HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-10-10, Page 1•
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4.4 ;he Signal
new au berg
1 .1411ITY E!( IiTii, YF,Alt NO. 41
Two More Big Vote Features -
Arrears of Subscriptions and
Payment of Accounts in Stores
Added Votes in "Good -Will Club'` Ceinpetition This W
Afford Opportunity for Contestants to Increase Totals ---
Mrs. Peggy GaIlow Won Last Week's Special Prize
The standing of contestants en-
twines -eat below now begins to thew the
active workers who are putting forth
their beet efforts to win one of given
valuable prizes which will be
away. There is no luck attached to
this contest. In reality, the contest-
ants who work the hardest in getting
their Mende to save their coupon*
abuud be the ultimate winners.
Ask for Coupons
If you have not entered the contest
be sure to help .,we couteatant, ear-
ring as many votes as possible. Pat-
ronise club merchants sod be sure and
ask for your votes on all cash pur-
chaser and payment of a
Added Votes on Subscripttm Arrears
Between Tuesday, October 15th, and
Morday, October 21st, triple votes will
be given on each year buck subacrlp•
tions. All accounts paid for taro
year up to We end of 1SKi5 will secure
the extra vote schedule. On subscrip-
tions running into 1866 regular votes
only will apply -os. the last year'
Double votes will be given on
els up to next Monday night.
of Aeealiads
Double Votes en Payment
Fir Friday and Saturday only. Oc-
The regular subecripdiun rate
of The Signal is $2.00 per annum
in Canada, $2.:.0 in the United
Durin -"ort d=wi►t" Clu1,
competition, we will accept $1.30
per annum in Canada, on all paid
subscriptions, providing payment
1s made including one year In
If arrears only are paid, the
rate will still be $2.(N).
Thies offer poaltively closes at
'the end of the -pt�t-
Miss Henrietta Curse!. •ls vivid* ,
in Detroit. v ' e
I Mr. and M S,WJord Mallett, uf.4.1e-
1 troll, recently .dO d Mr. W R. Henry, •
Cambria road.
1 Mies Vera Wilkins hue rttturned
home after spending her.vatation with
friends in Toronto. Award
--M-ra Lillian Wallis Sinste r leftism •
Tuesday for Florida where she wMl
WV"; " OCTOBER 10, 1935
to •
spend the winter. • !ntiet«ent
Mrs. J. W. Smith was a week -e
visitor in Toronto with her daughter, ' dam, Thprsda
Miss Helen Wraiton•• hibitbrs brae
Sirs. James McKenzie. of Galt, spent wlttrnt tarn
the week -end with be- steter, Mra„D• a 'creeditable
It \Vlgginr, West street. "indoor” cl.
ptgnail about of
collapsed and O Fr
it waa keen t tht
to toutluus.
raters to, Alai
program to tact'
day, aloug w eaR
stock, We!udial
to carry out tete f
events and �i
The .concert �
according to
with a good' atibu
tors have as/ Trod_
Bannon fair
• Miss Heriik'e Hogarth spent cast
Creek -end in Torouto atteuding the
'l'. naurakoou Camp picnic.
Mr. John A. Harrison, caretaker of
Victoria stool, is laid up as the re-
sult of a stroke suffered a few days
lir. and Mrs. John Henderson bate,
returned to their home in Detrsityftee
.{ending a few weeks it their cottage
in $altfortl.
__Miss Stella Gregory, of the Strat-
ford collegiate institute teaching staff,
visited with Miss Edith Wiggins at
-the weekend
'Km Wm. Foster and her son. tion of a p
Ralph, returned from Abeenethy, Sask., the Lucknow
on Monday, to make 'their home on of October 17
cam" their faro at Sheppardton--- a dance. ,prise -
J. H. Jackson and little daYgh- The cps
ter Marilyn, of Port Dover, visited scow° on T
over the week cad with Mr.. Jackson's lows:
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jackson, t
A STORE WITH A HISTORY Britannia road • Fall wheat,
Sam Atr+
Mr. and airs Illarry Pattlenn, of ner,
Gederkh Business That Was Eitah-.pault Ste. Marie, Miebigan, who have Wn Truemnef !
naked Beek 1860 been on a motor -trip ihrougb-That*rlo, ley; tiara Ale,
Mr. A. L. Cole, proprietor of Cole's' spent Wednetslay in town. Mrs. Yat- white, Wuorga
Book Store, has been looking into the tlse.n was at one time on the public small, Sam
school teaching staff.Alton; ti
'ober 11th and 12th, club merchants history of the business which he has Mrs Douglas Campbell, who had ton,
d finds
Milton., ore
are requested to offer double votes on been conducting since 1920 an
been speneling a week with her par- lire. 1. c,aheyt
the payment of all outstanding ac- that it has been in continuous exis- eats, Mr. and Mrs S. Wark, returned Mrs. I. lFuytjef
counts contracted prior to the cam- lento since the year 18tlla,a period of to her home at St. Catharines on Mon- alfalfa, J .fttt,
weneemeut of this campaign, Read seventy-tive years. day:
She was accompanied by, Miss Lyons, N.
the advertisement for ether festers The founder of the huffiness utas T. IMary Buchanan, who is spswsttg.s- Lyons, T.
votes in dub stores. i. Moorehouse, who is still remembered days with her. J. A. Hen
Snbrrrlptian Vetes e. by some of the older citizen.. MrMiss F.thei McQtteeu. of $aghast. J�dge-
"Rural subscribers as well es tbose lloorehouse Was succeeded in 1882 h7 Mich., mea a Rues' during Lire past DlJ
in Ooderieh should look ever the List Janes Imrie, and in 11+81 the firm of week at the Bedford hotel. Her Ten Ibw.4
of contestants and decide to help some Framer & Porter waa established and grandfather, Thomas McQueen, was N. L. Ca
one in the competition. Subscriptions conducted the business until 1006.
can be paid to rnoteet�tr or at this Afteer� .the death _of Hod. Fraser. the
°dice and votes will' be, given with semis partner, the hasinese was con -
each paid subscription. Mao save the tinged by George Porter until 1921 and
fee vote coupons appearing in each teen by his sent. Ernest Porter, until
Signal. { gggr h r Coin took !t over,
bone of The i w sat . ,
t pat4�ttAA •sO toed a Matte', sate
It la bot surprising that tied -
paper contestants must notify ertcb'a book store is known all over
dub headquarters before the next is- the district•. Mr. Cole .is to be con -
ane Otherwise they will be adjudged
gratulated ape his association with a
correct. house that has always borne a splen -
To take advantage of the weekly did reputation, which he bas fully
special vote schedules, contestants maintained.
should make their re ns at the of- To signalize the complettdn of this
nee not late! than 6 o'clock Monday. seventy-five yews, ('ole's Book Store is
The special prize will again be $d putting on a special sale, which is an-
touneed in our advertising columns.
page 4 of thls issue.
in cash for the most rotes.
The atandetg appearing below is
for all votes for publication Ohl to laid
Monday evening: 1'
Town CautetrttlMs
Mrs- John Chisholm ,• 74,625 was badly shaken up on Friday last
Mrs. Peggy (:allow 72,700 when his o'er Mas sideswiped on the
Mrs. W. H. Trembl ..•,•4B.O7a Beumllier road near Baltford by sate
Mrs. Chas. lt. Kidd � 83,2215.83,2215 striven by Elwyn Pfrlmmer, of Ben -
Mitre Louvain itloom4 ••••.. 47,726
Miss Mary Baechler .32,250
Kral. .1 C. Stewart 15,000Miss Roselle Shelton
Rural ('onteatents
Miss Nina Walters •17,125.
Miss ilazel Young ...,,.-
Mias Anne McLeod
Ates (lsbaltteston .. _ -
Mias Beth Mc('onnel'
Thos. Sandy, Godertch machinist,
Mies intra Harrtsot ..y.„'„I;20,300
Mrs. J. I). Little .,�...•,STb
Mls' Ethel Martin ' 16.500
Miss Eleanor Willson 15,400
Mrs, George F •agars - - 15,000
The crash occurred at a corner.
when the Benmlller ear, proceeding
towards Goderich, skidded in a wide
turn and swept into Sandy's ear. The
whole side of the car was crumpled.
Mr. Sandy wail driving a ,coupe.
A. 1t. Brubacher, Breeden, Ont-,
sales agent for the Waterloo County
• Holstein Breeders' Club, has recently
completed the shipment of a carload
of purebred Holsteins to F. L. Heil-
man & tion, Glenna, Pa. 01 this ship-
meut two head were secured from the
berd of W. Hume Clutton, Colborne
The Signal otfiee will be open
cacti Sntnrlry evening during the
contest between 7.30 and 9.00
o'clock. when subscription. can
he paid. and vote ennpins de-
Contract Prepared
the founder of The Signal. -she table but
was accompanied by her Meese. ire• Sam Alto
Kane, of Bay City, Mich. packed butt
Bike, Sam
tripped end tell against a gas pump on
Ilamilton street--' Stitches -were- -re-
quired to close a ado in his. head. .
New Head of Credal& Rebe4aim--A.
Interesting Ceremony
On Tuesday the°ing, Oc'tuber.111,
District Deputy President Jean Smith
and staff, of 3eaforth, conducted the
Installation ceremony of the officers of
Goderich Rebekah Lodge, No. 88.
Past Noble Grand Miss Marie Bell
received the badge of that office from
the district deputy.' Several of the.
visitors gave brief addresses, and Rule
per was served In the assembly ball.
Officer for the ensuing year are as
follows: N.G., Miss Esther Murray;.
V.G-, Mies Christine McKensie; war-
den, Miss Goldie Cornfield; conductor,
Mrs. C. Tweedie; chaplain, Miss
Gladys Shore; R.S.N.G., Mr,. Wm.
Roope; L.S.N.G., Mias Edna Driver;
R.S.VO., Mrs. K. Stowe: i..S.V.G-,
Mrs Carl Worsen; pianist, Miss. Aileen
-Stowe; 1.43., Mrs. C. Thomas; 0.G.,
rt O -Mimi; 'recording -secretary,
4I U ids -Waist ; Assorts L ueere-
Lary, Mrt. John Newcombe; treasurer,
Mrs. Chas. Videan. ,
To Take 1200 H.P. with Discount
When Town Peak Not
According to the terms, of an agree-
ment dismissed at the last meeting
of the Public l-tllilies Commission on
Thursday, September 2(311, the God-
erich Elevator a Transit Company
will shortly sign a power contract call-
ing for the delivery of 1210 horsepow-
er at class A rates, the company to
get a discount of twenty per cent.
from this rate in months when they
do not ta1Re the town peak load.
in other month', which may occur
any titne n' a result of loading or un-
loading operations which cannot be
disc•untimted during the peak hours,
the full rate will be charged. •
The eentraet will be submitted to
the 11 E.P.C., Toronto, for its ap-
proval, whteh, It its expected, will be
Another View of Bermuda Palms
(hu :taturday night a couteht con-
ducted Ly the local branch of.theDo-
as w.luion Stores was brought to a close,
1 Miss Ethel McKenzie, of. R.lt 3, God -
need the winner of
midi, being n
the birthday cake on Nhk•h tickets
Postponed had been given out by Mr. M Davis.
manager of the store. About 3.0X/
tickets were dhhtrlbYted.
nil sol, filer -
and limn was
mat ::¢ the
ins a beevY
be beaae abed*
mcrniag. when.
1leatbar waa
elf, by the di-
e ,ecOPtl day
th. On tela
'Phe line! ladles' field day of the
1935reaaou at Muiti ud Wulf Club will, Six hundrt'd North Huron electoral were -Tial*
be held on Saturday morning -nest crowded their way into We tow u hall lu 1930.'
A "knock -nut" cumpetitkei :will. . �- at -Wtngham on Monday afterauun, te i its relating
held, play to begin at 10.30 o'clock. listen to the nomination speeches of front six
A large entry is expected, the three candidates, Geo. Spettou, the five year,,,.
The finals in the rose bowl cumpetl- member, who eat for eight years served the
tion have leen reached. Mrs. J. H. in the Conservative interests; R. J. the market
Taylor and Miss Pbyllia Grassick are �; hwau, the Liberal twinkler, and were albs
the finalists. The date of the chain- W. J. Henderson, the ataud,rd-bearer' whhb
Wingham Town Hall Packed to Hear the
U. F. 0. Secretary, Speaks in Behalf of
—Farmers' Visit to Ottawa Re
Arrangement _Act Atta ked.
plouship matt! has not been arranged of the Rteouatroetlun party, who will
as yea ' contest the seat at the e;ee•tiou uu
Monday next.
MI:." Financial agents are Thus. J. Mc-
rLean. Wingliam, for Mr. Spottoa; J.
11. Wylie, Wroxeter, for Mr. Desch- prove,
man; (Jordon Meehan N Ingham'. for have
`ICt:TTendersoa•--- ---- . with*
The audience, euwpoeed of men and lama'.
women !rum all over the riding, die- teen a
tributes! theft applause about equally el4t s
1hitAon of !1v'e. The Men's Club of North street
it '" prop)ae'd United church had resaulmee Its Sun -
gimp of track day morulug meetings and stn Sunday
tal features. last heard an interattlug address by,
ye e • "e" a bell, Iter. J.' W. Herbert of Holmearille.
os. Friday' night, wMwe subject was, "What Ie Chris-
hrisand the Wive -
the preseuta-
Uiuuaslms,' by'
De the avelttug
be feliNe'ed by
th classes
t we as ful-
Stilton Truest
wk -t, Mil
u; tl-row bar -
A n ; oats,
Alton; peas,
large, Kam
Sam Al -
flax seed,
N. L. Carter,
Art Colbert;
nbowers, Jett,
ra, Dent, J.
Flt'bt, Mrs,
11 ,
RI llt•, C
Sam A/lsn.
nak ; five lbs.
rM iireulan,
• twenit be.
tianity°" 1'nder the nusklency of
Mr. J. W. Moore, the Club ias mopped among tie three, although Mr. Dench- t
out.a program of timely topics to be man secured possibly the beat ret•ep- bad
discuse•ed at the weekly wtrttngs of tion during the priut•lpal part of his cor
the next few months, - address/. The 1
, Assisting Mt. teendeeson, who pro- had
A STRATEGIC RETREAT claimed,himself ignofaat 'Of many Mr
A man can carry his loco for qui- things, ntuiting the art of oratory,the
mals too far. Wm. Abell Very nearly was 11. H. Hanuau, secretary of the I mon
did a few nights ago. He war walk- United Fhrniers of Ontario. lie o
ing slung Kingcton _street when he divided Mr. Heuderrun'e time of forty to
eaw two little dogs frisking around.
He hesitated, waftching them, until
he saw-tbe--eetre et -the- excitement._
A skunk waa walking slowly and se-
dately along the dewalk, so close
that Mr. shell could have touched It.
The dogs may not have realized the
pogslbi,tty of an unpleasant experience,
of the 1 •
A esti.
ton two
N a o ted
Cie c
en %ad
tie `Govern
but hhld may a.gt►w
ont'tbIt soas4tbtft w4
minutes with the candidate. I d known of the wrong
Peter Stott. Reeve of East Wawa- 1 for years flat ,-4ort
uush. acted se chs man. /! ansa•' BMs only v►Ysn lie deet
It sea decided to allow �'�sa5a, wanted ifv"Read a -parip.
1)eachwan and Henderson Rorty c Canada diad i �•'
minutes to rpeuk, while Geo fait He 1tttklsed, the cateoora
waa to talk forty -ave minutes at *tat, nada tied In trade beads.
With all additicalal tltteea minutes tor, Irvin, la member a{ 0t1Rw*
but Mr- Abell did and lost no time In rebuttal of any argument* udnnced test valuer et tarno.,tafodtoce
making a hasty but cautious retire- agaiuet his stewardship in Otter t; or laela bbd *lieu o!< frog oaf clad
against the• retexd of his psarlJt hidden.ddllars betweon fi d
A wedding of interest to many opening, t
Canada Wdl Of - - ,,• Ira -1 . • He claimed that 4
om it t•tl{�M+�
that Qaiyadu alai bllea • ; w.-�; els dining
cumntrir its
friends of the bride in Goderi.h tial the most i"Hted
place at Toronto on Saturday. ado- world d dug the depreasie r 14090
her doh when b Mies Isabelle C. Moffitt Crude had k-,yp.bdtter t
jLhY� =:
of Matheson, 001, was united in mar- of the ,'oat' r
eep, 10rneat nage to Mr. T A. Johnetou, of KIi- the afraid w
nee liachy, County•Down. Ireland. Moss doors: hying
t obtain: her R. N. 1n Ale an- Intra='IY Well intern -
White bread, N. L. Carter, "13:111e7
Whinney; ►I)'a bread. N. h, Carter,
D. Mu Wb(nIfy ;. not bread, N. L. Car-
ter. A. Pat«tson; plain white 'bona,
smell, Mrs. I. A' Henry, Wilfred Dren-
ren-nao; graham -rases e• small, A. Patter-
son, N. L. !attel; tea biscuits, small,
Mrs. J. A. fleury. Sam Alton; cookies,
rolled. Mrs PN 1. Carter, Thos. Blake;
dream pule, Wilfred Drennan. 2nd
prize; lays ,eke, light, N. l.. Carter,
Thomas !like; layer cake, ttark, T. J.
Salkeld, Larne Durnin; angel cake. un-,
teed, N. I.: Carter; dark fruit cake,
N. L. Care. Mrs. D. A. Fowler; light
fruit Bake, N. L. Carter, Mrs. 1). A.
Fowler ; deughsuts, N. L. Carter, A.
Patterson; tarts, Mrs. D. A. Fowler,
N. L. Carter, apple pis, N I.. Carter,
Jas. Stirling: lemon pie, Mrs. D. A.
Fowler, A. Patterson; pumpkin pie,
N. L. Carter, Mrs. D. A. Fowler; rais-
alein pie. Thos. Blake, Mrs. J. A. Henry;
Magistrate Makins Will Receive in
County Building in Future
For the second time this year the
situation of the magistrate's court has
been changed, this time to what was
known as the witness or grand Jury
room on the second floor of the court
The change was made by order 1,f
� the minty council's property commit-
tee, which met on Friday in the clerk's
office. The equipment wax moved
from the office on North street to the
new roorp on Monday.
At present the room does; for two
o0fee., thyme of the tnnglstrete end
the ('hlldren's Aid Inspector There
is n. room for the equipment of the
Juvenile Jades.. If present plans are
carried, out. however, there •will he
ample office room.
It la to be .itggested to 111e retina
that the lavatories be removed to the
basement and puddle entrances he ih-
stalled. thus making more ofee mom.
upstairs. 1t is hoped the town will
eooperste In making the donee. al•
though the tablets were reversed some
years ago, when the county eonncll
refused to cooperate with the town
is similar project.
At the meeting on Fridny an order
was given for Mine equipment for the
1'01017 eras+ to repiaer and comple-
ment the inadequate equipment at
present in the (Mee. The purchase
IR made necessary by an order from
the legal department nt Toronto. The
nunipment meat he installed before
the December council session.
The remaining neennnta for repair*
to the mart hnl15e were passed. Al.
though the total amount Its higher thee
the original estimate. the cvnmmlt4„
members expressed themwelves all well
pleased with the results
All Miltt0w're wvisvorvwsnt. Iwelndhng
G. H. FII11/Nt. eheirman, A Mellek. W.
(Monti, W. Archibald (1 McNeil, and
Warden W. Sweitser.
:salads. three varietleR, N. L- (aster,
Lorne 1)urnln: school lunch. T. J.
Salkeld, Sam Alton; fruit 'salad, N.
c D vegetable
L. Carter,-I�.ra
salad, O. Finnigan, Lorne Derain:
Connell' frnite; N. 4.. darter-Wiltred:J
Drennan. Mrs W. H. Tremblay;
spent a
School In Toronto was appointed by
the United Church missiuu hoard to
irnepttal work -in New Outerle and -
served at both Hearts and Matheson.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston expert to sell,
from New York on October DOD for
their home in Ireland and will be
this ,'nmpatgu ofbe� reeipon , bit for
almost everything fiat bad gone
wrung to oho world. ,Dunt storms,
grasshopper plagnea; '61"013 "' 5 told
winter of iaat. year wbkA had de-
stroyed the apple tr'e'es of Huron had
prutwbly been bis Sault, according to
followed by the beat wishes of all
the LI ra old a
their Goderich friend.. While In God- They Dad even raked up so
erich, they have leen guests at the wetter as the acaudal of Sir John A.
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M Robertson, Maclieuald's, time when Sir John bad
leen aerused uf having taken a paltry
Park street.
$,20,0 00 in what mus kuown as the
CAR RUNS AMOK Pacific Scandal.
The tails lied forgotten, possibly,
that they had accepted $730,0(11 from
Doers Reckleew Two.
11nun Arses the ltcaubarnols cbrpctratiou, as slush
Square-Btunps Two, Then Crashes I fund u fact which had 5,111 Mr. Kong
N,•oree of pde`•tri oris last night writ- t itis ..{s•uitenttlal sac►1•lotlt and ashes."
nestled a ear, after a mad dash around Now Mr. King calls Mr. Bennett a
the Square in whist It etrlck two other Rifler, and a Muasolbni, and- a 8ta11*,
autos, leap the eight -inch curb opine all roiled Into one.
elte the
hotel block had 11 r. Itennetttiehis , derlared Mr. S{otton,
and come to real among the trach of ,sd party into conference
Court House York. protrnldy more than had any--yremler
The car, owned; by Jas. Dalton, :teff jn Canada's history. to addltiob, qtr.
son street, was driven by Miss Mary lleuhi'tt had educated some i85) young
O'Leary. Although she 'suffered frothCanadians out of his own purse, had
shock, Miss tYLcary was not Injured been responsible for countleRts persona
bodily. The coupe appeared to be but ehurilies, in addition to having brough
ailghtry _diinagir,, two --tires --in nada through the depression is bet
etiewbere than No ' arose Mr.
King as high tariff In the fest and
Jost In tile West. In forty years the
Liberals had !seered The tariffs by
about four-fifths of one per cent. He
claimed that farm implements were
cheaper today than when Mr. King
was In power and quoted figures.
The farmers of Canada had secured
138,000,0M noire for hugs than had the
America Lila ruler fur the same quantity
of hogs In the some period.
Ile appealed for the support of the
electors as a resident of Huron.
it J. Deaeh man
The Liberal candidate was received
with a hearty round of applause
lle was pleased, he stated, to see
such a large at»tlence. and intelligently
interested, in the problems of the day.
Ile denied the assertion that the
Liberal party had accused Mr. Ben-
nett of .responsibility for the sand
storms ,,r the drought. lie had, how-
ever, raised the tariff when business
was at a low ebb anti it had had the
effect of losing much of what business
was left to the country.
1n referring to Mr. Ik•unett he de -
had moue,
clared that a man who had
for many yeas t wno hni' aiweys _
n *ck2lle_ ape than moat countries.
awtww•inted' -witharwMb- and"filli"tiat •.. and a fender anti running board being I lie wad refinanced maturing loans mere was Lncapsable uf rprponding to
canned artsrlk'. t. L, Carter, MrR. alightly Ing to
amouutiuK to more than a billion tt7ri- the feelingsof the ordinary iss,r men,
W. feed nen nl. +)• F1nnljrte picklets• \(cording to efe wltm•sws+ the (as/ I tars uta rwving lu interea of more
The Farmers' Crtdlturs ArnnR
N. L. Carter. Thoma; Blake; Jelly, struck A. (krrafleid's auto, which was flow 414,3011,W(1, and bed worked un-The
Wilfred Dramas, N. L. Carter; maple parked In front of his store, -then amyl. tltingly for reduction of interest ratan lash os.
syrup, George Alton, T. J. Salkeld:
,•rausl, narrowly misaht other ve-to all claast., of the people tin 111, last ended function. tba
marmalade, N. L. Carter, Mrs. W. H
Tremblay; heti', egRe, brown, Ernest
waa an 101quitoua piece o
legislation which had reacted The
trary to Its int( u nt
lxerple want low interest rates. These
are not obtainable if it is made 1m -
hicks, and careened wily for two loan had !Welltluate+l al aloof 4Y4
blocks until it crashed Into the rear per trot. interest. ,
W. Culler'; hen's;egg*, of Stewart Robertson's car, which was
being driven slowly. The coupe then
enromesl into the perk, narrowly miss-
ing It lamp poet and Revert)! trees
white, D. M.411Inney, Thos. Blake.
Specials- Six a rt d ten biscuits',
Thos,. Blake. pert Treleaven; layer
N. L, tarter, T. 3. Salkeld ; bits-
euits, Thos. Blake, Sam Alton; layer
salts, ll- I,,_�Lter D. McWhinney,
Wilfred Dreawa; )os.
Blake, It: McWhinney.; half•dnaen
bens, Mrs. D..1. Fowler. Mrs. J. A.'
(Contemn! on page 4)
Dungannon Fair
Thursday, October 171h -
The post ;'m d. ihilgannon Fair
will to held Thursday, (k'toler
17, when the live stock -horse.,
cattle, sheep hogs and puuk.ry
Will i• ,•tltibiusl.
Horse rare-. running ran''. po-
tato nee, freak eooveyanee5 and
many other attractions will he
presented •during the afternoon.
Nonwthing doing every minute.
inside accommodation will al.o
he 40.0V/deli inr hones.
In 11t• evening a grind eon-
c,•rt will Ice given and.a play en-
titkel "Apple Riossoma Time" will
he presented by the A. T. 1'. A.
of the Lucknnw Anglican church.
This sp:endid play in .the man-
ner In which 11 Is pr.•w•nted Ie
well worthy of your patronage.
There will Is' a dance after the
play. -
Should there amain be un-
favorable weather for the exhibi-
1Iof, the pita, sled M. down
be given In any event.
Parties under
Heel of Big Money
MJectbosi PromisesI possible to collect debits Ile asked 1
Ile rimmed that sten working on there was 0 man In the room, with
Huron bruits during
the Hepburnthere
to Tend, who would now lend Is
(•ampeign of a year ago had leen of-
fered increased wages if they voted
bilentl. When the election WW1
beenWW1WW1 over
the work on the roads hIle Instanced) the cameo! the Seotch-
_ a 'co*siderahle
stoniest. yam; Soon hod )ii'eii�r°gl'�sum to a man who h�eecurtd tele
to farmers with the Aet,ba forte. Na
one answered his question.
lead by the I.Iberului since thea Int
had not been handed out. '
- Mr, Hepburn !tad stoop's!' '111.' loans
— to fanners but Mr. Bennett IMP stepped during the period, when, he da
Major J. Inwood Tells How Elec. to soil, through the to hP tu4 lam lrnablc to 1. y
' l'annda Farm Loan Hoard, had taken I a debt
through the Aet. It was afterwar
diec'uvered that the debtor had. 'spent
softie hnnsireiTs' of dollnrs on liquor
,elinin of the intetttit Os
roi. , .
1 tions Are Handled—Stevens upthe "lark dropped by epburn.
l -If yoseslestrry the credit of-a-coun•
to Alter Conditions 1 1 He pleaded the cause of the Farm- try,
that country cannot be ptoaper`
---_ I crk' Creditors Arrangement Act,• in- r null, he, stat" Major J. Inwood, fermerty presidene•? statelimo he erase art - tgw-larbter nbo t , rM k i,t�emdlgtT!
Mei pyid $14,OIg) for • farm worth; _ ,f, rung to qtr. Stadion'. cdslm tilt'.
sof Ward :i literal ,ess,ebatlon, Toron-
to, •4iet a good-sized gathering of Ile -
constructionists, assembled in MacKay
Hall on Wednesday evening, that Loth
Old parties, were tarred with the same
stick In their subservience to the Trig
ile explained how the political ma- Bible farmerw' agencies and had teen lor(tfa)(Ml(t: the fourth year by $133:
chine• wurkC i. Rt*U,R that, once the I Krnnlerl. Phe btnna of hive cents the 1,000,000, and the fifth year had shown
polltlriane, trom Kbn, and itennett II bushel o0 Western wheat during the an ire re'nae of $117,00(►,fM10.
down, accepted reek from the "Inter- J period .01 unsettled aerltnR exchange AR a rr'ult of theeie enttrmona es/
Mee to ran• their Clef-Hons. they ire- I) had prove,! a boon to Western faro- Itnre•, the Interest on the nation-
eame cu�►ItRatid to Them and the Inter- I er.. The wheat tenni which guars** ,ywndl a bad Ito mases) by somee$on-
sstlethereafler dictated the politician* I teed n fixed prtee of ri71e cents tar; al ilei arab allowing the dDcrnas-
policies. bushel in Western. Tartness for their •110
Mr.eRtevens, he swbtch Mr. Sisseton hall claimed of
'aid, was free from No I wheat, ,lrws freight to elevator, t4,111M►9M10.
Ruch in0uenecaand would, he felt sur. Iwul xnced the
sum of *11(7,91(1. 1112 to $•if the value of farm prodnrts had
give the common people the first ; We.tern farmer..
- -11 the
during Nr. King's regime. Mr. r
"break" they ever here had Mr. Aotlun clnlmrl 'het while to nett had melt ing's' won**. by
MI.. 1,oie sounders, president of hall not 4omp'llai the pa.ssge of any Bennett
the tariffs nn the atstsccisted
Ute latest rtew•ns club, ceru{dexl the ..f these acts. he had ',sued ole wajr'increasproducts which the termer had to
$7,:4I), paying $2,000 flown. When he lit tr
could no longer pay, the nartgagob controllable exieuditures hod been tee
dm.rd, be' quoted figure. to show the
wanted to tike the farm back, induct 1 real faits. In the first year of the
tog the farmer bpi this had l Acteen .
ed I ftennett regime the controllable en/ta-
to the Natural
r through'Products
the Aar. I futures had increased by $833,(MK►,000-
The Naaaral 1'rdoctts It Market Ina I tit the second year'tbey had inercased
Act had been asked for by all re'p.n- 1 I,v 11114 the third year by
chair and introduced the speakers.
1 Thew• In,l11,Ie'l Mr: \V J. Henderson,
the Candidate in North Boron; Mr
j AMTtiwr1wwPwok-"nru-srf Ihr 4. ans'.F+iww
I er, and Mrs J. I'rlddle, secretary of
',the Inset Stevens Club.
for many of them.
Government Reeeevd
Ito claimed that the Bennett Got- He to allow that Nr. is/•
etument had redutsel.-1 ,,,controllable
expenditure of the country" frost MSSi_UUb~"Mr. B .oto. bad quoted,
4217,0i10.000 to $Ia4.(wlnAM. There f(vnnttnoed on page 4)
patrebase. He quoted tsereral llemR to
ahow flow the increase hill worked.
-tssmC"l '!'e,: www.; -."1.4..-'1-'- • -