HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-02-17, Page 16South Kinloss W.M.S.
South Kinloss W.M.S. met February 2 at
the home of Mrs. Rev. Allison Ramsay,
with the theme being Love. Directors were
Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and
Mrs. William Dickie.
Mrs. Leonard Clarke, president, opened
with prayer, a reading and a thought, 'You
can give without loving, but you cannot
love without giving'.
The WMS Purpose was recited in unison
followed by Come Let Us Sing, accom-
panied on the organ by Mrs. Vera Schmidt.
The January minutes were read and ap-
proved, correspondence and treasurer's
report heard.
Mrs. Bruce Hamilton read a poem
`Ladies Aid'.
Mrs, Frank MacKenzie introduced the
Study Book 'What Works when Life
Doesn't' by Dr. Stuart Briscoe. When hap-
piness eludes you, turn to Psalm 1 for
The Voice of the Unborn Child was read
by Mrs. Ramsay, before Prayer Circle led
by Mrs. Leonard MacInnis, Mrs. Eva Burt
and Mrs. Jane Hamilton.
Mrs: Allan MacDougall and Mrs. Harry
Lavis reported on the. January 18
Presbyterial. South Kinloss boasts many
active members including Mrs. Evan
Keith, President; Mrs. Allan MacDougall,
Adult Secretary; Mrs. Bruce Hamilton,
Youth and Children's Secretary. In addi-
tion, South Kinloss is on the nominating
The World Day of Prayer is March 4 at
the United Church and the Synodical will
be in Windsor April 19, 20.
Following various other business mat-
ters, Mrs. William Dickie led in Mission
Study, leaving all thinking what it would
be like to be a Soviet Christian.
Windows of Gold was read by Mrs. Lloyd
MacDougall, the offering collected and of-
fertory prayer by Mrs. Frank MacKenzie.
•Rollcall was answered by 16 members
on a deed of love.
Mrs. Frank MacKenzie gave the coures-
ty remarks, followed by grace and a hymn
to conclude the meeting.
Mrs. Joan Smith of the 6th con. RR 4
Ripley made an early call last Sat. Feb 13 to
assure folks that the Ripley carnival
scheduled for the day was cancelled due to
the snowstorm. The day's program was ge-
ing transferred ahead to this Saturday Feb.
20th. Here are the main points —
1. Pancake breakfast 9:00 to 1:00 p.m.
2. Minor hockey all day
3. Winter activities outside
4. Free public skating in the arena
5. Euchre tournament in the afternoon in
the auditorium
6. Dance at night 9 to 1:00 Maple Lane
Orch. from Chesley
Attending the convention
Delegates from the Ripley Agricultural
Society are attending the present
Home from hospital
Home from the hospitals are: Jim Tout
after a week in Kincardine, Clara Shiells
from Kincardine, Mrs. Verna Finlayson
from Wingham.
Redvers Johnson is in Kincardine District
General Hospital after tumbling in George
McLean's doorway. 'He has been in the
hospital since the, middle of last week.
18y Ab Wilds
Two more ladies from Ripley in the
hospital`'are Ethel Caley ( Tues.) and Mrs.
Ellen MacAuley.
Bonnie Boyle is leaving Friday evening
for two weeks in St. Vincent to help assist
with the building of a mission. .
On Friday Ripley District School students
managed to enjoy our Heritage Day before
the storm sent us home. Many thanks to
these community members who told us
about the following countries: Mr. Floyd
Stanley, Australia; Mrs. Jackie Coulbeck,
Hawaii; Mrs. Freda Courtney, Italy; Mrs.
Cathy Farrell, Greece; Mrs. Ursula Life,
Switzerland; Mrs. Cathy O'Brien, France
and Mrs. Sheila Turvill, Ireland and
Our Bake Sale for our foster children rais-
ed $95.75! Many thanks to everyone who
baked and bought and to Ms. M. MacDonald
and Mrs. A MacDonald for helping with it.
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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 17, 1988—Page 15
Nile United Church
The annual meeting of Nile United
Church was held on January 31 with a
potluck dinner served prior to'the meeting.
Rev. R. Roberts acted as chairman and
Rev. Armstrong opened with prayer.
Cliff McNeil acted as reporting
The breakdown on the four point charge
is: Nile 20 percent, Dungannon 45 percent,
Trinity 26 percent and Donnybrook 9
The officers of the church are as follows:
Session- Joan. Dougherty, Joyce Stothers,
Jamieson Ribey, Cliff McNeil and
Stewards- Wayne Caldwell, Jean Black,
Dianne Drennan, Millie Johnston, Bob
Shepherd and Beth Rutledge from the
Trustee Board- Cliff McNeil, Ron
Pentland, Glen Ribey, Arnold Stothers.
Manse Committee- Cora Sherwood,
Shirley Dustow.
Auditors- Steve and Debbie Park.
Treasurer- Beth Rutledge.
Organist- Shirley Dustow. '
Press Reporter- Evelyn McNeil.
Caretaker- congregation. ,
Anniversary Committee- organist, Cora
Sherwood, Reta McPhee, Vanda McNeil,
Jean Black, minister.
S.S. Superintendant- Steve Park.
Assistant- Vicki Culbert.
Explorers- Debbie Park, Vicky Henry,
Laurie Pentland.
UCW President- Beth Rutledge
Secretary- Joan Dougherty.
Treasurer- Yvonne Pentland.
Official Board Rep- Bessie McNee.
Nominating Committee- Clerk of Session,
Chairman of the Stewards, UCW Presi-
dent, S.S. Superintendant and the
Ministerial and Personal- Millie Johnston
and Ron Pentland.
St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge, held their Public Speaking Competition last week.
The winners of the event were, back row left to right: Senior - Amy Olson, third;
Sheila Stright, first; Dawn Wilson, second; Junior - Heidi Martin, second; front row,
Junior - Becky Martin, first; and Joe Dalton, third. Best of luck to the first and second
place winners who will compete at the Legion on Friday, February 26. (Pat Liv-
ingston photo)
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