The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 323rs Deco/ober , I
In the Canada, he is known Satata Claus. Be comes 40 a
sleigh pulled by 'reindeer and- brings :gifts. But. int '
countries, hes known : by 'other names, and he arrives. at
houses in different ways. Read on to °find out how star
Claus visits Tither countries around the worltlt '
to in Gonna*, Santa is 'moven as .t. Nicholas, and he travels
. aroundthe gunny
. on December • .
Conadiart 6. Instead of reindeer, he travels
with ,a white pony that, carries
bags. Chic bag is filled with presents for those who have
been good:, the otherbas switches forthgwe whohave leen.
Bad guys•.follow. St» Nicholas around as he delivers gifts.
Some of them 'bring presents, some bring a lump of coal
and some take presents.
December 6 is the feast day of 'St. Nicholas in Franc:
Children receive' gifts ..of' candy and other goodies,
December 25 is known as Noel' in France. Children. inay.
receive a visit from Pyre Noel. They write letters to. Pere
Noel• at theNorth Pole and try to he very goad ss he will
"visit them_
S and Mei4co.
Sanntais not as popular in Spain and xioo as the Three
Kings:, are; Timm December 25 to January 5, familia shop_
so thechildren can pick Out what:'they want. the. Three
Kings to bring them; Then they write. letters to the Three
Kings, asking for the gifts . they want and gifts far their
families. .•
The night ;of January •5, children set out theirs#oes. SO .the.
Three Kings can' fill them with candy and: treats and sur--
raund them witlfpresents.
• in the i.800s, D'yed MOM, or Grandfather Frost, lived
deep` is the woods. Pie cantle to town Ma -sleigh to deliver • .
toysand gifts door=-to•doo . oe had aried.coat; andhat: with
white fur trim, and his beard" was white. and bushy,
�}{� t�Q '� NNCE BROKE
r� •
#"H; 528 3824 - Ate . 523-2531
December 6: is St Nicholas! TI%at's when he, vis-
its children in the towns along the Adriatic coast, of Italy.
In Sicily,, Sanita'Lucia delivers. presents on December 13
:Santa. Lucia has a donkey that camess baskets of gifts, His
blue cloak has stars all aver it. Childrei thmughout.Sic ly
;',place their shoes outside"and hope to and -them filled with '
gifts in: the morning: Sometimes they even put out foodffor
the donkey:'.
To all our wonderful; •
friends and patrons,
we extend:best Wishes.
Nile;. R.R. 6 Gaderich
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Lloyd' Johnston
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ed like: to express
our appreciation : OT'
your supe+ t
and wish everyone a
very happy season!