The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 27would like a real tag Ms. M's. Grade 4, MPS Dear Santa: Santa I would like a pig, not a fake one, not a toy one, I would like a real pig please. Plus I would like a Babe that talks. •How is Dasher, Dancer, Prancer Visin, Comet Cupid, Doner. Bltzen? How is the kg monster Rudolph? Chris D. • Santa Claus; I would like a • teletubbie and his name is • Dipsy. I really would like a real horse with a saddle and reins for Christmas. I'm going to bake some cookies. I was wondering • • how do you get down the chimney?" Well, I have to go. Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry • Christmas. I have been good, Kayla Howald, '• Dear Santa: I would like a • nail polish machine and an Easy Bake cake maker and • a real life horse, a Nintendo, a new computer that I can put CD ROMs in • it too. I want the CD Rom called Have My Own Horse. I Would like a • Princess doll that. is big ' and gets a dress with her, a • Pickacho Tamgachie and snow so .we can play •and 'get cold. I have been a • goodgirl; so has,my sister. Could Brianna: and I • always be friends again? • • Is it cold at the North • Pole? Can yoe do flips in . the air with your sleigh, It • would benice to ride in • the air. .Your friend, • Amanda King.; ,P.S. • would also like a game ' boy camera. • ; Dear Santa: 1 wouldlike •box of K'nex for 'Christmas. rve tried to be good for Christmas. I would also like a lot of SNOW too! Can 1 have a sculpture puzzle? The one would like the clock. Would you like to know why I want snow? There's no snow here! Chris Willits. . Dear Santa: I am in Grade 4 now: My teacher this year is Ms; M. I have been good this year. We just put our.Christmas tree up last night. This year all I ask for is a nail ,kit, a talking teletubie and the game Rerplunk. My sister is asking for everything, but just get her a few things: Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Nicole Hartung. 'Dear Santa : I want a new pair of boots for winter. I also want a computer and lots of CD's. I want some more clothes. The Pei)* in my class are good, but two don't believe in you. I was ,really good this year so I want what I ask for. I believe in you and so does. my teacher Ms. M. She's a really •good teacher. How is it up' te the North Pole? How are your reindeer? t. Want 4.30 puzZle;. and a grandfather clock too. I• also' want snow this Christmas too. I am iri Grade, 4; and 1 am 9 years • eld. Cuitis.D. • • Grandma's a good cook When I was Litile bY'Andrew Gainmie, . • Grade 5, Brookside It. was the night :before • Christmas and the Christmas tree was 'set up • For all the world to • share,simple joys of a -countrY Christmas.' • ThaUlts, irleiids, for LOWRY FARMS SYSTEMS LTD. We handle everything. almost LYNN LOWRY 13.130 Ot Kincardine ont N22 2X3 Phone: (519) 395.2515 RIX; (519) 30S-2614 with a lot'ofpresents up laOked 'out the wn- dow at the big snowflakes • that Were falling'from the sky. We Went to my grand--;• ma's for Chriitlas dinner. My grandam is a good •cook. I went to bed and • dreamed about Christmas Dear Mr. and Mrs. Claus: I have been the best girl this Year. I would.like snow, a. • little Mermaid Game Roy game, two Furbies, a Life size Teletubbie of L4114. I pray for snow every night, please make it happen. My favourite reindeer , is. Blitzen because it reminds me of a Blizzard and that means no school. Love, Jessica Small- • Elliott dad got a halte by Elliott Miller • Grade 4, Brookside When I was little I used to get up. on Christmas • morning and went for my presents. My parents Wouldn't be up yet. I used to see if my dog got a pre-' sent but she really didn't. One year I got a miero- scoPe and a'camera and lots of candy. My brother got a drawing book. My dad gora calf halter. When we went to my grandma Miller's I went to the tahle. and I used to be stuffed. We.bought Creepy Crawlers for eur cousins Mark and Kevin and they bought us . Creepy Crawlers. Then a week • later we went to my grand - and . grandpa Thompson's. When we ate, I would be stuffed with gingerbread house. The presents were nice. My grandma got •ine a lot of. • sweaters and clothes and sinks. My parents were , bushed after Christmas. I was happy With all the presents, My brothers and I played the rest of the day at While my parents, slept: Besf Wishes for- fhis rididay Season. - from: Brat/ Ilea hnii • ,.•• )cAR T y 525-2401 Luelinew Sentinel, Wednesday, December 23, 1998 —Page 11A bA 111111 SION. May the warm 8low of Christiana up your life, Cliristnias is fun • by Kevin Jorjeos Christmas is fun. 1 -low does Santa fit down the chimney? Racing around the world. I will stay up waiting for Santa. Santa gives you presents. Tiffs0 to open presents. Mom leaves snacks for Santa. At Christmas I, have 4 • feast. Sama's helpers make the presents. 7 riffiniferMaL PLUMBING & HYDRONIC HEATING • Scott. campbeii 519.528-2884 Your Hot Woter Heating $pecialists • • '" ** 41. ....:...t.w4tA040110.4164ktIMT.WiC4,,T;Z Maitland Welding - and Machining Es 357-Z727 cfr staff RR *2 AUBURN 529-1212 .. . ** * . . 04. . • . 4***mistr0 ••• fiat better.' tim e t now o say to our many customers andjietufsfor your vatuea, support, Merry Christmas. from ana ement andSta 'RP • . 0,41010 ,R••••0•0••