HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-24, Page 1tir
'fps Signal
tit ASW ppl eribers
�OI! alis balance of 1835
bNLY 5c__.
�t,�lae7cA' No. 43 ..
Bound' rn
Miss Myra McNevin bas tete to
'Plant Here Windsor, *ere she las taken a ''si-
Mr. W. J. Tobin, of the Royal Bauk.
�0. Add Thal Hamilton, 1s spending two week•' bull -
' days at hie bane here.
NOW Instal- Mr. Alvin Gray, of Waterdoen,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mew, McDonald street, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reeehle, of
dnvetoymenl is tak- Troans'sonburg, were roans' of the lady's.
lona rine progreen cousin, Hes,--4,- Burkholder, North
Galeria/ Halt street.
�j large jlortlon of �y Wart. of Niagara Fels. 1.T
F i[ lee tuwmunity In oro-' and Miss Hilda Sut�g6, of'Irrai,
wit tog, a Wee to the fore. visited In town at 'the Sutton home
S(olie the ereetlun of the
steam plana Is being
tAe•h.11diug of a solid
sehlcb will tower
'and be a laudmark
ll erect a modern
of Me present
which has done
yore. This work
then conditions
when completed,
ray In • very ad-
trovea production
part of thelr plan
for the -evolution
thin with further
new vacuum plant
nt and enlargement
y mills, to handle
grade* of industrial
rto In these col -
over Spotton 583
Golding Haa a 15sj0rity of 3266
over Donnelly in $Doth . -
ge.10:5Ye;/ Mr W. E. Dlagkstone,
tEikej cater for 1l4rUL'Huron
Federal election; inam110 tIP't1Ms voles'
In this -riding on Qetobett' 14th
and found them to be as fdliowwa,
J. 1.)eachwan (Liberal) being elected
this week. with a majority of 5ll3 over George
!lies Marjorie-$eynolds. R.N., of 8putton (Conservative) and of 4362
()<rlourg, spent the week -sad with Ler 'ter W. J. Heuderaon (Reconstruction
parents Mrand lfrs q'w.'Reyuulds, paw). The candidates pre denoted
Victoria street. in the fellowing Columns by their 11/1-
ft on Tuesday
Rev. S. ft. McClung le
to attend the Ontario -Quebec. Baptist
convention at Winder. Ile will re-
turn On Saturday.
Mrs. Calder, Mrs. R. J. Aettesol,
Mrs. K. W. Carrie and Miss Burrltt
attended a cgpvention of the Aweless
W.A. at Oatt last Thursday.
Hlas Helen Strang, after a visit of
several weeks with her sister, Miss
Mabel Strand, left ltfet week to- rev
sume her work is New York City:
Messrs. ion, Peter and Arthur Mur -
Pelting Division • D. II. S
1 ;,•v 65 18 Atm
2 »... »...»...»»..._� ...»».. g6 33 ,74
E w,...«. »......». . • 1 342
nater.,».»,.....s..7---•..••.r:.1OG t6
486 152 301
doeh. of Detrol[, were is town o1 l ee'"free »»'••_•••r•••••» tea 36 Oh
silty on a week end visit to Lucktlow . i 8I . 88
and called on their relative, Hr Jeps -- -_- - -
Cameron, 168 56 148
Mrs E. A. Million returned on Sat-. iBRIJ
Owing to a rise In t
loeal bakers have ra
bread from eight to
new Government evade
is a eontrtbuthtg factor
In price, which Is ex
Mr. David Green left f
Marie on Saturday to at
ea jubilee of the Ma.onl1.
on Tneeday. The guest 0
Sir Ww. ltulock, the 0017
ter member of the urgaal
raid who is aeveaty y�
was among the oldest
lodge, of which he is ae
to be present. He waft
tans all fields at the ti
tlet)* anniversary, and Is
promise made at that
the golden jubilee cel
NAL plum
..1 boar,
lit Klee of
ildren'Aid to
fir; ''ha`- Apply for Charter
urday from Detroit, where she spent
of the new power the last seven weeks with her sun Wil-
e chimney is the son. She is- now staying with Mita
the passing of the Gardiner, Brock street
of complete modern -1 Mrs. Brown and daughters, Mrs.
Lg[d out Mr. Len�ald Cameron, of
that the tau Ws -1 it, railed aha 1[r. JoloC-Carne
deg ptant'Levlh:h• o_r.ttown, oil Sunday" Ott their way be
quite unique on this to Detroit after a 'visit wit% friends
tul+an7 • policy re -
of the executive
odes l.dastry and the
I platy In It.
at Lucknow. •-
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Chapman, of
The Mitchell Advocate, celebrated the
fifty-fifth anniversary of their wedding
on Saturday last. Many friends and
AOTIVITIZ8 relatives cortlpllmented them on the
occasion Ruth still take an active
Ple.p e1 Mich. interest In public affairs and in church
Fall • work, as well as telug ardent garden -
record was establltbecllap•s. Their friend! are hoping that
h.hermen lined the they will en Joy many more mini-
s at the harbor, Ternariea-
•Mrs. W. George Murta>'t
ty-eight, of Port Albert,
Alexandra ho.pltal on
Tering from a fractured
Jared shoulder sustained
how*.howof her son,- Walker
uufortunate at(Weat
Mrs. Murray stepped t
trapdoor to plunge 1
the cellar steps. tam
the hgttpltal in Brophee
lance. Mr. Claude M
erict, le a son.
°' .. - 87 ; ail Arrangemen
3 ..» -, . 106 4 71
258 12 206
-W n-- -ir
75 17 •M
2B ......»........»-----»= 78 14
8A •-...- e5 IS • 90
813 - _ 65 lid Or
4 ......... ................».. •._. El 16 1E1
484 93 560
1:.:aL' tat , .tit
2 .... » ..-....»» 21 81
1p 1 Hefabers 'o
In read!ttG.1,T. gtWpet of
u. be 5 Victoria street t:
/Fill Come Under the Control of tendedet>ie oitlsoc
Department of Public terence livid la
Wlhgham oa
Welfare 'rich boys ante 4!rlr..
thirty, Mare• updet. tore 'prevision of
At an oeritleation ineettng of the Rel, F. W. Craik, Ur. A. 11, Robert-
Chlldren's Aid Society un, iTuesd a ate. Mr. t:oesteu Aril**•ud lilts
drape' 1Lar
night, It este dec•idttA that tbe society :ripe' tLwole. ban
QTed 7
0uag p4opte
should apply for the new chegter untie* s -
dealt lite.
the gold-
dge there
Maur eat
dog .-her-
see Mr.
t of age,
rs of til'
st master,
tate Yua•
tbe NOM
en L
to attenoy
gJa and
ta, _
at -
Wee eon
church at
A be gout
own May Share m-
Cast of County Job
attendance bruin the dlseri t.
Ilse Depsetmoat of - Public. Welfare of • .the tacu•ulng the tiodertrb begs
the Provluee of Ontario. cundi*[ttl urshlp to the boas' con
Thia declsien severs the direct also- fereuee subjeCrtinder dlaeuse
elatluwi.,ef the sestet,/ with the county. Won 'Was •+�� )'our•tmd Llte," and
at Which regret was ezpeessld by Mr. addreitse wet.eoriven pt t tupie by
11. T. 16///wards, superintendent. He doles Balite MEI Revy Wylie, 01
daft' the county had been working with Besm111er.
'ie society for the•4ast eight yearn. After attsek,u In Wady groups the
with us sad recognise oto y
pisr�SLer*d la the gymna-
14 seven- work,", be said, -sts4 1 am sorry we fop dinner, thea d an boo- of
Ittken to cannot &u -e the nip( we.l.ve In the (Adoded ufid� r. Ara.
rely suf. 1MY »
of Wing) , eve�ng
ad au Ian- Alt was seggeeted, however, and gen- ``w ,en up watt a camp reit o
tat. at the erelly agreed, that the touuty comet! hi
b board II
era) The
those wbp; a+ieodod cam
should be r(i esented u4 the
. favurittt ts, and of
wheel I. The officers at pteN•t ilk charge wart" 4 to an adbreas by
en �!u Y t wyaL whit the hell the e►
were etapow to'earry o until
a Alva.
aatwa >Aseet b
duwo I aecuud 'Thesday u. Nehru* ry. These
ti,bttt to will be a booed meeting before "them,
ata/. -'to decide on the committees t. be
of God- ed, but the personnel will k -
lo ore choose at. the ■ramal nee t1ag.
The suggest len t het 111 ser lee organ
I:atlesa be represented oo the baald
Or I was favorably received. Rev_ F. W.
(.+[•alk was ■p{olated Snit vtcrprrsltient
by �e preMMeot, Rev. J. H. liera4l,
Dr. Ganott Mat >c» grad
leo the society to all ipoomwy w
Login be wised, as numeroda tsa[rro'
have been made to the local
.•ch as the I sena l tatio• eta new
system, new °flee for ofdetals, (ice
treduetion d medig4 eaamlast$M$
ranee the wards and the t10R W
soelety for a y 1
e io number of wet*,�aFre beet
° foster hones-
Tbe minlfl 4 � down ba
of the this wort an Ipine ▪ w▪ s•
ptsident, atxoY,a
oke IR etneptlon, althesg l did
"1>M deem it Ieegottatss suptt/S to be
Set��st- ••F - - 5 • : .►
t ••F•a iAona milk... b1 1g..
8• it treat aid we bay. 1• flit•
see. to -stead 11111
Proposed to Install Public lust
Boom in Court House -Organ
Company Proposal
• 4.
A deputation tompuced of Warden
i ililam Sweltser and Reeve ("eerie
Ilhlutt, chairman of the county coun-
cil property committee, appeared Ism
tura• the tows eouucil at tot >•Mi -
lug last Friday evening and asked the
en, operatlou of the town iu meeting
the cost of a proposed clang.• at the
court house whereby public lavatories
will be metalled In the basement at
tbe county building,
*1'Ir change 10 the building arrange-
ments has (leen made necessary oa
account of the removal of tbe magis-
trate's -Wilke from its North street lo-
catlol•,to the room set aside for wit-
s,eothe eecoud floor of the court
se. It 1s intended to move the a_4,M,
at lavatories, now across the ball T'
the magistrate's new oBce, to a m•r l
tion In the basement, and It was •
that i1 wodtd be wise to so eat- - " • " i•
the new public rooms that they
aceommedat. town cttlaens... ' dt
have noR bee made u 7li1w'y►et n1
bat Elie cost 11! Lot kaewa,` '-`
ty and town co.SeWers balloted
t it could be done for not heti
0 43,000. :. . •
ears ago this same Hoage
but met with opposition
"teen co••clllors and othsra 10 -
Now the members of the pub-
wurks and parks committees are •
raWe to the idea of sharing the
although la what properties has
beet:- vera./ oat.
Flllott that 11 eve•
*Calf would be ap•
to 6.t U Was left to a tater
to work oat such details
the prospective coat 1s teamed. r
OrgaD Cesepa.y Proposal • • $
ettei from the' Oodertch (ligan
was read In which the COM -
puts ftjrward a sew proposal for - - ;' S"'
tbl�ltii ltlon of ontataodlag In- ^
as to the tows. jky
This now amounts to $1 .367.19,
• tv
i 1.r
verser7 et unia�Y
the W.lf.� -'1st; .
chureb •Eel
of the
Mrs. Rte P.
be senior aux
• alb �1th*er pa
Pere Yrs. S. ralta'il',
wetting r ry,
}read t Sc?
_ •lit.. whl-
up of the sums of still
on the Old tayrtgage loan•
Id sal ;1
Fotreet dredging outfit has cos -
the contract of dredging along
aide .of both north rind south
end uut to the lap, no 13151 even
rgeat lake steamer may enter
ardor without fear of shoals.
pipe -line from the wharf to the
imperial 011 gasoline tank has 1
bid and all is In readiness for �
rt cargo, which is expected to -
'the end of the week.
storage capacity of the Goder-
ator and Transit Company is
use, several heavy shipments
arrived In the late few days.
tuber 11 the sir Superior
06,000 bushels of wheat and
lowed closely by the I)emfa
bushels of wheat. The
jrilied on the 13th with
.bels of wheat, barley and
and on the 16th the 0. B.
ought 58,000 bushels of
the elevator and a further
for the Western Canada
a. On the name day the
ought to the elevator 70,0(0
barley. The Donovan also
•wheat at the Mill. The
ved on Monday night and
bushels of whearleetween'
d the elevator.
*day last the Farandoc
N1 bushels of grain at the
nd clearest for Montreal.
ay the Benmaple and Sim -
In, the former to load salt
from the Goderich Salt
warehouse, the latter to
barirels of gasoline for
1 O11 Company.
«. r._...._...__....»'Ol
t were 3B
and Mrs, Fletcher Gliders, Mr. and 4 67
Mrs. Joseph Gliders and son Wilfred, • • ` 1W
of Goderlch ; Mr. and Mrs. Basil Vlne 5 • • »' ••' ."'•»' »
8 ea
sad son, Jimmie, of Lyons, Ohlo; Mr. 7A --
and Mr*. 1'arl Harrison and Mr. and 7B a••... bt;
Mrs Huglt Melwen, of Detroit. 8 82
Otter membeit of the family, Mr. _ W
and Yrs. ('/arise Roberti, of Long 98 37
"teach. (silt, sod 1t r. end Mrs Thom 10A » 343
■a Gliders, of Detroit, were unable to 10B .. 67
come. Mrs. Gliders was presented 87
with a birthday gift from her family 11 75
and a splendid time was enjoyed by 12 Advance Po1L ---- ----• 5
thooe present
Eleven Bridge Players to Represent
Gederieh i. Play
Godericb wBI be well represented
at the fifth annual London bridge
tournament en Thursday, Friday and
Saturday this week.
it 1s expec•ted at least eleven per-
sons will attend from here The
names at present In the hands of the
elub manager, Mr. P. F. Carey, are
Mr. and Mrs E. L. Dean, Mr. and
Mrs. P. F. Carey, Mr. and Mrs.
1. D. Eastman, Mrs. J. M. Johnston,
Hes. T;. C:'itnaway, Mr. 1. H, Taylors
Mr. T. R. Patterson and Mr. F. Mc-
In the ahsence of Mr. E. C. Beacom,
who Is at Ottawa, Mr. McTaggart,
who is ■ Clinton man, will round out
the well-known team of four of which
hearers. Carey. Taylor and Patterson
are the remaining members. Goderleb
111131sa' '1Tso will enter the open and
Mixed pair play.
3 . . ------ . »»•».s,•.... BO 11
4 ...�.:........y- . .•lea d IIf
5A »....6R 22
61I....w..»... »....64 16
85 14
4 ».. �......«.,...... ».• 96 6
Gal n
23 37
1 t•
288 967
680 100
GOD1�1011 TOWN81f1'P
1 _ 58 15
3 . _ _ 44 21)
8 ...� tee•. r�_ - 57 15
! ......... »..»l' 3s. 14---6S
5 „»» • 49 30 50
6 ••.».....»»......»...»:..»........42 21 49
for public support In this w
fort In remembrance of th
gare their lives for King and
On Monday, November 111
will be a publle service at ceno-
taph at 10.30 a.m , with the los,
the town band, the achoole and local
soeietles taking part. Rev D. J.
Lane will have charge, assisted by
veteran ministers and lural clergy.
On Monday night the annual leaden
draw and donee will he held f6 add
of the P, ppy Fund, which Is need l•
bs•al relief work. This will be at
Oddfellows' Hall at fi p m.
"Trial By Jury"
Is Much -Enjoy
212 115
1 - 78 24
2A .». 64 8
3D Q7' 10
-42 96
3B ... 46
4Th .........�:�:�..,,.... » .»
siasm Reaches Peak in 5 _.. _ »• ;-••_�
'Good Will Club" Competition 7A »- T7
B.epeated on Arrears Subscriptions -Also 5,000 Addi-
Votes on Each Three -Year Subscription, Good Between
day, October 29th, and Monde', November 4th
the time litnit of the con -
Ing eloser each week, yet
of the lower contestants
among the leaders and tie -
the big,prfze awards are
able. +Now Is the time to
every effort to secure votes
se your totals a* mtl)•n as
The ccoqntest closes on Wed-
vembet 20.
re vote Schedule next
h*ertptionala clearly mitt
4 ` end the* Is another chance
your total. by-eeeuring
ba po•a1Me three-year arrears
pert s next week "Mubserlb-
ve already paid one year
.15h'ihelp contestants to w'.-ure
ett t by paying another two
Aerial owe Ware Votes
dal rmIPa given by olnh mereh-
ls week are announced in their
!moments appearing on the cnn-
Prise Annew.atMe t
•'pec•1a1 prise of g5 for the larg-
o this week will he given for
Mote caelt (not totem) turned in be-
tereeen last Tuarday and next Monday.
Mrs W. Tremblay won last weeleti
$5 vadat prize. Next week's prize
Is open to all contestants whether
they have won another mortal not.
• Misruling of Contestants
Below Is a reeord by dietricts of
rotes for publication up to Monday
night, October 21st:
Mrs. John Chtsholm 194,475
Mrs. W II. Tremblay . 153,325
Mrs Peggy Gallow • 1/40.900
Mita Mary Baechler ;f - 011,42/1
Rural Conellataillr.
Mese Nine Welters 10f1075
Mitre Hazel Young 131,200
Mew Eleanor Allmon 90,000
Minx Beth Mee'ennell RR 275
Mime Dora Harrison 61.250
Ales. taibaldesten 34.250
Mine Anne Mefand • _e f18,025
Dias Ethel Martin 17,000 1
782 137
to 11
- 82. 26
48 214
• 95 23
of ter Canadian
,'•rho I Vancouver, either
stay. February or the
formanee was the result. Tiro prisel-
1., lei parts were tekep by Mr. Oeoree
42 chanan, usher; Mist( Ann /truths.
32 plaintiff Mr. Carl Worsell. defendant,
and Mr. Jame,. Calder, coni,4 for the
731 plaintiff These were re's...tally well
46 The foreman of the'jury in the pee-
n° son of Mr. Fred Sturd3 rapid lul-
l° other bright epee and the BOW and
92 entlitieilism of the -whole "ct.gillive to
78 the performance an air e usual -
74 ly lacking in amateur eclairs.
All of the principals have better
Amateur Cast Wins Approval b
Gilbert and Sulltvaa
Few amateur entertainments have
received such general praiee u did
»Trial by Jury," the Gilbert and Sulli-
van one act operetta, staged b7 tl Sm
hers of the choir of 1+t. George's An-
glican church in the peri'h hall on
Thursday and Friday evenings of
last week. Full homiest gamed both
An excellent cast had hose gathered
together artd trained by Mr. Bernard
Munn, Otganlet, and when 1.e left town
the directing was taken otce by Mr.
Clws. Meakins, nail a ttui.tld per -
be hope I n
latter part of
sing of March
of nett year The . et date is being
left to the de, islon of the Dominion
president. Rrig. Glen. Alex. Rosa. It
is likely that future Dominion con-
ations will be held In Ottawa.
J:( •• tele* a
celved I' . George Mathleso4 far
her baby aaagltter. Mrs Alex. Ile -
Nevin presented Master Ted Chapman
with a Mission hand certificate and
pin; Mrs. Kershaw, on behalf of the
I evening auxiliary, presented to Mrs.
lJ. H. Robertson ti life membership
to the Society. and Mrs. W. Il. Gra-
haw ttuvhtg made Mrs George Brad- bank rates.
R. HgNDERNON TO BROADCAST fa m a lite member
seemly the' anm of $3,000 12
.1Z..outatandlag tka moose amount to..�---_
be paid at the rate ofii'r00 per
together elth au additional stem of --.
a1U,1NN) secured by a mortgage for a .
further period of. ten yours, Stich
mortgage to 'pear Interest at current
bank rated, the rate to vary from time
to time In accordance with changing
. 461 124
The people of Goderich and vicinity
wet intereeted In knowing that
boy, will be angles next Monday, 0e-
tober •t 6.15 pin. from *teflon
MORE Sudbury. Ile will be on the
Retry, Mies Margaret Robertson pre Thp wooing ,,,as a brier one with
sented the tertificate, Miss Elsie Brad- all members preeent. and Mayor 11
ford receiving it for her mother, 8 110
J. A. Mai•Enan in the chair. It cou-
was unable to be present. , venal at 7.15 pen., and was over short -
The playlet "The Tenth Birthday '
was prettily given i•y members of the ly .after 8 teeth".
fhe treaeurer's statement of re -
air for fifteen minute.. Ralph was Mission Band. Peggy leoper, I anl-
their "teacher," Mrs.. Alex. McNevin, A letter from the Collegiate Inati-
received, it• gueets, boa and girls from tute was read In which the board
.foreign and home mission fields mama for a loan of $1,:mo to enabie
who came bringing Mitt 'Matzke
the ario01-111 emery on until erten time
as money was received from the
comity In December Title was re-
ferred -to the fluent* commictee with
powelle act, as the Collegiate authori-
ties whili to be able to pay eateries
438 than usual voice% and the reek was
picturing to all who eeteeedl.. Mr.
60 MeakIns, who has had ei elver -
'vs tenet on the stage in e tittliSSIOSSI
157 r•apecity, stated that he 14 ,rartily
4° seen e better amateur show _a. •--•
Mrs. Wurtele and Mini Nike
Reynolds acted as HC001111111
added greatly to the enje
the play, while the *agnate
orehal-ifiamnehioned clothing in, re
The balance of the emit
up ea follows:
BridesmakIs -Wars
Awdry Dowker. Doris fl
413 91
43 12
00 21
6 86 28
&10 ell WM
1 43 21 35
• so 11a ala
(Oontinnet el page 41
beard "lir deeelY last mundaY even Inc Johnston and Billy Tborneloe with celpte and expenditures was passed to
ing from that station the finance committee.
Figures obtained from records
the Maglarate's Court appear to in- gifts to tbe Called Church of I. anada
alatte that crime of a more serious When all the guests had arrited
nature is on the inerease this fear. birthday cake was brought In and was
Although there have heen. to date. Illuminated by the children, who re -
twenty -three mere 1110141 In the Magi*.
trate's Court in 1935 than in .1W(H•
finee la* year were far In excess of
thaw collected in the mune period
this sear. The figures are: 1934.
On the other hand, jell -lientencee
to date this year total more than
yenr. Yearly. monthly anti day
sentencee compare an follow*: 1934.
2 yeere. 60 menthe. 117 days; 1935,
12 years, 65 menthe, 99 dare
Gladys Shore
Jury 1111(1 Sturdy. 11111 so
don Li.10.11M, 1144144 KDP041111
Veleta, Harold Toyor, Ken 1
hert Bridle and Wolter 1ton
Calder, Marjorie Raaterian
Wieland. Marjorie Marfle,
Wilkes, Mre AA
and Agnes eampbell.
to Junior Institutes
they lighted the t'andlee. Those re -
due on November 1st.
presenting the %arenas mission beets ,
fhe Canadian Legion was given
were Margaret Bond, Marion Meleetd,
jeog_Holland, Donald Stonehouse, Ted
Cl/el/man, Doggies Harriet and Davide
That C.G.L T. then tottlt the platform,
'reeking affiliation with the W.M.S.
Miss Helen lene led the girls end Mine
Mabel Bailie received them for the
permission to hold a Poppy 11aq col-
-latent on the streets on Saturday,
The Legion 0100 Wfori-InVitter Tne
(*until to participate in the annual
Kernel/Otranto Day servlee in the park
at the -war memorial. This was re-
ferred to the special committee with
power to purchase a wreath to be de -
Society. partied on the memorial.
The Mission Circle gave an 111U:
New inetructions regarding relief
trsted dialogue, "The March of Time -...•
illeses Edna Driver and Lanett John- tm-e`e n'reived frtnn the l'elm'etteeht of
Public Welfare III Toronto. These
Mon reviewed the events of the last I
were referred to the speelal committee
ten years in the work of the Circle.
their informnbtos.
A number of sr aunts were miser'
lion In Goderich last week, rewilu- Mitores Helen Lane and Mary Buclion-
Items wore erlopted recommending that an, by Walla or a large now of the
be Government reduce the cost of
Hydro power to rural eonsutners; ask -
the dialogue.
log the Provincial 1/epartment (if The roening auxiliary put on a ( one
Councillor Lee rePorted that a num-
ber of windows ,,in the Cleft freight
Ileelth to take all ponsible Niel* to' memoration pageant. hirs. F. Ker -
shed had rotted with the result that
combat tuberculosis, and reemmaend. shaw Introduced the three preeidents
ing that (pedestrian* he tompetled to .of.the uniting imeletles of 1921. Mrs repairs were n'ereasary.. Ile WSS
defy w -as represented by Mrs. L. I -
Thornelne, We Crowe, of the Congre- "ClIARLIE" ROBERTSON *Mail
astIonit1 society, by tiro A. L. Cole, Chas. A. Roberteon, M.V.P. for Hur-
while Mrs, Chroder Johnston too)t the on -Bruce, demonstrated itio knowledge
place •of Mrs Lnvell of the Methodist: of cattle .by. correctly roaming tile
society: They gave the ringing dial, Weight of a steer at the Wiagliant
lenge* of the three preeldente as they fell fair.
led their reepre•tite eocietles into Mr, Robertson's veils ' was 1060
union The -Spirit of 1935" (Mier. pounds and tbe fair authorities pre
W. D. Lane) then eppeared and sum-
moned a number Of °Meer* to tell of
the progress made in the ten year.
Mrs. Stanley Snider as Mrs Set re
tory. Mrs It. Stonehouse Pa MIA
Treasurer Mrs. W A. Naftel mei.- Fisher, coneesston .1, Colborne town -
A en. tint Ammo on the farm ale°
caught are, but the flames ware eon-
le7ilionot. of the Fl*her trews. were
ere too far gone to enable
them to mileage anything. In the
harns %%ere 1.000 bushels of grain, a
quantity III hay end grain and •
threehing machine Crop* am, imple-
ment, *ere a toral loss Those et,
the 'erne manared to beat out Atones
-hy Fisher
carry lights when walking on the
hIghweye after (lark.
Mrs It. Davideon, of leingaenon,
prealded over the Wielneeday after-
noon and final 80.141011 4/ f the erniven-
tion, which for the greater part AO/
conducted te membera of Junior
Several young ladies OM` Interest-
ing talks on the %%ark etielled at meet-
ings, which includes eooking, nursing.
sewing, millinery, denteneratione in
household )(tient*, horticulture and
Mem Flora burn's, 'of Dungannon,
in charge, analeted by Mk. Mc
Kereher, of Mitehell. The "meeker'
were Wee Hines, ad Walkerton, tell-
ing bow the eleb work li.done; Miss
ilellantyne, of Stratford, (51 how
the meetings are• condueted; Misr
Douglas. of Stratford, telling of gar
(lento( end eannine.
Missies Ruth Straw/hen and Eleanor
WIttrom. who repreriented the vomit,
1 the. Toronto and London Estill),
na, demonstrated some work &me
y the girla and told In an laterestIng
manner of the many Imre of option
illoasfelt, of Walkerton,. elsweeprek,
ei Toronto.
hint 42 for befog right.
A. PlitillER 1,08144 BARNS
Early esturdey meriting, tee barns
and their contents, oe tied by Aaron
*entitle literetnee department,
Mrs J. A Snider diepiaying the Mis-
sionary Monthly. Esther Ma
MINN 11(4/114. Misaionary, Mrs. EJ.
Prldharn as MISS Foreign Mernionary
aud Miss Mend Beacom ex a now mite
plenary entered one hy one end gate
encoureging reports Then. gatheiring
about the larder. they sting -In Christ(
There ls No least Nor West."
As they left the platform Mess Alma
Hemel! came forward and gave a
bright addroas on -Looking Formar(1.-
At the close of the program refresh-
-meet were, Nerved. and the lairtlotal
celite watt cut anti diatrihnted