HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 24pa,,ui
Wishing you a housa toilet
happiness anis holiday sin.
Many Christmas aund° have thee.
.brdghiest of nexwyeaml
gc Thanks
from Joatm►e, Tiisho,
Amy, l?onna
*own ` * Osdi
elePh°. si't -
I remember Tatar •.first
anima,* 41 right se iron,'
third, fatuth, fifth, sixth.
seventh, eighth all right
uittttt and that's rho truth:'' It
was the night before
Christmas land over at
merne°s we wEFre having a
.party, • everyone was leav-
ing when mom said,
"TYrne'to go home," •
-I said; "bang it nit," So
we went home, Since I.
didn't have an _alum clock
1 had to •do it the old 4,014
ion way. 1 drank Irl glass-
es of water; thew went to
bed, t' woke up at• one
•o'claek went to the wash-
room. Then 1 woke up
• Luke end Mark and, played
Clue until four O'clock,
Then, I went. tioWnstai'irs
opened my Stocking.,
pulled.eut a horn, went -
upstairsand woke up intim
and. dad, Finally -1 opened.
my presents and played: all
When 1 was little, really
ltttle.,Way back When 1
was bunk. I was born, four
days before Cliristtteas. 1
eaipe home from the hos,
pital. Christmas Day in a
My mom sauid, "1 just
wanted presents." 1 asked,
"Did I get lots of pre-
sents7" She said, "Yes you
got tons of presents:"
1 •still have tray stocking
and I rtt going to keep- it
for as long as 1 live, It's a!,
treasure and r m. going.: to '
keep: it and hand. it down •
to my children telling
thenit it's. a. treasure.
A lot of people say. rrn
!tacky that my birthday is
so.close tQ Christmas haat
you really :get ripped WE
See Campbell St
1.uow 528-S341
•1ishingyou aPdybors.
ahappy and healthy.
Christmasand a;
prosperousNew Year, ftited,
with•leve°and•laug}'itet . •
To our valued customers,,
it has ;beett•a•plea or.e ,t
servittg:•you this pasty
and we lookforward to
otWer tivvnderiu year! ,'k: •,
nk or Montreal
The ABC's of Christxnas.
By: Miss, Atderson'sQuide 1/2
1Brookside Public School
A - Angels
0- ' • Beautiful Baby Jesus
C- , Christmas trees sand candles
.04 . Decorating ehe•tree
B.- Etfetles and elves:
•P - Fluffy toys and tlugy dogs
C Croldentoys and Goo .•
. 0 - 1 -lave a happy Chtlstruast
1 - [ wish, you a Merry Claistmasi
3 - ringie tells:
Kangaroo and kitten toys
L.- Loving and caring
M - Mr, and Mrs:, Claus'
• "No.rnore cookies for Saute' '
•- - Presents„..
q- . Qtaitts.and questions:: far San
RaaaioIpl'i and his reindeer
$ nta Claus and his ;reindict,
xa Tigsandtoysr'
,(11-• • Under the .Ch rasta pas tree *ere .ire :presente
? � V ►coai.Chnstmas! ?
- We wisbt you a:Mefry C1ttistmast
5E- xXlopl ;,toy.
`- Yoryo2s,tcopaSonia
Z Zill pus of tgys•detivered:by Santa
Otte sa gamy, chilly
Christmas morning ng my
family and 1 t'rnwded
around. our over-deeorat-
ed fancy Christmas tree.
Earn of us exeitadty grip
our gifts ready to trait
them open. Weare all .star-
ing. anxiously at the clock.
waiting for it to strike S
a.m. It is only a few min-
utes until we get to let oat
our overloading exeite-
mertt and: see what lays
under are very Irwin, neatly
wrapped gifts. We shake
every one of our }lips to
kind out if Ilve got what we
wrote downon our lists,
L on the other hand, ant
going hysterically hyper.
Jumping. up : and and wait-
iug:very' impatiently, tike
everybody, else, to tear
open our gifts aid begin
our journey on experi
me nnting. endplaying with
*my breed tow toys.
But rover. hyperness, and
downright vvaekiness, 1 am
nst. a lithe; ..nervous
because I desperatejy want
a certain toy and I am not
quite sure if it will f really
be. Mittel .,
And all that unsureness:
vanished.- as the .crock
struck a a.nt and my first
present reveals the: toy Of
miy drea[ns, "Fidler Pnee -
miler blades, once again
have a. Merry Christmas
.and better than, ever once ..
by Marissa Dykstra, St
When -I was Wibe; my
room was pregnaait and
had to stay...ia the hospital
for two and half tnoiiths,'
she had. to miss Christmas .
and New Years. it.alt start-
ed when...
In Novennter, I carte
off the bus! and, inside tri,
get a snack: toy molar
looked salt and I asked
hex. w:nat• was wrong, she;;
said, '`_you at sop -
Iiappitaess.i •
Sl ru,ga•sRecial:
holiday with.
i'riepd like you.
per.” am of ovum, 1 matte, .
her :telt me.
My moan said;. "I have
to go to the London hospi-
tal for two months. She •
left the next day.
Next taunt on
Christmas, after . we
opened our presents, my
dad said we were going
somewhere, we drove for
an hour and went' to a
hotel, close to the hospital;.
.The hotel Was nage! ft
was like we were rich or
sornetkting. 0 . had a hot
tub, and a pool. My :moor
was allowed to visit. We
stayed there for two and a
half days. by .1e5filea:lYtstixi St
• One day when I was
four years old my room
and dad said: that Santa
-was rooting. I :went up to
go to bed so that Senta.'
wilt come and give me
lots of. gifts. The next
morning..i woke up at 5:30
to see all.'of the gifts. It
was not the right day, it,
was tomorrow.. Atter
woke up my: mom .gave
nae a gift to. ripen., :On: the .
25 of December Santa
,cauie and gave me- toys. • •
by Ralehet Simpson.
St ;•,J ts. •
-When I was six• yettrii
old I had. d 'Christtrtas. t'Ik
• never forget, It wars' 4 a.m. •.
and :My .sister woke up salt
excited and giddy . about'
Christmas, She. crawled
'out cif bed and -she sat on
"t y'bed 'and toki.tne' it was.
f; hn stmes..I was h 4.t.f
:asleep., 1 • rolled Over, saw
my sister and Berea rte4. '; .
The •next thing I knew I..:
`was' jukoping up and clown
en any bed..
• Unfortunately we have
bunk 'beds, andthe rest Ui:
the day. was 'blank.: I think'
I was uocenscious:
Well that concludes tray
Christnnass story of me as a
lass: Jain -mm:• next• time to
here.' my •l sser story `
where: '1 think 1: fracture:
One. of thereat joys of the holiday
season is• the opportunity, to say
'lN,tYytiicYYtt tor,your>paironage and ,
fa wish you the; very; best for the
. thew> Vear.
Old :f hionedw'ishes
for friendshlpAnd.
fun this Yuletide.
rVe"re so veiry.glad ti
now and ;serve yb t;
Uri 4o00.f. Julk: ap►
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v ,:�i��.rtr� t1t. ».: 4)±ra • j et°nty
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