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Lucknow Sent!ilek Wednesday.
mber , i99
& Merry Cbristrna
(rem Shirley, Wendy, Kriatirin,
Margaret & The Twolaus•
I.[acknew • 2321326
Beat wishes end thanks
fora wonderful 1.99a,
Lu now 528-3521
`alis cO.WOr
ustorn Made 'furniture_ and..
Screen Doors
Specializing in Cedar
Box 49
529 -
Our faith and love of all mankind is
rekindled at Ct'irlstmas,may this speciat
tuna bringyou closerto those you love,:
!e: .1
,M*as � Eisen
Grote?, LS
When was tittle
aubodY talked about Santa
Claus. hint instead they
talked' about Sinter Klaus.
because. I lived w Holland
Peo* would tulle about
Sinter Klaus helper aim*.
Pete, ,going down the:
cliimu.e ys bringing pre -
yeixts and 5otnetima<s peo-
ple sand it you were had,:
Black Pete would take you.
in a sack a ra carry you off
to Spain.
I guess people in riry'
'neighbourhood' were good
because no One rlis:ap-
Black Pete was called
Rtack Pete because be
became black while slid-
ing through the chimney.,
When. I moved to
Canada, people „talked
about Santa and the elves.
This showed 'that peo-
ple have different ideas.
about Christmas, but 1
know Christmas is about
Jesus' birth in the manger..
Bay Jantue Kuy enhaven
Grade 6,1: W;
When 1 Was little; 1
think 1 had the list the size.
of three Metre sticks. 1
wanted jxresents, more
ttes a
than anything else. I
tlioitght• Christtna s was
better than my •birthday r•
• I didn't think of thermal
meaning. tha we slim utd lae
.centering on. >l didn't think
of Christ. or families
being together. or loving
The: snow thrilled rite,
and snow angels I made. I.
thought of Santa CIaus,
bring ing presents to kids.
Nnw I am aware that
Christmas is more than
Santa, presents: •vr eve
It's about loving, car-
ing, .sharing, but the r=ain
thing is. Christ. In a tittle
.stable, in a little manger
• was born the Sinter Cod.
What • a Special gift to
the w.hote world,
by ,tillian it a
Grade 6, LDC
When 1 was little 1
loved. Chris. tmas. F triest of
all liked the part when the
presents c-anie out,. I also
..liked Santa Claus - the men
with red.clothes and a
fuzzy beard whe delivered
thetas, I just IuuIdn't wait.
tilt Santa Claus Bathe:
• Then the time came
waren I gent to wake up•and
see the presents. that are
Wishing- eve ,ryorte a'Men't :
Ch rias., Viz, Happy New .Year
' We look forward to, .:serving•.
you in 1999'
Sinter Klaus
for nae. Big and small fil
loved them all.
Then I gut to loo e0
ehurc and see the [matett.
up houses. Christmas is
the best time 'o€ the year
1:ause .lesus was, bran and
that alt •shall bear.
by Fraser Kayvenh+uvest
• Graded, f nes
Whelk 1 was attic.' rxn±r
mom and dad would tctl
me what. Christmas, was all
about. They wouidi tell rase:
that Christina* was riot
just getting and giving
presents. They cold gird. it
VW a$ not just Christmas
trnfs and decorations.
They told me it w;as not'
,just fancily gatherings..a d
fuzz' with friends.
No, my Mo a tid dad
told me that. Christians
was alI because sothething•
speeiat had happened a
!Ong time .ago. Jesus way:
tarn. Jesus was Cod's.g ft.
to us. Bedell his place in
heaven and came, to earth.
fie Caine sera take the;
blame, the blame of: our •
suns. The Warne of the; -
things we de wrong, To do
this, he died, and rase .
Christmas. is the cele-
bration of the birtt of the
Saviour of the world..
would let: me help hint buy
by Becky Star • a . present torr ,morn. F
Grade•S LUGS• would• make for
When F was little, ,I special f,O,r Toy motet ;irid.
woke • up on Christrnts .dad. • •
inorz ing tea find. ;t1l the • NoW,1.buy nay presents
C trtstmas' presents'zite4ely' for thein'.. i 'wonder . what i.
arranged .. around the
Christmas tree. 1 searched
through: there ail;, finding:
all mine and staking them-
roughly.. only to find an : Crad07. LIJI. S•
hoot later,,while unwrap .. when I'was. ltittle• t
p4ng'.my.presents, that my •'be.lteved•in Santa Claud.; t'
arctic globe war bets- thought • that on Christmas,
lien. and was leaki=ng all . Eve he cittziie dowel caur;.
OVCt tiny brand ne f coddlY, elliranety and gave us all'
teddy bear presents. I believed he had
reindeer why aetuaily'tlew'
.;Ietuuferji*rje , . around the: country.. 1
Grade$''> LRCS heiived'thttt Santa had
• VJ'tkeri F :was little. 'F : elves' who .nnacie all the
nay parents were mad at
nite and said 1- didr s
•deserve any presents, so
they took darn itvway and
gave the ton tete'on box -
ins day.
by ¥r ittainyr Tom;.
Grade tk LPCS
When 1 was little 1
would wake up 'very ,-arly
lit Christmas. 1 would gee
right to the Christmas tree,
to see what I had cntteri. .
Then I' would go to my
parents' room and wake
them up and ask if F eurxiti
. open my presents, but of
CourSJA they would say no
and tell me to wait- until
after 4iture
- While we were
church, we would first: lis-,
ten - to the ehtrrc: z
Christmas program. The •
'Waster always• told: us the
same story about how
Jesus was, born -in a
manger and we were. cele-
brating His birthday not,.
ours. -
by: Tim Loyale*
Grade'7', LDCs•; '
,Where I '.w.as little.. 1
always liked opeuing..pre-
seats best, ... sbc?ut .
Christmas.• I ripped,open
every present I got right
away, didn't have enough
money to b:ity. • presents
back then,:,bttt my did
should buy now for my
fazaiily rincrtctbers'' 1 can't
wait for Christmas.'
Bay. Scott tiplitess
woke up. real ;early! on Gays and , raped' all .'of..
Christmas, morning and ; them tip. 1, also believed
ukuwrapped alt'my family's °, that. Santa Itad ^a; workshop
presents 1? hen ttnY moral in ala • Nort!ta I erg and I
!and; dad totutd •out ychat`I ' even use'dc send letters
did; ttxey wrapped ttteznr alt to'hinn,
soak up set iiky breth;.ras; taut now I,doe.'t lelteve
and sisters. didn't sem what.. t biizi' ry ore rio
Jox Chtstntas F;. that, Christmas was When
was. in a lot of trouble , ar 4 Jesus: Was boxer,:
a Ortho* .;.
'air the 'Oct
klere's; wishing alt our vaiued friends, and neigbbQurs.
the 1t?st hotiday eason evert
the !liar
grceful har cttt'rifOtt bus toss rYur:
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