpestee.lhast.
. J
set has many strong and estimable of the Holm. of Commons. cultured, wagomRamsey.ohn. shoemaker, Comer-
aker. Waterloo.
quelitier -atui_mi_one_cau accuse ids eloquent and independent. and he o ill MePhereon. Murdoch. ship csrpeoter.' on." sursel.
Restaill Harry, pallor. Park.
of toeing a (Batter. _..ledeed,:ftral
among his opponents t good • _ • • 11 PI -S-1 -trick
viMelflteretoria soa.-Williiklik. . wager shop. Revd. Derid,11._rainteter. Britaanla
deal of admiration for 110 au who I The Mail acid Empire professes to MeSw'ain. Robert, sailor, Harbor Reed. John, lWIFetHil survey.
a few weeks ago was looked upon as I be worried about Mr. Kings -entirely , flats. Reed. Harry. romitahle. Park lot.
almost a hopeless Invalid bat who academic and theoretical beut.- it ileticer. John and Adam. WI AMU, Wad. Harry. trier mph operator,
made au amazing recovery and Meseta'.
lis party through a strenuous electioo pressed that we need successful bust- Mattland Hotel, E. Hosker Bleed, Mmes. carpenter. Wolfe.
is coinuton to hear the opinion ex- Toronto.
sempaign with the appearance a vlg- ness men to run the country. This, Mona, Frederick. bakery. Market Bernell.. Robert B. town clerk. Pie-
gglilliliilitIth and ottrearh. however. Is sot a ualversal opinion. equare•& Henryshipttuild- Rich, 111.B.. gentleman. Lighthouee
- -
Wm In the -cool eludes of opposi- A director of one of oar Moppet balks era, Quebec. ,
Marltop, Edward
Iltdoet," Henry. Perpeoter, Cameron's
Wee" Mr. Bennett will be one of ItIP during the 1920 campaign expressed ILartin. James. wagon Bruce. eltryeY•
Mg figures of the House of Commonly • directir opposite view. '-Wu Opin- Martin. Wm- eaddiery. Hamilton.
_------- Roberuppe, Chan., Ancient ith M.
ioa was that the task of governing a Middleton. William fruit store, West. C Ca.
Tia yaw caznat - eons* is not aad cannot be similar Miner. Jag."' latMlider. DA°
Millet% TAWS litachteist.'CIPIrelos- - IC.LirAlt_____ „a
Roberts's. Matthew, cabinet factory,
to that of noising a business. He 11111s. William. shoemaker, Toronto. liewerm"54 '"'"--• ba•eimmtth-
New • f ro m Ottawa indicates that believed that business men le severs- Mitchell, John. Sour aged teed store, 1.0bert1006. J°". "1.
Hon. Charles Dossing may be called went teed to forget that they alp not Kingston. .... Rearation, lleorge. tostidoet utakiat.
to Mr. King's new Cabinet as idlnieter the see homes of the C911.4117. Mrket "Rebell. John. tailor, Westgate. Robertasa. Resell. dancing...water,
Mr. has been oat ot Perlis- as though in their pri 1=aegliSah: ooMmneRIP-Mill bulb& C°6"ril. itOmortm,, embloet lee ‘
et Mance, the portfolio beheld when the innumerable friguesees At Mt to bloatgemery. F. H. ...
the Liberals went out of office In 1930. hamper them and attempt to SqtLare, Wm.. Vereertsor a Au.
miscuCtfgthe time.lhas atisoclited at home. Tte sae Moorbouse. Theo J .
•-iiiTiger .... M., re ening telleataktfir.
Himself with large buttipess Interests. bent. he claimed. unually secepts the stationer, Market*tifl*t. Square. and
Run' . Wm.. carpenter. Philos.
and was not a candidate in last weer" situation as he finds it and, giving hioran. Michael. hant tailor, Ret)taluet• W. rattler' TratalPf-
election. where he must. rides the ship of Kingotoo. Muddy. Tbomas. polesmau.
Others who are almost certain to state more semrely. It is safe to
es. oe
Morriont. Malcolm. meson. NOrtit. Ronald. Itaraee, ter. Neleoe. •
be members of the Cabinet aro Hon predit. for instance, that Mr. King Mw James, sbshop. West. moss, wm . shoemaker. ss ti -on sur- 1-11. Shad* Ooreling.
Itookillge, Wm. student at law with
grneet Lapointe. Mr. King's Chilli will bare less trouble with newepeper Root, A M.. codoty treasurer. Coen
Quebec lieutenant: Hou. W. O. Elller.imen tbau Mr. Bennett had during his "'mum-, ilex., mii,...tudii• 1„,i,„ Buren' HIIII4P
lion. Ian Mackenzie, Hon. T. A. Crerar 1 first days In the premierehip. Hotel. _altrowikai ,.James. selessmin with Joie
anti others of the -old guard.- Murray. Angus. fisherman. Harbor # ...1 _,
will no doultebe Mow new bliesi. and , 14, the Motive * in the deed. not litigate ouncimin. Robert. & C4), iron found -
K r. King ha. a large eompany from the event,-Persisin.
_ - ers and maeolniste. F.set.
• I MNauirrrna.y..1.,Sit'ni1.11,11-ce- et-rp.„ ttesth.toretirr.afTatigatemicisk
w hom to make his seleetions 11 is 'PROVERBS . Naroulth. Aleteurier. merchaot tails Itunefthin. TUG& millwright.
saitl that lion. James•Gardiner may be ...
o'n. witches not, eatehes nor -ter. W"t• - 1- Ituncinian. Jentes. gentetuan. Era.
Ituncisnan, Joh.n. machinist.
tbt.o au 10 tatto-g prton,' It-teitswes:-i- - -The mom _the 4.tekri, tbe More. Kingston. - - -...11.14therford„ John awl 14 it•bard. wag
Rutherford. Devitt, NeAgate.
called front the prentitrI'ig of siflkot sesd,.1:. . - • 1 Neviton. Frederik. solesman, h&j
but it 13 likely that lioat. of - the bew.I 'niter 14 yields.-tiennati., 1---eweebrer-jeepq% immr.t.eaig., Fara, Laa: na-um kle r 4. Trafalgar.-
member.. of the Cildiiralif11-he-,-boveni Wl-gdOM Odom. Hebert asA shadows Moot-, Hohort,-horrIster. Kingston, ." Ringer, Theleao. Weet.
from the. men whit alrewty ho,d seats , .„
the an.ittest wistlrom in mate euln,i.t.• ',firm. Hotel ikiiin‘ferg. James. tinehop. Kingston
pitverty.-4;reek , • ' fivtitie,--4'herlett: shoemaker, tsi. Col-
n. Parliament. .- •
\ in knowing his follket.-Freneh. ' Nolan.,o,.,.kinicPmeote:. bleekemith, ehttp.wag-ts-taMatt7IrTr-lik.alughWi ell- .1441"411117e1- t"j"ka 854
se new.. miniatry will be annonneed g ss opins but little. -Freneh.
A Melt ruith's wooing to oeldom omit.
I is North American liotel, Hobert Illaki"e•
- Snottilers, um. dress and meotle
la Is ezpected that the personnel ot A Woman who looks much in the -
"-la-li ftw-dessi-._ -';--•-•-• - - 44: r -4a mc -4.- htneksm it it ehop, *11r vP) • '
_ . Samler., W111.. ettlaPTIDATI. W111101.11
EDITORIAL NOTES shorn.--4lertnah. • . Ilamilion. ' , . ---- - tig vage, W. AL, general merchant.
Maii7 04. ittlt tor W.,01 that comelmek - U 1414 -
mcromems....w *Au -^"terierpetterrF
"Who's Who" in in 1863
Followingoin:taunt km of the
• •
f Goderich merchants
O'Conialler, H. 1' asseasor. Maitland
Irarotr..„.titt other rollie7 th"eaaalt*T14111(es)",'Ieek4L'en.c.- 1. 4.. gr,.....tts. crockery. cem
dt Huron Businese Directory of Ist13; --(wed..
McFarlane. Jaineit. tanner. BritaiMia thullosik IL B. kandwasterr. *le&
ii dreaser. Welltleom-
11.4 ot !MI general merchaot,
ttkr.alertrorlsue..Aj•°111111:. F11:1117."1 -ill' ----6t. ';;-lit. Psi'. air"allium.iraeke,
, jitebettillib-ri, igaZtrelerme. ?,i'lebtibees.. OM-
rick.borise hotel
McGregor. Gregory, sailor.
SqPuliartrew. 4 Cattle. druggists, Market
rietteluire. George. fisherman, St Pot -
Van Ilitatatte -Mackin
Visit Our • , That Fit
Van Raabe Counter ,
Melittosh, Charles. captaiu propeller Parkhurst, auctioneer.
Niagara.Panora. 51810. 11, ntercbant. Essex.
melotoob. John, gunainith, Chureh. Paallooest John. carriage and wagon.
mt.Kaiy. Auous, assessor and (vow. maker, Victoria slut Trafalgar.
tor ' ••Pasolore, James foreman with John
weal. Christpher, Lighthouse. Platoore-
jgelam Deesid, cler. Trafalgar. Pasmore, Wilder 1).. wagoo-maker.
McKay. 1). t. grocer, West. Patrick. Joseph. St. David's
meo‘ny. Eri,•, e,itonet maker, Brit. Peck, Lettatird. ourserystan, tirit •
sunlit road.
Kuala rood.
McKay._ 1)!is11lemn' u •t Wet- Peer. Boll'a Lulli. ('apester. CeMar•
loon's; dry goods store.
McKay. Win., (-leek, l'horch.
McKay. VV. S.. captain, Quebec . _ vat) form,
Pentland. tisimuel. shoentafer. DTJV
Phareot John. teamster, Wilmali
MeKeevor. urdoch, Lighthouse. surreY•
Phillipe, "n P , agent, Bank
And Let Us Show You
Your Correct Length
• Short
are 39 to III inches long.
For small women. tor slender
legs for those who wear long
• Medium
--are 31 inches long. For
those with average figures
and medium length girdles.
• long
-33 to 34 inches lona ?or
tall women, for large legs. or
for short girdles
Women are now discovering that leg -length is just
important as foot -fit
In One of
Three Lengths
I -Stocklnp that are tOo
short break threads be-
cause of excessive strain
caused by bow supporters
3 -Stockings that age Ise
long ant often deMagod
by being ataped Woo,
the reinforced tops.
S-Correet collecting requires stockings of
correct length so that the hose sup-
porter may he the proper length
gnjoy Me clear, sheer beauty of perfect quality
storkinp end still save money by getting longer
weer out of correct tit. Van Rutile hose comes in
two weights
Market Near*.
A wom onesn.oliamy spoken way v,, i oltrien. John. battler it Weir*
Count your bleising- mar III4I course id a whole life.--4ireek.',1°I.:tieut.t.1-4• Andre". . _,_
One most talk sorthIngly to the tiog I rronnor. Daniel. .elerh, Division noilOn.hniceilnilerstas.r. le'. P. elation'. clergy
Kr. King Is doing a job of carpenter Th.. dila'. kennel le not a Ow.. to 4E4'onnor. Parke Hamilton, law stu- North W.
•IPPICIIIIIIelt, Jacob and John, tannery,
• •• • . „. •
until- he has timed" Min. -Greek.
••••••=-- ' inereltanto: Welt. II.. forwarding
keep it oilisatte. - Daniell. I dent with M. C. Cameron. Set !flour. w . aim
Room for People__
........_______:______,..., Shennon...iward. Mallon. Csalthria
. _ _
,,,,ol.tri physician a nt, Inv
i a
I Ah.itincin, JoiwIth. PutoOmaluartiAllk
(Chtlatiso leciento Monitor) . I son
shannon. William. salesman.
' --
Some time ago Mr Mackenzie King igone none migrants from (;ret Bri- Sliso & Sinclair, barristers'.
d et so much of 'their land shao. Alexander, finisher, Rune -
work this. week -cabinetmekking
• ...... --.1------
_ _
Weather reports tell of snow in lite
- Wept. But want there a general
'`anowing untie!'" throughout Called*
OU the 14th of this moothl
• • •
One of the first tasks of the 111PW
Government will be to- negotigte a
i said that the Ideal population of Can- I •
trade treaty Olth the United Stores ,
IR Allieh 411'1'0111d well IIIIpIPIPI, WWI I le uniomed, with wealth waiting to 1* man & t4.
and tectIfy tte--unsttlite-ef-4141.. • exploited -and we have the Ineseap- 'thaw, charter hiseicernith. Cambria
• • • sotiontrilf',Ifti ore.ent prionhitton is IMP filet- that st some time in the fu- road.
That million dollar Island tnunel leone-eiihth of that number. tore Japan, with her ever-irtermodng 1 :thaw. Thant's. cerPearee. Bra".
Toronto may now be abandoned it ...Apstralle III a continent which; in i millions. will not indefinitely be con- i She*. Peter. laborer, Quebec"
%Pito of Its desert areas and its tropi- I tent to look on at the great continent I Sherlock. JONI*. Vivi" w!h0°1.
SIPTTPfl it• Iiiitioome in oeuiing a ma.
cal north coast, should he eaible to the south of her where teryttory 1 l'smhris road.
'silty a Tory conditii; In the cltyof teupporting at least as many people
ea Cenailn. She has only • u Le unoccupied and unittilleed.
The Britigh Dominions certainly ;41tarmen. 111.PB.oberthi.fdpier:sr;erileer,irColgatineer
on -M %/If my_
0,000.0(80 Japer' cattle covetous eseni could not Ise expected to WP1C0014, the
47.000 PIIIIRP,. Mlle.. hag 43.000.000 im. *III, upon their shores. lint It would sharman. 311114am, plenterer. Albert.
on her enipty 411RI.P11. dumping of .unemployed Englishmen,
I heer ARIA (0 tlIP underpopulated Simmons,mi":, elbrpenter, Montreel.
Simmons, Itiehard, shoemaker
- Alle... James. mate of propellor
()rest Britein, with an ares of only without memos. end without epeeist
• •
It. quite n lone while since Ontario
seat as many ',literals as Quebecto
the House of Commons,. This time
the count ix even st 50 for each Prot-
• • •
Mr AIPVPIIII 14 said to Ive convert
so proportional representation. The
Ker-onstrIto lion port) polled A third of
a 1.1,t weak and elected
only 0110
• • •
(Federici' had a visit from a porcu-
pine awl liorrloton entertained two
sacoons. Even the deniz(n* of the
moods are joining the .aviay from
Me lend- movement
• • • Ithe p000l It P. o
tory migration The ttiflicultles whi" term of migration .4(1 11 Pholilil • 1St 011
" m n116Thirris netreithe r -Seri not ahlrked. it short-slithuot uatimyalistn_stautie In catinum v •
habitant+ Two minion are unern-
P107811. - emintrie+ to IIRVP new citizens capable NIngare.
Mottle needing to expand. and other / haphazard methods of migration can1 CPO be continued)
Motile are &tins examples of orer• 1 of cresting nett wealth. producing
population AO untierpopulatton--of 1 more anti eotomming more. No ,
When Mr W. H. Golding WAR T1C-
peoples jealously guarding their un. 1 he VIPIconi...1. But w,,Isehelymepl‘afnonredp-eanndn li
occupied redone. , - But there are 1 alletilletPlY fins ilcod
it out the right kInde of people to
celved lar
LEEISURN. °Pt 21 -Miss Dorothy
Grey. of Stratfoni, le visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. E Stewart.
Mrs; Hamilton Clutton and young
son are 'pending this) week with her
mother and •t bucknow.
Miss Eva Horton visited •t Lis
towel teat week. the (nest of her eire
tor 11 tI*
moity other ease* beside'. 7
well tie Innen needs- tonal for her . the right Places for Post) and coin-
Erowins ppulation. Indian lale.r triunity settlement ehould *erre not
• I to relieve the eountry from which
far AA the British Empire le too.; the country In which they mettle. i !noon. Tile, reel keep us fellow!'
Ont.: Congratu-
1 happen to be
but to itrengthen "ndid6Ie. ellAfgrth'
It wag to consider "mob matters, ap I the nilgranta.o.t ont.
eetneit. that e eonference was re; °fitly ;'---lft is euggested that the British Gov- 1 'Iowa Grit er Tml•
• lot the Dominion. to work out a long- flilin4*. • W. IL 0°Wini'..
the Utter bee nest edict iip for the
11922 bye-eleetion he re -
of Western Ontario advocates Ow out -
A tondent paper at the University
I Hanover Poet isse- -
right abolition of initiations beesuee
they have become "soft." "spiritless"
and "quite potntiess." moroehow or
other. many youths Neon to think that
'fun" must he wild, rough and dextruc-
Hee. Charlveria, for example, are
01 had in themeeivea, btu In a mint
ter. Mrs. A. Pierson. at -Ooderkh reeently eleven rural
Mr. Roy Maxon. of Toronto, is a
youths were forced to apologize to the
isnot at the home of "re. A. Clutton newlyweds and pay damage. of 33.4.1
and her son. each bemuse they went out to Fere
Mimes Elle and IAssle Horton re- nade a young couple but ended up hy
Ma Ise from d t lepbone wires. 'mama
woks an outlet ehrond. •
!ding. enceettaftil Liberal
turned home on Thur y pulling own e
held at Newinstie-on Tyne. to winiore , Prrot +I ld Invite representatives
nday night he fluftwl
HolmesvIlle and Clinton, wbere they
visited relative'
friends of Miss Grace
As-wfurney-ea••••-•••sericad_itorlag hat erred elmost since tie 111. 1 Fid‘n n t Are to both %MP,. 8111i4I1I lite masi nle"'"11(841 of c"gra".
de the other party's $peakers any bore. Ite reeei ed the folloring tele
war neeestorY to_golot out that Can. 1,111sof ell'iwn'to nod lettyrrIT lo
ads Already liA• loil ppe cent orlt k long *ler* -*Arrow that , yuro__,,•"°,10' PtinfkR.64"rtia*
popitlo I ion dependent on charity 'Met,* continuant* of the British char- lOnt • The Orel
opinions oeort 10 teflon from Enropc, AnAtratia. too, Ott the molt' non of the problem of Again emotset too
le that a guy sateen -- -
They always convince me. Then 1
• Nothing bit - ow crir Mitcrinn risw.-IntEt-.»-4*-4:4•414a-aag-Sa...Aar-alimaciat geerdln1
Ottawa.tkiins. Ponlratu-
11. ()old -
*see to hear 0,18 of our oon motto to ',num .ho milk,. room for surplot port. flirter tlf the lirltleh F.mpire depend*
died out what my
hoe bor unemployed factory worker*, gtatIon. If the empty ',twos art not ,
Se." and firmer+ who ere with (tifihmity Red whit Ifirilotts. they ert11 "WC The . laronswileit w•
taborets prevented ilttp alliestotT,
• • • by others There are leaders a opia ling le n Down t
part a etestaand
. to Huron
nntlin market. for 'holt leoro•
present difficulties. expected to wet. trails who ere alive to the sltoetioa-, Perth Vi 4.! trre
the many
Hunter, who has been PO 111 for sev-
eral month*, will he plereed to' know
she was able to come home on Sunday.
She has been 'letting with her grand-
father In i(jederkit.
Mr. Wesley Moore and Mrs. A. Pler-
"on and cbIldres, of bletowel. were
here for Ole week with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Horton"
Chords Neteni.--Special Women's
Mitationary mervinve will be held at
Leeburn, Port Albert and Nile next
tionday. at which services the thank.
'offering will I1P revel ved. in Lowborn
chore!' the molter will conduct the
nevelt* Mists Clark, of Carlow, will
he the epeaker. telling of the many
yeers the society bas exiated. and
Mee .1 tisnillton, Goderich.
speek plan 1),1 rhe tenth anniversary
01 onlon. Rev Mr. Pomeroy vv11
.Ivc the thankegivine address. Mull-
114ble (.11111» at
487 whool it 10 a.m,
10.1W: . .:M8t Gordon (111rriy, _ of St rat-
ter& was Me opeekarat the TaitrYlrit
on Sooda, spenking on the none
Hope conterenoe tsetse held In the CHAS.- C. - LEE------- ---- -
city (hi* week -enc. , a
if you want wesseiles, excel others.
Pf you went friends, let others 'Seel
. ••••••11.E. ...ORMAI.......÷.••••••.............m. •••••*. ,
• -.....
..., , ...• ' t.',
t'' '
Ing shingling on the roof, tossittir neer
ripe "hen fruit" about the pis, e and
tearing up part of the verandah 1 ni
senility initiations of the freshman
class were like that, anti when they
got to the point where actual phyodeal
violent.* was done it became impera.
tit.- that university Wads "Pa their
1 foot down "
True rhythm Is so naturally atm -
able to um that 11. 1. Imposidble to ming
In tune and Janne In time without
pleatotre Moral order is •Irio measure
and nnvnionv: 11 1. therefore imporasihie
Ito live well without • secret and in -
1 tem.,. plectron. -Joubert.
Coal! Coal! Coal!
The mines report that up to the present there has been
very little Coal shipped and that they will not be able to
take eare of the demand when the cold weather sets in.
Put in your ('nal now. Do not have an empty eoal-bin when
it is impossible to get ('nal We handle:
The famous Foothills Alberta Ooal.
Disco, which is a very popular form of Ooke with the
gases left out.
Cheatnut and Stove Anthracfte Coal.
Domestic Lump Coal for your rates.
Por Plumbing, Ileating (Rteam, hot water or hot air
and Tirtstnithing, give OR a call. All work fully guaranteed
We carry aka, line of Shelf Hardware.
The Hardware Store and Coal Yard at the Harbor
Phones -Store 22. House 112. Goilerieb. OW-