HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-01-20, Page 14Page 14—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 20, 1988
Thies big. fir better molts/ 4111•.fYtN Soli �:AIE�
Send YOUR message across the province or coast to coast 11 Pine . ,River U.C.W. starts
CLASSIFIEDS 1988 with Perfect Peace
It's fast! It's ea _)...One call, one bill, does it all! I
METAL BUILDINGS - Winter Works Special - Helps
keep foctory busy during slower winter months • Sove
thousands - avoid upcoming price increase - Limited
steel - Pioneer/Enconospan 1-800.387.6896 24
hours, --3
$$ SACRIFICE $$ Buildings priced for immediate Ii•
quidation. All items in stock. 28 x 40 x 14 $4,750; 40 x
50 x 14 $6,950, 46 x 70 x 16 $9,850; 60 x 80 x 20
$16,900. Various sizes avoilable up to 120 ft. wide.
Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All
buildings priced for immediate delivery, Call toll free
1.800.387-2115, or 1-416-858.2446.-3
work pants $3.50: work boots $15. Send $3 for
catalogue (Reimbursement 1st order). Military
Surplus, Box 243, St, Timothee, Quebec, JOS 1X0.-3
MIRACLE SPAN Year end clearance on all Steel
BUILDINGS. Huge inventory, immediate or spring
delivery, Call toll free 1-800.387-4910.-3
PIANOS WANTED Not necessarily in good condition.
We buy. sell, restore, refinish, tune and repair. Small
or large jobs. Village Piano Shop, Elmira (519)
OLDTIME FIDDLE ,8 Country Music - The kind you never
find in stores anymore. Free mail order catalogue.
The Music Born, Box 309A, Mount Albert, Ontario LOG
IMO. -3
A FREE HUNTING; Fishing, Camping Catalog (56
value). Send your expired hunting or fishing license
(photocopy acceptable) and S.I.R. will moil a free 410
page (over 6,500 items) Annual Sportsmen Catalog,
S.I.R. Mail Order, Dept. 198, 1863 Burrows Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. R2X 2V6. Offer expires February
29, 1988.-3
OVERWEIGHT? Ground floor opportunity all Canadian
products. Open House Seminars in major centres
across Canada during Jonuary. Call CALORAD
Business Opportunity '1 (416) 332-5000 for times,
dates, and places, -3
START YOUR OWN business, Potential Net Income
550,000 plus. Manufacturer of HOME DECOR product is
looking for exclusive dealer in your area, May be
operated from your home. No Inventory. Minimum in-
vestment 53,950. Phone Mr, Peters 1-800.361.0406 or
(514) 387-7394. Write Carrousel Inc. 9330 Charles de la
Tour, Montreal, Que. H4N 1M2.-3
RAPIDLY expanding throughout Canada and U.S. most
significant weight loss product ever developed.
Become o 'distributor by calling. 1.416.522-3344 or
write CALORAD, 497 Main St, E., Hamilton, Ont. L8N
1K8.- 3
RESTAURANT, Hotel, Deli, Bakery, butcher, grocery,
submorine and pizza equipment, refrigerators, grills,
fryers, slicers, sub tables, ice machines, steam tables,
wolk in coolers and freezers, deli cases, scales, cash
registers, gas stove and ovens, dishwashers for sale
or lease. Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtures,
Hamilton, (416) 528-8528; Toronto (416) 238-2600,
Welland (416) 788-3433.-3
CASH IN - CASH OUT. Coke, Pepsi, Libby's, Heinz •
world famous drinks. You will refill in your new, uni-
que cold pop/juice vendors with separate price set•
ling. Minimum investment 511,980 secured, os we
supply freight, equipment installed in locations. pro-
duct fills, supplies, etc. Own your cosh business: your
choice,' port or full-time. Coll/write (24 hours) for
brochure. Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive,
Suite 200, Bramalea, Ont, 16T 1B3. Mr, Halbot (416)
STAINLESS STEEL Stove Pipes 7" 53.50/11., 6" $3,25/ft.
(will'ship). Also S.S. Hog Feeders, Findlay Oval Style FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or
and air tight cookstove. John Gingrich, RR 2, Drayton, are not using all -the tax breaks available. Phone us
Ont. NOG 1 P0.-3. today. Appointment times ovailoble to process '87 lax
returns in your home, Farm Business Consultonts 2109
Relax to the MUSIC o1 Nature. Soothing environmental Oxford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free
sound and video recordings. Free catalogue. 1-800-265-1002. In • business year•round for 36
Solitudes. Box 109T, Mount Albert, Ori). LOG IMO or years. -3
Call Toll Free 1-800-263.7409,-3
GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic equipment, supplies.
Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices.
Greenhouse 5175, Halides 5115. Over 3,000 products
in stock! Send 52 for info pock & Free mogazine, to
Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver,
8 C. V6B 3N9. 1.604.682.6636,--3
MARCH BREAK Mor. 12.19/88, Air only from Detroit -
Tampa from 5299: Ft. Lauderdale from 5319. Addi-
tional packages to Orlando, St. Petersburg, Jamaica, PREGNANT: A loving couple is eager to adopt and
Acapulco, Mexico Cruise, Las Vegas. Coll provide o home for your unborn child. Working with
1.800.265.0900, T 8 S Tours for information.- 3 government licensed agency. Coll collect (416)
TRAVEL; VACATIONS FREE '88 Brochure on scenic
Rideau and Trent Severn Canal Cruises aboard com-
fortable cruise ship Kowartha Voyageur. Write On-
tario Waterway Cruises. RR 3, Peterborough K9J 6X4,
(705) 748.3666.-•-3
DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattoched.
Thousands of members onxious to meet you. Prestige
Acquaintances call toll free 1.800.263-9163. Hours
noon till 8 p.m. -3
Turn FAT into DOLLARS 555. We need 5 people in•
terested in losing weight and earning lots of money.
New medico) breakthrough. Call (416) 271.6200 or
(416) 238-8652.-3
OVERSEAS POSITIONS Hundreds of top paying posi•
tons. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free
detodls Overseas Employment Services. Dept. Ca.,
Box 460. Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7, -.3
Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wonted. Also
wonted Eotons "Quarter Century" Rectangular
wristwatches (25 yeors service). Will pay 51000 8 up
for this watch Phone (416)365.7740 or write 8 Walsh,
173 Queen St East. Toronto. Ont. M5A 157. 3
WANTED Wall clocks and Grandfather clocks
manufactured by The Arthur Peguegnat Clock Corn•
pony in Berlin or Kitchener Ont Also wonted other
antique wall and montle clocks Write Box A. 309
Mutual 5t Toronto, Ont M4Y 1 X6 or call
1 416 365 9411 3
TRAIN FOR A J08 with a future with Tri.County
Truck Driver Trammg Job search, assistance
available Kitchener 720 King E (519)743 5011 Brant.
ford 300 Colborne E (519)756 0273 3
A SALES DREAM Multi Millon Dollar internat,onal
firm seeks 2 representatives in your area that seek in•
comes of up to 5800 51600 plus weekly No direct
selling involved daily ropeat business set your own
hours Training provided For confidential interview.
Coll (416)7562110r (416) 756.7796 -.3
TAKING a Semester off' Enjoy North Muskoka and
earn at the some time Full-time employment, din-
ingroom. kitchen, housekeeping. Accommodation
available Alpine and X.Country skiing close by at
Hidden Volley and Deorhurst. Pow -Wow Point lodge,
Huntsville (705) 7894951 - 3'
OLD BRICK BUILDINGS Wanted for wrecking salvage,
Ross Lumley Bonded and insured with references,
since 1969 Form Buildings or complete lactones
1,800 7657545 3
PREGNANT? Loving couple wishes to adopt, provide a
home and best of core for your unborn child. Working.
with approved agency. Call Pot collect (416)
TURN that lime on your hands into CASH for you. Get
to meet new people and make new friends through
Auctioneoring. Next class Jan, 16 - 23rd. Register
now. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering,
P O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont, NOJ IMO (519) 469-3936:
(519) 537.2115.-3
MAKE MORE MONEY! Learn Income Tax Preparation
or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. Free
brochures no obligation, U 8 R Tax Services, 2051345
Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, R3T 286. (204) 284-1806 - 3
The Only way to get
ad in 2.5 million homes
in Canada for
or in 1,241,807 homes
in Ontario for
Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by call-
ing one of our helpful classified advisors
at your nearest weekly newspaper office
for details. Lucknow 528-2822
Goderich 524-2614 Kincardine 396-2963 .
Clinton 482-3443 Walkerton 881-1600
Seaforth 527-0240 Mitchell 348-8431
Pine River U.C.W.
The January meeting of the U.C.W. of
the Pine River. United Church met on Tues-
day January llth at 10 p.m.
The new president, Betty Jones, was in
the chair. Betty opened the meeting with
the verse "Perfect Peace".
Ruth Farrell read the minutes from the
December meeting and business as
Margaret Fergeson read the treasurer'
The meeting was then turned over to the
convenor Gail Lowry.
Philys Elliott read the scriptures from
Acts II verses 42 to 47.
Prayer was read in unison from the
study book by the 22„ ladies and 2 visitors
A video strip was viewed by the ladies
which showed many differences in farm-
ing in Canada and Africa. It was very in-
teresting and something you could learn
quite a lot from.
The ladies were then divided into groups
and a number of questions were answered
and discussed.
The meeting was then cut short for a
short time as the lunch had arrived. It con-
sisted of Kentucky Fried Chicken, cole
slaw and potato salad and finished off with
Christmas pudding and sauce. Grace was
sung and everyone enjoyed their lunch.
After which the meeting was then
resumed by all repeating the Purpose of
the U.C.W.
The hymn "For the Beauty of Prayer"
47. Card of Thanks
Thanks to my family and friends who
remembered me with cards, treats and
visits while in the hospital and since com-
ing home. Special thanks to the doctors,
the second floor nurses and the O.R. staff.
Paul MacDonald. -3x -
We wish to extend our sincere appreciation
to our family, friends and neighbours for
the expressions of sympathy to us at the
sudden passing of a dear wife, mother and
grandmother, Dunedin. Thanks for the
floral tributes, donations to the Heart and
Stroke Foundation, The Kincardine and
District General Hospital; to those who
sent cards, letters, food, phoned, visited Or
helped in any way. Also thanks to Dr. Tusz,
nurses, staff and ambulance attendants at
Kincardine and District Hospital for their
care and concern; to Rev. Baird for his
prayers, guidance and words of comfort;
to the ladies of the WMS Kinlough
Presbyterian Church for inviting everyone
back to a lovely lunch and tea following the
memorial service; to Mr. Ken Davey and
his staff of Davey-Linklater Funeral
Home, Kincardine for their understanding
and assistance at this time. Everyone's
kindness will always be remembered.
Edbert, George, Katherine and
t,,mi.ii 's. --3x
rr e wish to express our sincerer precia-
tion to our family, friends and neighbours
for the comforting expressions of sym-
pathy at ,the loss of our beloved wife,
mother and sister, Florence. Thanks to
Helen MacDonald for her extra help and
comforting presence. Also thanks to Rev.
McFarlane, MacKenzie and McCreath
Funeral Home, Lucknow and the Lucknow
UCW. Special thanks to all for the floral
tributes, donations, cards and the meals
sent to our home. Your thoughtfulness and
kindness will always be remembered.
Lloyd, Rick, Bonnie, Brad and family. -3x
Do you have a special event coming in the
near future? Why not advertise in the
Lucknow Sentinel's Coming Events col-
umn? For a very reasonable price you can
let area folk know about your special
event. Call Pat at the Sentinel 528-2822
before noon on Mondays. .
was sung. ^t
Betty Jones read the benediction and the
meeting was dispersed.
A social hour was enjoyed.
It was decided that the February
meeting this year will also be a morning,
meeting taking place on Tuesday,
February 8th at.10:00 a.m. at the church.
Local News
Barry and Betty Jones were in London
on Sunday where they had their lunch with
their son-in-law and daughter Jim and
Sherry Bullard. Then in the afternoon
Barry and Betty visited the funeral home
in Ingersol where they attended the view-
ing of the body of a cousin of Betty's who
had been killed in a car accident. Later
Barry and Betty had their supper "with
Betty's aunt Ruth Hammond. Also atten-
ding the supper was Bill and Marion
Langdown in Ingersol.
Elizabeth Wilkins of Mount Forest was
home on the weekend with her parents and
brother Charles, Mayme and Ken Wilkins.
Visiting with Kae Webster on the
weekend was her two sons Cecil and Jim
Webster of Waterloo, her son-in-law Atlee
Wise and his friend Jack Arnold of
Richfield, Ohio. And although we did not
have any snow just at the house, but by go-
ing ,just a little ways north (Pine River)
they did find lots of snow for their
snowmobiles, of which they were very
pleased so they could enjoy their favorite
winter sport. The one place where they like
to go (the beach) there wa'Sn't any snow.
148. Coming Events
Bus trip to Toronto Horse Sale, January 27,
1988. Call Leonard Kerr 529-7642 or Gary
Kerr 529-7375.-1-3 .. -
Benefit Dance for Bob and Donna Husink
(nee Thomson), David Thomson and
Diane Jefferson, who lost everything by
fire in Gorrie, to be held at Lucknow Com-
plex, January 23. Music by Peter Baur.
Please bring lunch. Thank you. -2, 3
Friday, January 22, • starting at 6 p.m.,
Lucknow Community Centre. $12.50 per
person. For tickets call 528-3423, 529-7524,
528-3420 or any Lions Club member, -2,
at Kinloss Community Centre, 4 - 6 p.m-,
January 24, February 7, 21 and March 6.
Everyone welcome. -,3x
sponsored by Ripley and District Lions,
Saturday, January 30, Ripley -Huron Com-
munity Centre, starting at 8 a.m. Cham-
pionship games 6:15 and 7:30 p.m. Roast
beef dinner 11:30 - 2 p.m., $5.00.-3ar
January 20 - 30, March of Dimes canvass
and rural mail campaign in Lucknow,
Dungannon and Holyrood.-3, 4x -
at The Sewing Box. Learn smocking, sew-
ing with knits and easy techniques for
cushion with ruffle. Beginners welcome.
Class sizes are limited so pre -register ear-
ly. For more information call The Sewing
Box 528-2000.-3ar
The Lucknow Women's Institute are hav-
ing a card party, Town Hall, Monday,
February 15, 7:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE
of Dungannon Agricultural Society, Tues-
day, January 26, Social time 6:30. Pot luck
supper 7 p.m. Local entertainment.
Everyone welcome.-3ar