HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-10, Page 6.1;
o --Thursday, October 10th, 14106
Take no chant*,
Childrenyt colds
are best treated
Without "deri
At bedtime, just
rub on
MAFF:KiNG. Oct- SI`111r. and
Hiram Moffat. Union. *pent
end with Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Johust'n.
Mrs. John Helm, -of Zion. is visiting
with relictres bete• Arolalu+use+ pullet,
galir. and Mrs. Hero (Arrau had a. f J. Jti(x hem.
eels during the week Mr. and Vers 1J. bon. er Battier. tial. L O'Brien.
Aubrey Higgins as and Jackie. of Ike• I Ise uud :Did. Cork. C. 1►anbrook. 0.
troll. and Mr and Mrs. offm Sher. I Battier. Cockerel. 1e. Battler, L. Fre.I Wainwright, Crewe. • 'en Silver Hameurit-pa
Bayfield Fall Fair
Pleases Big Crowd
.,. ((ggatleued from Page 3)
Cock, J. Kestrel, C. le:rvubrvuel►.l'sar
ere': J. Kca•hew 1st andes-1st loud 2nd.
pullet, L. (1'14rien.
, .ct
Cockerel, L. O'Brien. 1st Il d L.
red crabs," A. Warner,
CUmpint•s--Pullet. L.
e nitrMu. Cock. 1s ton 4 Son: Bartlett pars. F. C)lymont.
U'Brieu. Hen. L. O'Brien, tat slid- J. plugging: Flemish beano pears. E.
Jttd. t'/a erel, 1.. O'Brien. Jersey
Porter, J. Ster11•t: C9tupps favorite
Black Giaht.+=-pullet. 11. TYuemner, peace, O. Rattler; coHeriWf S 4Ies,rs.
and =nd. Hen. 11, 7Yuemner, J. Similes. Lilthwatte & lion; winter
Koehem. 4Ore.J. Ko hent. li. written- ampler, t'. B. Middleton & floe. Jae.
Der, Cockerel, H. Trnewner. C. Dan- Sterling; McIntosh reds. J. Sterling,
brelk. ueht Sneers '• Pallet. Car' C. It. Middleton 4 Skin: Northern
eriehl. Heu, ('art Diehl. Cock' Spies. C. R. Middleton 4 Son. J. titer
erre Carl 1)irld• . J. Knenem. ling: fall apples. J. Sterling. Leith -
Guiness -pullet. H. Probate, let end write 4 Son Tatman Sweets, C. B.
Oen. te H. k',uhelr, T. M. Snow-
iteerMiddleton 4 Son. J. Sterling; Melo-
Nil. Mediate,
.uhf. H.•Peabate. toth Rids. l'. B. MWdketuu 4 Son. J.
Cockerel. H. 1'ehaltJI ICucbem.
Fred lnlliddletau,iMane letirippler. J. titer -
end llpnsuHe . hew, tat and Northern
loci 2nd. Hes, J. & Hug. Lalthw-aftr 4 .;tort:
)flack Mlnunas-pullet, J. Ko -
Spite, J. Sterling, ('. R. Middleton 4
' (.x k. H. Treem- Son: King of Tompkins', J. Sterling.
ebsm.. C. t ke 'ook _ _
ser. J. Ktioeltem. Hca. 11 Truemsee, C.-13- Middl'tood< Sao's reeniegifnt.
Koch. -m. Cockerel. l'. I►anbrook. Sterling; Rilxlnn F'IpPI
11. 1►ee)ardlnes. 0. Battier; popcorn,
Mrs. N. L. tarter, 11. 1)eslardines;
pre beaus. (1. Battler, E. Porter;
huekeneat, MHO!. ltader, H. Deajar-
d i nee.
F'It l' 11'
3 buo•11ts ;rapes, Me.. lirownett,
lalthm'alte & Son: collection of grapes,
e>p' -111ilidietou 4 don, Ia lbwaite 4
son; 11 percher. J. Fteriing; Plume,
l.a1t111raUe4 Son: Mies ltrow Il
miriade. Mrs. N.
dine; catsup a
N, L. Carter,
fruits, H. Ikeda
ter ; mimed
Carter; canoed
N. le tarter;
Paul (`•hours. J.
ey, Paul Cleave,
Special prise by
Mr. and airs. Gilbert Boss. of King -
Mon. ve
lug•Mon...Ie nt Monday with Mr. and airs.
S. E. Phillips.
Clifford M. -nary. West Wawanosh.
spent the week -end with his brothers'
It..i•rale Katy, 'S311 001 •3331 Mbrer
Plast 111tr 1iI leRmwltl
Repairs for all makes of
stores or furnaces
l•r.,illso rrc i.r and reasoa-
able prices.
Jol►n Pinder
p4telwp 121 ' P. O. Blas ISS
O'Brien. A. J. M • . c nnon. Cock. L.
O'Brien. A. J. McKinnon. l. Hen,ACockerel.
J. McKinnon. lst all
A. J. McKinmm. 1st and and. Black
Hamb tregew lapel, L. C.f Brien. Cock.
0. Battler. Hen. O. libttler. Cock-
erel, L. O'Brien. (%_ ' .eta .
1w11et..3. tl'jtrlen, .
Cock. L. (Yltr•len. C.'Taa1tbrook. Hui,
L. O'Brien, 1'. I►anhrx•k. Cockerel,
L. O'Brien. F. MceIymont.
path --C: Danbrook..
ialjt•a-Runner w-1►id. 0. Battler.
Young, 11 Rattler. A. Warner 4.
Muakovy--t►l(I. Harold I'(•nbale. Pe -
kine -Old. Rus( Snowden. 0. Battler,
Young, O. Rattler. A. Warner 4 Boa.
Rouen -Tomer. T. M. Speeder.
Waivers.. Leithwaite & Son. J. Ster-
ling:- t:.otkmMinuet. J. Sterling. Miss
Brownett: Blenheim Pippins. C. B.
Middleton's& Sots. J. Sterling; Snows.
C. B. MhkIIcton & ton, F. Middleton:
Ontario*. Mho* Between. E. Porter:
Wolf River. C. R. Middleton & Son,
J. Sterling:sbaxket of fruit. 3. Ster-
ling: Wealthy. F. Met7yauut.
Young --A. Warier # Son. 14 &W&
Palr-A. J McKinnon. C. Daabrock.
Trecvartba Special -Best Six Utility
Pullets -Carl Neill.
White winter wheat, H. Truemner ;
Those ThoSnowden; red winter wheat,
Milne` Rader. H. Truemeer: spring
wheat, Thou. Snowden. II. Truemoer ;
;bushel tend pea.. H. Desjerdine, Milne
Rader: barley. Mune Rader. H. Truem-
Rncrt• white oats. Allen Reties. Milne
itrdet. fed +lianas see& BLIP Paler.
J 3ter11ng• sweet clover aced.
lDMilneesjardines, T. Sweden; timothy, H.
Trwemner, MRader: yellow (or°. ler; white onions, 0. Battler. F. Bar -jacket and bonnet. k
0. Battler. 13. De.jardlues ; dent corn. her ; red onions. Mrs N. 1 Carter, O. Mra J. Menses q baby's bootee,. too_H. Dtwjardlreal E.Pieter; sweet eters. Rattler; repot► onions. F. Barker. O. chef Mrs. J. )asrsar, V Llvlegato.e:
EarJy potatoes. O. Battler. 3. titer`
ling: late potatoes, Milne Rader. T.
Metlymunt: heaviest manl!old . MIM
Brownett. H. Itrejardinee; marigolds
( long, reds, Wee Brownett, f inter-
ltllot*). T.
mediate marigolds. Miss Brownett. H.
ruse; field carrots, Cl. Battler, F. Rats
' ERICiI; a1V7`-, . .. . . annrt-.a.lt- ,.,maims..:.
rter, H. 1)rsjar-
t „awes. Mrs.
Battier : canned
Mai N.LCar-
Mrs. N. L
0. Battler, Mrs.
be(' products,
: quest of bon -
Pollock ; maple
Roder.. Thos(.
;cetera Canada
Sunday Afternoon
• • •
(t Goderlcb, Ontario
hough tomiar'wealesand vile,
Thou dose my strength insure;
ul .- vileness fully cleanse
Till sp(tttess i loci- yeura
F i24g 4*T.
Lanlatale. orltt*al, nil. M Living -
'T1s Jesus .'alts we en
'r. prrf(e't faith and love,
stung. stip original, To perfect hope, and pram, and trust.
M. Li(int.tose: laade„.aiw. oruginal, For earth and heaven above.
wildfire -010r. E. F. Verner. M i.h•inR- -Lewis Ilartsough.
store; fruit. water color, N1 LlvIng-
ate: fruit. water actor. \1 Living -
M. ooIMjnl:atone; pen and ink drawing,
H, luta. M. Livingston.: crayon or
lead point draw. M. I,ivierstone, airs.
Allen; painting on sulk ,r satin. M.
Livingstone. H. Peahale. Hassel-lai0tel
ebine. M. Uviegstone, Mrs. 4iowrle:
*teniling on fabric. 11 Fop.: fruit
and Sowers In oil, M Livingstone, -
H. Few.
Rkel.-twisted Zara, M Rader: skein
«0011en yarn. V. Rader ,'oro dock
door mat. Mies Bros/Iwo . M Rader:
home-made article of furniture Mrs.
Pftlr: two bars hard mop. F. a&4Clr- unto the nettuus. TDen said 1, Ah,
moot. H. Fusee. - Lord God'. toehold. 1 cannot speak:
Tor 1 am a thiol. But the Lord said
unto me, Say out 1 am a child: for
thou *bait go to ■11 that 1 .ball send
thee. and isbanor, er 1 command thee
thou shalt tweak. Be not afraid of
their facers: for 1 am with then to de-
liver ;bee, s*itb the Lord."
lu today's leerier we see Jeremiah
true to his semwisodon, lamenting bit-
• • •
Help us to boy to heart Thy words,
to Lord, and aweud Our ways and our
doings dud ob • - .shyvoice. Amen.
S. S. LESSON p OK OCT. 13, 14135
Lesson Topic -The Mary at Jerewda[tt'
Leeson Pamagr.-Jeceselalt l:1 -1e; iii
Golden Trod -Jeremiah 1:7.
Jeremiah *lieu quite young us.
ceived a direct tall Prow tied, as re-
corded in chapter 1 lu fife following
words : "1 orlatue4 tiler a prophet
Table centre pian. colored. M. Liv-
ingstone. H. Nests; table . runner. M.
LIrtngwtone, A. Warier 4 Son: cu
Alen. embroidery, 41 Nuel.. A War-
ner & Son; cushion, any other kind.
Mrs. N. Woods. M. Rader . lamp shade,
M Livingstone, Mrs N. Woods: table
• You'll Tike the rich, full
effi flavour of Salado Orange
., Peke Mewl. Try a package.
The meat was some delicious rabbit
that the boy of the house had 'Mot; the
potatoes and lurupe were grown In
the gird. u : the bread was made from
flour that lad been traded for wheat
at the 1.' el elevator. There was no
auger n. go with the toffee, whlcb
was wad.• from roasted wheat, but
that deth-irrx•y was more than wade
up by plenty of rich cream from the
farm cows. The dessert consisted of
syrup «blob they proudly told me had
been Made at home from sugar beets.
This year they are growing more
beets in 33r1,3r to make sure that the
supply of syrup will last throughout
the year. The whole met of the meal
In actual cash as near as 1 could gather
was the price ut one 't' shell.
-incidentally those little cart-
ridge. were a life-saver to many pimple
in ;tut bard -hit community. The
skins of the lowly red squirrel bit as
uutweieudent(d high of fifteen cents
apiece. The little chatterers dared
not as much as poke their nosse
around the side of a tree lest they
quickly become the means of Maytag
sugar sad tea and baking powder for
souse hard -op *heat farmer. Some
of the furetradlns stores did Mod -office
busines es in the hides of these noisy
little fellows. One merchant stopped
talking In terms of 'squirrels or hun-
dreds of .qulrrele but began dealing
in thousands.
"Muskrats In their season. too. came
In for their share of changing tbeir
coats for groeeriem. livery lake, every
dough. every river that might show
ally signs of rats was well Investigated
by thea.- people so ashlars to make a
rouragrous efurtj• "Ling_ liviag liar
themsel(w and Omit trm111ss -
"Amid such teosdltlasa Saes people
deeply ■pprectats tbe fact that the
church does what it can to steed be-
hind them. They bate their church
services, thanks te the Home Mission
Booed, and la Mob community the
minister dtetrlbutee hundreds a dol-
lars worth of good warm Huth:eg and
bedding Not only that, but the
church doe* not forget that at Christ-
mas time children want more than
bare uwetrltlea and the minister has
eh.th stet servleites, U. Livingstone,'terly over the site of the Jews; he
H. Fuse; tea cloth. cut work. Freda ' pointb them out 1n all their glaring
4r-hoesahti Mrs. N. Woods: tray cloth, hidruu$nea•s and propbesle+ punishment
embroidered, M. Ilvtmg.tooe, F Scboe- and ruin. His grief is seen In these
sats:, centrepiece, Mn. Ffile. Mrs. J. worts: "(1h. that my bead were wa-
Merner ; lunel*o* set, Mee. Mile. II. legs, and mine eyes a fountain of tears,
ker: table carrots (long) Mrs. N. L. Nee,: buffet set, 3 piece's- Mrs Mile, that 1 might' weep day and night tar
Mrs Howrie; tea esp. M. Livingstone. the stain of the daughter of my
Outer, F. Middleton • table carrots
(algprll.. jt(w-:-r L. Carter. F. Middle- etre Allen txidge-Mt;-whrolderedpeepic"--8a asta forth the °store
ton; table beets (long), Mrs. N. L. e. schoenen, H. Puss; brtdge set. ale their er
sio♦-treacby Aird lying t
Carter.. O. Battier: table turnip beet. Toque, F. Scboeoals, I1. Fuss; buffet such au extent that be longs to get
set, embroidered. Lir Merner: hem- away from It all. preferring tbe com-
pany of wild beasts of the desert to
that of its sinful fellow -MIL yroeesd-
,.,a as they do from wills -ern a'Nn b►
cause they have forgotten Clod-iki
low in the moral reale had they tai air
that the propbet declares they "wean
thewwelres' to commit Iniquity. barber-
ing it 1n their very hearts." Having
Own sWkt'o out as orommsodest by God,
he tells them God declares He will
visit tbem and be •veugeal nl..n them
for their iniquitous life both as Io-
melons. H. Tree0er. O. Battier: cat- 0. Neeb, H. IW taw" bed lamp dlvlduals and as • nation. .train the
roux. A:'" Warner 4 Bon : '°'Pkins .bade, M.
Mrs. N. Woods: (prophet is moved to weeping ant well-
(tablet.0. Battler, A. Warner & Shp ;Tthree a toweillk•111ra pop, Mea J.Iing when he thlrulks opus the land be
xgaaer (table). H. Troemoer. Mrs. N. w Mettler. - Ing laid waste by invading boat*. Jer-
L Carter: pampkln (feed). A. Warner I (IUkW. Wear
destroyed. and the cities of
& Seer-, -H. Tresses's-:. squash (feed).1 _ (hMM's. rid garment. Judab desertei-Mit withsmt as la -
H. Tremmner, F. Barker : large English 1mee. 3, Merger. Tae.; char. -WY habitant.
tato onions, Milne Rader, 0. Battdr. iV. Racier, Idreaw Mra. J. lbsrse?, 11 Fuss; hews Jeremiah hi:g-is.---in this ebaWK
T". Nabob P. Cleave: 8 .parsnips. J.
Cameros, A. Warner & Son: 3 market
turnips, P. Cleave. Mrs. N. L Carter;
bearteet turrit
4L -'-$e'
9wdea, ti Fuss, Mra: N. Wood.; pillowee_
uea .rdlne ; 3 sager' beet mangolds, i bn,ldered, F. He omnis. M7*, pale;
Mhos Brownett, A.. Warner & Son; 3 !pillowcases, lace trimmed. Hoes
winter radish. 0. Battler, 11. Defier- ,Trough, M. /Aviation,.
gate: salsify, Mrs. N. I.. Carter, F. ■erase .
Barker; head cabbage, Mr.. N. L Curtain♦ lace trimmed. M. Lois ,e
Carter. H. Fuse; head cauliflower, (gone. H puss; deeaNn4 table sets.
Mrs( N. L Carter, T. Snowden; white embroidered, Frena 8cboenalx. A. War -
celery, R. Gieeer. • 0. Battler: musk- I ner & Sons; embroidered towels. M.
melons O Battler T.Snowden; water- Rader. F.Seboe pals; cra'itet towels,
stitched sheets, Mrs. N Wood.. 1
Merner; pllloweasee, hemstitched. H.
Cook ni4s4rated her 4lghtyee000d
birthday on Wednesday of la.t week.
tougratutatloul to the worthy coupe.
Mesa Alma Sallows, of Stratford
weekNorwal School, spent the week end at
her twine.
Tbere w111 be no church eerrlt•e here
on Sunday on a.roan1 of anniversary
services bring held at NIIe There 'medal als'medal serviea at Carlow
stud Polon, (lonelt township, on
W. M. 11-Tbe Women's Missionary
Society held their September meeting
at the church un Wednesday of art
week, with a small attendance. Misr10
1te11e Shaw was leader. The meetg
opened with singing a hymn and pray-
er read 1n liitlaoo from the Aupdo
Missionary Monthly. Roil call wai
answered by verses and ppertain.
ins to Pawl. Three members road
about certain (ountrlea.from tbe WatchTower. In thest .
bunese part • of the
meeting 1t was deckled to hoar the
thankoffering servlee on bbd last
1 Ln-
day In October with the pastor con-
ducting the service. After the offer-
ing was takes. part of the byte.
"Blast be the Tea that Bink" -!
Bung and prayer *erkd by Mee. D.
the pleasure nt opposing exciting ho;es
ad ddIi, genie'. trains, automobiles.
"WM had an the thtnge tint
slake Militias* tile big day of the
year for children every wbere, even
where their daddies have to spend
A product of The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited
- mor Stores
Robin Hood Oats large pkg. 210
Finest Quality
Reg. 2 lbs. 26c
Coconut Finger Biscuits .1b. 17e
Crunchie Pickles .. Lege jar 25c
CHOICE [ K1N-'x.12'/2c, . , . , La
.rge tin lOe
Happyvale Mincemeat 21bs. 25c
Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 25c
Golden Wax Beans 2 tins 23c
Snowflake Ammonia 4 pkgs. 23c
Battler; red tomatoes. 0 Battler, Min
R. Allen, yellow tomatoes, Mrs. N. L.
Carter, Fd. Foster ; largest tomatoes.
Mrs. N. L. arter. A. Warner & Sots;
Sherk4ns, 0. Rattler. A. Warner 4
Sons; encumber (takie), F. Barker,
Mrs. N. L tarter; small trait tome -
smocked dress, ;lir. J Mercer, H.
Poen. baby's m aupeee. Bre J. Mer-
ner, M. Uvth ee.
lair Wear ...,
*prom work. MQ.. 7 I(
Funs; dream, work 11
*tone; underwear. caiton,
Wes, 0. Battier, Mrs. N. 1 Carter : i Uvtng*to0e ; underwear. s1
largest sunflower. 0 Bettie?, H. Des- ladle's ateock, Mrs. .1. if
jardine.; collection garden herbs, Mrs.l Imogene: roller and
IN. 4 Carter. Mr, B. Pill,: peppers.. Pole, Mr.. J. Merrier'
Mrs. N. L Carter, A. Warner & Sons; e"chleta, M. uvinsstone,
egetable marrow, A. Warner & Sous. rte: bed jacket, band mad
F. Barker: green hubbard "Pith, a iffier & Son. Mira N. Wend'
Trnemoer, F. Barker ; yellow htibbard 4 weal. YM. N. Wood.. H. !
gqua.h. A. Warner 4 Sons, F. Barker; fancy. F. Sehoenal, Mrot
egg plant A Warner 4 Son, Mrs. N. handbag. fancy. M. us
3 lbs. 25c
Maxwell House Coffee
1 lb. tin 43c
Veg. or Tom.
Reg. 2 for 1110
3 tins for 23c
2 pkgs. 31c
Oxydol large pkg. 255
Comfort Soap ! bed 111°
PHONE 46 PHONE i Iter ill
, H.
M Living -
i' nes, M.
H. Fuse;
r. Y 1.1v -
*et. tilt*
ed hand-
rs How.
A. War -
one, H
L Carter. !Fume; home dyeiog. whole garment,
Special for teat collection of table O. Battier. H. 1)c'.jardine
vegetables by Mise O'Neil --Mr.. N. L. Mo.'s Weer
bouquet. large, Mra. N. Woods, F.
Sacker; 'tteequet, small. F. Harker,
Wre 2a Wood*: collection salvia, Mrx.
R. -Woods, Mrs. Allen; eoleetlon dab -
lax, F. Marker, Mra. N. Woods; col-
lection fasciae., T. Barker; collection
panni'.( Mes. N. Woods. Mri.. AH48;
cnlleet las, F. -
ker. Mr.. N. Woods; fibrous rooted be-
gonias. Mrs. Allen; concetihn geran-
ium', 341.. Brownett, O. Geiger; collec-
tion erten,. J. Cameron. Mrs. Alien;
collection petunia', F. Barker, Mrs.
Allen: collection house plants, F. Bar-
ker; teilYlo tion (*oleos, Mee. Allen, R.
Geiger; collection glosanla. Mrs. F.
McEwen: 4 varieties minutia, Mrs. Al-
len, F. Barber ; entsainse Mrs. ANas, M.
Merner: sinning, F. Barker, Mrs. Al-
len; verbenas, Mrs. Allen. F. Barker:
gladiolas, Mrs. Allen. F. Barter; sweet
peas, Mrs. Allen, F. Middleton
flperlal prise by Cunntnehame Green-
hon., -F. Barker.
10 lbs. hotter. Fred Meelymout, 0.
Batter; 511*. butter to block., Mre.
Fret ••;.Ewan, 'Herb Neeh; b 11111.
we see the prophet Mandlrg 1s the
bowie of the Lord in Jerusalem, In
obedience to God's command proclaim- au th. mosey jbey et„ get o0 sr'o-
Int all the w(.rda he was commanded cedes"
to speak-"dimteise not a word: 1f so
be they w111 hearten. and turn every
man from bis evil way, that I may
repeat me of the evil. which 1 purpose
to do unto them because of the evil
of their doings."
We next see the effect his words had
upon the assembled people. Instead
of bringing deep repentance it turned
them agalor him. They declared
that such speaking made him clot At
W live -'Thou shalt surely die." They
went furtber than that, for they made
representation to the authorities
against him. saying, "This man is
worthy to die. for he bath prophesed
against this city, as ye have heard
with your ears"
Sport .hIrt. Mr.. Pale. H. Tote;
pyjama(. hamimede. M. Livingstone.
Mrs. J. Merner: pullover .;eater, H.
F41.a. F. SeboPnale; mkt*, Wavy, Mrs.
Howre, 0. Battler ; melts, beery, Mrs
PAW. H. Fn.e: socks. ffs..-M. iivint-
lotone. H. Neeb
MlseeUanesue Wait
Patch. hemmed. 14. Nerds. J,i -iows:
filet crochet, H. Neeb. Mrs. N. Woody;.
tatting. 31. i ic-ingetose, H. N
fancy knitting. In cotta*. Mrs Piles
M. Rader : drawn thread work. Mrs.
Pflle. M. Livingstone; hems4ltehinR,
Mrs. Pf1le. FI From; eut work. F.
Seboenbal*. Mr. N. Woods; tapestry,
Mr.. N. Wood.. H. Fess; coos' stitch.
F. Sehnenal., If Livingstone; blas and
$[cornered darning. 11. Tuns, Mr*. Pfile,
1t, leech.
Bpdepread. wh110. embroidered, Fid.
Folder, A. Warner & Son; hedspreed,
tufted. O. Niftier. Mrs. Howrle: quilt.
motion, O. Geiger, M Rader: comfor-
ter. fancy, Mrs N. 1, Curter: comfor-
ter, goose dawn. R Foster; crochet
afghan. R. Geiger. J Sterling; hearth
rug. hooked, rag. W Llvingitnne. H.
Fn**; hearth rug. hooked. wool. Mr..
(eh -irk Mutter, R Geiger, Mr.. Fred Me- Mlle. itr.. liowrlet rag mat. Melded,
i F}wan ; ; l lb. fancy print, MM. N. L O Geiser. Mr. title: beet labor -raving
!Carter. 11Prh e.
Neeh: ehee, home• device, Mrs. Pflie. Mrs. Howrie;
braided .Ilk mat. Mrs. Pelle.
mere. Herb N(wlo; ter; h ham, S ZT:011idoltits's SFJ"1.1ON
Herb NePt1, F1d. Faster; telt hes,
helm, eared, H. A. R. Geiger;
Bert amity on Rayfield fair, Clara
1. IM bn•nn.-11. A. nos; 2 nos. lrd; one
Clerk, June )lr.nrl• n; drawing, per- aR•ln"st him. fiP stood alone In the
Fret Meel;moat., O, Rattier,: 'pair npectave. Clara ('lark. Jack Murray : period of greatest national mi.ery : but
deemed ehickene. 'Peed Mc•()!!ymont, drawing. .flit life. (Trina Clark, Bob he .food as a rock n thetbea. res t -
le*. Sterling. F>RR'. white -Fid. Fos•1Mclesod: hird•'toemlo•. named. Robert ing. by the help
ter, O. Rattler;..Pig•, ;mown -Mrs.
dtt(v1101. inn. (leigcr taffy. Fsnllree of hostile tor1°•I'it4 ranIlorea.tet°!rdIn the
Roth. Allen, Ed, Foster; iota bread. Maxwell. F. Me('lymo•t; collection of own IN'
white. Ed. Feder, Mr.. N. L. Carter; . word.. 311. Clcave. Bob McLeod : servant of God In Ow highest stage of
his dov'elOpment in the hl.tory of the
Old- Teetement."
Remembering bin call and his com-
mission, Jeremiah did not quail before
either princes or people, but spoke out
saying, 'Tim Lord sent me to prophesy
against this boost and against this city
all the words that ye hsve beard."
Being steeped in tbe sin of deceit and
lying, they could not betleve the words
of an honest fellow -man. Tiley ques-
tioned his authority; but sm me'
its position in his closing
of a truth the
all hest words rd hatb sent mfr your
to speak
Having announced his warrant, be
called upon the people, saying:
re -
fore now amend your ways and your
doings. and obey the voice of the Lord
you God, and the Lord will repent H1m
of the evil that He bath pronounced
against 7ou.' The prophet's high
courage and absolute dependence on
God are seen In his teeing them to
do with him as they naw fit:
for me. behold, 1 am 1n your bands:
do with me a( seemeth good and meet
unto you. But know ye for enrol .,
that it ye put me to death, ye "shall
surely bring innocent blond upon your -
melees, and upon this city, ar.d upon
the Inhabitant' thereof."
The Religions Encyclopaedia se75
In reference to Jeremlah'a attitude to-
wards the sine of tete people: "The
recollection of hit official re ponelhlll-
tlee !Vila In hlos heart as a burning fire
,t np in hla bone*. Everyone wax
LiEPIRCRN, Oct 8. -Mrs. R. Overt -
we?, of Kleearalrne. is Melting her
daughter, Mrs. Wm. 8aliowa.
Little Mimes Catherine and Audrey
Horton, of Oodericb, spent the week-
end at the home of their grandpar-
Mir Hanel Cook, of Nile, was a
visitor at the home of her parents os
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Obisbotm a.d
babe and Albert Wolfe attended Tees -
water fair on Wednendtl7 of last week
Mr. Josepb Cook Leeelebrating his
elgbtyddtth birthday today, sad, Mrs.
loaf bread. graham, Mrs. N. L. Car
ter, Fd. Foster; Boston brown bread,
FA. Forster: loaf nut bread.' Mrs. N.
L. Carter; ti Graham muffins, E. F.
Mese', Fred Mee/melt; layer cake,
light; F F. Merner, Mrs. J. Hoene;
tart*, 2 varietiod, F. 4(4 (tlyinont, R.
Fetter; "tenet shortbread. Mrs. 13.
dresser doll Fred NeOlymont, Elate
41.144w1: P•ix•r flowers, R. (lelger,
Mary Snowden; erineatlonsl pletires,
Fred Mldd.leton: drawing of flower4;
tfirtl. nt frit?. Mary Snowden. Ivan
Special London *Overtime prig*,
Mra N. L. Carter
Heard, Mr. N. 1 Carter; layer cake, i'aIhHOR. esrul dnrn, Ift,rarore. mn.ir
eitenhwto, Freda Srakenakt, W R.'nee more clown, r.•lated than is Kew
Stepltemoorvrt layer rage m41M'e W. R
Stepto ; M J Heinle' fruit I"rnll7 b'llevcI 'i I. y exprv*a all the
mon, M. xentiment. of the human rove In the
rake. Mr* N. 1e.•-taarte . YM. r' light of nature It la 01117 the
miens of eine.-,,ion which carr: -Rod -
Herd: K buns, E. Magee; fi tea his
eultn. F: Merner, Mr.. N. L Carter;
A ginger hermits. F.. stouter. Mire. I
HOwrte plate t-ookleew, E. Fo..ter. T.
1Rrf1ym00? : R plats' melte*. F Me-
Clyrn(1nt. Mr. 4 leserd ; 41 scones, e,
Foster. F' Me-tllyrro/nt : apple p1P. 311..
Sterling, F: Werner ; lemon pie, W.
Stcvcn.nn, PI Merner ; 1 lb. fridge, 0
rt ler, F Arbreneile; helot cold
lends, Mrs R {'file; pickle*, Waw N.
t. (tarter, (► Rallies; 41 jelly, 4 near -
..w..wirsstsiA. a '►.t gt- .am►. ,*h
- ft.
Maklmlt Ike Beet nf s Blab (#tua)Joe
A yo(Ina mintier Pini emnplettntr
him tint year of preaching write* the
is trrlsew and the
"When your crop
harvese smetoon la on wet that every
'sample of the .trkly-lonkfne atter yon
haul to the elevator get• the atmos
aging grade 'mlr tough or '1n0Rh feed
when prlcea are "^ low anly all leer
stem an high that ixa
c-p goes to pay the twine alio Mesh
bill. 700 harp two altetnstivsa. - TOR
either fold up and quit, spending year
11 MO *nrnpl*Inln5 abort the (lovers -
merit, and live on sits rPllef, or 100
get b1*7 and rustle.
"Some people. i think, find a feel
advrntaee la slaking the blest 0t a had
sitt*U00. Recently 1 its a swot that.with
• family which wee doing 1
(r• tv ase,*.
Liver awn Kidneys
«..w..1 kv
You've W 1.ye when yes"e fah
dlseeersged and low oththingg
seemed te gra right.reqeetialyese
dreary clays can be treed sm eess-
mos eeweti4atien. dee te la& of
'Salk' is your menus. • , •'
This sllmest mar•easss.hea p
aches sad loss of energl
by sating • deM Mos cereal.
Lshsrstery research chews Eel -
g's Au..Batst'meids. yak' is
aW sliminuiss. Au.-BaaM ala far-
FMaims vitamin B emd food-iron.
The 'Salk' la Au.Base resists
dlpsties baser tia.s the fiber Is
fano sad vegetables. it is'encle-
sed Bum mare effective. Isn1 this
mama! feed
s bereetspm
Twe tablespoonfuls of &Akan
daily are sseafy sufficient. Alli
• sseh meal, is &reale cases. If Met
relieved this way. sea year doctor.
Brighten ,lays with Act -Bur!
Get the rd -and -
green peeks,* at
year tram's. Mede
by [Aegis i. Lem
del. Ontario.
HEAT FOtff3-,
Whoever (rooks the family
monist -whether it's tbe lady of
the house or . meld, 1s entitled
to the best feel obtaIDable.
Nobody tan cdll!•wltir 41001 :
A great deal of dissUdacU°M
among rookm may be traced W lbs
dally battles with a refractory
kltcben store.
Sohe your servant problem
with some of our excellent coal.
. CALL 1'H4
%QAT Mitt
J. B. Mustard Coal Co.
PHONE 418 WM. O. MarEWAN, Manager 0001111101, ONT.
1 " i•
This season we are showing an
emTIES,ra tSof theP p-todate styles of SHOES, OXFORDS,
PERS and PUMPS for ladies and men that cannot be
equalled in quality or price.
In misses' and ehildresn's Footwear we are making •
specialty, and have the daintiest and most artistic designs
of the shoemaker's art.
Geo. Mac tear
North Bide of 8gnaae - 6od1er