HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-10, Page 3wwtsasw. Ask for Coupons
Mercbaats of the Good -Will Club
Free with purchases
Merchants of the Good -Will Club
Free with purchases
The 0. F. Carey Co.
4 fare, Accident and Motor Carr
Representative London Life
insurance Co.
Otos:—Masonic Temple, West
Street, Goderich
Nelms These TM
J. W. Craigie
assassin and Leal Estate
Dominion Provincial and
limaicipPRONE 74 . a.1, OODERI[!!
.4 -
Geo. Williams & Son
alias . Asew s
'I�M Ala
or Sale at Pert Albert
Nicety Weeded Cetf•gs Lsts
52 i IMO feet
--Also' Houses in Town—
Ants, AecYufi ainn Insweasee
�s 'm Goderich
Bayfield Fall Fair
Pleases Big Crowd
old, Fred Carbert, 1M and 2nd. Haf-
er calf. Fred Carbert, lot and ltd.
Bull calf, Fred Carbert, let and 2nd.
Polled Ansua----mfich cow. 1'. E. hear-
ing, 1st and 2nd. Heifer call. P. E.
Deering, 1st find Aid. Bun calf,
P. E. Dearing. Jerseys, -.-milk cow•',
Spite of Heavy Bala --HOD. miE. lk cow, Erwin.
.Geoni Sparks,
lot l dlu ei s
David Ord! Pays Visit-- 2nd.
Heifer, 1 -year-old. Wm. Sparks. 1st
Prise Winner and :Sud. Eaton's Special—Win. Oea-
trk•her. Helfer calf. Wm. t•1ltarkb,
1st and 2•d. Clads k Weide. Special
Baylleld fall fair was almost rained
out this year, vast masses of black
e4ot►ole looming up ,sou after noon
and pouring a atsdy stream of mois-
ture on tbe grounds for the rest of the
day, but Hon. David Cxull, Mluipter
of Public Welfare in tbe Ontario Gov-
ernment, paid an unexpected visit 10
the morning and was so pleated witb
what be saw that be looked at every-
thing before hurrying ou :o Brussels.
"I bare wen more than a wore of
Lar fairs in We part few weeks and
not one of them summered Bayfield
in Its class. The exhibits are ex-
ceilenUy displayed. they are of a very
high order mid the judging baa been
most fair, in my estimation," be
Mated to the pleased directors.
This seemed to be the opinion of
the rale -smoked crowds as they saun-
tered about the buildings. The en-
closed glass -fronted cvrpts.arde, painted
white, for the display of cookery, and
the racks for the display of pickles
and preserves were eoperially com-
mented ea.
The crowd was fairly large for the
kind of weather and all appeared
teheerful In spite of the wet.
,Judgin( of the lire stock and pout
try was carried on in the open and
exhibitors hurried their animals home
is - noon as this was finished.
There was no baby show, ft being
felt unwise to expose the little ones
to the elements.
Some of the directors were Reclined
Men's Clothes
Come in" and look -o'er our
Spring and Summer Samples
They are superb. •
Everything that's new in
Men's Wear at this time
of the season.
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc. __
Electric Wiring of n11 -
Est lea given se appBcaties
Telephone as , — Goderich
MIX, Oct. 7.—Mrs J. McPh(•e, Miss
M. licit -wain and Messrs. !Larrey sad
Clifford McPhee vi.ited on Sunday
with 1)r. J. 1), and ler. Jackson, at
Mrs. T. G. abetment.d Moose Jaw,
desk., was reuewlag aid aevlualntance•
here last week.
Mrs. H. Mcllwalu spent Sunday at
the home of bar sou }rank, at Carlow.
Mg. John H. Jaekww and Mira Nina
—Hest cow or heifer. R. M. Perk. Begley, of port I)uver, visitei ou sea-
Spe-lal by J. 1'. McKnight Met baby day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Modica.
teef. Wm. oretricher. Mrs. Wm. Begley. who spent last week
SHEEP with her niece, Mrs McPhee, returned
L•kestera--ahearling ram. C Law- home with them.
,nal. A. Warner & Son. Ram lamb, Rev. D. W. (0Merry had .-barge of
C. Lesson, 1st and 2nd. Ewe, raised
Iambus C Lwson, A. Warner & Son.
Shearltng ewe, C. Danbrook, C. law -
ton. Ewe lamb, C. Danbrook, C. Law-
son. Lneolns--aged ram, A. D Steep-
er & ton. T. M. Snowden. /nestling
ram. A. 1). Steeper & Sou. Rath
lamb. A. 1). Steeper & Son, T. M.
enowden. Ewe, raised lambs, A. D.
Steeper & Son, T. M Snowden. Shear -
ling ewe. T. M. Snowden, A. D.
Steeper & Son. Ewe lamb. A. D.
Steeper & Son. T. Y. Snowdeu. Sbrop-
ahiree--r•m lamb, J. Gentles & Son,
1st sad god. Ewe, raised lambs, J.
Ge4tmma# Sus-- 8ie•ritai-ewe, J. Ceti -
Was & Son, 1st and god. Ewe lamb,
J. Gelinas & tion. Wetber lamb. T.
M. Snowden, lb. Denbrook. Donets --
Aged Roane—C. Danbrook.Ist and 2nd.
Shearling ram. P. E. Dearing, C. Dan-
bro t* rub, >r—= pearling,
C. Danbrook. Ewe. raised lambs, P,
E. Dearing. C. Itanbrook. Shearling
ewe, P. E. Deering, C. Danbrook. Ewe
lamb, -P. E. I)earnng, lat and 2nd.
Merkel ei•-•bear, littered 1936, C.
Danheeok. -Bread noir, T. M. Snow-
den. - 1loi!, littered 1985, C. Danbreok.
T. M. Snowden. "Yorkshire --egad
boar, A. Warner & Son, Manson Bros.
to feel a bit depressed. as the fair Broom Boar, erect rner & S nA, Warner
1st and
we. somewb et spoiled by rain a year
ago, but Secretary Erwin reported Ik Son• 1st and 2nd. Sow, littered
11)3. A. Warner & Boa, let and god.
Aged boar, Manson Bros., T. M.
Snowden. Brood sow, Manson Brun.,
lot and 2nd. Boar, littered 19(5, Man-
son Woe.. 1st and '2ud. Sow, littered
11115, T. M. Snowden, het and 2nd.
Best boar, any breed. A. Warner i
Best sow, any /meek T. -I _
Snowden. Bacon hogs- A. Wartier k
Chickens—Brahma*, pullet, L.
O'Brien, A. J. McKinnon. Cock, C.
Danbrook. Hen, C. Donbsook. Cock-
erel, L. O'Brien. A. J. Metltl000n.
Cochin.--Ca'k. J Kochem. Hen, J.
Kochem. Lngstlans--pullet, 4
O'Brien. let and 2nd. Cock, L.
O'Brien. Cockerel, L. O'Brien. Barred
Roeks--.pullet, C. Denbmok, let and
2nd. Cock, Fred McOtywont, Jas.
Sterling. Hen, Fred Mcclymcnt, let
and 2nd. Cockerel, C. Danbrook, F.
McClywont. White Roc'ka--pullet, T.
M. Snowden, Elgin Porter. Cock, O.
Battler, H. Truemner. Hen, 1.
Truemner, T. M. Snowden. Cockerel,
H. Truemner, T. M. Snowden. White
Wyandottes—pullet, C. Danbrook, H.
Truemner. Cockerel, H. Truemaer,
C. Danbrook. Silver Wyandotte,—
Hen, L. O'Brien, lot and 2nd. Buff
Orpington—pullet, J. Kochem, let and
2nd. (lock, .1. Kochem, H. Truemner.
Hen, J. Kocheen, L O'Brien. Cock-
erel, J. Kochem. SHver Grey Ibrkings
—pullet, O. Battier, J. Kochem. Cock.
.1. Kochem, lot and 2nd. Hen, J. Ko -
chem. lot and 2tx1. Cockerel, O. Ratt-
ler, J. Kochem. Brown I.eghorns—
puHet, H. Truemner, C. Ilanbrook.
Cock. C. Danbrook. Hen. C. Dan -
brook. Cockerel._C.. Danbrook, H.
Truemner. White Iegborns, pull•I, iT.
Donhrook..3A1Jan Betties,_ ('o•k, 'C.
Danhrook, Mhos Brow nett-. Hep,
Danbrook, Mlm Brownett. Cockerel,
C. Danhrook, Elgin Porter, • Rhode is-
land itede--pullet. J. Kocbem, let and
2nd. Hen, J. Kochem, 1st and 2nel.
(Continued on page 6)
that receipts were satisfactory and
that exhibits were poke as numerous
s. ;set year.
The winners In the various events
were as follows:
HOR8 .$
Wagon class, brood mare,—J. Oe1-
inas & 80L lit. MelBck. Foal, J
Gellnas & Boa, W. M. Decker. year-
old, Wm Decker, -Harald rentals.. 1 -
year -old, Wm. Decker, Nelson Keys &
Son. Team, Wm. Decker, Manson
Bros. Peroberons--2-yearoid, Bose
$nowde•, Thos. M. Snowden. 1 -year-
old, Alt. T7o►1 R. Gelato.. Foal.
Thos. M. Snowden. 1K and Zed. Ag 3
Soot, - 11. mare. :Nelson Keys k
Soo, M. Snowden. Foal, N.
Key.* Son, J. (felines & Son. 2 -
Nelson toys & Son, Eimer
1-year•old, Nelson Keyes
Team, Eimer Webster, alas
Brownett. Heavy Dravght�--Broud
mare, Mise Htrownett. Foal, Miss
Brownebt, Ratner Webster. 2 -year-
old, Eiprsrr Webeter. Team. Mel.
WebateT,-$1elsou Keys & Son Road-
sters—brood mare, R. Geiger. E. F.
Merrier. Foal, E F Merger. Single
Roadster, H. Trnemner. Carriage --
colts, Nelson Keys & Son. R. Geiger.
2 -year-old, R. Geiger, 72gin Porter.
Singe Carriage horse, Joe Martin.
Special—Best heavy horse on gmanda,
Nelson Keys & Son, Mel. Webster.
Special—best general purpose mare
and foal, J. Gelinaa & Son Lsdy
driver, H. Truemoer. Special driving
horse by J. T. Riley. H. Truemner &
Sops. Special, best colt on halter, .1.
(felines & Son, Std and 3rd, Nelson
Keys & Son.
Grade --milk cow, Miss Beowvett,
Fred Carbert. Helfer, 2 years old,
Miss Brownest, T. M. Snowden. Hei-
fer, 1 -year-old, T. M. Snowden, John
1(lttue & Son. Helfer calf, H. Warner
& Son. Steer, 2 -years -old, Miss Brown-
ett, T. M. Snowden. Steer. 1 ysrold,
John little & Son. Durham—milk
R. M. Peek, Wm. Oestrlcher.
Helfer, 2 -years -old. R. M. Peck, Wm,
Oeatricher. Durhsmte--Helfer, 1 -year-
old, R. M Peck, Wm. Oeotrleher.
Helfer calf, Wm. Oestrk•her, R. M.
Peek. Boll calf, Wm. Oestricher, R.
M. Peck. Herefords` milk cow. Fred
Carbert, lot Rad 2nd. Heifer, 1 -year -
the anniveraar eerricee at Harmony
on Sunday. Mr. Henry Hopper, of
Wingh•m, took tie service, on the
Nile circuit.
Anniversary -services will be held In
Nile ehurrh on !Sunday. Rev. Mr.
Brooke, of Blyth, wall conduct the
services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. F'rauk Duuu cud Mrs.
DeL.ong, of 4)oelerl -h, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and, Mrs. Telford Nixon.
Mrs. Wm. eltantughaw nod son
Charles, and Mrs. Armstrong and little
daughter Lillian, of near Blyth, visited
on SundSy at the tome of Mr. Thus.
Monsen_ .
Mrs. T. 4. Sheppe d !bars Gold her
farm on the DIvaslon line, south of
Nile, to Mr. Robert Duress
A number of the young people at-
tended the concert at Dungannon lad
Friday. evening, held under the au-
spices of the Dungannon Agricultural
intdn '101
Meet at Hensall
Collegiate Students Haws Oar
Day—Goderich in Second
Young People Are
Not mooing to War
r ---
'Phone For our HTH
t u5 REA ORDER Now!
FAM0 �-� -
Super -Clean ... Naturally Superior
Ce. All
It was Clintou'a day when the fore-
muat girl and boy athletes of Huron
county met in competition at Hensall
on Friday, September 27th, for the
annual Hurou counts track and field
meet. Athletea_it9111 dt K'hools yah
Clinton athletes, individually and as
a team, won six of eleven trophies.
Goderich won three, Seaforth two. It
was the first time in 'tome years God-
erlch C'.1. was forced to boa to another
Joe O'Brien, of (;oderich, was un-
disputed senior toy)' champion of the
meet, showing iia heel. to the field In
five events, •Ithougb the best four
events only were counted for the
France' Elliott, Junior Modest at
the (1 (2.1., wou the junior girls cham-
pionship, with 18 points. Goderich
students at the meet totalled the eec-
ood largest number of points, to win
the Medd cup.
The local team suffered keenly from
the loss of Jim Garrick, Intermediate
athlete, when he suffered an injury,
believed to be • rupture,
in the meet and was forced to retire.
Jim was champion at the local meet
this year and watt Junior local and
county champion last year. The loss
of his services, due to his unfortunate
injury, was regretted by all athletes
at the meet.
Although the sun was obscured by
clouds the (rester part of the day, and
tine day was cool,. the meet was most
successful. Never bad there been
more keevly-contested events. A large
and enthadastic crowd attended.
After the meet the trophies were
presented by W. 0- Goodwin, trustee
of the lleasall C. S. and honorary
president of the H.A.A.A., as follows:
McMillan cup, to school winning'
most points, Clinton, 176. TbI. cup
was held by Goderkh six of the last
eight years.
Medd-rnp,-to- rttnner-ap. Goderieh,
13.1. .
Col. 11. T. Rance cup, to school Aln•
ping most points in intermediate boys'
events, C1lntoo, 36. Seaforth was run-
ner-up with 32. Goderich held this
teopky three of four yll
Savauge trophy, to s•bool winning
most pointe in girls' emits, Clinton,
SOS. (loderlch was second with 40
(loderich Salt (,o. tropby, to school
winning most points In intermediate
girls' events, Clinton, 41. Exeter was
second, witb 18 points. Seaforth was
the winner when the trophy was do-
nated last year.
Mitchell High School Board cup, to
Nott, of
GODEltl('H TOW SIIII', oat. $—
Mr. and Mrs. (John Blair rieited
friend/. in 7'eerwater last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. $impeon, of
Guelph, Mi.. Jas. How, Mrs. Keith
Ituss and Mary, of Goderich. were
visitors iu the community on Sunday.
The regular meeting of the Junior
Red !Toros Sudety was held on Friday
at the tohool with Arwaud lassaleue
as chairman. ♦ program, conettjtiug
of reading. "Merry Berry,- by Paul-
ine laassaleue ; soli, -'hfse Soug ut the
Tuutbbrurh," by Mary Harwood; read-
ing, The Little iced Stbarlhouse;' by
Arthewise LasULne; reading, "Tom-
my's lesson, oy Viola Tichborne;
readlug by Jean McAllister. A les-
son on -How (!gratis (!row and Spread"
BUS giceu by Miss Mdfwain.
Church Note..—Halts Day was pb
served at Union on Sunday, with the
superintendent, James Young, in
charge. The Scripture lesson (Psalm
1(13) was read by Marion Colwell.
Maurice Haywood end Eric McAllister
played au instrumental un violin and
guitar. The pastor, Rev. F. W.
('alk, delivered an address to the
wholars ou the text "Remember now
thy Creator in tbe days,of thy youth"
lFkrlesiastes 12:1) ' Next Sunday,
Union church observes the sixtieth an-
uhversary of reUgluus activities. Rev.
W. A. Walden, B.A., of London, preset -
dent of the London Conference, Will
preach at both services, 11 Ctk sad
7.30 p.m. At the morning service tlia
cboTr wilt be assisted by Nausea Helen
See rn aeon and Pearl Ropope,
of Goderich. At the eveuing stitch*
e male choir will be asedatte 1,7 the
Goodwill Quartette, coMpoeed
f John
Sproule, Charles *reckotr, Cart (lark
and John Snell, et,,Ooder•k•h On
Sunday, Octobse --fir tbe Carolina
Jubilee Singers wit( aatelat with tbe re
gular service There will be no
Y.Y.S. meeting ori Friday evening ow-
ing to the fowl supper being held tat
Beings at Desolate flub^ -The Oc-
tober meeting 4 the Dranwtiv flub
was held on Tuesday evening at tbe
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr,
with seventy -wiz preeest. The meet-
ing took the form of an amateur
broadcast, with Rev. F. W. ('raft. an-
nouncer, Intornperalog the numbers
with bits . of poi and humor.
Manradio artfsta ware present and
eaterltais�e their U S* . Jim Hun-
t,,ef ,MMrs. J. B. Orr , read the news,
loom Total and ge 1; Little Orphan
Annie, (Elea Orr). renin 'Two Kit-
tens and Two Belden:" Utile Jimmy,
l�igi�erecod), sang eOowb1y
(Man 1r8Teud (torn Borer*. Mir Me
Alllatur. John Clements and Maurice
Harwood) ; Josh Killings, (Harold
Gardner 1. pang a solo; Tony Wong,
(Jlarry Phillips) ; Blanch Peanuts,
(Mrs Harwood), still exasperated her
mistress. (Mrs. Phillips) with her out-
look on life; Honey Boy and Sassa-
fras, (Marion Porter and Mrs. Har-
wood), entertained at the piano;
lIappy Huoltgans. (Mew G. Orr, Mrs.
senor girl champion, Leola of
G. t;re•nelade, Harold Gardner and
dames Young), pang 'Cousin Jede-
Seaforth, 20 taints. Agnea Camp I dish." lathers taking part In the
Peas Resolution at Convention tl[
Huron Presbytery Hero --
()Moors Installed
At We eleventh annual convention
of the Huron Presbytery Young
People's Union, betel in VV. -torte street
United church on Friday, September
27th, a reeolutioo was pastel denounc-
ing war, and amerUag that tbe mens-
bers would refuse to go to war, al-
though their oomvictiona might "lead
us to prison or before • tiring squad."
The reeolutiem, as banded doors by
the Londe* euevention and approved
bb the Hoar J resdrtetrr.L&L-. teadh.
1n part, as follows:
"Whereas we do not anent the pre'
seat world sltuatlos as final with re-
gard to peace and war, with tlrm fakh
In God and hope for the future, we
declare our purpose to join with those
who would Irtng Chia strife and suf-
fering W •n end, and build a world of
brotherhood, where God-given re-
source. are used la serve all mankind,
where cooperation replaces competi-
tion, where peace abides In place of
war, and wfere special privileges give
place to intake sod equal opportunity
for ■ll We wish especially to declare
outselvee at opposed on Christian
conviction to the settlement of inter -
flatboat differences by war. We would
call upon those in authority in this
Dominion to stand loyally by the •1 -
ready accepted position of Caoeda as
expressed by the Kellogg peace pact.
"We oleo call upon our young
people's groats that they first realise
that it Is essential that we know the
facts and have no Iliriabna about the
task we are undertaking if we are to
bring about a warless world. Second,
that It will be neeeasary to educate
and educate mole the groups of Cana-
dian youth as to the absolute Chris -
Ilan reasons for our oppooitlon to -war
in order that the mind 'seta' to favor
of war may he changed to mind ',Ma
In favor of peace.' Third, we moot
take our personal stand Lnelnlvocslly
ate opposed to war, and let our eonvtc-
tlone he known not only in word but
action. We would clearly point out
that our convictions arising him such
a study of Christian conduct In regard
to war may lend n, to Wenn or before
a firing squad."
Thre• scrri,•". morning, afternoon
and evening, were attended by nearly
four hundred young people. Rev. .1
B. Marce. of Wend Bend. was the
morning .spenkcr Iie addressed the
e..nvcntion on 'The National Council,
the spiritual building of a new person.
n new evmntry- anal a new world."
A period of recreation followed. and
After a brief illuesa, Mary Robina,
widow of the late Thomas Elliott, died
at her home. 223 Brookdale ave., Tor-
onto, on Tuealay, (k•tober lst, aged
seventy-three years. Mrs. Elliott was
the daughter .d Matthew and Ann
Levy, old time residents of the ard con-
cesesion of Colborne. township. As a
girl she attended No. 4 eehooi in the
MID(' township She married Thomas
es Examined Glasses Fitted
Registered Optamslrlrt
17 years in Stratford), at
Robertson's Jewelry Store
"Satisfaction at Moderate Cost"
At the weekly duplkate bridge tour-
nament held Monday evening, the fol-
lowing were winners:
North and South—tat, Mr. W. A.
Coulthurst and Mr. P. F. Carey, pins
15).2: 2nd, Mr. C. Meaktna and Mr.
T. R. Patterson. plug 12%., 3rd, Mr.
and Mrs. J H. Taylor, pins 71/4.
East and West -1st, Mrs. C. A. Reid
and lire E. Dean, phis -VA; 2nd. Mrs.
P. F. Carey and Mr. J. McMehen,
phis 1%: 3rd; Mrs. it. 3. McMehen
and Mrs. N. C. Lana'way, plus 3.
' It ite plepned to draw for partners
at Inctgame next Monday evening.
Players should come in pairs se teat
the grow well come out even,
01` ffieWat nob
!grip for ad lines sal
bell, of Goderieh, was runner-up with
9 points. The trophy was held by
(;ladyo l'rrassiek, of Goderich, last
The Solloway, Minn & Co. shield,
to senior boy champion, Joe O'Brien,
20 points. R. Passmore, of Clinton.
was runner-up with 14 point.
Canadian Canners ehfeld, to inter-
mediate boy champion, Frank 8111a. of
Seaforth, 15 white. R. Finch, of
Clinton, was a close second with 1R
points. Joe O'Brien held it last year.
Western ('-anada Flour Mille shield,
to Junior girl champion, Frances El-
liott, of Goderich, 16 potato. Isabel
Colgnhoun, of C1lntoa, =Wei awe
with 111 points.
Goderich Elevator"1 "'11ianeit CO.
shield. to junior toy champion, Rob-
ert Draper. of Clinton. 16 points. L.
(lett, of Mitchell, was second with 10
points( Thie trophy wag won three
of six years by Goderich.
Hensall School Board cup. to In -
Elliott, like herself a native of Col- after the noonday meal Mr. Bert Scott,
borne. Mr. Elliott taught school for president of ohs Hamilton Confcrcnce
wane years, later taking up office work. Y.P.Ll., conducted the open forum.
They Ilvel in Walkerton for a dale (]mnnnIts %inking. led by Rev. C.
and then In Goderich, where Mr. El-
liott was bookkeeper with the Ilodet-
ich Organ Co. Aftcrwarde the fam-
ily move[ to Toronto, where Mr. El-
liott died in 1911. During their re-
sidence In Ooderlch they were mem-
bers of North street Methodist church,
In which Mr. Elliott was an active
worker. One dun/titer, Jessie, died
tai (1oderieh. Their mon William and
daughter Jean diel In Toronto. The
only member of the family left Is Miss
Mande, who was her mother'■ com-
panion at the haat. Two trrothers of
Mrs. Elliott are living Jamea levy, . ^
of Clinton. and John, formerly of the H. Itarker.
Feb coneeealon of Colborne. brat now in (,ulcers were Instaikel by Rev. F.
Glendale. California. (1 Farrill. M A . of Clinton. as fed -
The late Mrs. F)11(ott level a con-
aletent Chrlctiln life and was highly
eatmmd by all who knew het. rot
many rare ohs• was a member first of
the Methodist and later of the United
ebureh The funeral services were
Id charge of mice minister, Rev. C. C.
-Ws*ington, B A , R.D. of Fairlawn
United church. and Interment was In
Mount Pleasant cemetery, Toronto.
program were: solo by Graham John-
ston; composition on "Man" by Mot.
Phillipa: Instrumental by Mies Laura
Jackson, of Goderich; readings, "Pa's
quit Smoking," by Marion Colwell; re-
citation, -Guilty or Nut Guilty,- by
-Je'an McA111ater; reading. "Counting
Orn. Hundred," by Nora ttowerby ; in-
strumental, by Boddie Johnston;
selections by the Harmonica Band,
compose! of Everett. Mcllwaltt. Stan-
ley McllwaIn, Arnold Porter, Lorne
Porter and Meilen Porter. I'riws
were awarded to Mary Harwood. Rod -
die Johnston and the (torn Borers it
segs decided to present silver knives
ktad fori+rto the. eMirch ln-ltonor orlfw -
�attfetb =-antatveeeery, Popcorn and
candy were served as refreshments. ,
Aendeot said Hansa
osdertth, o��--. $4
Use The elgnal'y&Advertlsiag Columns
termeliate girl ( hautpion, Knthle• 1
Cuninghamc, of Clinton, 15 points.
A Clinhin girl, Olive Finch, was run-
ner-up with 11 points.
The Hensel' trophy 1s new this year.
It is a slim, distinctive and 'beautiful
silver cup. mounted unablack wooden
Imam. •
Point* were rospiled by the schools
pa fellows: Clinton .1711, Goderich
1:45, Seaforth W, Exeter 62, Mitchell
20. Newell 20.
Officials of the meet—Starter, V. V.
Franks; timers, S. E. McDowell, God-
erteh, G. Hefts, llensall, O. A. Italian -
One, Esetcr : referee of boys' events,
R. J. Moore, principal of Henanll ('.'S.;
referee of rls' event-, !!lits R. Pfitff,
W. D. Cowen'. of Clinton, cepa enjoyed I Hemuill . t•hlef _hp* .of. -_ he course,
at the nipper tour. at which time I
pwJohn 1'pm
swore, Berson!! ; acrrrer, Fred
greetlnFs were brought by Mie' Ruth Itonlhrvm, Hensall; judge., JvnjuniorSlm•on, of Kcttt Presbytery. and Mr girl., Minim C. alt. Acker.
Hugh F,111s, cf ltvrminle". prre'idcnt man. Goderich, D. L Darling; Inter-
mediate girls, Mleeeg S. Wood, R. Mar -
of London Conference Y.P.U.
Mise Oladye Addtaop, of Clint" rlott, S. Beatty : senior Otis, Masses
conducted the eredrtg service in the
M. Ione, l;oderich, M. E Depew, O.
ehnrch. waistei by 1i1as Ida Mc{low- Stevenson; Junior toys, W. J. Carroll,
an, of Blyth. The meager. Bert a Holmes, IAowea; intermediate
$colt. urged the rotas people to de- boys, A. R Scott, Goderich, E. Manns:
rote their t*lcnt• to Immo deportment aenlor !tope. T. 11. We•dniark, Her.
reef their talent. toward, making woe Wm. Yonag.
of the ehnrrh work. Vocal silos were lit)YS
by Hugh 1111a, •e•ompinlcd by Senior
Hop, step and jump- -Joie O'Brien"
Goderich : R. Pas"mnre, Clinton; O.
Carmichael. Seaforth 39 ft., 4 inehe ,.
+4) yard• R Passmore, C. Mciwg-
an. Mitchell: 1, llowey, itxeter.
2 min., 192.5 gees
Pole vault it. Rennie, Seaforth;
i). Worthy. Goderich; L. Howey. 10ft.
9% inches.
Broad Pimp- J o'Brlen, R. Pion;
more, J (hlntngbame. Clinton.
(Continued on page 7)
lows' President. Mies Evelyn T)ane,
of Gorrle : vita' P'4en(, lark I'ft-
bledo, of Colborne townohip: mere -
tars.. Mice M. Mouse. of ,(fodertch ;
treasurer, Ram Scat, of Seafortb
Do the duty which Beth marmot thee,
which thou k nw e to, be a d.1(7. Thy
tww im,' dear y have become,
clearer- -Carlyle.
. , nr • _ .... y,y.�.+,' •r *.dot's! r%'1'n ... .� ... _ itt. ' , 014
11•40111,4g,, • 0410.11,4"414411 411
We have just received a
shipment of Belgian Rugs
and Mats in nice patterns
and colon.
Kate, 24" x 48".. at $3.95
Rugs, 4' z 6' .... at $1 G.5(J
Window Shades .... 69c up
Get your Cushion Forms, Ks-
pok by the pound, Chair
Beats, Sewing Needles here
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
liana's *set
.- . World' liana's $427 .t, lrrK■
PHONES: Store 335; Rea 355
fth the
We are not promising to
do this or that! men
These are our prices, October 11 to 18, inclusive
Gold -Plated Giltat►e
Razor In Handsome
Travelling Case; also
3 Gillet* 8127• Blades
Baby's Own Tablets 22e
Norwegian Cod Liver
I6-oa, battle age
Writing Pad and Pkg. En-
velopes (linen) 244
Femrtabn Peng. (ipeefal at
Caigh r)ropet, kick's er Smith
Wood's Norway Pine I;tyrwp
efle and 61k
Camphorated Oil
Standard strength
:tor. bottle 25e
Qulnfne Capsules
3 gas. Doren the
Seems leaves', hulk
or packaged
Se and lee
Coiffure Soap
Cake the
Frultativen, large 42e
(.Boil. Tablets. 24-
hour euro for colds
Daggett a ItanwlPll
fold or t'anikhine
Crean, tube "_:M
Jar (2 -or.) .... 35e
Waterbury'' (Lel
liver Kat.....tlk
Sarti-Fluglk for sarins
hag eleas/ bowls 116*
Venus Velvet H. B.
lead Pemex - ' as
21e. 406, e0.
Lander's Dunlop's Campbells Wigle's
Drug.1.,'. Drupes. Drugstore
Ara Si