HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-10, Page 8h t 'Icedldpi.t,'-"tis ".''1 , ,> • •--•. volas:: ,;;eves•, vaaep':..,Aisam.is: -.rrt,-,s. -rfi lsai:mula • 1._46. • e' . • t.• -•Thursday, October 10th, 1935 WEN'S FLANNELETTE Work Shirts iiigreet! or grct. .1. real Shirt for this tion• nt tI • • ' 1{1_ t„ lr year,. `Izc: PRICED AT 65c .. .. . MEN'S MERINO OW Combinations An ideal gement for' Fall wear. Sizes 34 to 44. PRICED AT $129 iYs. afwiF AGENT for "IP TOP TAILOR -PHONE 384 - . •.M•�„-r�lrG..k- � s_#a-.`S`_'ttl$: ,,i:�A' THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. BRIEFS Women's Institute 0: .RY Maple Leaf Chapter, 1.0 D.E., tum- . SAMUEL T: de M1T('H11lLL roust' call', lu Maek:V 11411, 1"'ber 1* (,onvention Here Tbe death 1`4111 :Ind leek. his bums• In ro0 townblp, of • • • Samuel 'Phoma, hell, In his eighty - os. MowQay, at The regular. niaaa ia,g.-.et tate t.- 21188lon>f to Be Held at lsas=aty *rich Township i1,,pllal Aux•RterF ill ht• held at the n, n:e of Mn. Josses Hall Tuesday and Wedner- .-luhe.swn. lilt e• nod ow Thurgau.. day Next t II•rots r 17th. aft ° 1►• J......a.�_ .. Cuderl1. Is to hate. on Tueeday and 'edicesdto of nt xi wtek. an import- ant gathering. the annual area t'ot- veutlun of the Wowen'1 institute. The area includes the districts of,Eat4 and k WOMEN'S INSTITUTE To Have Monday et Antique* at (emu* Comrades The October meeting of the Women's InatJtute was held In MacKay Hall. West Iluru°. Bruce. North Perth and !with a large attendance, The report- North Wellington. This will be the on the Institute booth at the fall fair Argy eonrentloa uj tbla body: )n Cud- ' was.. given. show lag that a aloe sum erlch. was realised from it. A letter was The sessione will be lu MacKay read from the Auburn bra ocb ineineHall and au elaborate program has the twat breneit to a ateetlaa rm• been prepared, tesitudIng getxfgl ma0- lk'tutxr IOth, when -Miss /Meter will est numtters. [[ ghee a talk. :tater registration on Tuesday morn - 'WC a9Wflai display of antiques' 'ins, the business of the convention for the convention to be held )n sac will comweuce a 7rerer'. Kay Hall on October 13 and 16 was ner will be served at noon by the Wo- bronght up. Mrs O. {:ion and Mrs. malt•+ Association of North street Wiles are to be in charge and all mem- united t-hur•tt. The afternoon ses- ttera are asked to bring along any to- 41011 will begin • at 1.S0 o'eioel• mud ter.«tting or histories! relies, the civic address of eventuate will be ' I leave generally found that a man The meeting was turned over to the given by His Worship Mayor Mae - who is good at an excuse Ir good at grandmothers. and au intereatiag pro- }.wan, Mist_ M. E. Salkeld wits wt•I- > 1ni tNaie,--lYankiia ;gram waw given uud.•r the convener• <'e.eue the delve;ates in behalf of the ' ship 'of Mrs. A. D. lactose and Mrs. Weal inetltute braneh. tine of the .I Swanson. The grandmothers were ail speakers of the afternoon will be Mrs. second year. Itched. who had been in pwsr few months, esu bed!*icn six week. a* - tore his death. )� wrs a lifelong re- hom on -the 4tb'•t c7oSsMtr, a -slew . ng $amnel Mltdtell tt * Ansa Marta $ter ens, manure of ]dgtand. He was marric4 iltty-five years ago to Mary Attie. of Aurora, and shortly atter his marriage moved with his wife to the 6th cttutv'+atou. His wife prede- ceased ►tltu feu years. lir. Mitchell wrs a member=of ('earl Uinmitlets 1'.11.1'. Ile is apretn•d by four child- ' rt a and thirtesele itildren. The children are Mer Wm. Barlow and T. IL Mitt -nen. II, of Oodcrich : Mrs, Ed.' Anderson, of Dungannon, and Ernest Miti hell, o* the homestead. A els- ter, arra 1tIehaM Jewell; also survives. A .ns.• John• died thirty year+ ago. Irrn.-t--Ite r'•fr-W: Min. etistye-ir,-<Y.adat.•tstd- the fubersl service at dt'eeaseti's home on Wednesday afternoon_ enlisted by Rev. It J. Lane. of Knox church, God- erieh. lntertaeat wen iu Maitland trntetery, the palldser•rs being, Chas. RoI ertsun, Y.P.P.. John Feagam; John Treble, CSfford gills, Clyde Allis, Nel- son Pearson. ,a.,.ow,.as. IIFOR RENT OR SALE Redford Realdeure`Cobourg SL Apply to I)YRROiti. . -. FOR 17 Executor. A in costume and pad their knitting. A,' E. Walker of ltartonville. natiodal pre'.ideut of Women's Institutes. Mrs. M. McDonald and Mrs. J. T. tlatkeld gave readings; Mrs. Taylor tgare a sole; there were hlso choruses Haag" Ttaesday Evenilsg anti ra3teate. At 6 ooe-Ittek a istoquet will be held �---Thr•-atert}elr-wsa-•closed wlth__tba..ln Knox church. with Miss )1. V. Pon - t singing of God nave the King. Le*eb f11. of Toronto;-prestdttrt: _-Athlresse . was *erre,!. will be given by Met. J. T Mel►.tygill, Mice -president H tate Provincial board. lir. F. ('. Jennings. Pruvinefel tnaptr • To the Electors --tea -N orth Huron 'IT : am a farmer of the second tetoeention in ' Huron County. I am in the field as Stevens Candidate because the two old parties being friends .•1' the Big Interests have failed us. 1 believe Hon. H. 11. Stevens is honest and sin- ( care. lie will give youth its eballee. Let •114 -give him a ch*6te-'•- - Yon's. faithfully, s.1. Hiendersow 4 IP. -WINS--THE PEOPLE WIN LIBBY'S CAMPBELL'S Beans 221 BAYFIELD I' I. HAYFIELD, Oet. fr -Mrs. Dalton Smith, of West Lorne. and Mrs. Welr, of London. motored up and spent a .couple of days with the formers -par- eats. • LAST WIEN BLOW I CHAMFERED ACCOUNTANTS 1 W. MONTEITH, e1 Chartered Accountant 89 ()Mario street, tltratfued, OntatlO (Me'wttcr Firatbtook, McLeod & Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontario.) AUCTION BALEt3 Heavy Gale Fells Trees, Disrupts Hy- dro dro er vice -Rough oo Lake Godertvb and vicinity over a three- day period last week experienced ousel of the worst windstorms In years. The peek was reaehed ou Tburaday, when several trees and heavy brauches were Leven down. The Hydro service was Lee est (Ver hours by the breaking or wir Shingles were turn from the roof of the King Edward bundles on Kingston street and couslderable other lesser damage was dour. At the Dungannon fair grounds the Ike stuck abed* were flattened by the winds. A horse wauaged to escape teem the rules. At Aubury the front war blown (rout Taylor's store into ibe middle of the street. The harbor waters here. although well sheltered, were churned up by lite gale and a dredge was removed to a remote corner for safety. The str. Nortliton Was two days overdue at the elevator with grain. She sheltered teems the lake-mt Herber iteai oh until -r. tee (t:tsaing of the storm. • HORN OLARK. To Mr. Alla Mrs. Ernest a to .Clark. Otat mer street. Port Ilur ton, Mich., on September 261h. a son, Kenneth Lawrence. DIED I'OLLOCK.-At hayfield, on Monday. October 7, John Pollock, In his 132nd year. MITCHELL -In Colborne township i alooday, October 7,1Sam�tel Thom- as Mite'ttII e , in his 82nd year. Mr, and Mrs, Win. _Higgins, I Savble line. atlas Lottie Htgsins turned home with tbew after laving spent four weeks with be stater, WANTED for of public Itbrtries. and ethers. The Department of Highways isWANTED.-.A RESIDENT OF GOD- The Wednesday mornleg se•.i,.0 takinb out the old cetera( bridge -os. VT ERiCH as choir -leader and organ - will commence ai u'elock. when re- the Blue Hater Highway at -Walter Int of the Goder&cb Baptist Church. ports of standing committee, e111 be Wallies' and is replying it with a All applk'ationa to be In by October bears Dinner will be served by the new teutent structure. - The work is 15th. Address; CLERK OF 04)1). Cltnrchwosea's Guild of St George's teeing done by day labor. ERIOU BAPTIST CHURCH, Box tltah, ebelrb, - Fire broke out as Saturday after - The Goal erasion 'will eommence at noun, about 2.30 o'clock, at the boort• j raNTED.--POULRBY AND COOS. 1130 o'clock.of John Experienced the tuiwney TT Ezperleaeat culling bras Lt 7e eisaaerttoa'with-the ius.eado at the baek of tate bou+e eauttit tire, us cull your flock. Fresh eggs and a sy-oCAnnettes, Yrs. G A. Bisset ut Godertele is the area ehairtnen and Mrs. H. Ztcb- botiee of town the area secretary. Mrs. Glrrin Young has charge of the billeting arrangements. t(it 'CHAINI,ETTER QLILTS A new type of (•hate letter 1s being circulated, tbat 1s. new in its demand. although it ie basically similar to the thousands of others that flooded the country in the past- Tbis latest let- ter obvlously is the voice of the house - '1f. ft oaks_jgat bead of the list be sent a piece of, cloth suitable for a pats twork gnllt. eth theekd of ladder#-snd-p,yile-tram fresh dressed poultry for sale At 11 CNtar.es 3totchmer'a hardware store tImea. Also poultry feed, chick 1 the lire was soon under control, every- mash, and flour. G4►DF R1(7H FOUL - 1 body working hard. Tbt• furniture TRY AND EOG MARKT, Lighthouse teas taken to the cottage next dui,. I street, opposite Public Library. Phone which is also 'owned by Mr. Peartwun. 13. The house was Snsnred. Mr . and Mrs. John Jewett spent Part of last week in Elm1-a visitlug Mr. and Mrs, lientda1l. Hiatt OF DISSOLUTION O* I Mee and Mus MrKeasie are rww re- ; le eeRTN-ERBHIP. PUBLIC NOTICE aidenta of llay&eld, heeling mored last • week trout t home ou the Blue Water Highway, Gwlerich toanahip, ! Mire is hereby given that the part to the house formerly o.eueltd by the' nerrhip lately subsisting between ISt•n- tlae person at iht'tat, Mies Bothwell Jamin J. Sault* and the late Walter glNu&sgetviip AiL•('1'iON BALE i)f Mr. Harold Pollock, of Toronto, at- '-W' .a"it"' Y414 ""* -4.44" - yy 1 i atm AUCTION *AOF HOUKbl TUB- NISH1NU8. At Reg. Me(Oee'i shownwms, ton street, Guderleb, ' SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12th, at 2 o eloek there: Livlug-roues, ulniug-room, bedroom and kiteheu furniture, lueluding kit- chen range, liticbce heater, electric range. garden hose and other articles. T. GI'ND1tY & SON, Au.tloneers, ACTION SALE of '1'Wk1NTY LRAI'GHT ANL ()k:•1K1tAL PUB. POISE 1IORSIZ8. • AtRobert Beattle's stables., Wing - ham, ou Tt HADA!, OCTpliER 15th. at Lau p.m. - Tbeae horses are all broken ;.from 1360 to 1600 lbs., and from four ,tu eight years old. All good colors, sad there are several matched pairs. TERMS-C1aah. JAMES PIERCE, Proprietor. T. Gt'NLRY & SON, Auctioneers t'CTION -SALE OF WELL-BRED 'ATTLE; FARM IMPLEMENTS ANL THRESHING OUTFIT. Mr. James ('hisholm, sr., will sell by public onetlun, at lot t;, L.R.E,. 001- burae_(ILa9Wes_i9. tL ltiDuplopl..on FRIDAY, OCZrt►11fr71t 18th, commencing at 180 sharp: One roan bull, CIuverd1Ue Perfection U-i*CSl :i -burn August .S, 11511), bred by eatreieher Bros., Crediton, Out.; *e fat bteer ; three roan heifers, 2 ye e old, aujtlataed to _be lii *wit: fent steer 2 years old; seven ratan heifers, 1 year old; three steers, 1 year old; seven better calces; two steer t•airee; one 1:.;tt► Hart -Parr tractor; one 311.55 George White tbresber and straw cut- ter attachment; one Eureka stock rack. at good as new; one-Coekfbntt vefler' ear -set of _sleighs and 1 bat rack; 'ooe set wagon springs; two sets" of pipits Wit- ness; ness; keep clippers; Inc sheep reed tack; one crusts -et saw, aid ether articles •too' Aumerous to mention. '1'be glade (stile are an creeplos- effy good' fof.-all 'sired bj purebred bull --.and . elytIPog is to be sold, as lam giving up farming. . TERMS --Cash. JAMES Cif7RHOL1a, S., Proprietor, 11. R. S, Goderjrb, 1'. Oli NI)RY • SOSOKAocfloaetete tve, J tendl cite funeral of l,(s unclohn 'merchants under the Arm name of 1'11;Lok on Wt.daet►d. 14 "•*alts Coal Company," to the Town MENTS SANITARY MEAT MAR&ET Week -end Meat Specials Pure !tote-Saaatsi .. ib. 18o Or 2 lbs. for 35o Breast Lamb lb 10e Shoulder Lamb - lb. l5o Leg Lamb lb. 210 Lamb Chops lb. 19c Some -made Bologna, in rings 2 lbs. for 25c -THOS. LEGO- Phone 485 Hamilton Street %SD Of TIIANliJI rt-'" ' .. TILE ItELifl'IVKJ OT ` LATE' eateed their grateful thanks to neldaspia Oak '4. otber friends for the many k1ed+,oslrttf ' ` • ; t show° during her illness, for captor- stuns of sympathy fu their time o!Z , bereavement, and fur t'be beautiful flowers sent by friends. it ALCTLONIMING THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERIOH. LIVE 8TtX3K AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telepbone No. 119 Sales dtteeded to anywhere sad every -effort made to give aatlafactloa. ratrne'rs' sale notes dire -ousted 111111110AL R. P. J. R 110898TEB, TR.1 0. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon Naar -Tager Opbthalmlc and Aural Hospital, ata~ ntatant at Moorefield Eye Hoapttil and Golden Square Tbroat Hospital, Lando., Eng. 63 Waterloo Street 8., Stratford. i�lephoos 267. Next visit Tburaday, Oct. 17. morn - only, from 9.30 till 1 o'clock, at Hotel Bedford, Goderieh. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS ��rr THERAPIST Goderfrh, Phone 341 16gnlpp.d with electro -magneto baths electronic electric treatments mad ebiropraetle. Chronic, orgeale end nervous diseases. Lady u at- ttadaacv. (Mice hours 2 to 5 and 7 tO.S p.m. on Tuesday. Friday and 5s4 Sat- Ittday, and on Wednesday 10 to 17 only or consultation 'may 8. had by appointment. It is easy to dodge responaibillt3, Leath of Jabal Pollock. -Death re- of Goelerlch, has this YOtb day of Sep- j Mr. N'. J. sada. esbo is giving fly). Monday and Tburaday at Illeeball but you cannot dodge the consequences wooed, on Me temper, 1tlfirn, bead dissolved. 'The A N. ATKINbON of dalgytg responsibilities. -Sir Josiah' rasp. o,"• cf hayfield's hlrasinese In future will be carried on ;aarmtng, will sell by public Amnon, Besldenee and once--Coraar a pomp oldest sot: moat highly respelled cal - South said Benjamin J. Scutt. and A. et , 7, asacpsslc u t..5. E.D. Ashflek tioueh street and Brl zees when Mr. jehn Pelee* passed to hie 1 tyles mite, *ea #f Duugenaonl. Pa �a ams * * MONEY SAVING VALUES These Valuer effective until Wednesday. Oct. 16th PRIMES SG000ed 2 b, 23' A.strs1.. TANS RAISINS 2 iba. 23( Asattrsliaa; ` Slice�or' Halves - --- -`fttlek: PEACHESµ _ to.1T _ Gale. Qaadlt, - PUMPKIN TH 4: ,IODY Ru1I,b8R - ,Tbt of 4 Oxo CUBES IL" oc Puffed Wheat Molasses Candy 4 Kisses 225 Puri White Honey 4';.•lb.. Tin. - 391 FRUIT' COOKING APPLES 1 9c Basket SWEET :RAMS 3 lbs. for 10c TRY ODE FREE SHIRRIFF'S JELLY POWDERS r'4 No. 254 Tin -- Tin of 19 25c C Pkg 10 3 ,.kgs 1 4` Red Rn.. ,. (,, 4 Tea "" Crime*. Label Orange Pekoe Red Rose ;,kg, 26` kR, 36` 1,,.t Snap LIFEBUOY 3 rale,. 2 1c, RINSO ;IT 21 31'kR•25 • SE...ECTION • ROASTING • DELIVERY • GRIND W "DOMINION" COT' hF-:t 5 t i1 ARE SUPREME 1 IN T111 S(•: TOUR -' E. ViTAL POINTS nee mn.t dolmas .olahk ode, .hat make up that tran4 aroma an4 the delkious fragrance, remain •.sled by Nature m the brae until your rn5re is urn,ind et I$1MI. ION ghl before your eyes -just a rya parrha.e, and rrpnnd to roil pour method oi eofea making, RICHMait i 3 3 lin ' DELIVERY ,on ih Tin um - EARLY lb i'kfr MORNING 12� C 1 '1. l'c his eternal hotae. Deceased was the eldest son of a Welly nine, the ,chfldreu of James ked ry Pollock, of Fermanagh, are14; (I. In hayfield eighty -Lie yes o survived by bis rare ail tour, Mrs. George II-; Holn oriel); Mrs. J. M. Stew'ar1 ton; kite. B. R. Johnsto Ste. Marie, and Mr C. G. Byron; also one brotber, (apt. T. E. Pollock, Selkirk, Manitoba. Mr. 1'0l - lock was a public-spirited man and was greatly interested In Hayfield's 'municipal affairs, for maxi% years be- ing the reeve and elerk of the village. Be was a strong conservative. and ,,took much Intereat ,n the coming elec- tion. Ile was the only living chile ter member of the local C.O.F, and an early member of the L,O.L. Dee - ceased was a member of the Anglican church. For many years he wis aaae- elated with his brother, Capt. Polio. k, in the Northern Navigation Company at Lake Winnipeg. The funeral, f which was trrgrlg~atleeded, was held te.ett-hes.-..lair aarldance to- i3a7Held cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, and was eondut-ted by Itev, W. G. Bugler, rector of Trinity church. The pallbearers were James H. Reid, Relatives here from a distance were Mr. and Met. J. 11. Stewart, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holman, of Goderieh ; Mrs. Johnston, of Sault 8$s, •Marie;.. Jtr. and Mrs. C. Pol- lex*, of )her. F. Sturdy, order the Ness name of I Tl ESDAY, O(TO1t1eR .lnd, 'Mall. Company.".commeneiog at 7Bal tfelock sharp': i148IJRAI4CR. LOANIL EEL And further take notice tont all l 011e grey mare, 1� yeses >d; one • was turn debts doe to the ailrt arm, up to Sep- Lia k gelding, 7 years' old ; one cow, YcKILIaOlt MUTUAL FUND DMUS ago and temper 10th. 1036. moat toe geld 1m- 14 Jga ANOi) CO. -Farm and litleapil g years old, due to freshen November ramtty of merliatrly, due to the fact that under 7; one wvw, b years old, suppstatd to town property Insured. u, of God- the diaw,lutlon agreement the estate loo in crit; nae cow, 7 years old, sol. Omewra-Alen...rotdfoot, Predate/it. of Heinle of the late Walter W. Sautes becomes lee in to rte to calf; •awn ro�,, 3 year* Seaforth; James Namely. Vice -Pres, of Saua the owner of the said outstanding se- 1'olluek, of ronnts. Dated Sept. 30th, 1936. HAYS & HAYS, Godtaslcb, Ontario. Solicitors for the Sault. Coal Co., and the W. W. Sautes Estate. . SPOTt'Oh RAL.LT TONIGHT ' A rousing Spottoa rally will be held in Mtte'Kay hall tonight (Thursday), when the chief speaker will be Sir Alfred Morine,•K C., former Premier of Newfoantlisnd, Mr. Smitten also wits speak. A merry dance will be held ,Ifterrvards in ode Pavillon. Everybody iron s1 i WllePF welcome. IYIR IiAI _ E k. --- Lv()R SALE. -IN ONE OF THE BEST LLEI's }vet s,ILE• 900 BRED- 1' Iorations 1n community, a good gro- to -lay, eine.; eerie) white Leghorn eery business., in first-class condition. pnllets for Immediate sale. All our Best reasons for *Milne, and can be t•nwn stack. aril nre healthy, rigorous sexily f,ianeed. Investigate this it birds. - W. III'M}: C1AJ'TrON, R.R. you ars interested. Apply' BOX 12, -fi, flewlerieh, Phone 14 r 113, Carlow. 8ICO AL. ii 1 IP Treasurer's Sale of Land' for Taxes COUNTY OF HURON The 'n'P will eommenee at the Cn°rt House, (ialerieh, nn Tuesday, No- vember 12111. 174::',, at the hour of two o'ela•k,in the afternoon. AIliiFIE1dh TOWN.H11' Name Dp.erlpt ion Janice Stennett F. Pt. Lot 7, S.% 7, S.W. Pt. hmt 2, Co*, p)c.n. 1)r. W. Matthews .,..B.W.C, Lot 1 L:R, "�'w • r OOLBOftY' TOWNSHIP Milton Fisher . . Pt, Lot 1, Con. 1 W.i) H. (:ratweller 1r' Leta 3830. M. Pin .._ Mr. Woods ,_.,,_,,,,r;,• -•.Lots 6462-77-ii4. M, Park,. Royal Lloyd ..,;..,. t• butes 1-26•811.R.W.R...., 1 'Irs3A 252 ..?Z.90 11. 1411"47 . . ,Pt Lot 16, (`,on. 1"• �S'h• 3 451 2.211 5.li h Ruffen Smith . Pt Iota 41-40. IIsi. ' 201 tit 7 19 214.71 Adjourned sale, if nee•eeaar1, will he held nn Tntsdsy. November 26th, 1915, at the sambP hoer sad place es shove mentlnned FOR RALE OR RENT TO RENT. -FULLY MODEILN FUR,N• ii ISHIED-- HOt}$E. - Good. - Apply to J. W. CRAiOTE. old, apposed to be In calf ; 1 we cow., Goderieh P.O.; Merton A. Reid, Sea - 3 years old; three steers and cLe belt- forth, See. -Tress., 8taforth P. O. er, 1 year old; eve spring calved; Directory -A. Itroadfoot, lt,R,. No. 8, ore Marney-ilarrls binder; one Me- Sestorth; James Sholdko, Welles; l'urmick mower ; one M.t'ormlck hay Wm. Knoz, Loodesboro; Alexander rake; one Bissell roller ;ouecQittvstor; Mc}:wing, Blyth, H.K. 1,; (;eo. L.oa- one dee: one seed drill; four -section hardt, Bornholm, 11.11. 1 ; John PeppM, Diamond barrows; one Tudbope i An- derson walking plough; one Gillies & Martin twin plough; one Cucksbutt sit: plengb ; une acufler ; one rout pill - per ; one wagon and tray rack ; one sea of sleighs; one wagl,n box; one gravel forth Chea P. 134rt►itt, tladtrdlaa r,OR SALE. -Salo$ RESIDENCE. tstx; one water trough, 10 feet long; Nelson street, eight rooms; two bath- une set scales; one fanning mill ; one Poik7•holders nn make all paymeote room. R. C. W11ATELRIY. hayfork rope -and pulleys; one barrow: sad get Their cards siogptad at lbs cart: one DeLaval cream separator; y*1 Baulk Chafes; Oalrla Catt'a COR Rii(T.-HOUSE. HARDWOOD one belay churn; one set double ha r- Q .rye tea Mrd. 00dorlela Or as Boors. Garden. Garage. Oaw- nes»; one set single harness; one rub- R. H. Bid's General Stare, Baytleld. tral, Apply to M. W. HOWIR.L.. _ ate. -tired) buggy' one steel -tired buggy; >: Brnrefleld; Thos. Moylan, Seafurtb; B.R. 51 Wm. R. Arcblhald, Seafortb, R.R. 4; Jules Connolly, Goderick. Agents -W. J. Teo, R.R. No. 3, Clio- lob; 11a-ion; JJ>Rs--Watt. Stith : i tnNy 110 Mechem, Seatortb ; John Murray, OW OUSE TOB. BALE OR RENT --ON sugarucutter; one grids ne;MOT one aaWilllam street. At a bargain; easy kettle; use gr ndlitone; on terms. Apply to THOS. YOUNG: South street. COR SALE OR RENT: HOUSE ON 1' St. David's street. For further information apply to FRANK DON- NELLY, Hamilton street, Goderieh. '0R SAL}:.- RESiDEN(;E ON TRA- FALGAR street. 81x rooms and bathroom. Modern -Improver Lawn, garage. Terms or cast. •7 W(K)LLCOMBE Phone 288, wheelbarrow; One set wagon springs; forks; shovels; chats", and other articles too numerous ta'ahentlon.' TERMS --Cash. - W. J. SMiTH, Proprietor. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers I'CTION SALE 06' FARM STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS. - At lot 33, concession 14, Htl,hlett (be- tones- Auburn *not -'MOOT -ea -- WED:IESDAY, OCTOBER it3 commencing at 1 o'clock. - - 4. Herwww--()roe general purpose team; UOUSE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY one aged more. brickhow* on Nelson street. Eight Cattle -One cow, 5 years old, due is rooms and bathroom. Good location. October ; one cow, 4 years old, due in Would esehawge for bungalow ore April; one cow, 3 years old. due in tale. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. a Ta lee Costs Total t 22.70 1444'(1 :44.!17 4.65 13.15 $2.57 $ 25.27 6.61 ' 191.16 334 2,211 2.3.4 56 91 6.90 15.441 All Lots as depttebed shove are patented A. H. F.R411CINfi, es 1' T-es.nter, Huron (lnonty (MINN ta'Ll�•t s Or!tK, A i� Oet feat 1�) f.+�-v- .: " -.. 2,...1-771. ,...1- + @'i1 J _ F� UL to , • ,. - .1W- sss June; one fa -row (ea ; one cow, 4 years old, due In May; one cow, 8 years old, due 1n March; o4e row, 3 years ohl, due in November; one cow, 6 years old, due In November; one cow, R years old, due In October ; one cow, 3 years old ; one . ow, it years old ; one heifer, 2 yearn old, due In June; rRYEW1' M. UK steer", debug 2 year" fid; two L Bvrrfater and.SnSdtorl heifers, rising 2 years old; nine calves; Son fife Rultding, AdPlalde and'Vk► one Hereford bull, rising 2 years old. torte Severer 4o�ttto 2. Implements-et/tie Mosey Harris Lln- Telephone Elgin 5801, eie der, 6 foot cut; one Massey-llarrls _ - -. . - mower, :. foot cut ; one Massey -Harris ' hey teldcr; one Mn'sey-Ilarret manure spn•atter 1 One Maweylltarrls owed drill; one Maxwell hay Mader; one Mei'orml•k iDeering cultivator, 12 - ft -with. nearly new: one hay rake: two Ino ha nue et ttln is t nuc tannin DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Once-Coort House, Ooderleh. Telephone 56. DOUGLAS R. NAiRN, Barrister and Solicitor - . QMM-Hamilton Street, Ooderiel germ Telephone 812. -.. si ,4t_ .111 , •� R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. tit. J. L %Moran Mee -The square, Goderieh, Telephone 97. ro&NE DONNELLY, B. A. of Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office -Hamilton Street, (lodeileb. Telephone 282. • DAYS k HAYS, DAYS Barristers and Solicitors R. C. Hays, K.C., and R. C. Hays, B.A. Office-samiltoa Street, Oederltta. Telephoto M. P g g 4 g will; one ostler; one wagon; one Is; rack ; one stork rarkh, one set wlelghs: one pump )ark; one erosacnt Raw -; one Massey-Iisrrts cream'spare - tnr (nearly new ); threeeection her rocs; two seta double harness; horse blankets; fifty bushels barley; three- burner coal oh stove; nue extension trade, and other furniture; forks, rhyme see oibet antielea..Um. agger 0115 to mention. ` No reserve, e• the farm le sold. ' T'ERMR All sums of $10 end nnder, cosh: over that amount, nine mnntiha' credit on furnishing apprnv#d Joint notes. A ditmnnt of flee per cent. for. csah nn credit amnnnfs INR41. ANNA WALTER, Proprietress. T. 0411$NW' t RON. Aoctlomettrs. WOOD FOR SALE The Town has a quantity of good body hardwood difeet from the Town Bush for Rale. at $3.00 per single eord of one -foot wood, de livered. Also a limited quantity of !rood holly hardwood at 00 per full cord of four- not Orders loft at the Town Hall will he attended to. Mort be paid for betere delivery L. I. KNOX, Town Clerk. '-t . lT...:.t. •