HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 18Pig"
Luckoow Sentill
y, D °ember 1 1
Thank you for helping us make
our year a success. We hope to
see you in the corning year:
A Very Merry Christrnas
and: safe holidays.
Brian, Murray Fatnily .81 Staff
R.R. , t.ucknow 52$4312
Season. s
eanut comes
o the rescue,
by Marty Quinlan
St, Joseph's
One sunny morning at
the North Pole, Santa's
elves were getting ready
for Chrstinas'. They made
trains, hockey sticks add
much, much, more. They
were puttingthe presents
in Santa's sled andthey
worked really hard. When
they finished packing they
went and gave presents to
the people.
On the way home they
got stuck in a .hole. They
tried to get out but they
could not get out. Peanut
the mouse, who was back
at the North. Pole, said
they were taking too long.
"I'm going to find theta,"
Peanut said. Ne got his
stuff on andwent looking
for them. It was cold but
Peanut had a little ship
with wheels. It could go in
water and: on land and k
could go on snow too.
Santa and the elves
could not get out so they
went in the sled to get
warm. Peanut found them
and he tried to get thein
out but he could not. I'Ie
brought hislittle ship and
pulled them. out.
Then they went home
and then they had a warm
meal and Peanut ,got
peanuts, Santa • gave.
Peanutsome presents
because Santa was thank-
ful for saving kim and the
elves. Peanut was the hero
of the North Pole and that
made • him feel very spe-
May holiday joy warm_
your bean and home:
Thar* .You for your patmogage,
i 1ThomsonegVreamf`
sea, ;ht. 74«diet
R.R, s Loch now 019l 528-2164'. .
1/ishing dl our Rona*
a tostefvl and terrific
holideiyse o nl
Russ, Mary:
Andrea. Mary C.,.
Barb .& Betty
From the Agents, Brokers. iylanegernent &■' Staff
Otingannon 529-79e i ...,)
A happy Ord
byess Van Oscb, St.
It was a very nice
Christmas Eve. John and
Liz were waiting by the
fireplace for Santa. John is
three years old and Liz is
two years old. Lix,and
John's favourite time of
the year. is Christmas.
They like getting new
•toys. Liz likes to get dolls
and Barbie. John likes to,
get teddy bears and story-
Their mommy and
daddy had gone Christmas
shopping. Liz and John.
were stuck home with .a
mean old nanny. They
!could hot get a. nice nanny
because they were all
home with their families.
Their mommy and daddy
had been shoppingfor a
long time.* started to
snow heavily. Liz and
John missed them a lot.
They .waitedby the fire-
place for a long time.. It
was still snowing thin the
phone rang. It was their
mommy, she said that they
were storm stayed at the
mall andmight not be
home for Christmas.
Liz and John were woe,
. tied and went to findtheir
mum and dad themselves. "
The nanny had fallen.
asleep so they got their
stuff, their hat, snowsuits,
boots, and other stuff.
Then they were arta find
mom and dad. John went
to get the dog and. Liz got
a sleigh.. Their dog pulled
them to the mall.
After a long time they
found the malt and the
storm: was over. Mom and
dad came,out and said that
they never .should :have
come and they could have
been killed out there in the
cold.. They gothome and
the nanny awoke.
The moth and dad said
to the nanny she was not a
good babysitter. The kids
went out of the house
without her knowing and
could have been killed.
They never gave her the
money for. babysitting,
then she Went bonne: They
went to sleep and woke up
and opened their gift and
had the best Christmas
.Kb.seyes. memories
of Christniases past
by Kasey. Crawford, St. . out! Luckily 'my sister Was
Joseph's still inside, and utrlocked •
when 1 was little every . the door. Then. Tiny sister
Christmas Eve my sister . heard my dad say "'There
and I would Watch the is.iittleMice' in the homer
same. old .movie '.'The We Iaughed our heads off!' , ,
Muppet Christmas Carol:" When we finally fell
Then:nny sister would high' asleep. it was as soon, as
tail it up, tb my.rvom tv our heads touched, the oil
sleep on my floor, but she lows.. Usually when we
always, ended up on .the wake ;up, we; would take;
bedsit(' me on the floor! turns ,going to the *a h..
room.. When one of us
' Once wben:'i was eight, ' would' .go. to the; wash
my sister and 1 snuu'tck out .: , room, the other would
to. the • ppreh and filled lit; check out the gifts. Then . .
tle,baggies with snow then trim ;would wake,up; and'
, put juice 'crystal* in elle dad would come home; we
bseconag, anddtimshe°we ook: tt up. 'The aour te',gibreakffts'!. ast;. and .oprened ,
May -.theaide fashioned delights: of Cheistirucs, snake yours a wonder hot'
Our sup u ere tlearrh.s. for your kisut patronage.,
shad' and Louis, their families s and employees.
lin. Construction
:ike "admits
. e
used to be a brat
by ke Grist ambitious. I' ran to the. tree
One fine year I was to see three pieces of coal.
always acting as a.brat..1.—»ltben,rushed.to my tiiom's ^,
7^!r'u'ed to pull pranks, anid I . • and dad's room and told.
constantly fought with my them about what t saw
Abrotheis. But.1;sure, regret under the t ec They Just;
'being .likehthat;' arid. I wi11 started to laugh Then ;T.
itd11 you wy. - event and wake up my
•Usually1' every year, a' brothers, and told them'
week or so before • about the coal. Morn-andChristmas, we' have Some 'dad came downstairs (still
Its under the tree But' lsughing), and lifted up
this one year there were the blanket box by the
no gifts'uoder the tree: i . tree, add there, was- all die
went and told my brothers , `.r
about niy concern,:' and Mom and dad said:they,
they said not to .worry were, sorryfor telling
about it; ,mem and dad Santato put the gifts'there.
were probably just behind. 1.'hey, said that they did it
' • On Christmas morning, .to teach ins a: lessosi (11n ).
:1 Woke up so excited 'and " stilt learning):,