HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-10, Page 5tra — 11RWRWITIMIZIAM711. • • THE SIGNAL - — GODERICH, ONT..' Thursday, October 10th. Hudnut's Marvellous ---- TOILETRIES Face Powder Vanishing Oream Cleansing Cream 66o Cold Cream 60* aa • — Lig litier"*--06* ALSO DU BARRY TOILETRIES --CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE V-- ss The Sombre We Deliver Phone 8, • ABE FOR 001TPONS When buying In GoderIch, shop- pers should first check over the list of business Maces where outman are etyma for cash mer- ciless/I 0, Panilent of accounts. Theses coupons will assist some of the contestants to win one of the valuabie prima But be sure to ask for coupons. 41.•••=gt•mni••••••••••• - • NINA Lndieran Service- SeessIoanth &today after Welty BIBLE SUNDAY REV. C ZIEGLER, Pastor At IllacKAY HALL SUNDAlf. OCT. 13 at 11.60 cm. Is - Subject of Hermon, *Vino Goya Us 'The Boshr " BR THE Baptist4horch ....zal... Rei-. S. R. r .. Miniate . . , r IS a.m. BAPTIST HARVEST HOME Pleasant Weed se t4unday with Many Present Harvest home and thanksgiving ser- vices were conducted morning and evening at tbe Baptist church by the pastor, Rev. IC It. MeClung, on Sun- day. The elturch wad decorated beau- tifully for the occasion with autumn leaves, flowers and fruit. At the morning service a duet was sung by Misses Helen 'Snell and Flor- ence l'rler. and In the evening the Auburn choir and a quartette provided the special music. In the afternoon the eitikiren of the Sabbath school and members of the congregation attended Vie annual ral- ly day service. 11. S. rtriff. superin- tendent of the Sunday school, presided. Th. Mason way read by Geo. Miller, assistant superinteudent, and readings were given by Maxine Wiltion, Mar- jorie Miller and Wilma Griff. Miss Vera Wilkins' clams sang • chorus, whleh was followed by duete by Evelyn and Eleanor Donaldson god Ross and Elsie lleiff. Addresaes were given by J. A. Campbell, Miss Mary Walters and Mr. GrIff. The reembere of the Cradle Roll were preseeted with china cup* by Mr. Gaff and the service was brought to a close with the benediction peouounced by Abe pastor. lltia.m. "TUE !niza AT WOtejr 7- - Irk • "16AR2,iTIIIII" ift North Street • United C -SUNDAY, ID a.m-Idea's Club "Dome Helpful Ways Mg Sunday.' Mr. J. _ 11 a.m.-Public Worship. Sacra- ment ot the Lord's Sapper. p.m.-Sseday Scheel pas.--Publk Worship. Sub- ject, "The PrOeverlty of the litlehm1.- Second in 18.sari's. il=e, from the Book 61 • 11 HEADIQUARTFAS FURNITURE • and PAINT CHURCH NOTES At Victoria street United church n ext Sunday morning Rev. F. W. Calk will take as lits subject "The Value of the Sable." ra ihe Afternoon, --at o'clock, there will be a* open session of the Sunday wheel, to be pddressed by Rev. W. A. Weide& B.A., president of the Leedom Contertslice. The even- ing service will be wirlitlywn on sic: count a the analversity servka at Eaton church. 'CRASH HEAR. DAINEWOOD Two Cars Daintand Seven People lire. J. G.roJO Dastswood. wee uncomeious seversi hours on Sunday, atm,--.61ta,-,uset Aied._bwiz injuries reedited le a motor crash four miles south of Dirliprood. Her husband was tall ieriecausly la- jured of are ot In tbm two -r crash, In which care turued Wars It is allefien Nerniiir -0Creinette, e on ot the Injured Dashwood people, drove north through aderop sign tato a London car coataInIng-Ilr. and Rm. Russel /Wedding and Witter Ramer. The Loudon car was rolled completely over and the Dasbwood car fell over oa Its side. Mr. Geromette sufferer; lacerated head that requimd 'sixteen stitches, hie son svas cat About the face and the Loneon people were severely scratched and Isfullsed. Both ears were badly damaged. At'LCRAFT PAINTS are Idea la quality and law hi price. You •will Ond Orst-cia.se values - In our stock of FURNMARZ and STOVES We posItLiely save you mosey W. II. Bladistone On the Broadway of Gederieh THE END OF THE ROAD lost hie driver's Hoene ior silt/ days • COLBORNE VETERAN -38ntie&GaigniiihmasSowlot_toMiceoLidikAu, Kai when be tsced three Vrjr-4es 417111r.gitx. Into More Trouble Sentenced For Attempting Escape —Companion Too—Chari. vari Costly Sag violations. For kering the scene Ilivemeful Life of an accideat be en fined $25 and LOYAL, Oct. 3. --Mr. Alex. Young costs. and 011 tech 01 two eharges of quietly celebrated his eighty-third reckless's/1°114 14"losi'd aia'auss blethdity on Thursday. September 2dth. Ile wall born In a log home on lot 7, mut-melon 8, the oldest son of Alexander and Christens MacKenzie Young. Of a fatally of elght one and accidents within a east mace of thee, he was fined fie and costs. Theft fees Layton Murr. Orey towushlp, • pleaded guilty to• two charges of theft. three daughters only four remain: -tiersk einsith. aseateen.year.okLue. and His Worship st.....ed 4 " .0.Rev. J. Young, D.D. retired In Syre- "gthrraeartligenrftarge " wbia4 14461164.1M/1. MurrilliellWries?d giren a week tonipainy.'441116.-Toron461141to. aorllivrs. (Rra:.i)flrobeligri he appeared before Magistrate J. A. sse admitted Idealist an ignition and derail, who Ines with her brother. Ratans on Thursday laid, atter bead tools from Geo. Brown, Grey township In his elate -three yeare Mr. sentinceerirliNideSIOWIRMYTJeadoleltr Iwo years in Portsmouth penitentlarY, concurrently on three charges of car theft. The charge on Thursdpy was of at- -tempting to escape from prison. Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months definite, with an Indeter- minate period of not more than six roontbs, In the Ontario reformatory, consecutive to the previa* terms. His sixteen -year-old friead, Aubrey Newman, alias Joe Auburn, who was sentenced at Loudon to a year In the reformatory when found guilty of the theft of a car with Smith, also - appeared before the magistrate. He was t•liarged with escaping cuistody and obstructine an officer, to width earges he pleaded guilty. On tbe former charge he wax sentenced to the reformatory for oue year definite, two years Imo a day Indeterminate, and on the latter charge six months definite, two years less a day Indeterminate. The sentencea are to lw concurrent with the term imposed at Loudon. Charivari Case Eleven Colborne township youths paid costs' of $3.45 when they faced a charge of doing wilful damage to property. The charge, whith was not pressed. resulted from an over-enthus- iastic charivari at the Goderich town- ship home of Mr. apd Mrs. Orval Rodges. The aecused young men ad- mitted the charge and paid the ewes, after apologizing to Mr. Rodeos lu the court. The gang admitted tooting eggs at the Rodges' home, ripping up the ver - anthill fluor, tearing down the tele- phone wires, kicking shingles from the root and breaking into the barn All Boys Once Magistrate Makins said: We were all boys ourselves once, and have some recollection of how a cletrivarl is car- ried on. Wad a bunch of boye get together they sometimes go too far. I hope there will not be a repetition of this thing." Kenneth McLean, of Egmondville. its old car in running order. vicrosit S. CLUB An Interesting program has been ar- ranged for the meeting of Victoria Home and School Club on Thuredes, October lith, at 8 p.m. The speaker will be Miss Eva Somerville, and her subject, "A Trip to the Maritimes." A good musical program also has been arranged and an enjoyable evening Is promised to all parents and frieuds who attend this rueeting. .---- CREWE M CREWE', Oct. $.-Mr and. Mrs. Jesse Grey, of Goderieli. spent last week. with thelf sou -In-law and daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Shackleton. Mrs. Cecil Chamney and daughter Ann, of Relative, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan orer the week -end. Mr. Vittor Whitely and son Edwin, who speet-the past six weeks in the West, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin .pent last Friday with Miss Dreattey, Dun - 1a0000. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sherwood and Mr. and Mei. John Kilpatrick spent last Wednesday at Eirkton. Mrs. W. H. Campbell, of Westfield. Is rIsItIng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1'. Crosier. The Crewe W.M.S. meeting was held at tbe home of Mrs. Raymond Etoni- an on Tuesday of last week, with six- teen ladles present.' The program was In charge of Mrs. John Kilpatrick. A sots was -rendered by Mrs. Drennan, a duet by Rev. and Mrs. Turner, read. Ina were given by Mr.. MeConnell. Mra. Trel . Mrs. Sherwood and Mrs. Watt. Prayer was offered by Susan Kilpatriek and Mrs. Menary. M The moss Offthe ineettim-tunch- was - mired. Mite Susan Kilpatrick "pent the week -end *118 MIS. lAly Itadrew, of the log !souse eve place to the more commodious brick or frame house, tbe roads, narrow and rough, In many places corduroy, widened, gravelled and Dow paved. He has ploUghed with the oxen and attended many logging bees with -Ruck mil Bright." For many years there. was only the *me top buggy In the leltrict, which belonged to his unOle,'-the late Mr. William Young. Gradually almost every farm- er had one, but It has now given place to the automobile.. Mr. Young ls about the only one left who assisted In build- ing the Presbyterian (now United) church at Carlow lu 1872, and he has held almost every office In the congre- gation. In littin he was elected to the municipal board as councillor and later was reeve and commissioner. in 1911 he retired to Goderich, but re- mained only three years. returning to the country an.I buying the house and lot near Loyal which he now •wetiples. Last year he had the nitsfmenne to be thrown out of his buggy anti *offered a broltetpbonF: but -made a Rood re- covery and was able this summer to work ID his garden and eut half an sere of oats with the, scythe and take it in with the Kid of at stall boy. In PM Mr. Young was married to Miss Mary Jane Ituehanan. who passed away in 1924s. AMJARI—OZTZHZEASAE CIMOOML DIAVAraiigt—niNGG Stedelbauer's Used Car Market CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH • NUM COMFORTABLE CLOSED OAR FOR AS LOX AS $100 Your old Car take!' as part payment. COOle in. Rouse & Bell Garatenoi it---irnrewrair STREET GET GAB AND GO Police NI Saladay night cooducted an intend,* march for two yams men and a turoon-colored Chem/et car which Is believed to have ban stolen The chase was taken up when the meek fled after securing ten gallons of gasoline from James Johnston. of Au- burn. 'When Janata filled the AIX one of the men asked foe a reed They drove off when Joon to get the Milk He MAUS Az cam ne nuber, but • ebecit-op re that the plates were Issued to a 11b18 model Ford touring. car la the Pan7 Hound district. • Vote for the Reconstruction Party !MILITARY AT GRAND BENI) On Friday night Lieutenants E. A Crtch and D R. Nairn. of Goderich, accompanied by Captain O. 1' McIn- tyre, of Clinton, drove to Grand Bend to attend the staff tour for °Seers of military district No. 1. The three of- ficers represented Huron Regiment. The tour covired a three-day per- iod In whish taetleal exerceses and plane of attack were studied and In- structions In modern warfare were re- ceived.- - Nearly 100 _officers from Western Ousted.- pedals in _the district attended the tour. which was presided over by Gen. J. M. Roes, C M.G.. Dungannon. D.S.O., 14.0C.. M.D. 1, of Landon. Candidate --Wm. J. Henderson and let the Hon. H. H. Stevens continue his good work in your behalf. 1 Every farmer should vote for Reconstruction. Every laborer should vote for Reconstruction. _Krery retail merchant and wholesaler should vote for Remo - t ruction. 4. Every white collar worker should vote for 'Reconstruction. Every younrwan and woman should vote for R.constructlan. The Reconstruction Potrty pledges itself to the reduction a yOuth employment 418 to 30 years of age, mak" and female) to tbe ex- tent of 801ddurIng the first year It holds Once. These youths will be employed In mastructise work at liveable rates a pay. ot. -Every houttewife ehould vote for Reeonseruction. 7., F.rery manufacturer alsouk1 rote for ReconistructIon.' s. -Every war veteran should vote for Reconstruction and the Ilynd- man Report. Every unemployed mass and vroman should vote for Recoatrue- Goo. Mr. Stevens' work on tbe Price Pervade Come:Won has already dem- onstrated his genuine, practical sympathy with labor, The old parties had their chance -end fatted. Only Reconsteeetion can pall Canada thorough to better conditions: —COAST TO COAST BROADCAST— • 121 BE SURE TO_LIIITEN TO ?HE HON. H. H. STEVENS SATUSDAT EVIIIING,00T01121 12th • - at to tit pen. Toronto Wee - RE Kite TCI LISTEN TerTHIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE 4 GODERICH "Good-wir. CLUB -ASK FOR COUPONS- -GODERICH "GOOD-WILEP CLUB -ASK FOS COUPONS- Sponfored by The Siena/ are Leading Club Merchants peassweassommr— Copyright Rigioprod 120 ValuablePrizesGiven Away Free LAg _ -GODERICH "GOOD -WILL* CLUB-( WOE COUPONS - To the Ladies of Goderich and Surrounding Communities Cash Commissions on Subscriptions to Contestants Who Do Not Win A Prize Award Double Votes Ancient VeMeits Sada i'areer by Bruis- ing Four Lead Mess Four CtodCrieh young men were more of leo. paInftilly mit and bruised when the ear in wide). they were ridLug turned over at the north end of 'Vic- toria etreet on Sunday night. The car, Reverently realizing that Its het moment had arrived. gapped and choked convulsively as it reached the corner. careened on two wheels and with -a flnel eeugh-eolled over and died, 11s four wheels pointing skyward. Ha &Enloe dernTrist- onportaosly, at the antiques' grave -yard, Mike Ken- ' nedy's Junk pHe. i The occupants managed to 'scramble from beneath the car and pushed It upright. hut no amount of coaxing could persuade it to come to life once more. The remains, rained at about $5, were trundled towards the car "cemetery." . Bea Steep woe provaiMy the most painfully Injured of the quartette. Ills face, hand"- ind lairs wercraped and bruised when he wss pinned In the !sack mat, 11 tbe ear roiled over. Others In tbe ear were Bert Squires, the driver, Jack Black and Steve Wil- kins. • 4 Ter' Caln.r..enror *Arrow Bus Schedule )ues'e Seder,* Ileet-bsuad, laily 8.45 a.m., 5 p.m., Standard Time, foe Stratford, Kitchener, Ovelph and Toronto. Arrive Tomato 2.80 p.m., 10.45 Pel• Oonnections at Clinton for Lee- dom aid' Eineardine Itiumarlee plafingli to all points In Asada, Oland States • and Mexico -0ONSULT I•OCAL AGENTS- 7.NM Mop NW lel 598 Utt, leMort Ciatral Oataris Bus Limes TORONTO — PARAMOUNT ON CHILDREN'S; COATS Friday and Saturday only G. W. SCHAEFER Double Votes Double Votes ' Double Votes on all ALUMINUM WARE sold on Friday and Saturday et FRED HUNT HARDWARE -FRIDAY and SAT(RDAV- ROMAN MEAL, large pkg. 33c G. W. BAECHLER -ON- HOUSE FURND4HINGS Friday and Saturday F. E. !EBERT'S on Friday and Saturday Double Votes ON WORK _SHIRTS ALL NEXT WEEK le AL ROBINS Gme Double Votes ON WIRE NAILS — 334, 3, 4, ag 5e per lb. Double Votes Double Votes _ea ail pieces ef CHINA - -Friday-Mel Saturday only JAS. C. CARRIE - HARDWARE Babbette Gift Shoppe FANCY GOODS 11 ROOTS and SHOES 4 -DAY SPECIAL FUR Double Votes ON ALL WASHERS' SOLD HERE TALBOT & CORNiSH Phone 81 Galen& Double Votes ON ALL SECOND-HAND CARS GEO. G. MA°EWAN Garage and Service Station SMITH'S ART STORE Just in --new designs In stamped Pillow Came, Lunch Sets, Towels, CUPPIAOMI, itUldiern, etc. -Everything in Faney Work - Embroidery Threads. Silks, ere- ehet Canons. Came in and get started on a piece. Double Votes ON ALL FUME LAMPS Special Friday and Saturday , J. R. WHEELER FURS ITUR E UN DERTA K NG Nestbrweds Hestered.-Lesr Friday evening • number of Mr. and Mrs. James Ketehabaw's Mende and neigh- bors gathered at the Paramount hall to honor them on their recent mer- rier. Mr. John Martin read an ad- dress and Mr. Alex. MecNay presented tbem with a purse. Mr. Ketchabew thanked the gathering for their Mad - newt Meseta. Campton Cook and Walter Dexter furnished Vie musk for the dance. Double Votes 1 bars Sunlight Seap 25c FRIDAV and SATURDAY C. N. ROBERTSON GROCERIES Double Votes Double Votes Fresh Side by the Cut 32e pre lb. Friday and Saturday i nios. LEGG Friday and Saturday. on SUPER-LASTIC TIRF.14 rbene 4611 Illandlton Street F. BUYERS 1 W. TRUSSLER 1'1 toTOG R A PlIER ON ALI. PHOTOGRAPHIC • SATURDAV °NIA Supertent Service Station Double Votes s • U A WHOLE EVENING OF FUN AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT! ST GEORGE'S C110111 PRIOSENTS voix "T 1111AL BY JURY" tire' --4115iert and Snillvatte Immortal Masterpiece- 1110 • . 'Directed hy Mr. Chariest Weidner,: with a east of 40 Singers * lb addition. a new ihd varied program featuring ahd artiste In novel *etches —TWO RIG MONTS-- THURSDAY, OCT. 17 PRIDAY, OCT. 18 ilkiii.'16 8.311 pavi-IN ST. GOWN% rAtiam BALL ADMISSION: Unita, Zir ", Children 154 TICKETS NOW ON PALE, • '-- 1 Double Votes ON FIREFMONE Timm AND GASOLINE W. J. SYMONDS so "S H E ILL" 'es Patrontze SERVICE STATION, Saltford NEW nom. or GROCERIES RECEIVED geretee Notion. Grocer, saittord - A. R. HAMILTON Goodwill Club Nlerehant. and %SR FOR COUPONS GODERICH SIGNAL GODERICH -• PLANING MILL en ell out*landlng neetemt. paid Double Votes a " t.6 .0111•1••••• ado4 4•111/11111 • •=ir • .111014111PRIMILLMINIMMULIA., 111..111f010JM 111.411.11.1.411.11111111410.011~1......ivernie.. "...,...1111.M. fr.-..•••• r •••••••=•••••.,4eSumm, 777111.2i . t .A116,-4 •••ditr • ta rfai. eh.