The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 130. Pets E1 HT REINDEERi given away to a goodhome. Must t1e, kept together and not separated. They are a package. Owner wishes to borrow the for one night during the year. Contact, S.C. North Pole. -•51nx a Aopiik -Pet FREE TO GOOD J4QMES Australian Shepherd : female pup, 6 months old. German Shepherd cross female. adult. Calc Ralph 5228.3525. Young female Border Collie. crass plus 5 pups. Call 529- 70Q5 'Ready to go. Three kittens, need TLC. Cott' S291198. Four house kittens and 2 Shepherd erasemate dogs. Lail 887.6211. Very small:grey tabby kitten. Call 3954006. Adult female tabby cat. Call' Kathi 5284045. Cindy has two orange kit- tens. Gait 3698993. Adult mate Husky Collie crass, Cali 364.3063. Voting male Husky pup, black and white: coat,, brown- eyes: rowneyes: Call Leedham Net. 3.5.7-.2471• or Kathi. 528 - Please spay your. pets!!! Please do not give pets as a Christmas gift the receiver :of your gift' may ,not be able to give it what it needs. Please don't have a pet:' end lip on this • het.' Merry Christmas. 'Calf Kath at 528.3045 after 6 p.m. or Ralph 526- 3525 daffy to discuss or pule artlmal$ --12nx 11k. Wanted to Buy WANTED. - VACUUM style milk ,tank suitable for liquid • storage only. Phone after 9 p.m. 529-7360.--50,51X. WANTED G•OOO TIMO- THY Aifaltahay; big square and round: bales.' stored;., inside. Phone, Yracy after 9 • p.m: or leave message, 528- 1049.--51,52;01 X' .WANTED:, HARDWOOD LOGS: Pro .mgt payment. for • %hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands. Veneer leg prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment opera- to. ptec+at-caremtaken-h . harvesting. P''anniii Veneer Co;.. Ltd; •est. '1927,-.349 Louisa St.; Kitchener (519)742-5887.-51 bc Llvesock RABBITS AND- CAGES _approximately 5a, cages. Water lines and feeders included. Phone 392-8191. - -46.48x;-49-51 ex LAYING HENS for Bate. Phone • X28.2154; .:-49-51 1l1 . Predut SMALL SQUARE bales of first cut hay tor sale, Phone 528-2154. --49-51 i"`dict' EQUIPMENT REPAIR On site repairs tax fano and ccnstralction equipment and small: ' engines. Rob Campbell Mobile Repair, 51`I.396-8806. Ssrvioifag Swce County.--06tfcc Real Estate Houses FOUR BEIURQQM fiousa, south edge et Lucknow, garage, cit haat, • $528/month„ Call Paul 528- 2411.--43tfar f oitiourrg it Port Rope- 00minutesteDarlingto small town living on Lake Ontario How yota Mid Ott rnnrrrr. a great read RC' YM LEPAGE 0160110101111111001 estate agent Community iu£ornatirin and homes available. Cate & Doug 1ltceallum, Sales Represe stat les Royal LePage a Real Estate Services Ltd., Broker 90 734028 We will return your call....or Email us s at mcoaldciaea : team 7. Apts. HEATED 2 bedroom apart- ment; newly renovated; two bedroom upper apartment $250., both closes .down-• tovun. Phone 526-2931. -- 39tfar HEATED FURNISHED bed - sitting room, in Lucknow; Fridge, stove etc. All utilities paid. Phone 5284723. -- 46ttar PER LEVEL main Street, 1 bedroom apartment with fridge and; stove included. Heat and hot water include ed Available Qet. let. Suitable for senior. Phone 528-2845. 47tfar ONE BEDROOM, apartment for rent on main street, Lucknow. Phdne• 528-3932. 35tfar GLEN HA°VEN Apartments • in Lucknow has spacious ground 'hoer 1 and2 bed • roam apartments for rent, fridge and, stove..included; ceetrolied• entrance, corm mon ' roam and tau•ndry. room. Phone 52.83227 or Gerrie orJayne• at 1.519 262.2029;--4itfar TWOBEDRO'QM heated. :duplex o:rr. n},gin street, LucknQW, fridge and" stove included, Available Jan. 1.2 bedroom downstairs heated ' apartrnent. Fringe and stove included, Avaitabie Jan, 1 Phone 52$-3723.-•49tfar MAINZ FLOOR ,2 bedroom apartments. Private 'patio, atppiiances . included, $-350/meirth..' Phone days, •335-3156, :1.809-615-3156:.. evenings 3$54731.-.49tf ar TWO BEDROOM apartment. available Jan. 1,. $275/ntonttx plus utilities. New windows, and flooring, Call Paui 528-2411, --5ltfar. 119us0. THREE BEDROOM country. home for.,rent 'targ kitchen, attached. garage. Excellent condition. Reasonable rent for 'responsibie tenants with geed references,,:First and last required. Avaitgble immediately. Call 395- 3435 40,5t,52te 25. !tante to . O1 WANTED - OLD tube amps/receivers' e.g. Scott, Fisher, Etco etc. Please. batt 832-2234. or 832:2147. -- 51tfnxe . ANTIQUE FUJRNtT"URE glassware, "china, sewing. machines, lamps, ieweiteiy,' post cards, ,magazines. Paying 10 cents each for Crown ..fruit. jars. Brian Butler,. 271 Burns $t.,. ,Strathroy. N47G 1G2. Phone 245 -3142, --Mee WANTE1Q OL,QER Rotex wrist watches such. as Oyster, Skyrooket,, Victory, Prince, Oyster Perpetual, etc. V1ll1t pay.topdollar. Call,' BruteWatshi 9 Market St., Stratford. N5A 1A4. 1-519- M-0411- - 42tfco • WANTED ' TO . ' Camera: Pentax. K1000 or similar., Goad condition; rea- sonabie=price ,Catt.832• 22234.-=42tfnxe': WANT T:O BUYY`= cash' fort • old unrestored •gas pumps and any Supettest 'and., White Repo, .memorabifia.• .. Galt"'Bayfetd.565 2314.-. Teti heow Sentinel. Wcd'eesdut a INS IQE SALES/ender desk required for busy local office. (Knowledge: of incus- trial teeting, computer and phone exrpenenoe. Apply by Dee. 24, to drawer #42. clo G.adench. Signal Star, P.Q. Box 220. Gcderich, _Ort NIA 400.--50.51 cc LOCAL FIRM requrree a tali time secrataay/reeap1ionist. Must. be personable and have excellent conlmuniica-- tien skirls to Work with the public and staff: working knowledge of Windows 95, Microsoft Office and Word Perfeet along with typing and shorthand skills. Eligible applicaritS please send res}trnes to Drawer #94, cjo The Luaknow' Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, Ont. Noe; 2Ho... 50,51ar, APPt;ICANTS SHOULD be no taller than'3 feet 'tall and have belts on their toes. Green uniform sur?plied. Must be able. to work over Christmas holidays, Carpentry an asset. ,ApPlicants should have R.V. •• license: and be familiar with sled and:.reindeer. Qn the iobdrairnng. Salary - spread, good' cheer throughoutthe land: Benefits' - Merry. Christmas to all.--51nx • 50,57 2e. Help wanted; DUE TO' EXPANSION,. 'far- rewing and breeding pori- tioris need to be filied on a large swine entireties), Agricultural'hdTiir medical knowledge are assets'for the farrowing:.' position. Attificial inS9rrinatioh.ltnowt- edge would be art' asset for • the . breeding ar;aa., Employer wilt train depend able and committed individ� uais; Good hourly Wage as vl+etl 'as; incentives and health care package. 'Apply by resume to fax 519-887- 6330, Acre T. Farms Ltd. --, 51,52cc., •$$GHO'COLA,TES$$ Attention students, Sell chocolate bars to buya new CD player, a Nintendo or CD's. NEW CHRISTMAS PRODUCTS. AVAILABLE. Managers Wanted, 1-801- 3B3 3r.t88. 51bc.. Pi CO100,81IFSCO INC REQUIRE tMMliDIATELY . E7 PERIENCED itAtkitlIATORS & F11NISBERS tRay & Aftemaon Stolt) Erfucaktiont tit n mum Grade 11. Roouireinerrts; . . sPrrVio us ,F,Fbrgtass E perience • 4Auto.t,ody .Experience °Ca :tes►try, 13Gett putts NG EXPERIENCE IS 4N ASSET . Subrrdt Resu�ises't+a:' Maureen 0enomme: Bldg. #3, Huron industrial Pa* Huron.Park:Ontario fNOR 1Y0 L ' Fate:619T•2247646p Busine PR-': . t ASH• IN/CASH OUT Coke, Pepsi, ••Hostess, M&M, R - • ,stack established urtgwe vendors in your area: No seller,, Full-time, .part-time: Minimtm• .'; investment. $13,980,..1-888-503=8884 ' (24 hoursiMem r .S;B 1bc 'Are 'yolk a borne -based, t usiness producing gift: items?: The subsidized :UNrQUELY ONTARIO SHOW invites you to partici- pate in a wholesale trade show, Call •1-800-6.72- ' 0103,--S1bc . BOX OFFICE MOVIES FRANQHISE OPPORTUNI- TY, Nominated BEST _ new video store concept in Canada. Director of fran- chising: Mr. Hickey 1-800- . 998-2254. 800- 998.2254. Portable; 705- 445-4564. 'Not ;Jest a Video Stere".. -5111c eecmbck 23 199& - °age: la HQ6 $E CLEANER AVAIL - A . Will clean your house ter a reasenaMe rate in Lucknow and Wingham area. Call Do is Gibbons. at 528-3146. Available, any- ° time. -51,52x. �--. NEED HELP with your house cleaning? Reasonable rates, reter- eaces provided. Please call 357 1914.--51 xv Service Directory CONFIDENTjAI,. We offer confidential typing for all your. needs. Call us for details 528-2822. -- Sfatfnx 48' STORAGE TRAILERS. for rent. Economical store age, ideal for contractors.. farmers and home owner&., • Phone 396-5167.--34tfoo FAXING Need to get the information. :NOW? We can send or receive faxes: for you.• 528- 2822 -Satins PERSONAL ADDRESS labels are now available. at The Lucknow Sentinel. 200 labels available from $9.95. Drop in for details. --51 tfnx • REAL. HAVENS ELECTRIC +ResLdential'& Farm: 'Commercial; Electrical Contractors Lightfixtures, lamps, bulbs. eiectncai Suppl es Dealer for: • • BRADFpRD'EXC 4ANGE- 5vening appwntrsients availadre Rod Haararis • LUCK NOW',52R•2867• HANDSOME 40 year elel gentfaman searching fen: beautiful athletic woman ter possible loving refationettip.. Common interests, w.outd tie sales care9rS, skiing, moun- tain biking, golf, tennis. Gray County recreational ' residence, PC, upscale fife style. trips.,' strong work ethic, honesty, outgoing, personable. sociat.skill% health, exercise and large homes. Send phone num- bur or email address to PO Sox 149, Chatsworth, Ontario' NO1.1 1:G0 for January response.-41be VUAGRA IS "net the only way! Analyze the .alterna- tives. Send $5.9$ to Jed 'Enterprises, 18 Eglinton $quare, unit 1475, Toronto, On MIL 4T0.�-49, 61,51x Gentleman, 58. 5`, 8', look- ing tor lady companionship, between 48 and' 58. Must like dancing and going out. Please include telephone number. Apply to• P.O. Box 272, Teesvvater, On. NOG 2$Q.-,S1x 1 1 36. A4 * ouncansftd HAPPY HOLIDAYS 'from • Secondary Resources the scrap yard at Wartburg One 42). Please, note' we ;wilt ..be • closed at -noon on Dec. 24 reopening Dec. 28. • Posed, , .at noon on Dec, 31, Resigning our .re our regi.tiar winter,. howl Mon `Fri., 00 4 Ort - Jen. 4. "Seoondary` Resources (Perth).Ltd. t-. 519393-6391:--$0,51cc .. Winner. of ie 0,011 comer: ,s55OOL°° Chamber Bucks Tracey Loncity RR #2 Lucknow Township Of• iron- Q The Council of the 'Connotation of the Tawnship:of Huion- l iniczss cordially 'citusr ra ep"ayers_to attend the .inaugural' Meeting; of the ; Townshk -Cquricil to be hetdi Monday January 4th; • '1999. 7:00pm Gouncii Chamber$ 21 'Queer, Strutt Rlpley; Ontario The Councils and Staff of the Township of Hurn, the.; Township of Kinloss,. and the. Villager of : ; Lucknow would like to take this. oPPPeturtitY ta:bgend 7ristlit a G rtrd'aesf 1it/tsfr+gs, Sareand Prasp`e'QUs 4. -- it Y�1tr Woman' in mid 50's seeks: gentleman ogimpanionship .Non-drinker, own ra.. _r.'.. po a tan,, apptexiMate same age Write to,.Box 93. Kincardine Newer 71.9 Queen- Street,, Kincardine, On, N22,129: - 1ce "A cost, will be Incurred'.. HIMALAYA PSYCHIC` ANSWERS. Guidance from above_ 1-900-577,79779.. $2..99/minute,,, • 18.+, 24 hours. Free deity 'hero-, Scope. 1-6041276-1767:--' Sipe *A cost will be incu+i'etl Free'99 Calendar, . '99 PREDICTIONS -What 'the year has in store for yoax...about career, new tove, money, divorce? Rated . #1 in Canada. • �2.gw�91fiin.. 18+, (1�--9�y0l0^461 ,1065 ERPA,--S0 .04c , 1