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When they were Mae..
Grade (4,1,,CIS
Wien, it was tittle; my.
brother ran intoart's room
and said, "lube wake up.
t°sItristmasr IE ,led
back gsier and sit "go
E r nadyn realized that it,
. waas Christmas so 1
jutuped up and Tyler and 1
ran downstairs We leaked
around the sumer and saw
as Match of presents, We
ran baaek upstairs and
woke up our parents. They
said,, "natuntil seven." We'
weie,s0 excited:, wr* Could
Wt. want! There was only
five mase urinatesuntil
sever, ft sexed like.
My parents tnaflya gut
up and my dad took off
d+awusMirs. We. followed
after hint. Myr nnntm had to
get a coffee for her and
my dad. 'When she came
dawn: we started to open
ourpresents My cat and
puppy started to jump and,
• plays.' in the present wrap-
pings, 1
rnp•p ngs.1 was se happy with
all the giftsI gat!
• . My mom always; vise.
tapes us at Chr:istnias. Yee
should seethe expressions
' on our faces When. we
open our presents
1.donn't remember a.spe-
att present I just remnant-
heir getting wonderful
gifts. I" don't remember
arty special gift.1 got that
. year, but. 1' •do remember
going fair . a w alk.: in the
nice white flnffy s.nrcxw
with. tny faintly:
by Steve Jrushe
Garai G,, l CPS
When I was little 1
retrineai.boe :.that my grand-
Pe alviayys,, gave us a ride
'and .one year the., wagon
fell in tie water. Three
cousin's. and' I 'fell: in the
water, When we goat hontne
my grandma said: "lsir't. it
a;4jetle cold to go', swixo.
mrnig?`", . `Isar mgn4 at
19:30 we weal, Wish* and
onne of my *Pita felt ntn
they mud.. cheat he asked;,
'.'Who Pushed inn'?"
Oeusindrat putshccl` hihr got:
in •trouble. Christmas as
There. was
• by, Raehet Ackert Grade
Whew 1 was... little Qn,
Christmas 1 ,remesm'bert',,
when I gut 4 bigwo s en.
roc h3 tkitso. All my rel-
el-ati;v s were there.. 1 Was .'
abt t one years old at-the-
th114 '1#fttr; f got it, it
wars like: 1 was sLU4k
, remerrsber a04- othsKr.•
Christre s whgn.1. gQtA a ,
shovel, a game oaf
*rabble and a little tam,
rtccocdter. ThQsc ate s91n4
of my srpecial: times at,.
Christi , t'hsspe y�ocn=
14V,s�9trn+4,:,01N0a,1, ti ,c5
14.1013E Cbristrin; s and:
by Gitobrittt,,
When 1 Was little., 1
loved Cliuis0n14S'> varat say-
ing that I don't anymore
heouse f still love it.. •
Cluistraas ainornniug
really may, without trying.
tn' w41-t4my parents up, 1
would to into my brother's
Mum and soy, " Entri wake
up,. wake Wit its Christmas
morning," and we would
ruin down the' stairs and
dump our stockings out:
After we had. seen what
we bid got we would play
with the stuff until tinny
atom in up. '
After my moms' get up
we had. breakfast. am wait
far out dad to .get home
from work. It is pretty bur-
ring waiting for any dad to
get home from. work
because he doesn't get
biome .from work. some -
antes tes until or IQ
When he gat home from
work we would rush to: the
Christmas tree .and start
openingthe presents.
-After opening all the
presents- my mem said,
"'v. sit beside your dad
and ltn • will read you. ar
story.." So we listelned. to
my mom and. we sat.
beside dad, tad epened
the book, It ,had intearra*.
tion oa a snowrxnobile and
a picture of a: snowmobile.
My • bcvtber and .1 got tip;
ran outside arid into --the
. shed: and there Was. a new
snowmobile. We knew
where to go and whys
was iltifdrxivaxian on a
snnsnwnrobile in this book
beaaiuse our parents said
we might get a snowing-
nowy u
bile far Christmas
• o Sar that was an exciting
and surprising Christmas
by,risstitt Lazaxo
a> 6, f4CM
Wfien 1 was little, -on
Christmas Eve any whole
family would go, to my
dad's special. Christmas
service, at the'.church.
After we would eat a sup.
per of roaat,tuey, stuff-
ing, Mashed petutoes,
gravy, cum and fruit, Then
we opened up all: the pre-.
seats under the tree, ley
patents woUki let my, sis-
ter, brother and ane stay up
as• long as we likerd so we
could enjoy our gifts. I .
usualtyz•pesteredi my older
sstar and brattier. Well,
isn't that w *little sister
. i$.. supposed to dot •
14 the Morning 1
c lreckett my stocking and
it would. usually be filled
with! candy and toys. .
• If, You are wondering
Why my fatally- ripens our
presents on Christuras Eve
it's rause° ray dad has his
bar hday.•. landing'cizi
Christmas Eve. .
I dxiltn't argue with the.
early opening' of •rny tts
• when I *shale and I still.
dent! Weilll, would.yoe?
tor.t.,ww Soo** W"4ys, flAtemeketr23,
ere C4rF a YOU.
aracere Zest Wishes.
Wet csppreciateft
ye* oar ezastetners-
KZ (Mike) Sett S
arsl,Grorkrar ` fsrr;i
} . ,lr ,erich
•sery.., .rr.r..... x.r
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To You
'MOV Your xclu3e2 Ulm
!Wiled enthacltcninaent.
a y,
R Rod/rotate Rod/rotateLtd,
mgt. wayno. st
4e r
is q season
to celebrate
fries, for
your V?
Larry, y, M1k , Manndy.
sya,Ora{e $oo4 Wks s ewQ4 1 9(,acs•s+a� aaa+vtyi
rwepx Hot 4a utia4 y ch ik*T
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service*. Car leihisb
. ve,_, oa Itk,.�:ri
may thoy AltCom' Z
11 U This Holiday
Y $end Our Very 8-eg,
dishes For AL.,