The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-01-27, Page 14Page 14—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 27, 1988 Oh what a feeling! PaNII0P /AM IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL HURON COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS Take notice that the... 1988 ANNUAL MEETING of the Huron County Pork Producers Marketing Board will be held WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th/88 MEETING 1 P.M. SHARP at the LEGION HALL CLINTON -- For the purpose of the proper business of the annual meeting. Election for vacant positions on the H.C.P.P.A. Also a change in constitution of H.C.P.P.A. will be introduced at this meeting. WAYNE FEAR LLOYD STEWART President Secretary TWO FOR $1000 For a limited time, BUY BOTH BOOKS at this low price and save $290 Approval has been obtained from the Huron Perth R.C. School Board for a Marian Grotto to be placed on the St. Joseph's school property. This project is a joint venture in honour of the current Marian year by the Father McCormick council of the Knights of Columbus and St. Joseph's C.W.L. The Knights of Columbus held their regular monthly meeting in the parish hall on Tuesday evening with Neil Stapleton chairing in place of Grand Knight Don Frayne. An executive meeting of the C.W.L. was held Monday evening Jan. 18, at the home of president Denise Dalton to discuss re- cent and upcoming business. On Tues. evening, Jan. 26, a joint meeting of members of the C.W.L. and Knights of Columbus washeld at the home of John Van Rooy to make arrangements for the upcoming visit and talk to be given to all those interested by constable Dave Packer, a policeman m Toronto who has been charged because he refused to do guard duty outside the Morgantaler Clinic in Toronto. Replacing Father Ed Dentinger for this weekend's masses was Father Sam Restivo, vocations director for the con- gregation of the Resurrectionists. KINGSBRIDGF. By Louise Martin Bible study classes continued in the school Thursday evening with a look at the further dimensions of sin caused by orignal sin found in Genesis as well as an historical look at the time preceding and leading up to ADranam. The senior girls and boys volleyball teams travelled to St. Joseph's in Clinton on Monday, Jan. 18 for the Zone Playoffs. Both teams put forth an excellent effort even though they were not successful in advancing. Once again, staff and students enjoyed barbecued hot dogs for their lunch on Wednesday, Jan: 20 thanks to the culinary skills of principal Sandy McQuillan. Finally, the weather co-operated and staff and students were able to put in a full week of school, their first since the Christmas break. The youth club held a special meeting to determine their future plans and projects on Sunday evening Jan. 24 in the school. Presbyterian Auxiliary The ladies of the Evening Auxiliary of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church met on Tuesday, January 19 in the church base- ment. There were 14 members and one small visitor present. Mrs. Jack MacDonald chaired the meeting and opened with a hymn. The Devotions were given by Mrs, Leonard MacDonald entitled "Winter Houseplants". This was followed by prayer. Mrs. Jack MacDonald read the group an ntinel This is Bob Shrier's Newest Book Available for $7.95 AVAILABLE AT ... ntinel Birthday Club Jane Smyth R.R. 2 Auburn January 28, 1982 6 Years Old Adam Smyth R.R. 2 Auburn January 29, 1984 4 Years Old Amy Knechtel Lucknow January 29, 1984 4 Years Old John Van Diepenbeek Lucknow January 29, 1981 7 Years Old Corey Hamilton Lucknow January 31, 1987 One Year Old article on the Prayers of Gethsemane before the W.M.S. Purpose was repeated by all. Mrs. Ken Laidlaw presented a very in- teresting introduction to the study book for this year on Russia. Following the singing of the hymn "Sweet is the Solemn Voice of God", the minutes were read and approved. The of- fering was recieved. • Miss Maudie Fisher gave two readings to the group: "A Recipe for the New Year" and "A Guide for the New Year". Following the closing hymn, the meeting ended with the Benediction. Lunch and a social time followed. Festival finds a new G.M. After months of searching, with applica- tions being received from across Canada, Carol Irwin, Chairman of the Search Com- mittee, announced this week that Joel Har- ris of Owen Sound has been chosen asthe new General Manager of the Blyth Festival. Joel" br1fg 'to the Festival 15 years of ex- perience in all aspects of organization and financial management. He has initiated facility development projects including fund-raising, equipment purchasing, con- tsruction, programming and operations. His past work has included responsibility for staff and supervision of hundreds of volunteers. Joel has worked with various arts and arts related organizations including Expo '86. In the early 1970's he founded the Whole School in Winlaw, B.C., a rural bas- ed, alternative community school. Joel moved to Ontario in 1987 and currently works for the Owne Sound Housing Co- operative. AZTEC THEATRE KINCARDINE 396-3250 Owen asked his fnend Iarr for a small favor. 7 pm & 9 pm Fri. & Sat. 8 pm (1 Show) Sun.-Thurs. Ends M�ORMMA Thurs. FOM THETRAIN * * * * Don't Forget... Tuesday is $2.50 night! * *4- *****-*At*** 4- aFP Kip 4- -If** *