The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-03-23, Page 1CELEBRATE IN 1988 LUCKNOW'S 130th CELEBRATION JUNE 30 . JULY 3, 1988 'PUBLISHED IN LUCKNOW ONTARIO Wednesday, Marcra,,1988 404 PER COPY Another Sunday blaze Members of the Lucknow and District Fire Department were called into the cold Sunday morning to tend to a house fire in Dungannon this week. The blaze, which gutted the home owned'by Mrs. Pearl Col- well of Goderich, is thought to have started when a wood stove was left unattended. The residence was occupied by renters Frank and Marie Beckler and family who just recently moved to Dungannon from Victoria B.C. Fire Chief Bud Hamilton describes the damage to the home as "con- siderable" although the Becklers were able to salvage at least some of the per- sonal possessions. Mr. Hamilton estimates the damage to the home alone to be close to $25,000. It is also reported that there was no in- surance held by the Becklers at the time of the fire. The fire which destroyed the home started when fire spread from the untend- ed wood stove into the pipes leading to the chimney. When the pipes dropped, the fire spread quickly to the rest of the house. The alarm was turned in when a neighbour, Mrs. Bob Mole, noticed smoke pouring from the eves of the building. The call came in at 10 a.m. Sunday and it took the team of nine fire fighters until 2 p.m. to extinguish the blaze. It should be noted that soup and sandwiches for the "ire fighters were provided by the ladiL., of the Dungannon United Church. This is the ..nird Sunday in a row that the Lucknow Fire Department has been called out to tend to mishaps related to wood stove and chimney fires. Chief Hamilton has asked that a strong warning not to leave a fire burning in a hearth when no one is home be issued. Donations continue On a more positive note from the local Fire Department, donations have con- tinued to roll in from the commnunity to assist the department in setting up their training program. The plan had been to raise enough money ,to purchase a television and VCR with which to view training films provided by the Ontario Fire Marshall's Office. "We are quite happy with the results of our pica for donations," says Chief Hamilton. "We have now fulfilled our goals and would like to thank all those groups, organizations and individuals who contributed." The following donations were recently received: Mr. Robert Scott of Lucknow-$50, Buffy's Restaurant -$20, Eric Stewart Carpentry -$50, Peter Cook -$20, Lucknow Junior Women's Institute -$25, Chisholm Fuels Ltd. -$25, Your Favorite Things -$5, Loree's Ladies Wear -$20, Lucknow Businessmen's Association -$215, West Huron Junior Farmers -$55, Lucknow Lions Ladies -$100. Special thanks as well is offered to the Super Scoop who has been helping the department by dubbing copies of the video tapes to be added to the growing library at the Fire Hall. Members of the community who wish to view any of the training films now in the possession of the Lucknow Fire Depart- ' ment are asked to simply arrange a time. Support our youngsters This Saturday evening, March 26, will be a big one for members of the Lucknow Skating Club as it is once again time for their annual Achievement Night. The program, which gets underway at the Lucknow Arena at 7:30 p.m., will feature our 90 local skaters as well as one very special guest skater. Christa ,Crawford of the Wingham club will be on GONG!!! The first annual Variety 'Gong' Show was held at the Legion Hall in Lucknow over the weekend and judging by the en- thusiasm shown by the audience in atten- dance, the evening can be termed a "roar-, ing success". All the talent on offer for the event was astounding with one of the many highlights being the appearance of Lucknow's own Dolly Parton. "The Pirates" and the "Jugs", all evidence of a wealth of talent hidden in Lucknow, were smash hits. As always, the Ladies Auxiliary were also good 1ports. Other branches of the Legion came to town to lend a hand and the inclusion of Ripley 440, Bylth 420 and Seaforth 183 cer, tainly made for a well rounded evening of entertainment. The crowd of some 140 cheered and jeered the various acts and a good time was had by all. Many thanks and congratulations are due those who took part. hand to show her stuff to figure skating en- thusiasts in the area. The program, which is expected to run about an hour and a half, gives our local skaters a chance to show off the skills they have developed over the year. The senior skaters from the Lucknow club will be of particular interest as they will have just returned from their dance and figures tests being held in Wingham tonight. You can bet on polished performances from each of the nine senior skaters participating. For friends and parents, this is the only chance to see the younger members of the club perform. Each member pays between $35 and $55 a year to belong to the club which meets tWice per week. Additional expenses are absorbed through subsidies provided by the townships in the area. The Lucknow Skating Club is very pleas- ed to have had the help of Jim Goetz from the Mildmay club this year. Jim acts as partner and coach for the senior skaters in the local club and has certainly been an a big plus to the development of the skaters recently. And as if fine figure skating and displays of power skating skills isn't enough, there will be a number of door prizes drawn for during the evening's entertainment as well. The only cost to spectators will be a silver collection and organizors of the an- nual Achievement Night are • expecting another full house at the arena come Saturday. The young skaters, which range in age from four to sixteen, have worked hard all year in preparation for the event and cer- tainly deserve your support this weekend. The Lucknow Fire Department got a little help in their effort to update their training facilities from the West Huron Jr. Farmers this week. Audrey Ritchie, president of the Jr. Farmers, presented Training Officer Peter Steer with a cheque for $55 to be us- ed for the purchase of training tapes for the department. Laurie Pentland, a member of the Jr. Farmers. looks on. (Pat Livingston photo) Forty -slaters raise $850 for Sports Fund The Lucknow and District Kinsmen Club's annual Skate-a-thon was held at the arena last week with a total of 90 skaters taking part. The majority of those participating were able to complete the entire eight hour skate. All the money raised through their efforts will go to the Sports Complex Fund. The top money earner for the day was Michelle Andrew of Lucknow who skated her way to a total of $157.00. For her efforst Michelle will receive the top prize of $25. After expenses were deducted, the Skate-a-thon should turn a profit of aprox- imately $850.00. Expenses average out to about $8.50 per skater once ice time, prizes and food is paid for. Those participating in this year's event included: Colin and Jason Humphrey, Margo Abbott, Curt Humphrey, Michael Johnston, Roxy Bergman, Brent Gammie, Mirte Humphrey, Michelle Andrew, Russell and Carolyn Schutt, Dwayne and Mitchel Harris, Lynda Lyons, Sherri Lynn McCraken, Jennifer Cranston, Chris de - Jong, Conor McDonagh, Amy and Tanya Sutherland, Jason Hare, Chris Maize, Robert Kugler, Chad Thomas, Sandra Alton, Jeremy Smith, Lisa McDonald, Tanya Maize, Rob Haldenby, Vanessa Breckler, Steve Sellars, Michael Alton, Eugene Alton, Jill Sellars, Amy and Loir Blake, Becky and Tracy Visser, Chad and Andrea Hiller and Dean Tiffin. Good effort, gang, and all for a good cause.