HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-10, Page 7iffiX
:: County and District
Rev. A. H. O'Neil, the new rector of William Gannett
- IL JiteeRbe 's Angina*! church, (hor- Winglike"' hats lost another of her old
ted i5,6"'D1a'"5mce C
lessatfa, .v.S1 . -$lptembei Bath. Tire
bisatiful ceremony of induction was
lay Vea• ,krcitdearnut Sage,
et London.
A light delivery truck, owned by a
London bakery, got out of control on
Main street, Exeter, cal Wednesday of
Iasi week, and, Jumping the curb,
broke the plate glass wtddow in Cook's
grocery store. Greater damage would
have resulted but the truck was
stopped by a brick wall.
Blanche, the only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Mustard, of Henaall,
was married on Saturday, September
28, to Malcolm Gordon lougall, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doug -
ail. The ceremony, whi b took place
at the bride's borne, was performed by
Rev. W. A. Young. The happy couple
left for a honeymoon trip to Toronto
and other easteru puiute
• John Van l(mond. war veteran of
Seaforth, died la ('bristle street hos-
pital, Toronto, and war Curled In Eg-
mondvllle cemetery on Monday, Sep-
tember 30th. Dm -eased was a teem•
ber of one of the county's pioneer fami-
lies. He was badly wounded In
France and bad never fully recvsered
from the effects. He was given a mil:-
ttary funeral by his former comrades
in Seaforth.
Mrs. Wm. Rutwell died at her home
in Mitchell at the advanced age of
1.01 years. • The passing of this grand
old lady proved a real shoat to her
fellow -townspeople. who bad cease to
regard her as a practically permanent
institution. Born In England in 1,404.1 to Northern ()Mario. later to •Leif
she came to Canada In 11(73. moving prints In New fork :state. They will
direct to Mitchell, where she had re- reside near l•hiselhurst.
aided ever aim* She was In good
Dealt! •ntll shortly before lur•dcmise. CO RRIFAwadus7 CORNERS
-.�- Tam Ars Paid �J
iier-toRiaver.•2011st, etersen itlttam
ann4l, who died on Saturday, Sep -
tender 2tith, Iu his iteith year. De-
ceased had been a citlzeu of Wingham
nee 1870' lifterlIgnein Exeter and
Bluevale. He le survived by his wi.
dow and five sons.
Fondly Gathers
Some twenty-six members of the
Douglas family, descendants of the
late Mr. and Mrs. George boucles, of
Lucknow, gathered there over the
week -end of September 'Jath for tilelr
Bret reunion. Ttw member" came
from many widely separated points,
ono, Miss Dorothy Douglas, coming
from Japan, while several came from
New York and Philadelphia.
New Pestottbee
The new p,stomce in Bruasels was
omc•ially opened on Saturday evening.
September 24th, by Mr. Geo. Spotton
as representative of the Government
A eonelderab(e number of cltiaens were
on hand for the ceremony, addressee
being elven by Rev. W. J. Moorebouse,
Rev Wm. Moore and Rev. John Gra-
ham. The Brussels band was in at-
Tri vitt Men iHardal church, Exeter,
was tM. seene of a pretty autumn wed-
ding on Saturday. September 2sth,
when Raw Mae. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Wesley !haring. was united to
leery IJoyd Herds. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Harris, of Itlbbert.. Rev.
M. A. Hunt perfemnwl the ceremony.
The happy ,'.111.1.' left on a motor trip
Clinton Wins Sports
Meet at Hensall
(Continued from page E1
1(1) yards --J. O'Brien, J. Cuning-
hame, I). Worthy. 10 43 sect'.
Shot vet--M.-xmannone.:`asl.Id.
XI ft.. Ory Inches.
L"Jn yards -J. O'Brleo. J,. CttaIng-
"uame:-T:--tilde. -rienfot'tvr---41bd5- aoes-
High Jump --•H. Wilkins, doderich ;
F. Garrett, Clinton; I.. (lett, Mitchell.
5 ft., 214 Inches.
440 yards -J. O'Brien. R. Passmore,
W. Penhale, Exeter. 566-6 sees.
Mlle -'r. S111s, W. Thompson, Ood-
erk•h ; 1.. Howey.
Relay-Goderlch, Clinton, Seafront).
1 min, 44 2-6 dens
High Jump -J. Barton. Goderieb ;
F. 5111*. Seaforth ; B. Denney. Exeter.
4 ft., 9% inches.
tee) garde -R. lined*, Clinton; Y.
Bell, Seaford': K. 1[e\aught, MltcheU.
2 lulu.. 32 secs.
Hop, step and Jump -t:• Forrest,
Clinton; F. sills, R. Finch. 34 ft.,
Y inches. -
Shot put -It. Fineb. B. Hucklns
(:,alt-rieIi ; S. Geddes, Seaforth. 20 ft.
11154 inches.
100 yards -R. Money, Y. Hell. E.
Forrest. 11 2-5 sees
l'ole vault -J. tariff, Goderkb; R.
Middleton, 'Clinton: C. Nellanlis lJA/a-
ton. S ft., 11 inches.
929 yards -F. Sills, Y. Hell, J. Gai-
tI;udt rich. 27 -5 'Area
Broad Jump -F. Sills. R. rock, 13.
Dietary. 17 ft., 14 inches.
440 yards -G. O'Brien. Gudericb; R-
1.111411, P. Geromette. Goderieb. 1 sin.,
3 14 sees. --- - _
Mile -F. S(Ild; A. MacKenzie;- Gnu -
ion: it. Barnes, Goderich. 5 min.
534-; set's.
Relay -Clinton, tn,derieh, Seaforth.
2 min., 1 sec.
Pole vault -1I. Draper, Clintou ; L
Wkueahals, OodertCh ; R. Gemmell.
Seatortb.8ft., 2% inches.
yards.: -J. Amen, 0uderlfb ; s•_
Gemmel. J. Slisoon*, Hempen. 2 min..
E6 sees.
Shot ;nt-T. Hogan, Godertcb;
r Ir MitcbeU: B. Draper. 26 ft.,
LI/ incise.
- Hop, ._$ - Draper.
Clinton, L. Gell, J. Swill. 30 ft., labs
1100 yards -J. Simmons, L. Gell, R.
Delbrldge, Exeter. 12 2-0 secs.
High jump -H. Collins. Clinton; R.
Forrest, Hensel': Seboembals. 4 ft..
2 laches.
220 yards -It. DelbrldSe. J. Sim-
mons. L. Gen. 283-6 secs. Mo -
Broad Jump -R. Draper, Da
Donald, Cbtntoe ; .1. SnelL 14 ft., 10%
Relay-Seafarth, (Etdeter, Clinton.
3..h1041101 -0.I$1.8
High Jump -L. Nott, Seafortb : A.
Murdoch. Clinton; N. Oook, (Alston.
4 tt., 3 Inches.
3t [batt throw. dietauce---L. Nott.
A. Campbell, 0oderich : N. Cook. 160
ft.. 10 laches.
Standing broad Jump -1.. Nott, V.
Eremite". Clinton; A. Campbell. 7
ft., 2 inches.
100 yards -V. F remlin. R. Johnston,
Goderich ; L. Nott. 13 1-5 secs.
Running broad Jump -L. Nott, K.
Tyndall, (;odericb ; R. Johnston. is
ft.. 10 inches.
Basketball throw, diatane-A.
Campbell. E. Grainger. Clinton; A.
Murdoch. Clinton. 00 tt.
Target throw -M McCully. Clinton:
R. Rate-. Exeter; Y. MacLeod. (exter-
isler- Mrs. //M. Irvin.
u• h. 11 pts.
itslay Gr. Tho. .Agar, of Qrautford, spent
csdiate th. Clinton.Clinton.gererhdiate the week-eud with bis slater -to -Ise,
Mrs hernias. He was aecomptanled
Star; I 1broad iirn jump- ItP. ell A, , un his return by kis niece, Mrs.' -R.
Exeter; 1. lornmtnund, MIN•hell: A• Fltagenld.
Whitten, (ksberlch. 0 R., 1114 inches. Th'",
lta*kettail throw. diMance=K- •
Cuniughatne, t.Iiaton; O fleets. .will lay.• a Joint.-thankoferiog meet-
ing. of the Nile. -'Pett Albert. Blake's.
Clinton ; W. -White, IDtt . -1S-I -
debeeld township Joins til - select (Istasded !es. 4t'[
ZrI municipalities who tooelt of kat- 1:(vl;RRIM, 00RN1Ba. Oct. 1.-
Mr. Johrr Parrish and Mr. David Mlle
are spending a few days this week at
-Mr. Baia- lgaeIk,nakl sustained 1
Juries to his wrist and neck one day
last week when part of the harness
broke aad he was pulled out of the
buggy. We hope be wilt soon be
feeling better again.
Mims Beulah Black, of Godertch,
slatted her friend, Miss Anne Par-
rish, a few days last week.
Miss Madeline Johnston, R \., re-
turned home from Goderlch last Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston visited
recently at Mr. Will Hunter's, Zion.
Ing no outstanding taxes to
CWt C. E. McDonagh Kates
local residents are right up
the only Mils [sot
Lew owing by
These amount
that all
to data.
being a
Wayaes asrv(es .t all heats,
- da7 se atstrt
r � oopskICH Nora 1110 M. 117
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and �halw es.
All calla promptly attended to
day or night_
Store 336 Residence 366w
Hamttton Street, Goderlch
Walter -Dalton --
Harm mid Hey. Gradual*
_ Gabelth Collegial' IUMtufe
13510 West Warren Avow:
--. D&TROIT, MICH. _ . _.
..00-0a1Kon 8558 __. _.
stta .waren• �.e.ula/MAC•. "�,rAVOIA �r•,w,r-wY'a nl-
WHITECHURCH er stated that. while war had stopped
over the nation* at tees. remelted
Col. A. T. Thompson trade In many quartero, when tt was
WIIIIITID(JHURt'hI. Oct. ti. -Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Gra). o[ Guderich, and
at MacKay Hall
trading with one another 1t was,
one of the basic impulses of Wan 10
Mt. and Yrs. Wittltew Sb.ckletou and trade.
Believe, of Crewe. visited un Thursday Yr. Bennett c•lalen d tbat the Ire
last at the bow of Mrs. Gra) s *(s- Ore trade agreements had saved the
ter, Mrs. Jas. C oruelius eouutry The Empire market is not
M[. and Yrs. Browner. of Toronto, enough alone to send 1:auada; she
vistaed last week with Mr. and Mrs. must trade with the world. said the
' �►n MtCibi".,_ a.+ear........,■.,,., a a+rtisl>�Srtz tsoar+i"i. h 1 speaker.
Quite a number from here attended kr. l9{SJene s I11gtr1 ttlf lids
the Tcvswatec Fair on Wednesday last. a [a[ Is 1011 Mr. Steven,. though he had
]sr*. Alex. lluwhray and family, of three if U lived and worked and fought among
Bluevale, v 144111 uu 8tindap At 'ane Lire _Aweat-Lew av eletiuwat .[kat 41 "stinlet
home of Mrs. inobt. Mowbns and ser ruin the country to trade with them.
Mr+. Wesley Leggatt vu Sunday. of lho Ne has atwayu been a high tariff mea,
Alias Catbartne Mowbray spent last He 1* one today.
week at Teeswater with Miss" Harrel (a da Mr. Ipaehman discussed the stat♦
Wocks a went+ of Mr. Stereos in 19130. whose -
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reed ,and family, Ing that at [bat time ,•vodltluns 1a
Dungannon, %exited uu Sunday with this country were tad. Yet, after
Mrs. Bert heed. eve years, his speeches on the Price
Mrs. Wm. Slwpeovu and Miss May �a Spreads reports showed that they bad
Siamese, of Detroit, spent the week -stand taken by Mr Spotton ruga become Inenitely worse under Tory
end here with the former's parents, 1
Mr. and Mrs. George Galton.
Mr. and Mr*. Roy Patten, of Lu -
f.111/1, spent Smelly with her mother,
Ere. lox.
Don't forget the regular monthly
meeting of the Worurn's institute
which is being held on Friday at the
twine of Mr*_ ,'has. Martin. The
roll call is to be answered with
"suggestions for stortug winter rege-
t a blew."
Miss F9orencr• Lelt'arue, of Toron-
to, and Mr. Archie Jsmieaou, of Cul-
ross. spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James %YU:.n.
The ladies of the United church are
holding a missionary banquet in the
church next Tuesday evening The
HOIa Vnetig
RIOLMERVIL.E, Oct. 8. -Mr. and
Mn,. W. P. Dundas, of London. visited
at the parsonage on Tuesday with
Rev. and Mrs. Herbert.
Week -end guests at the home of
Hrs. 8. Walters were Mr. and Mr..
Fred Elford and Miss Joan, of Ot-
tawa ; Mr. and Mrs_ Moss and Master
Billy. of Dundak•and Mr. Roscoe Cour-
tlee, ut Winnipeg.
Mr. and Mrs.. M. MacFarlane have
been spending a few dais with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilt Patter while their little
son, BtHy. has been undergoing an op-
eration for the removal of his tonsils
In the Clinton hospital.
Church Nalcorhe anniversary ser-
vices of our church will 1e held un
Sunday at 111.34) a.m. at.l 7130 p.m.
Rev. Irl. F. Chandler. of Kiprien. will
be in charge of both services. and spe-
cial ttruslc I+ being trr'par.d by the
choir. Our pastor. Itev. J. W. Her-
bert, will preach amhlr.•rsary services
at Kipper' United church Several of
the members o1 the congregation at-
tended Zinn rhttre-h.- Tsylor'-. ('corner,
on Sunday, when its regular anniver-
sary was ohwerved. Inspiring addresses
were given' In the morning by Rev.
W. P. Ione, of North street United
ebureb, (loderk'h, and In the evening Kenzie, Clinton; N. White. Exeter;
by Rev. F. W. Craik, of Victoria street M Hamt('hin• Mitchell 140fx
llnkod_.ekoreb. tlo(lerleh•_ The well-
webenteff ■ntbetns rendered by the 1.
'7fi i�ardea=SLC. ('nninghame, A. Whit -
choir were em emehted�11f"•dtr.rit'• ten:-li,-:�tydd. Exeter.
torts street United church, Goderleh, Hirth Jump -4). Finch. Ii. / ald0iell,
Heger; A. Whitten.
Target throw -C. Streets, Clinton,
E. Kydd. H. Durrant, Mitchell. 13
Running brad Jump -K. Cunlag-
hame, 0. Finch, A. Whltteu. 16 ft.,
2 inches.
Relay -Clinton. tiodericb. Mitchell.
Softball throw, distant flakier,
Exeter; I. Colquhoun. (Tinto*: 0,
Baec•hIer, Exeter. 131 ft.. 8 inches.
Standing broad Jump -4. RIbott.
(kslerieh : 1'. Herpole, Henaall ; I. Col-
quhoun, Clinton. 6 ft.. 8 inches.
Target throw -1'. Elliott. H. Levi!,
Clinton; M. Clarke, Exeter. 11 pts
766 ysrde-F. Elliott, I. Colgnlaa0,
C. Barton. Oodertch. 11 sees
Running ,broad Jump -1'. Miriade,
A. (taker. 1. Colquhoat. 13 ft., %
High Jump -H. Levis, Clinton; I.
Colquhonn. F. Elliott.
Relay -Clinton, Exeter, Oodefich•
(Continued from page 2)
of , bulgur** throughout Canada, Mas-
ser had referred blw to his opts*rent
*rel Ileo. Spottou would not answer.
••H torr ug es.
chman. "Yet 1 was horn on
m In Howlck- Wwu*hip within
miles of Mr. Sputum's uw'n o r r
pu net. •"lt at maze me _t<-toretg"
"Now I would like some se
queetious answered. Why has the
Industry and commerce ofn.
fallen off as It has during the tart
eve years? I would like Mr. Spotton
to answer."
Spotless sad tate Tart.
Proceeding, thespeaker exposed the
the tariff question. lie had announced rue.
binawlt, prior to the last election, a» He told of Mr. dleocett'a.loag agbt
a low tariff wan. Yet f* had shed against reeiproclty with the nailed
behind Mr. Bennett every time his State"•, yet he 1s the man who Trent
leader had raised the duties on
artklee eowmonly used by his tonatl-
tuents. The speaker cited many
special speaker wilt be Miss Caroline
Wetlwoud, ut Wiugham.
Mr. George M.tlu.,iel asst Mr. Robt.
Carrick are both iwpr,.rtug slowly-.
Mr*. Jaulues received word that her
sister. firs. Taylor. of Lower N'Inghaw,
passed away ma Friday eveuing. The
funeral was held on Monday
Mrs. J. B. Mortise' and Mr. Thos.
Morrison returned from Toronto on
Mrs. McBrien held a W.M.S. tea at
ber home' on Friday afternoon, and
Mrs. George Met'leuughan held one
at her lime In the evening. The
ladies are busy sewing and making
The young anomie of the -United
chur•b are invited to 13t. Helots,, On
Friday, October n}._-' -_._-- -
Hydro Store
Electric Stove
Quick - Clean - Economy
and cool to cook with
a '
Commenting on the progressively "Then, we have removed the
worsened ,'oudltlun of the country nn- restrictions when trade as widely as the
der Mr. Bennett. or said. "Lincoln he slbte. when Liberal principles prevail
stupes. butslaBen Frust peedstoptl the Iu alts country. we dial' more fur
horses. Bennett stopped even ward and out into the larger life with
greater prosperity under a Liberal ad-
0. the Platform
On the platform with the speakers
were Horace Fisher, president of the
down to Washington to see Cordell
}Lull about Lt.
"We will get reciprocity, but It will
Ise under a Liberal (lorernmei ,'--ale.
Deaehwau declared.
In 1030 Bennett had prglubad that
he would shut out Imports to the
value of $i(10,1t1at,/q)0 and that we
'would make the goods at home and wo
the country would be prosperous.
"I wish 1 could burn this tact Into
the eonsclousueres of every member of
this audtenee; of every Canadian.
I•YPlyrta lay her Import.. imports
ares the prdu.•ta we receive Inmu,
meat for exports. If we don't im-
part we can't export."
Canada Not Selteoutain d
'•Mr. Bennett cut our imports atdl so
we would not export. Canada,,i* not
a self-eoatainei country, not even to
the extent that the United State» or
France or Germany or Auatralla is a
seltaontalned country. We moat ex-
port in order to import the things we
must have. There Is no other way
of paying for them exeept by shipping
gold, and we bare not enough gold
with"ertitetrto do_it Whew *t. Bea,
nett cat oar imports be cut ow our
Mr. Iteaehman pointed out that na-
tlona do not ship actual money to
pay for purehases abroad. There was
no French or German or Dutch money
In Canada, yet theme tountrle* all
bought from Canada. Some little
American money cave in, mainly from
tourists. but It was quickly impounded
by the tanks and shipped back to the
United States.
Mr. Bennett claimed that interna-
tlooal trade was dead -that we
get a nor polar .d dew. The
(Intended for last week)
DIIN().34N CON, Oct. 2. -Elsa Winnie
McClure and Miss Nettle Sproule have
returned home again from a week's
visit with friends at St. Thomas.
Mrs. dao Treleaven lett on Monday
for a trip to the West. During hir,
abeeace, Miss Mary Shepherd.
ter, will he cared for In Ooderlch hos-
The Womei a Iastltuts will have a
lady epeiker, Mise Sclater, sear[ from
the Department to address the ladles
in the basement of the Presbytertan
church, oa Wednesday, October 9th,
at 3 Pd. Tbe misses will be on
-Housing." This will be a Joint meet-
ing of the Junior and Senior Institute.
All the ladies of the community are
Invited to attend.
Mr. Frank Savage. teacher at Ridge-
way, sprit the weekend with his Al,
ter, Mrs. L. F. Stingei.
Mrs. (Dr. okes is visiting friends
and relatives Toronto this week.
The merles cin the United chnreb
RAY wtthdrnwa Sunday night while
"harvest home" servlee was held In St.
Paula .kngiran church.
Mrs. John Miller. of hos Angeles,
i• visiting ,et the home• of her sister,
tier o and Creweauxiliaries, t'
lioftluall throw, dlstatwal -R. Mkt`' the Fulled on Trends, after -noon. Mrs. 31. J'stliaatl. of- N
Ray, will le tbe speaker.
Death of Thee. Fe'wrlertMra. I>arld
Glenn and Mrs. *1tzabeth . Robb' re
-ttvive4 -wtmi-lase ,geek of the Abesat6
of their brother, Mr. Tom Fowler. of
Camroae, Averts'. Mr. Fowler was
born in Wept Wawanosh on the faun
now owned by W. J. Robb, but had
lived the greater part of ills life in the
Went. Ile had been 111 for several
months In 1'niveMfty hospital, Edmon-
ton, passing at the age of seventy.
He is survived by two sons, Percy, at
hone; • 4134` Orin", on the teacher's
Matt of Toronto University; also by
two brother find three sheens, Dan.
on the, 6th conreudon; Will. of ,Paste
Meer dtstrk't: ]ars. David Glenn, Mrs.
Robb. Dungannon, and Mrs. Jackson,
of Ripley.
Grandmothers' Day.--Irhe monthly
meeting of the Women'. inatltnte was
held on Thursday in the haewment of
the United 'birch. The afternoon's
2 laches.
male quartette, tonal* ing or-Yeesr».
J. Snell, C. Breckow, J. Sproul and C.
Y. P. U. Nese e -October'* brat Y.P.
(1. meeting watt to eharge'of Mine Fktna
Haller. fellowship eonvener, when a
good attendance turd the privilege of
listening to an Interesting and well-
prepared program. During the wor-
ship pwrbd. the Misses FAIna and Jean
Huller led In prayer. and the Scripture
wits read by Mr. Sheldon Macbath.
Tlds was followed by Mr. Herbert's
detntlet exptanatlon of its meaning.
The evening a, chief 'raker was Miss
Wllbelmine 1'rewsrtha. of Clinton,
who spoke about life and experiences
at the (Ioderteb Summer School ('amp
this year. A dive vocal number was
contributed by the Misses Norma and
Ruth Potter and Skins Huller. Mrs.
F. Potter playing the smompanlment.
The hotline'. period was conducted by
Miss Jean Webster, president, during
which Miss Gay Whitmore. secretary.
read the minutes of the prevksae meet-
ing. registration feels were paid to Mr.
Edward (ln•igg. trenuurer, and the an-
nounement made that the beat Friday
of the mcmth world take the form of
a Hallesve'en tarty. Further partlen-
lara will ie given litter. After the
elo*ing hymn the meeting was con-
cluded with the benellctionafter
which the memlwrs participated In a
few *omen Mr. Mervyn inbb, mla-
eionary t•onyener. 14 preparing fila
week's program.
• • •
I intended for last 'week)
HI)1.MESYiLI.E. Oct. 1. MIA. itetw
('udmore left nn Monday for Bramp-
ton. where she will cleft at the hone
of her brother. 11r. Earl ('udmnre.
Mrs. M. Steak end Elsa Betty ap•nt
the week -end with relative, in Mil
(Intended for last week)
HAYFIELD. Oct. 2.-- Mra. iI. Mc-
olar•n and daughters. Marion and
Christine. and Mia* Rtraehan, of Port
Elgin. spent a few days with Mienes
Josephine and Maude Sterling last
week. Mina Mande returned with
them Saturday.
Mises Helen Gerrie. of Durham, spent
the weekend as the guest of ,Mss
Lucy Woods.
Merrer-R.aeors.-A quiet welding
was satennlxed by Rev. R.' M. (:ale,
of St. Andrew's United church, at the
manse, on Saturday. Reptemter With,
when AI 140 Mary Ilelen Beacom,
,laughter of Mr and Mrs. John 110n•
coin. (balerich township. became the
c•erton. bride of Kenneth Clark Merrier, yonng-
Mlss Ruth 1•ntter' was visiting re- est sot M Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sterner,
gently.math friends at -Mitchell, re- Stanley township. The __bride was
program was specially prepared to en-
tertain the grandmothers of the com-
munity and It was called "Grandmoth-
ers' Day." 111 spite of the downpour
of rain. tier- was a large attendance
of the reP,lnr members and twenty
grandmothers Mrs. Alton, the proal
dent. was in charge of the meeting.
The roll 1111 was responded to with
poem�alano grandmothers. This was
followed by n discussion and Mrs, J.
J. Ryan and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie were
appointed to see the Schad board about
getting toaoid for p(tplls to the school
requiring it. Mrs. Lillian Campbell
was appointed delegate to attend the
W. 1. ennvenrhen In Goderb•h, October
16 and Oath Mea. R. A. McJ(ensIP
para a reading Keith,t'ampbell gave
w re•Itntlon „111(11 wow ars, pnlii RT
.St. Helens s,i'oob fab,.,. Mrs. 0; r
Trclenren fnrored with a piano s:nu
Mrs. Lilli,uu 1'amphltl-ss-R •-a , t't'nR
r„mpnsed by herself, INnch *15
then sexed at little tables decerahid
in a pink and white color 'when".
With (hP (tdcrly Niles pePsent, many
happy m,'morl--s of t'pset were re,
,Pt ws. "riff -
nothing i. awe, rlrrve.
of ha wouldiry to Halle
teaalw i.nd. -;
HYDRO STORE I tlrning nn Snndsy ,Itln(ily dreswet lu pwowder ban* tf.p. �
Nass Eslith Ilcrlwrf, of TnrnnM, was trttnmed with toll(. They tl'tt tM nn
Thursday. October 10th, 1906--T
lloderich Literal Aseoelattov ; Miss
Nellie Colborne, president of the God-
orich Women', literal l'Jub; MW
Laura Salkeld. secretary of the Wo -
mows Liberal Club; Mrs. Deachman,
Mr". A. T. Thompson and Mrs. D. Y.
Prior to tbe calling of the meeting
to order and between the two speeches
the (`rra'ent Male Quartette sang a
number of sings and led In commun-
ity singing 11. N. Livens was ae-
,owpaulst. Thr wearier* of the
quartette were Messrs Frank Riley,
Herb Greece. Saw N'alter 4ud Leslie
Hanna 6
Use The Sneual's Classified Column*
Goal! Coal! Coal!
The urines report that tip to the present there has been
very little Coal shipped and that they will not be able to
take care of the demand when the cold weather sets in.
l'ut in your (coal now. Do not have an empty coal -bin when
it is impossible to get (coal. We handle:
The famous Foothills Alberta OgaL-- -
Diaco, which is a Tor popular farm of Othoe with the
pass loft out.
Choulanit aide-- OoaL
must r
meek -
_ Do w? •0! 7"t' •'s""
For Plumbing, Heating (steam, hot water or hot air)
and Tinamithing, give us a call. All work fully guaranteed.
We carry a full line of Shelf Hardware.
The Htkrdware Fiore sad Coal Yard at the HarborOat.
£k$$UI -asore _, Wow 111
Share the pleasure with the
folks at home. Call them on
Long Distance. ,,
Night rates on "Anyone"
,(station -to -station) calls
ken I rlsitor with her parents Toronto .o.l nth. -r p otnts and on their )KiglR
fi Wfl
I at the psrsonege I return will reside at the bride's Annie hob In ills lite.
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