The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 20• P4g0 4A — Luelknew Sentinel, Wednesday, December 23,199 3101811103111.0111111.10110q10111 liihrrytholototai to Ant • Thank"- ter your • virey voluod Intol.ous ch t s mas through the eyes of a "Generation Kier" by Pastor Peter Janssens Lucknow Christian Reformed Climb When I was asked to Write a ChriStraaS article on the theme, "When 1 Was Young," .1 must admit I chuckled a bit. M age 33,; 1 hardly consider `myself to be very old,, and fin sure many of our readers would agree. As a. mat- ter of fact, because I was born in 1965, social scientists have put myself and all those 'younger in a category of people known as "Generation X. Now' because ram a Gen-Xer„ albeit. an •told' one, 1 should have some of the general charaCteristics that Generation Xeres are labeled with. For example, accord - A . Bruce 8c Staff . id . ing to Soeial Scientists such as..George Barna, who, among other books, has written Generation Next, lig Generation Xers are supposed to have a very dim out- WILIiITS TIIIE SERIIICiv , - look on the future. The issues tha today's younger generation 'face* . appear to be anything but hopeful. Along With issues $11 LUCKN. OW, • 528.2103 V , such • as AIDS, the environ*erit, racism,. drug and alco- Iht 411E41(441k4r41M11111E41(41(411K •• • . hol abuse, and unemployment, today's.younger genera- tion ... eneration, X crowd does -not look good. And while according to Social Scientists 1 should share in this grim outlook on the future with the rest of my generation,.1 don't. Why? Beeause 2000 years age a baby was born in , a stable. His name was Jesus, which Means "Savieur," God sent Jesus into the world so that we who are hope -less (or without hope) can hope once again. God sent his son Jesus into this world to mend broken hype' God sent Jesus into this world so that those of us who . are afraid to dream, can drearliO6e0 again. In Revelation 21, which 'can be found near the end of the Bible, we can read about a future, which is anything but hopeless and is available to all of us. says "Islow the dwelling of God is with men and he will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them and be thou. God. He will wipe every tem' from their eyes. There Will be no more • death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has Passed away." (Revelation 21: 3 4). The birth ofJOSUS marks the beginning of this process. • So sVhaedoes a world look like where people will no longer weep or die or get sick? What does a world look like where we no longer have to send soldiers oft to war? What does a world look like .where the worry of OPA's, AIDS; the environment, racism, poverty, vio- lence, and abuse will be. no more? The only way we can begin to find out is to do what thousands have done. Accept Jesus as your Lordand Saviour. Bow do wedo this? • First, tell him that you are a sinner. That is, admit that even though you might think of yourself as a goodper- SOO you fall short of being a perfect person. It's not the good things we do which adds to the hopelessness of the world but the wrong things we do. Second, believe that Jesus came into this world to forgive all the wrong 'things you've done, and to help you become a hetterperson, • Third, trust that he will give you.the strength you. need to get through this life and into eternal life. „ • Without Jesus, the future' is bleak and lacks guaran- tees. With Jesus the future is secure. _ May people of all ages experience the, hope of Christmas which comes only through Jesus who was•' born long ago on that first Christmas in Bethlehem. BleSseCIChristritas to all, • face the added pressures of educational issues such as being. able to make the grade. Much of the future for the Generation X population revolves around the report card: the better the GPA, thebetter the hances of achieving success. Good grades means possibly making it to a higher rung on the social ladder. But there are no guarantees. • With all of the issues which young people face in the present and with the bleak future that lies ahead, it's lit- tle.wonder that the suicide rate among young people is on the inciease.• According to Barna, the suicide rate among young people has more than tripled in the U.S. since 1950. In many ways the future for those of us in the As snow blankets the earth in a •gesture.of peace and serenitY, our hearts are warmed by thoughts of the, many good people we have had the privilege to meet aitd-serve this past year. As We share with you the many joys of the season, may we express our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your kind patronage. UCKNOW 528-3312 4419;°i ;‘,0.'4 '1'1.,...- -• ' ' -.4°,- ,r • -•--- .....•_-,...4. ,....__.,,,:o.;•00 , *--:: --'-:„.,'.;,:to:,•;°' ;16),IL •:;•=z---.-- • * ,,, . • ,... 0 • . C i..... ' ...in • .2.C.,..:,.. i .. il• • ''‘'' : .4 if • /..';,... p '...l . '. ''.. .... .kt •• f . • *... •,if. . „. . .... t. ,,. • , ; ..:,:,•,r•, .....- . - . .•--- . ,t.T.,...'' ,....1,z • - 14 .,,-.� ... (. i. '• SP . . (L. ' • t, .9,* ric„.14,4.78. ...4110:190, . ' A..., • k.I.' \‘..Niw,Lo..-.tm::.. '10;17' • . . ' • .."›. 'NOW . . • :;‘,, .• ,., ' - - - . • epettcr4 `' • A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 6 HAPPY HOLIDAYS • in all our customers & friends N1-0;4 • . 474 if- s -�4Al STEVE OWEN , • • , . L.ucknovv • IITO BODY • 528-2170 • „•‘‘, • •q' •'. •Cie44 • -412-- .4.4arigiazPat hert's Nothing orld Like Christina • •. • The Coulitt • . . • And we couldn't be happier than to Share 3t With such wonderful people. To all otyou • We wish season filled with wrrrr.'fires, good friends, and drerris come trUe. . , • From Staff & Directors • • , , • , LucknOW District .Coop '7•LUCKNOW:• .•111PLEY.' " ••... • . • • , • '...• . • .. -. • • •. •• • " - • 1 ' • : . • , • .. • • ; ,r„ • , Apollo eats her gift by Brandon Geddes , She ate them all. My molt Grade 4,'Brookside told ine because 1 was not • When I was little my awake.yet. Neither.was . dog named' Apollo opened my 'brother; Momproba- • hertrette treats foratsctm hehwriasssnaps-: bly picked up thewrapper. posed • because I did not notice that she did that, I wonder what titne. she did it Apollo did not get in treu- Seet4tu4. Oteet4e94 We're happyto be of service te.the folks in your area rind wiSh yar • sefetitiving thiS holiday A always! UST • 0:.ndAni:s•o9uritir.,bostriOthoitWoiclaey, • ' • wis. hes. for *season Mid With htljittilW45 and theer, ',ainnovith onitheaghts for your icy yawed business. YourtriundstO meausilot„ DAVV.SONIS Pitit,4131Nu ANI PUMOS DUNGANNON 519-7981 Wevalemegt HAMM S CAR SALES LTD. Blyth 523-4342