HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-10, Page 44-1larsday, October 10tb. 1853
genius of issourcabd
dmeigner, the-erellowness of
roe felt. the 'limbic fingers
of skilW mamma . ' •
those are the reasons behind
Brock's standing as the finest
bat in
Easy to
� `but most
diffiavh to duplicate -
. -
The liquors w Goderish
1 !Huron. Tbese'Nd coot their owners
Yr. racoon. yven 1f r. algriculturalr' Canada paid oa her mote. as
tut Mr. Bennett had chews a total or c..40.000.0t1- extTM
not ratavi the duties ou agricultural Hrlulrs and ser.
rale awing to the duty..
(Coptla°ed us Dui, 1)aa did I s7O O,MI l noon• than tbey ..uuid have
new is ILLtlB thous r "
�•.� barbed dire Dc tett'
tire per .t'' on list of promised to flg'tt in l►ttawa uii Tr�>r'
wept.. ii wee as a ler tions In these duties. (lair
ettTbe 'high of
ou other Items. Mr. Stevens' telling Che
The claim of ed \stiffen that the
Liberals bad raised the duty only four- Mr. Steveua had been
fifths of one per omit. was Imesemet. people that the' Big .kir. Stevens
This figure was arrived at It7 count- about to eat
us pplp and pater as
1st Into such a calculation 'See Item t y products formed entirety which had been prohibited import at Consols. Yr
all and one item whkb bad been raised
only a trifle. items whin. bad
He quoted many
been. raised sada Tory auspices.
The manufacturers ask for the elim-
ination ot- duties on raw materials but
want high tariffs on all manufactured
goods. .11 the Liberals did hy not
tariffs when 1n odic*.
Bennett make the raising of tariffs
such au Imes in kis DM caomisempao ign.
Did Mr. -Bennett not
of Imports to
out at least scan.ftoo•
make prosperity?
His was an unstable et riff. It on badt
been called a "pyla „ening. Bad-
nessand off 1n the m
mea could not plan ahead with
'such a tariff. There had been a greet
decrease in.manufa.•turine under this
highest tariff in history The loss
amounted to more titan 81100,000.000.
This was a cnt in half in four years.
Some $.1M,0tio,o00 had been paid out
in relief by all m►tiow11 agenciesDW high
ing the lint font yet
tariffs cure this condition: . Mr. Spot-
pn,,taroted low tariffs in 1930 and
that lied 'aonP ';Wien to Ottawa find
had solemnly supported Mr. Benbett
in every tariff increase he had made.
He eue•tioned-the t*erevse in High
Commissioner Howard Ferinsnn's, es-
penses la England. and in Mr. Her -
ridge's expense* in Washington. The
latter had been granted an extra
1t17.90f► while Mr Fergu-on bad tw-
eeted -err este* t1 -
A Manitoba farmer bad purchased
a pair of overalls 1i North Dakota.
paying 10 cents for them. When he
declired them the duty bad amounted
to di cents. .s ears in North
There are 3,300 motor
Use The $igmal's Classified Column*
knew tort wheat, {entirely new $ t�1K moo r ibanee to
well ri otciperal exports
mor *e., what they eea -d
the principal experts u
the anklet of a
of It *we, as
off plant and th
dividends on th
in their bean
Mr. liter one
try • •profit
are, he claimed.
anehia.•_Ita av%t
quantities et
East. yet we 1
of coal from the
ices we were in
*slop, put * lot
two in writing
id 14bt+IovesOa .
awl) t
Le the railroads
o[ .vesting the
eh year. There
t quantities of
West,.-LLtld Peat
sol txlt►,ek0 worth
Mr. Sterane
plollug man?
use Sana an
to the roads
thousands of Neither of
He was bora it.
the old pieties ever intruded to
give the ordinary u a chow*. He
caked it it were. time to give an
Pool era
Tact Mott. in 11 Pis Lt". and Rnek Jogsge in Man
�F flaying
,red -E elrarray, sem Venable and Fred Stone
preens the Pulitaer Prise novel by Booth Tarktngton. -Romance and
desperatbu amid the clash std -Tory at ,malt-tevrn--eeeiel-fit`
You'll taw Lire characters!
THURSDAY, P1 I AY. SATURDAY -The slum yse've welted ter
Nancy Carroll, Gene Raymond, The Boswell Sisters
Mitzi Green gad a beat of radio and stage celebrities
in the !tritest motley of muscled entertainment you're ever seen
Stevens rai
Bennett's cabinet so that manufactur-
anufac ur-
ere' Voices coMr. be held up. Bennett .bad stood
Stevens sad Yr.
valiantly for the big interests.
-Cut the tondo which bind Can fir"
be pleaded. -Open up tri
Liberals have always done. Tbere is
no recovery from any depression with-
f 4'a0e
itf while in Mr. Yr. Bennett lege beeu born a rich
out expansion ioof trade t'ntll t
dote t
It's forward under Liberation'Liberation'or back-
ward under Toryism"
man and VO waa SS to torch with 1
poor people. XT. King had never
done anything in Ike world outside
of politics and ee ars- not fitted to
* Y
understand our psehlamr. Stev-
en* .had had wide eosetleme in many
lines: M.
H. AIs i an
14ie eerretary if MUnited Farmers
dsae et Alders loose
getseMd RsdMyr 71rd Year
Au esteemed resident of Aubata. W
at Ana .Ball vadat of the
here is no chance of recovery. , of „warn, raid lt8 had at one
time heti studied eeeaomi: s. Ile showed
Wm. J. Heede'rsen r chart 'to ilittylete los coo
The Stevens caudidnte. a resident of I tion that nes the bringing onr thes
Wingham, admitted that he was no I had iee'nng° Up utless 1* r get- nrthe
orator. Ile believed that if a min Idepreresl
spent thirty or forty years learning ago be intended in vet, f•,r King a*
politics and studying public questions I the lesser of two eels. Now he -agreed
A at it with what Mr. Reemett- thodght of
been a free trader. but iu the
t t :2-711
anion .$U' Fres Voting Coupon' - i•
Name of Contestant
the prr+iO° away s (Contineee ! Daae 11
late Hugh U. Hill, parted supper for working man. N.
Wednesday, October � atter ah ill-
Hoary; pPe
nese of tevetal maths. She was l0 L. Carter W•
H. Tremblay half -down
ey, her .evenly -third year. Baro to Hul- rJ, M» ro. 1. Oaalq, Tiros. Blake;
lir . and tow YV/titmunti1°iF.-.
that towarbR► until 1tU18. when pole, half-do*eu Lete`ha mea eo0t-
rad bet beamed moved to fire oil- I ler), Ere 1►. A. Fowlat. Sam mop.
tesee'"... --Ito-
eat member of the community, Bled
in 1, 44. Nelsoa Hill, of town, is the
ooh surviving child, a daughter. Mrs.
F. E. llibbert, bating died a few
mouth* before bet father is 1921.
There are two grandrblldeen, Bu17
11111 and Harold Hibbert. Surviving
brothers and sisters are: Janos
Bali, of Ebert*. Oat.; Neleew Bae, of
Clinton; Ephraim Ball, of Auburn;
Mrs. Cherie* Lovett, of Cliotoa; Mrs.
Edwin Lear. Mrs. Geo. Sturdy and
Mrs. Jams* Raithby, all of Auburn.
Throughout bet illness Mrs. Hill Was
dtligeutly attended by a niece, Miss
Margaret Ball of Chat*a.
Deceased was a member of the Bap
fist chutch.
The funeral service was held at her
home in Auburn on Saturday and was
he ought to become pretty t"a
He didu't think the tariff was the , Mr. King and with what Yr. Klug l
principal remedy for our 111'.. 'le did ' thought of Mr. BeganTltr dol
thick so at one time, but wine the I elu •e I hadree years ago goneto Ottawa to toe 4.000 interview �Mr. I known e:wlerka town h1p termerhgras
of an lsthad latioualirm .p with a dollar
the war tarifa,. had loaf. --Writ impar• Bonnett to ask that Canadian money , started. his Ips
tepee He did not believe it possible I be kept un a par with -the wog' stet- t t -- --
{ - order that the tempera should
Jttdgt•twatt4.._t19rv1A. 104kr_ltra
Caboose. whits. L L CarWar, Join
Grieves; blood beets, round, W. A.
Culbert, 0. Pianism' ; blood beets. bei.
N. 'L. Carter. P. Barker; maueekle,
long, red. G. Altss : maegolds. whits.
W. A. Culbert, O. Alton; wurt°el. Mam-
mot► yellow, ti tsratedlats. W. A. Cul-
bert. Jacob Reed; pweds tt tlpa. Bert
Treleaven. Sam Altos; carrots. inter-
mediate, red, N. 1.. Carter, Mrs. W.
H. Tremblay ; carrots, Early Horn,
Mrs. W. II. Tremblay ; carrots, toe
feeding. Fred Becker. Mrs. D. A. Fow-
ler; white unions. John Grieves, Fred
Harker; yellow saloon, Fra Barher-
Jobs Grieves; multiplier alone, Mil-
ton Taurmuer. N. L Carter; pickling
atlas, John OTbvss. Fred Barker;
cadge -test by her pastor, Rev. G. W. tomatoes. W. A. Oalbeet, Ernest Blake;
Sherman. assisted , HWll• tahlo ,.,,uWCulbert. James S.tir-
,,,,0. The pallbearersby wereRevsixush aepb- I IMa: prtm.pklu.,A. John Grove. N. L
esus : Hugh Hill. Cecil Hill. Harold
; n inter squash (trblel, John
Jobe:don. Merry Sturdy. Glen Rattle 'Grieves, Fre.) Barker; summer squab
by and Ne1sou Lear. Irtermrot wu able), Fred Barker, N. L. Carter :
l4 the Clinton eeasetery. Amot►g1,1"waterw.•lottr, Milton Tramper, Fred
thaw in attendance were a large num 1•
-1 Barker: •tatoes, *riy, white, named,
her from Goderlch. I James si irllns. Yrs. 1. Oaulay ; pots•
tea, N. I,. Carter: three Named van
titles (fall). Jamie Stirling, URI-
walte & Sono.
Pear° --Three metered varieties. Jaw
Stirling: swimmer peers teamed).
Jas. Stirling, Kel. Culbert; fail pea»
(Named), James Stirling, Wilfred
Droanad t winter pear. (named 1,
James SliklIng. Bits. W. H. Tremblay;
plums (varlet) wed). )(Mee Treem-
aer, Smoot Slake; plume (three
Named vaete/bs), iatikwalte a fors.
James ittirllmg; collect's= of groper,
Ialthwalte & faoo. T.. J. Salkeld.
Peaches -Jamas 8tirllna.
QYlacee-Mrs. W. >�.. TMmbilte. x
Jodge•-J. R. Hac►4el.
(Ti are eondeeed
to secure markets to F ren<e. rermany Diet suffer the cures* loss when ship l GRA!T 1'0 iIDO
or Italy. -
He put motley forth as the leading ping to England. 1 ter M
'snow of the bout it pis did Dot • Mr. sBtalkitng
had refused bill r }n them.
:now much about It but matey and He war talking with bits friend Lord el National IrratM.4e
the control of credit. he -felt, would Rothrrmere:- but had at time for the eT LU.D.lC.
against It. Mr. i The maple Loot Coapt
Ire the important things of the future. [armor* who were up •g• at Its regular mortbly meeting held
While admitting that he did not titevene wanted to coo' Bennett. ut to the 1 at tat public library or T meting 1•.?.
know much about the mocetarc quer met but they latiafed decided to e•untrlbute $83 towards an e'aNad• Jas. Stirling. L
tion. he di:warmed ft at some length. Mr. Bennett had said that be would en.towment fund for the t i1 tlMnee Reeds
perish - to then ►rtarto.l ithwalte & Soni
inly not 1(,bapter'e ward la Alexandra . Woods:
liee-wound apo with the assertion that end unemployment ,a< t of the L, doff( g; n Russet.' Jaw
WaA..Wa had ate _ j _
the banks it drawing -one flit. fled the rasyIo7'mont, so would' h�,spti*L
elan of relit from c cul tion. a Ant other part of .t, contribution of sib towards this Stirling.. T. J. old: Wagner. Jai.
hors credit from circulation. I hare ro ise out the iced from I Stirling. Geom. 4ttou; Rabat, T. J.
his promise see potshot 14th: Mr. � end had as a Ca been race tie Island
big breed as els ghoul- !Yrs. Grecontase on of P,was granted to StNew York. ir ing. L. Woodsrlloi:la �. J.
A I.O.D. . bursary
et saialthwatte
the I.O.D.br. bwnarl otes1g°eA to as- lOreerlttg. Amer Jame.
sot • promising pendent through. col- Sone: Cra • Pippin.
lege. A further $2 was contribtted `tug• T. J. OeH�a. Stark.
to the general I.O.D.& flied for he wake
kewaite & Jamie Stirling;
assistance of Modest*.
Photograph records to the value of Hoa Doris, , e ling, Laltbwalte
$10 will be sent to the sehooi at Dem, A 800*:.. r ra L.
Feeds.wOar, ee
mitt, Alta. in which the Chapter is Alton: four
lotereMed. Tkls is a Christmas pro J. Salkeld,.Stir ; Wolfe Raver,
seat to the eklldrsa. W. A. C t, 1'.d e i fors:
for WNW- I Pinta, Jams, trite& Leith -
ante, the sum of ffl * hobos soot to „Woods, Leith -
each of the two local Hose and wanton! Ross; Snow, '1'. J. Salkeld, i..
Ac11oo1 Clubs for the aasiisUtece of same Wosdr, Doeltlms, wed
toes. early. red. N. L Carter; Pete -
toes. late. wklte, teamed. N. L. Carter.
T. J. Salkeld: celery. N. L. Carter;
cauliflower. N. L Carter i caress. John i I.U.D B. the Catholic Wetness League
Alt maps
Te (Woof nods ter C _P1m•
timed Inatltate for ,
At a meeting of represeatatt of
several local • womeo'e organ
held at the public library on Tuesday 1,
afternoon. 1t was decided t0 eoada4r -
a, campaign to raise fends for t
Comedian National Institute for the
Riled. The campaign. which win be
sponsored by the Maple Leaf Chapter, `'
Grieves, . John oa : W and the Wooer IOstWlte, will began
L. Carter. John driers': awtleetloa ed vetttemit iett -
Judge- RH. Thompson. Iacteow. it- •R rden e,•getabks, N. L. Carter. Fredl.M were addresesd
Barker. Ik•rt Treleaven. Henry. Sell steeretary of the
. who outlined . the working Si
T. J. Salkeld. James of the 1P.
Apply- -:;piss.
Stirling: Baldwins. Jame.. Stirling.
Ieithwaiie A Soot.; icing et Tompkins
county. ieltewalte • Sans. Jas. Stlr-
Ilrg; Tslmen Sweet, T. J. Salkeld. L
MATINEES Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p.m.
('nmlug-"•Hooray for Inc"... and Gallant Lady.-
F. C. A. Aet--
He did not think much of the Farm-
ers Creditors' Arrangement Act. . He
did not think that nay- respectable
farmer would willingly go through the
bankruptcy court. which was what the
' help 1t
Act amounted to. if be coo
The farmers wanted to pay their debts let war, wou14. law reld not test
The whole trouble was that the banks proportion, ?Vey gwo d tate Uwpee
mone7, would not let them have fire ; of1 ther map trade would
Scarcity brings higb prices. The I nevec seals be win*, It bad been. A11
hall noir maan-
dere were. Sot carry Yr. Bennett
to victory. •
He agree0 wee Yr. David Lloyd
George that trade with European
countries, steadhg la constant dread
Wi- [a nag nrUe,c..aa, _
scarcity of money In order to get tattering tae
higher prices for what there was. soil. There was market all the
The tariff bad been talked of at goods it was p..
lob* to all ele!ctfoas In hie recollection. "'lobng
Mr. Hi. IS to ay' upper
man jiggles the tariff this way and not lowered tial7rttt,,.P years. bad.
t tam jiggles it. that mug .and all ' etelrle extent. So mew stye he will
he time we get worse off," be declared. mot liseteit
4 stag online
He deplored tb trammr--etf yoetb--lug- Stereos h�i iii
who appear to have o0 rotate as b Dente
thine are: Cooisst alien camps are boom to *Viers. •
Iran had bore
not the solation of their problem. a higher biome. Ver it wlth-
Those now In such camps are costing drawn a b9lIele ovoid all rlgbt.
fire natio° $40 per month for temp and Put it back
tact ° �' snag Yr.
art SS per month for spendipg model.I t co Molest.
so he had beard.
'Stevens would aprpoln
Mr.Stevens planned to pat them 10 { go Into the moneyID •emeidsate ice ever?
Bork on roads. planting trees. mining Yr. Stereos Pr°
fid so on. I man In Canada a decree a and a
Going back to money be said that \P.ru)ane*t job.
all the bankers do _Is pat a piece of Mr. ! � ding the
paper in a machine and it come* out Mr. spotton explained
money. It costs them almost nothing farmer* incident at a tttawa. that the
and then they lends It out at high in. i taemer* were to have see! M Bennett,
I not Mr. Bennett to Noe seen he fans
I tere+rt rates. nt °Pea '
He daimon. that "tire packers" made , era. He kept the appoolot
la *pite of the attitude of th men.
Mrs. D. 11.
Maple Leaf
chairman of
Edith Tayter
dent of Catkone
is illeer of the w
MIu Wllitane of
aqui committee, and
Mallet of the list eetri
*see attending thj
Mra. Campbell. Mies Ann w
Phelan. Mrs. W. Abell. Yrn
sat Mime Taylor.
t of the • ';
and Mims ItBMIa
ted secretary- r
Ian. ilrest`
of the ebtldrea atteodaaee. with Wood's: Holbid
Thera was a goad t b ! Blenheim Pippin.
D. L Gasepbel4 the ~ -= <- l Mese
„ens; Crali
the chair.
A new shipment of Ladies' Winter Coats has just arrived !
Styles and fabrics that have not been shown before !
Military fashions, high collars, belted --
waist, braid trimming. - -.
Tweeds with large wolf collars, Dressy Coats with luxurious fur trimmings.
Choose your new Winter Coat from our complete stock.
New Millinery
WANT -A NEW HAT? Then now is the
time to buy thriftily.
downs stitched, folded, pinched, or plain.
*ting choice of cobra in fine quality felt.
Extrta; Special i i $1.95
Velvet Dresses
Everything that's new in Velvet Dresses -
new jewel tone*; long full sleeves. or short
puff sleeves; elft necklines, long fitted
skirts. Worth dollars more. Sizes 14 to 20.-.
Special $13.50
Men's and Young Men's
)ly*ians, silvertones, worsteds in Oxford
greys, navy blue and brown. Selected,
high-grade qualities, fine linings and superi-
or tailoring.
Men's Fall Hats
Fine Felt% in ailvertone effects in grey, brown
and navy.
Wool Felts in greys and browns.
Special $1.95
See our beautiful assortment of Men's Ties
¢'$hop where you are Invited to shop"
The COneerratire moil d Oro*
1 the women the mite. It be Uld hare
I had tried to do it they
been Mopped 11 Quebec.
All countries bad felt tl+e depression. 11
trade haring fallen off iia sae -third of
It* -former volume everywhere. King
had reduced the national debt but bad
r re lite- the hooded- -debt- -through f
had laid
}railway •anpansio0. th•t he y
Mr. Hruoltrsott
ldtd••tmeirnew-how the tallwfy,meddle
n, said
� had started. Yr. flped to
I the speaker, bad himself for 810
1 start it when he had voted
Wilfrid Lauriers mirdeken railway
policy when the N%tlaaal 'Freeecon-
tineotal was commenced.
"The railway* were built by the
Llberah; You have that
them,w "you have to make 'the best
I cried. I want you
to eonclusbOn he said, " I o vote to elect me and to trait sae t
for any group In the Souse which,
In mJ judgment, seems beet•
may well be mre than 'ea there wor-
thy of support."
DINNER AT ST. alXiff 8'I cal
A "poet -election dinner" will be bead
on Wednesday • evening, October 10th,
In the parish' ball at • S. Augustine, e
beginning at 530 o'clock. p graroaned-
' lent entertainment baa bee of an ea•
IThere wan hw a door grim f dh, 0-
nated by George SpotbaS
in attendance.
At the sgular meethlg of tics W.M.R.
of North street l'eltee eberdf on Mon-
day afternoon. ar»n tb wen
made for the celehrat S ( the Mo
•annlrersar7 of the Undid Choreoff rb. ant
for the antmmn thankdevt with
Mrs. Alen, Mc.evtn was honored
an add?as* of appre•la of her wo1V
in the Elation Br.nd, . hie% watt read
by Yoe Margaret Rohortaen, who IIIb"'
extendeg to her the taeSeitetloes of the
11+."•IPty on ter rceent marriage. Mrs.
by lire.
said pin, add
i Mw,} for aryl
choose. Mee.
Phone 418
sees then 1
Lane *tth a life -mem
a lite membern(nip in t
tory or girl she *haul
NeNevin thanked ,10 Idles fast tt
girt* aruifor ll14 v ital w or the
Mrs. Wm. litre. Ilan Med ere ret
• ffru *W.- pn►graa *e--
iTtJ" n�er� ""iSflt�lt
'Church," were wimmntbad h1 Mr*• M
IMnrdpeh. •fid an Into wt s wd as
the are'tk►ttat me tlnr It
given 87 114rs. A. P /1ttltMea
Drennan. L
L Woods;
$tlrtlhg. La Ito-
: George Al
f..; 1860 -1935
IlartInited Ohm*DNESDAT Opt lath -_
A flret,ebet autailmilloassa ttttill
be elves attar Yoe PIPPor-
•StowSordbus 1tla.wtse.
Atirwlea. .. ' • • • Me
ors leeS--1118. T. J. 1110011ZHOUND
1115-1111.... JANES DIM
1811-1181 FRABRR a Forms
1881-1111 =NEWT roam
It was In 1800 that the late T. J. Moorebawse established the blood, Stare. thathat has
li )teeen ar ied e re ,ot the
successive Tr coapts
Ptorships. to the pereant time. It may be rightly l� __ le
Huron Trhai it not ofWeetern001-run Ontar0000t for few asthoss� bs*tnessany
Sow conducted as (bk'sal�kiStore.the
Province have NA 00 loon mMlnuous a history - _ "
"Three-fourths of , a Century"
completion of three-quarters of a century 1a the Notary nt this . hodneaea. we are
In order to mark the
witting on a Special Sale. with gnrl.t. in all limo
OCTOBER 12th, OCTOBER 19th -7
TING.SATURDAY, V�. � of this pioneer boas!
.1 We to
Below we ere 001115 roes lore flat all the
eerdb and.
patrods D
call and see for them
�• Wall,, Paper
tea ___-Worth Driving Miles --
Several room lots puitable for any room in
your home.
On all our 1936 Papers we are giving 1O%
off, right through the line.
�= Dinnerw
1 ONLY -66 -Piece Set. Regular $18.50.
1' ONLY -95 -Piece Set. Regular $14.95.
SAIF PRiC $11.95
1 ONLY 32 -Piece Set. Regular $6.95.
Exercise Books
A few hundred Regular 5e (foodd Paper
Exercise Books. Sale Prior
Wax Paper
lar 5e. Sale price§ for Scin Rolls., Rego rlU
' Cashmere Toilet Paper
A real Toilet .Paper, 1900 sheets' to qqc_
roll ........... .
,,,,,....2 rolls forL.71.
Optical. Sale1.14
-WE-ARE OIIWx0 yes rosaao L
Bring this ad -it is worth $1.00 on any pair
of Glaaaes, $5.00 and under -or
$2.00 on any pair of Glasses over $5.00.
This offer ineltides a thorough examination
with the latest equipment, by
Registered Optometrist, who has served the
people of Huron County for over 15 years.
This is your opportunity to be fitted with
Glasttes at re'asonable prices.
1 Cabinet in green, white, blue or buff, with
.3 packages Towelt. $1.75 value. Sale 98c
-These ars good linslity Papers.
Jubilee Box. Regular 60c. Spee
Sale price
Lettereise Pada and Envelopes: S tor26
price q�
Fold -over Pads and Envelpit- Sok ce
price . ?,:....2 for
Small Pads and EnFelotite.r, 1s Price 18c ,
2 for
Rnanes@ Envelopes, No..7 'and 8. White
Wove. Regular, pkg. 10c each. Sale
prier 2 for
Crystal Glass TuTumblersd foe 260
Heavy Crystal Ts abler $ for 260
Pink, Out Goblets, Sherbets... . )real •buy.
While they hat, at bo earth
Cocktails, ate. - -