HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-03-16, Page 167H. Boats, Motors & Marine I Page 16--Luelnmow Sentinel, Wednesday. March 16. 1988 528-2822. Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon 11. Articles for Sale MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS, Work shirts $2.75; work pants $3.50; work boots $15. Send $3 for catalogue (Reim- bursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec, JOS 1X0.--4bc WOODSTOVEs Vermont Castings, Jotul, Harthex, Elmira - ELMIRA STOVE WORKS, Tiverton, 368-5274.-5tfar $$ LIQUIDATION $$ Buildings priced for immediate disposal. All items in stock. 30 x 40 x 14 $3,800; 40 x 60 x 14 $5,990; 50x80 $11,260; 70 x 120 $27,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387-2115, or. 1-416-858-2446.-8bc FRESH•MAPLE SYRUP NOW AVAILABLE. Robinson Maple Products, RR 2 Auburn. We deliver. Visitors always welcome. 529-7857.-10-12 HYDROPONIC SUPPLIES for greenhouse or Grow room. Suppliers of M.H. and H.P.S. lights, Hydroponic equip- ment and kits. Send $2 for catalogue (refundable) or phone (613) 744-6786, B & 13 Hydroponic Gardens Inc., 1161 Cyrville Rd., Ottawa, Ont. K1J 7S6.-11bc CALORAD No diet weight loss! Drink taken at bedtime, lose weight while you sleep. 100% NATURAL Contact Pauline Watson Amberley CaII 395-3405 Call LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY 528-2331 •• FAMILY FLOCK HEADOUARTERS 1. Articles for Sole TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.— 40tfar STEEL BUILDINGS - 1 Price Sale - buy one building at regul, • price and get dou- ble length for 50% more - stock clear -out - limited steer. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896 24 hours.—llbc WINTER CLEARANCE on all steel buildings. Example 32 x 44 $4,589; 46 x 80 $9,795; 50 x 100 $12,742; 60 x 150 $25,751. Call toll free 1-800-668-5111 Miracle Span. -11 be HARDWOOD SLABS - face cord lots delivered: 20 cord lots $400; 10 cord lots $200; 2 and 3 cord lots, $50 and $70 respec- tively; pickup loads picked up, $25.00. 528.3047.-1 ltfar FRIDGE, ELECTRIC STOVE, table and 4 chairs for sale. Phone 529-7984.--11, 12 ACME COOK STOVE in good condition. Best offer. 357-1660.-11x BOOKS Available at the Sentinel Office: Bob Shrier's Let's.Think for a Minute Vol. 1 - $4.95, Let's Think for a Minute Ideas Vol. II $7.95, or buy both for the special price Qf, $10.00. A Glimpse of the Past $10.00 for soft cover, $20.00 for hard cover. Acres of Memory by the late Don Campbell $4.00. What Do Those Stones Mean To You $15.00.— 45tfnxe NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashion- ed Apples, Pear, Apricot, Nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario KOK 2L0.-- 4bc GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic equipment; supplies. Everything you need. Best quali- ty, super low prices. Greenhouse $175, Halides $115. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack & Free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. 1-604-682-6636.-7bc HARD FIREWOOD slabs delivered by truckload. Joe Van Osch 395-2865 or con- tact Jacob Stutzman at St. Helens mill.-10tf HORSE TRAILER - 2 horse, rebuilt, tack compartment step up, blue. Phone 396-3174 (Kincardine ).-11, 12nc 6. Trucks for Sole 1976 FORD "/z ton, V8 automatic; 1964 Ford Custom cab V8, standard, 47,000 original miles. 529-7375 after 6 p.m. -10, 11x. 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers HARD TOP camper trailer sleeps 8, 2 way fridge, propane stove, sink, fresh and grey water tanks, 2 tables, awning, add -a -room and new spare tire on wheel, good condi- tion. Priced to sell, 528-2148.-11 Healthy, day-old eggs & meat birds available now at O -OP Book your flock orders today LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE, LUCKNOW 529-7953 32' BAYLINER Conquest Sunbridge 1982 twin Volvo's aft cabin, VHF compass, trim tubs, many extras, excellent condition. Call (519) 323.2397 or (416) 271-7675.-10bc 11A. For Sale General HAY FOR SALE - quantity of round bales, stored inside or outside; also some square bales. Phone Neil Rintoul 357-2208.-10, 11 BURKA SEED BARLEY for sale. Phone 529-7850.-10, 11 QUANTITY OF SQUARE baled mixed hay for sale. Phone 529-7696.-11, 12x QUANTITY OF MIXED hay for sale. Phone 529-7587.-11x PIONEER SEED (ciE) •Corn •Soybeans PIONEER:Alfalfa Seed •Innoculants BRUCE RAYNARD 528-3502 (ct„\PIONEBFIAND SEED ER^ N •Seed Corn *Alfalfa •Soybeans *Silage Innoculant Your Pioneer Sales Rep is: DOUG EADIE 395-5721 Daytime 396-4981 Evenings ASK US ABOU.T 1.9' CROP FINANCING LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP LUCKNOW 529-7953 / PIONEER SEED lW *Com 3902, 3790 PIONEER .Soybeans 0877 •Alfalfa 90-10, 80-20 •Innoculants RAY BROWN 529-7260 111 E. Livestock PIGS UNLIMITED - ROP tested, govern- ment herd health class basic. Boars, open and bred gilts, York and York X Landrace. Phone Eric at 395-2206.-2tfar Day old CHICKS. 12 varieties of brown -egg and meat types. Capons and ready to lay pullets. Shipment by parcel post for day - olds. Phone or write: Bonnie's Chick Hat- chery, P.O. Box 154, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2Z6. ( 519) 669-2561.-7bc NOW ARRIVING WEEKLY - beef and holstein calves, all sizes, sold in lots or by choice. Tudor Wain 524-9898 or 524-6613.-10, 11 [11E. Livestock 1 BRED AND OPEN gilts for sale. Mervin Anderson. 396-3193.-11x Ontario HEREFORD PRESTIGE Sale April 2 Markham Fairgrounds, Markham. 45 selected Bulls, 38 selected Females. Catalogues: Contact Ontario Hereford Assoc., Box 68, Langton, NOE 1G0 (519) 875-4803.-11bc 11H. Farm Services LYNN LOWERY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.-42tfar BERG STABLING EQUIPMENT cleaners, manure pumps, ventilation equipment, hog equipment. Contact Lloyd Johnston, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390.--3ltfar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Starline belt feeders, conveyors, silo unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip- ment. Custom belt lacing. Repairs. RR 5, Lucknow.395-2851.--42tfar ..- CLARK I1Lt FEEDERS LTD. Innovator & Val metal silo unloaders, belt feeders, conveyors, feed mixers, stabling equipment parts for all makes of silo unloaders. RR 5 Goderich 524-4367.—lltfar 111J. Farm Systems 80 ACRES WHITECHURCH AREA FOR RENT. Phone Kitchener 1-576-6625 or 1-578-1021.-11-14x 112. Real Estate for Sale TORONTO TIMESHARE, Be first, own a fantastic timeshare condominium in downtown Toronto, sleeps six, all weeks same price. Write Timeshare, 42 Erindale Crescent, Brampton L6W 1B5.—llbc FOR SALE Paradise Retreat Quality, energy efficient loaded with features. 4.5 acres of beautifully treed, landscaped property, 1 mile north of Lucknow. $79,90000 100 ACRES, 85 worrable, remainder of bush on paved road north of Lucknow. $42,500P IMO rty limit@dm 892 queen St. 396-7521 Kincardine LE • UR EXPERIEN E 8 Y • UR ASSE